Source code for proplot.styletools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Tools for registering and visualizing colormaps, color cycles, color string
names, and fonts. New colormap classes, new colormap normalizer
classes, and new constructor functions for generating instances of these
classes. Related utilities for manipulating colors. See
:ref:`Colormaps`, :ref:`Color cycles`, and :ref:`Colors and fonts`
for details.
# Potential bottleneck, loading all this stuff?  *No*. Try using @timer on
# register functions, turns out worst is colormap one at 0.1 seconds.
import os
import re
import json
import glob
import cycler
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from numbers import Number, Integral
from matplotlib import rcParams
import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import as mcm
from .utils import _warn_proplot, _notNone, _timer
from .external import hsluv
__all__ = [
    'BinNorm', 'CmapDict', 'ColorDict',
    'MidpointNorm', 'PerceptuallyUniformColormap',
    'cmaps', 'colors', 'cycles', 'fonts',
    'register_cmaps', 'register_colors', 'register_cycles', 'register_fonts',
    'saturate', 'shade', 'show_cmaps', 'show_channels',
    'show_colors', 'show_colorspaces', 'show_cycles', 'show_fonts',
    'to_rgb', 'to_xyz',
    'Colormap', 'Colors', 'Cycle', 'Norm',

# Colormap stuff
    'Matplotlib originals': (
        'default', 'classic',
    'Matplotlib stylesheets': (
        'colorblind', 'colorblind10', 'ggplot', 'bmh', 'solarized', '538',
    'ColorBrewer2.0 qualitative': (
        'Accent', 'Dark2',
        'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2',
        'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3',
    'Other qualitative': (
        'FlatUI', 'Qual1', 'Qual2', 'Viz',
    'ProPlot originals': (
        'Cool', 'Warm', 'Hot',
        'Floral', 'Contrast', 'Sharp',
    # Assorted origin, but these belong together
    'Grayscale': (
        'Grays', 'Mono', 'GrayCycle',
    # Builtin
    'Matplotlib originals': (
        'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'cividis',
        'twilight', 'twilight_shifted',
    # seaborn
    'Seaborn originals': (
        'Rocket', 'Mako', 'IceFire', 'Vlag',
    # PerceptuallyUniformColormap
    'ProPlot sequential': (
        'Sunrise', 'Sunset',
    'ProPlot diverging': (
        'Div', 'NegPos', 'DryWet',
    # cmOcean
    'cmOcean sequential': (
        'Oxy', 'Thermal', 'Dense', 'Ice', 'Haline',
        'Deep', 'Algae', 'Tempo', 'Speed', 'Turbid', 'Solar', 'Matter',
        'Amp', 'Phase',
    'cmOcean diverging': (
        'Balance', 'Delta', 'Curl',
    # ColorBrewer
    'ColorBrewer2.0 sequential': (
        'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds',
        'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'OrRd', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'BuPu',
        'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'BuGn', 'GnBu', 'YlGnBu', 'YlGn'
    'ColorBrewer2.0 diverging': (
        'Spectral', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGY',
        'RdBu', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn',
    # Nice diverging maps
    'Other diverging': (
        'ColdHot', 'CoolWarm', 'BR',
    # SciVisColor
    'SciVisColor blues': (
        'Blue0', 'Blue1', 'Blue2', 'Blue3', 'Blue4', 'Blue5',
        'Blue6', 'Blue7', 'Blue8', 'Blue9', 'Blue10', 'Blue11',
    'SciVisColor greens': (
        'Green1', 'Green2', 'Green3', 'Green4', 'Green5',
        'Green6', 'Green7', 'Green8',
    'SciVisColor oranges': (
        'Orange1', 'Orange2', 'Orange3', 'Orange4', 'Orange5',
        'Orange6', 'Orange7', 'Orange8',
    'SciVisColor browns': (
        'Brown1', 'Brown2', 'Brown3', 'Brown4', 'Brown5',
        'Brown6', 'Brown7', 'Brown8', 'Brown9',
    'SciVisColor reds and purples': (
        'RedPurple1', 'RedPurple2', 'RedPurple3', 'RedPurple4',
        'RedPurple5', 'RedPurple6', 'RedPurple7', 'RedPurple8',
    # Builtin maps that will be deleted; categories are taken from comments in
    # matplotlib source code. Some of these are really bad, some are segmented
    # maps when the should be color cycles, and some are just uninspiring.
    'MATLAB': (
        'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'autumn', 'flag', 'prism',
        'jet', 'hsv', 'hot', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter', 'pink', 'gray',
    'GNUplot': (
        'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'ocean', 'afmhot', 'rainbow',
    'GIST': (
        'gist_earth', 'gist_gray', 'gist_heat', 'gist_ncar',
        'gist_rainbow', 'gist_stern', 'gist_yarg',
    'Other': (
        'binary', 'bwr', 'brg',  # appear to be custom matplotlib
        'cubehelix', 'Wistia', 'CMRmap',  # individually released
        'seismic', 'terrain', 'nipy_spectral',  # origin ambiguous
        'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c',  # merged colormap cycles
    (key1.lower(), key2.lower()) for key1, key2 in (
        ('PiYG', 'GYPi'),
        ('PRGn', 'GnRP'),
        ('BrBG', 'GBBr'),
        ('PuOr', 'OrPu'),
        ('RdGy', 'GyRd'),
        ('RdBu', 'BuRd'),
        ('RdYlBu', 'BuYlRd'),
        ('RdYlGn', 'GnYlRd'),
        ('BR', 'RB'),
        ('CoolWarm', 'WarmCool'),
        ('ColdHot', 'HotCold'),
        ('NegPos', 'PosNeg'),
        ('DryWet', 'WetDry')

# Named color filter props
COLORS_SPACE = 'hcl'  # color "distincness" is defined with this space
COLORS_THRESH = 0.10  # bigger number equals fewer colors
COLORS_TRANSLATIONS = tuple((re.compile(regex), sub) for regex, sub in (
    ('/', ' '),
    ('\'s', ''),
    (r'\s?majesty', ''),  # purple mountains majesty is too long
    ('reddish', 'red'),  # remove 'ish'
    ('purplish', 'purple'),
    ('bluish', 'blue'),
    (r'ish\b', ''),
    ('grey', 'gray'),
    ('pinky', 'pink'),
    ('greeny', 'green'),
    ('bluey', 'blue'),
    ('purply', 'purple'),
    ('purpley', 'purple'),
    ('yellowy', 'yellow'),
    ('robin egg', 'robins egg'),
    ('egg blue', 'egg'),
    ('bluegray', 'blue gray'),
    ('grayblue', 'gray blue'),
    ('lightblue', 'light blue'),
))  # prevent registering similar-sounding names
COLORS_IGNORE = re.compile('(' + '|'.join((
    'shit', 'poop', 'poo', 'pee', 'piss', 'puke', 'vomit', 'snot',
    'booger', 'bile', 'diarrhea',
)) + ')')  # filter these out, let's try to be professional here...
    'charcoal', 'sky blue', 'eggshell', 'sea blue', 'coral', 'aqua',
    'tomato red', 'brick red', 'crimson',
    'red orange', 'yellow orange', 'yellow green', 'blue green',
    'blue violet', 'red violet',
)  # common names that should always be included
    'red', 'pink', 'grape', 'violet',
    'indigo', 'blue', 'cyan', 'teal',
    'green', 'lime', 'yellow', 'orange', 'gray'
    'blue': (0, 0, 1),
    'green': (0, 0.5, 0),
    'red': (1, 0, 0),
    'cyan': (0, 0.75, 0.75),
    'magenta': (0.75, 0, 0.75),
    'yellow': (0.75, 0.75, 0),
    'black': (0, 0, 0),
    'white': (1, 1, 1),

# *Proprietary* sans serif fonts that may or may not be on user system
# plus the fonts installed by matplotlib
# NOTE: Add to this as needed!
    'Avant Garde',
    'Bitstream Vera',  # matplotlib
    'Computer Modern Sans Serif',
    'DejaVu Sans',  # matplotlib
    'Gill Sans',
    'Lucida Grande',
    'Myriad Pro',
    'Trebuchet MS',

def _get_channel(color, channel, space='hcl'):
    Get the hue, saturation, or luminance channel value from the input color.
    The color name `color` can optionally be a string with the format
    ``'color+x'`` or ``'color-x'``, where `x` specifies the offset from the
    channel value.

    color : color-spec
        The color. Sanitized with `to_rgb`.
    channel : {'hue', 'chroma', 'saturation', 'luminance'}
        The HCL channel to be retrieved.
    space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional
        The colorspace for the corresponding channel value.

    value : float
        The channel value.
    # Interpret channel
    if callable(color) or isinstance(color, Number):
        return color
    if channel == 'hue':
        channel = 0
    elif channel in ('chroma', 'saturation'):
        channel = 1
    elif channel == 'luminance':
        channel = 2
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown channel {channel!r}.')
    # Interpret string or RGB tuple
    offset = 0
    if isinstance(color, str):
        match ='([-+][0-9.]+)$', color)
        if match:
            offset = float(
            color = color[:match.start()]
    return offset + to_xyz(color, space)[channel]

[docs]def shade(color, scale=1): """ Scale the luminance channel of the input color. Parameters ---------- color : color-spec The color. Sanitized with `to_rgb`. scale : float, optoinal The luminance channel is multiplied by this value. Returns ------- color The new RGB tuple. """ *color, alpha = to_rgb(color, alpha=True) color = [*hsluv.rgb_to_hsl(*color)] # multiply luminance by this value color[2] = max(0, min(color[2] * scale, 100)) color = [*hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color)] return (*color, alpha)
[docs]def saturate(color, scale=0.5): """ Scale the saturation channel of the input color. Parameters ---------- color : color-spec The color. Sanitized with `to_rgb`. scale : float, optoinal The HCL saturation channel is multiplied by this value. Returns ------- color The new RGB tuple. """ *color, alpha = to_rgb(color, alpha=True) color = [*hsluv.rgb_to_hsl(*color)] # multiply luminance by this value color[1] = max(0, min(color[1] * scale, 100)) color = [*hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color)] return (*color, alpha)
[docs]def to_rgb(color, space='rgb', cycle=None, alpha=False): """ Translate the color in *any* format and from *any* colorspace to an RGB tuple. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_rgb` and the inverse of `to_xyz`. Parameters ---------- color : str or length-3 list The color specification. Can be a tuple of channel values for the `space` colorspace, a hex string, a registered color name, a cycle color, or a colormap color (see `ColorDict`). If `space` is ``'rgb'``, this is a tuple of RGB values, and any channels are larger than ``2``, the channels are assumed to be on a ``0`` to ``255`` scale and are therefore divided by ``255``. space : {'rgb', 'hsv', 'hsl', 'hpl', 'hcl'}, optional The colorspace for the input channel values. Ignored unless `color` is an container of numbers. cycle : str or list, optional The registered color cycle name. Default is :rc:`cycle`. Ignored unless `color` is a color cycle string, e.g. ``'C0'``, ``'C1'``, ... alpha : bool, optional Whether to preserve the opacity channel, if it exists. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- color The RGB tuple. """ # Convert color cycle strings if isinstance(color, str) and re.match('^C[0-9]$', color): if isinstance(cycle, str): try: cycle = mcm.cmap_d[cycle].colors except (KeyError, AttributeError): cycles = sorted(name for name, cmap in mcm.cmap_d.items( ) if isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap)) raise ValueError( f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.') elif cycle is None: cycle = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key() if 'color' not in cycle: cycle = ['k'] else: cycle = cycle['color'] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}.') color = cycle[int(color[-1]) % len(cycle)] # Translate RGB strings and (cmap,index) tuples opacity = 1 if isinstance(color, str) or (np.iterable(color) and len(color) == 2): try: *color, opacity = mcolors.to_rgba(color) # ensure is valid color except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') # Pull out alpha channel if len(color) == 4: *color, opacity = color elif len(color) != 3: raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') # Translate arbitrary colorspaces if space == 'rgb': try: if any(c > 2 for c in color): color = [c / 255 for c in color] # scale to within 0-1 color = tuple(color) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.') elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.hcl_to_rgb(*color) else: raise ValueError('Invalid color {color!r} for colorspace {space!r}.') # Return RGB or RGBA if alpha: return (*color, opacity) else: return color
[docs]def to_xyz(color, space='hcl', alpha=False): """ Translate color in *any* format to a tuple of channel values in *any* colorspace. This is the inverse of `to_rgb`. Parameters ---------- color : color-spec The color. Sanitized with `to_rgb`. space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional The colorspace for the output channel values. alpha : bool, optional Whether to preserve the opacity channel, if it exists. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- color Tuple of colorspace `space` channel values. """ # Run tuple conversions # NOTE: Don't pass color tuple, because we may want to permit # out-of-bounds RGB values to invert conversion *color, opacity = to_rgb(color, alpha=True) if space == 'rgb': pass elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsl(*color) # rgb_to_hsv would also work elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hpluv(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(*color) elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hcl(*color) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorspace {space}.') if alpha: return (*color, opacity) else: return color
def _clip_colors(colors, clip=True, gray=0.2): """ Clip impossible colors rendered in an HSL-to-RGB colorspace conversion. Used by `PerceptuallyUniformColormap`. If `mask` is ``True``, impossible colors are masked out. Parameters ---------- colors : list of length-3 tuples The RGB colors. clip : bool, optional If `clip` is ``True`` (the default), RGB channel values >1 are clipped to 1. Otherwise, the color is masked out as gray. gray : float, optional The identical RGB channel values (gray color) to be used if `mask` is ``True``. """ # Clip colors colors = np.array(colors) over = (colors > 1) under = (colors < 0) if clip: colors[under] = 0 colors[over] = 1 else: colors[(under | over)] = gray # Message # NOTE: Never print warning because happens when using builtin maps # message = 'Clipped' if clip else 'Invalid' # for i,name in enumerate('rgb'): # if under[:,i].any(): # _warn_proplot(f'{message} {name!r} channel ( < 0).') # if over[:,i].any(): # _warn_proplot(f'{message} {name!r} channel ( > 1).') return colors def _make_segmentdata_array(values, coords=None, ratios=None): """ Return a segmentdata array or callable given the input colors and coordinates. Parameters ---------- values : list of float The channel values. coords : list of float, optional The segment coordinates. ratios : list of float, optional The relative length of each segment transition. """ # Allow callables if callable(values): return values values = np.atleast_1d(values) if len(values) == 1: value = values[0] return [(0, value, value), (1, value, value)] # Get coordinates if not np.iterable(values): raise TypeError('Colors must be iterable, got {values!r}.') if coords is not None: coords = np.atleast_1d(coords) if ratios is not None: _warn_proplot( f'Segment coordinates were provided, ignoring ' f'ratios={ratios!r}.' ) if len(coords) != len(values) or coords[0] != 0 or coords[-1] != 1: raise ValueError( f'Coordinates must range from 0 to 1, got {coords!r}.' ) elif ratios is not None: coords = np.atleast_1d(ratios) if len(coords) != len(values) - 1: raise ValueError( f'Need {len(values)-1} ratios for {len(values)} colors, ' f'but got {len(ratios)} ratios.' ) coords = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(coords))) coords = coords / np.max(coords) # normalize to 0-1 else: coords = np.linspace(0, 1, len(values)) # Build segmentdata array array = [] for c, value in zip(coords, values): array.append((c, value, value)) return array
