
fill_betweenx_extras(self, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Support overlaying and stacking successive columns of data, and permits using different colors for “negative” and “positive” regions.


This function wraps fill_betweenx and areax.

  • *args ((x1,), (y, x1), or (y, x1, x2)) – The y and x coordinates. If y is not provided, it will be inferred from x1. If x1 and x2 are provided, this function will shade between these points. If x1 or x2 are 2D, this function is called with each column. The default value for x2 is 0.

  • stack, stacked (bool, optional) – Whether to “stack” successive columns of the x1 array. If this is True and x2 was provided, it will be ignored.

  • negpos (bool, optional) – Whether to shade where x1 >= x2 with poscolor and where x1 < x2 with negcolor. For example, to shade positive values red and negative values blue, simply use ax.fill_betweenx(y, x, negpos=True).

  • negcolor, poscolor (color-spec, optional) – Colors to use for the negative and positive shaded regions. Ignored if negpos is False. Defaults are rc.negcolor = 'blue7' and rc.poscolor = 'red7'.

  • where (ndarray, optional) – Boolean ndarray mask for points you want to shade. See this example.

  • lw, linewidth (float, optional) – The edge width for the area patches.

  • edgecolor (color-spec, optional) – The edge color for the area patches.

Other Parameters

**kwargs – Passed to fill_between.