Source code for proplot.axes.geo

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Axes filled with cartographic projections.
import copy
import inspect

import matplotlib.axis as maxis
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import numpy as np

from .. import constructor
from .. import crs as pcrs
from ..config import rc
from ..internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from ..internals import _not_none, _pop_rc, dependencies, docstring, warnings
from . import plot

    import as ccrs
    import cartopy.feature as cfeature
    import cartopy.mpl.ticker as cticker
    from import Projection
    from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes as _GeoAxes
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    cfeature = cticker = ccrs = None
    _GeoAxes = Projection = object

    import mpl_toolkits.basemap as mbasemap
    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    mbasemap = None
    Basemap = object

__all__ = ['GeoAxes']

# Format docstring
_format_docstring = """
lonlim, latlim : 2-tuple of float, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    The approximate longitude and latitude boundaries of the map, applied
    with `~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.set_extent`. Basemap axes extents must
    be declared by passing keyword arguments to `~proplot.constructor.Proj`.
boundinglat : float, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    The edge latitude for the circle bounding North Pole and
    South Pole-centered projections.
    Basemap bounding latitudes must be declared by passing keyword arguments
    to `~proplot.constructor.Proj`.
longrid, latgrid : bool, optional
    Whether to draw longitude and latitude gridlines.
    Default is :rc:`grid`. Use `grid` to toggle both.
longridminor, latgridminor : bool, optional
    Whether to draw "minor" longitude and latitude lines.
    Default is :rc:`gridminor`. Use `gridminor` to toggle both.
lonlines, latlines : optional
    Aliases for `lonlocator`, `latlocator`.
lonlocator, latlocator : locator-spec, optional
    Used to determine the longitude and latitude gridline locations.
    Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Locator` constructor. Can be
    string, float, list of float, or `matplotlib.ticker.Locator` instance.

    For basemap or cartopy < 0.18, the defaults are ``'deglon'`` and
    ``'deglat'``, which correspond to the `~proplot.ticker.LongitudeLocator`
    and `~proplot.ticker.LatitudeLocator` locators (adapted from cartopy).
    For cartopy >= 0.18, the defaults are ``'dmslon'`` and ``'dmslat'``,
    which uses the same locators with ``dms=True``. This selects gridlines
    at nice degree-minute-second intervals when the map extent is very small.
lonlines_kw, latlines_kw : optional
    Aliases for `lonlocator_kw`, `latlocator_kw`.
lonlocator_kw, latlocator_kw : dict-like, optional
    Keyword arguments passed to the `matplotlib.ticker.Locator` class.
lonminorlocator, latminorlocator, lonminorlines, latminorlines : optional
    As with `lonlocator` and `latlocator` but for the "minor" gridlines.
    The defaults are :rc:`grid.lonminorstep` and :rc:`grid.latminorstep`.
lonminorlines_kw, latminorlines_kw : optional
    Aliases for `lonminorlocator_kw`, `latminorlocator_kw`.
lonminorlocator_kw, latminorlocator_kw : optional
    As with `lonlocator_kw` and `latlocator_kw` but for the "minor" gridlines.
latmax : float, optional
    The maximum absolute latitude for longitude and latitude gridlines.
    Longitude gridlines are cut off poleward of this latitude for *all*
    basemap projections and cartopy projections predating cartopy 0.18.
    Default is ``80``.
labels : bool, optional
    Sets `lonlabels` and `latlabels` to ``True``. Default is :rc:`grid.labels`.
    To draw labels by default use e.g. ``pplt.rc['grid.labels'] = True``.
lonlabels, latlabels : optional
    Whether to label longitudes and latitudes, and on which sides
    of the map. There are four different options:

    1. Boolean ``True``. Indicates the left side for latitudes,
       bottom side for longitudes.
    2. A string or tuple of strings indicating the side names, e.g.
       ``'left'`` for latitudes or ``'bottom'`` for longitudes.
    3. A string indicating the side names with single characters, e.g.
       ``'lr'`` for latitudes or ``'bt'`` for longitudes.
    4. A boolean 2-tuple indicating whether to draw labels on the
       ``(left, right)`` sides for latitudes, or ``(bottom, top)``
       sides for longitudes.
    5. A boolean 4-tuple indicating whether to draw labels on the
       ``(left, right, bottom, top)`` sides, as with the basemap
       `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmeridians` and
       `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawparallels` `labels` keyword.

lonformatter, latformatter : formatter-spec, optional
    Formatter used to style longitude and latitude gridline labels.
    Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Formatter` constructor.
    Can be string, list of string, or `matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`

    For basemap or cartopy < 0.18, the defaults are ``'deglon'`` and
    ``'deglat'``, which correspond to `~proplot.ticker.SimpleFormatter`
    presets with degree symbols and cardinal direction suffixes.
    For cartopy >= 0.18, the defaults are ``'dmslon'`` and ``'dmslat'``,
    which uses cartopy's `~cartopy.mpl.ticker.LongitudeFormatter` and
    `~cartopy.mpl.ticker.LatitudeFormatter` formatters with ``dms=True``.
    This formats gridlines that do not fall on whole degrees as "minutes"
    and "seconds" rather than decimal degrees.
lonformatter_kw, latformatter_kw : dict-like, optional
    Keyword arguments passed to the `matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` class.
loninline, latinline, inlinelabels : bool, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    Whether to draw inline longitude and latitude gridline labels. Default is
    :rc:`grid.inlinelabels`. Setting these to ``True`` also sets the default
    values for `lonlabels`, `latlabels`, and `labels` to ``True`` (respectively).
rotatelabels : bool, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    Whether to rotate longitude and latitude gridline
    labels. Default is :rc:`grid.rotatelabels`.
labelpad : unit-spec, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    The padding between the map boundary and longitude and
    latitude gridline labels. Default is :rc:`grid.labelpad`.
dms : bool, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    Specifies whether the default locators and formatters should use
    "minutes" and "seconds" for gridline labels on small scales rather
    than decimal degrees. Setting this to ``False`` is equivalent to
    specifying ``ax.format(lonlocator='deglon', latlocator='deglon')``
    and ``ax.format(lonformatter='deglon', latformatter='deglat')``.
    Default is :rc:`grid.dmslabels`.
nsteps : int, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    The number of interpolation steps used to draw gridlines.
    Default is :rc:`grid.nsteps`.
land, ocean, coast, rivers, lakes, borders, innerborders : bool, optional
    Toggles various geographic features. These are actually the
    :rcraw:`land`, :rcraw:`ocean`, :rcraw:`coast`, :rcraw:`rivers`,
    :rcraw:`lakes`, :rcraw:`borders`, and :rcraw:`innerborders`
    settings passed to `~proplot.config.Configurator.context`.
    The style can be modified using additional `rc` settings.