[docs]def make_mapping_array(N, data, gamma=1.0, inverse=False): r""" Similar to `~matplotlib.colors.makeMappingArray` but permits *circular* hue gradations along 0-360, disables clipping of out-of-bounds channel values, and uses fancier "gamma" scaling. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of points in the colormap lookup table. data : 2D array-like List of :math:`(x, y_0, y_1)` tuples specifying the channel jump (from :math:`y_0` to :math:`y_1`) and the :math:`x` coordinate of that transition (ranges between 0 and 1). See `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` for details. gamma : float or list of float, optional To obtain channel values between coordinates :math:`x_i` and :math:`x_{i+1}` in rows :math:`i` and :math:`i+1` of `data`, we use the formula: .. math:: y = y_{1,i} + w_i^{\gamma_i}*(y_{0,i+1} - y_{1,i}) where :math:`\gamma_i` corresponds to `gamma` and the weight :math:`w_i` ranges from 0 to 1 between rows ``i`` and ``i+1``. If `gamma` is float, it applies to every transition. Otherwise, its length must equal ``data.shape[0]-1``. This is like the `gamma` used with matplotlib's `~matplotlib.colors.makeMappingArray`, except it controls the weighting for transitions *between* each segment data coordinate rather than the coordinates themselves. This makes more sense for `PerceptuallyUniformColormap`\\ s because they usually consist of just one linear transition for *sequential* colormaps and two linear transitions for *diverging* colormaps -- and in the latter case, it is often desirable to modify both "halves" of the colormap in the same way. inverse : bool, optional If ``True``, :math:`w_i^{\gamma_i}` is replaced with :math:`1 - (1 - w_i)^{\gamma_i}` -- that is, when `gamma` is greater than 1, this weights colors toward *higher* channel values instead of lower channel values. This is implemented in case we want to apply *equal* "gamma scaling" to different HSL channels in different directions. Usually, this is done to weight low data values with higher luminance *and* lower saturation, thereby emphasizing "extreme" data values with stronger colors. """ # Allow for *callable* instead of linearly interpolating between segments gammas = np.atleast_1d(gamma) if (gammas < 0.01).any() or (gammas > 10).any(): raise ValueError('Gamma can only be in range [0.01,10].') if callable(data): if len(gammas) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Only one gamma allowed for functional segmentdata.') x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)**gamma lut = np.array(data(x), dtype=float) return lut # Get array data = np.array(data) shape = data.shape if len(shape) != 2 or shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Data must be nx3 format.') if len(gammas) != 1 and len(gammas) != shape[0] - 1: raise ValueError( f'Need {shape[0]-1} gammas for {shape[0]}-level mapping array, ' f'but got {len(gamma)}.' ) if len(gammas) == 1: gammas = np.repeat(gammas, shape[:1]) # Get indices x = data[:, 0] y0 = data[:, 1] y1 = data[:, 2] if x[0] != 0.0 or x[-1] != 1.0: raise ValueError( 'Data mapping points must start with x=0 and end with x=1.' ) if (np.diff(x) < 0).any(): raise ValueError( 'Data mapping points must have x in increasing order.' ) x = x * (N - 1) # Get distances from the segmentdata entry to the *left* for each requested # level, excluding ends at (0,1), which must exactly match segmentdata ends xq = (N - 1) * np.linspace(0, 1, N) # where xq[i] must be inserted so it is larger than x[ind[i]-1] but # smaller than x[ind[i]] ind = np.searchsorted(x, xq)[1:-1] distance = (xq[1:-1] - x[ind - 1]) / (x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) # Scale distances in each segment by input gamma # The ui are starting-points, the ci are counts from that point # over which segment applies (i.e. where to apply the gamma), the relevant # 'segment' is to the *left* of index returned by searchsorted _, uind, cind = np.unique(ind, return_index=True, return_counts=True) for ui, ci in zip(uind, cind): # length should be N-1 # the relevant segment is to *left* of this number gamma = gammas[ind[ui] - 1] if gamma == 1: continue ireverse = False if ci > 1: # i.e. more than 1 color in this 'segment' # by default want to weight toward a *lower* channel value ireverse = ((y0[ind[ui]] - y1[ind[ui] - 1]) < 0) if inverse: ireverse = (not ireverse) if ireverse: distance[ui:ui + ci] = 1 - (1 - distance[ui:ui + ci])**gamma else: distance[ui:ui + ci] **= gamma # Perform successive linear interpolations all rolled up into one equation lut = np.zeros((N,), float) lut[1:-1] = distance * (y0[ind] - y1[ind - 1]) + y1[ind - 1] lut[0] = y1[0] lut[-1] = y0[-1] return lut
class _Colormap(object): """Mixin class used to add some helper methods.""" def _get_data(self, ext): """ Return a string containing the colormap colors for saving. Parameters ---------- ext : {'hex', 'txt', 'rgb', 'rgba'} The filename extension. colors : list of color-spec The colors. """ # Get lookup table colors and filter out bad ones if not self._isinit: self._init() colors = self._lut[:-3, :] # Get data string if ext == 'hex': data = ', '.join(mcolors.to_hex(color) for color in colors) elif ext in ('txt', 'rgb', 'rgba'): rgb = mcolors.to_rgba if ext == 'rgba' else mcolors.to_rgb data = [rgb(color) for color in colors] data = '\n'.join(','.join(str(num) for num in line) for line in data) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid extension {ext!r}. Options are: ' "'hex', 'txt', 'rgb', 'rgba'." ) return data def _parse_path(self, path, dirname='.', ext=''): """ Parse the user input path. Parameters ---------- dirname : str, optional The default directory. ext : str, optional The default extension. """ path = os.path.expanduser(path or '') dirname = os.path.expanduser(dirname or '') if not path or os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path or dirname, # default name dirname, basename = os.path.split(path) # default to current directory path = os.path.join(dirname or '.', basename) if not os.path.splitext(path)[-1]: path = path + '.' + ext # default file extension return path
[docs]class LinearSegmentedColormap(mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap, _Colormap): r""" New base class for all `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`\ s. """ def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + f'(name={!r})' def __repr__(self): string = f" 'name': {!r},\n" if hasattr(self, '_space'): string += f" 'space': {self._space!r},\n" if hasattr(self, '_cyclic'): string += f" 'cyclic': {self._cyclic!r},\n" for key, data in self._segmentdata.items(): if callable(data): string += f' {key!r}: <function>,\n' else: string += (f' {key!r}: [{data[0][2]:.3f}, ' f'..., {data[-1][1]:.3f}],\n') return type(self).__name__ + '({\n' + string + '})' def __init__(self, *args, cyclic=False, alpha=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- cyclic : bool, optional Whether the colormap is cyclic. If ``True``, this changes how the leftmost and rightmost color levels are selected, and `extend` can only be ``'neither'`` (a warning will be issued otherwise). alpha : float, optional The opacity for the entire colormap. Overrides the input segment data. *args, **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cyclic = cyclic if alpha is not None: self.set_alpha(alpha) def _resample(self, N): """Returns a resampled copy of the colormap.""" return self.updated(self, N=N)
[docs] def concatenate(self, *args, ratios=1, name=None, **kwargs): """ Return the concatenation of this colormap with the input colormaps. Parameters ---------- *args Instances of `LinearSegmentedColormap`. ratios : list of float, optional Relative extent of each component colormap in the merged colormap. Length must equal ``len(args) + 1``. For example, ``cmap1.concatenate(cmap2, ratios=[2,1])`` generates a colormap with the left two-thrids containing colors from ``cmap1`` and the right one-third containing colors from ``cmap2``. name : str, optional The colormap name. Default is ``'_'.join( for cmap in args)``. N : int, optional Number of points in the colormap lookup table. Default is :rc:`image.lut` times ``len(args)``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.updated` or `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.updated`. Returns ------- `LinearSegmentedColormap` The colormap. """ # Try making a simple copy if not args: raise ValueError( f'Got zero positional args, you must provide at least one.' ) if not all(isinstance(cmap, type(self)) for cmap in args): raise ValueError( f'Colormaps { + ": " + repr(cmap) for cmap in args} ' f'must all belong to the same class.' ) cmaps = (self, *args) spaces = { getattr(cmap, '_space', None) for cmap in cmaps} if len({*spaces.values(), }) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Cannot merge PerceptuallyUniformColormaps that use ' 'different colorspaces: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, spaces)) + '.' ) N = kwargs.pop('N', None) N = N or len(cmaps) * rcParams['image.lut'] if name is None: name = '_'.join( for cmap in cmaps) # Combine the segmentdata, and use the y1/y2 slots at merge points so # we never interpolate between end colors of different colormaps segmentdata = {} ratios = ratios or 1 if isinstance(ratios, Number): ratios = [1] * len(cmaps) # so if 4 cmaps, will be 1/4 ratios = np.array(ratios) / np.sum(ratios) x0 = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(ratios)]) # coordinates for edges xw = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] # widths between edges for key in self._segmentdata.keys(): # Callable segments # WARNING: If just reference a global 'funcs' list from inside the # 'data' function it can get overwritten in this loop. Must # embed 'funcs' into the definition using a keyword argument. callable_ = [callable(cmap._segmentdata[key]) for cmap in cmaps] if all(callable_): # expand range from x-to-w to 0-1 funcs = [cmap._segmentdata[key] for cmap in cmaps] def xyy(ix, funcs=funcs): ix = np.atleast_1d(ix) kx = np.empty(ix.shape) for j, jx in enumerate(ix.flat): idx = max(np.searchsorted(x0, jx) - 1, 0) kx.flat[j] = funcs[idx]((jx - x0[idx]) / xw[idx]) return kx # Concatenate segment arrays and make the transition at the # seam instant so we *never interpolate* between end colors # of different maps. elif not any(callable_): datas = [] for x, w, cmap in zip(x0[:-1], xw, cmaps): xyy = np.array(cmap._segmentdata[key]) xyy[:, 0] = x + w * xyy[:, 0] datas.append(xyy) for i in range(len(datas) - 1): datas[i][-1, 2] = datas[i + 1][0, 2] datas[i + 1] = datas[i + 1][1:, :] xyy = np.concatenate(datas, axis=0) xyy[:, 0] = xyy[:, 0] / xyy[:, 0].max(axis=0) # fix fp errors else: raise ValueError( 'Mixed callable and non-callable colormap values.' ) segmentdata[key] = xyy # Handle gamma values if key == 'saturation': ikey = 'gamma1' elif key == 'luminance': ikey = 'gamma2' else: continue if ikey in kwargs: continue gamma = [] for cmap in cmaps: igamma = getattr(cmap, '_' + ikey) if not np.iterable(igamma): if all(callable_): igamma = [igamma] else: igamma = (len(cmap._segmentdata[key]) - 1) * [igamma] gamma.extend(igamma) if all(callable_): if any(igamma != gamma[0] for igamma in gamma[1:]): _warn_proplot( 'Cannot use multiple segment gammas when ' 'concatenating callable segments. Using the first ' f'gamma of {gamma[0]}.' ) gamma = gamma[0] kwargs[ikey] = gamma # Return copy return self.updated(name=name, segmentdata=segmentdata, **kwargs)
[docs] def punched(self, cut=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ Return a version of the colormap with the center "punched out". This is great for making the transition from "negative" to "positive" in a diverging colormap more distinct. Parameters ---------- cut : float, optional The proportion to cut from the center of the colormap. For example, ``center=0.1`` cuts the central 10%%. name : str, optional The name of the new colormap. Default is `` + '_punched'``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.updated` or `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.updated`. Returns ------- `LinearSegmentedColormap` The colormap. """ cut = _notNone(cut, 0) if cut == 0: return self if name is None: name = + '_punched' # Decompose cut into two truncations followed by concatenation left_center = 0.5 - cut / 2 right_center = 0.5 + cut / 2 cmap_left = self.truncated(0, left_center) cmap_right = self.truncated(right_center, 1) return cmap_left.concatenate(cmap_right, name=name)
[docs] def reversed(self, name=None, **kwargs): """ Return a reversed copy of the colormap, as in `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The new colormap name. Default is `` + '_r'``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.updated` or `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.updated`. """ if name is None: name = + '_r' def factory(dat): def func_r(x): return dat(1.0 - x) return func_r segmentdata = {key: factory(data) if callable(data) else [(1.0 - x, y1, y0) for x, y0, y1 in reversed(data)] for key, data in self._segmentdata.items()} for key in ('gamma1', 'gamma2'): if key in kwargs: continue gamma = getattr(self, '_' + key, None) if gamma is not None and np.iterable(gamma): kwargs[key] = gamma[::-1] return self.updated(name, segmentdata, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, path=None): """ Save the colormap data to a file. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional The output filename. If not provided, the colormap is saved under ``~/.proplot/cmaps/name.json`` where ``name`` is the colormap name. Valid extensions are described in the below table. ===================== ========================================================== Extension Description ===================== ========================================================== ``.json`` (default) JSON database of the channel segment data. ``.hex`` Comma-delimited list of HEX strings. ``.rgb``, ``.txt`` 3-column table of comma-delimited RGB values. ``.rgba`` As with ``.rgb``, but with an opacity (or "alpha") column. ===================== ========================================================== """ # noqa dirname = os.path.join('~', '.proplot', 'cmaps') filename = self._parse_path(path, dirname, 'json') # Save channel segment data in json file _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext[1:] == 'json': # Sanitize segmentdata values # Convert np.float to builtin float, np.array to list of lists, # and callable to list of lists. We tried encoding func.__code__ # with base64 and marshal instead, but when cmap.concatenate() # embeds functions as keyword arguments, this seems to make it # *impossible* to load back up the function with FunctionType # (error message: arg 5 (closure) must be tuple). Instead use # this brute force workaround. data = {} for key, value in self._segmentdata.items(): if callable(value): x = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) # just save the transitions y = np.array([value(_) for _ in x]).squeeze() value = np.vstack((x, y, y)).T data[key] = np.asarray(value).astype(float).tolist() # Add critical attributes to the dictionary keys = () if isinstance(self, PerceptuallyUniformColormap): keys = ('cyclic', 'gamma1', 'gamma2', 'space') elif isinstance(self, LinearSegmentedColormap): keys = ('cyclic', 'gamma') for key in keys: data[key] = getattr(self, '_' + key) with open(filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4) # Save lookup table colors else: data = self._get_data(ext[1:]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(data) print(f'Saved colormap to {filename!r}.')
