
subplots(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a figure with a single subplot or an arbitrary grid of subplots. Uses figure and proplot.figure.Figure.subplots. This command is analogous to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots.

  • array (2d array-like of int, optional) – Array specifying complex grid of subplots. Think of this as a “picture” of your figure. For example, the array [[1, 1], [2, 3]] creates one long subplot in the top row, two smaller subplots in the bottom row. Integers must range from 1 to the number of plots, and 0 indicates an empty space. For example, [[1, 1, 1], [2, 0, 3]] creates one long subplot in the top row with two subplots in the bottom row separated by a space.

  • ncols, nrows (int, optional) – The number of columns, rows in the subplot grid. Ignored if array was passed. Use these arguments for simpler subplot grids.

  • order ({'C', 'F'}, optional) – Whether subplots are numbered in column-major ('C') or row-major ('F') order. Analogous to numpy.array ordering. This controls the order that subplots appear in the SubplotGrid returned by this function, and the order of subplot a-b-c labels (see format).

  • proj, projection (str,, or Basemap, optional) – The map projection specification(s). If 'cart' or 'cartesian' (the default), a CartesianAxes is created. If 'polar', a PolarAxes is created. Otherwise, the argument is interpreted by Proj, and the result is used to make a GeoAxes (in this case the argument can be a instance, a Basemap instance, or a projection name listed in this table).

    To use different projections for different subplots, you have two options:

    • Pass a list of projection specifications, one for each subplot. For example, pplt.subplots(ncols=2, proj=('cart', 'robin')).

    • Pass a dictionary of projection specifications, where the keys are integers or tuples of integers that indicate the projection to use for the corresponding subplot number(s). If a key is not provided, the default projection 'cartesian' is used. For example, pplt.subplots(ncols=4, proj={2: 'cyl', (3, 4): 'stere'}) creates a figure with a default Cartesian axes for the first subplot, a Mercator projection for the second subplot, and a Stereographic projection for the third and fourth subplots.

  • proj_kw, projection_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to Basemap or cartopy Projection classes on instantiation. If dictionary of properties, applies globally. If list or dictionary of dictionaries, applies to specific subplots, as with proj. For example, pplt.subplots(ncols=2, proj='cyl', proj_kw=({'lon_0': 0}, {'lon_0': 180}) centers the projection in the left subplot on the prime meridian and in the right subplot on the international dateline.

  • basemap (bool or dict-like, optional) – Whether to use Basemap or Projection for map projections. Default is rc.basemap = False. If boolean, applies to all subplots. If list or dict, applies to specific subplots, as with proj.

  • left, right, top, bottom (float or str, optional) – The fixed space between the subplots and the figure edge. Default is None. %(units.em)s If None, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis sharing settings. If rc['subplots.tight'] is True, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.

  • wequal, hequal, equal (bool, optional) – Whether to make the tight layout algorithm apply equal spacing between columns, rows, or both. Default is False. Ignored if rc.tight is False.

  • outerpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding around edge of figure. Units are interpreted by units. Default is rc['subplots.outerpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

  • innerpad (float or str, optional) – The scalar tight layout padding between columns and rows. Synonymous with pad. Default is rc['subplots.innerpad'] = 1.0. %(units.em)s

  • panelpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding between subplots and axes panels and between “stacked” panels. Default is rc['subplots.panelpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

  • wequal, hequal, equal (bool, optional) – Whether to make the tight layout algorithm apply equal spacing between columns, rows, or both. Default is False. Ignored if rc.tight is False.

  • outerpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding around edge of figure. Units are interpreted by units. Default is rc['subplots.outerpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

  • innerpad (float or str, optional) – The scalar tight layout padding between columns and rows. Synonymous with pad. Default is rc['subplots.innerpad'] = 1.0. %(units.em)s

  • panelpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding between subplots and axes panels and between “stacked” panels. Default is rc['subplots.panelpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

Other Parameters
  • refnum (int, optional) – The reference subplot number. The refwidth, refheight, and refaspect keyword args are applied to this subplot, and the aspect ratio is conserved for this subplot in the auto_layout. The default is the first subplot created in the figure.

  • refaspect (float or length-2 list of floats, optional) – The reference subplot aspect ratio. If scalar, this indicates the width divided by height. If 2-tuple, indicates the (width, height). Ignored if both figwidth and figheight or both refwidth and refheight were passed.