    For example, to change :rcraw:`land.color`, use
    ``ax.format(landcolor='green')``, and to change
    :rcraw:`land.zorder`, use ``ax.format(landzorder=4)``.
reso : {'lo', 'med', 'hi', 'x-hi', 'xx-hi'}, optional
    *For cartopy axes only.*
    The resolution of geographic features. For basemap axes, this must
    be passed to `~proplot.constructor.Proj`.
color : color-spec, optional
    Color for the axes edge. Propagates to `labelcolor` unless
    specified otherwise (similar to `proplot.axes.CartesianAxes.format`).
labelcolor, gridlabelcolor : color-spec, optional
    Color for the grid labels. Default is `color` or :rc:`grid.labelcolor`
    if `color` was not passed.
labelsize, gridlabelsize : unit-spec or str, optional
    Font size for the gridline labels. Default is :rc:`grid.labelsize`.
labelweight, gridlabelweight : str, optional
    Font weight for the gridline labels. Default is :rc:`grid.labelweight`.
docstring._snippet_manager['geo.format'] = _format_docstring

def _circular_boundary(N=100):
    Return a circle `~matplotlib.path.Path` used as the outline for polar
    stereographic, azimuthal equidistant, Lambert conformal, and gnomonic
    projections. This was developed from `this cartopy example \
    theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N)
    center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5
    verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T
    return mpath.Path(verts * radius + center)

class _GeoAxis(object):
    Dummy axis used by longitude and latitude locators and for storing view limits on
    longitude and latitude coordinates. Modeled after how `matplotlib.ticker._DummyAxis`
    and `matplotlib.ticker.TickHelper` are used to control tick locations and labels.
    # NOTE: Due to cartopy bug (
    # we store presistent longitude and latitude locators on axes, then *call*
    # them whenever set_extent is called and apply *fixed* locators.
    def __init__(self, axes):
        self.axes = axes
        self.major = maxis.Ticker()
        self.minor = maxis.Ticker()
        self.isDefault_majfmt = True
        self.isDefault_majloc = True
        self.isDefault_minloc = True
        self._interval = None
        self._use_dms = (
            ccrs is not None
            and isinstance(axes.projection, (ccrs._RectangularProjection, ccrs.Mercator))  # noqa: E501
            and dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18

    def _get_extent(self):
        # Try to get extent but bail out for projections where this is
        # impossible. So far just transverse Mercator
            return self.axes.get_extent()
        except Exception:
            lon0 = self.axes._get_lon0()
            return (-180 + lon0, 180 + lon0, -90, 90)

    def _pad_ticks(ticks, vmin, vmax):
        # Wrap up to the longitude/latitude range to avoid
        # giant lists of 10,000 gridline locations.
        range_ = max(ticks) - min(ticks)
        vmin = max(vmin, ticks[0] - range_)
        vmax = min(vmax, ticks[-1] + range_)

        # Pad the reported tick range up to specified range
        step = ticks[1] - ticks[0]  # MaxNLocator/AutoMinorLocator steps are equal
        ticks_lo = np.arange(ticks[0], vmin, -step)[1:][::-1].tolist()
        ticks_hi = np.arange(ticks[-1], vmax, step)[1:].tolist()
        ticks = ticks_lo + ticks + ticks_hi
        return ticks

    def get_scale(self):
        return 'linear'

    def get_tick_space(self):
        # Just use the long-standing default of nbins=9
        return 9

    def get_major_formatter(self):
        return self.major.formatter

    def get_major_locator(self):
        return self.major.locator

    def get_minor_locator(self):
        return self.minor.locator

    def get_majorticklocs(self):
        return self._get_sanitized_ticks(self.major.locator)

    def get_minorticklocs(self):
        return self._get_sanitized_ticks(self.minor.locator)

    def set_major_formatter(self, formatter, default=False):
        # NOTE: Cartopy formatters check Formatter.axis.axes.projection and has
        # special projection-dependent behavior.
        self.major.formatter = formatter
        self.isDefault_majfmt = default

    def set_major_locator(self, locator, default=False):
        self.major.locator = locator
        if self.major.formatter:
        self.isDefault_majloc = default

    def set_minor_locator(self, locator, default=False):
        self.minor.locator = locator
        self.isDefault_majfmt = default

    def set_view_interval(self, vmin, vmax):
        self._interval = (vmin, vmax)

class _LonAxis(_GeoAxis):
    Axis with default longitude locator.
    # NOTE: Basemap accepts tick formatters with drawmeridians(fmt=Formatter())
    # Try to use cartopy formatter if cartopy installed. Otherwise use
    # default builtin basemap formatting.
    def __init__(self, axes):
        if self._use_dms:
            locator = formatter = 'dmslon'
            locator = formatter = 'deglon'
        self.set_major_formatter(constructor.Formatter(formatter), default=True)
        self.set_major_locator(constructor.Locator(locator), default=True)
        self.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator(), default=True)

    def _get_sanitized_ticks(self, locator):
        # Prevent ticks from looping around
        eps = 5e-10  # more than 1e-10 because we use 1e-10 in _LongitudeLocator
        ticks = sorted(locator())
        while ticks and ticks[-1] - eps > ticks[0] + 360 + eps:  # cut off looped ticks
            ticks = ticks[:-1]