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha): """ Set the opacity for the entire colormap. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The opacity. """ self._segmentdata['alpha'] = [(0, alpha, alpha), (1, alpha, alpha)] self._isinit = False
[docs] def set_cyclic(self, b): """ Set whether this colormap is "cyclic". See `LinearSegmentedColormap` for details. """ self._cyclic = bool(b) self._isinit = False
[docs] def shifted(self, shift=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ Return a cyclicaly shifted version of the colormap. If the colormap cyclic property is set to ``False`` a warning will be raised. Parameters ---------- shift : float, optional The number of degrees to shift, out of 360 degrees. If ``None``, the original colormap is returned. name : str, optional The name of the new colormap. Default is `` + '_shifted'``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.updated` or `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.updated`. """ shift = ((shift or 0) / 360) % 1 if shift == 0: return self if name is None: name = + '_shifted' if not self._cyclic: _warn_proplot( f'Shifting non-cyclic colormap {!r}. ' f'Use cmap.set_cyclic(True) or Colormap(..., cyclic=True) to ' 'suppress this warning.' ) self._cyclic = True # Decompose shift into two truncations followed by concatenation cmap_left = self.truncated(shift, 1) cmap_right = self.truncated(0, shift) return cmap_left.concatenate( cmap_right, ratios=(1 - shift, shift), name=name)
[docs] def truncated(self, left=None, right=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ Return a truncated version of the colormap. Parameters ---------- left : float, optional The colormap index for the new "leftmost" color. Must fall between ``0`` and ``1``. For example, ``left=0.1`` cuts the leftmost 10%% of the colors. right : float, optional The colormap index for the new "rightmost" color. Must fall between ``0`` and ``1``. For example, ``right=0.9`` cuts the leftmost 10%% of the colors. name : str, optional The name of the new colormap. Default is `` + '_truncated'``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.updated` or `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.updated`. """ # Bail out left = max(_notNone(left, 0), 0) right = min(_notNone(right, 1), 1) if left == 0 and right == 1: return self if name is None: name = + '_truncated' # Resample the segmentdata arrays segmentdata = {} for key, xyy in self._segmentdata.items(): # Callable array # WARNING: If just reference a global 'xyy' callable from inside # the lambda function it gets overwritten in the loop! Must embed # the old callable in the new one as a default keyword arg. if callable(xyy): def xyy(x, func=xyy): return func(left + x * (right - left)) # Slice # l is the first point where x > 0 or x > left, should be >= 1 # r is the last point where r < 1 or r < right else: xyy = np.asarray(xyy) x = xyy[:, 0] l = np.searchsorted(x, left) # first x value > left # noqa r = np.searchsorted(x, right) - 1 # last x value < right xc = xyy[l:r + 1, :].copy() xl = xyy[l - 1, 1:] + (left - x[l - 1]) * ( (xyy[l, 1:] - xyy[l - 1, 1:]) / (x[l] - x[l - 1]) ) xr = xyy[r, 1:] + (right - x[r]) * ( (xyy[r + 1, 1:] - xyy[r, 1:]) / (x[r + 1] - x[r]) ) xyy = np.vstack(((left, *xl), xc, (right, *xr))) xyy[:, 0] = (xyy[:, 0] - left) / (right - left) segmentdata[key] = xyy # Retain the corresponding gamma *segments* if key == 'saturation': ikey = 'gamma1' elif key == 'luminance': ikey = 'gamma2' else: continue if ikey in kwargs: continue gamma = getattr(self, '_' + ikey) if np.iterable(gamma): if callable(xyy): if any(igamma != gamma[0] for igamma in gamma[1:]): _warn_proplot( 'Cannot use multiple segment gammas when ' 'truncating colormap. Using the first gamma ' f'of {gamma[0]}.' ) gamma = gamma[0] else: gamma = gamma[l - 1:r + 1] kwargs[ikey] = gamma return self.updated(name, segmentdata, **kwargs)
[docs] def updated( self, name=None, segmentdata=None, N=None, *, alpha=None, gamma=None, cyclic=None ): """ Return a new colormap, with relevant properties copied from this one if they were not provided as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. Default is `` + '_updated'``. segmentdata, N, alpha, gamma, cyclic : optional See `LinearSegmentedColormap`. If not provided, these are copied from the current colormap. """ if name is None: name = + '_updated' if segmentdata is None: segmentdata = self._segmentdata if gamma is None: gamma = self._gamma if cyclic is None: cyclic = self._cyclic if N is None: N = self.N cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, segmentdata, N, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, cyclic=cyclic) cmap._rgba_bad = self._rgba_bad cmap._rgba_under = self._rgba_under cmap._rgba_over = self._rgba_over return cmap
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(path, warn_on_failure=False): """ Load colormap from a file. Valid file extensions are described in the below table. ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Extension Description ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ``.hex`` List of HEX strings in any format (comma-separated, separate lines, with double quotes... anything goes).'ColorBlind10': ``.xml`` XML files with ``<Point .../>`` entries specifying ``x``, ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, and optionally, ``a`` values, where ``x`` is the colormap coordinate and the rest are the RGB and opacity (or "alpha") values. ``.rgb`` 3-column table delimited by commas or consecutive spaces, each column indicating red, blue and green color values. ``.xrgb`` As with ``.rgb``, but with 4 columns. The first column indicates the colormap coordinate. ``.rgba``, ``.xrgba`` As with ``.rgb``, ``.xrgb``, but with a trailing opacity (or "alpha") column. ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Parameters ---------- path : str The file path. warn_on_failure : bool, optional If ``True``, issue a warning when loading fails rather than raising an error. """ # noqa return _from_file(path, listed=False, warn_on_failure=warn_on_failure)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_list(name, colors, ratios=None, **kwargs): """ Make a `LinearSegmentedColormap` from a list of colors. Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. colors : list of color-spec or (float, color-spec) tuples, optional If list of RGB[A] tuples or color strings, the colormap transitions evenly from ``colors[0]`` at the left-hand side to ``colors[-1]`` at the right-hand side. If list of (float, color-spec) tuples, the float values are the coordinate of each transition and must range from 0 to 1. This can be used to divide the colormap range unevenly. ratios : list of float, optional Relative extents of each color transition. Must have length ``len(colors) - 1``. Larger numbers indicate a slower transition, smaller numbers indicate a faster transition. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap`. Returns ------- `LinearSegmentedColormap` The colormap. """ # Get coordinates coords = None if not np.iterable(colors): raise ValueError(f'Colors must be iterable, got colors={colors!r}') if (np.iterable(colors[0]) and len(colors[0]) == 2 and not isinstance(colors[0], str)): coords, colors = zip(*colors) colors = [to_rgb(color, alpha=True) for color in colors] # Build segmentdata keys = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'alpha') cdict = {} for key, values in zip(keys, zip(*colors)): cdict[key] = _make_segmentdata_array(values, coords, ratios) return LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict, **kwargs)
[docs]class ListedColormap(mcolors.ListedColormap, _Colormap): r""" New base class for all `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`\ s. """ def __str__(self): return f'ListedColormap(name={!r})' def __repr__(self): return ( 'ListedColormap({\n' f" 'name': {!r},\n" f" 'colors': {[mcolors.to_hex(color) for color in self.colors]},\n" '})') def __init__(self, *args, alpha=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional The opacity for the entire colormap. Overrides the input colors. *args, **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if alpha is not None: self.set_alpha(alpha)
[docs] def concatenate(self, *args, name=None, N=None, **kwargs): """ Append arbitrary colormaps onto this colormap. Parameters ---------- *args Instances of `ListedColormap`. name : str, optional The colormap name. Default is ``'_'.join( for cmap in args)``. N : int, optional The number of colors in the colormap lookup table. Default is the number of colors in the concatenated lists. """ if not args: raise ValueError( f'Got zero positional args, you must provide at least one.' ) if not all(isinstance(cmap, type(self)) for cmap in args): raise ValueError( f'Input arguments {args} must all be ListedColormap.' ) cmaps = (self, *args) if name is None: name = '_'.join( for cmap in cmaps) colors = [color for cmap in cmaps for color in cmap.colors] return self.updated(colors, name, N or len(colors))
[docs] def save(self, path=None): """ Save the colormap data to a file. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional The output filename. If not provided, the colormap is saved under ``~/.proplot/cycles/name.hex`` where ``name`` is the colormap name. Valid extensions are described in the below table. ===================== ========================================================== Extension Description ===================== ========================================================== ``.hex`` (default) Comma-delimited list of HEX strings. ``.rgb``, ``.txt`` 3-column table of comma-delimited RGB values. ``.rgba`` As with ``.rgb``, but with an opacity (or "alpha") column. ===================== ========================================================== """ # noqa dirname = os.path.join('~', '.proplot', 'cmaps') filename = self._parse_path(path, dirname, 'hex') # Save lookup table colors _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) data = self._get_data(ext[1:]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(data) print(f'Saved colormap to {filename!r}.')
