Source code for proplot.axes.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The plotting wrappers that add functionality to various `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
methods. "Wrapped" `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods accept the additional keyword
arguments documented by the wrapper function. In a future version, these features will
be documented on the individual `~proplot.axes.Axes` methods themselves.
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
import as ma
import functools
import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.container as mcontainer
import matplotlib.contour as mcontour
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib.patheffects as mpatheffects
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.artist as martist
import matplotlib.legend as mlegend
import as mcm
from numbers import Number
from .. import constructor
from .. import colors as pcolors
from ..utils import edges, edges2d, units, to_xyz, to_rgb
from ..config import rc
from ..internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from ..internals import docstring, warnings
from ..internals import _dummy_context, _not_none, _set_state
    from import PlateCarree
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    PlateCarree = object

__all__ = [

docstring.snippets['axes.cmap_changer'] = """
cmap : colormap spec, optional
    The colormap specifer, passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Colormap`
cmap_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Colormap`.
norm : normalizer spec, optional
    The colormap normalizer, used to warp data before passing it
    to `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm`. This is passed to the
    `~proplot.constructor.Norm` constructor.
norm_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Norm`.
vmin, vmax : float, optional
    Used to determine level locations if `levels` is an integer. Actual
    levels may not fall exactly on `vmin` and `vmax`, but the minimum
    level will be no smaller than `vmin` and the maximum level will be
    no larger than `vmax`. If `vmin` or `vmax` is not provided, the
    minimum and maximum data values are used.
levels, N : int or list of float, optional
    The number of level edges, or a list of level edges. If the former,
    `locator` is used to generate this many levels at "nice" intervals.
    If the latter, the levels should be monotonically increasing or
    decreasing (note that decreasing levels will only work with ``pcolor``
    plots, not ``contour`` plots). Default is :rc:`image.levels`.
    Note this means you can now discretize your colormap colors in a
    ``pcolor`` plot just like with ``contourf``.
values : int or list of float, optional
    The number of level centers, or a list of level centers. If provided,
    levels are inferred using `~proplot.utils.edges`. This will override
    any `levels` input.
symmetric : bool, optional
    If ``True``, automatically generated levels are symmetric about zero.
locator : locator-spec, optional
    The locator used to determine level locations if `levels` or `values`
    is an integer and `vmin` and `vmax` were not provided. Passed to the
    `~proplot.constructor.Locator` constructor. Default is
    `~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator` with ``levels`` integer levels.
locator_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Locator`.

_area_docstring = """
Supports overlaying and stacking successive columns of data, and permits
using different colors for "negative" and "positive" regions.

This function wraps `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between{suffix}` and

*args : ({y}1,), ({x}, {y}1), or ({x}, {y}1, {y}2)
    The *{x}* and *{y}* coordinates. If `{x}` is not provided, it will be
    inferred from `{y}1`. If `{y}1` and `{y}2` are provided, this function
    will shade between respective columns of the arrays. The default value
    for `{y}2` is ``0``.
stacked : bool, optional
    Whether to "stack" successive columns of the `{y}1` array. If this is
    ``True`` and `{y}2` was provided, it will be ignored.
negpos : bool, optional
    Whether to shade where `{y}1` is greater than `{y}2` with the color
    `poscolor`, and where `{y}1` is less than `{y}2` with the color
    `negcolor`. For example, to shade positive values red and negative values
    blue, use ``ax.fill_between{suffix}({x}, {y}, negpos=True)``.
negcolor, poscolor : color-spec, optional
    Colors to use for the negative and positive shaded regions. Ignored if `negpos`
    is ``False``. Defaults are :rc:`negcolor` and :rc:`poscolor`.
where : ndarray, optional
    Boolean ndarray mask for points you want to shade. See `this example \
lw, linewidth : float, optional
    The edge width for the area patches.
edgecolor : color-spec, optional
    The edge color for the area patches.

Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between`.
docstring.snippets['axes.fill_between'] = _area_docstring.format(
    x='x', y='y', suffix='',
docstring.snippets['axes.fill_betweenx'] = _area_docstring.format(
    x='y', y='x', suffix='x',

_bar_docstring = """
Supports grouping and stacking successive columns of data, and changes
the default bar style.

This function wraps `{suffix}`.

{x}, {height}, {width}, {bottom} : float or list of float, optional
    The dimensions of the bars. If the *{x}* coordinates are not provided,
    they are set to ``np.arange(0, len(height))``.
orientation : {{'vertical', 'horizontal'}}, optional
    The orientation of the bars.
vert : bool, optional
    Alternative to the `orientation` keyword arg. If ``False``, horizontal
    bars are drawn. This is for consistency with
    `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`.
stacked : bool, optional
    Whether to stack columns of input data, or plot the bars side-by-side.
negpos : bool, optional
    Whether to shade bars greater than zero with `poscolor` and bars less
    than zero with `negcolor`.
negcolor, poscolor : color-spec, optional
    Colors to use for the negative and positive bars. Ignored if `negpos`
    is ``False``. Defaults are :rc:`negcolor` and :rc:`poscolor`.
lw, linewidth : float, optional
    The edge width for the bar patches.
edgecolor : color-spec, optional
    The edge color for the bar patches.

Other parameters
    Passed to `{suffix}`.
docstring.snippets[''] = _bar_docstring.format(
    x='x', height='height', width='width', bottom='bottom', suffix='',
docstring.snippets['axes.barh'] = _bar_docstring.format(
    x='y', height='width', width='height', bottom='left', suffix='h',

docstring.snippets['axes.lines'] = """
negpos : bool, optional
    Whether to color lines greater than zero with `poscolor` and lines less
    than zero with `negcolor`.
negcolor, poscolor : color-spec, optional
    Colors to use for the negative and positive lines. Ignored if `negpos`
    is ``False``. Defaults are :rc:`negcolor` and :rc:`poscolor`.

def _load_objects():
    Delay loading expensive modules. We just want to detect if *input
    arrays* belong to these types -- and if this is the case, it means the
    module has already been imported! So, we only try loading these classes
    within autoformat calls. This saves >~500ms of import time.
    global DataArray, DataFrame, Series, Index, ndarray, ARRAY_TYPES
    ndarray = np.ndarray
    DataArray = getattr(sys.modules.get('xarray', None), 'DataArray', ndarray)
    DataFrame = getattr(sys.modules.get('pandas', None), 'DataFrame', ndarray)
    Series = getattr(sys.modules.get('pandas', None), 'Series', ndarray)
    Index = getattr(sys.modules.get('pandas', None), 'Index', ndarray)
    ARRAY_TYPES = (ndarray, DataArray, DataFrame, Series, Index)


# Keywords for styling cmap overridden plots
# TODO: Deprecate this when #45 merged! Pcolor *already* accepts lw,
# linewidth, *and* linewidths!
    'contour': {
        'colors': 'colors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidths',
        'linestyles': 'linestyles',
    'tricontour': {
        'colors': 'colors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidths',
        'linestyles': 'linestyles',
    'pcolor': {
        'colors': 'edgecolors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidth',
        'linestyles': 'linestyle',
    'pcolormesh': {
        'colors': 'edgecolors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidth',
        'linestyles': 'linestyle',
    'pcolorfast': {
        'colors': 'edgecolors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidth',
        'linestyles': 'linestyle',
    'tripcolor': {
        'colors': 'edgecolors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidth',
        'linestyles': 'linestyle',
    'parametric': {
        'colors': 'color',
        'linewidths': 'linewidth',
        'linestyles': 'linestyle',
    'hexbin': {
        'colors': 'edgecolors',
        'linewidths': 'linewidths',
        'linestyles': 'linestyles',

def _is_number(data):
    Test whether input is numeric array rather than datetime or strings.
    return len(data) and np.issubdtype(_to_ndarray(data).dtype, np.number)

def _is_string(data):
    Test whether input is array of strings.
    return len(data) and isinstance(_to_ndarray(data).flat[0], str)

def _to_arraylike(data):
    Convert list of lists to array-like type.
    if not isinstance(data, (ndarray, DataArray, DataFrame, Series, Index)):
        data = np.array(data)
    if not np.iterable(data):
        data = np.atleast_1d(data)
    return data

def _to_indexer(data):
    Return indexible attribute of array-like type.
    return getattr(data, 'iloc', data)

def _to_ndarray(data):
    Convert arbitrary input to ndarray cleanly.
    return np.atleast_1d(getattr(data, 'values', data))

