
Axes.inset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add an inset axes. This is similar to matplotlib.axes.Axes.inset_axes.

  • bounds (4-tuple of float) – The (left, bottom, width, height) coordinates for the axes.

  • transform ({'data', 'axes', 'figure', 'subfigure'} or Transform, optional) – The transform used to interpret the bounds. Can be a Transform instance or a string representing the transData, transAxes, transFigure, or transSubfigure, transforms. Default is to use the same projection as the current axes.

  • proj, projection (str,, or Basemap, optional) – The map projection specification(s). If 'cart' or 'cartesian' (the default), a CartesianAxes is created. If 'polar', a PolarAxes is created. Otherwise, the argument is interpreted by Proj, and the result is used to make a GeoAxes (in this case the argument can be a instance, a Basemap instance, or a projection name listed in this table).

  • proj_kw, projection_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to Basemap or cartopy Projection classes on instantiation.

  • backend ({'cartopy', 'basemap'}, default: rc['geo.backend'] = 'cartopy') – Whether to use Basemap or Projection for map projections.

  • zorder (float, default: 4) – The zorder of the axes. Should be greater than the zorder of elements in the parent axes.

  • zoom (bool, default: True or False) – Whether to draw lines indicating the inset zoom using indicate_inset_zoom. The line positions will automatically adjust when the parent or inset axes limits change. Default is True only if both axes are CartesianAxes.

  • zoom_kw (dict, optional) – Passed to indicate_inset_zoom.

Other Parameters

**kwargs – Passed to proplot.axes.Axes.


proplot.axes.Axes – The inset axes.