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha): """ Set the opacity for the entire colormap. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The opacity. """ colors = [list(mcolors.to_rgba(color)) for color in self.colors] for color in colors: color[3] = alpha self.colors = colors self._init()
[docs] def shifted(self, shift=None, name=None): """ Return a cyclically shifted version of the colormap. Parameters ---------- shift : float, optional The number of places to shift, between ``-self.N`` and ``self.N``. If ``None``, the original colormap is returned. name : str, optional The new colormap name. Default is `` + '_shifted'``. """ if not shift: return self if name is None: name = + '_shifted' shift = shift % len(self.colors) colors = [*self.colors] # ensure list colors = colors[shift:] + colors[:shift] return self.updated(colors, name, len(colors))
[docs] def truncated(self, left=None, right=None, name=None): """ Return a truncated version of the colormap. Parameters ---------- left : float, optional The colormap index for the new "leftmost" color. Must fall between ``0`` and ``self.N``. For example, ``left=2`` deletes the two first colors. right : float, optional The colormap index for the new "rightmost" color. Must fall between ``0`` and ``self.N``. For example, ``right=4`` deletes colors after the fourth color. name : str, optional The new colormap name. Default is `` + '_truncated'``. """ if left is None and right is None: return self if name is None: name = + '_truncated' colors = self.colors[left:right] return self.updated(colors, name, len(colors))
[docs] def updated(self, colors=None, name=None, N=None, *, alpha=None): """ Return a new colormap with relevant properties copied from this one if they were not provided as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. Default is `` + '_updated'``. colors, N, alpha : optional See `ListedColormap`. If not provided, these are copied from the current colormap. """ if name is None: name = + '_updated' if colors is None: colors = self.colors if N is None: N = self.N cmap = ListedColormap(colors, name, N, alpha=alpha) cmap._rgba_bad = self._rgba_bad cmap._rgba_under = self._rgba_under cmap._rgba_over = self._rgba_over return cmap
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(path, warn_on_failure=False): """ Load color cycle from a file. Valid file extensions are described in the below table. ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Extension Description ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ``.hex`` List of HEX strings in any format (comma-separated, separate lines, with double quotes... anything goes).'ColorBlind10': ``.xml`` XML files with ``<Point .../>`` entries specifying ``x``, ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, and optionally, ``a`` values, where ``x`` is the colormap coordinate and the rest are the RGB and opacity (or "alpha") values. ``.rgb`` 3-column table delimited by commas or consecutive spaces, each column indicating red, blue and green color values. ``.xrgb`` As with ``.rgb``, but with 4 columns. The first column indicates the colormap coordinate. ``.rgba``, ``.xrgba`` As with ``.rgb``, ``.xrgb``, but with a trailing opacity (or "alpha") column. ===================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Parameters ---------- path : str The file path. warn_on_failure : bool, optional If ``True``, issue a warning when loading fails rather than raising an error. """ # noqa return _from_file(path, listed=True, warn_on_failure=warn_on_failure)
[docs]class PerceptuallyUniformColormap(LinearSegmentedColormap, _Colormap): """Similar to `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`, but instead of varying the RGB channels, we vary hue, saturation, and luminance in either the HCL colorspace or the HSL or HPL scalings of HCL.""" def __init__( self, name, segmentdata, N=None, space=None, clip=True, gamma=None, gamma1=None, gamma2=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. segmentdata : dict-like Mapping containing the keys ``'hue'``, ``'saturation'``, and ``'luminance'``. The key values can be callable functions that return channel values given a colormap index, or lists containing any of the following channel specifiers. 1. Numbers, within the range 0-360 for hue and 0-100 for saturation and luminance. 2. Color string names or hex tags, in which case the channel value for that color is looked up. See `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` for a more detailed explanation. N : int, optional Number of points in the colormap lookup table. Default is :rc:`image.lut`. space : {'hsl', 'hpl', 'hcl'}, optional The hue, saturation, luminance-style colorspace to use for interpreting the channels. See `this page <>`__ for a description. clip : bool, optional Whether to "clip" impossible colors, i.e. truncate HCL colors with RGB channels with values >1, or mask them out as gray. cyclic : bool, optional Whether the colormap is cyclic. If ``True``, this changes how the leftmost and rightmost color levels are selected, and `extend` can only be ``'neither'`` (a warning will be issued otherwise). gamma : float, optional Sets `gamma1` and `gamma2` to this identical value. gamma1 : float, optional If >1, makes low saturation colors more prominent. If <1, makes high saturation colors more prominent. Similar to the `HCLWizard <>`_ option. See `make_mapping_array` for details. gamma2 : float, optional If >1, makes high luminance colors more prominent. If <1, makes low luminance colors more prominent. Similar to the `HCLWizard <>`_ option. See `make_mapping_array` for details. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap`. Example ------- The following generates a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` from a `segmentdata` dictionary that uses color names for the hue data, instead of channel values between ``0`` and ``360``. >>> import proplot as plot >>> data = { ... 'hue': [[0, 'red', 'red'], [1, 'blue', 'blue']], ... 'saturation': [[0, 100, 100], [1, 100, 100]], ... 'luminance': [[0, 100, 100], [1, 20, 20]], ... } >>> cmap = plot.PerceptuallyUniformColormap(data) """ # Checks space = _notNone(space, 'hsl').lower() if space not in ('rgb', 'hsv', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hcl'): raise ValueError(f'Unknown colorspace {space!r}.') keys = {*segmentdata.keys()} target = {'hue', 'saturation', 'luminance', 'alpha'} if not keys <= target: raise ValueError( f'Invalid segmentdata dictionary with keys {keys!r}.' ) # Convert color strings to channel values for key, array in segmentdata.items(): if callable(array): # permit callable continue for i, xyy in enumerate(array): xyy = list(xyy) # make copy! for j, y in enumerate(xyy[1:]): # modify the y values xyy[j + 1] = _get_channel(y, key, space) segmentdata[key][i] = xyy # Initialize N = N or rcParams['image.lut'] super().__init__(name, segmentdata, N, gamma=1.0, **kwargs) # Custom properties self._gamma1 = _notNone(gamma1, gamma, 1.0) self._gamma2 = _notNone(gamma2, gamma, 1.0) self._space = space self._clip = clip def _init(self): """As with `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`, but convert each value in the lookup table from ``self._space`` to RGB.""" # First generate the lookup table channels = ('hue', 'saturation', 'luminance') # gamma weights *low chroma* and *high luminance* inverses = (False, False, True) gammas = (1.0, self._gamma1, self._gamma2) self._lut_hsl = np.ones((self.N + 3, 4), float) # fill for i, (channel, gamma, inverse) in enumerate( zip(channels, gammas, inverses)): self._lut_hsl[:-3, i] = make_mapping_array( self.N, self._segmentdata[channel], gamma, inverse) if 'alpha' in self._segmentdata: self._lut_hsl[:-3, 3] = make_mapping_array( self.N, self._segmentdata['alpha']) self._lut_hsl[:-3, 0] %= 360 # Make hues circular, set extremes i.e. copy HSL values self._lut = self._lut_hsl.copy() self._set_extremes() # generally just used end values in segmentdata self._isinit = True # Now convert values to RGB and clip colors for i in range(self.N + 3): self._lut[i, :3] = to_rgb(self._lut[i, :3], self._space) self._lut[:, :3] = _clip_colors(self._lut[:, :3], self._clip) def _resample(self, N): """Return a new colormap with *N* entries.""" return self.updated(N=N)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_color(name, color, fade=None, space='hsl', **kwargs): """ Return a monochromatic "sequential" colormap that blends from white or near-white to the input color. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The colormap name. color : color-spec RGB tuple, hex string, or named color string. fade : float or color-spec, optional If float, this is the luminance channel strength on the left-hand side of the colormap (default is ``100``), and the saturation channel is held constant throughout the colormap. If RGB tuple, hex string, or named color string, the luminance and saturation (but *not* the hue) from this color are used for the left-hand side of the colormap. space : {'hsl', 'hpl', 'hcl'}, optional The colorspace in which the luminance is varied. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_hsl`. Returns ------- `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` The colormap. """ hue, saturation, luminance, alpha = to_xyz(color, space, alpha=True) if fade is None: fade = 100 if isinstance(fade, Number): saturation_fade, luminance_fade = saturation, fade else: _, saturation_fade, luminance_fade = to_xyz(fade, space) return PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_hsl( name, hue=hue, alpha=alpha, space=space, saturation=(saturation_fade, saturation), luminance=(luminance_fade, luminance), **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hsl( name, hue=0, saturation=100, luminance=(100, 20), alpha=None, ratios=None, **kwargs ): """ Make a `~PerceptuallyUniformColormap` by specifying the hue, saturation, and luminance transitions individually. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The colormap name. hue : float, str, or list thereof, optional Hue channel value or list of values. Values can be any of the following. 1. Numbers, within the range 0-360 for hue and 0-100 for saturation and luminance. 2. Color string names or hex strings, in which case the channel value for that color is looked up. If scalar, the hue does not change across the colormap. saturation, luminance, alpha : float, str, or list thereof, optional As with `hue`, but for the saturation, luminance, and alpha (opacity) channels, respectively. ratios : list of float, optional Relative extents of each color transition. Must have length ``len(colors) - 1``. Larger numbers indicate a slower transition, smaller numbers indicate a faster transition. For example, ``luminance=[100,50,0]`` with ``ratios=[2,1]`` results in a colormap with the transition from luminance ``100`` to ``50`` taking *twice as long* as the transition from luminance ``50`` to ``0``. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `PerceptuallyUniformColormap`. Returns ------- `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` The colormap. """ cdict = {} alpha = _notNone(alpha, 1.0) for key, channel in zip( ('hue', 'saturation', 'luminance', 'alpha'), (hue, saturation, luminance, alpha) ): cdict[key] = _make_segmentdata_array(channel, ratios=ratios) return PerceptuallyUniformColormap(name, cdict, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_list(name, colors, ratios=None, **kwargs): """ Make a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` from a list of colors. Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. colors : list of color-spec or (float, color-spec) tuples, optional If list of RGB[A] tuples or color strings, the colormap transitions evenly from ``colors[0]`` at the left-hand side to ``colors[-1]`` at the right-hand side. If list of (float, color-spec) tuples, the float values are the coordinate of each transition and must range from 0 to 1. This can be used to divide the colormap range unevenly. ratios : list of float, optional Relative extents of each color transition. Must have length ``len(colors) - 1``. Larger numbers indicate a slower transition, smaller numbers indicate a faster transition. For example, ``red=[1,0.5,0]`` with ``ratios=[2,1]`` results in a colormap with the transition from red ``1`` to ``0.5`` taking *twice as long* as the transition from red ``0.5`` to ``0``. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `PerceptuallyUniformColormap`. Returns ------- `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` The colormap. """ # Get coordinates coords = None space = kwargs.get('space', 'hsl') # use the builtin default if not np.iterable(colors): raise ValueError(f'Colors must be iterable, got colors={colors!r}') if (np.iterable(colors[0]) and len(colors[0]) == 2 and not isinstance(colors[0], str)): coords, colors = zip(*colors) colors = [to_xyz(color, space, alpha=True) for color in colors] # Build segmentdata keys = ('hue', 'saturation', 'luminance', 'alpha') cdict = {} for key, values in zip(keys, zip(*colors)): cdict[key] = _make_segmentdata_array(values, coords, ratios) return PerceptuallyUniformColormap(name, cdict, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_gamma(self, gamma=None, gamma1=None, gamma2=None): """ Modify the gamma value(s) and refresh the lookup table. Parameters ---------- gamma : float, optional Sets `gamma1` and `gamma2` to this identical value. gamma1 : float, optional If >1, makes low saturation colors more prominent. If <1, makes high saturation colors more prominent. Similar to the `HCLWizard <>`_ option. See `make_mapping_array` for details. gamma2 : float, optional If >1, makes high luminance colors more prominent. If <1, makes low luminance colors more prominent. Similar to the `HCLWizard <>`_ option. See `make_mapping_array` for details. """ gamma1 = _notNone(gamma1, gamma) gamma2 = _notNone(gamma2, gamma) if gamma1 is not None: self._gamma1 = gamma1 if gamma2 is not None: self._gamma2 = gamma2 self._init()
[docs] def updated( self, name=None, segmentdata=None, N=None, *, alpha=None, gamma=None, cyclic=None, clip=None, gamma1=None, gamma2=None, space=None ): """ Return a new colormap with relevant properties copied from this one if they were not provided as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- name : str The colormap name. Default is `` + '_updated'``. segmentdata, N, alpha, clip, cyclic, gamma, gamma1, gamma2, space : \ optional See `PerceptuallyUniformColormap`. If not provided, these are copied from the current colormap. """ if name is None: name = + '_updated' if segmentdata is None: segmentdata = self._segmentdata if space is None: space = self._space if clip is None: clip = self._clip if gamma is not None: gamma1 = gamma2 = gamma if gamma1 is None: gamma1 = self._gamma1 if gamma2 is None: gamma2 = self._gamma2 if cyclic is None: cyclic = self._cyclic if N is None: N = self.N cmap = PerceptuallyUniformColormap( name, segmentdata, N, alpha=alpha, clip=clip, cyclic=cyclic, gamma1=gamma1, gamma2=gamma2, space=space) cmap._rgba_bad = self._rgba_bad cmap._rgba_under = self._rgba_under cmap._rgba_over = self._rgba_over return cmap
[docs]class CmapDict(dict): """Dictionary subclass used to replace the `` colormap dictionary. See `~CmapDict.__getitem__` and `~CmapDict.__setitem__` for details.""" def __init__(self, kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict-like The source dictionary. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise KeyError(f'Invalid key {key}. Must be string.') self.__setitem__(key, value, sort=False) try: for record in (cmaps, cycles): record[:] = sorted(record) except NameError: pass def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete the item from the list records.""" super().__delitem__(self, key) try: for record in (cmaps, cycles): try: record.remove(key) except ValueError: pass except NameError: pass
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Retrieve the colormap associated with the sanitized key name. The key name is case insensitive. If it ends in ``'_r'``, the result of ``cmap.reversed()`` is returned for the colormap registered under the name ``key[:-2]``. If it ends in ``'_shifted'``, the result of ``cmap.shifted(180)`` is returned for the colormap registered under the name ``cmap[:-8]``. Reversed diverging colormaps can be requested with their "reversed" name -- for example, ``'BuRd'`` is equivalent to ``'RdBu_r'``.""" key = self._sanitize_key(key, mirror=True) shift = (key[-8:] == '_shifted') if shift: key = key[:-8] reverse = (key[-2:] == '_r') if reverse: key = key[:-2] value = super().__getitem__(key) # may raise keyerror if shift: if hasattr(value, 'shifted'): value = value.shifted(180) else: raise KeyError( f'Item of type {type(value).__name__!r} ' 'does not have shifted() method.' ) if reverse: if hasattr(value, 'reversed'): value = value.reversed() else: raise KeyError( f'Item of type {type(value).__name__!r} ' 'does not have reversed() method.' ) return value
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, item, sort=True): """Store the colormap under its lowercase name. If the colormap is a matplotlib `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` or `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`, it is converted to the ProPlot `ListedColormap` or `LinearSegmentedColormap` subclass.""" if isinstance(item, (ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap)): pass elif isinstance(item, mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap): item = LinearSegmentedColormap(, item._segmentdata, item.N, item._gamma) elif isinstance(item, mcolors.ListedColormap): item = ListedColormap( item.colors,, item.N) elif item is None: return else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid colormap {item}. Must be instance of ' 'matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap or ' 'matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.' ) key = self._sanitize_key(key, mirror=False) try: record = cycles if isinstance(item, ListedColormap) else cmaps record.append(key) if sort: record[:] = sorted(record) except NameError: pass return super().__setitem__(key, item)
def __contains__(self, item): """Test for membership using the sanitized colormap name.""" try: # by default __contains__ ignores __getitem__ overrides self.__getitem__(item) return True except KeyError: return False def _sanitize_key(self, key, mirror=True): """Return the sanitized colormap name.""" if not isinstance(key, str): raise KeyError(f'Invalid key {key!r}. Key must be a string.') key = key.lower() reverse = False if key[-2:] == '_r': key = key[:-2] reverse = True if mirror and not super().__contains__(key): # search for mirrored key key_mirror = key for pair in CMAPS_DIVERGING: try: idx = pair.index(key) key_mirror = pair[1 - idx] except (ValueError, KeyError): continue if super().__contains__(key_mirror): reverse = (not reverse) key = key_mirror if reverse: key = key + '_r' return key
[docs] def get(self, key, *args): """Retrieve the sanitized colormap name.""" key = self._sanitize_key(key, mirror=True) return super().get(key, *args)
[docs] def pop(self, key, *args): """Pop the sanitized colormap name.""" key = self._sanitize_key(key, mirror=True) try: for record in (cmaps, cycles): try: record.remove(key) except ValueError: pass except NameError: pass return super().pop(key, *args)
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the dictionary with sanitized colormap names.""" if len(args) == 1: kwargs.update(args[0]) elif len(args) > 1: raise TypeError( f'update() expected at most 1 arguments, got {len(args)}.' ) for key, value in kwargs.items(): self[key] = value
class _ColorMappingOverride(mcolors._ColorMapping): """Mapping whose cache attribute is a `ColorDict` dictionary.""" def __init__(self, mapping): super().__init__(mapping) self.cache = ColorDict({})
[docs]class ColorDict(dict): """This class overrides the builtin matplotlib color cache, allowing users to draw colors from *named colormaps and color cycles* for any plotting command that accepts a `color` keyword arg. See `~ColorDict.__getitem__` for details."""