        # Append extra ticks in case longitude/latitude limits do not encompass
        # the entire view range of map, e.g. for Lambert Conformal sectors.
        # NOTE: Try to avoid making 10,000 element lists. Just wrap extra ticks
        # up to the width of *reported* longitude range.
        if isinstance(locator, (mticker.MaxNLocator, mticker.AutoMinorLocator)):
            lon0 = self.axes._get_lon0()
            ticks = self._pad_ticks(ticks, lon0 - 180 + eps, lon0 + 180 - eps)

        return ticks

    def get_view_interval(self):
        # NOTE: Proplot tries to set its *own* view intervals to avoid dateline
        # weirdness, but if cartopy.autoextent is False the interval will be
        # unset, so we are forced to use get_extent().
        interval = self._interval
        if interval is None:
            extent = self._get_extent()
            interval = extent[:2]  # longitude extents
        return interval

class _LatAxis(_GeoAxis):
    Axis with default latitude locator.
    def __init__(self, axes, latmax=90):
        # NOTE: Need to pass projection because lataxis/lonaxis are
        # initialized before geoaxes is initialized, because format() needs
        # the axes and format() is called by proplot.axes.Axes.__init__()
        self._latmax = latmax
        if self._use_dms:
            locator = formatter = 'dmslat'
            locator = formatter = 'deglat'
        self.set_major_formatter(constructor.Formatter(formatter), default=True)
        self.set_major_locator(constructor.Locator(locator), default=True)
        self.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator(), default=True)

    def _get_sanitized_ticks(self, locator):
        # Adjust latitude ticks to fix bug in some projections. Harmless for basemap.
        # NOTE: Maybe fixed by cartopy v0.18?
        eps = 5e-10
        ticks = sorted(locator())
        if ticks:
            if ticks[0] == -90:
                ticks[0] += eps
            if ticks[-1] == 90:
                ticks[-1] -= eps

        # Append extra ticks in case longitude/latitude limits do not encompass
        # the entire view range of map, e.g. for Lambert Conformal sectors.
        if isinstance(locator, (mticker.MaxNLocator, mticker.AutoMinorLocator)):
            ticks = self._pad_ticks(ticks, -90 + eps, 90 - eps)

        # Filter ticks to latmax range
        latmax = self.get_latmax()
        ticks = [l for l in ticks if -latmax <= l <= latmax]

        return ticks

    def get_latmax(self):
        return self._latmax

    def get_view_interval(self):
        interval = self._interval
        if interval is None:
            extent = self._get_extent()
            interval = extent[2:]  # latitudes
        return interval