[docs]def default_latlon(self, func, *args, latlon=True, **kwargs): """ Makes ``latlon=True`` the default for basemap plots. This means you no longer have to pass ``latlon=True`` if your data coordinates are longitude and latitude. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} for `~proplot.axes.BasemapAxes`. """ return func(self, *args, latlon=latlon, **kwargs)
[docs]def default_transform(self, func, *args, transform=None, **kwargs): """ Makes ```` the default for cartopy plots. This means you no longer have to pass ```` if your data coordinates are longitude and latitude. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} for `~proplot.axes.CartopyAxes`. """ # Apply default transform # TODO: Do some cartopy methods reset backgroundpatch or outlinepatch? # Deleted comment reported this issue if transform is None: transform = PlateCarree() result = func(self, *args, transform=transform, **kwargs) return result
def _axis_labels_title(data, axis=None, units=True): """ Get data and label for pandas or xarray objects or their coordinates along axis `axis`. If `units` is ``True`` also look for units on xarray data arrays. """ label = '' _load_objects() if isinstance(data, ndarray): if axis is not None and data.ndim > axis: data = np.arange(data.shape[axis]) # Xarray with common NetCDF attribute names elif isinstance(data, DataArray): if axis is not None and data.ndim > axis: data = data.coords[data.dims[axis]] label = getattr(data, 'name', '') or '' for key in ('standard_name', 'long_name'): label = data.attrs.get(key, label) if units: units = data.attrs.get('units', '') if label and units: label = f'{label} ({units})' elif units: label = units # Pandas object with name attribute # if not label and isinstance(data, DataFrame) and data.columns.size == 1: elif isinstance(data, (DataFrame, Series, Index)): if axis == 0 and isinstance(data, Index): pass elif axis == 0 and isinstance(data, (DataFrame, Series)): data = data.index elif axis == 1 and isinstance(data, DataFrame): data = data.columns elif axis == 1 and isinstance(data, (Series, Index)): data = np.array([]) # treat series name as the "column" data # DataFrame has no native name attribute but user can add one: # label = getattr(data, 'name', '') or '' return data, str(label).strip()
[docs]def standardize_1d(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Interpret positional arguments for the "1D" plotting methods so usage is consistent. This also optionally modifies the x axis label, y axis label, title, and axis ticks if a `~xarray.DataArray`, `~pandas.DataFrame`, or `~pandas.Series` is passed. Positional arguments are standardized as follows: * If a 2D array is passed, the corresponding plot command is called for each column of data (except for ``boxplot`` and ``violinplot``, in which case each column is interpreted as a distribution). * If *x* and *y* or *latitude* and *longitude* coordinates were not provided, and a `~pandas.DataFrame` or `~xarray.DataArray`, we try to infer them from the metadata. Otherwise, ``np.arange(0, data.shape[0])`` is used. See also -------- cycle_changer Note ---- This function wraps the 1D plotting methods: {methods} """ # Sanitize input # TODO: Add exceptions for methods other than 'hist'? name = func.__name__ _load_objects() if not args: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) elif len(args) == 1: x = None y, *args = args elif len(args) in (2, 3, 4): x, y, *args = args # same else: raise ValueError(f'Too many arguments passed to {name}. Max is 4.') vert = kwargs.get('vert', None) if vert is not None: orientation = ('vertical' if vert else 'horizontal') else: orientation = kwargs.get('orientation', 'vertical') # Iterate through list of ys that we assume are identical # Standardize based on the first y input if len(args) >= 1 and 'fill_between' in name: ys, args = (y, args[0]), args[1:] else: ys = (y,) ys = [_to_arraylike(y) for y in ys] # Auto x coords y = ys[0] # test the first y input if x is None: axis = int( name in ('hist', 'boxplot', 'violinplot') or any(kwargs.get(s, None) for s in ('means', 'medians')) ) x, _ = _axis_labels_title(y, axis=axis) x = _to_arraylike(x) if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f'x coordinates must be 1-dimensional, but got {x.ndim}.' ) # Auto formatting xi = None # index version of 'x' if not hasattr(self, 'projection'): # First handle string-type x-coordinates kw = {} xax = 'y' if orientation == 'horizontal' else 'x' yax = 'x' if xax == 'y' else 'y' if _is_string(x): xi = np.arange(len(x)) kw[xax + 'locator'] = mticker.FixedLocator(xi) kw[xax + 'formatter'] = mticker.IndexFormatter(x) kw[xax + 'minorlocator'] = mticker.NullLocator() if name == 'boxplot': kwargs['labels'] = x elif name == 'violinplot': kwargs['positions'] = xi if name in ('boxplot', 'violinplot'): kwargs['positions'] = xi # Next handle labels if 'autoformat' is on if self.figure._auto_format: # Ylabel y, label = _axis_labels_title(y) if label: # for histogram, this label is used for *x* coordinates iaxis = xax if name in ('hist',) else yax kw[iaxis + 'label'] = label # Xlabel x, label = _axis_labels_title(x) if label and name not in ('hist',): kw[xax + 'label'] = label if name != 'scatter' and len(x) > 1 and xi is None and x[1] < x[0]: kw[xax + 'reverse'] = True # Appply if kw: self.format(**kw) # Standardize args if xi is not None: x = xi if name in ('boxplot', 'violinplot'): ys = [_to_ndarray(yi) for yi in ys] # store naked array # Basemap shift x coordiantes without shifting y, we fix this! if getattr(self, 'name', '') == 'basemap' and kwargs.get('latlon', None): ix, iys = x, [] xmin, xmax = self.projection.lonmin, self.projection.lonmax for y in ys: # Ensure data is monotonic and falls within map bounds ix, iy = _enforce_bounds(*_standardize_latlon(x, y), xmin, xmax) iys.append(iy) x, ys = ix, iys # WARNING: For some functions, e.g. boxplot and violinplot, we *require* # cycle_changer is also applied so it can strip 'x' input. return func(self, x, *ys, *args, **kwargs)
def _enforce_bounds(x, y, xmin, xmax): """ Ensure data for basemap plots is restricted between the minimum and maximum longitude of the projection. Input is the ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates. The ``y`` coordinates are rolled along the rightmost axis. """ if x.ndim != 1: return x, y # Roll in same direction if some points on right-edge extend # more than 360 above min longitude; *they* should be on left side lonroll = np.where(x > xmin + 360)[0] # tuple of ids if lonroll.size: # non-empty roll = x.size - lonroll.min() x = np.roll(x, roll) y = np.roll(y, roll, axis=-1) x[:roll] -= 360 # make monotonic # Set NaN where data not in range xmin, xmax. Must be done # for regional smaller projections or get weird side-effects due # to having valid data way outside of the map boundaries y = y.copy() if x.size - 1 == y.shape[-1]: # test western/eastern grid cell edges y[..., (x[1:] < xmin) | (x[:-1] > xmax)] = np.nan elif x.size == y.shape[-1]: # test the centers and pad by one for safety where = np.where((x < xmin) | (x > xmax))[0] y[..., where[1:-1]] = np.nan return x, y def _interp_poles(y, Z): """ Add data points on the poles as the average of highest latitude data. """ # Get means with np.errstate(all='ignore'): p1 = Z[0, :].mean() # pole 1, make sure is not 0D DataArray! p2 = Z[-1, :].mean() # pole 2 if hasattr(p1, 'item'): p1 = np.asscalar(p1) # happens with DataArrays if hasattr(p2, 'item'): p2 = np.asscalar(p2) # Concatenate ps = (-90, 90) if (y[0] < y[-1]) else (90, -90) Z1 = np.repeat(p1, Z.shape[1])[None, :] Z2 = np.repeat(p2, Z.shape[1])[None, :] y = ma.concatenate((ps[:1], y, ps[1:])) Z = ma.concatenate((Z1, Z, Z2), axis=0) return y, Z def _standardize_latlon(x, y): """ Ensure longitudes are monotonic and make `~numpy.ndarray` copies so the contents can be modified. Ignores 2D coordinate arrays. """ # Sanitization and bail if 2d if x.ndim == 1: x = ma.array(x) if y.ndim == 1: y = ma.array(y) if x.ndim != 1 or all(x < x[0]): # skip monotonic backwards data return x, y # Enforce monotonic longitudes lon1 = x[0] while True: filter_ = (x < lon1) if filter_.sum() == 0: break x[filter_] += 360 return x, y
[docs]def standardize_2d(self, func, *args, order='C', globe=False, **kwargs): """ Interpret positional arguments for the "2D" plotting methods so usage is consistent. This also optionally modifies the x axis label, y axis label, title, and axis ticks if a `~xarray.DataArray`, `~pandas.DataFrame`, or `~pandas.Series` is passed. Positional arguments are standardized as follows: * If *x* and *y* or *latitude* and *longitude* coordinates were not provided, and a `~pandas.DataFrame` or `~xarray.DataArray` is passed, we try to infer them from the metadata. Otherwise, ``np.arange(0, data.shape[0])`` and ``np.arange(0, data.shape[1])`` are used. * For ``pcolor`` and ``pcolormesh``, coordinate *edges* are calculated if *centers* were provided. For all other methods, coordinate *centers* are calculated if *edges* were provided. Parameters ---------- order : {{'C', 'F'}}, optional If ``'C'``, arrays should be shaped as ``(y, x)``. If ``'F'``, arrays should be shaped as ``(x, y)``. Default is ``'C'``. globe : bool, optional Whether to ensure global coverage for `~proplot.axes.GeoAxes` plots. Default is ``False``. When set to ``True`` this does the following: #. Interpolates input data to the North and South poles by setting the data values at the poles to the mean from latitudes nearest each pole. #. Makes meridional coverage "circular", i.e. the last longitude coordinate equals the first longitude coordinate plus 360\N{DEGREE SIGN}. #. For `~proplot.axes.BasemapAxes`, 1D longitude vectors are also cycled to fit within the map edges. For example, if the projection central longitude is 90\N{DEGREE SIGN}, the data is shifted so that it spans -90\N{DEGREE SIGN} to 270\N{DEGREE SIGN}. See also -------- cmap_changer Note ---- This function wraps the 2D plotting methods: {methods} """ # Sanitize input name = func.__name__ _load_objects() if not args: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) elif len(args) > 4: raise ValueError(f'Too many arguments passed to {name}. Max is 4.') x, y = None, None if len(args) > 2: x, y, *args = args # Ensure DataArray, DataFrame or ndarray Zs = [] for Z in args: Z = _to_arraylike(Z) if Z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'Z must be 2-dimensional, got shape {Z.shape}.') Zs.append(Z) if not all(Zs[0].shape == Z.shape for Z in Zs): raise ValueError( f'Zs must be same shape, got shapes {[Z.shape for Z in Zs]}.' ) # Retrieve coordinates if x is None and y is None: Z = Zs[0] if order == 'C': idx, idy = 1, 0 else: idx, idy = 0, 1 # x = np.arange(Z.shape[idx]) # y = np.arange(Z.shape[idy]) if isinstance(Z, ndarray): x = np.arange(Z.shape[idx]) y = np.arange(Z.shape[idy]) elif isinstance(Z, DataArray): # DataArray x = Z.coords[Z.dims[idx]] y = Z.coords[Z.dims[idy]] else: # DataFrame; never Series or Index because these are 1d if order == 'C': x = Z.columns y = Z.index else: x = Z.index y = Z.columns # Optionally re-order # TODO: Double check this if order == 'F': x, y = x.T, y.T # in case they are 2-dimensional Zs = tuple(Z.T for Z in Zs) elif order != 'C': raise ValueError( f'Invalid order {order!r}. Choose from ' '"C" (row-major, default) and "F" (column-major).' ) # Check coordinates x, y = _to_arraylike(x), _to_arraylike(y) if x.ndim != y.ndim: raise ValueError( f'x coordinates are {x.ndim}-dimensional, ' f'but y coordinates are {y.ndim}-dimensional.' ) for s, array in zip(('x', 'y'), (x, y)): if array.ndim not in (1, 2): raise ValueError( f'{s} coordinates are {array.ndim}-dimensional, ' f'but must be 1 or 2-dimensional.' ) # Auto formatting kw = {} xi, yi = None, None if not hasattr(self, 'projection'): # First handle string-type x and y-coordinates if _is_string(x): xi = np.arange(len(x)) kw['xlocator'] = mticker.FixedLocator(xi) kw['xformatter'] = mticker.IndexFormatter(x) kw['xminorlocator'] = mticker.NullLocator() if _is_string(y): yi = np.arange(len(y)) kw['ylocator'] = mticker.FixedLocator(yi) kw['yformatter'] = mticker.IndexFormatter(y) kw['yminorlocator'] = mticker.NullLocator() # Handle labels if 'autoformat' is on if self.figure._auto_format: for key, xy in zip(('xlabel', 'ylabel'), (x, y)): _, label = _axis_labels_title(xy) if label: kw[key] = label if len(xy) > 1 and all(isinstance(xy, Number) for xy in xy[:2]) and xy[1] < xy[0]: kw[key[0] + 'reverse'] = True if xi is not None: x = xi if yi is not None: y = yi # Handle figure titles if self.figure._auto_format: _, colorbar_label = _axis_labels_title(Zs[0], units=True) _, title = _axis_labels_title(Zs[0], units=False) if title: kw['title'] = title if kw: self.format(**kw) # Enforce edges if name in ('pcolor', 'pcolormesh', 'pcolorfast'): xlen, ylen = x.shape[-1], y.shape[0] for Z in Zs: if Z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f'Input arrays must be 2D, instead got shape {Z.shape}.' ) elif Z.shape[1] == xlen and Z.shape[0] == ylen: # Get edges given centers if all(z.ndim == 1 and z.size > 1 and _is_number(z) for z in (x, y)): x = edges(x) y = edges(y) else: if ( x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] > 1 and x.shape[1] > 1 and _is_number(x) ): x = edges2d(x) if ( y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[0] > 1 and y.shape[1] > 1 and _is_number(y) ): y = edges2d(y) elif Z.shape[1] != xlen - 1 or Z.shape[0] != ylen - 1: raise ValueError( f'Input shapes x {x.shape} and y {y.shape} must match ' f'Z centers {Z.shape} or ' f'Z borders {tuple(i+1 for i in Z.shape)}.' ) # Enforce centers else: xlen, ylen = x.shape[-1], y.shape[0] for Z in Zs: if Z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f'Input arrays must be 2d, instead got shape {Z.shape}.' ) elif Z.shape[1] == xlen - 1 and Z.shape[0] == ylen - 1: # Get centers given edges. if all(z.ndim == 1 and z.size > 1 and _is_number(z) for z in (x, y)): x = (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2 y = (y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2 else: if ( x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] > 1 and x.shape[1] > 1 and _is_number(x) ): x = 0.25 * (x[:-1, :-1] + x[:-1, 1:] + x[1:, :-1] + x[1:, 1:]) if ( y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[0] > 1 and y.shape[1] > 1 and _is_number(y) ): y = 0.25 * (y[:-1, :-1] + y[:-1, 1:] + y[1:, :-1] + y[1:, 1:]) elif Z.shape[1] != xlen or Z.shape[0] != ylen: raise ValueError( f'Input shapes x {x.shape} and y {y.shape} ' f'must match Z centers {Z.shape} ' f'or Z borders {tuple(i+1 for i in Z.shape)}.' ) # Cartopy projection axes if ( getattr(self, 'name', '') == 'cartopy' and isinstance(kwargs.get('transform', None), PlateCarree) ): x, y = _standardize_latlon(x, y) ix, iZs = x, [] for Z in Zs: if globe and x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: # Fix holes over poles by *interpolating* there y, Z = _interp_poles(y, Z) # Fix seams by ensuring circular coverage. Unlike basemap, # cartopy can plot across map edges. if (x[0] % 360) != ((x[-1] + 360) % 360): ix = ma.concatenate((x, [x[0] + 360])) Z = ma.concatenate((Z, Z[:, :1]), axis=1) iZs.append(Z) x, Zs = ix, iZs # Basemap projection axes elif getattr(self, 'name', '') == 'basemap' and kwargs.get('latlon', None): # Fix grid xmin, xmax = self.projection.lonmin, self.projection.lonmax x, y = _standardize_latlon(x, y) ix, iZs = x, [] for Z in Zs: # Ensure data is within map bounds ix, Z = _enforce_bounds(x, Z, xmin, xmax) # Globe coverage fixes if globe and ix.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: # Fix holes over poles by interpolating there (equivalent to # simple mean of highest/lowest latitude points) y, Z = _interp_poles(y, Z) # Fix seams at map boundary; 3 scenarios here: # Have edges (e.g. for pcolor), and they fit perfectly against # basemap seams. Does not augment size. if ix[0] == xmin and ix.size - 1 == Z.shape[1]: pass # do nothing # Have edges (e.g. for pcolor), and the projection edge is # in-between grid cell boundaries. Augments size by 1. elif ix.size - 1 == Z.shape[1]: # just add grid cell ix = ma.append(xmin, ix) ix[-1] = xmin + 360 Z = ma.concatenate((Z[:, -1:], Z), axis=1) # Have centers (e.g. for contourf), and we need to interpolate # to left/right edges of the map boundary. Augments size by 2. elif ix.size == Z.shape[1]: xi = np.array([ix[-1], ix[0] + 360]) # x if xi[0] != xi[1]: Zq = ma.concatenate((Z[:, -1:], Z[:, :1]), axis=1) xq = xmin + 360 Zq = ( Zq[:, :1] * (xi[1] - xq) + Zq[:, 1:] * (xq - xi[0]) ) / (xi[1] - xi[0]) ix = ma.concatenate(([xmin], ix, [xmin + 360])) Z = ma.concatenate((Zq, Z, Zq), axis=1) else: raise ValueError( 'Unexpected shape of longitude/latitude/data arrays.' ) iZs.append(Z) x, Zs = ix, iZs # Convert to projection coordinates if x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) x, y = self.projection(x, y) kwargs['latlon'] = False # Finally return result # WARNING: Must apply default colorbar label *here* in case metadata # was stripped by globe=True. colorbar_kw = kwargs.pop('colorbar_kw', None) or {} colorbar_kw.setdefault('label', colorbar_label) return func(self, x, y, *Zs, colorbar_kw=colorbar_kw, **kwargs)