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Allows user to select colors from arbitrary named colormaps and color cycles. * For a smooth colormap, usage is e.g. ``color=('Blues', 0.8)``. The number is the colormap index, and must be between 0 and 1. * For a color cycle, usage is e.g. ``color=('colorblind', 2)``. The number is the list index. These examples work with any matplotlib command that accepts a `color` keyword arg. """ # Matplotlib 'color' args are passed to to_rgba, which tries to read # directly from cache and if that fails, sanitizes input, which # raises error on receiving (colormap, idx) tuple. So we *have* to # override cache instead of color dict itself. rgb, alpha = key if (not isinstance(rgb, str) and np.iterable(rgb) and len(rgb) == 2 and isinstance(rgb[1], Number) and isinstance(rgb[0], str)): try: cmap = mcm.cmap_d[rgb[0]] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass else: if isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap): if not 0 <= rgb[1] < len(cmap.colors): raise ValueError( f'Color cycle sample for {rgb[0]!r} cycle must be ' f'between 0 and {len(cmap.colors)-1}, ' f'got {rgb[1]}.' ) # draw color from the list of colors, using index rgb = cmap.colors[rgb[1]] else: if not 0 <= rgb[1] <= 1: raise ValueError( f'Colormap sample for {rgb[0]!r} colormap must be ' f'between 0 and 1, got {rgb[1]}.' ) # interpolate color from colormap, using key in range 0-1 rgb = cmap(rgb[1]) rgba = mcolors.to_rgba(rgb, alpha) return rgba return super().__getitem__((rgb, alpha))
[docs]def Colors(*args, **kwargs): """Pass all arguments to `Cycle` and return the list of colors from the resulting `~cycler.Cycler` object.""" cycle = Cycle(*args, **kwargs) return [dict_['color'] for dict_ in cycle]
[docs]def Colormap( *args, name=None, listmode='perceptual', fade=None, cycle=None, shift=None, cut=None, left=None, right=None, reverse=False, save=False, save_kw=None, **kwargs ): """ Generate or retrieve colormaps and optionally merge and manipulate them in a variety of ways. Used to interpret the `cmap` and `cmap_kw` arguments when passed to any plotting method wrapped by `~proplot.wrappers.cmap_changer`. Parameters ---------- *args : colormap-spec Positional arguments that individually generate colormaps. If more than one argument is passed, the resulting colormaps are merged. Arguments are interpreted as follows. * If `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` or a registered colormap name, the colormap is simply returned. * If a filename string with valid extension, the colormap data will be loaded. See `register_cmaps` and `register_cycles`. * If RGB tuple or color string, a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` is generated with `~PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_color`. If the string ends in ``'_r'``, the monochromatic map will be *reversed*, i.e. will go from dark to light instead of light to dark. * If list of RGB tuples or color strings, a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` is generated with `~PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_list`. * If dictionary containing the keys ``'hue'``, ``'saturation'``, and ``'luminance'``, a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` is generated with `~PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_hsl`. name : str, optional Name under which the final colormap is registered. It can then be reused by passing ``cmap='name'`` to plotting functions like `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf`. fade : float, optional The maximum luminosity used when generating colormaps with `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_color`. Default is ``100`` when calling `Colormap` directly, and ``90`` when `Colormap` is called by `Cycle` (this prevents having pure white in the color cycle). For example, ``plot.Colormap('blue', fade=80)`` generates a blue colormap that fades to a pale blue with 80% luminance. cycle : str or list of color-spec, optional The registered cycle name or a list of colors used to interpret cycle color strings like ``'C0'`` and ``'C2'`` when generating colormaps with `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_color`. Default is colors from the currently active property cycler. For example, ``plot.Colormap('C0', 'C1', 'C2', cycle='538')`` generates a colormap using colors from the ``'538'`` color cycle. listmode : {'perceptual', 'linear', 'listed'}, optional Controls how colormaps are generated when you input list(s) of colors. If ``'perceptual'``, a `PerceptuallyUniformColormap` is generated with `PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_list`. If ``'linear'``, a `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` is generated with `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list`. If ``'listed'``, the `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` is generated. Default is ``'perceptual'`` when calling `Colormap` directly, and ``'listed'`` when `Colormap` is called by `Cycle`. cut : float, optional Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.punched`. This applies to the final *merged* colormap. left, right : float, optional Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.truncated` or `ListedColormap.truncated`. These apply to *each colormap* individually. reverse : bool, optional Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.reversed` or `ListedColormap.reversed`. This applies to *each colormap* individually. shift : float, optional Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.shifted` or `ListedColormap.shifted`. This applies to the final *merged* colormap. save : bool, optional Whether to call the colormap save method, i.e. `` or ``. save_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `save` is ``False``. Passed to the colormap save method, i.e. `` or ``. **kwargs Passed to `LinearSegmentedColormap.concatenate` or `ListedColormap.concatenate`. Each of these functions accepts arbitrary colormap settings. Returns ------- `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` A `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` or `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` instance. """ # Initial stuff # TODO: Play with using "qualitative" colormaps in realistic examples, # how to make colormaps cyclic. if not args: raise ValueError( f'Colormap() requires at least one positional argument.' ) if listmode not in ('listed', 'linear', 'perceptual'): raise ValueError( f'Invalid listmode={listmode!r}. Options are: ' "'listed', 'linear', 'perceptual'." ) tmp = '_no_name' cmaps = [] for i, cmap in enumerate(args): # Load registered colormaps and maps on file # TODO: Document how 'listmode' also affects loaded files if isinstance(cmap, str): if '.' in cmap: if listmode == 'listed': cmap = ListedColormap.from_file(cmap) else: cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_file(cmap) else: try: cmap = mcm.cmap_d[cmap] except KeyError: pass # Convert matplotlib colormaps to subclasses if isinstance(cmap, (ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap)): pass elif isinstance(cmap, mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap): cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(, cmap._segmentdata, cmap.N, cmap._gamma) elif isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap): cmap = ListedColormap( cmap.colors,, cmap.N) # Dictionary of hue/sat/luminance values or 2-tuples representing # linear transition elif isinstance(cmap, dict): cmap = PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_hsl(tmp, **cmap) # List of color tuples or color strings, i.e. iterable of iterables elif (not isinstance(cmap, str) and np.iterable(cmap) and all(np.iterable(color) for color in cmap)): try: colors = [to_rgb(color, cycle=cycle, alpha=True) for color in cmap] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid color(s) in list {cmap!r}.') if listmode == 'listed': cmap = ListedColormap(colors, tmp) elif listmode == 'linear': cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(tmp, colors) else: cmap = PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_list(tmp, colors) # Monochrome colormap from input color else: ireverse = (isinstance(cmap, str) and cmap[-2:] == '_r') if ireverse: cmap = cmap[:-2] try: color = to_rgb(cmap, cycle=cycle, alpha=True) except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = f'Invalid cmap, cycle, or color {cmap!r}.' if isinstance(cmap, str): msg += ( f'\nValid cmap and cycle names: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(mcm.cmap_d))) + '.' f'\nValid color names: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted( mcolors.colorConverter.colors)) ) + '.' ) raise ValueError(msg) cmap = PerceptuallyUniformColormap.from_color(tmp, color, fade) if ireverse: cmap = cmap.reversed() # Cut the edges and/or reverse the map if left is not None or right is not None: cmap = cmap.truncated(left, right) if reverse: cmap = cmap.reversed() cmaps.append(cmap) # Merge the result of this arbitrary user input if len(cmaps) > 1: # more than one map? cmap = cmaps[0].concatenate(*cmaps[1:], **kwargs) elif kwargs: # modify any props? cmap = cmaps[0].updated(**kwargs) # Cut the center and roate the colormap if cut is not None: cmap = cmap.punched(cut) if shift is not None: cmap = cmap.shifted(shift) # Initialize if not cmap._isinit: cmap._init() # Register and save the colormap if name is None: name = # may have been modified by e.g. .shifted() else: = name mcm.cmap_d[name] = cmap if save: save_kw = save_kw or {}**save_kw) return cmap
[docs]def Cycle( *args, N=None, name=None, marker=None, alpha=None, dashes=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, markersize=None, markeredgewidth=None, markeredgecolor=None, markerfacecolor=None, save=False, save_kw=None, **kwargs ): """ Generate and merge `~cycler.Cycler` instances in a variety of ways. Used to interpret the `cycle` and `cycle_kw` arguments when passed to any plotting method wrapped by `~proplot.wrappers.cycle_changer`. If you just want a list of colors instead of a `~cycler.Cycler` instance, use the `colors` function. If you want a `~cycler.Cycler` instance that imposes black as the default color and cycles through properties like ``linestyle`` instead, call this function without any positional arguments. Parameters ---------- *args : colormap-spec or cycle-spec, optional Positional arguments control the *colors* in the `~cycler.Cycler` object. If more than one argument is passed, the resulting cycles are merged. Arguments are interpreted as follows. * If `~cycler.Cycler`, nothing more is done. * If list of RGB tuples or color strings, these colors are used. * If `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`, colors from the ``colors`` attribute are used. * If string color cycle name, that `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` is looked up and its ``colors`` attribute is used. See `cycles`. * Otherwise, the argument is passed to `Colormap`, and colors from the resulting `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` are used. See the `N` argument. If the last positional argument is numeric, it is used for the `N` keyword argument. N : float or list of float, optional For `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`\ s, this is the number of colors to select. For example, ``Cycle('538', 4)`` returns the first 4 colors of the ``'538'`` color cycle. For `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`\ s, this is either a *list of sample coordinates* used to draw colors from the map, or an *integer number of colors* to draw. If the latter, the sample coordinates are ``np.linspace(0, 1, samples)``. For example, ``Cycle('Reds', 5)`` divides the ``'Reds'`` colormap into five evenly spaced colors. name : str, optional Name of the resulting `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` used to register the color cycle. Default name is ``'no_name'``. marker, alpha, dashes, linestyle, linewidth, markersize, markeredgewidth, markeredgecolor, markerfacecolor : list of specs, optional Lists of `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties that can be added to the `~cycler.Cycler` instance. If the lists have unequal length, they will be filled to match the length of the longest list. See `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_prop_cycle` for more info on cyclers. Also see the `line style reference \ <>`__, the `marker reference \ <>`__, and the `custom dashes reference \ <>`__. save : bool, optional Whether to save the `ListedColormap` associated with this cycle. See ``. save_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `save` is ``False``. Passed to `` for the `ListedColormap` associated with this cycle. **kwargs Passed to `Colormap` when the input is not already a `~cycler.Cycler` instance. Returns ------- `~cycler.Cycler` A cycler instance that can be passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_prop_cycle`. """ # noqa # Add properties props = {} nprops = 0 for key, value in ( ('marker', marker), ('alpha', alpha), ('dashes', dashes), ('linestyle', linestyle), ('linewidth', linewidth), ('markersize', markersize), ('markeredgewidth', markeredgewidth), ('markeredgecolor', markeredgecolor), ('markerfacecolor', markerfacecolor), ): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str) or not np.iterable(value): raise ValueError( f'Invalid {key!r} property {value!r}. ' f'Must be list or tuple of properties.' ) nprops = max(nprops, len(value)) props[key] = [*value] # ensure mutable list # If args is non-empty, means we want color cycle; otherwise is black if not args: props['color'] = ['k'] # ensures property cycler is non empty if kwargs: _warn_proplot(f'Ignoring Cycle() keyword arg(s) {kwargs}.') # Merge cycler objects elif all(isinstance(arg, cycler.Cycler) for arg in args): if kwargs: _warn_proplot(f'Ignoring Cycle() keyword arg(s) {kwargs}.') if len(args) == 1: return args[0] else: props = {} for arg in args: for key, value in arg.by_key(): if key not in props: props[key] = [] props[key].extend([*value]) return cycler.cycler(**props) # Build and register a ListedColormap else: # Collect samples if args and isinstance(args[-1], Number): # means we want to sample existing colormaps or cycles args, N = args[:-1], args[-1] kwargs.setdefault('fade', 90) kwargs.setdefault('listmode', 'listed') cmap = Colormap(*args, **kwargs) # the cmap object itself if isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap): colors = cmap.colors[:N] # if N is None, does nothing else: N = _notNone(N, 10) if isinstance(N, Integral): x = np.linspace(0, 1, N) # from edge to edge elif np.iterable(N) and all( isinstance(item, Number) for item in N): x = np.array(N) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid samples {N!r}.') N = len(x) colors = cmap(x) # Register and save the samples as a ListedColormap name = name or '_no_name' cmap = ListedColormap(colors, name=name, N=N) mcm.cmap_d[name] = cmap if save: save_kw = save_kw or {}**save_kw) # Add to property dict nprops = max(nprops, len(colors)) props['color'] = [ tuple(color) if not isinstance(color, str) else color for color in cmap.colors ] # save the tupled version! # Build cycler, make sure lengths are the same for key, value in props.items(): if len(value) < nprops: value[:] = [ value[i % len(value)] for i in range(nprops) ] # make loop double back cycle = cycler.cycler(**props) = name return cycle
