
boxplot_extras(self, *args, mean=None, means=None, fill=True, fillcolor=None, fillalpha=None, lw=None, linewidth=None, color=None, edgecolor=None, boxcolor=None, boxlw=None, boxlinewidth=None, capcolor=None, caplw=None, caplinewidth=None, whiskercolor=None, whiskerlw=None, whiskerlinewidth=None, fliercolor=None, flierlw=None, flierlinewidth=None, meancolor=None, meanlw=None, meanlinewidth=None, mediancolor=None, medianlw=None, medianlinewidth=None, meanls=None, meanlinestyle=None, medianls=None, medianlinestyle=None, marker=None, markersize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Support convenient keyword arguments and change the default boxplot style.


This function wraps boxplot.

  • *args (1D or 2D ndarray) – The data array.

  • vert (bool, optional) – If False, box plots are drawn horizontally. Otherwise, box plots are drawn vertically.

  • orientation ({{None, ‘vertical’, ‘horizontal’}}, optional) – Alternative to the native vert keyword arg. Added for consistency with the rest of matplotlib.

  • mean, means (bool, optional) – If True, this passes showmeans=True and meanline=True to boxplot.

  • fill (bool, optional) – Whether to fill the box with a color.

  • fillcolor (color-spec, list, optional) – The fill color for the boxes. Default is the next color cycler color. If a list, it should be the same length as the number of objects.

  • fillalpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the boxes. Default is 0.7. If a list, should be the same length as the number of objects.

  • lw, linewidth (float, optional) – The linewidth of all objects. Default is 0.8.

  • color, edgecolor (color-spec, list, optional) – The color of all objects. Defalut is 'black'. If a list, it should be the same length as the number of objects.

  • meanls, medianls, meanlinestyle, medianlinestyle (line style-spec, optional) – The line style for the mean and median lines drawn horizontally across the box.

  • boxcolor, capcolor, whiskercolor, fliercolor, meancolor, mediancolor (color-spec, list, optional) – The color of various boxplot components. If a list, it should be the same length as the number of objects. These are shorthands so you don’t have to pass e.g. a boxprops dictionary.

  • boxlw, caplw, whiskerlw, flierlw, meanlw, medianlw, boxlinewidth, caplinewidth, meanlinewidth, medianlinewidth, whiskerlinewidth, flierlinewidth (float, optional) – The line width of various boxplot components. These are shorthands so you don’t have to pass e.g. a boxprops dictionary.

  • marker (marker-spec, optional) – Marker style for the ‘fliers’, i.e. outliers.

  • markersize (float, optional) – Marker size for the ‘fliers’, i.e. outliers.

Other Parameters

**kwargs – Passed to boxplot.