
class CartesianAxes(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: proplot.axes.base.Axes

Axes subclass for plotting in ordinary Cartesian coordinates. Adds the format method and overrides several existing methods.

Attributes Summary


The registered projection name.

Methods Summary


Return an axes in the same location as this one but whose x axis is on the top.


Return an axes in the same location as this one but whose y axis is on the right.

dualx(funcscale, **kwargs)

Return a secondary x axis for denoting equivalent x coordinates in alternate units.

dualy(funcscale, **kwargs)

Return a secondary y axis for denoting equivalent y coordinates in alternate units.

format(*[, aspect, xloc, yloc, xspineloc, …])

Modify the x and y axis labels, tick locations, tick labels, axis scales, spine settings, and more.


Mimics the builtin twinx method.


Mimics the builtin twiny method.