def _get_error_data( data, y, errdata=None, stds=None, pctiles=False, stds_default=None, pctiles_default=None, means_or_medians=True, absolute=False, ): """ Return values that can be passed to the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar` `xerr` and `yerr` keyword args. """ # Parse arguments # NOTE: Have to guard against "truth value of an array is ambiguous" errors if not isinstance(stds, ARRAY_TYPES): if stds in (1, True): stds = stds_default elif stds in (0, False): stds = None if not isinstance(pctiles, ARRAY_TYPES): if pctiles in (1, True): pctiles = pctiles_default elif pctiles in (0, False): pctiles = None # Incompatible settings if stds is not None and pctiles is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( 'You passed both a standard deviation range and a percentile range for ' 'drawing error indicators. Using the former.' ) pctiles = None if not means_or_medians and (stds is not None or pctiles is not None): raise ValueError( 'To automatically compute standard deviations or percentiles on columns ' 'of data you must pass means=True or medians=True.' ) if means_or_medians and errdata is not None: stds = pctiles = None warnings._warn_proplot( 'You explicitly provided the error bounds but also requested ' 'automatically calculating means or medians on data columns. ' 'It may make more sense to use the "stds" or "pctiles" keyword args ' 'and have *proplot* calculate the error bounds.' ) # Compute error data in format that can be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar() # NOTE: Include option to pass symmetric deviation from central points y = _to_ndarray(y) data = _to_ndarray(data) if errdata is not None: label = 'error range' err = _to_ndarray(errdata) if ( err.ndim not in (1, 2) or err.shape[-1] != y.shape[-1] or err.ndim == 2 and err.shape[0] != 2 ): raise ValueError( f'errdata must have shape (2, {y.shape[-1]}), but got {err.shape}.' ) if err.ndim == 1: abserr = err err = np.empty((2, err.size)) err[:, 0] = y - abserr # translated back to absolute deviations below err[:, 1] = y + abserr elif stds is not None: label = fr'{stds[1]}$\sigma$ range' err = y + np.std(data, axis=0)[None, :] * np.asarray(stds)[:, None] elif pctiles is not None: label = f'{pctiles[0]}-{pctiles[1]} percentile range' err = np.percentile(data, pctiles, axis=0) else: raise ValueError('You must provide error bounds.') if not absolute: err = err - y err[0, :] *= -1 # absolute deviations from central points # Return data with default legend entry return err, label def _deprecate_add_errorbars(func): """ Translate old-style keyword arguments to new-style in way that is too complex for _rename_kwargs. Use a decorator to avoid call signature pollution. """ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper( *args, bars=None, boxes=None, barstd=None, boxstd=None, barrange=None, boxrange=None, **kwargs ): for (prefix, b, std, span) in zip( ('bar', 'box'), (bars, boxes), (barstd, boxstd), (barrange, boxrange), ): if b is not None or std is not None or span is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Keyword args "{prefix}s", "{prefix}std", and "{prefix}range" ' 'are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. ' f'Please use "{prefix}stds" or "{prefix}pctiles" instead.' ) if span is None and b: # means 'use the default range' span = b if std: kwargs.setdefault(prefix + 'stds', span) else: kwargs.setdefault(prefix + 'pctiles', span) return func(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapper
[docs]@_deprecate_add_errorbars def indicate_error( self, func, *args, medians=False, means=False, boxdata=None, bardata=None, shadedata=None, fadedata=None, boxstds=None, barstds=None, shadestds=None, fadestds=None, boxpctiles=None, barpctiles=None, shadepctiles=None, fadepctiles=None, boxmarker=True, boxmarkercolor='white', boxcolor=None, barcolor=None, shadecolor=None, fadecolor=None, shadelabel=None, fadelabel=None, shadealpha=0.4, fadealpha=0.2, boxlinewidth=None, boxlw=None, barlinewidth=None, barlw=None, capsize=None, boxzorder=2.5, barzorder=2.5, shadezorder=1.5, fadezorder=1.5, **kwargs ): """ Adds support for drawing error bars and error shading on-the-fly. Includes options for interpreting columns of data as *samples*, representing the mean or median of each sample with lines, points, or bars, and drawing error bars representing percentile ranges or standard deviation multiples for each sample. Also supports specifying error bar data explicitly. Note ---- This function wraps the 1D plotting methods: {methods} Parameters ---------- *args The input data. means : bool, optional Whether to plot the means of each column in the input data. medians : bool, optional Whether to plot the medians of each column in the input data. barstds : (float, float) or bool, optional Standard deviation multiples for *thin error bars* with optional whiskers (i.e. caps). If ``True``, the default standard deviation multiples ``(-3, 3)`` are used. This argument is only valid if `means` or `medians` is ``True``. barpctiles : (float, float) or bool, optional As with `barstds`, but instead using *percentiles* for the error bars. The percentiles are calculated with `numpy.percentile`. If ``True``, the default percentiles ``(0, 100)`` are used. bardata : 2 x N array or 1D array, optional If shape is 2 x N these are the lower and upper bounds for the thin error bars. If array is 1D these are the absolute, symmetric deviations from the central points. This should be used if `means` and `medians` are both ``False`` (i.e. you did not provide dataset columns from which statistical properties can be calculated automatically). boxstds, boxpctiles, boxdata : optional As with `barstds`, `barpctiles`, and `bardata`, but for *thicker error bars* representing a smaller interval than thick error bars. If `boxstds` is ``True``, the default standard deviation multiples ``(-1, 1)`` are used. If `boxpctiles` is ``True``, the default percentile multiples ``(25, 75)`` (i.e. the interquartile range) are used. When boxes and bars are combined, this has the effect of drawing miniature box-and-whisker plots. shadestds, shadepctiles, shadedata : optional As with `barstds`, `barpctiles`, and `bardata`, but using *shading* to indicate the error range. If `shadestds` is ``True``, the default standard deviation multiples ``(-2, 2)`` are used. If `shadepctiles` is ``True``, the default percentile multiples ``(5, 95)`` are used. Shading is generally useful for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` plots and not `` plots. fadestds, fadepctiles, fadedata : optional As with `shadestds`, `shadepctiles`, and `shadedata`, but for an additional, more faded, *secondary* shaded region. barcolor, boxcolor, shadecolor, fadecolor : color-spec, optional Colors for the different error indicators. For error bars, the default is ``'k'``. For shading, the default behavior is to inherit color from the primary `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`. shadelabel, fadelabel : str, optional Labels for the shaded regions, to be used in legends. There is no option to change the "error bar" labels because error bars should not appear in a legend -- they should instead be described in the figure caption. barlinewidth, boxlinewidth, barlw, boxlw : float, optional Line widths for the thin and thick error bars, in points. The defaults are ``barlw=0.8`` and ``boxlw=4 * barlw``. boxmarker : bool, optional Whether to draw a small marker in the middle of the box denoting the mean or median position. Ignored if `boxes` is ``False``. Default is ``True``. boxmarkercolor : color-spec, optional Color for the `boxmarker` marker. Default is ``'w'``. capsize : float, optional The cap size for thin error bars in points. barzorder, boxzorder, shadezorder, fadezorder : float, optional The "zorder" for the thin error bars, thick error bars, and shading. Returns ------- h, err1, err2, ... The original plot object and the error bar or shading objects. """ name = func.__name__ x, data, *args = args x = _to_arraylike(x) data = _to_arraylike(data) # Get means or medians for plotting # NOTE: We can *only* use pctiles and stds if one of these was true # TODO: Add support for 3D arrays. y = data bars = any(_ is not None for _ in (barstds, barpctiles, bardata)) boxes = any(_ is not None for _ in (boxstds, boxpctiles, boxdata)) shading = any(_ is not None for _ in (shadestds, shadepctiles, shadedata)) fading = any(_ is not None for _ in (fadestds, fadepctiles, fadedata)) if means or medians: # Take means or medians while preserving metadata for legends # NOTE: Permit 3d array with error dimension coming first if not (bars or boxes or shading or fading): bars = boxes = True # toggle these on barstds = boxstds = True # error bars and boxes with default stdev ranges if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f'Need 2D data array for means=True or medians=True, ' f'got {data.ndim}D array.' ) keep = {} if DataArray is not ndarray and isinstance(data, DataArray): keep['keep_attrs'] = True if means: y = data.mean(axis=0, **keep) elif medians: if hasattr(data, 'quantile'): # DataFrame and DataArray y = data.quantile(0.5, axis=0, **keep) if Series is not ndarray and isinstance(y, Series): = '' # do not set name to quantile number else: y = np.percentile(data, 50, axis=0, **keep) if getattr(data, 'name', '') and not getattr(y, 'name', ''): = # copy DataFrame name to Series name # Infer width of error elements # NOTE: violinplot_wrapper passes some invalid keyword args with expectation # that indicate_error wrapper pops them and uses them for error bars. lw = None if name == 'bar': lw = _not_none(kwargs.get('linewidth', None), kwargs.get('lw', None)) elif name == 'violinplot': lw = _not_none(kwargs.pop('linewidth', None), kwargs.pop('lw', None)) lw = _not_none(lw, 0.8) barlw = _not_none(barlinewidth=barlinewidth, barlw=barlw, default=lw) boxlw = _not_none(boxlinewidth=boxlinewidth, boxlw=boxlw, default=4 * barlw) capsize = _not_none(capsize, 3.0) # Infer color for error bars edgecolor = None if name == 'bar': edgecolor = kwargs.get('edgecolor', None) elif name == 'violinplot': edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None) edgecolor = _not_none(edgecolor, 'k') barcolor = _not_none(barcolor, edgecolor) boxcolor = _not_none(boxcolor, barcolor) # Infer color for shading shadecolor_infer = shadecolor is None shadecolor = _not_none( shadecolor, kwargs.get('color', None), kwargs.get('facecolor', None), edgecolor ) fadecolor_infer = fadecolor is None fadecolor = _not_none(fadecolor, shadecolor) # Draw dark and light shading vert = kwargs.get('vert', kwargs.get('orientation', 'vertical') == 'vertical') axis = 'y' if vert else 'x' # yerr errargs = (x, y) if vert else (y, x) errobjs = [] means_or_medians = means or medians if fading: err, label = _get_error_data( data, y, fadedata, fadestds, fadepctiles, stds_default=(-3, 3), pctiles_default=(0, 100), absolute=True, means_or_medians=means_or_medians, ) errfunc = self.fill_between if vert else self.fill_betweenx errobj = errfunc( x, *err, linewidth=0, color=fadecolor, alpha=fadealpha, zorder=fadezorder, ) errobj.set_label(_not_none(fadelabel, label)) errobjs.append(errobj) if shading: err, label = _get_error_data( data, y, shadedata, shadestds, shadepctiles, stds_default=(-2, 2), pctiles_default=(10, 90), absolute=True, means_or_medians=means_or_medians, ) errfunc = self.fill_between if vert else self.fill_betweenx errobj = errfunc( x, *err, linewidth=0, color=shadecolor, alpha=shadealpha, zorder=shadezorder, ) errobj.set_label(_not_none(shadelabel, label)) errobjs.append(errobj) # Draw thin error bars and thick error boxes if boxes: err, label = _get_error_data( data, y, boxdata, boxstds, boxpctiles, stds_default=(-1, 1), pctiles_default=(25, 75), means_or_medians=means_or_medians, ) if boxmarker: self.scatter(*errargs, s=boxlw, marker='o', color=boxmarkercolor, zorder=5) errkw = {axis + 'err': err} errobj = self.errorbar( *errargs, color=boxcolor, linewidth=boxlw, linestyle='none', capsize=0, zorder=boxzorder, **errkw, ) errobjs.append(errobj) if bars: # now impossible to make thin bar width different from cap width! err, label = _get_error_data( data, y, bardata, barstds, barpctiles, stds_default=(-3, 3), pctiles_default=(0, 100), means_or_medians=means_or_medians, ) errkw = {axis + 'err': err} errobj = self.errorbar( *errargs, color=barcolor, linewidth=barlw, linestyle='none', markeredgecolor=barcolor, markeredgewidth=barlw, capsize=capsize, zorder=barzorder, **errkw ) errobjs.append(errobj) # Call main function # NOTE: Provide error objects for inclusion in legend, but *only* provide # the shading. Never want legend entries for error bars. xy = (x, data) if name == 'violinplot' else (x, y) kwargs.setdefault('errobjs', errobjs[:int(shading + fading)]) result = obj = func(self, *xy, *args, **kwargs) # Apply inferrred colors to objects if type(result) in (tuple, list): # avoid BarContainer obj = result[0] i = 0 for b, infer in zip((fading, shading), (fadecolor_infer, shadecolor_infer)): if b and infer: color = getattr( obj, 'get_facecolor', getattr(obj, 'get_color', lambda: None) )() if color is not None: errobjs[i].set_facecolor(color) i += 1 # Return objects # NOTE: This should not affect internal if errobjs: if type(result) in (tuple, list): # e.g. result of plot return (*result, *errobjs) else: return (result, *errobjs) else: return result
def _parametric_wrapper_private(self, func, *args, interp=0, **kwargs): """ Calls `~proplot.axes.Axes.parametric` and optionally interpolates values before they get passed to `cmap_changer` and the colormap boundaries are drawn. """ # Parse input arguments # WARNING: So far this only works for 1D *x* and *y* coordinates. # Cannot draw multiple colormap lines at once if len(args) == 3: x, y, values = args elif 'values' in kwargs: values = kwargs.pop('values') if len(args) == 1: y = np.asarray(args[0]) x = np.arange(y.shape[-1]) elif len(args) == 2: x, y = args else: raise ValueError(f'1 to 3 positional arguments required, got {len(args)}.') else: raise ValueError('Missing required keyword argument "values".') x, y, values = np.atleast_1d(x), np.atleast_1d(y), np.atleast_1d(values) if ( any(_.ndim != 1 for _ in (x, y, values)) or len({x.size, y.size, values.size}) > 1 ): raise ValueError( f'x {x.shape}, y {y.shape}, and values {values.shape} ' 'must be 1-dimensional and have the same size.' ) # Interpolate values to allow for smooth gradations between values # (interp=False) or color switchover halfway between points # (interp=True). Then optionally interpolate the colormap values. if interp > 0: xorig, yorig, vorig = x, y, values x, y, values = [], [], [] for j in range(xorig.shape[0] - 1): idx = slice(None) if j + 1 < xorig.shape[0] - 1: idx = slice(None, -1) x.extend(np.linspace(xorig[j], xorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) y.extend(np.linspace(yorig[j], yorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) values.extend(np.linspace(vorig[j], vorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) x, y, values = np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(values) # Call main function return func(self, x, y, values=values, **kwargs) def _plot_wrapper_private( self, func, *args, cmap=None, values=None, **kwargs ): """ Calls `~proplot.axes.Axes.parametric` in certain cases, but this behavior is now deprecated. """ if len(args) > 3: # e.g. with fmt string raise ValueError(f'Expected 1-3 positional args, got {len(args)}.') if cmap is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Drawing "parametric" plots with ax.plot(x, y, values=values, cmap=cmap) ' 'is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use ' 'ax.parametric(x, y, values, cmap=cmap) instead.' ) return self.parametric(*args, cmap=cmap, values=values, **kwargs) # Draw lines # Add sticky edges? No because there is no way to check whether "dependent variable" # is x or y axis like with area/areax and bar/barh. Better to always have margin. result = func(self, *args, values=values, **kwargs) # for objs in result: # if not isinstance(objs, tuple): # objs = (objs,) # for obj in objs: # xdata = obj.get_xdata() # obj.sticky_edges.x.extend((np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata))) return result
