
ContinuousColormap.append(*args, ratios=None, name=None, N=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return the concatenation of this colormap with the input colormaps.

  • *args – Instances of ContinuousColormap.

  • ratios (sequence of float, optional) – Relative extent of each component colormap in the merged colormap. Length must equal len(args) + 1. For example, cmap1.append(cmap2, ratios=(2, 1)) generates a colormap with the left two-thrids containing colors from cmap1 and the right one-third containing colors from cmap2.

  • name (str, optional) – The colormap name. Default is to merge each name with underscores and prepend a leading underscore, for example _name1_name2.

  • N (int, optional) – The number of points in the colormap lookup table. Default is to sum the length of each lookup table.

Other Parameters

**kwargs – Passed to ContinuousColormap.copy or PerceptualColormap.copy.


ContinuousColormap – The colormap.