
standardize_2d(self, func, *args, order='C', globe=False, **kwargs)[source]

Interpret positional arguments for the “2D” plotting methods so usage is consistent. This also optionally modifies the x axis label, y axis label, title, and axis ticks if a DataArray, DataFrame, or Series is passed.

Positional arguments are standardized as follows:

  • If x and y or latitude and longitude coordinates were not provided, and a DataFrame or DataArray is passed, we try to infer them from the metadata. Otherwise, np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) and np.arange(0, data.shape[1]) are used.

  • For pcolor and pcolormesh, coordinate edges are calculated if centers were provided. For all other methods, coordinate centers are calculated if edges were provided.

  • order ({‘C’, ‘F’}, optional) – If 'C', arrays should be shaped as (y, x). If 'F', arrays should be shaped as (x, y). Default is 'C'.

  • globe (bool, optional) – Whether to ensure global coverage for GeoAxes plots. Default is False. When set to True this does the following:

    1. Interpolates input data to the North and South poles by setting the data values at the poles to the mean from latitudes nearest each pole.

    2. Makes meridional coverage “circular”, i.e. the last longitude coordinate equals the first longitude coordinate plus 360°.

    3. For BasemapAxes, 1D longitude vectors are also cycled to fit within the map edges. For example, if the projection central longitude is 90°, the data is shifted so that it spans -90° to 270°.

See also



This function wraps the 2D plotting methods: contour, contourf, pcolor, pcolormesh, pcolorfast, quiver, streamplot, and barbs