
apply_cmap(self, *args, cmap=None, cmap_kw=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, extend='neither', levels=None, N=None, values=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, locator=None, locator_kw=None, symmetric=False, positive=False, negative=False, nozero=False, discrete=None, edgefix=None, labels=False, labels_kw=None, fmt=None, precision=2, inbounds=True, colorbar=False, colorbar_kw=None, **kwargs)[source]

Adds several new keyword args and features for specifying the colormap, levels, and normalizers. Uses the DiscreteNorm normalizer to bin data into discrete color levels (see notes).

  • cmap (colormap spec, optional) – The colormap specifer, passed to the Colormap constructor.

  • cmap_kw (dict-like, optional) – Passed to Colormap.

  • norm (normalizer spec, optional) – The colormap normalizer, used to warp data before passing it to DiscreteNorm. This is passed to the Norm constructor.

  • norm_kw (dict-like, optional) – Passed to Norm.

  • extend ({‘neither’, ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘both’}, optional) – Whether to assign unique colors to out-of-bounds data and draw “extensions” (triangles, by default) on the colorbar.

  • N – Shorthand for levels.

  • levels (int or list of float, optional) – The number of level edges or a list of level edges. If the former, locator is used to generate this many level edges at “nice” intervals. If the latter, the levels should be monotonically increasing or decreasing (note that decreasing levels will only work with pcolor plots, not contour plots). Default is rc[‘image.levels’] = 11.

  • values (int or list of float, optional) – The number of level centers or a list of level centers. If the former, locator is used to generate this many level centers at “nice” intervals. If the latter, levels are inferred using edges. This will override any levels input.

  • discrete (bool, optional) – If False, the DiscreteNorm is not applied to the colormap when levels=N or levels=array_of_values are not explicitly requested. Instead, the number of levels in the colormap will be roughly controlled by rc[‘image.lut’]. This has a similar effect to using levels=large_number but it may improve rendering speed. By default, this is False only for imshow, matshow, spy, hexbin, and hist2d plots.

  • vmin, vmax (float, optional) – Used to determine level locations if levels or values is an integer. Actual levels may not fall exactly on vmin and vmax, but the minimum level will be no smaller than vmin and the maximum level will be no larger than vmax. If vmin or vmax are not provided, the minimum and maximum data values are used.

  • inbounds (bool, optional) – If True (the edefault), when automatically selecting levels in the presence of hard x and y axis limits (i.e., when set_xlim or set_ylim have been called previously), only the in-bounds data is sampled. Default is rc[‘image.inbounds’] = True.

  • locator (locator-spec, optional) – The locator used to determine level locations if levels or values is an integer and vmin and vmax were not provided. Passed to the Locator constructor. Default is MaxNLocator with levels integer levels.

  • locator_kw (dict-like, optional) – Passed to Locator.

  • symmetric (bool, optional) – If True, automatically generated levels are symmetric about zero.

  • positive (bool, optional) – If True, automatically generated levels are positive with a minimum at zero.

  • negative (bool, optional) – If True, automatically generated levels are negative with a maximum at zero.

  • nozero (bool, optional) – If True, 0 is removed from the level list. This is mainly useful for contour plots.

  • edgefix (bool, optional) – Whether to fix the the white-lines-between-filled-contours and white-lines-between-pcolor-rectangles issues. This slows down figure rendering by a bit. Default is rc[‘image.edgefix’] = True.

  • labels (bool, optional) – For contour, whether to add contour labels with clabel. For pcolor or pcolormesh, whether to add labels to the center of grid boxes. In the latter case, the text will be black when the luminance of the underlying grid box color is >50%, and white otherwise.

  • labels_kw (dict-like, optional) – Ignored if labels is False. Extra keyword args for the labels. For contour, passed to clabel. For pcolor or pcolormesh, passed to text.

  • fmt (format-spec, optional) – Passed to the Norm constructor, used to format number labels. You can also use the precision keyword arg.

  • precision (int, optional) – Maximum number of decimal places for the number labels. Number labels are generated with the SimpleFormatter formatter, which allows us to limit the precision.

  • colorbar (bool, int, or str, optional) – If not None, this is a location specifying where to draw an inset or panel colorbar from the resulting mappable. If True, the default location is used. Valid locations are described in colorbar.

  • colorbar_kw (dict-like, optional) – Ignored if colorbar is None. Extra keyword args for the call to colorbar.

Other Parameters
  • lw, linewidth, linewidths – The width of contour lines and parametric lines. Also the width of lines between pcolor boxes, pcolormesh boxes, and contourf filled contours.

  • ls, linestyle, linestyles – As above, but for the line style.

  • c, color, colors, ec, edgecolor, edgecolors – As above, but for the line color. For contourf plots, if you provide colors without specifying the linewidths or linestyles, this argument is used to manually specify the fill colors. See the contourf documentation for details.

  • *args, **kwargs – Passed to the matplotlib plotting method.