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def scatter_wrapper( self, func, *args, s=None, size=None, markersize=None, c=None, color=None, markercolor=None, smin=None, smax=None, cmap=None, cmap_kw=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, N=None, levels=None, values=None, symmetric=False, locator=None, locator_kw=None, lw=None, linewidth=None, linewidths=None, markeredgewidth=None, markeredgewidths=None, edgecolor=None, edgecolors=None, markeredgecolor=None, markeredgecolors=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds keyword arguments to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` that are more consistent with the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` keyword arguments and supports `cmap_changer` features. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} Parameters ---------- s, size, markersize : float or list of float, optional The marker size(s). The units are scaled by `smin` and `smax`. smin, smax : float, optional The minimum and maximum marker size in units points ** 2 used to scale the `s` array. If not provided, the marker sizes are equivalent to the values in the `s` array. c, color, markercolor : color-spec or list thereof, or array, optional The marker fill color(s). If this is an array of scalar values, the colors will be generated by passing the values through the `norm` normalizer and drawing from the `cmap` colormap. %(axes.cmap_changer)s lw, linewidth, linewidths, markeredgewidth, markeredgewidths : \ float or list thereof, optional The marker edge width. edgecolors, markeredgecolor, markeredgecolors : \ color-spec or list thereof, optional The marker edge color. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`. """ # Manage input arguments # NOTE: Parse 1d must come before this nargs = len(args) if len(args) > 4: raise ValueError(f'Expected 1-4 positional args, got {nargs}.') args = list(args) if len(args) == 4: c = args.pop(1) if len(args) == 3: s = args.pop(0) # Apply some aliases for keyword arguments c = _not_none(c=c, color=color, markercolor=markercolor) s = _not_none(s=s, size=size, markersize=markersize) lw = _not_none( lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth, linewidths=linewidths, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth, markeredgewidths=markeredgewidths, ) ec = _not_none( edgecolor=edgecolor, edgecolors=edgecolors, markeredgecolor=markeredgecolor, markeredgecolors=markeredgecolors, ) # Get colormap cmap_kw = cmap_kw or {} if cmap is not None: cmap = constructor.Colormap(cmap, **cmap_kw) # Get normalizer and levels # NOTE: If the length of the c array != ticks = None carray = np.atleast_1d(c) if ( np.issubdtype(carray.dtype, np.number) and not (carray.ndim == 2 and carray.shape[1] in (3, 4)) ): carray = carray.ravel() norm, cmap, _, ticks = _build_discrete_norm( carray, # sample data for getting suitable levels N=N, levels=levels, values=values, norm=norm, norm_kw=norm_kw, locator=locator, locator_kw=locator_kw, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extend='neither', symmetric=symmetric, ) # Fix 2D arguments but still support scatter(x_vector, y_2d) usage # NOTE: Since we are flattening vectors the coordinate metadata is meaningless, # so converting to ndarray and stripping metadata is no problem. # NOTE: numpy.ravel() preserves masked arrays if len(args) == 2 and all(np.asarray(arg).squeeze().ndim > 1 for arg in args): args = tuple(np.ravel(arg) for arg in args) # Scale s array if np.iterable(s) and (smin is not None or smax is not None): smin_true, smax_true = min(s), max(s) if smin is None: smin = smin_true if smax is None: smax = smax_true s = ( smin + (smax - smin) * (np.array(s) - smin_true) / (smax_true - smin_true) ) obj = func( self, *args, c=c, s=s, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, linewidths=lw, edgecolors=ec, **kwargs ) if ticks is not None: obj.ticks = ticks return obj
def _stem_wrapper_private( self, func, *args, linefmt=None, basefmt=None, markerfmt=None, **kwargs ): """ Make `use_line_collection` the default to suppress annoying warning message. """ # Set default colors # NOTE: 'fmt' strings can only be 2 to 3 characters and include color shorthands # like 'r' or cycle colors like 'C0'. Cannot use full color names. # NOTE: Matplotlib defaults try to make a 'reddish' color the base and 'bluish' # color the stems. To make this more robust we temporarily replace the cycler # with a negcolor/poscolor cycler, otherwise try to point default colors to the # blush 'C0' and reddish 'C1' from the new default 'colorblind' cycler. if not any( isinstance(fmt, str) and re.match(r'\AC[0-9]', fmt) for fmt in (linefmt, basefmt, markerfmt) ): cycle = constructor.Cycle((rc['negcolor'], rc['poscolor']), name='_neg_pos') context = rc.context({'axes.prop_cycle': cycle}) else: context = _dummy_context() # Add stem lines with bluish stem color and reddish base color with context: kwargs['linefmt'] = _not_none(linefmt, 'C0-') kwargs['basefmt'] = _not_none(basefmt, 'C1-') kwargs['markerfmt'] = _not_none(markerfmt, linefmt[:-1] + 'o') kwargs.setdefault('use_line_collection', True) try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: kwargs.pop('use_line_collection') # old version return func(self, *args, **kwargs) def _draw_lines( self, func, *args, negpos=False, negcolor=None, poscolor=None, **kwargs ): """ Parse lines arguments. Support automatic *x* coordinates and default "minima" at zero. """ # Parse positional arguments, use default "base" position of zero x = 'x' if func.__name__ == 'vlines' else 'y' y = 'y' if x == 'x' else 'x' args = list(args) if x in kwargs: args.insert(0, kwargs.pop(x)) for suffix in ('min', 'max'): key = y + suffix if key in kwargs: args.append(kwargs.pop(key)) if len(args) == 1: x = np.arange(len(np.atleast_1d(args[0]))) args.insert(0, x) if len(args) == 2: args.insert(1, 0.0) elif len(args) != 3: raise TypeError('lines() requires 1 to 3 positional arguments.') # Support "negative" and "positive" lines x, y1, y2 = args if negpos and kwargs.get('color', None) is None: y1 = _to_arraylike(y1) y2 = _to_arraylike(y2) y1array = _to_ndarray(y1) y2array = _to_ndarray(y2) # Negative colors mask = y2array >= y1array # positive y1neg = y1.copy() y2neg = y2.copy() if mask.size == 1: if mask.item(): y1neg = y2neg = np.nan else: if y1.size > 1: _to_indexer(y1neg)[mask] = np.nan if y2.size > 1: _to_indexer(y2neg)[mask] = np.nan color = _not_none(negcolor, rc['negcolor']) negobj = func(self, x, y1neg, y2neg, color=color, **kwargs) # Positive colors mask = y2array < y1array # negative y1pos = y1.copy() y2pos = y2.copy() if mask.size == 1: if mask.item(): y1pos = y2pos = np.nan else: if y1.size > 1: _to_indexer(y1pos)[mask] = np.nan if y2.size > 1: _to_indexer(y2pos)[mask] = np.nan color = _not_none(poscolor, rc['poscolor']) posobj = func(self, x, y1pos, y2pos, color=color, **kwargs) # Return both objects return (negobj, posobj) else: return func(self, x, y1, y2, **kwargs)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def hlines_wrapper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot horizontal lines with flexible positional arguments and optionally use different colors for "negative" and "positive" lines. Parameters ---------- %(axes.lines)s """ return _draw_lines(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def vlines_wrapper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot vertical lines with flexible positional arguments and optionally use different colors for "negative" and "positive" lines. Parameters ---------- %(axes.lines)s """ return _draw_lines(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
def _fill_between_apply( self, func, *args, negcolor=None, poscolor=None, negpos=False, lw=None, linewidth=None, **kwargs ): """ Helper function that powers `fill_between` and `fill_betweenx`. """ # Parse input arguments as follows: # * Permit using 'x', 'y1', and 'y2' or 'y', 'x1', and 'x2' as # keyword arguments. # * When negpos is True, instead of using fill_between(x, y1, y2=0) as default, # make the default fill_between(x, y1=0, y2). x = 'y' if 'x' in func.__name__ else 'x' y = 'x' if x == 'y' else 'y' args = list(args) if x in kwargs: # keyword 'x' args.insert(0, kwargs.pop(x)) if len(args) == 1: args.insert(0, np.arange(len(args[0]))) for yi in (y + '1', y + '2'): if yi in kwargs: # keyword 'y' args.append(kwargs.pop(yi)) if len(args) == 2: args.append(0) elif len(args) == 3: if kwargs.get('stacked', False): warnings._warn_proplot( f'{func.__name__} cannot have three positional arguments ' f'with negpos=True. Ignoring third argument.' ) else: raise ValueError(f'Expected 2-3 positional args, got {len(args)}.') # Modify default properties # Set default edge width for patches to zero kwargs['linewidth'] = _not_none(lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth, default=0) # Draw patches xv, y1, y2 = args xv = _to_arraylike(xv) y1 = _to_arraylike(y1) y2 = _to_arraylike(y2) if negpos and kwargs.get('color', None) is None: # Plot negative and positive patches name = func.__name__ message = name + ' argument {}={!r} is incompatible with negpos=True. Ignoring.' where = kwargs.pop('where', None) if where is not None: warnings._warn_proplot(message.format('where', where)) stacked = kwargs.pop('stacked', None) if stacked: warnings._warn_proplot(message.format('stacked', stacked)) kwargs.setdefault('interpolate', True) if np.asarray(y1).ndim > 1 or np.asarray(y2).ndim > 2: raise ValueError(f'{name} arguments with negpos=True must be 1D.') where1 = y1 < y2 where2 = y1 >= y2 negcolor = _not_none(negcolor, rc['negcolor']) poscolor = _not_none(poscolor, rc['poscolor']) obj1 = func(self, xv, y1, y2, where=where1, color=negcolor, **kwargs) obj2 = func(self, xv, y1, y2, where=where2, color=poscolor, **kwargs) result = objs = (obj1, obj2) # may be tuple of tuples due to cycle_changer else: # Plot basic patches result = func(self, xv, y1, y2, **kwargs) objs = (result,) # Add sticky edges in x-direction, and sticky edges in y-direction *only* # if one of the y limits is scalar. This should satisfy most users. xsides = (np.min(xv), np.max(xv)) ysides = [] if y1.size == 1: ysides.append(np.asarray(y1).item()) if y2.size == 1: ysides.append(np.asarray(y2).item()) for iobjs in objs: if not isinstance(iobjs, tuple): iobjs = (iobjs,) for obj in iobjs: getattr(obj.sticky_edges, x).extend(xsides) getattr(obj.sticky_edges, y).extend(ysides) return result
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def fill_between_wrapper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ %(axes.fill_between)s """ return _fill_between_apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def fill_betweenx_wrapper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ %(axes.fill_betweenx)s """ return _fill_between_apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def hist_wrapper(self, func, x, bins=None, **kwargs): """ Enforces that all arguments after `bins` are keyword-only and sets the Note ---- This function wraps {methods} """ kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 0) return func(self, x, bins=bins, **kwargs)
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def bar_wrapper( self, func, x=None, height=None, width=0.8, bottom=None, *, left=None, vert=None, orientation='vertical', stacked=False, lw=None, linewidth=0.7, edgecolor='black', negpos=False, negcolor=None, poscolor=None, **kwargs ): """ %( """ # Parse arguments # WARNING: Implementation is really weird... we flip around arguments for horizontal # plots only to flip them back in cycle_changer when iterating through columns. if vert is not None: orientation = 'vertical' if vert else 'horizontal' if orientation == 'horizontal': x, bottom = bottom, x width, height = height, width # Parse args # TODO: Stacked feature is implemented in `cycle_changer`, but makes more # sense do document here; figure out way to move it here? if left is not None: warnings._warn_proplot('bar() keyword "left" is deprecated. Use "x" instead.') x = left if x is None and height is None: raise ValueError('bar() requires at least 1 positional argument, got 0.') elif height is None: x, height = None, x args = (x, height) linewidth = _not_none(lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth) kwargs.update({ 'width': width, 'bottom': bottom, 'stacked': stacked, 'orientation': orientation, 'linewidth': linewidth, 'edgecolor': edgecolor, }) # Call func # NOTE: This *must* also be wrapped by cycle_changer, which ultimately # permutes back the x/bottom args for horizontal bars! Need to clean up. if negpos and kwargs.get('color', None) is None: # Draw negative and positive bars # NOTE: cycle_changer makes bar widths *relative* to step size between # x coordinates to cannot just omit data. Instead make some height nan. message = 'bar() argument {}={!r} is incompatible with negpos=True. Ignoring.' stacked = kwargs.pop('stacked', None) if stacked: warnings._warn_proplot(message.format('stacked', stacked)) height = np.asarray(height) if height.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('bar() heights with negpos=True must be 1D.') height1 = height.copy().astype(np.float64) height1[height >= 0] = np.nan height2 = height.copy().astype(np.float64) height2[height < 0] = np.nan negcolor = _not_none(negcolor, rc['negcolor']) poscolor = _not_none(poscolor, rc['poscolor']) obj1 = func(self, x, height1, color=negcolor, **kwargs) obj2 = func(self, x, height2, color=poscolor, **kwargs) result = (obj1, obj2) else: # Draw simple bars result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) return result
[docs]@docstring.add_snippets def barh_wrapper( self, func, y=None, right=None, width=None, left=None, height=None, **kwargs ): """ %(axes.barh)s """ # Converts y-->bottom, left-->x, width-->height, height-->width. # Convert back to (x, bottom, width, height) so we can pass stuff # through cycle_changer. # NOTE: ProPlot calls second positional argument 'right' so that 'width' # means the width of *bars*. # NOTE: You *must* do juggling of barh keyword order --> bar keyword order # --> barh keyword order, because horizontal hist passes arguments to bar # directly and will not use a 'barh' method with overridden argument order! func # avoid U100 error height = _not_none(height=height, width=width, default=0.8) kwargs.setdefault('orientation', 'horizontal') if y is None and width is None: raise ValueError('barh() requires at least 1 positional argument, got 0.') return, width=right, height=height, bottom=y, **kwargs)
[docs]def boxplot_wrapper( self, func, *args, color='k', fill=True, fillcolor=None, fillalpha=0.7, lw=None, linewidth=None, orientation=None, marker=None, markersize=None, boxcolor=None, boxlw=None, capcolor=None, caplw=None, meancolor=None, meanlw=None, mediancolor=None, medianlw=None, whiskercolor=None, whiskerlw=None, fliercolor=None, flierlw=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds convenient keyword arguments and changes the default boxplot style. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} Parameters ---------- *args : 1D or 2D ndarray The data array. color : color-spec, optional The color of all objects. fill : bool, optional Whether to fill the box with a color. fillcolor : color-spec, optional The fill color for the boxes. Default is the next color cycler color. fillalpha : float, optional The opacity of the boxes. Default is ``1``. lw, linewidth : float, optional The linewidth of all objects. orientation : {{None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'}}, optional Alternative to the native `vert` keyword arg. Controls orientation. marker : marker-spec, optional Marker style for the 'fliers', i.e. outliers. markersize : float, optional Marker size for the 'fliers', i.e. outliers. boxcolor, capcolor, meancolor, mediancolor, whiskercolor : \ color-spec, optional The color of various boxplot components. These are shorthands so you don't have to pass e.g. a ``boxprops`` dictionary. boxlw, caplw, meanlw, medianlw, whiskerlw : float, optional The line width of various boxplot components. These are shorthands so you don't have to pass e.g. a ``boxprops`` dictionary. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to the matplotlib plotting method. """ # Call function if len(args) > 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected 1-2 positional args, got {len(args)}.') if orientation is not None: if orientation == 'horizontal': kwargs['vert'] = False elif orientation != 'vertical': raise ValueError( 'Orientation must be "horizontal" or "vertical", ' f'got {orientation!r}.' ) obj = func(self, *args, **kwargs) if not args: return obj # Modify results # TODO: Pass props keyword args instead? Maybe does not matter. lw = _not_none(lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth, default=0.8) if fillcolor is None: cycler = next(self._get_lines.prop_cycler) fillcolor = cycler.get('color', None) for key, icolor, ilw in ( ('boxes', boxcolor, boxlw), ('caps', capcolor, caplw), ('whiskers', whiskercolor, whiskerlw), ('means', meancolor, meanlw), ('medians', mediancolor, medianlw), ('fliers', fliercolor, flierlw), ): if key not in obj: # possible if not rendered continue artists = obj[key] ilw = _not_none(ilw, lw) icolor = _not_none(icolor, color) for artist in artists: if icolor is not None: artist.set_color(icolor) artist.set_markeredgecolor(icolor) if ilw is not None: artist.set_linewidth(ilw) artist.set_markeredgewidth(ilw) if key == 'boxes' and fill: patch = mpatches.PathPatch( artist.get_path(), color=fillcolor, alpha=fillalpha, linewidth=0) self.add_artist(patch) if key == 'fliers': if marker is not None: artist.set_marker(marker) if markersize is not None: artist.set_markersize(markersize) return obj
