Source code for proplot.axes.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The second-level axes subclass used for all proplot figures.
Implements plotting method overrides.
import contextlib
import inspect
import itertools
import re
import sys
from numbers import Integral

import matplotlib.artist as martist
import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import as mcm
import matplotlib.collections as mcollections
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.contour as mcontour
import matplotlib.image as mimage
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import numpy as np
import as ma

from .. import colors as pcolors
from .. import constructor, utils
from ..config import rc
from ..internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from ..internals import (
from . import base

    from import PlateCarree
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    PlateCarree = object

__all__ = ['PlotAxes']

# Constants
# NOTE: Increased from native linewidth of 0.25 matplotlib uses for grid box edges.
# This is half of rc['patch.linewidth'] of 0.6. Half seems like a nice default.

# Data argument docstrings
_args_1d_docstring = """
*args : {y} or {x}, {y}
    The data passed as positional or keyword arguments. Interpreted as follows:

    * If only `{y}` coordinates are passed, try to infer the `{x}` coordinates
      from the `~pandas.Series` or `~pandas.DataFrame` indices or the
      `~xarray.DataArray` coordinates. Otherwise, the `{x}` coordinates
      are ``np.arange(0, {y}.shape[0])``.
    * If the `{y}` coordinates are a 2D array, plot each column of data in succession
      (except where each column of data represents a statistical distribution, as with
      ``boxplot``, ``violinplot``, or when using ``means=True`` or ``medians=True``).
    * If any arguments are `pint.Quantity`, auto-add the pint unit registry
      to matplotlib's unit registry using `~pint.UnitRegistry.setup_matplotlib`.
      A `pint.Quantity` embedded in an `xarray.DataArray` is also supported.
_args_1d_multi_docstring = """
*args : {y}2 or {x}, {y}2, or {x}, {y}1, {y}2
    The data passed as positional or keyword arguments. Interpreted as follows:

    * If only `{y}` coordinates are passed, try to infer the `{x}` coordinates from
      the `~pandas.Series` or `~pandas.DataFrame` indices or the `~xarray.DataArray`
      coordinates. Otherwise, the `{x}` coordinates are ``np.arange(0, {y}2.shape[0])``.
    * If only `{x}` and `{y}2` coordinates are passed, set the `{y}1` coordinates
      to zero. This draws elements originating from the zero line.
    * If both `{y}1` and `{y}2` are provided, draw elements between these points. If
      either are 2D, draw elements by iterating over each column.
    * If any arguments are `pint.Quantity`, auto-add the pint unit registry
      to matplotlib's unit registry using `~pint.UnitRegistry.setup_matplotlib`.
      A `pint.Quantity` embedded in an `xarray.DataArray` is also supported.
_args_2d_docstring = """
*args : {z} or x, y, {z}
    The data passed as positional or keyword arguments. Interpreted as follows:

    * If only {zvar} coordinates are passed, try to infer the `x` and `y` coordinates
      from the `~pandas.DataFrame` indices and columns or the `~xarray.DataArray`
      coordinates. Otherwise, the `y` coordinates are ``np.arange(0, y.shape[0])``
      and the `x` coordinates are ``np.arange(0, y.shape[1])``.
    * For ``pcolor`` and ``pcolormesh``, calculate coordinate *edges* using
      `~proplot.utils.edges` or `~proplot.utils.edges2d` if *centers* were provided.
      For all other methods, calculate coordinate *centers* if *edges* were provided.
    * If the `x` or `y` coordinates are `pint.Quantity`, auto-add the pint unit registry
      to matplotlib's unit registry using `~pint.UnitRegistry.setup_matplotlib`. If the
      {zvar} coordinates are `pint.Quantity`, pass the magnitude to the plotting
      command. A `pint.Quantity` embedded in an `xarray.DataArray` is also supported.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_1d_y'] = _args_1d_docstring.format(x='x', y='y')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_1d_x'] = _args_1d_docstring.format(x='y', y='x')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_1d_multiy'] = _args_1d_multi_docstring.format(x='x', y='y')  # noqa: E501
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_1d_multix'] = _args_1d_multi_docstring.format(x='y', y='x')  # noqa: E501
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_2d'] = _args_2d_docstring.format(z='z', zvar='`z`')  # noqa: E501
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_2d_flow'] = _args_2d_docstring.format(z='u, v', zvar='`u` and `v`')  # noqa: E501