  • refwidth, refheight (float or str, optional) – The width, height of the reference subplot. Default is rc['subplots.refwidth'] = 2.5. If float, units are inches. If string, interpreted by units. Ignored if figwidth, figheight, or figsize was passed.

  • ref, aspect, axwidth, axheight – Aliases for refnum, refaspect, refwidth, refheight. These may be deprecated in a future release.

  • figwidth, figheight (float or str, optional) – The figure width and height. If float, units are inches. If string, interpreted by units. If you specify just one, the aspect ratio refaspect of the reference subplot will be preserved.

  • width, height – Aliases for figwidth, figheight.

  • figsize (length-2 tuple, optional) – Tuple specifying the figure (width, height).

  • sharex, sharey, share ({0, False, 1, 'labels', 'labs', 2, 'limits', 'lims', 3, True}, optional) – The axis sharing “level” for the x axis, y axis, or both axes. Default is rc['subplots.share'] = True. Options are as follows:

    • 0 or False: No axis sharing. This also sets the default spanx and spany values to False.

    • 1 or 'labels' or 'labs': Only draw axis labels on the bottommost row or leftmost column of subplots. Tick labels still appear on every subplot.

    • 2 or 'limits' or 'lims': As above but force the axis limits to be identical. Tick labels still appear on every subplot.

    • 3 or True: As above but only show the tick labels on the bottommost row and leftmost column of subplots.

  • spanx, spany, span (bool or {0, 1}, optional) – Whether to use “spanning” axis labels for the x axis, y axis, or both axes. Default is False if sharex, sharey, or share are 0 or False, rc['subplots.span'] = True otherwise. When True, a single, centered axis label is used for all axes with bottom and left edges in the same row or column. This can considerably redundancy in your figure.

    “Spanning” labels integrate with “shared” axes. For example, for a 3-row, 3-column figure, with sharey > 1 and spany=1, your figure will have 1 ylabel instead of 9.

  • alignx, aligny, align (bool or {0, 1}, optional) – Whether to “align” axis labels for the x axis, y axis, or both axes. Aligned labels always appear in the same row or column. This Only has an effect when spanx, spany, or span are False. Default is rc['subplots.align'] = False.

  • left, right, top, bottom (float or str, optional) – The fixed space between the subplots and the figure edge. Default is None. %(units.em)s If None, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis sharing settings. If rc['subplots.tight'] is True, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.

  • wspace, hspace, space (float or tr, optional) – The fixed space between grid columns, rows, or both. Default is None. %(units.em)s If None, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis sharing settings. If rc['subplots.tight'] is True, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.

  • tight (bool, optional) – Whether to have auto_layout include tight layout adjustments. Default is rc['subplots.tight'] = True. If you manually specified a spacing in the call to subplots, it will be used to override the tight layout spacing. For example, with left=1, the left margin is set to 1 em-width, while the remaining margin widths are calculated automatically.

  • wequal, hequal, equal (bool, optional) – Whether to make the tight layout algorithm apply equal spacing between columns, rows, or both. Default is False. Ignored if rc.tight is False.

  • outerpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding around edge of figure. Units are interpreted by units. Default is rc['subplots.outerpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

  • innerpad (float or str, optional) – The scalar tight layout padding between columns and rows. Synonymous with pad. Default is rc['subplots.innerpad'] = 1.0. %(units.em)s

  • panelpad (float or str, optional) – The tight layout padding between subplots and axes panels and between “stacked” panels. Default is rc['subplots.panelpad'] = 0.5. %(units.em)s

  • includepanels (bool, optional) – Whether to include panels when aligning figure “super titles” along the top of the subplot grid and when aligning the spanx x axis labels and spany y axis labels along the sides of the subplot grid. Default is False.

  • mathtext_fallback (bool or str, optional) – Apply this rc['mathtext.fallback'] value when drawing the figure. If True or string, unavailable glyphs are replaced with a glyph from a fallback font (Computer Modern by default). Otherwise, they are replaced with the “¤” dummy character. For details see this mathtext tutorial.

  • journal (str, optional) – String corresponding to an academic journal standard used to control the figure width figwidth and, if specified, the figure height figheight. See the below table. Feel free to add to this table by submitting a pull request.


    Size description




    American Association for the Advancement of Science (e.g. Science)





    American Geophysical Union




    full height 1-column


    full height 2-column



    American Meteorological Society


    small 2-column


    medium 2-column


    full 2-column



    Nature Research





    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences




    landscape page

  • **kwargs – Passed to matplotlib.figure.Figure.