    def set_latmax(self, latmax):
        self._latmax = latmax

[docs]class GeoAxes(plot.PlotAxes): """ Axes subclass for plotting in geographic projections. Uses either cartopy or basemap as a "backend". Important --------- This axes subclass can be used by passing ``proj='proj_name'`` to axes-creation commands like `~proplot.figure.Figure.add_axes`, `~proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplot`, and `~proplot.figure.Figure.subplots`, where ``proj_name`` is a registered :ref:`PROJ projection name <proj_table>`. You can also pass a `` or `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance instead of a projection name. Alternatively, you can pass any of the matplotlib-recognized axes subclass names ``proj='cartopy'``, ``proj='geo'``, or ``proj='geographic'`` with a `` `map_projection` keyword argument, or pass ``proj='basemap'`` with a `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` `map_projection` keyword argument. """ @docstring._snippet_manager def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- *args Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes`. autoextent : bool, optional *For cartopy axes only*. Whether to automatically adjust map bounds based on plotted content or enforce a global map extent (or a map bounded at the equator for polar projections). The extent can subsequently by adjusted with the `~GeoAxes.format` keywords `lonlim`, `latlim`, and `boundinglat`, or with `~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.set_extent`. Default is :rc:`cartopy.autoextent`. circular : bool, optional *For cartopy axes only*. Whether to bound polar projections with circles rather than squares. Note that outer gridline labels cannot be added to circularly bounded polar projections. Default is :rc:`cartopy.circular`. map_projection : `` or `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` The cartopy or basemap projection instance. This is passed automatically when calling axes-creation commands like `~proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplot`. %(geo.format)s Other parameters ---------------- %(axes.format)s %(rc.init)s Note ---- This makes "longitude-latitude" coordinates the default for all plotting commands by passing ```` when cartopy is the backend and ``latlon=True`` when basemap is the projection. Also, regardless of the backend, plotting is accomplished "cartopy-style" by calling plotting methods on the axes instance. You should not have to work with the `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance directly. See also -------- GeoAxes.format proplot.constructor.Proj proplot.axes.Axes proplot.axes.PlotAxes proplot.figure.Figure.subplot proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplot """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_lonticklocs(self, which='major'): """ Retrieve longitude tick locations. """ # Get tick locations from dummy axes # NOTE: This is workaround for: # Since _axes_domain is wrong we determine tick locations ourselves with # more accurate extent tracked by _LatAxis and _LonAxis. axis = self._lonaxis if which == 'major': lines = axis.get_majorticklocs() else: lines = axis.get_minorticklocs() return lines def _get_latticklocs(self, which='major'): """ Retrieve latitude tick locations. """ axis = self._lataxis if which == 'major': lines = axis.get_majorticklocs() else: lines = axis.get_minorticklocs() return lines def _set_view_intervals(self, extent): """ Update view intervals for lon and lat axis. """ self._lonaxis.set_view_interval(*extent[:2]) self._lataxis.set_view_interval(*extent[2:]) @staticmethod def _to_label_array(labels, lon=True): """ Convert labels argument to length-4 boolean array. """ if labels is None: return [None] * 4 which = 'lon' if lon else 'lat' # Parse string label indicators if isinstance(labels, str): labels = (labels,) array = np.atleast_1d(labels).tolist() if all(isinstance(_, str) for _ in array): bool_ = [False] * 4 opts = ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top') for string in array: if string in opts: string = string[0] elif set(string) - set('lrbt'): raise ValueError( f'Invalid {which}label string {string!r}. Must be one of ' + ', '.join(map(repr, opts)) + " or a string of single-letter characters like 'lr'." ) for char in string: bool_['lrbt'.index(char)] = True array = bool_ # Parse boolean label indicators if len(array) == 1: array.append(False) # default is to label bottom or left if len(array) == 2: if lon: array = [False, False, *array] else: array = [*array, False, False] if len(array) != 4 or any(isinstance(_, str) for _ in array): raise ValueError(f'Invalid {which}label spec: {labels}.') return array
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def format( self, *, lonlim=None, latlim=None, boundinglat=None, longrid=None, latgrid=None, longridminor=None, latgridminor=None, lonlocator=None, lonlines=None, latlocator=None, latlines=None, latmax=None, lonminorlocator=None, lonminorlines=None, latminorlocator=None, latminorlines=None, lonlocator_kw=None, lonlines_kw=None, latlocator_kw=None, latlines_kw=None, lonminorlocator_kw=None, lonminorlines_kw=None, latminorlocator_kw=None, latminorlines_kw=None, lonformatter=None, latformatter=None, lonformatter_kw=None, latformatter_kw=None, labels=None, latlabels=None, lonlabels=None, loninline=None, latinline=None, inlinelabels=None, rotatelabels=None, labelpad=None, labelcolor=None, labelsize=None, labelweight=None, dms=None, nsteps=None, **kwargs, ): """ Modify map limits, longitude and latitude gridlines, geographic features, and more. Parameters ---------- %(geo.format)s Other parameters ---------------- %(axes.format)s %(figure.format)s %(rc.format)s See also -------- proplot.axes.Axes.format proplot.config.Configurator.context """ # Initialize map boundary # WARNING: Normal workflow is Axes.format() does 'universal' tasks including # updating the map boundary (in the future may also handle gridlines). However # drawing gridlines before basemap map boundary will call set_axes_limits() # which initializes a boundary hidden from external access. So we must call # it here. Must do this between matplotlib.Axes.