# Shared docstrings
_args_1d_shared_docstring = """
data : dict-like, optional
    A dict-like dataset container (e.g., `~pandas.DataFrame` or
    `~xarray.Dataset`). If passed, each data argument can optionally
    be a string `key` and the arrays used for plotting are retrieved
    with ``data[key]``. This is a `native matplotlib feature
autoformat : bool, default: :rc:`autoformat`
    Whether the `x` axis labels, `y` axis labels, axis formatters, axes titles,
    legend titles, and colorbar labels are automatically configured when a
    `~pandas.Series`, `~pandas.DataFrame`, `~xarray.DataArray`, or `~pint.Quantity`
    is passed to the plotting command. Formatting of `pint.Quantity`
    unit strings is controlled by :rc:`unitformat`.
_args_2d_shared_docstring = """
transpose : bool, default: False
    Whether to transpose the input data. This should be used when
    passing datasets with column-major dimension order ``(x, y)``.
    Otherwise row-major dimension order ``(y, x)`` is expected.
order : {'C', 'F'}, default: 'C'
    Alternative to `transpose`. ``'C'`` corresponds to the default C-cyle
    row-major ordering (equivalent to ``transpose=False``). ``'F'`` corresponds
    to Fortran-style column-major ordering (equivalent to ``transpose=True``).
globe : bool, default: False
    For `proplot.axes.GeoAxes` only. Whether to enforce global
    coverage. When set to ``True`` this does the following:

    #. Interpolates input data to the North and South poles by setting the data
       values at the poles to the mean from latitudes nearest each pole.
    #. Makes meridional coverage "circular", i.e. the last longitude coordinate
       equals the first longitude coordinate plus 360\N{DEGREE SIGN}.
    #. When basemap is the backend, cycles 1D longitude vectors to fit within
       the map edges. For example, if the central longitude is 90\N{DEGREE SIGN},
       the data is shifted so that it spans -90\N{DEGREE SIGN} to 270\N{DEGREE SIGN}.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_1d_shared'] = _args_1d_shared_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.args_2d_shared'] = _args_2d_shared_docstring

# Auto colorbar and legend docstring
_guide_docstring = """
colorbar : bool, int, or str, optional
    If not ``None``, this is a location specifying where to draw an
    *inset* or *outer* colorbar from the resulting object(s). If ``True``,
    the default :rc:`colorbar.loc` is used. If the same location is
    used in successive plotting calls, object(s) will be added to the
    existing colorbar in that location (valid for colorbars built from lists
    of artists). Valid locations are shown in in `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`.
colorbar_kw : dict-like, optional
    Extra keyword args for the call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar`.
legend : bool, int, or str, optional
    Location specifying where to draw an *inset* or *outer* legend from the
    resulting object(s). If ``True``, the default :rc:`legend.loc` is used.
    If the same location is used in successive plotting calls, object(s)
    will be added to existing legend in that location. Valid locations
    are shown in `~proplot.axes.Axes.legend`.
legend_kw : dict-like, optional
    Extra keyword args for the call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.legend`.
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _guide_docstring

