Source code for proplot.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Various tools that may be useful while making plots.
import re
from numbers import Integral, Number

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rcParams

from .externals import hsluv
from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import docstring, warnings

__all__ = [
    'shade',  # deprecated
    'saturate',  # deprecated

NUMBER = re.compile(r'\A([-+]?[0-9._]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)(.*)\Z')
    'in': 1.0,
    'ft': 12.0,
    'yd': 36.0,
    'm': 39.37,
    'dm': 3.937,
    'cm': 0.3937,
    'mm': 0.03937,
    'pt': 1 / 72.0,
    'pc': 1 / 6.0,
    'ly': 3.725e+17,

# Shared parameters
docstring.snippets['param.rgba'] = """
color : color-spec
    The color. Sanitized with `to_rgba`.
docstring.snippets['param.to_rgb'] = """
color : str, 3-tuple, or 4-tuple
    The color specification. Can be a tuple of channel values, a hex string,
    a registered color name, a cycle color like ``'C0'``, or a colormap color
    (see `~proplot.colors.ColorDatabase`).

    If `space` is ``'rgb'``, this is a tuple of RGB values, and if any
    channels are larger than ``2``, the channels are assumed to be on
    the ``0`` to ``255`` scale and are divided by ``255``.
space : {'rgb', 'hsv', 'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl'}, optional
    The colorspace for the input channel values. Ignored unless `color` is
    a tuple of numbers.
cycle : str or list, optional
    The registered color cycle name used to interpret colors that
    look like ``'C0'``, ``'C1'``, etc. Default is :rc:`cycle`.
docstring.snippets[''] = """
space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv'}, optional
    The hue-saturation-luminance-like colorspace used to transform the color.
    Default is the perceptually uniform colorspace ``'hcl'``.