__init__() and Axes.format(). if self._name == 'basemap' and self._map_boundary is None: if self.projection.projection in self._proj_non_rectangular: patch = self.projection.drawmapboundary(ax=self) self._map_boundary = patch else: self.projection.set_axes_limits(self) # initialize aspect ratio self._map_boundary = object() # sentinel # Initiate context block rc_kw, rc_mode = _pop_rc(kwargs) labelcolor = _not_none(labelcolor, kwargs.get('color', None)) if labelcolor is not None: rc_kw['grid.labelcolor'] = labelcolor if labelsize is not None: rc_kw['grid.labelsize'] = labelsize if labelweight is not None: rc_kw['grid.labelweight'] = labelweight with rc.context(rc_kw, mode=rc_mode): # Label toggles labels = _not_none(labels, rc.find('grid.labels', context=True)) lonlabels = _not_none(lonlabels, labels, loninline, inlinelabels) latlabels = _not_none(latlabels, labels, latinline, inlinelabels) lonarray = self._to_label_array(lonlabels, lon=True) latarray = self._to_label_array(latlabels, lon=False) # Update max latitude latmax = _not_none(latmax, rc.find('grid.latmax', context=True)) if latmax is not None: self._lataxis.set_latmax(latmax) # Update major locators lonlocator = _not_none(lonlocator=lonlocator, lonlines=lonlines) latlocator = _not_none(latlocator=latlocator, latlines=latlines) if lonlocator is not None: lonlocator_kw = _not_none( lonlocator_kw=lonlocator_kw, lonlines_kw=lonlines_kw, default={}, ) locator = constructor.Locator(lonlocator, **lonlocator_kw) self._lonaxis.set_major_locator(locator) if latlocator is not None: latlocator_kw = _not_none( latlocator_kw=latlocator_kw, latlines_kw=latlines_kw, default={}, ) locator = constructor.Locator(latlocator, **latlocator_kw) self._lataxis.set_major_locator(locator) # Update minor locators lonminorlocator = _not_none( lonminorlocator=lonminorlocator, lonminorlines=lonminorlines ) latminorlocator = _not_none( latminorlocator=latminorlocator, latminorlines=latminorlines ) if lonminorlocator is not None: lonminorlocator_kw = _not_none( lonminorlocator_kw=lonminorlocator_kw, lonminorlines_kw=lonminorlines_kw, default={}, ) locator = constructor.Locator(lonminorlocator, **lonminorlocator_kw) self._lonaxis.set_minor_locator(locator) if latminorlocator is not None: latminorlocator_kw = _not_none( latminorlocator_kw=latminorlocator_kw, latminorlines_kw=latminorlines_kw, default={}, ) locator = constructor.Locator(latminorlocator, **latminorlocator_kw) self._lataxis.set_minor_locator(locator) # Update formatters loninline = _not_none(loninline, inlinelabels, rc.find('grid.inlinelabels', context=True)) # noqa: E501 latinline = _not_none(latinline, inlinelabels, rc.find('grid.inlinelabels', context=True)) # noqa: E501 rotatelabels = _not_none(rotatelabels, rc.find('grid.rotatelabels', context=True)) # noqa: E501 labelpad = _not_none(labelpad, rc.find('grid.labelpad', context=True)) dms = _not_none(dms, rc.find('grid.dmslabels', context=True)) nsteps = _not_none(nsteps, rc.find('grid.nsteps', context=True)) if lonformatter is not None: lonformatter_kw = lonformatter_kw or {} formatter = constructor.Formatter(lonformatter, **lonformatter_kw) self._lonaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if latformatter is not None: latformatter_kw = latformatter_kw or {} formatter = constructor.Formatter(latformatter, **latformatter_kw) self._lataxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if dms is not None: # harmless if these are not GeoLocators self._lonaxis.get_major_formatter()._dms = dms self._lataxis.get_major_formatter()._dms = dms self._lonaxis.get_major_locator()._dms = dms self._lataxis.get_major_locator()._dms = dms # Apply worker functions self._update_extent(lonlim=lonlim, latlim=latlim, boundinglat=boundinglat) self._update_features() self._update_major_gridlines( longrid=longrid, latgrid=latgrid, # gridline toggles lonarray=lonarray, latarray=latarray, # label toggles loninline=loninline, latinline=latinline, rotatelabels=rotatelabels, labelpad=labelpad, nsteps=nsteps, ) self._update_minor_gridlines( longrid=longridminor, latgrid=latgridminor, nsteps=nsteps, ) # Parent format method super().format(rc_kw=rc_kw, rc_mode=rc_mode, **kwargs)
@property def projection(self): """ The `` or `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance associated with this axes. """ return self._map_projection @projection.setter def projection(self, map_projection): cls = self._proj_class if not isinstance(map_projection, cls): raise ValueError(f'Projection must be a {cls} instance.') self._map_projection = map_projection
class _CartopyAxes(GeoAxes, _GeoAxes): """ Axes subclass for plotting cartopy projections. """ _name = 'cartopy' _name_aliases = ('geo', 'geographic') # default 'geographic' axes _proj_class = Projection _proj_north = ( pcrs.NorthPolarStereo, pcrs.NorthPolarGnomonic, pcrs.NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, pcrs.NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea, ) _proj_south = ( pcrs.SouthPolarStereo, pcrs.SouthPolarGnomonic, pcrs.SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, pcrs.SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea ) _proj_polar = _proj_north + _proj_south def __init__( self, *args, autoextent=None, circular=None, map_projection=None, **kwargs ): """ Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `GeoAxes`. """ # Initialize axes. Note that critical attributes like outline_patch # needed by _format_apply are added before it is called. import cartopy # noqa: F401 verify package is available self.projection = map_projection # verify polar = isinstance(self.projection, self._proj_polar) if not polar: latmax = 90 boundinglat = None else: latmax = 80 if isinstance(self.projection, pcrs.NorthPolarGnomonic): boundinglat = 30 # *default* bounding latitudes elif isinstance(self.projection, pcrs.SouthPolarGnomonic): boundinglat = -30 else: boundinglat = 0 self._boundinglat = None # NOTE: must start at None so _update_extent acts self._gridlines_major = None self._gridlines_minor = None self._lonaxis = _LonAxis(self) self._lataxis = _LatAxis(self, latmax=latmax) super().__init__(*args, map_projection=self.projection, **kwargs) for axis in (self.xaxis, self.yaxis): axis.set_tick_params(which='both', size=0) # prevent extra label offset # Apply circular map boundary for polar projections. Apply default # global extent for other projections. # NOTE: This has to come after initialization so set_extent and set_global # can do their things. This also updates _LatAxis and _LonAxis. # NOTE: Use set_global rather than _update_extent() manually in case # the projection extent cannot be global. # NOTE: For some reason the initial call to _set_view_intervals may change # the default boundary with autoextent=True. Try in a robinson projection: # ax.contour(np.linspace(-90, 180, N), np.linspace(0, 90, N), state.rand(N, N)) auto = _not_none(autoextent, rc['cartopy.autoextent']) circular = _not_none(circular, rc['cartopy.circular']) if polar and circular and hasattr(self, 'set_boundary'): self.set_boundary(_circular_boundary(), transform=self.transAxes) if auto: self._set_view_intervals(self._get_global_extent()) elif polar: self._update_extent(boundinglat=boundinglat) else: self.set_global() def _apply_axis_sharing(self): # noqa: U100 """ No-op for now. In future will hide labels on certain subplots. """ pass def _get_global_extent(self): """ Return the global extent with meridian properly shifted. """ lon0 = self._get_lon0() return [-180 + lon0, 180 + lon0, -90, 90] def _get_lon0(self): """ Get the central longitude. Default is ``0``. """ return self.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) def _init_gridlines(self): """ Create monkey patched "major" and "minor" gridliners managed by proplot. """ # Cartopy 0.18 monkey patch. This fixes issue where we get overlapping # gridlines on dateline. See the "nx -= 1" line in Gridliner._draw_gridliner # TODO: Submit cartopy PR. This is awful but necessary for quite a while if # the time between v0.17 and v0.18 is any indication. def _draw_gridliner(self, *args, **kwargs): result = type(self)._draw_gridliner(self, *args, **kwargs) if dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18: lon_lim, _ = self._axes_domain() if abs(np.diff(lon_lim)) == abs(np.diff( for collection in self.xline_artists: if not getattr(collection, '_cartopy_fix', False): collection.get_paths().pop(-1) collection._cartopy_fix = True return result # Cartopy < 0.18 monkey patch. This is part of filtering valid label coordinates # to values between lon_0 - 180 and lon_0 + 180. def _axes_domain(self, *args, **kwargs): x_range, y_range = type(self)._axes_domain(self, *args, **kwargs) if dependencies._version_cartopy < 0.18: lon_0 = self.axes.