# Misc shared 1D plotting docstrings
_inbounds_docstring = """
inbounds : bool, default: :rc:`axes.inbounds`
    Whether to restrict the default `y` (`x`) axis limits to account for only
    in-bounds data when the `x` (`y`) axis limits have been locked.
    See also :rcraw:`axes.inbounds` and :rcraw:`cmap.inbounds`.
_error_means_docstring = """
mean, means : bool, default: False
    Whether to plot the means of each column for 2D `{y}` coordinates. Means
    are calculated with `numpy.nanmean`. If no other arguments are specified,
    this also sets ``barstd=True`` (and ``boxstd=True`` for violin plots).
median, medians : bool, default: False
    Whether to plot the medians of each column for 2D `{y}` coordinates. Medians
    are calculated with `numpy.nanmedian`. If no other arguments arguments are
    specified, this also sets ``barstd=True`` (and ``boxstd=True`` for violin plots).
_error_bars_docstring = """
bars : bool, default: None
    Shorthand for `barstd`, `barstds`.
barstd, barstds : bool, float, or 2-tuple of float, optional
    Valid only if `mean` or `median` is ``True``. Standard deviation multiples for
    *thin error bars* with optional whiskers (i.e., caps). If scalar, then +/- that
    multiple is used. If ``True``, the default standard deviation range of +/-3 is used.
barpctile, barpctiles : bool, float, or 2-tuple of float, optional
    Valid only if `mean` or `median` is ``True``. As with `barstd`, but instead
    using percentiles for the error bars. If scalar, that percentile range is
    used (e.g., ``90`` shows the 5th to 95th percentiles). If ``True``, the default
    percentile range of 0 to 100 is used.
bardata : array-like, optional
    Valid only if `mean` and `median` are ``False``. If shape is 2 x N, these
    are the lower and upper bounds for the thin error bars. If shape is N, these
    are the absolute, symmetric deviations from the central points.
boxes : bool, default: None
    Shorthand for `boxstd`, `boxstds`.
boxstd, boxstds, boxpctile, boxpctiles, boxdata : optional
    As with `barstd`, `barpctile`, and `bardata`, but for *thicker error bars*
    representing a smaller interval than the thin error bars. If `boxstds` is
    ``True``, the default standard deviation range of +/-1 is used. If `boxpctiles`
    is ``True``, the default percentile range of 25 to 75 is used (i.e., the
    interquartile range). When "boxes" and "bars" are combined, this has the
    effect of drawing miniature box-and-whisker plots.
capsize : float, default: :rc:`errorbar.capsize`
    The cap size for thin error bars in points.
barz, barzorder, boxz, boxzorder : float, default: 2.5
    The "zorder" for the thin and thick error bars.
barc, barcolor, boxc, boxcolor \
: color-spec, default: :rc:`boxplot.whiskerprops.color`
    Colors for the thin and thick error bars.
barlw, barlinewidth, boxlw, boxlinewidth \
: float, default: :rc:`boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth`
    Line widths for the thin and thick error bars, in points. The default for boxes
    is 4 times :rcraw:`boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth`.
boxm, boxmarker : bool or marker-spec, default: 'o'
    Whether to draw a small marker in the middle of the box denoting
    the mean or median position. Ignored if `boxes` is ``False``.
boxms, boxmarkersize : size-spec, default: ``(2 * boxlinewidth) ** 2``
    The marker size for the `boxmarker` marker in points ** 2.
boxmc, boxmarkercolor, boxmec, boxmarkeredgecolor : color-spec, default: 'w'
    Color, face color, and edge color for the `boxmarker` marker.
_error_shading_docstring = """
shade : bool, default: None
    Shorthand for `shadestd`.
shadestd, shadestds, shadepctile, shadepctiles, shadedata : optional
    As with `barstd`, `barpctile`, and `bardata`, but using *shading* to indicate
    the error range. If `shadestds` is ``True``, the default standard deviation
    range of +/-2 is used. If `shadepctiles` is ``True``, the default
    percentile range of 10 to 90 is used.
fade : bool, default: None
    Shorthand for `fadestd`.
fadestd, fadestds, fadepctile, fadepctiles, fadedata : optional
    As with `shadestd`, `shadepctile`, and `shadedata`, but for an additional,
    more faded, *secondary* shaded region. If `fadestds` is ``True``, the default
    standard deviation range of +/-3 is used. If `fadepctiles` is ``True``,
    the default percentile range of 0 to 100 is used.
shadec, shadecolor, fadec, fadecolor : color-spec, default: None
    Colors for the different shaded regions. The parent artist color is used by default.
shadez, shadezorder, fadez, fadezorder : float, default: 1.5
    The "zorder" for the different shaded regions.
shadea, shadealpha, fadea, fadealpha : float, default: 0.4, 0.2
    The opacity for the different shaded regions.
shadelw, shadelinewidth, fadelw, fadelinewidth : float, default: :rc:`patch.linewidth`.
    The edge line width for the shading patches.
shdeec, shadeedgecolor, fadeec, fadeedgecolor : float, default: 'none'
    The edge color for the shading patches.
shadelabel, fadelabel : bool or str, optional
    Labels for the shaded regions to be used as separate legend entries. To toggle
    labels "on" and apply a *default* label, use e.g. ``shadelabel=True``. To apply
    a *custom* label, use e.g. ``shadelabel='label'``. Otherwise, the shading is
    drawn underneath the line and/or marker in the legend entry.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.inbounds'] = _inbounds_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.error_means_y'] = _error_means_docstring.format(y='y')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.error_means_x'] = _error_means_docstring.format(y='x')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.error_bars'] = _error_bars_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.error_shading'] = _error_shading_docstring