[docs]def violinplot_wrapper( self, func, *args, lw=None, linewidth=None, fillcolor=None, edgecolor='black', fillalpha=0.7, orientation=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds convenient keyword arguments and changes the default violinplot style to match `this matplotlib example \ <>`__. It is also no longer possible to show minima and maxima with whiskers -- while this is useful for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot`\\ s it is redundant for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`\\ s. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} Parameters ---------- *args : 1D or 2D ndarray The data array. lw, linewidth : float, optional The linewidth of the line objects. Default is ``1``. edgecolor : color-spec, optional The edge color for the violin patches. Default is ``'black'``. fillcolor : color-spec, optional The violin plot fill color. Default is the next color cycler color. fillalpha : float, optional The opacity of the violins. Default is ``1``. orientation : {{None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'}}, optional Alternative to the native `vert` keyword arg. Controls orientation. boxrange, barrange : (float, float), optional Percentile ranges for the thick and thin central bars. The defaults are ``(25, 75)`` and ``(5, 95)``, respectively. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`. """ # Orientation and checks if len(args) > 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected 1-2 positional args, got {len(args)}.') if orientation is not None: if orientation == 'horizontal': kwargs['vert'] = False elif orientation != 'vertical': raise ValueError( 'Orientation must be "horizontal" or "vertical", ' f'got {orientation!r}.' ) # Sanitize input lw = _not_none(lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth, default=0.8) if kwargs.pop('showextrema', None): warnings._warn_proplot('Ignoring showextrema=True.') if 'showmeans' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('means', kwargs.pop('showmeans')) if 'showmedians' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('medians', kwargs.pop('showmedians')) kwargs.setdefault('capsize', 0) result = obj = func( self, *args, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, lw=lw, **kwargs ) if not args: return result # Modify body settings if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): obj = result[0] for artist in obj['bodies']: artist.set_alpha(fillalpha) artist.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) artist.set_linewidths(lw) if fillcolor is not None: artist.set_facecolor(fillcolor) return result
def _get_transform(self, transform): """ Translates user input transform. Also used in an axes method. """ try: from import CRS except ModuleNotFoundError: CRS = None cartopy = getattr(self, 'name', '') == 'cartopy' if ( isinstance(transform, mtransforms.Transform) or CRS and isinstance(transform, CRS) ): return transform elif transform == 'figure': return self.figure.transFigure elif transform == 'axes': return self.transAxes elif transform == 'data': return PlateCarree() if cartopy else self.transData elif cartopy and transform == 'map': return self.transData else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown transform {transform!r}.') def _update_text(self, props): """ Monkey patch that adds pseudo "border" properties to text objects without wrapping the entire class. We override update to facilitate updating inset titles. """ props = props.copy() # shallow copy border = props.pop('border', None) bordercolor = props.pop('bordercolor', 'w') borderinvert = props.pop('borderinvert', False) borderwidth = props.pop('borderwidth', 2) if border: facecolor, bgcolor = self.get_color(), bordercolor if borderinvert: facecolor, bgcolor = bgcolor, facecolor kwargs = { 'linewidth': borderwidth, 'foreground': bgcolor, 'joinstyle': 'miter' } self.update({ 'color': facecolor, 'path_effects': [mpatheffects.Stroke(**kwargs), mpatheffects.Normal()] }) return type(self).update(self, props)
[docs]def text_wrapper( self, func, x=0, y=0, text='', transform='data', family=None, fontfamily=None, fontname=None, fontsize=None, size=None, border=False, bordercolor='w', borderwidth=2, borderinvert=False, **kwargs ): """ Enables specifying `tranform` with a string name and adds a feature for drawing borders around text. Note ---- This function wraps {methods} Parameters ---------- x, y : float The *x* and *y* coordinates for the text. text : str The text string. transform : {{'data', 'axes', 'figure'}} or \ `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`, optional The transform used to interpret `x` and `y`. Can be a `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` object or a string representing the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`, `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.transAxes`, or `~matplotlib.figure.Figure.transFigure` transforms. Default is ``'data'``, i.e. the text is positioned in data coordinates. fontsize, size : float or str, optional The font size. If float, units are inches. If string, units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. fontname, fontfamily, family : str, optional The font name (e.g. ``'Fira Math'``) or font family name (e.g. ``'serif'``). Matplotlib falls back to the system default if not found. fontweight, weight, fontstyle, style, fontvariant, variant : str, optional Additional font properties. See `~matplotlib.text.Text` for details. border : bool, optional Whether to draw border around text. borderwidth : float, optional The width of the text border. Default is ``2`` points. bordercolor : color-spec, optional The color of the text border. Default is ``'w'``. borderinvert : bool, optional If ``True``, the text and border colors are swapped. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`. """ # Parse input args # NOTE: Previously issued warning if fontname did not match any of names # in ttflist but this would result in warning for e.g. family='sans-serif'. # Matplotlib font API makes it very difficult to inject warning in # correct place. Simpler to just # NOTE: Do not emit warning if user supplied conflicting properties # because matplotlib has like 100 conflicting text properties for which # it doesn't emit warnings. Prefer not to fix all of them. fontsize = _not_none(fontsize, size) fontfamily = _not_none(fontname, fontfamily, family) if fontsize is not None: try: rc._scale_font(fontsize) # *validate* but do not translate except KeyError: fontsize = units(fontsize, 'pt') kwargs['fontsize'] = fontsize if fontfamily is not None: kwargs['fontfamily'] = fontfamily if not transform: transform = self.transData else: transform = _get_transform(self, transform) # Apply monkey patch to text object # TODO: Why only support this here, and not in arbitrary places throughout # rest of matplotlib API? Units engine needs better implementation. obj = func(self, x, y, text, transform=transform, **kwargs) obj.update = _update_text.__get__(obj) obj.update({ 'border': border, 'bordercolor': bordercolor, 'borderinvert': borderinvert, 'borderwidth': borderwidth, }) return obj
[docs]def cycle_changer( self, func, *args, cycle=None, cycle_kw=None, label=None, labels=None, values=None, legend=None, legend_kw=None, colorbar=None, colorbar_kw=None, errobjs=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds features for controlling colors in the property cycler and drawing legends or colorbars in one go. Note ---- This function wraps every method that uses the property cycler: {methods} This wrapper also *standardizes acceptable input* -- these methods now all accept 2D arrays holding columns of data, and *x*-coordinates are always optional. Note this alters the behavior of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`, which now compile statistics on *columns* of data instead of *rows*. Parameters ---------- cycle : cycle-spec, optional The cycle specifer, passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Cycle` constructor. If the returned list of colors is unchanged from the current axes color cycler, the axes cycle will **not** be reset to the first position. cycle_kw : dict-like, optional Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Cycle`. label : float or str, optional The legend label to be used for this plotted element. labels, values : list of float or list of str, optional Used with 2D input arrays. The legend labels or colorbar coordinates for each column in the array. Can be numeric or string, and must match the number of columns in the 2D array. legend : bool, int, or str, optional If not ``None``, this is a location specifying where to draw an *inset* or *panel* legend from the resulting handle(s). If ``True``, the default location is used. Valid locations are described in `~proplot.axes.Axes.legend`. legend_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `legend` is ``None``. Extra keyword args for our call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.legend`. colorbar : bool, int, or str, optional If not ``None``, this is a location specifying where to draw an *inset* or *panel* colorbar from the resulting handle(s). If ``True``, the default location is used. Valid locations are described in `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`. colorbar_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `colorbar` is ``None``. Extra keyword args for our call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`. errobjs : `~matplotlib.artist.Artist` or list thereof, optional Error bar objects to add to the legend. This is used internally and should not be necessary for users. See `indicate_error`. Other parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Passed to the matplotlib plotting method. See also -------- standardize_1d proplot.constructor.Cycle proplot.constructor.Colors """ # Parse input args # NOTE: Requires standardize_1d wrapper before reaching this. Also note # that the 'x' coordinates are sometimes ignored below. name = func.__name__ if not args: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) x, y, *args = args ys = (y,) if len(args) >= 1 and name in ('fill_between', 'fill_betweenx'): ys, args = (y, args[0]), args[1:] barh = stacked = False if name in ('pie',): # add x coordinates as default pie chart labels kwargs['labels'] = _not_none(labels, x) # TODO: move to pie wrapper? if name in ('bar', 'fill_between', 'fill_betweenx'): stacked = kwargs.pop('stacked', False) if name in ('bar',): barh = kwargs.get('orientation', None) == 'horizontal' width = kwargs.pop('width', 0.8) # 'width' for bar *and* barh (see bar_wrapper) bottom = 'x' if barh else 'bottom' kwargs.setdefault(bottom, 0) # 'x' required even though 'y' isn't for bar plots cycle_kw = cycle_kw or {} legend_kw = legend_kw or {} colorbar_kw = colorbar_kw or {} # Determine and temporarily set cycler # NOTE: Axes cycle has no getter, only set_prop_cycle, which sets a # prop_cycler attribute on the hidden _get_lines and _get_patches_for_fill # objects. This is the only way to query current axes cycler! Should not # wrap set_prop_cycle because would get messy and fragile. # NOTE: The _get_lines cycler is an *itertools cycler*. Has no length, so # we must cycle over it with next(). We try calling next() the same number # of times as the length of input cycle. If the input cycle *is* in fact # the same, below does not reset the color position, cycles us to start! if cycle is not None or cycle_kw: # Get the new cycler cycle_args = () if cycle is None else (cycle,) if y.ndim > 1 and y.shape[1] > 1: # default samples count cycle_kw.setdefault('N', y.shape[1]) cycle = constructor.Cycle(*cycle_args, **cycle_kw) # Get the original property cycle # NOTE: Matplotlib saves itertools.cycle(cycler), not the original # cycler object, so we must build up the keys again. i = 0 by_key = {} cycle_orig = self._get_lines.prop_cycler for i in range(len(cycle)): # use the cycler object length as a guess prop = next(cycle_orig) for key, value in prop.items(): if key not in by_key: by_key[key] = set() if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): value = tuple(value) by_key[key].add(value) # Reset property cycler if it differs reset = set(by_key) != set(cycle.by_key()) if not reset: # test individual entries for key, value in cycle.by_key().items(): if by_key[key] != set(value): reset = True break if reset: self.set_prop_cycle(cycle) # Custom property cycler additions # NOTE: By default matplotlib uses _get_patches_for_fill.get_next_color # for scatter next scatter color, but cannot get anything else! We simultaneously # iterate through the _get_lines property cycler and apply relevant properties. apply_from_cycler = set() # which keys to apply from property cycler if name in ('scatter',): # Figure out which props should be updated prop_keys = set(self._get_lines._prop_keys) - {'color', 'linestyle', 'dashes'} for key, prop in ( ('markersize', 's'), ('linewidth', 'linewidths'), ('markeredgewidth', 'linewidths'), ('markeredgecolor', 'edgecolors'), ('alpha', 'alpha'), ('marker', 'marker'), ): prop = kwargs.get(prop, None) if key in prop_keys and prop is None: # if key in cycler and property unset apply_from_cycler.add(key) # Handle legend labels and # WARNING: Most methods that accept 2D arrays use columns of data, but when # pandas DataFrame passed to hist, boxplot, or violinplot, rows of data # assumed! This is fixed in parse_1d by converting to values. ncols = 1 labels = _not_none(values=values, labels=labels, label=label) if name in ('pie', 'boxplot', 'violinplot'): if labels is not None: kwargs['labels'] = labels else: ncols = 1 if y.ndim == 1 else y.shape[1] if labels is None or isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels] * ncols # Get step size for bar plots # WARNING: This will fail for non-numeric non-datetime64 singleton # datatypes but this is good enough for vast majority of most cases. if name in ('bar',): if not stacked: x_test = np.atleast_1d(_to_ndarray(x)) if len(x_test) >= 2: x_step = x_test[1:] - x_test[:-1] x_step = np.concatenate((x_step, x_step[-1:])) elif x_test.dtype == np.datetime64: x_step = np.timedelta64(1, 'D') else: x_step = np.array(0.5) if np.issubdtype(x_test.dtype, np.datetime64): # Avoid integer timedelta truncation x_step = x_step.astype('timedelta64[ns]') width = width * x_step / ncols key = 'height' if barh else 'width' kwargs[key] = width # Plot susccessive columns objs = [] label_leg_cbar = None # for colorbar or legend for i in range(ncols): # Prop cycle properties kw = kwargs.copy() if apply_from_cycler: props = next(self._get_lines.prop_cycler) for key in apply_from_cycler: value = props[key] if key in ('size', 'markersize'): key = 's' elif key in ('linewidth', 'markeredgewidth'): # translate key = 'linewidths' elif key == 'markeredgecolor': key = 'edgecolors' kw[key] = value # Get x coordinates for bar plot x_col, y_first = x, ys[0] # samples if name in ('bar',): # adjust if not stacked: offset = width * (i - 0.5 * (ncols - 1)) x_col = x + offset elif stacked and y_first.ndim > 1: key = 'x' if barh else 'bottom' kw[key] = _to_indexer(y_first)[:, :i].sum(axis=1) # Get y coordinates and labels if name in ('pie', 'boxplot', 'violinplot'): # Only ever have one y value, cannot have legend labs ys_col = (y_first,) else: # The coordinates # WARNING: If stacked=True then we always *ignore* second # argument passed to fill_between. Warning should be issued # by fill_between_wrapper in this case. if stacked and name in ('fill_between', 'fill_betweenx'): ys_col = tuple( y_first if y_first.ndim == 1 else _to_indexer(y_first)[:, :ii].sum(axis=1) for ii in (i, i + 1) ) else: ys_col = tuple( y_i if y_i.ndim == 1 else _to_indexer(y_i)[:, i] for y_i in ys ) # Possible legend labels # Several scenarios: # 1. Always prefer input labels # 2. Always add labels if this is a *named* dimension. # 3. Even if not *named* dimension add labels if labels are string if len(labels) != ncols: raise ValueError( f'Got {ncols} columns in data array, ' f'but {len(labels)} labels.' ) label = labels[i] # input labels labels_cols, label_leg_cbar = _axis_labels_title(y_first, axis=1) labels_cols = _to_ndarray(labels_cols) if label is None and ( label_leg_cbar or labels_cols.size and isinstance(labels_cols[i], str) ): label = labels_cols[i] if label is not None: kw['label'] = label # Build coordinate arguments x_ys_col = () if barh: # special case, use kwargs only! kw.update({'bottom': x_col, 'width': ys_col[0]}) elif name in ('pie', 'hist', 'boxplot', 'violinplot'): x_ys_col = ys_col else: # has x-coordinates, and maybe more than one y x_ys_col = (x_col, *ys_col) obj = func(self, *x_ys_col, *args, **kw) if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) and len(obj) == 1: obj = obj[0] objs.append(obj) # Add colorbar if colorbar: # Add handles loc = self._loc_translate(colorbar, 'colorbar', allow_manual=False) if loc not in self._auto_colorbar: self._auto_colorbar[loc] = ([], {}) self._auto_colorbar[loc][0].extend(objs) # Add keywords if loc != 'fill': colorbar_kw.setdefault('loc', loc) if label_leg_cbar: colorbar_kw.setdefault('label', label_leg_cbar) self._auto_colorbar[loc][1].update(colorbar_kw) # Add legend if legend: # Add handles and error objects loc = self._loc_translate(legend, 'legend', allow_manual=False) if loc not in self._auto_legend: self._auto_legend[loc] = ([], {}) self._auto_legend[loc][0].extend(objs) if type(errobjs) not in (list, tuple): errobjs = (errobjs,) self._auto_legend[loc][0].extend(obj for obj in errobjs if obj is not None) # Add keywords if loc != 'fill': legend_kw.setdefault('loc', loc) if label_leg_cbar: legend_kw.setdefault('label', label_leg_cbar) self._auto_legend[loc][1].update(legend_kw) # Return # WARNING: Make sure plot always returns tuple of objects, and bar always # returns singleton unless we have bulk drawn bar plots! Other matplotlib # methods call these internally and expect a certain output format! if name == 'plot': return tuple(objs) # always return tuple of objects elif name in ('boxplot', 'violinplot'): return objs[0] # always return singleton else: return objs[0] if y.ndim == 1 else tuple(objs)