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) x_range = np.asarray(x_range) + lon_0 return x_range, y_range # Cartopy < 0.18 gridliner method monkey patch. Always print number in range # (180W, 180E). We choose #4 of the following choices 3 choices (see Issue #78): # 1. lonlines go from -180 to 180, but get double 180 labels at dateline # 2. lonlines go from -180 to e.g. 150, but no lines from 150 to dateline # 3. lonlines go from lon_0 - 180 to lon_0 + 180 mod 360, but results # in non-monotonic array causing double gridlines east of dateline # 4. lonlines go from lon_0 - 180 to lon_0 + 180 monotonic, but prevents # labels from being drawn outside of range (-180, 180) def _add_gridline_label(self, value, axis, upper_end): if dependencies._version_cartopy < 0.18: if axis == 'x': value = (value + 180) % 360 - 180 return type(self)._add_gridline_label(self, value, axis, upper_end) gl = self.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) gl._draw_gridliner = _draw_gridliner.__get__(gl) # apply monkey patch gl._axes_domain = _axes_domain.__get__(gl) gl._add_gridline_label = _add_gridline_label.__get__(gl) gl.xlines = gl.ylines = False self._toggle_gridliner_labels(gl, False, False, False, False) return gl @staticmethod def _toggle_gridliner_labels(gl, left, right, bottom, top): """ Toggle gridliner labels across different cartopy versions. """ if dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18: # cartopy >= 0.18 left_labels = 'left_labels' right_labels = 'right_labels' bottom_labels = 'bottom_labels' top_labels = 'top_labels' else: # cartopy < 0.18 left_labels = 'ylabels_left' right_labels = 'ylabels_right' bottom_labels = 'xlabels_bottom' top_labels = 'xlabels_top' if left is not None: setattr(gl, left_labels, left) if right is not None: setattr(gl, right_labels, right) if bottom is not None: setattr(gl, bottom_labels, bottom) if top is not None: setattr(gl, top_labels, top) def _update_extent(self, lonlim=None, latlim=None, boundinglat=None): """ Set the projection extent. """ # Projection extent # NOTE: Lon axis and lat axis extents are updated by set_extent. # WARNING: The set_extent method tries to set a *rectangle* between the *4* # (x, y) coordinate pairs (each corner), so something like (-180, 180, -90, 90) # will result in *line*, causing error! We correct this here. eps = 1e-10 # bug with full -180, 180 range when lon_0 != 0 lon0 = self._get_lon0() proj = type(self.projection).__name__ north = isinstance(self.projection, self._proj_north) south = isinstance(self.projection, self._proj_south) extent = None if north or south: if lonlim is not None or latlim is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'{proj!r} extent is controlled by "boundinglat", ' f'ignoring lonlim={lonlim!r} and latlim={latlim!r}.' ) if boundinglat is not None and boundinglat != self._boundinglat: lat0 = 90 if north else -90 lon0 = self._get_lon0() extent = [lon0 - 180 + eps, lon0 + 180 - eps, boundinglat, lat0] self.set_extent(extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) self._boundinglat = boundinglat # Rectangular extent else: if boundinglat is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'{proj!r} extent is controlled by "lonlim" and "latlim", ' f'ignoring boundinglat={boundinglat!r}.' ) if lonlim is not None or latlim is not None: lonlim = list(lonlim or [None, None]) latlim = list(latlim or [None, None]) if lonlim[0] is None: lonlim[0] = lon0 - 180 if lonlim[1] is None: lonlim[1] = lon0 + 180 lonlim[0] += eps if latlim[0] is None: latlim[0] = -90 if latlim[1] is None: latlim[1] = 90 extent = lonlim + latlim self.set_extent(extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) def _update_background(self, **kwargs): """ Update the map boundary patches. This is called in `Axes.format`. """ # TODO: Understand issue where setting global linewidth puts map boundary on # top of land patches, but setting linewidth with format() (even with separate # format() calls) puts map boundary underneath. Zorder seems to be totally # ignored and using spines vs. patch makes no difference. # NOTE: outline_patch is redundant, use background_patch instead context = rc._context_mode == 2 kw_face, kw_edge = self._get_background_props(context=context, **kwargs) kw_face['linewidth'] = 0 kw_edge['facecolor'] = 'none' if dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18: self.patch.update(kw_face) self.spines['geo'].update(kw_edge) else: self.background_patch.update(kw_face) self.outline_patch.update(kw_edge) def _update_features(self): """ Update geographic features. """ # NOTE: The e.g. cfeature.COASTLINE features are just for convenience, # lo res versions. Use NaturalEarthFeature instead. # WARNING: Seems cartopy features cannot be updated! Updating _kwargs # attribute does *nothing*. reso = rc['reso'] # resolution cannot be changed after feature created try: reso = constructor.RESOS_CARTOPY[reso] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid resolution {reso!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, constructor.RESOS_CARTOPY)) + '.' ) for name, args in constructor.FEATURES_CARTOPY.items(): # Draw feature or toggle feature off b = rc.find(name, context=True) attr = f'_{name}_feature' feat = getattr(self, attr, None) drawn = feat is not None # if exists, apply *updated* settings if b is not None: if not b: if drawn: # toggle existing feature off feat.set_visible(False) else: if not drawn: feat = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(*args, reso) feat = self.add_feature(feat) # convert to FeatureArtist # Update artist attributes (FeatureArtist._kwargs used back to v0.5). # For 'lines', need to specify edgecolor and facecolor # See: if feat is not None: kw = rc.category(name, context=drawn) if name in ('coast', 'rivers', 'borders', 'innerborders'): kw.update({'edgecolor': kw.pop('color'), 'facecolor': 'none'}) else: kw.update({'linewidth': 0}) if 'zorder' in kw: # NOTE: Necessary to update zorder directly because _kwargs # attributes are not applied until draw()... at which point # matplotlib is drawing in the order based on the *old* zorder. feat.set_zorder(kw['zorder']) if hasattr(feat, '_kwargs'): feat._kwargs.update(kw) def _update_gridlines( self, gl, which='major', longrid=None, latgrid=None, nsteps=None, ): """ Update gridliner object with axis locators, and toggle gridlines on and off. """ # Update gridliner collection properties # WARNING: Here we use native matplotlib 'grid' rc param for geographic # gridlines. If rc mode is 1 (first format call) use context=False ctx = rc._context_mode == 2 kwlines = self._get_gridline_props(which=which, context=ctx) kwtext = self._get_ticklabel_props(context=ctx) gl.collection_kwargs.update(kwlines) gl.xlabel_style.update(kwtext) gl.ylabel_style.update(kwtext) # Apply tick locations from dummy _LonAxis and _LatAxis axes # NOTE: This will re-apply existing gridline locations if unchanged. if nsteps is not None: gl.n_steps = nsteps latmax = self._lataxis.get_latmax() if hasattr(gl, 'ylim'): # cartopy > 0.19 gl.ylim = (-latmax, latmax) longrid = self._get_gridline_toggle(longrid, axis='x', which=which, context=ctx) if longrid is not None: gl.xlines = longrid latgrid = self._get_gridline_toggle(latgrid, axis='y', which=which, context=ctx) if latgrid is not None: gl.ylines = latgrid lonlines = self._get_lonticklocs(which=which) latlines = self._get_latticklocs(which=which) lonlines = (np.asarray(lonlines) + 180) % 360 - 180 # specific to _CartopyAxes gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(lonlines) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(latlines) def _update_major_gridlines( self, longrid=None, latgrid=None, lonarray=None, latarray=None, loninline=None, latinline=None, labelpad=None, rotatelabels=None, nsteps=None, ): """ Update major gridlines. """ # Update gridline locations and style gl = self._gridlines_major if gl is None: gl = self._gridlines_major = self._init_gridlines() self._update_gridlines( gl, which='major', longrid=longrid, latgrid=latgrid, nsteps=nsteps, ) # Update gridline label parameters # NOTE: The 'xpadding' and 'ypadding' props were introduced in v0.16 # with default 5 points, then set to default None in v0.18. # TODO: Cartopy has had two formatters for a while but we use newer one # if labelpad is not None: gl.xpadding = gl.ypadding = labelpad if loninline is not None: gl.x_inline = bool(loninline) if latinline is not None: gl.y_inline = bool(latinline) if rotatelabels is not None: gl.rotate_labels = bool(rotatelabels) # ignored in cartopy <0.18 # Gridline label formatters lonaxis = self._lonaxis lataxis = self._lataxis gl.xformatter = lonaxis.get_major_formatter() gl.yformatter = lataxis.get_major_formatter() # Gridline label toggling # Issue warning instead of error! if ( dependencies._version_cartopy < 0.18 and not isinstance(self.projection, (ccrs.Mercator, ccrs.PlateCarree)) ): if any(latarray): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Cannot add gridline labels to cartopy ' f'{type(self.projection).__name__} projection.' ) latarray = [0] * 4 if any(lonarray): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Cannot add gridline labels to cartopy ' f'{type(self.projection).__name__} projection.' ) lonarray = [0] * 4 self._toggle_gridliner_labels(gl, *latarray[:2], *lonarray[2:]) def _update_minor_gridlines(self, longrid=None, latgrid=None, nsteps=None): """ Update minor gridlines. """ gl = self._gridlines_minor if gl is None: gl = self._gridlines_minor = self._init_gridlines() self._update_gridlines( gl, which='minor', longrid=longrid, latgrid=latgrid, nsteps=nsteps, ) def get_extent(self, crs=None): # Get extent and try to repair longitude bounds. if crs is None: crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() extent = super().get_extent(crs=crs) if isinstance(crs, ccrs.PlateCarree): if np.isclose(extent[0], -180) and np.isclose(extent[-1], 180): # Repair longitude bounds to reflect dateline position # NOTE: This is critical so we can prevent duplicate gridlines # on dateline. See _update_gridlines. lon0 = self._get_lon0() extent[:2] = [lon0 - 180, lon0 + 180] return extent def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): # Perform extra post-processing steps # For now this just draws the gridliners self._apply_axis_sharing() if self.get_autoscale_on() and self.ignore_existing_data_limits: self.autoscale_view() # Adjust location if dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18: self.patch._adjust_location() # this does the below steps elif ( getattr(self.background_patch, 'reclip', None) and hasattr(self.background_patch, 'orig_path') ): clipped_path = self.background_patch.orig_path.clip_to_bbox(self.viewLim) self.outline_patch._path = clipped_path self.background_patch._path = clipped_path # Apply aspect self.apply_aspect() for gl in self._gridliners: if dependencies._version_cartopy >= 0.18: gl._draw_gridliner(renderer=renderer) else: gl._draw_gridliner(background_patch=self.background_patch) # Remove gridliners if dependencies._version_cartopy < 0.18: self._gridliners = [] return super().get_tightbbox(renderer, *args, **kwargs) def set_extent(self, extent, crs=None): # Fix paths, so axes tight bounding box gets correct box! From this issue: # # Also record the requested longitude latitude extent so we can use these # values for LongitudeLocator and LatitudeLocator. Otherwise if longitude # extent is across dateline LongitudeLocator fails because get_extent() # reports -180 to 180: # NOTE: This is *also* not perfect because if set_extent() was called # and extent crosses map boundary of rectangular projection, the *actual* # resulting extent is the opposite. But that means user has messed up anyway # so probably doesn't matter if gridlines are also wrong. if crs is None: crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() if isinstance(crs, ccrs.PlateCarree): self._set_view_intervals(extent) with rc.context(mode=2): # do not reset gridline properties! if self._gridlines_major is not None: self._update_gridlines(self._gridlines_major, which='major') if self._gridlines_minor is not None: self._update_gridlines(self._gridlines_minor, which='minor') if dependencies._version_cartopy < 0.18: clipped_path = self.outline_patch.orig_path.clip_to_bbox(self.viewLim) self.outline_patch._path = clipped_path self.background_patch._path = clipped_path return super().set_extent(extent, crs=crs) def set_global(self): # Set up "global" extent and update _LatAxis and _LonAxis view intervals result = super().set_global() self._set_view_intervals(self._get_global_extent()) return result class _BasemapAxes(GeoAxes): """ Axes subclass for plotting basemap projections. """ _name = 'basemap' _proj_class = Basemap _proj_north = ('npaeqd', 'nplaea', 'npstere') _proj_south = ('spaeqd', 'splaea', 'spstere') _proj_polar = _proj_north + _proj_south _proj_non_rectangular = _proj_polar + ( # do not use axes spines as boundaries 'ortho', 'geos', 'nsper', 'moll', 'hammer', 'robin', 'eck4', 'kav7', 'mbtfpq', 'sinu', 'vandg', ) def __init__(self, *args, map_projection=None, **kwargs): """ Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `GeoAxes`. """ # First assign projection and set axis bounds for locators # WARNING: Unlike cartopy projections basemaps cannot normally be reused. # To make syntax similar we make a copy. # WARNING: Investigated whether Basemap.