[docs]def Norm(norm, levels=None, **kwargs): """ Return an arbitrary `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance. Used to interpret the `norm` and `norm_kw` arguments when passed to any plotting method wrapped by `~proplot.wrappers.cmap_changer`. Parameters ---------- norm : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` Key name for the normalizer. The recognized normalizer key names are as follows. =============================== =============================== Key(s) Class =============================== =============================== ``'midpoint'``, ``'zero'`` `MidpointNorm` ``'segments'``, ``'segmented'`` `LinearSegmentedNorm` ``'none'``, ``'null'`` `~matplotlib.colors.NoNorm` ``'linear'`` `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` ``'log'`` `~matplotlib.colors.LogNorm` ``'power'`` `~matplotlib.colors.PowerNorm` ``'symlog'`` `~matplotlib.colors.SymLogNorm` =============================== =============================== levels : array-like, optional Level *edges*, passed to `LinearSegmentedNorm` or used to determine the `vmin` and `vmax` arguments for `MidpointNorm`. **kwargs Passed to the `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` initializer. See `this tutorial \ <>`__ for more info. Returns ------- `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` A `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance. """ if isinstance(norm, mcolors.Normalize): return norm if isinstance(norm, str): # Get class norm_out = normalizers.get(norm, None) if norm_out is None: raise ValueError( f'Unknown normalizer {norm!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, normalizers.keys())) + '.' ) # Instantiate class if norm_out is LinearSegmentedNorm: if not np.iterable(levels): raise ValueError( f'Need levels for normalizer {norm!r}. ' f'Received levels={levels!r}.' ) kwargs.update({'levels': levels}) norm_out = norm_out(**kwargs) # initialize else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown norm {norm_out!r}.') return norm_out
[docs]class BinNorm(mcolors.BoundaryNorm): """ This normalizer is used for all colormap plots. It can be thought of as a "meta-normalizer": It first scales the data according to any arbitrary `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` class, then maps the normalized values ranging from 0-1 into **discrete** levels. Consider input levels of ``[0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]``. The algorithm is as follows. 1. `levels` are normalized according to the input normalizer `norm`. If it is ``None``, they are not changed. Possible normalizers include `~matplotlib.colors.LogNorm`, which makes color transitions linear in the logarithm of the value, or `LinearSegmentedNorm`, which makes color transitions linear in the **index** of the level array. 2. Possible colormap coordinates, corresponding to bins delimited by the normalized `levels` array, are calculated. In this case, the bin centers are simply ``[1.5, 4.5, 7.5, 10.5, 13.5]``, which gives us normalized colormap coordinates of ``[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]``. 3. Out-of-bounds coordinates are added. These depend on the value of the `extend` keyword argument. For `extend` equal to ``'neither'``, the coordinates including out-of-bounds values are ``[0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1]`` -- out-of-bounds values have the same color as the nearest in-bounds values. For `extend` equal to ``'both'``, the bins are ``[0, 0.16, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.83, 1]`` -- out-of-bounds values are given distinct colors. This makes sure your colorbar always shows the **full range of colors** in the colormap. 4. Whenever `BinNorm.__call__` is invoked, the input value normalized by `norm` is compared against the normalized `levels` array. Its bin index is determined with `numpy.searchsorted`, and its corresponding colormap coordinate is selected using this index. """ # See this post: # WARNING: Must be child of BoundaryNorm. Many methods in ColorBarBase # test for class membership, crucially including _process_values(), which # if it doesn't detect BoundaryNorm will try to use BinNorm.inverse(). def __init__( self, levels, norm=None, clip=False, step=1.0, extend='neither' ): """ Parameters ---------- levels : list of float The discrete data levels. norm : `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize`, optional The normalizer used to transform `levels` and all data passed to `BinNorm.__call__` *before* discretization. step : float, optional The intensity of the transition to out-of-bounds color, as a faction of the *average* step between in-bounds colors. Default is ``1``. extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional Which direction colors will be extended. No matter the `extend` option, `BinNorm` ensures colors always extend through the extreme end colors. clip : bool, optional A `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` option. Note ---- If you are using a diverging colormap with ``extend='max'`` or ``extend='min'``, the center will get messed up. But that is very strange usage anyway... so please just don't do that :) """ # Declare boundaries, vmin, vmax in True coordinates. # Notes: # * Idea is that we bin data into len(levels) discrete x-coordinates, # and optionally make out-of-bounds colors the same or different # * Don't need to call parent __init__, this is own implementation # Do need it to subclass BoundaryNorm, so ColorbarBase will detect it # See BoundaryNorm: # levels = np.atleast_1d(levels) if levels.size <= 1: raise ValueError('Need at least two levels.') elif ((levels[1:] - levels[:-1]) <= 0).any(): raise ValueError( f'Levels {levels} passed to Normalize() must be ' 'monotonically increasing.' ) if extend not in ('both', 'min', 'max', 'neither'): raise ValueError( f'Unknown extend option {extend!r}. Choose from ' '"min", "max", "both", "neither".' ) # Determine color ids for levels, i.e. position in 0-1 space # Length of these ids should be N + 1 -- that is, N - 1 colors # for values in-between levels, plus 2 colors for out-of-bounds. # * For same out-of-bounds colors, looks like [0, 0, ..., 1, 1] # * For unique out-of-bounds colors, looks like [0, X, ..., 1 - X, 1] # where the offset X equals step/len(levels). # First get coordinates if not norm: # WARNING: Normalization to 0-1 must always take place first, # required by colorbar_factory ticks manager. norm = mcolors.Normalize() elif not isinstance(norm, mcolors.Normalize): raise ValueError( 'Normalizer must be matplotlib.colors.Normalize, ' f'got {type(norm)}.' ) elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.BoundaryNorm): raise ValueError( f'Normalizer cannot be an instance of ' 'matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm.' ) x_b = norm(levels) x_m = (x_b[1:] + x_b[:-1]) / 2 # get level centers after norm scaling y = (x_m - x_m.min()) / (x_m.max() - x_m.min()) if isinstance(y, ma.core.MaskedArray): y = y.filled(np.nan) y = y[np.isfinite(y)] # Account for out of bounds colors # WARNING: For some reason must clip manually for LogNorm, or # end up with unpredictable fill value, weird "out-of-bounds" colors offset = 0 scale = 1 eps = step / (y.size - 1) # eps = step/levels.size if extend in ('min', 'both'): offset = eps scale -= eps if extend in ('max', 'both'): scale -= eps # insert '0' (arg 3) before index '0' (arg 2) y = np.concatenate(([0], offset + scale * y, [1])) self._norm = norm self._x_b = x_b self._y = y if isinstance(norm, mcolors.LogNorm): self._norm_clip = (5e-249, None) else: self._norm_clip = None # Add builtin properties # NOTE: Are vmin/vmax even used? self.boundaries = levels self.vmin = levels.min() self.vmax = levels.max() self.clip = clip self.N = levels.size
[docs] def __call__(self, xq, clip=None): """Normalize data values to 0-1.""" # Follow example of LinearSegmentedNorm, but perform no interpolation, # just use searchsorted to bin the data. norm_clip = self._norm_clip if norm_clip: xq = np.clip(xq, *norm_clip) xq = self._norm(xq) # which x-bin does each point in xq belong to? yq = self._y[np.searchsorted(self._x_b, xq)] mask = ma.getmaskarray(xq) return ma.array(yq, mask=mask)
[docs] def inverse(self, yq): """Raise an error. Inversion after discretization is impossible.""" raise RuntimeError('BinNorm is not invertible.')
[docs]class LinearSegmentedNorm(mcolors.Normalize): """ This is the default normalizer paired with `BinNorm` whenever `levels` are non-linearly spaced. The normalized value is linear with respect to its average index in the `levels` vector, allowing uniform color transitions across arbitrarily spaced monotonically increasing values. It accomplishes this following the example of the `~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` source code, by performing efficient, vectorized linear interpolation between the provided boundary levels. Can be used by passing ``norm='segmented'`` or ``norm='segments'`` to any command accepting ``cmap``. The default midpoint is zero. """ def __init__(self, levels, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- levels : list of float The discrete data levels. vmin, vmax : None Ignored, because `vmin` and `vmax` are set to the minimum and maximum of `levels`. **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize`. """ levels = np.atleast_1d(levels) if levels.size <= 1: raise ValueError('Need at least two levels.') elif ((levels[1:] - levels[:-1]) <= 0).any(): raise ValueError( f'Levels {levels} passed to LinearSegmentedNorm must be ' 'monotonically increasing.' ) vmin, vmax = levels.min(), levels.max() super().__init__(vmin, vmax, **kwargs) # second level superclass self._x = levels self._y = np.linspace(0, 1, len(levels))
[docs] def __call__(self, xq, clip=None): """Normalize the data values to 0-1. Inverse of `~LinearSegmentedNorm.inverse`.""" # Follow example of make_mapping_array for efficient, vectorized # linear interpolation across multiple segments. # * Normal test puts values at a[i] if a[i-1] < v <= a[i]; for # left-most data, satisfy a[0] <= v <= a[1] # * searchsorted gives where xq[i] must be inserted so it is larger # than x[ind[i]-1] but smaller than x[ind[i]] x = self._x # from arbitrarily spaced monotonic levels y = self._y # to linear range 0-1 xq = np.atleast_1d(xq) ind = np.searchsorted(x, xq) ind[ind == 0] = 1 ind[ind == len(x)] = len(x) - 1 distance = (xq - x[ind - 1]) / (x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) yq = distance * (y[ind] - y[ind - 1]) + y[ind - 1] mask = ma.getmaskarray(xq) return ma.array(yq, mask=mask)
[docs] def inverse(self, yq): """Inverse operation of `~LinearSegmentedNorm.__call__`.""" x = self._x y = self._y yq = np.atleast_1d(yq) ind = np.searchsorted(y, yq) ind[ind == 0] = 1 ind[ind == len(y)] = len(y) - 1 distance = (yq - y[ind - 1]) / (y[ind] - y[ind - 1]) xq = distance * (x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) + x[ind - 1] mask = ma.getmaskarray(yq) return ma.array(xq, mask=mask)
[docs]class MidpointNorm(mcolors.Normalize): """ Ensures a "midpoint" always lies at the central colormap color. Can be used by passing ``norm='midpoint'`` to any command accepting ``cmap``. The default midpoint is zero. """ def __init__(self, midpoint=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=None): """ Parameters ---------- midpoint : float, optional The midpoint, or the data value corresponding to the normalized value ``0.5`` -- halfway down the colormap. vmin, vmax, clip The minimum and maximum data values, and the clipping setting. Passed to `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize`. """ # Bigger numbers are too one-sided super().__init__(vmin, vmax, clip) self._midpoint = midpoint
[docs] def __call__(self, xq, clip=None): """Normalize data values to 0-1. Inverse of `~MidpointNorm.inverse`.""" # Get middle point in 0-1 coords, and value # Notes: # * Look up these three values in case vmin/vmax changed; this is # a more general normalizer than the others. Others are 'parent' # normalizers, meant to be static more or less. # * searchsorted gives where xq[i] must be inserted so it is larger # than x[ind[i]-1] but smaller than x[ind[i]] # x, y = [self.vmin, self._midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1] if self.vmin >= self._midpoint or self.vmax <= self._midpoint: raise ValueError( f'Midpoint {self._midpoint} outside of vmin {self.vmin} ' f'and vmax {self.vmax}.' ) x = np.array([self.vmin, self._midpoint, self.vmax]) y = np.array([0, 0.5, 1]) xq = np.atleast_1d(xq) ind = np.searchsorted(x, xq) ind[ind == 0] = 1 # in this case will get normed value <0 # in this case, will get normed value >0 ind[ind == len(x)] = len(x) - 1 distance = (xq - x[ind - 1]) / (x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) yq = distance * (y[ind] - y[ind - 1]) + y[ind - 1] mask = ma.getmaskarray(xq) return ma.array(yq, mask=mask)
[docs] def inverse(self, yq, clip=None): """Inverse operation of `~MidpointNorm.__call__`.""" # Invert the above # x, y = [self.vmin, self._midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1] # return ma.masked_array(np.interp(yq, y, x)) # Performs inverse operation of __call__ x = np.array([self.vmin, self._midpoint, self.vmax]) y = np.array([0, 0.5, 1]) yq = np.atleast_1d(yq) ind = np.searchsorted(y, yq) ind[ind == 0] = 1 ind[ind == len(y)] = len(y) - 1 distance = (yq - y[ind - 1]) / (y[ind] - y[ind - 1]) xq = distance * (x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) + x[ind - 1] mask = ma.getmaskarray(yq) return ma.array(xq, mask=mask)
