
show_colors(*, nhues=17, minsat=10, categories=None, unknown='User')[source]

Generate tables of the registered color names. Adapted from this example.

  • nhues (int, optional) – The number of breaks between hues for grouping “like colors” in the color table.

  • minsat (float, optional) – The threshold saturation, between 0 and 100, for designating “gray colors” in the color table.

  • categories (str or list of str, optional) – Category names to be shown in the table. By default, every category is shown except for CSS colors.

    Valid categories are 'base', 'opencolor', 'xkcd', 'css4'.

  • unknown (str, optional) – Category name for color names that are unknown to ProPlot. The default is 'User'. Set this to False to hide unknown color names.


fig (Figure) – The figure.