
class PerceptualColormap(*args, space=None, clip=True, gamma=None, gamma1=None, gamma2=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: proplot.colors.ContinuousColormap, proplot.colors._Colormap

A ContinuousColormap with linear transitions across hue, saturation, and luminance rather than red, blue, and green.

  • segmentdata (dict-like) – Dictionary containing the keys 'hue', 'saturation', 'luminance', and (optionally) 'alpha'. The key 'chroma' is treated as a synonym for 'saturation'. The shorthands 'h', 's', 'l', 'a', and 'c' are also acceptable. The key values can be callable functions that return channel values given a colormap index, or 3-column arrays indicating the coordinates and channel transitions. See LinearSegmentedColormap for a more detailed explanation.

  • name (str, optional) – The colormap name. This can also be passed as the first positional string argument. Default is '_no_name'.

  • space ({'hsl', 'hpl', 'hcl', 'hsv'}, optional) – The hue, saturation, luminance-style colorspace to use for interpreting the channels. See this page for a full description. Default is 'hsl'.

  • clip (bool, optional) – Whether to “clip” impossible colors, i.e. truncate HCL colors with RGB channels with values >1, or mask them out as gray.

  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity for the entire colormap. This overrides the input segment data.

  • cyclic (bool, optional) – Whether the colormap is cyclic. If True, this changes how the leftmost and rightmost color levels are selected, and extend can only be 'neither' (a warning will be issued otherwise).

  • gamma (float, optional) – Sets gamma1 and gamma2 to this identical value.

  • gamma1 (float, optional) – If >1, makes low saturation colors more prominent. If <1, makes high saturation colors more prominent. Similar to the HCLWizard option.

  • gamma2 (float, optional) – If >1, makes high luminance colors more prominent. If <1, makes low luminance colors more prominent. Similar to the HCLWizard option.

Other Parameters

**kwargs – Passed to ContinuousColormap.


The below example generates a PerceptualColormap from a segmentdata dictionary that uses color names for the hue data, instead of channel values between 0 and 360.

>>> import proplot as pplt
>>> data = {
>>>     'h': [[0, 'red', 'red'], [1, 'blue', 'blue']],
>>>     's': [[0, 100, 100], [1, 100, 100]],
>>>     'l': [[0, 100, 100], [1, 20, 20]],
>>> }
>>> cmap = pplt.PerceptualColormap(data)

Methods Summary

copy([name, segmentdata, N, alpha, gamma, ...])

Return a new colormap with relevant properties copied from this one if they were not provided as keyword arguments.

from_color(*args, **kwargs)

Return a simple monochromatic "sequential" colormap that blends from white or near-white to the input color.

from_hsl(*args, **kwargs)

Make a PerceptualColormap by specifying the hue, saturation, and luminance transitions individually.

from_list(*args, **kwargs)

Make a PerceptualColormap from a list of colors.

set_gamma([gamma, gamma1, gamma2])

Modify the gamma value(s) and refresh the lookup table.


Convert the PerceptualColormap to a standard ContinuousColormap.