# Shared return values
docstring.snippets['return.hex'] = """
color : str
    A HEX string.

[docs]def arange(min_, *args): """ Identical to `numpy.arange` but with inclusive endpoints. For example, ``pplt.arange(2, 4)`` returns ``np.array([2, 3, 4])`` instead of ``np.array([2, 3])``. This command is useful for generating lists of tick locations or colorbar level boundaries. See also -------- proplot.axes.CartesianAxes.format proplot.constructor.Locator proplot.axes.apply_cmap """ # Optional arguments just like np.arange if len(args) == 0: max_ = min_ min_ = 0 step = 1 elif len(args) == 1: max_ = args[0] step = 1 elif len(args) == 2: max_ = args[0] step = args[1] else: raise ValueError('Function takes from one to three arguments.') # All input is integer if all(isinstance(val, Integral) for val in (min_, max_, step)): min_, max_, step = np.int64(min_), np.int64(max_), np.int64(step) max_ += np.sign(step) * 1 # Input is float or mixed, cast to float64 # Don't use np.nextafter with np.finfo(np.dtype(np.float64)).max, because # round-off errors from continually adding step to min mess this up else: min_, max_, step = np.float64(min_), np.float64(max_), np.float64(step) max_ += np.sign(step) * (step / 2) return np.arange(min_, max_, step)
[docs]def edges(z, axis=-1): """ Calculate the approximate "edge" values along an axis given "center" values. This is used internally to calculate graticule edges when you supply centers to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. It is also used to calculate colormap level boundaries when you supply centers to plotting methods wrapped by `~proplot.axes.apply_cmap`. Parameters ---------- z : array-like Array of any shape or size. axis : int, optional The axis along which "edges" are calculated. The size of this axis will be increased by one. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` Array of "edge" coordinates. See also -------- edges2d proplot.axes.standardize_2d proplot.axes.apply_cmap """ z = np.asarray(z) z = np.swapaxes(z, axis, -1) *nextra, nx = z.shape zb = np.zeros((*nextra, nx + 1)) # Inner edges zb[..., 1:-1] = 0.5 * (z[..., :-1] + z[..., 1:]) # Left, right edges zb[..., 0] = 1.5 * z[..., 0] - 0.5 * z[..., 1] zb[..., -1] = 1.5 * z[..., -1] - 0.5 * z[..., -2] return np.swapaxes(zb, axis, -1)
[docs]def edges2d(z): """ Calculate the approximate "edge" values given a 2d grid of "center" values. The size of both axes are increased by one. This is used internally to calculate graticule edges when you supply centers to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. Parameters ---------- z : array-like A 2d array. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` Array of "edge" coordinates. See also -------- edges proplot.axes.standardize_2d """ z = np.asarray(z) if z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'Input must be a 2d array, but got {z.ndim}d.') ny, nx = z.shape zb = np.zeros((ny + 1, nx + 1)) # Inner edges zb[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0.25 * ( z[1:, 1:] + z[:-1, 1:] + z[1:, :-1] + z[:-1, :-1] ) # Left, right, top, bottom edges zb[0, :] += edges(1.5 * z[0, :] - 0.5 * z[1, :]) zb[-1, :] += edges(1.5 * z[-1, :] - 0.5 * z[-2, :]) zb[:, 0] += edges(1.5 * z[:, 0] - 0.5 * z[:, 1]) zb[:, -1] += edges(1.5 * z[:, -1] - 0.5 * z[:, -2]) zb[[0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0]] *= 0.5 # corner correction return zb
def _transform_color(func, color, space): """ Standardize input for color transformation functions. """ *color, opacity = to_rgba(color) channels = list(to_xyz(color, space=space)) channels = func(channels) # apply transform color = to_rgb(channels, space=space) color = tuple(np.clip(color, 0, 1)) # clip to valid range return mcolors.to_hex((*color, opacity))
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def shift_hue(color, shift=0, space='hcl'): """ Shift the hue channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s shift : float, optoinal The HCL hue channel is offset by this value. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[0] += shift channels[0] %= 360 return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def scale_saturation(color, scale=1, space='hcl'): """ Scale the saturation channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s scale : float, optoinal The HCL saturation channel is multiplied by this value. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[1] *= scale return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def scale_luminance(color, scale=1, space='hcl'): """ Scale the luminance channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s scale : float, optoinal The luminance channel is multiplied by this value. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation """ def func(channels): channels[2] *= scale return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def set_hue(color, hue, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different hue and the same luminance and saturation as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s hue : float, optional The new hue. Should lie between ``0`` and ``360`` degrees. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[0] = hue return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def set_saturation(color, saturation, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different saturation and the same hue and luminance as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s saturation : float, optional The new saturation. Should lie between ``0`` and ``360`` degrees. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[1] = saturation return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def set_luminance(color, luminance, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different luminance and the same hue and saturation as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s luminance : float, optional The new luminance. Should lie between ``0`` and ``100``. %( Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[2] = luminance return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def set_alpha(color, alpha): """ Return a color with the opacity channel set to the specified value. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s alpha : float, optional The new opacity. Should be between ``0`` and ``1``. Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ color = list(to_rgba(color)) color[3] = alpha return to_hex(color)
[docs]def to_hex(color, space='rgb', cycle=None, keep_alpha=True): """ Translate the color in *any* format and from *any* colorspace to a HEX string. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_hex`. Parameters ---------- %(param.to_rgb)s keep_alpha : bool, optional Whether to keep the opacity channel. If ``True`` an 8-digit HEX is returned. Otherwise a 6-digit HEX is returned. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- %(return.hex)s See also -------- to_rgb to_rgba to_xyz to_xyza """ rgba = to_rgba(color, space=space, cycle=cycle) return mcolors.to_hex(rgba, keep_alpha=keep_alpha)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def to_rgb(color, space='rgb', cycle=None): """ Translate the color in *any* format and from *any* colorspace to an RGB tuple. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_rgb` and the inverse of `to_xyz`. Parameters ---------- %(param.to_rgb)s Returns ------- color : 3-tuple An RGB tuple. See also -------- to_hex to_rgba to_xyz to_xyza """ return to_rgba(color, space=space, cycle=cycle)[:3]