def _build_discrete_norm( data=None, N=None, levels=None, values=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, locator=None, locator_kw=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extend='neither', symmetric=False, minlength=2, ): """ Build a `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` or `~proplot.colors.BoundaryNorm` from the input arguments. This automatically calculates "nice" level boundaries if they were not provided. Parameters ---------- data, vmin, vmax, levels, values Used to determine the level boundaries. norm, norm_kw Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Norm`. locator, locator_kw Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Locator`. minlength : int The minimum length for level lists. Returns ------- norm : `matplotlib.colors.Normalize` The normalizer. ticks : `numpy.ndarray` or `matplotlib.locator.Locator` The axis locator or the tick location candidates. """ # Parse flexible keyword args norm_kw = norm_kw or {} locator_kw = locator_kw or {} levels = _not_none( N=N, levels=levels, norm_kw_levels=norm_kw.pop('levels', None), default=rc['image.levels'] ) vmin = _not_none(vmin=vmin, norm_kw_vmin=norm_kw.pop('vmin', None)) vmax = _not_none(vmax=vmax, norm_kw_vmax=norm_kw.pop('vmax', None)) if norm == 'segments': # TODO: remove norm = 'segmented' # NOTE: Matplotlib colorbar algorithm *cannot* handle descending levels # so this function reverses them and adds special attribute to the # normalizer. Then colorbar_wrapper reads this attribute and flips the # axis and the colormap direction. # Check input levels and values for key, val in (('levels', levels), ('values', values)): if not np.iterable(val): continue if len(val) < minlength or len(val) >= 2 and any( np.sign(np.diff(val)) != np.sign(val[1] - val[0]) ): raise ValueError( f'{key!r} must be monotonically increasing or decreasing ' f'and at least length {minlength}, got {val}.' ) # Get level edges from level centers ticks = None if isinstance(values, Number): levels = np.atleast_1d(values)[0] + 1 elif np.iterable(values) and len(values) == 1: levels = [values[0] - 1, values[0] + 1] # weird but why not elif np.iterable(values) and len(values) > 1: # Try to generate levels such that a LinearSegmentedNorm will # place values ticks at the center of each colorbar level. # utils.edges works only for evenly spaced values arrays. # We solve for: (x1 + x2)/2 = y --> x2 = 2*y - x1 # with arbitrary starting point x1. We also start the algorithm # on the end with *smaller* differences. if norm is None or norm == 'segmented': reverse = abs(values[-1] - values[-2]) < abs(values[1] - values[0]) if reverse: values = values[::-1] levels = [values[0] - (values[1] - values[0]) / 2] for val in values: levels.append(2 * val - levels[-1]) if reverse: levels = levels[::-1] if any(np.sign(np.diff(levels)) != np.sign(levels[1] - levels[0])): levels = edges(values) # backup plan, weird tick locations # Generate levels by finding in-between points in the # normalized numeric space, e.g. LogNorm space. else: inorm = constructor.Norm(norm, **norm_kw) levels = inorm.inverse(edges(inorm(values))) elif values is not None: raise ValueError( f'Unexpected input values={values!r}. ' 'Must be integer or list of numbers.' ) # Get default normalizer # Only use LinearSegmentedNorm if necessary, because it is slow descending = False if np.iterable(levels): levels, descending = pcolors._check_levels(levels) if norm is None: norm = 'linear' if np.iterable(levels) and len(levels) > 2: steps = np.abs(np.diff(levels)) eps = np.mean(steps) / 1e3 if np.any(np.abs(np.diff(steps)) >= eps): norm = 'segmented' if norm == 'segmented': if not np.iterable(levels): norm = 'linear' # has same result else: norm_kw['levels'] = levels norm = constructor.Norm(norm, **norm_kw) # Use the locator to determine levels # Mostly copied from the hidden contour.ContourSet._autolev # NOTE: Subsequently, we *only* use the locator to determine ticks if # *levels* and *values* were not passed. if isinstance(norm, mcolors.BoundaryNorm): # Get levels from bounds # TODO: Test this feature? # NOTE: No warning because we get here internally? levels = norm.boundaries elif np.iterable(values): # Prefer ticks in center ticks = np.asarray(values) elif np.iterable(levels): # Prefer ticks on level edges ticks = np.asarray(levels) else: # Determine levels automatically N = levels if locator is not None: locator = constructor.Locator(locator, **locator_kw) ticks = locator elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.LogNorm): locator = mticker.LogLocator(**locator_kw) ticks = locator elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.SymLogNorm): locator_kw.setdefault('linthresh', norm.linthresh) locator = mticker.SymmetricalLogLocator(**locator_kw) ticks = locator else: locator_kw.setdefault('symmetric', symmetric) locator = mticker.MaxNLocator(N, min_n_ticks=1, **locator_kw) # Get locations automin = vmin is None automax = vmax is None if automin or automax: data = ma.masked_invalid(data, copy=False) if automin: vmin = float(data.min()) if automax: vmax = float(data.max()) if vmin == vmax or ma.is_masked(vmin) or ma.is_masked(vmax): vmin, vmax = 0, 1 try: levels = locator.tick_values(vmin, vmax) except RuntimeError: # too-many-ticks error levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, N) # TODO: _autolev used N+1 # Trim excess levels the locator may have supplied # NOTE: This part is mostly copied from _autolev if not locator_kw.get('symmetric', None): i0, i1 = 0, len(levels) # defaults under, = np.where(levels < vmin) if len(under): i0 = under[-1] if not automin or extend in ('min', 'both'): i0 += 1 # permit out-of-bounds data over, = np.where(levels > vmax) if len(over): i1 = over[0] + 1 if len(over) else len(levels) if not automax or extend in ('max', 'both'): i1 -= 1 # permit out-of-bounds data if i1 - i0 < 3: i0, i1 = 0, len(levels) # revert levels = levels[i0:i1] # Compare the no. of levels we *got* (levels) to what we *wanted* (N) # If we wanted more than 2 times the result, then add nn - 1 extra # levels in-between the returned levels *in normalized space*. # Example: A LogNorm gives too few levels, so we select extra levels # here, but use the locator for determining tick locations. nn = N // len(levels) if nn >= 2: olevels = norm(levels) nlevels = [] for i in range(len(levels) - 1): l1, l2 = olevels[i], olevels[i + 1] nlevels.extend(np.linspace(l1, l2, nn + 1)[:-1]) nlevels.append(olevels[-1]) levels = norm.inverse(nlevels) # Use auto-generated levels for ticks if still None if ticks is None: ticks = levels # Generate DiscreteNorm and update "child" norm with vmin and vmax from # levels. This lets the colorbar set tick locations properly! if not isinstance(norm, mcolors.BoundaryNorm): if getattr(cmap, '_cyclic', None): bin_kw = {'step': 0.5, 'extend': 'both'} # omit end colors else: bin_kw = {'extend': extend} norm = pcolors.DiscreteNorm( levels, norm=norm, descending=descending, **bin_kw ) if descending: cmap = cmap.reversed() return norm, cmap, levels, ticks
[docs]@warnings._rename_kwargs(centers='values') @docstring.add_snippets def cmap_changer( self, func, *args, extend='neither', cmap=None, cmap_kw=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, N=None, levels=None, values=None, symmetric=False, locator=None, locator_kw=None, edgefix=None, labels=False, labels_kw=None, fmt=None, precision=2, colorbar=False, colorbar_kw=None, lw=None, linewidth=None, linewidths=None, ls=None, linestyle=None, linestyles=None, color=None, colors=None, edgecolor=None, edgecolors=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds several new keyword args and features for specifying the colormap, levels, and normalizers. Uses the `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` normalizer to bin data into discrete color levels (see notes). Note ---- This function wraps every method that take a `cmap` argument: {methods} Parameters ---------- extend : {{'neither', 'min', 'max', 'both'}}, optional Where to assign unique colors to out-of-bounds data and draw "extensions" (triangles, by default) on the colorbar. %(axes.cmap_changer)s edgefix : bool, optional Whether to fix the the `white-lines-between-filled-contours \ <>`__ and `white-lines-between-pcolor-rectangles \ <>`__ issues. This slows down figure rendering by a bit. Default is :rc:`image.edgefix`. labels : bool, optional For `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour`, whether to add contour labels with `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.clabel`. For `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`, whether to add labels to the center of grid boxes. In the latter case, the text will be black when the luminance of the underlying grid box color is >50%%, and white otherwise. labels_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `labels` is ``False``. Extra keyword args for the labels. For `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour`, passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.clabel`. For `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`, passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`. fmt : format-spec, optional Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Norm` constructor, used to format number labels. You can also use the `precision` keyword arg. precision : int, optional Maximum number of decimal places for the number labels. Number labels are generated with the `~proplot.ticker.SimpleFormatter` formatter, which allows us to limit the precision. colorbar : bool, int, or str, optional If not ``None``, this is a location specifying where to draw an *inset* or *panel* colorbar from the resulting mappable. If ``True``, the default location is used. Valid locations are described in `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`. colorbar_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `colorbar` is ``None``. Extra keyword args for our call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`. Other parameters ---------------- lw, linewidth, linewidths The width of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` lines and `~proplot.axes.Axes.parametric` lines. Also the width of lines *between* `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` boxes, `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh` boxes, and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` filled contours. ls, linestyle, linestyles As above, but for the line style. color, colors, edgecolor, edgecolors As above, but for the line color. For `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` plots, if you provide `colors` without specifying the `linewidths` or `linestyles`, this argument is used to manually specify the *fill colors*. See the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` documentation for details. *args, **kwargs Passed to the matplotlib plotting method. See also -------- standardize_2d proplot.constructor.Colormap proplot.constructor.Norm proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm Note ---- The `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` normalizer, used with all colormap plots, makes sure that your levels always span the full range of colors in the colormap, whether `extend` is set to ``'min'``, ``'max'``, ``'neither'``, or ``'both'``. By default, when `extend` is not ``'both'``, matplotlib seems to just cut off the most intense colors (reserved for coloring "out of bounds" data), even though they are not being used. This could also be done by limiting the number of colors in the colormap lookup table by selecting a smaller ``N`` (see `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`). Instead, we prefer to always build colormaps with high resolution lookup tables, and leave it to the `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance to handle discretization of the color selections. """ name = func.__name__ if not args: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Mutable inputs cmap_kw = cmap_kw or {} norm_kw = norm_kw or {} labels_kw = labels_kw or {} locator_kw = locator_kw or {} colorbar_kw = colorbar_kw or {} # Flexible user input Z_sample = args[-1] edgefix = _not_none(edgefix, rc['image.edgefix']) linewidths = _not_none(lw=lw, linewidth=linewidth, linewidths=linewidths) linestyles = _not_none(ls=ls, linestyle=linestyle, linestyles=linestyles) colors = _not_none( color=color, colors=colors, edgecolor=edgecolor, edgecolors=edgecolors, ) # Get colormap, but do not use cmap when 'colors' are passed to contour() # or to contourf() -- the latter only when 'linewidths' and 'linestyles' # are also *not* passed. This wrapper lets us add "edges" to contourf # plots by calling contour() after contourf() if 'linewidths' or # 'linestyles' are explicitly passed, but do not want to disable the # native matplotlib feature for manually coloring filled contours. # add_contours = ( name in ('contourf', 'tricontourf') and (linewidths is not None or linestyles is not None) ) no_cmap = colors is not None and ( name in ('contour', 'tricontour') or name in ('contourf', 'tricontourf') and not add_contours ) if no_cmap: if cmap is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring input colormap cmap={cmap!r}, using input colors ' f'colors={colors!r} instead.' ) cmap = None if name in ('contourf', 'tricontourf'): kwargs['colors'] = colors # this was not done above colors = None else: cmap = constructor.Colormap( _not_none(cmap, rc['image.cmap']), **cmap_kw ) if getattr(cmap, '_cyclic', None) and extend != 'neither': warnings._warn_proplot( f'Cyclic colormap requires extend="neither". ' f'Overriding user input extend={extend!r}.' ) extend = 'neither' # Translate standardized keyword arguments back into the keyword args # accepted by native matplotlib methods. Also disable edgefix if user want # to customize the "edges". ignore = [] style_kw = STYLE_ARGS_TRANSLATE.get(name, None) for key, value in ( ('colors', colors), ('linewidths', linewidths), ('linestyles', linestyles) ): if add_contours or value is None: continue if not style_kw: # no known conversion table ignore.append(key) continue edgefix = False # disable edgefix when specifying borders! kwargs[style_kw[key]] = value if ignore: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring keyword arguments for {name!r}: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, ignore)) + '.' ) # Build colormap normalizer and update keyword args # NOTE: Standard algorithm for obtaining default levels does not work # for hexbin, because it colors *counts*, not data values! ticks = None if cmap is not None and name not in ('hexbin',): norm, cmap, levels, ticks = _build_discrete_norm( Z_sample, # sample data for getting suitable levels N=N, levels=levels, values=values, norm=norm, norm_kw=norm_kw, locator=locator, locator_kw=locator_kw, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extend=extend, symmetric=symmetric, minlength=(1 if name in ('contour', 'tricontour') else 2), ) if not no_cmap: kwargs['cmap'] = cmap if norm is not None: kwargs['norm'] = norm if name in ('contour', 'contourf', 'tricontour', 'tricontourf'): kwargs['levels'] = levels kwargs['extend'] = extend if name in ('parametric',): kwargs['values'] = values # Call function, possibly twice to add 'edges' to contourf plot obj = func(self, *args, **kwargs) obj.extend = extend # normally 'extend' is just for contour/contourf if ticks is not None: obj.ticks = ticks # a Locator or ndarray used for controlling ticks if add_contours: colors = _not_none(colors, 'k') self.contour( *args, levels=levels, linewidths=linewidths, linestyles=linestyles, colors=colors ) # Apply labels # TODO: Add quiverkey to this! if labels: # Formatting for labels fmt = _not_none(labels_kw.pop('fmt', None), fmt, 'simple') fmt = constructor.Formatter(fmt, precision=precision) # Use clabel method if name in ('contour', 'contourf', 'tricontour', 'tricontourf'): cobj = obj colors = None if name in ('contourf', 'tricontourf'): lums = [to_xyz(cmap(norm(level)), 'hcl')[2] for level in levels] cobj = self.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0) colors = ['w' if lum < 50 else 'k' for lum in lums] text_kw = {} for key in (*labels_kw,): # allow dict to change size if key not in ( 'levels', 'fontsize', 'colors', 'inline', 'inline_spacing', 'manual', 'rightside_up', 'use_clabeltext', ): text_kw[key] = labels_kw.pop(key) labels_kw.setdefault('colors', colors) labels_kw.setdefault('inline_spacing', 3) labels_kw.setdefault('fontsize', rc['text.labelsize']) labs = cobj.clabel(fmt=fmt, **labels_kw) for lab in labs: lab.update(text_kw) # Label each box manually # See: elif name in ('pcolor', 'pcolormesh', 'pcolorfast'): # Populate the _facecolors attribute, which is initially filled # with just a single color obj.update_scalarmappable() # Get text positions and colors labels_kw_ = {'size': rc['text.labelsize'], 'ha': 'center', 'va': 'center'} labels_kw_.update(labels_kw) array = obj.get_array() paths = obj.get_paths() colors = np.asarray(obj.get_facecolors()) edgecolors = np.asarray(obj.get_edgecolors()) if len(colors) == 1: # weird flex but okay colors = np.repeat(colors, len(array), axis=0) if len(edgecolors) == 1: edgecolors = np.repeat(edgecolors, len(array), axis=0) for i, (color, path, num) in enumerate(zip(colors, paths, array)): if not np.isfinite(num): edgecolors[i, :] = 0 continue bbox = path.get_extents() x = (bbox.xmin + bbox.xmax) / 2 y = (bbox.ymin + bbox.ymax) / 2 if 'color' not in labels_kw: _, _, lum = to_xyz(color, 'hcl') if lum < 50: color = 'w' else: color = 'k' labels_kw_['color'] = color self.text(x, y, fmt(num), **labels_kw_) obj.set_edgecolors(edgecolors) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Not possible to add labels to {name!r} plot.') # Fix white lines between filled contours/mesh, allow user to override! # 0.4pt is thick enough to hide lines but thin enough to not add "dots" in # corner of pcolor plots. *Never* use this when colormap has opacity. # See: if edgefix and name in ( 'pcolor', 'pcolormesh', 'pcolorfast', 'tripcolor', 'contourf', 'tricontourf' ): cmap = obj.get_cmap() if not cmap._isinit: cmap._init() if all(cmap._lut[:-1, 3] == 1): # skip for cmaps with transparency if name in ('pcolor', 'pcolormesh', 'pcolorfast', 'tripcolor'): obj.set_edgecolor('face') obj.set_linewidth(0.4) else: for contour in obj.collections: contour.set_edgecolor('face') contour.set_linewidth(0.4) contour.set_linestyle('-') # Optionally add colorbar if colorbar: loc = self._loc_translate(colorbar, 'colorbar', allow_manual=False) if 'label' not in colorbar_kw and self.figure._auto_format: _, label = _axis_labels_title(Z_sample) # last one is data, we assume if label: colorbar_kw.setdefault('label', label) if name in ('parametric',) and values is not None: colorbar_kw.setdefault('values', values) if loc != 'fill': colorbar_kw.setdefault('loc', loc) self.colorbar(obj, **colorbar_kw) return obj