def _get_data_paths(dirname): """Return data folder paths in reverse order of precedence.""" # When loading colormaps, cycles, and colors, files in the latter # directories overwrite files in the former directories. When loading # fonts, the resulting paths need to be *reversed*. return [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dirname), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.proplot', dirname) ] def _from_file(filename, listed=False, warn_on_failure=False): """Read generalized colormap and color cycle files.""" filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) if os.path.isdir(filename): # no warning return # Warn if loading failed during `register_cmaps` or `register_cycles` # but raise error if user tries to load a file. def _warn_or_raise(msg, error=RuntimeError): if warn_on_failure: _warn_proplot(msg) else: raise error(msg) # Directly read segmentdata json file # NOTE: This is special case! Immediately return name and cmap if not os.path.exists(filename): _warn_or_raise(f'File {filename!r} not found.', FileNotFoundError) return N = rcParams['image.lut'] name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) ext = ext[1:] cmap = None if ext == 'json': try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError: _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}.', json.JSONDecodeError ) return kw = {} for key in ('cyclic', 'gamma', 'gamma1', 'gamma2', 'space'): kw[key] = data.pop(key, None) if 'red' in data: cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, data, N=N) else: cmap = PerceptuallyUniformColormap(name, data, N=N, **kw) if name[-2:] == '_r': cmap = cmap.reversed(name[:-2]) # Read .rgb, .rgba, .xrgb, and .xrgba files elif ext in ('txt', 'rgb', 'xrgb', 'rgba', 'xrgba'): # Load # NOTE: This appears to be biggest import time bottleneck! Increases # time from 0.05s to 0.2s, with numpy loadtxt or with this regex thing. delim = re.compile(r'[,\s]+') data = [ delim.split(line.strip()) for line in open(filename).readlines() if line.strip() and line.strip()[0] != '#' ] try: data = [[float(num) for num in line] for line in data] except ValueError: _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Expected a table of comma ' 'or space-separated values.' ) return # Build x-coordinates and standardize shape data = np.array(data) if data.shape[1] != len(ext): _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Got {data.shape[1]} columns, ' f'but expected {len(ext)}.' ) return if ext[0] != 'x': # i.e. no x-coordinates specified explicitly x = np.linspace(0, 1, data.shape[0]) else: x, data = data[:, 0], data[:, 1:] # Load XML files created with scivizcolor # Adapted from script found here: # elif ext == 'xml': try: doc = ElementTree.parse(filename) except ElementTree.ParseError: _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Parsing error.', ElementTree.ParseError ) return x, data = [], [] for s in doc.getroot().findall('.//Point'): # Verify keys if any(key not in s.attrib for key in 'xrgb'): _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Missing an x, r, g, or b ' 'specification inside one or more <Point> tags.' ) return # Get data color = [] for key in 'rgbao': # o for opacity if key not in s.attrib: continue color.append(float(s.attrib[key])) x.append(float(s.attrib['x'])) data.append(color) # Convert to array if not all(len(data[0]) == len(color) and len(color) in (3, 4) for color in data): _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Unexpected number of channels ' 'or mixed channels across <Point> tags.' ) return # Read hex strings elif ext == 'hex': # Read arbitrary format string = open(filename).read() # into single string data = re.findall('#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}', string) # list of strings if len(data) < 2: _warn_or_raise( f'Failed to load {filename!r}. Hex strings not found.' ) return # Convert to array x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(data)) data = [to_rgb(color) for color in data] else: _warn_or_raise( f'Colormap or cycle file {filename!r} has unknown extension.' ) return # Standardize and reverse if necessary to cmap # TODO: Document the fact that filenames ending in _r return a reversed # version of the colormap stored in that file. if not cmap: x, data = np.array(x), np.array(data) # for some reason, some aren't in 0-1 range x = (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) if (data > 2).any(): # from 0-255 to 0-1 data = data / 255 if name[-2:] == '_r': name = name[:-2] data = data[::-1, :] x = 1 - x[::-1] if listed: cmap = ListedColormap(data, name, N=len(data)) else: data = [(x, color) for x, color in zip(x, data)] cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, data, N=N) # Return colormap or data return cmap
[docs]@_timer def register_cmaps(): """ Register colormaps packaged with ProPlot or saved to the ``~/.proplot/cmaps`` folder. This is called on import. Maps are registered according to their filenames -- for example, ```` will be registered as ``'name'``. For a table of valid extensions, see `LinearSegmentedColormap.from_file`. To visualize the registered colormaps, use `show_cmaps`. """ for i, path in enumerate(_get_data_paths('cmaps')): for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*'))): cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_file( filename, warn_on_failure=True ) if not cmap: continue if i == 0 and in ('phase', 'graycycle'): cmap._cyclic = True mcm.cmap_d[] = cmap
[docs]@_timer def register_cycles(): """ Register color cycles packaged with ProPlot or saved to the ``~/.proplot/cycles`` folder. This is called on import. Cycles are registered according to their filenames -- for example, ``name.hex`` will be registered under the name ``'name'`` as a `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` map (see `Cycle` for details). For a table of valid extensions, see `ListedColormap.from_file`. To visualize the registered colormaps, use `show_cmaps`. """ for path in _get_data_paths('cycles'): for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*'))): cmap = ListedColormap.from_file( filename, warn_on_failure=True ) if not cmap: continue if isinstance(cmap, LinearSegmentedColormap): cmap = ListedColormap(colors(cmap), mcm.cmap_d[] = cmap cycles.append(
[docs]@_timer def register_colors(nmax=np.inf): """ Add color names packaged with ProPlot or saved to the ``~/.proplot/colors`` folder. ProPlot loads the crowd-sourced XKCD color name database, Crayola crayon color database, and any user input files, then filters them to be "perceptually distinct" in the HCL colorspace. Files must just have one line per color in the format ``name : hex``. Whitespace is ignored. This is called on import. Use `show_colors` to generate a table of the resulting colors. """ # Reset native colors dictionary and add some default groups # Add in CSS4 so no surprises for user, but we will not encourage this # usage and will omit CSS4 colors from the demo table. colors.clear() base = {} base.update(mcolors.BASE_COLORS) base.update(COLORS_BASE) # full names mcolors.colorConverter.colors.clear() # clean out! mcolors.colorConverter.cache.clear() # clean out! for name, dict_ in (('base', base), ('css', mcolors.CSS4_COLORS)): mcolors.colorConverter.colors.update(dict_) colors[name] = sorted(dict_) # Load colors from file and get their HCL values dicts = {} seen = {*base} # never overwrite base names, e.g. 'blue' and 'b'! hcls = [] data = [] for i, path in enumerate(_get_data_paths('colors')): if i == 0: paths = [ # be explicit because categories matter! os.path.join(path, base) for base in ('xkcd.txt', 'crayola.txt', 'opencolor.txt') ] else: paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt'))) for file in paths: cat, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file)) with open(file, 'r') as f: pairs = [ tuple(item.strip() for item in line.split(':')) for line in f.readlines() if line.strip() and line.strip()[0] != '#' ] if not all(len(pair) == 2 for pair in pairs): raise RuntimeError( f'Invalid color names file {file!r}. ' f'Every line must be formatted as "name: color".' ) # Categories for which we add *all* colors if cat == 'opencolor' or i == 1: dict_ = {name: color for name, color in pairs} mcolors.colorConverter.colors.update(dict_) colors[cat] = sorted(dict_) continue # Filter remaining colors to *unique* colors j = 0 if cat not in dicts: dicts[cat] = {} for name, color in pairs: # is list of name, color tuples j += 1 if j > nmax: # e.g. for xkcd colors break for regex, sub in COLORS_TRANSLATIONS: name = regex.sub(sub, name) if name in seen or continue seen.add(name) hcls.append(to_xyz(color, space=COLORS_SPACE)) data.append((cat, name, color)) # category name pair # Remove colors that are 'too similar' by rounding to the nearest n units # WARNING: Unique axis argument requires numpy version >=1.13 hcls = np.array(hcls) if hcls.size > 0: hcls = hcls / np.array([360, 100, 100]) hcls = np.round(hcls / COLORS_THRESH).astype(np.int64) _, idxs, _ = np.unique( hcls, return_index=True, return_counts=True, axis=0) for idx, (cat, name, color) in enumerate(data): if name in COLORS_INCLUDE or idx in idxs: dicts[cat][name] = color for cat, dict_ in dicts.items(): mcolors.colorConverter.colors.update(dict_) colors[cat] = sorted(dict_)
[docs]@_timer def register_fonts(): """Add fonts packaged with ProPlot or saved to the ``~/.proplot/fonts`` folder, if they are not already added. Detects ``.ttf`` and ``.otf`` files -- see `this link \ <>`__ for a guide on converting various other font file types to ``.ttf`` and ``.otf`` for use with matplotlib.""" # Add proplot path to TTFLIST and rebuild cache *only if necessary* # * Nice gallery of sans-serif fonts: # # noqa # * Sources for downloading more fonts: # # # WARNING: If you include a font file with an unrecognized style, # matplotlib may use that font instead of the 'normal' one! Valid styles: # 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', # 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' # # For macOS the only fonts with 'Thin' in one of the .ttf file names # are Helvetica Neue and .SF NS Display Condensed. Never try to use these! paths = ':'.join(_get_data_paths('fonts')[::-1]) # user paths come first if 'TTFPATH' not in os.environ: os.environ['TTFPATH'] = paths elif paths not in os.environ['TTFPATH']: os.environ['TTFPATH'] += (':' + paths) # Detect user-input .ttc fonts import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts fnames_proplot = {*mfonts.findSystemFonts(paths.split(':'))} fnames_proplot_ttc = { file for file in fnames_proplot if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.ttc' } if fnames_proplot_ttc: _warn_proplot( 'Ignoring the following .ttc fonts because they cannot be ' 'saved into PDF or EPS files (see matplotlib issue #3135): ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(fnames_proplot_ttc))) + '. Please consider expanding them into separate .ttf files.' ) # Rebuild font cache only if necessary! Can be >50% of total import time! fnames_all = {font.fname for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist} fnames_proplot -= fnames_proplot_ttc if not fnames_all >= fnames_proplot: if hasattr(mfonts.fontManager, 'addfont'): for fname in fnames_proplot: mfonts.fontManager.addfont(fname) mfonts.json_dump(mfonts.fontManager, mfonts._fmcache) else: _warn_proplot('Rebuilding font manager.') mfonts._rebuild() # Remove ttc files *after* rebuild mfonts.fontManager.ttflist = [ font for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist if os.path.splitext(font.fname)[1] != '.ttc' ] # Populate font name lists, with proplot fonts *first* fonts_proplot = sorted({ for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist if any(path in font.fname for path in paths.split(':')) }) fonts_system = sorted({ for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist if not any(path in font.fname for path in paths.split(':')) }) fonts[:] = [*fonts_proplot, *fonts_system]
def _draw_bars(names, *, source, unknown='User', length=4.0, width=0.2): """ Draw colorbars for "colormaps" and "color cycles". This is called by `show_cycles` and `show_cmaps`. """ # Categorize the input names cmapdict = {} names_all = list(map(str.lower, names)) names_known = list(map(str.lower, sum(map(list, source.values()), []))) names_unknown = [name for name in names if name not in names_known] if names_unknown: cmapdict[unknown] = names_unknown for cat, names in source.items(): names_cat = [name for name in names if name.lower() in names_all] if names_cat: cmapdict[cat] = names_cat # Draw figure from . import subplots naxs = len(cmapdict) + sum(map(len, cmapdict.values())) fig, axs = subplots( nrows=naxs, axwidth=length, axheight=width, share=0, hspace=0.03, ) iax = -1 nheads = nbars = 0 # for deciding which axes to plot in a = np.linspace(0, 1, 257).reshape(1, -1) a = np.vstack((a, a)) for cat, names in cmapdict.items(): nheads += 1 for imap, name in enumerate(names): iax += 1 if imap + nheads + nbars > naxs: break ax = axs[iax] if imap == 0: # allocate this axes for title iax += 1 ax.set_visible(False) ax = axs[iax] cmap = mcm.cmap_d[name] ax.imshow( a, cmap=name, origin='lower', aspect='auto', levels=cmap.N ) ax.format( ylabel=name, ylabel_kw={'rotation': 0, 'ha': 'right', 'va': 'center'}, xticks='none', yticks='none', # no ticks xloc='neither', yloc='neither', # no spines title=(cat if imap == 0 else None) ) nbars += len(names)