# Color docstrings
_cycle_docstring = """
cycle : cycle-spec, optional
    The cycle specifer, passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Cycle` constructor.
    If the returned cycler is unchanged from the current cycler, the axes
    cycler will not be reset to its first position. To disable property cycling
    and just use black for the default color, use ``cycle=False``, ``cycle='none'``,
    or ``cycle=()`` (analogous to disabling ticks with e.g. ``xformatter='none'``).
    To restore the default property cycler, use ``cycle=True``.
cycle_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Cycle`.
_cmap_norm_docstring = """
cmap : colormap-spec, default: \
:rc:`cmap.sequential` or :rc:`cmap.diverging`
    The colormap specifer, passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Colormap` constructor
    function. If :rcraw:`cmap.autodiverging` is ``True`` and the normalization
    range contains negative and positive values then :rcraw:`cmap.diverging` is used.
    Otherwise :rcraw:`cmap.sequential` is used.
cmap_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Colormap`.
c, color, colors : color-spec or sequence of color-spec, optional
    The color(s) used to create a `~proplot.colors.DiscreteColormap`.
    If not passed, `cmap` is used.
norm : norm-spec, default: \
`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` or `~proplot.colors.DivergingNorm`
    The data value normalizer, passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Norm`
    constructor function. If `discrete` is ``True`` then 1) this affects the default
    level-generation algorithm (e.g. ``norm='log'`` builds levels in log-space) and
    2) this is passed to `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` to scale the colors before they
    are discretized (if `norm` is not already a `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm`).
    If :rcraw:`cmap.autodiverging` is ``True`` and the normalization range contains
    negative and positive values then `~proplot.colors.DivergingNorm` is used.
    Otherwise `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` is used.
norm_kw : dict-like, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Norm`.
extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, default: 'neither'
    Direction for drawing colorbar "extensions" indicating
    out-of-bounds data on the end of the colorbar.
discrete : bool, default: :rc:`cmap.discrete`
    If ``False``, then `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` is not applied to the
    colormap. Instead, for non-contour plots, the number of levels will be
    roughly controlled by :rcraw:`cmap.lut`. This has a similar effect to
    using `levels=large_number` but it may improve rendering speed. Default is
    ``True`` only for contouring commands like `~proplot.axes.Axes.contourf`
    and pseudocolor commands like `~proplot.axes.Axes.pcolor`.
sequential, diverging, cyclic, qualitative : bool, default: None
    Boolean arguments used if `cmap` is not passed. Set these to ``True``
    to use the default :rcraw:`cmap.sequential`, :rcraw:`cmap.diverging`,
    :rcraw:`cmap.cyclic`, and :rcraw:`cmap.qualitative` colormaps.
    The `diverging` option also applies `~proplot.colors.DivergingNorm`
    as the default continuous normalizer.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.cycle'] = _cycle_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.cmap_norm'] = _cmap_norm_docstring