[docs]def legend_wrapper( self, handles=None, labels=None, *, ncol=None, ncols=None, center=None, order='C', loc=None, label=None, title=None, fontsize=None, fontweight=None, fontcolor=None, color=None, marker=None, lw=None, linewidth=None, dashes=None, linestyle=None, markersize=None, frameon=None, frame=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds useful features for controlling legends, including "centered-row" legends. Note ---- This function wraps `proplot.axes.Axes.legend` and `proplot.figure.Figure.legend`. Parameters ---------- handles : list of `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`, optional List of artists instances, or list of lists of artist instances (see the `center` keyword). If ``None``, the artists are retrieved with `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.get_legend_handles_labels`. labels : list of str, optional Matching list of string labels, or list of lists of string labels (see the `center` keywod). If ``None``, the labels are retrieved by calling `~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_label` on each `~matplotlib.artist.Artist` in `handles`. ncol, ncols : int, optional The number of columns. `ncols` is an alias, added for consistency with `~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether legend handles are drawn in row-major (``'C'``) or column-major (``'F'``) order. Analagous to `numpy.array` ordering. For some reason ``'F'`` was the original matplotlib default. Default is ``'C'``. center : bool, optional Whether to center each legend row individually. If ``True``, we actually draw successive single-row legends stacked on top of each other. If ``None``, we infer this setting from `handles`. Default is ``True`` if `handles` is a list of lists; each sublist is used as a *row* in the legend. Otherwise, default is ``False``. loc : int or str, optional The legend location. The following location keys are valid: ================== ================================================ Location Valid keys ================== ================================================ "best" possible ``0``, ``'best'``, ``'b'``, ``'i'``, ``'inset'`` upper right ``1``, ``'upper right'``, ``'ur'`` upper left ``2``, ``'upper left'``, ``'ul'`` lower left ``3``, ``'lower left'``, ``'ll'`` lower right ``4``, ``'lower right'``, ``'lr'`` center left ``5``, ``'center left'``, ``'cl'`` center right ``6``, ``'center right'``, ``'cr'`` lower center ``7``, ``'lower center'``, ``'lc'`` upper center ``8``, ``'upper center'``, ``'uc'`` center ``9``, ``'center'``, ``'c'`` ================== ================================================ label, title : str, optional The legend title. The `label` keyword is also accepted, for consistency with `colorbar`. fontsize, fontweight, fontcolor : optional The font size, weight, and color for legend text. color, lw, linewidth, marker, linestyle, dashes, markersize : \ property-spec, optional Properties used to override the legend handles. For example, if you want a legend that describes variations in line style ignoring variations in color, you might want to use ``color='k'``. For now this does not include `facecolor`, `edgecolor`, and `alpha`, because `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` uses these keyword args to modify the frame properties. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`. """ # Parse input args # TODO: Legend entries for colormap or scatterplot objects! Idea is we # pass a scatter plot or contourf or whatever, and legend is generated by # drawing patch rectangles or markers using data values and their # corresponding cmap colors! For scatterplots just test get_facecolor() # to see if it contains more than one color. # TODO: It is *also* often desirable to label a colormap object with # one data value. Maybe add a legend option for the *number of samples* # or the *sample points* when drawing legends for colormap objects. # Look into "legend handlers", might just want to add own handlers by # passing handler_map to legend() and get_legend_handles_labels(). if order not in ('F', 'C'): raise ValueError( f'Invalid order {order!r}. Choose from ' '"C" (row-major, default) and "F" (column-major).' ) ncol = _not_none(ncols=ncols, ncol=ncol) title = _not_none(label=label, title=title) frameon = _not_none( frame=frame, frameon=frameon, default=rc['legend.frameon'] ) if not np.iterable(handles): # e.g. a mappable object handles = [handles] if labels is not None and (not np.iterable(labels) or isinstance(labels, str)): # noqa: E501 labels = [labels] if title is not None: kwargs['title'] = title if frameon is not None: kwargs['frameon'] = frameon if fontsize is not None: kwargs['fontsize'] = rc._scale_font(fontsize) # Text properties that have to be set after-the-fact kw_text = {} if fontcolor is not None: kw_text['color'] = fontcolor if fontweight is not None: kw_text['weight'] = fontweight # Get axes for legend handle detection # TODO: Update this when no longer use "filled panels" for outer legends axs = [self] if self._panel_hidden: if self._panel_parent: # axes panel axs = list(self._iter_axes(hidden=False, children=True)) else: axs = list(self.figure._iter_axes(hidden=False, children=True)) # Handle list of lists (centered row legends) list_of_lists = not any(hasattr(handle, 'get_label') for handle in handles) if ( handles is not None and labels is not None and len(handles) != len(labels) ): raise ValueError( f'Got {len(handles)} handles and {len(labels)} labels.' ) if list_of_lists: if any(not np.iterable(_) for _ in handles): raise ValueError(f'Invalid handles={handles!r}.') if not labels: labels = [None] * len(handles) elif not all( np.iterable(_) and not isinstance(_, str) for _ in labels ): raise ValueError( f'Invalid labels={labels!r} for handles={handles!r}.' ) # Parse handles and legends with native matplotlib parser if not list_of_lists: if isinstance(handles, np.ndarray): handles = handles.tolist() if isinstance(labels, np.ndarray): labels = labels.tolist() handles, labels, *_ = mlegend._parse_legend_args( axs, handles=handles, labels=labels, ) pairs = list(zip(handles, labels)) else: pairs = [] for ihandles, ilabels in zip(handles, labels): if isinstance(ihandles, np.ndarray): ihandles = ihandles.tolist() if isinstance(ilabels, np.ndarray): ilabels = ilabels.tolist() ihandles, ilabels, *_ = mlegend._parse_legend_args( axs, handles=ihandles, labels=ilabels, ) pairs.append(list(zip(handles, labels))) # Manage pairs in context of 'center' option center = _not_none(center, list_of_lists) if not center and list_of_lists: # standardize format based on input list_of_lists = False # no longer is list of lists pairs = [pair for ipairs in pairs for pair in ipairs] elif center and not list_of_lists: list_of_lists = True ncol = _not_none(ncol, 3) pairs = [ pairs[i * ncol:(i + 1) * ncol] for i in range(len(pairs)) ] # to list of iterables ncol = None if list_of_lists: # remove empty lists, pops up in some examples pairs = [ipairs for ipairs in pairs if ipairs] # Individual legend legs = [] width, height = self.get_size_inches() if not center: # Optionally change order # See: # Example: If 5 columns, but final row length 3, columns 0-2 have # N rows but 3-4 have N-1 rows. ncol = _not_none(ncol, 3) if order == 'C': split = [ # split into rows pairs[i * ncol:(i + 1) * ncol] for i in range(len(pairs) // ncol + 1) ] nrowsmax = len(split) # max possible row count nfinalrow = len(split[-1]) # columns in final row nrows = ( [nrowsmax] * nfinalrow + [nrowsmax - 1] * (ncol - nfinalrow) ) fpairs = [] for col, nrow in enumerate(nrows): # iterate through cols fpairs.extend(split[row][col] for row in range(nrow)) pairs = fpairs # Draw legend leg = mlegend.Legend(self, *zip(*pairs), ncol=ncol, loc=loc, **kwargs) legs = [leg] # Legend with centered rows, accomplished by drawing separate legends for # each row. The label spacing/border spacing will be exactly replicated. else: # Message when overriding some properties overridden = [] kwargs.pop('frameon', None) # then add back later! for override in ('bbox_transform', 'bbox_to_anchor'): prop = kwargs.pop(override, None) if prop is not None: overridden.append(override) if ncol is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Detected list of *lists* of legend handles. ' 'Ignoring user input property "ncol".' ) if overridden: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Ignoring user input properties ' + ', '.join(map(repr, overridden)) + ' for centered-row legend.' ) # Determine space we want sub-legend to occupy as fraction of height # NOTE: Empirical testing shows spacing fudge factor necessary to # exactly replicate the spacing of standard aligned legends. fontsize = kwargs.get('fontsize', None) or rc['legend.fontsize'] fontsize = rc._scale_font(fontsize) spacing = kwargs.get('labelspacing', None) or rc['legend.labelspacing'] interval = 1 / len(pairs) # split up axes interval = (((1 + spacing * 0.85) * fontsize) / 72) / height # Iterate and draw # NOTE: We confine possible bounding box in *y*-direction, but do not # confine it in *x*-direction. Matplotlib will automatically move # left-to-right if you request this. ymin, ymax = None, None if order == 'F': raise NotImplementedError( 'When center=True, ProPlot vertically stacks successive ' 'single-row legends. Column-major (order="F") ordering ' 'is un-supported.' ) loc = _not_none(loc, 'upper center') if not isinstance(loc, str): raise ValueError( f'Invalid location {loc!r} for legend with center=True. ' 'Must be a location *string*.' ) elif loc == 'best': warnings._warn_proplot( 'For centered-row legends, cannot use "best" location. ' 'Using "upper center" instead.' ) # Iterate through sublists for i, ipairs in enumerate(pairs): if i == 1: kwargs.pop('title', None) if i >= 1 and title is not None: i += 1 # extra space! # Legend position if 'upper' in loc: y1 = 1 - (i + 1) * interval y2 = 1 - i * interval elif 'lower' in loc: y1 = (len(pairs) + i - 2) * interval y2 = (len(pairs) + i - 1) * interval else: # center y1 = 0.5 + interval * len(pairs) / 2 - (i + 1) * interval y2 = 0.5 + interval * len(pairs) / 2 - i * interval ymin = min(y1, _not_none(ymin, y1)) ymax = max(y2, _not_none(ymax, y2)) # Draw legend bbox = mtransforms.Bbox([[0, y1], [1, y2]]) leg = mlegend.Legend( self, *zip(*ipairs), loc=loc, ncol=len(ipairs), bbox_transform=self.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=bbox, frameon=False, **kwargs ) legs.append(leg) # Add legends manually so matplotlib does not remove old ones # Also apply override settings kw_handle = {} outline = rc.fill( { 'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth', 'edgecolor': 'axes.edgecolor', 'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor', 'alpha': 'legend.framealpha', } ) for key in (*outline,): if key != 'linewidth': if kwargs.get(key, None): outline.pop(key, None) for key, value in ( ('color', color), ('marker', marker), ('linewidth', lw), ('linewidth', linewidth), ('markersize', markersize), ('linestyle', linestyle), ('dashes', dashes), ): if value is not None: kw_handle[key] = value for leg in legs: self.add_artist(leg) leg.legendPatch.update(outline) # or get_frame() for obj in leg.legendHandles: if isinstance(obj, martist.Artist): obj.update(kw_handle) for obj in leg.get_texts(): if isinstance(obj, martist.Artist): obj.update(kw_text) # Draw manual fancy bounding box for un-aligned legend # WARNING: The matplotlib legendPatch transform is the default transform, # i.e. universal coordinates in points. Means we have to transform # mutation scale into transAxes sizes. # WARNING: Tempting to use legendPatch for everything but for some reason # coordinates are messed up. In some tests all coordinates were just result # of get window extent multiplied by 2 (???). Anyway actual box is found in # _legend_box attribute, which is accessed by get_window_extent. if center and frameon: if len(legs) == 1: legs[0].set_frame_on(True) # easy! else: # Get coordinates renderer = self.figure._get_renderer() bboxs = [leg.get_window_extent(renderer).transformed( self.transAxes.inverted()) for leg in legs] xmin, xmax = min(bbox.xmin for bbox in bboxs), max( bbox.xmax for bbox in bboxs) ymin, ymax = min(bbox.ymin for bbox in bboxs), max( bbox.ymax for bbox in bboxs) fontsize = (fontsize / 72) / width # axes relative units fontsize = renderer.points_to_pixels(fontsize) # Draw and format patch patch = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch( (xmin, ymin), xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, snap=True, zorder=4.5, mutation_scale=fontsize, transform=self.transAxes) if kwargs.get('fancybox', rc['legend.fancybox']): patch.set_boxstyle('round', pad=0, rounding_size=0.2) else: patch.set_boxstyle('square', pad=0) patch.set_clip_on(False) patch.update(outline) self.add_artist(patch) # Add shadow # TODO: This does not work, figure out if kwargs.get('shadow', rc['legend.shadow']): shadow = mpatches.Shadow(patch, 20, -20) self.add_artist(shadow) # Add patch to list legs = (patch, *legs) # Append attributes and return, and set clip property!!! This is critical # for tight bounding box calcs! for leg in legs: leg.set_clip_on(False) return legs[0] if len(legs) == 1 else (*legs,)