__init__() could be called # twice with updated proj kwargs to modify map bounds after creation # and python immmediately crashes. Do not try again. import mpl_toolkits.basemap # noqa: F401 verify package is available self.projection = copy.copy(map_projection) # verify lon0 = self._get_lon0() if self.projection.projection in self._proj_polar: latmax = 80 # default latmax for gridlines extent = [-180 + lon0, 180 + lon0] bound = getattr(self.projection, 'boundinglat', 0) north = self.projection.projection in self._proj_north extent.extend([bound, 90] if north else [-90, bound]) else: latmax = 90 attrs = ('lonmin', 'lonmax', 'latmin', 'latmax') extent = [getattr(self.projection, attr, None) for attr in attrs] if any(_ is None for _ in extent): extent = [180 - lon0, 180 + lon0, -90, 90] # fallback # Initialize axes self._map_boundary = None # see format() self._has_recurred = False # use this to override plotting methods self._lonlines_major = None # store gridliner objects this way self._lonlines_minor = None self._latlines_major = None self._latlines_minor = None self._lonarray = 4 * [False] # cached label toggles self._latarray = 4 * [False] # cached label toggles self._lonaxis = _LonAxis(self) self._lataxis = _LatAxis(self, latmax=latmax) self._set_view_intervals(extent) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_lon0(self): """ Get the central longitude. """ return getattr(self.projection, 'projparams', {}).get('lon_0', 0) @staticmethod def _iter_gridlines(dict_): """ Iterate over longitude latitude lines. """ dict_ = dict_ or {} for pi in dict_.values(): for pj in pi: for obj in pj: yield obj def _update_extent(self, lonlim=None, latlim=None, boundinglat=None): """ No-op. Map bounds cannot be changed in basemap. """ if lonlim is not None or latlim is not None or boundinglat is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Got lonlim={lonlim!r}, latlim={latlim!r}, ' f'boundinglat={boundinglat!r}, but you cannot "zoom into" a ' 'basemap projection after creating it. Add any of the following ' "keyword args in your call to pplt.Proj('name', basemap=True, ...): " "'boundinglat', 'lonlim', 'latlim', 'llcrnrlon', 'llcrnrlat', " "'urcrnrlon', 'urcrnrlat', 'llcrnrx', 'llcrnry', " "'urcrnrx', 'urcrnry', 'width', or 'height'." ) def _update_background(self, **kwargs): """ Update the map boundary patches. This is called in `Axes.format`. """ # Non-rectangular projections # WARNING: Map boundary must be drawn before all other tasks. See __init__. # WARNING: With clipping on boundary lines are clipped by the axes bbox. ctx = rc._context_mode == 2 if self.projection.projection in self._proj_non_rectangular: self.patch.set_facecolor('none') # make sure main patch is hidden kw_face, kw_edge = self._get_background_props(context=ctx, **kwargs) kw = {**kw_face, **kw_edge, 'rasterized': False, 'clip_on': False} self._map_boundary.update(kw) # Rectangular projections else: kw_face, kw_edge = self._get_background_props(context=ctx, **kwargs) self.patch.update({**kw_face, 'edgecolor': 'none'}) for spine in self.spines.values(): spine.update(kw_edge) def _update_features(self): """ Update geographic features. """ # NOTE: Also notable are drawcounties, blumarble, drawlsmask, # shadedrelief, and etopo methods. for name, method in constructor.FEATURES_BASEMAP.items(): # Draw feature or toggle on and off b = rc.find(name, context=True) attr = f'_{name}_feature' feat = getattr(self, attr, None) drawn = feat is not None # if exists, apply *updated* settings if b is not None: if not b: if drawn: # toggle existing feature off for obj in feat: feat.set_visible(False) else: if not drawn: feat = getattr(self.projection, method)(ax=self) if not isinstance(feat, (list, tuple)): # list of artists? feat = (feat,) setattr(self, attr, feat) # Update settings if feat is not None: kw = rc.category(name, context=drawn) for obj in feat: obj.update(kw) def _update_gridlines( self, which='major', longrid=None, latgrid=None, lonarray=None, latarray=None, ): """ Apply changes to the basemap axes. Extra kwargs are used to update the proj4 params. """ latmax = self._lataxis.get_latmax() for axis, name, grid, array, method in zip( ('x', 'y'), ('lon', 'lat'), (longrid, latgrid), (lonarray, latarray), ('drawmeridians', 'drawparallels'), ): # Correct lonarray and latarray label toggles by changing from lrbt to lrtb. # Then update the cahced toggle array. This lets us change gridline locs # while preserving the label toggle setting from a previous format() call. ctx = rc._context_mode == 2 grid = self._get_gridline_toggle(grid, axis=axis, which=which, context=ctx) axis = getattr(self, f'_{name}axis') if which == 'major': bools = getattr(self, f'_{name}array') else: bools = 4 * [False] array = [*array[:2], *array[2:][::-1]] # flip to lrtb for i, b in enumerate(array): if b is not None: bools[i] = b # update toggles # Get gridlines # NOTE: This may re-apply existing gridlines. lines = list(getattr(self, f'_get_{name}ticklocs')(which=which)) if name == 'lon' and np.isclose(lines[0] + 360, lines[-1]): lines = lines[:-1] # prevent double labels # Figure out whether we have to redraw meridians/parallels # NOTE: Always update minor gridlines if major locator also changed attr = f'_{name}lines_{which}' objs = getattr(self, attr) # dictionary of previous objects attrs = ['isDefault_majloc'] # always check this one attrs.append('isDefault_majfmt' if which == 'major' else 'isDefault_minloc') rebuild = lines and ( not objs or any(_ is not None for _ in array) # user-input or initial toggles or any(not getattr(axis, attr) for attr in attrs) # none tracked yet ) if rebuild and objs and grid is None: # get *previous* toggle state grid = all(obj.get_visible() for obj in self._iter_gridlines(objs)) # Draw or redraw meridian or parallel lines # Also mark formatters and locators as 'default' if rebuild: kwdraw = {} formatter = axis.get_major_formatter() if formatter is not None: # use functional formatter kwdraw['fmt'] = formatter for obj in self._iter_gridlines(objs): obj.set_visible(False) objs = getattr(self.projection, method)( lines, ax=self, latmax=latmax, labels=bools, **kwdraw ) setattr(self, attr, objs) # Update gridline settings # WARNING: Here we use native matplotlib 'grid' rc param for geographic # gridlines. If rc mode is 1 (first format call) use context=False ctx = not rebuild and rc._context_mode == 2 kwlines = self._get_gridline_props(which=which, context=ctx) kwtext = self._get_ticklabel_props(context=ctx) for obj in self._iter_gridlines(objs): if isinstance(obj, mtext.Text): obj.update(kwtext) else: obj.update(kwlines) # Toggle existing gridlines on and off if grid is not None: for obj in self._iter_gridlines(objs): obj.set_visible(grid) def _update_major_gridlines( self, longrid=None, latgrid=None, lonarray=None, latarray=None, loninline=None, latinline=None, rotatelabels=None, labelpad=None, nsteps=None, ): """ Update major gridlines. """ loninline, latinline, labelpad, rotatelabels, nsteps # avoid U100 error self._update_gridlines( which='major', longrid=longrid, latgrid=latgrid, lonarray=lonarray, latarray=latarray, ) def _update_minor_gridlines(self, longrid=None, latgrid=None, nsteps=None): """ Update minor gridlines. """ # Update gridline locations nsteps # avoid U100 error array = [None] * 4 # NOTE: must be None not False (see _update_gridlines) self._update_gridlines( which='minor', longrid=longrid, latgrid=latgrid, lonarray=array, latarray=array, ) # Set isDefault_majloc, etc. to True for both axes # NOTE: This cannot be done inside _update_gridlines or minor gridlines # will not update to reflect new major gridline locations. for axis in (self._lonaxis, self._lataxis): axis.isDefault_majfmt = True axis.isDefault_majloc = True axis.isDefault_minloc = True # Apply signature obfuscation after storing previous signature GeoAxes._format_signatures[GeoAxes] = inspect.signature(GeoAxes.format) GeoAxes.format = docstring._obfuscate_kwargs(GeoAxes.format)