# Levels docstrings
# NOTE: In some functions we only need some components
_vmin_vmax_docstring = """
vmin, vmax : float, optional
    The minimum and maximum color scale values used with the `norm` normalizer.
    If `discrete` is ``False`` these are the absolute limits, and if `discrete`
    is ``True`` these are the approximate limits used to automatically determine
    `levels` or `values` lists at "nice" intervals. If `levels` or `values` were
    already passed as lists, these are ignored, and `vmin` and `vmax` are set to
    the minimum and maximum of the lists. If `robust` was passed, the default `vmin`
    and `vmax` are some percentile range of the data values. Otherwise, the default
    `vmin` and `vmax` are the minimum and maximum of the data values.
_manual_levels_docstring = """
    Shorthand for `levels`.
levels : int or sequence of float, default: :rc:`cmap.levels`
    The number of level edges or a sequence of level edges. If the former, `locator`
    is used to generate this many level edges at "nice" intervals. If the latter,
    the levels should be monotonically increasing or decreasing (note decreasing
    levels fail with ``contour`` plots).
values : int or sequence of float, default: None
    The number of level centers or a sequence of level centers. If the former,
    `locator` is used to generate this many level centers at "nice" intervals.
    If the latter, levels are inferred using `~proplot.utils.edges`.
    This will override any `levels` input.
_auto_levels_docstring = """
robust : bool, float, or 2-tuple, default: :rc:`cmap.robust`
    If ``True`` and `vmin` or `vmax` were not provided, they are
    determined from the 2nd and 98th data percentiles rather than the
    minimum and maximum. If float, this percentile range is used (for example,
    ``90`` corresponds to the 5th to 95th percentiles). If 2-tuple of float,
    these specific percentiles should be used. This feature is useful
    when your data has large outliers.
inbounds : bool, default: :rc:`cmap.inbounds`
    If ``True`` and `vmin` or `vmax` were not provided, when axis limits
    have been explicitly restricted with `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim`
    or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim`, out-of-bounds data is ignored.
    See also :rcraw:`cmap.inbounds` and :rcraw:`axes.inbounds`.
locator : locator-spec, default: `matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator`
    The locator used to determine level locations if `levels` or `values` were not
    already passed as lists. Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Locator` constructor.
    Default is `~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator` with `levels` integer levels.
locator_kw : dict-like, optional
    Keyword arguments passed to `matplotlib.ticker.Locator` class.
symmetric : bool, default: False
    If ``True``, the normalization range or discrete colormap levels are
    symmetric about zero.
positive : bool, default: False
    If ``True``, the normalization range or discrete colormap levels are
    positive with a minimum at zero.
negative : bool, default: False
    If ``True``, the normaliation range or discrete colormap levels are
    negative with a minimum at zero.
nozero : bool, default: False
    If ``True``, ``0`` is removed from the level list. This is mainly useful for
    single-color `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` plots.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.vmin_vmax'] = _vmin_vmax_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.levels_manual'] = _manual_levels_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.levels_auto'] = _auto_levels_docstring

# Labels docstrings
_label_docstring = """
label, value : float or str, optional
    The single legend label or colorbar coordinate to be used for
    this plotted element. Can be numeric or string. This is generally
    used with 1D positional arguments.
_labels_1d_docstring = """
labels, values : sequence of float or sequence of str, optional
    The legend labels or colorbar coordinates used for each plotted element.
    Can be numeric or string, and must match the number of plotted elements.
    This is generally used with 2D positional arguments.
_labels_2d_docstring = """
label : str, optional
    The legend label to be used for this object. In the case of
    contours, this is paired with the the central artist in the artist
    list returned by `matplotlib.contour.ContourSet.legend_elements`.
labels : bool, optional
    Whether to apply labels to contours and grid boxes. The text will be
    white when the luminance of the underlying filled contour or grid box
    is less than 50 and black otherwise.
labels_kw : dict-like, optional
    Ignored if `labels` is ``False``. Extra keyword args for the labels.
    For contour plots, this is passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.clabel`.
    Otherwise, this is passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`.
formatter, fmt : formatter-spec, optional
    The `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` used to format number labels.
    Passed to the `~proplot.constructor.Formatter` constructor.
formatter_kw : dict-like, optional
    Keyword arguments passed to `matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` class.
precision : int, optional
    The maximum number of decimal places for number labels generated
    with the default formatter `~proplot.ticker.Simpleformatter`.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.label'] = _label_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.labels_1d'] = _labels_1d_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.labels_2d'] = _labels_2d_docstring