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def to_rgba(color, space='rgb', cycle=None): """ Translate the color in *any* format and from *any* colorspace to an RGB tuple. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_rgba` and the inverse of `to_xyza`. Parameters ---------- %(param.to_rgb)s Returns ------- color : 4-tuple An RGBA tuple. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_xyz to_xyza """ # Convert color cycle strings if isinstance(color, str) and re.match(r'\AC[0-9]\Z', color): if isinstance(cycle, str): from .colors import _cmap_database try: cycle = _cmap_database[cycle].colors except (KeyError, AttributeError): cycles = sorted( name for name, cmap in _cmap_database.items() if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap) ) raise ValueError( f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.' ) elif cycle is None: cycle = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key() if 'color' not in cycle: cycle = ['k'] else: cycle = cycle['color'] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}.') color = cycle[int(color[-1]) % len(cycle)] # Translate RGB strings and (colormap, index) tuples opacity = 1 if isinstance(color, str) or np.iterable(color) and len(color) == 2: try: *color, opacity = mcolors.to_rgba(color) # ensure is valid color except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') # Pull out alpha channel if len(color) == 4: *color, opacity = color elif len(color) != 3: raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') # Translate arbitrary colorspaces if space == 'rgb': try: if any(c > 2 for c in color): color = [c / 255 for c in color] # scale to within 0-1 color = tuple(color) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.hcl_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb(*color) else: raise ValueError('Invalid color {color!r} for colorspace {space!r}.') # Return RGB or RGBA return (*color, opacity)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def to_xyz(color, space='hcl'): """ Translate color in *any* format to a tuple of channel values in *any* colorspace. This is the inverse of `to_rgb`. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional The colorspace for the output channel values. Returns ------- color : 3-tuple Tuple of channel values for the colorspace `space`. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_rgba to_xyza """ return to_xyza(color, space)[:3]
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def to_xyza(color, space='hcl'): """ Translate color in *any* format to a tuple of channel values in *any* colorspace. This is the inverse of `to_rgba`. Parameters ---------- %(param.rgba)s space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional The colorspace for the output channel values. Returns ------- color : 3-tuple Tuple of channel values for the colorspace `space`. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_rgba to_xyz """ # Run tuple conversions # NOTE: Don't pass color tuple, because we may want to permit # out-of-bounds RGB values to invert conversion *color, opacity = to_rgba(color) if space == 'rgb': pass elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsl(*color) # rgb_to_hsv would also work elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hcl(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(*color) elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hpluv(*color) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorspace {space}.') return (*color, opacity)
[docs]@warnings._rename_kwargs('0.6', units='dest') def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True): """ Convert values and lists of values between arbitrary physical units. This is used internally all over ProPlot, permitting flexible units for various keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- value : float or str or list thereof A size specifier or *list thereof*. If numeric, nothing is done. If string, it is converted to the units `dest`. The string should look like ``'123.456unit'``, where the number is the magnitude and ``'unit'`` is one of the following. ========= ===================================================== Key Description ========= ===================================================== ``'m'`` Meters ``'dm'`` Decimeters ``'cm'`` Centimeters ``'mm'`` Millimeters ``'yd'`` Yards ``'ft'`` Feet ``'in'`` Inches ``'pt'`` `Points <pt_>`_ (1/72 inches) ``'pc'`` `Pica <pc_>`_ (1/6 inches) ``'px'`` Pixels on screen, using dpi of :rcraw:`figure.dpi` ``'pp'`` Pixels once printed, using dpi of :rcraw:`savefig.dpi` ``'em'`` `Em square <em_>`_ for :rcraw:`font.size` ``'en'`` `En square <en_>`_ for :rcraw:`font.size` ``'Em'`` `Em square <em_>`_ for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ``'En'`` `En square <en_>`_ for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ``'ax'`` Axes-relative units (not always available) ``'fig'`` Figure-relative units (not always available) ``'ly'`` Light years ;) ========= ===================================================== .. _pt: .. _pc: .. _em: .. _en: dest : str, optional The destination units. Default is inches, i.e. ``'in'``. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axes to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1ax'``. figure : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional The figure to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1fig'``. If ``None`` we try to get the figure from ``axes.figure``. width : bool, optional Whether to use the width or height for the axes and figure relative coordinates. """ # Font unit scales # NOTE: Delay font_manager import, because want to avoid rebuilding font # cache, which means import must come after TTFPATH added to environ # by register_fonts()! fontsize_small = rcParams['font.size'] # must be absolute fontsize_large = rcParams['axes.titlesize'] if isinstance(fontsize_large, str): scale = mfonts.font_scalings.get(fontsize_large, 1) fontsize_large = fontsize_small * scale # Scales for converting physical units to inches unit_dict = UNIT_DICT.copy() unit_dict.update({ 'em': fontsize_small / 72.0, 'en': 0.5 * fontsize_small / 72.0, 'Em': fontsize_large / 72.0, 'En': 0.5 * fontsize_large / 72.0, }) # Scales for converting display units to inches # WARNING: In ipython shell these take the value 'figure' if not isinstance(rcParams['figure.dpi'], str): # once generated by backend unit_dict['px'] = 1 / rcParams['figure.dpi'] if not isinstance(rcParams['savefig.dpi'], str): # once 'printed' i.e. saved unit_dict['pp'] = 1 / rcParams['savefig.dpi'] # Scales relative to axes and figure objects if axes is not None and hasattr(axes, 'get_size_inches'): # proplot axes unit_dict['ax'] = axes.get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)] if figure is None: figure = getattr(axes, 'figure', None) if figure is not None and hasattr( figure, 'get_size_inches'): # proplot axes unit_dict['fig'] = figure.get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)] # Scale for converting inches to arbitrary other unit try: scale = unit_dict[dest] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid destination units {dest!r}. Valid units are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.' ) # Convert units for each value in list result = [] singleton = not np.iterable(value) or isinstance(value, str) for val in ((value,) if singleton else value): if val is None or isinstance(val, Number): result.append(val) continue elif not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError( f'Size spec must be string or number or list thereof. ' f'Got {value!r}.' ) regex = NUMBER.match(val) if not regex: raise ValueError( f'Invalid size spec {val!r}. Valid units are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.' ) number, units = regex.groups() # second group is exponential try: result.append( float(number) * (unit_dict[units] / scale if units else 1) ) except (KeyError, ValueError): raise ValueError( f'Invalid size spec {val!r}. Valid units are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.' ) if singleton: result = result[0] return result
# Deprecations shade, saturate = warnings._rename_objs( '0.6', shade=scale_luminance, saturate=scale_saturation, )