[docs]def show_channels( *args, N=100, rgb=True, saturation=True, minhue=0, maxsat=500, width=100, axwidth=1.7 ): """ Show how arbitrary colormap(s) vary with respect to the hue, chroma, luminance, HSL saturation, and HPL saturation channels, and optionally the red, blue and green channels. Adapted from `this example \ <>`__. Parameters ---------- *args : colormap-spec, optional Positional arguments are colormap names or objects. Default is :rc:`image.cmap`. N : int, optional The number of markers to draw for each colormap. rgb : bool, optional Whether to also show the red, green, and blue channels in the bottom row. Default is ``True``. saturation : bool, optional Whether to show the HSL and HPL saturation channels alongside the raw chroma. minhue : float, optional The minimum hue. This lets you rotate the hue plot cyclically. maxsat : float, optional The maximum saturation. Use this to truncate large saturation values. width : int, optional The width of each colormap line in points. axwidth : int or str, optional The width of each subplot. Passed to `~proplot.subplots.subplots`. Returns ------- `~proplot.subplots.Figure` The figure. """ # Figure and plot from . import subplots if not args: raise ValueError(f'At least one positional argument required.') array = [[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]] labels = ('Hue', 'Chroma', 'Luminance') if saturation: array += [[0, 4, 4, 5, 5, 0]] labels += ('HSL saturation', 'HPL saturation') if rgb: array += [np.array([4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6]) + 2 * int(saturation)] labels += ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue') fig, axs = subplots( array=array, span=False, share=1, axwidth=axwidth, axpad='1em', ) # Iterate through colormaps mc, ms, mp = 0, 0, 0 cmaps = [] for cmap in args: # Get colormap and avoid registering new names name = cmap if isinstance(cmap, str) else getattr(cmap, 'name', None) cmap = Colormap(cmap, N=N) # arbitrary cmap argument if name is not None: = name cmap._init() cmaps.append(cmap) # Get clipped RGB table x = np.linspace(0, 1, N) lut = cmap._lut[:-3, :3].copy() rgb_data = lut.T # 3 by N hcl_data = np.array([to_xyz(color, space='hcl') for color in lut]).T # 3 by N hsl_data = [to_xyz(color, space='hsl')[1] for color in lut] hpl_data = [to_xyz(color, space='hpl')[1] for color in lut] # Plot channels # If rgb is False, the zip will just truncate the other iterables data = (*hcl_data,) if saturation: data += (hsl_data, hpl_data) if rgb: data += (*rgb_data,) for ax, y, label in zip(axs, data, labels): ylim, ylocator = None, None if label in ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue'): ylim = (0, 1) ylocator = 0.2 elif label == 'Luminance': ylim = (0, 100) ylocator = 20 elif label == 'Hue': ylim = (minhue, minhue + 360) ylocator = 90 y = y - 720 for _ in range(3): # rotate up to 1080 degrees y[y < minhue] += 360 else: if label == 'Chroma': mc = max(min(max(mc, max(y)), maxsat), 100) m = mc elif 'HSL' in label: ms = max(min(max(ms, max(y)), maxsat), 100) m = ms else: mp = max(min(max(mp, max(y)), maxsat), 100) m = mp ylim = (0, m) ylocator = ('maxn', 5) ax.scatter(x, y, c=x, cmap=cmap, s=width, linewidths=0) ax.format(title=label, ylim=ylim, ylocator=ylocator) # Formatting suptitle = ', '.join(repr( for cmap in cmaps[:-1]) + ( ', and ' if len(cmaps) > 2 else ' and ' if len(cmaps) == 2 else ' ' ) + f'{repr(cmaps[-1].name)} colormap' + ('s' if len(cmaps) > 1 else '') axs.format( xlocator=0.25, xformatter='null', suptitle=f'{suptitle} by channel', ylim=None, ytickminor=False, ) # Colorbar on the bottom for cmap in cmaps: fig.colorbar(cmap, loc='b', span=(2, 5), locator='null',, labelweight='bold') return fig
[docs]def show_colorspaces(luminance=None, saturation=None, hue=None, axwidth=2): """ Generate hue-saturation, hue-luminance, and luminance-saturation cross-sections for the HCL, HSL, and HPL colorspaces. Parameters ---------- luminance : float, optional If passed, saturation-hue cross-sections are drawn for this luminance. Must be between ``0` and ``100``. Default is ``50``. saturation : float, optional If passed, luminance-hue cross-sections are drawn for this saturation. Must be between ``0` and ``100``. hue : float, optional If passed, luminance-saturation cross-sections are drawn for this hue. Must be between ``0` and ``360``. axwidth : str or float, optional Average width of each subplot. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Returns ------- `~proplot.subplots.Figure` The figure. """ # Get colorspace properties hues = np.linspace(0, 360, 361) sats = np.linspace(0, 120, 120) lums = np.linspace(0, 99.99, 101) if luminance is None and saturation is None and hue is None: luminance = 50 if luminance is not None: hsl = np.concatenate(( np.repeat(hues[:, None], len(sats), axis=1)[..., None], np.repeat(sats[None, :], len(hues), axis=0)[..., None], np.ones((len(hues), len(sats)))[..., None] * luminance, ), axis=2) suptitle = f'Hue-saturation cross-section for luminance {luminance}' xlabel, ylabel = 'hue', 'saturation' xloc, yloc = 60, 20 elif saturation is not None: hsl = np.concatenate(( np.repeat(hues[:, None], len(lums), axis=1)[..., None], np.ones((len(hues), len(lums)))[..., None] * saturation, np.repeat(lums[None, :], len(hues), axis=0)[..., None], ), axis=2) suptitle = f'Hue-luminance cross-section for saturation {saturation}' xlabel, ylabel = 'hue', 'luminance' xloc, yloc = 60, 20 elif hue is not None: hsl = np.concatenate(( np.ones((len(lums), len(sats)))[..., None] * hue, np.repeat(sats[None, :], len(lums), axis=0)[..., None], np.repeat(lums[:, None], len(sats), axis=1)[..., None], ), axis=2) suptitle = 'Luminance-saturation cross-section' xlabel, ylabel = 'luminance', 'saturation' xloc, yloc = 20, 20 # Make figure, with black indicating invalid values # Note we invert the x-y ordering for imshow from . import subplots fig, axs = subplots( ncols=3, share=0, axwidth=axwidth, aspect=1, axpad=0.05 ) for ax, space in zip(axs, ('hcl', 'hsl', 'hpl')): rgba = np.ones((*hsl.shape[:2][::-1], 4)) # RGBA for j in range(hsl.shape[0]): for k in range(hsl.shape[1]): rgb_jk = to_rgb(hsl[j, k, :].flat, space) if not all(0 <= c <= 1 for c in rgb_jk): rgba[k, j, 3] = 0 # black cell else: rgba[k, j, :3] = rgb_jk ax.imshow(rgba, origin='lower', aspect='auto') ax.format(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, suptitle=suptitle, grid=False, xtickminor=False, ytickminor=False, xlocator=xloc, ylocator=yloc, facecolor='k', title=space.upper(), titleweight='bold') return fig
[docs]def show_colors(nhues=17, minsat=20): """ Generate tables of the registered color names. Adapted from `this example <>`__. Parameters ---------- nhues : int, optional The number of breaks between hues for grouping "like colors" in the color table. minsat : float, optional The threshold saturation, between ``0`` and ``100``, for designating "gray colors" in the color table. Returns ------- figs : list of `~proplot.subplots.Figure` The figure. """ # Test used to "categories" colors breakpoints = np.linspace(0, 360, nhues) def _color_filter(i, hcl): # noqa: E306 gray = hcl[1] <= minsat if i == 0: return gray color = breakpoints[i - 1] <= hcl[0] < breakpoints[i] if i == nhues - 1: color = color or color == breakpoints[i] # endpoint inclusive return not gray and color # Draw figures for different groups of colors figs = [] from . import subplots for cats in ( ('opencolor',), tuple(name for name in colors if name not in ('css', 'opencolor')) ): # Dictionary of colors for that category data = {} for cat in cats: for color in colors[cat]: data[color] = mcolors.colorConverter.colors[color] # Group colors together by discrete range of hue, then sort by value # For opencolors this is not necessary if cats == ('opencolor',): wscale = 0.5 swatch = 1.5 nrows, ncols = 10, len(COLORS_OPEN) # rows and columns names = np.array([ [name + str(i) for i in range(nrows)] for name in COLORS_OPEN ]) nrows = nrows * 2 ncols = (ncols + 1) // 2 names.resize((ncols, nrows)) # Get colors in perceptally uniform space, then group based on hue # thresholds else: ncols = 4 wscale = 0.8 swatch = 1.2 hclpairs = [ (name, to_xyz(color, COLORS_SPACE)) for name, color in data.items() ] hclpairs = [ sorted( [pair for pair in hclpairs if _color_filter(i, pair[1])], key=lambda x: x[1][2] ) for i in range(nhues) ] names = np.array([ name for ipairs in hclpairs for name, _ in ipairs ]) nrows = len(names) // ncols + 1 names.resize((ncols, nrows)) # Draw swatches as lines fig, ax = subplots( width=8 * wscale * (ncols / 4), height=5 * (nrows / 40), left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0, tight=False ) X, Y = fig.get_dpi() * fig.get_size_inches() # size in dots hsep, wsep = Y / (nrows + 1), X / ncols # height and width in dots for col, inames in enumerate(names): for row, name in enumerate(inames): if not name: continue y = Y - hsep * (row + 1) xi = wsep * (col + 0.05) xf = wsep * (col + 0.25 * swatch) yline = y + hsep * 0.1 xtext = wsep * (col + 0.25 * swatch + 0.03 * swatch) ax.text(xtext, y, name, ha='left', va='center') ax.plot( [xi, xf], [yline, yline], color=data[name], lw=hsep * 0.6, solid_capstyle='butt', # do not stick out ) # Apply formatting ax.format( xlim=(0, X), ylim=(0, Y), grid=False, yloc='neither', xloc='neither' ) figs.append(fig) return figs
[docs]def show_cmaps(*args, N=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a table of the registered colormaps or the input colormaps categorized by source. Adapted from `this example \ <>`__. Parameters ---------- *args : colormap-spec, optional Colormap names or objects. N : int, optional The number of levels in each colorbar. Default is :rc:`image.lut`. unknown : str, optional Category name for colormaps that are unknown to ProPlot. The default is ``'User'``. length : float or str, optional The length of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. width : float or str, optional The width of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Returns ------- `~proplot.subplots.Figure` The figure. """ # Have colormaps separated into categories N = _notNone(N, rcParams['image.lut']) if args: names = [Colormap(cmap, N=N).name for cmap in args] else: names = [ name for name in mcm.cmap_d.keys() if isinstance(mcm.cmap_d[name], LinearSegmentedColormap) ] # Return figure of colorbars kwargs.setdefault('source', CMAPS_TABLE) return _draw_bars(names, **kwargs)
[docs]def show_cycles(*args, **kwargs): """ Generate a table of registered color cycles or the input color cycles categorized by source. Adapted from `this example \ <>`__. Parameters ---------- *args : colormap-spec, optional Cycle names or objects. unknown : str, optional Category name for cycles that are unknown to ProPlot. The default is ``'User'``. length : float or str, optional The length of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. width : float or str, optional The width of the colorbars. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Returns ------- `~proplot.subplots.Figure` The figure. """ # Get the list of cycles if args: names = [ for cmap in args] else: names = [ name for name in mcm.cmap_d.keys() if isinstance(mcm.cmap_d[name], ListedColormap) ] # Return figure of colorbars kwargs.setdefault('source', CYCLES_TABLE) return _draw_bars(names, **kwargs)
[docs]def show_fonts(*args, size=12, text=None): """ Generate a table of fonts. If a glyph for a particular font is unavailable, it is replaced with the "ยค" dummy character. Parameters ---------- *args The font family names. If none are provided, the available sans-serif fonts, the fonts in your ``.proplot/fonts`` folder, and the fonts provided by ProPlot are shown. size : float, optional The font size in points. text : str, optional The sample text. The default sample text includes the Latin letters, Greek letters, Arabic numerals, and some mathematical symbols. """ from . import subplots if not args: import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts args = sorted({ for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist if[:1] != '.' and ( in FONTS_SANS or any(path in font.fname for path in _get_data_paths('fonts')) ) }) # Text if text is None: text = 'the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog' '\n' \ 'THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG' '\n' \ '(0) + {1\N{DEGREE SIGN}} \N{MINUS SIGN} [2*] - <3> / 4,0 ' \ r'$\geq\gg$ 5.0 $\leq\ll$ ~6 $\times$ 7 ' \ r'$\equiv$ 8 $\approx$ 9 $\propto$' '\n' \ r'$\alpha\beta$ $\Gamma\gamma$ $\Delta\delta$ ' \ r'$\epsilon\zeta\eta$ $\Theta\theta$ $\kappa\mu\nu$ ' \ r'$\Lambda\lambda$ $\Pi\pi$ $\xi\rho\tau\chi$ $\Sigma\sigma$ ' \ r'$\Phi\phi$ $\Psi\psi$ $\Omega\omega$ !?&#%' # Create figure f, axs = subplots( ncols=1, nrows=len(args), space=0, axwidth=4.5, axheight=1.2 * (text.count('\n') + 2.5) * size / 72, fallback_to_cm=False ) axs.format(xloc='neither', yloc='neither', xlocator='null', ylocator='null', alpha=0) axs[0].format(title='Fonts demo', titlesize=size, titleloc='l', titleweight='bold') for i, ax in enumerate(axs): font = args[i] ax.text(0, 0.5, f'{font}:\n{text}', fontfamily=font, fontsize=size, weight='normal', ha='left', va='center') return f
# Apply custom changes if 'Greys' in mcm.cmap_d: # 'Murica (and consistency with registered colors) mcm.cmap_d['Grays'] = mcm.cmap_d.pop('Greys') if 'Spectral' in mcm.cmap_d: # make spectral go from 'cold' to 'hot' mcm.cmap_d['Spectral'] = mcm.cmap_d['Spectral'].reversed(name='Spectral') for _name in CMAPS_TABLE['Matplotlib originals']: # initialize as empty lists if _name == 'twilight_shifted': mcm.cmap_d.pop(_name, None) else: _cmap = mcm.cmap_d.get(_name, None) if _cmap and isinstance(_cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap): mcm.cmap_d.pop(_name, None) # removes the map from cycles list! mcm.cmap_d[_name] = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( _name, _cmap.colors, cyclic=('twilight' in _name)) for _cat in ('MATLAB', 'GNUplot', 'GIST', 'Other'): for _name in CMAPS_TABLE[_cat]: mcm.cmap_d.pop(_name, None) # Initialize customization folders and files _rc_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.proplot') if not os.path.isdir(_rc_folder): os.mkdir(_rc_folder) for _rc_sub in ('cmaps', 'cycles', 'colors', 'fonts'): _rc_sub = os.path.join(_rc_folder, _rc_sub) if not os.path.isdir(_rc_sub): os.mkdir(_rc_sub) #: List of registered colormap names. cmaps = [] #: List of registered color cycle names. cycles = [] #: Lists of registered color names by category. colors = {} #: Registered font names. fonts = [] # Apply monkey patches to top level modules if not isinstance(mcm.cmap_d, CmapDict): _dict = { key: value for key, value in mcm.cmap_d.items() if key[-2:] != '_r' } mcm.cmap_d = CmapDict(_dict) if not isinstance(mcolors._colors_full_map, _ColorMappingOverride): _map = _ColorMappingOverride(mcolors._colors_full_map) mcolors._colors_full_map = _map mcolors.colorConverter.cache = _map.cache # re-instantiate mcolors.colorConverter.colors = _map # re-instantiate # Call driver funcs register_colors() register_cmaps() register_cycles() register_fonts() #: Dictionary of possible normalizers. See `Norm` for a table. normalizers = { 'none': mcolors.NoNorm, 'null': mcolors.NoNorm, 'zero': MidpointNorm, 'midpoint': MidpointNorm, 'segments': LinearSegmentedNorm, 'segmented': LinearSegmentedNorm, 'log': mcolors.LogNorm, 'linear': mcolors.Normalize, 'power': mcolors.PowerNorm, 'symlog': mcolors.SymLogNorm, }