[docs]def colorbar_wrapper( self, mappable, values=None, extend=None, extendsize=None, title=None, label=None, grid=None, tickminor=None, reverse=False, tickloc=None, ticklocation=None, locator=None, ticks=None, maxn=None, maxn_minor=None, minorlocator=None, minorticks=None, locator_kw=None, minorlocator_kw=None, formatter=None, ticklabels=None, formatter_kw=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, # normalizer to use when passing colors/lines orientation='horizontal', edgecolor=None, linewidth=None, labelsize=None, labelweight=None, labelcolor=None, ticklabelsize=None, ticklabelweight=None, ticklabelcolor=None, **kwargs ): """ Adds useful features for controlling colorbars. Note ---- This function wraps `proplot.axes.Axes.legend` and `proplot.figure.Figure.legend`. Parameters ---------- mappable : mappable, list of plot handles, list of color-spec, \ or colormap-spec There are four options here: 1. A mappable object. Basically, any object with a ``get_cmap`` method, like the objects returned by `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. 2. A list of "plot handles". Basically, any object with a ``get_color`` method, like `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances. A colormap will be generated from the colors of these objects, and colorbar levels will be selected using `values`. If `values` is ``None``, we try to infer them by converting the handle labels returned by `~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_label` to `float`. Otherwise, it is set to ``np.linspace(0, 1, len(mappable))``. 3. A list of hex strings, color string names, or RGB tuples. A colormap will be generated from these colors, and colorbar levels will be selected using `values`. If `values` is ``None``, it is set to ``np.linspace(0, 1, len(mappable))``. 4. A `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance. In this case, a colorbar will be drawn using this colormap and with levels determined by `values`. If `values` is ``None``, it is set to ``np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N)``. values : list of float, optional Ignored if `mappable` is a mappable object. This maps each color or plot handle in the `mappable` list to numeric values, from which a colormap and normalizer are constructed. norm : normalizer spec, optional Ignored if `values` is ``None``. The normalizer for converting `values` to colormap colors. Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Norm`. norm_kw : dict-like, optional The normalizer settings. Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Norm`. extend : {None, 'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional Direction for drawing colorbar "extensions" (i.e. references to out-of-bounds data with a unique color). These are triangles by default. If ``None``, we try to use the ``extend`` attribute on the mappable object. If the attribute is unavailable, we use ``'neither'``. extendsize : float or str, optional The length of the colorbar "extensions" in *physical units*. If float, units are inches. If string, units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`colorbar.insetextend` for inset colorbars and :rc:`colorbar.extend` for outer colorbars. reverse : bool, optional Whether to reverse the direction of the colorbar. tickloc, ticklocation : {'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'}, optional Where to draw tick marks on the colorbar. tickminor : bool, optional Whether to add minor ticks to the colorbar with `~matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase.minorticks_on`. label, title : str, optional The colorbar label. The `title` keyword is also accepted for consistency with `legend`. grid : bool, optional Whether to draw "gridlines" between each level of the colorbar. Default is :rc:`colorbar.grid`. locator, ticks : locator spec, optional Used to determine the colorbar tick positions. Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Locator` constructor. maxn : int, optional Used if `locator` is ``None``. Determines the maximum number of levels that are ticked. Default depends on the colorbar length relative to the font size. The keyword name "maxn" is meant to mimic the `~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator` class name. locator_kw : dict-like, optional The locator settings. Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Locator`. minorlocator, minorticks, maxn_minor, minorlocator_kw As with `locator`, `maxn`, and `locator_kw`, but for the minor ticks. formatter, ticklabels : formatter spec, optional The tick label format. Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Formatter` constructor. formatter_kw : dict-like, optional The formatter settings. Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Formatter`. edgecolor, linewidth : optional The edge color and line width for the colorbar outline. labelsize, labelweight, labelcolor : optional The font size, weight, and color for colorbar label text. ticklabelsize, ticklabelweight, ticklabelcolor : optional The font size, weight, and color for colorbar tick labels. orientation : {{'horizontal', 'vertical'}}, optional The colorbar orientation. You should not have to explicitly set this. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`. """ # NOTE: There is a weird problem with colorbars when simultaneously # passing levels and norm object to a mappable; fixed by passing vmin/vmax # instead of levels. (see: # NOTE: Often want levels instead of vmin/vmax, while simultaneously # using a Normalize (for example) to determine colors between the levels # (see: Workaround makes # sure locators are in vmin/vmax range exclusively; cannot match values. # NOTE: In legend_wrapper() we try to add to the objects accepted by # legend() using handler_map. We can't really do anything similar for # colorbars; input must just be insnace of mixin class cm.ScalarMappable # Mutable args norm_kw = norm_kw or {} formatter_kw = formatter_kw or {} locator_kw = locator_kw or {} minorlocator_kw = minorlocator_kw or {} # Parse input args label = _not_none(title=title, label=label) locator = _not_none(ticks=ticks, locator=locator) minorlocator = _not_none(minorticks=minorticks, minorlocator=minorlocator) ticklocation = _not_none(tickloc=tickloc, ticklocation=ticklocation) formatter = _not_none(ticklabels=ticklabels, formatter=formatter, default='auto') # Colorbar kwargs # WARNING: PathCollection scatter objects have an extend method! # WARNING: Matplotlib 3.3 deprecated 'extend' parameter passed to colorbar() # but *also* fails to read 'extend' parameter when added to a pcolor mappable! # Need to figure out workaround! grid = _not_none(grid, rc['colorbar.grid']) if extend is None: if isinstance(getattr(mappable, 'extend', None), str): extend = mappable.extend or 'neither' else: extend = 'neither' kwargs.update({ 'cax': self, 'use_gridspec': True, 'orientation': orientation, 'spacing': 'uniform', 'extend': extend, }) kwargs.setdefault('drawedges', grid) # Text property keyword args kw_label = {} if labelsize is not None: kw_label['size'] = labelsize if labelweight is not None: kw_label['weight'] = labelweight if labelcolor is not None: kw_label['color'] = labelcolor kw_ticklabels = {} if ticklabelsize is not None: kw_ticklabels['size'] = ticklabelsize if ticklabelweight is not None: kw_ticklabels['weight'] = ticklabelweight if ticklabelcolor is not None: kw_ticklabels['color'] = ticklabelcolor # Special case where auto colorbar is generated from 1d methods, a list is # always passed, but some 1d methods (scatter) do have colormaps. if ( np.iterable(mappable) and len(mappable) == 1 and hasattr(mappable[0], 'get_cmap') ): mappable = mappable[0] # For container objects, we just assume color is the same for every item. # Works for ErrorbarContainer, StemContainer, BarContainer. if ( np.iterable(mappable) and len(mappable) > 0 and all(isinstance(obj, mcontainer.Container) for obj in mappable) ): mappable = [obj[0] for obj in mappable] # Test if we were given a mappable, or iterable of stuff; note Container # and PolyCollection matplotlib classes are iterable. cmap = None if not isinstance(mappable, (martist.Artist, mcontour.ContourSet)): # Any colormap spec, including a list of colors, colormap name, or # colormap instance. if isinstance(mappable, mcolors.Colormap): # NOTE: 'Values' makes no sense if this is just a colormap. Just # use unique color for every segmentdata / colors color. cmap = mappable values = np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N) # List of colors elif np.iterable(mappable) and all( isinstance(obj, str) or (np.iterable(obj) and len(obj) in (3, 4)) for obj in mappable ): colors = list(mappable) cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(colors, '_no_name') if values is None: values = np.arange(len(colors)) locator = _not_none(locator, values) # tick *all* values by default # List of artists elif np.iterable(mappable) and all( hasattr(obj, 'get_color') or hasattr(obj, 'get_facecolor') for obj in mappable ): # Generate colormap from colors colors = [] for obj in mappable: if hasattr(obj, 'get_color'): color = obj.get_color() else: color = obj.get_facecolor() if isinstance(color, np.ndarray): color = color.squeeze() # e.g. scatter plot if color.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( 'Cannot make colorbar from list of artists ' f'with more than one color: {color!r}.' ) colors.append(to_rgb(color)) cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(colors, '_no_name') # Try to infer values from labels if values is None: values = [] for obj in mappable: val = obj.get_label() try: val = float(val) except ValueError: values = np.arange(len(colors)) break values.append(val) locator = _not_none(locator, values) # tick *all* values by default else: raise ValueError( 'Input mappable must be a matplotlib artist, ' 'list of objects, list of colors, or colormap. ' f'Got {mappable!r}.' ) # Build ad hoc ScalarMappable object from colors if cmap is not None: if np.iterable(mappable) and len(values) != len(mappable): raise ValueError( f'Passed {len(values)} values, but only {len(mappable)} ' f'objects or colors.' ) norm, *_ = _build_discrete_norm( values=values, extend='neither', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, norm_kw=norm_kw, ) mappable = mcm.ScalarMappable(norm, cmap) # Try to get tick locations from *levels* or from *values* rather than # random points along the axis. # NOTE: Do not necessarily want e.g. minor tick locations at logminor # for LogNorm! In _build_discrete_norm we sometimes select evenly spaced # levels in log-space *between* powers of 10, so logminor ticks would be # misaligned with levels. if locator is None: locator = getattr(mappable, 'ticks', None) if locator is None: # This should only happen if user calls plotting method on native # matplotlib axes. if isinstance(norm, mcolors.LogNorm): locator = 'log' elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.SymLogNorm): locator = 'symlog' locator_kw.setdefault('linthresh', norm.linthresh) else: locator = 'auto' elif not isinstance(locator, mticker.Locator): # Get default maxn, try to allot 2em squares per label maybe? # NOTE: Cannot use Axes.get_size_inches because this is a # native matplotlib axes width, height = self.figure.get_size_inches() if orientation == 'horizontal': scale = 3 # em squares alotted for labels length = width * abs(self.get_position().width) fontsize = kw_ticklabels.get('size', rc['xtick.labelsize']) else: scale = 1 length = height * abs(self.get_position().height) fontsize = kw_ticklabels.get('size', rc['ytick.labelsize']) fontsize = rc._scale_font(fontsize) maxn = _not_none(maxn, int(length / (scale * fontsize / 72))) maxn_minor = _not_none( maxn_minor, int(length / (0.5 * fontsize / 72)) ) # Get locator if tickminor and minorlocator is None: step = 1 + len(locator) // max(1, maxn_minor) minorlocator = locator[::step] step = 1 + len(locator) // max(1, maxn) locator = locator[::step] # Get extend triangles in physical units width, height = self.figure.get_size_inches() if orientation == 'horizontal': scale = width * abs(self.get_position().width) else: scale = height * abs(self.get_position().height) extendsize = units(_not_none(extendsize, rc['colorbar.extend'])) extendsize = extendsize / (scale - 2 * extendsize) # Draw the colorbar locator = constructor.Locator(locator, **locator_kw) formatter = constructor.Formatter(formatter, **formatter_kw) kwargs.update({ 'ticks': locator, 'format': formatter, 'ticklocation': ticklocation, 'extendfrac': extendsize }) mappable.extend = extend # matplotlib >=3.3 cb = self.figure.colorbar(mappable, **kwargs) axis = self.xaxis if orientation == 'horizontal' else self.yaxis # The minor locator # TODO: Document the improved minor locator functionality! # NOTE: Colorbar._use_auto_colorbar_locator() is never True because we use # the custom DiscreteNorm normalizer. Colorbar._ticks() always called. if minorlocator is None: if tickminor: cb.minorticks_on() else: cb.minorticks_off() elif not hasattr(cb, '_ticker'): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Matplotlib colorbar API has changed. ' f'Cannot use custom minor tick locator {minorlocator!r}.' ) cb.minorticks_on() # at least turn them on else: # Set the minor ticks just like matplotlib internally sets the # major ticks. Private API is the only way! minorlocator = constructor.Locator(minorlocator, **minorlocator_kw) ticks, *_ = cb._ticker(minorlocator, mticker.NullFormatter()) axis.set_ticks(ticks, minor=True) axis.set_ticklabels([], minor=True) # Label and tick label settings # WARNING: Must use colorbar set_label to set text, calling set_text on # the axis will do nothing! if label is not None: cb.set_label(label) axis.label.update(kw_label) for obj in axis.get_ticklabels(): obj.update(kw_ticklabels) # Ticks xy = axis.axis_name for which in ('minor', 'major'): kw = rc.category(xy + 'tick.' + which) kw.pop('visible', None) if edgecolor: kw['color'] = edgecolor if linewidth: kw['width'] = linewidth axis.set_tick_params(which=which, **kw) axis.set_ticks_position(ticklocation) # Fix alpha-blending issues. # Cannot set edgecolor to 'face' if alpha non-zero because blending will # occur, will get colored lines instead of white ones. Need manual blending # NOTE: For some reason cb solids uses listed colormap with always 1.0 # alpha, then alpha is applied after. # See: cmap = cb.cmap if not cmap._isinit: cmap._init() if any(cmap._lut[:-1, 3] < 1): warnings._warn_proplot( f'Using manual alpha-blending for {!r} colorbar solids.' ) # Generate "secret" copy of the colormap! lut = cmap._lut.copy() cmap = mcolors.Colormap('_cbar_fix', N=cmap.N) cmap._isinit = True cmap._init = lambda: None # Manually fill lookup table with alpha-blended RGB colors! for i in range(lut.shape[0] - 1): alpha = lut[i, 3] lut[i, :3] = (1 - alpha) * 1 + alpha * lut[i, :3] # blend *white* lut[i, 3] = 1 cmap._lut = lut # Update colorbar cb.cmap = cmap cb.draw_all() # Fix colorbar outline kw_outline = { 'edgecolor': _not_none(edgecolor, rc['axes.edgecolor']), 'linewidth': _not_none(linewidth, rc['axes.linewidth']), } if cb.outline is not None: cb.outline.update(kw_outline) if cb.dividers is not None: cb.dividers.update(kw_outline) # *Never* rasterize because it causes misalignment with border lines if cb.solids: cb.solids.set_rasterized(False) cb.solids.set_linewidth(0.4) cb.solids.set_edgecolor('face') # Invert the axis if descending DiscreteNorm norm = mappable.norm if getattr(norm, '_descending', None): axis.set_inverted(True) if reverse: # potentially double reverse, although that would be weird... axis.set_inverted(True) return cb
def _basemap_redirect(func): """ Docorator that calls the basemap version of the function of the same name. This must be applied as the innermost decorator. """ name = func.__name__ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if getattr(self, 'name', '') == 'basemap': return getattr(self.projection, name)(*args, ax=self, **kwargs) else: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) _wrapper.__doc__ = None return _wrapper def _basemap_norecurse(func): """ Decorator to prevent recursion in basemap method overrides. See `this post`__. """ name = func.__name__ func._called_from_basemap = False @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if func._called_from_basemap: result = getattr(maxes.Axes, name)(self, *args, **kwargs) else: with _set_state(func, _called_from_basemap=True): result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) return result return _wrapper def _generate_decorator(driver): """ Generate generic wrapper decorator and dynamically modify the docstring to list methods wrapped by this function. Also set `__doc__` to ``None`` so that ProPlot fork of automodapi doesn't add these methods to the website documentation. Users can still call help(ax.method) because python looks for superclass method docstrings if a docstring is empty. """ driver._docstring_orig = driver.__doc__ or '' driver._methods_wrapped = [] proplot_methods = ('parametric', 'heatmap', 'area', 'areax') def decorator(func): # Define wrapper and suppress documentation # We only document wrapper functions, not the methods they wrap @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): return driver(self, func, *args, **kwargs) name = func.__name__ if name not in proplot_methods: _wrapper.__doc__ = None # List wrapped methods in the driver function docstring # Prevents us from having to both explicitly apply decorators in # and explicitly list functions *again* in this file docstring = driver._docstring_orig if '{methods}' in docstring: if name in proplot_methods: link = f'`~proplot.axes.Axes.{name}`' else: link = f'`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.{name}`' methods = driver._methods_wrapped if link not in methods: methods.append(link) string = ( ', '.join(methods[:-1]) + ',' * int(len(methods) > 2) # Oxford comma bitches + ' and ' * int(len(methods) > 1) + methods[-1]) driver.__doc__ = docstring.format(methods=string) return _wrapper return decorator # Auto generated decorators. Each wrapper internally calls func(self, ...) somewhere. _bar_wrapper = _generate_decorator(bar_wrapper) _barh_wrapper = _generate_decorator(barh_wrapper) _default_latlon = _generate_decorator(default_latlon) _boxplot_wrapper = _generate_decorator(boxplot_wrapper) _default_transform = _generate_decorator(default_transform) _cmap_changer = _generate_decorator(cmap_changer) _cycle_changer = _generate_decorator(cycle_changer) _fill_between_wrapper = _generate_decorator(fill_between_wrapper) _fill_betweenx_wrapper = _generate_decorator(fill_betweenx_wrapper) _hist_wrapper = _generate_decorator(hist_wrapper) _hlines_wrapper = _generate_decorator(hlines_wrapper) _indicate_error = _generate_decorator(indicate_error) _parametric_wrapper = _generate_decorator(_parametric_wrapper_private) _plot_wrapper = _generate_decorator(_plot_wrapper_private) _scatter_wrapper = _generate_decorator(scatter_wrapper) _standardize_1d = _generate_decorator(standardize_1d) _standardize_2d = _generate_decorator(standardize_2d) _stem_wrapper = _generate_decorator(_stem_wrapper_private) _text_wrapper = _generate_decorator(text_wrapper) _violinplot_wrapper = _generate_decorator(violinplot_wrapper) _vlines_wrapper = _generate_decorator(vlines_wrapper)