

Add an inset colorbar or an outer colorbar along the edge of the axes.

  • mappable (mappable, colormap-spec, sequence of color-spec, or sequence of Artist) – There are four options here:

    1. A ScalarMappable (e.g., an object returned by contourf or pcolormesh).

    2. A Colormap or registered colormap name used to build a ScalarMappable on-the-fly. The colorbar range and ticks depend on the arguments values, vmin, vmax, and norm. The default for a ContinuousColormap is vmin=0 and vmax=1 (note that passing values will “discretize” the colormap). The default for a DiscreteColormap is values=np.arange(0, cmap.N).

    3. A sequence of hex strings, color names, or RGB[A] tuples. A DiscreteColormap will be generated from these colors and used to build a ScalarMappable on-the-fly. The colorbar range and ticks depend on the arguments values, norm, and norm_kw. The default is values=np.arange(0, len(mappable)).

    4. A sequence of matplotlib.artist.Artist instances (e.g., a list of Line2D instances returned by plot). A colormap will be generated from the colors of these objects (where the color is determined by get_color, if available, or get_facecolor). The colorbar range and ticks depend on the arguments values, norm, and norm_kw. The default is to infer colorbar ticks and tick labels by calling get_label on each artist.

  • values (sequence of float or str, optional) – Ignored if mappable is a ScalarMappable. This maps the colormap colors to numeric values using DiscreteNorm. If the colormap is a ContinuousColormap then its colors will be “discretized”. These These can also be strings, in which case the list indices are used for tick locations and the strings are applied as tick labels.

  • loc, location (int or str, default: rc['colorbar.loc'] = 'right') – The colorbar location. Valid location keys are shown in the below table.


    Valid keys

    outer left

    'left', 'l'

    outer right

    'right', 'r'

    outer bottom

    'bottom', 'b'

    outer top

    'top', 't'

    default inset

    'best', 'inset', 'i', 0

    upper right inset

    'upper right', 'ur', 1

    upper left inset

    'upper left', 'ul', 2

    lower left inset

    'lower left', 'll', 3

    lower right inset

    'lower right', 'lr', 4



  • shrink – Alias for length. This is included for consistency with matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar.

  • length (float or unit-spec, default: rc['colorbar.length'] = 1.0 or rc['colorbar.insetlength'] = 8.0) – The colorbar length. For outer colorbars, units are relative to the axes width or height (default is rc['colorbar.length']). For inset colorbars, floats interpreted as em-widths and strings interpreted by units (default is rc['colorbar.insetlength']).

  • width (unit-spec, default: rc['colorbar.width'] = 0.2 or :rc:`colorbar.insetwidth) – The colorbar width. For outer colorbars, floats are interpreted as inches (default is rc['colorbar.width']). For inset colorbars, floats are interpreted as em-widths (default is rc['colorbar.insetwidth']). Strings are interpreted by units.

  • queue (bool, optional) – If True and loc is the same as an existing colorbar, the input arguments are added to a queue and this function returns None. This is used to “update” the same colorbar with successive ax.colorbar(...) calls. If False (the default) and loc is the same as an existing inset colorbar, the old colorbar is removed. If False and loc is an outer colorbar, the colorbars are “stacked”.

  • space (unit-spec, default: None) – For outer colorbars only. The fixed space between the colorbar and the subplot edge. If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units. When the tight layout algorithm is active for the figure, space is computed automatically (see pad). Otherwise, space is set to a suitable default.

  • pad (unit-spec, default: rc['subplots.panelpad'] = 0.5 or rc['colorbar.insetpad'] = 0.7) – For outer colorbars, this is the tight layout padding between the colorbar and the subplot (default is rc['subplots.panelpad']). For inset colorbars, this is the fixed space between the axes edge and the colorbar (default is rc['colorbar.insetpad']). If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units.

  • align ({'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 't', 'b', 'l', 'r'}, optional) – For outer colorbars only. How to align the colorbar against the subplot edge. The values 'top' and 'bottom' are valid for left and right colorbars and 'left' and 'right' are valid for top and bottom colorbars. The default is always 'center'. Has no visible effect if length is 1.

Other Parameters
  • orientation ({None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'}, optional) – The colorbar orientation. By default this depends on the “side” of the subplot or figure where the colorbar is drawn. Inset colorbars are always horizontal.

  • norm (norm-spec, optional) – Ignored if mappable is a ScalarMappable. This is the continuous normalizer used to scale the ContinuousColormap (or passed to DiscreteNorm if values was passed). Passed to the Norm constructor function.

  • norm_kw (dict-like, optional) – Ignored if mappable is a ScalarMappable. These are the normalizer keyword arguments. Passed to Norm.

  • vmin, vmax (float, optional) – Ignored if mappable is a ScalarMappable. These are the minimum and maximum colorbar values. Passed to Norm.

