
show_cycles(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a table of registered color cycles or the input color cycles categorized by source. Adapted from this example.

  • *args (colormap-spec, optional) – Cycle names or objects.

  • unknown (str, optional) – Category name for cycles that are unknown to ProPlot. The default is 'User'. Set this to False to hide unknown colormaps.

  • categories (str or list of str, optional) – Category names to be shown in the table. By default, all categories are shown.

    Valid categories are 'Matplotlib defaults', 'Matplotlib stylesheets', 'ColorBrewer2.0 qualitative', 'Other qualitative'.

  • length (float or str, optional) – The length of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by units.

  • width (float or str, optional) – The width of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by units.


Figure – The figure.