  • label, title (str, optional) – The colorbar label. The title keyword is also accepted for consistency with legend.

  • reverse (bool, optional) – Whether to reverse the direction of the colorbar. This is done automatically when descending levels are used with DiscreteNorm.

  • rotation (float, default: 0) – The tick label rotation.

  • grid, edges, drawedges (bool, default: rc['colorbar.grid'] = False) – Whether to draw “grid” dividers between each distinct color.

  • extend ({'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional) – Direction for drawing colorbar “extensions” (i.e. color keys for out-of-bounds data on the end of the colorbar). Default behavior is to use the value of extend passed to the plotting command or use 'neither' if the value is unknown.

  • extendfrac (float, optional) – The length of the colorbar “extensions” relative to the length of the colorbar. This is a native matplotlib colorbar keyword.

  • extendsize (unit-spec, default: rc['colorbar.extend'] = 1.3 or rc['colorbar.insetextend'] = 0.9) – The length of the colorbar “extensions” in physical units. Default is rc['colorbar.extend'] for outer colorbars and rc['colorbar.insetextend'] for inset colorbars. If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units.

  • extendrect (bool, default: False) – Whether to draw colorbar “extensions” as rectangles. If False then the extensions are drawn as triangles.

  • locator, ticks (locator-spec, optional) – Used to determine the colorbar tick positions. Passed to the Locator constructor function. By default AutoLocator is used for continuous color levels and DiscreteLocator is used for discrete color levels.

  • locator_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.ticker.Locator class.

  • minorlocator, minorticks – As with locator, ticks but for the minor ticks. By default AutoMinorLocator is used for continuous color levels and DiscreteLocator is used for discrete color levels.

  • minorlocator_kw – As with locator_kw, but for the minor ticks.

  • format, formatter, ticklabels (formatter-spec, optional) – The tick label format. Passed to the Formatter constructor function.

  • formatter_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.ticker.Formatter class.

  • frame, frameon (bool, default: rc['colorbar.frameon'] = True) – For inset colorbars only. Indicates whether to draw a “frame”, just like legend.

  • tickminor (bool, optional) – Whether to add minor ticks using minorticks_on.

  • tickloc, ticklocation ({'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'}, optional) – Where to draw tick marks on the colorbar. Default is toward the outside of the subplot for outer colorbars and 'bottom' for inset colorbars.

  • tickdir, tickdirection ({'out', 'in', 'inout'}, default: rc['tick.dir'] = 'out') – Direction of major and minor colorbar ticks.

  • ticklen (unit-spec, default: rc['tick.len'] = 4.0) – Major tick lengths for the colorbar ticks.

  • ticklenratio (float, default: rc['tick.lenratio'] = 0.5) – Relative scaling of ticklen used to determine minor tick lengths.

  • tickwidth (unit-spec, default: linewidth) – Major tick widths for the colorbar ticks. or rc['tick.width'] = 0.6 if linewidth was not passed.

  • tickwidthratio (float, default: rc['tick.widthratio'] = 0.8) – Relative scaling of tickwidth used to determine minor tick widths.

  • ticklabelcolor, ticklabelsize, ticklabelweight (default: rc['tick.labelcolor'] = 'black', rc['tick.labelsize'] = 'medium', rc['tick.labelweight'] = 'normal'.) – The font color, size, and weight for colorbar tick labels

  • labelloc, labellocation ({'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'}) – The colorbar label location. Inherits from tickloc by default. Default is toward the outside of the subplot for outer colorbars and 'bottom' for inset colorbars.

  • labelcolor, labelsize, labelweight (default: rc['label.color'] = 'black', rc['label.size'] = 'medium', and rc['label.weight'] = 'normal'.) – The font color, size, and weight for the colorbar label.

  • a, alpha, framealpha, fc, facecolor, framecolor, ec, edgecolor, ew, edgewidth (default: rc['colorbar.framealpha'] = 0.8, rc['colorbar.framecolor']) – For inset colorbars only. Controls the transparency and color of the background frame.

  • lw, linewidth, c, color (optional) – Controls the line width and edge color for both the colorbar outline and the level dividers.

  • edgefix (bool or float, default: rc.edgefix = True) – Whether to fix the common issue where white lines appear between adjacent patches in saved vector graphics (this can slow down figure rendering). See this github repo for a demonstration of the problem. If True, a small default linewidth of 0.3 is used to cover up the white lines. If float (e.g. edgefix=0.5), this specific linewidth is used to cover up the white lines. This feature is automatically disabled when the patches have transparency.

  • rasterize (bool, default: rc['colorbar.rasterize'] = False) – Whether to rasterize the colorbar solids. The matplotlib default was True but proplot changes this to False since rasterization can cause misalignment between the color patches and the colorbar outline.

  • **kwargs – Passed to colorbar.