# Negative-positive colors
_negpos_docstring = """
negpos : bool, default: False
    Whether to shade {objects} where ``{pos}`` with `poscolor`
    and where ``{neg}`` with `negcolor`. If ``True`` this
    function will return a length-2 silent list of handles.
negcolor, poscolor : color-spec, default: :rc:`negcolor`, :rc:`poscolor`
    Colors to use for the negative and positive {objects}. Ignored if
    `negpos` is ``False``.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.negpos_fill'] = _negpos_docstring.format(
    objects='patches', neg='y2 < y1', pos='y2 >= y1'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.negpos_lines'] = _negpos_docstring.format(
    objects='lines', neg='ymax < ymin', pos='ymax >= ymin'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.negpos_bar'] = _negpos_docstring.format(
    objects='bars', neg='height < 0', pos='height >= 0'

# Plot docstring
_plot_docstring = """
Plot standard lines.


Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.plot'] = _plot_docstring.format(y='y')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.plotx'] = _plot_docstring.format(y='x')

# Step docstring
# NOTE: Internally matplotlib implements step with thin wrapper of plot
_step_docstring = """
Plot step lines.


Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.step`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.step'] = _step_docstring.format(y='y')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.stepx'] = _step_docstring.format(y='x')

# Stem docstring
_stem_docstring = """
Plot stem lines.


Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.stem`.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.stem'] = _stem_docstring.format(y='x')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.stemx'] = _stem_docstring.format(y='x')

# Lines docstrings
_lines_docstring = """
Plot {orientation} lines.


Other parameters
stack, stacked : bool, default: False
    Whether to "stack" lines from successive columns of {y} data
    or plot lines on top of each other.
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.{prefix}lines`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.vlines'] = _lines_docstring.format(
    y='y', prefix='v', orientation='vertical'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.hlines'] = _lines_docstring.format(
    y='x', prefix='h', orientation='horizontal'

# Scatter docstring
_parametric_docstring = """
Plot a parametric line.

c, color, colors, values, labels : sequence of float, str, or color-spec, optional
    The parametric coordinate(s). These can be passed as a third positional
    argument or as a keyword argument. If they are float, the colors will be
    determined from `norm` and `cmap`. If they are strings, the color values
    will be ``np.arange(len(colors))`` and eventual colorbar ticks will
    be labeled with the strings. If they are colors, they are used for the
    line segments and `cmap` is ignored -- for example, ``colors='blue'``
    makes a monochromatic "parametric" line.
interp : int, default: 0
    Interpolate to this many additional points between the parametric
    coordinates. This can be increased to make the color gradations
    between a small number of coordinates appear "smooth".

Other parameters
scalex, scaley : bool, optional
    Whether the view limits are adapted to the data limits. The values are
    passed on to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.autoscale_view`.
    Valid `~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` properties.

    The parametric line. See `this matplotlib example \

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.parametric'] = _parametric_docstring

# Scatter function docstring
_scatter_docstring = """
Plot markers with flexible keyword arguments.

s, size, ms, markersize : float or array-like or unit-spec, optional
    The marker size area(s). If this is an array matching the shape of `x` and `y`,
    the units are scaled by `smin` and `smax`. If this contains unit string(s), it
    is processed by `~proplot.utils.units` and represents the width rather than area.
c, color, colors, mc, markercolor, markercolors, fc, facecolor, facecolors \
: array-like or color-spec, optional
    The marker color(s). If this is an array matching the shape of `x` and `y`,
    the colors are generated using `cmap`, `norm`, `vmin`, and `vmax`. Otherwise,
    this should be a valid matplotlib color.
smin, smax : float, optional
    The minimum and maximum marker size area in units ``points ** 2``. Ignored
    if `absolute_size` is ``True``. Default value for `smin` is ``1`` and for
    `smax` is the square of :rc:`lines.markersize`.
area_size : bool, default: True
    Whether the marker sizes `s` are scaled by area or by radius. The default
    ``True`` is consistent with matplotlib. When `absolute_size` is ``True``,
    the `s` units are ``points ** 2`` if `area_size` is ``True`` and ``points``
    if `area_size` is ``False``.
absolute_size : bool, default: True or False
    Whether `s` should be taken to represent "absolute" marker sizes in units
    ``points`` or ``points ** 2`` or "relative" marker sizes scaled by `smin`
    and `smax`. Default is ``True`` if `s` is scalar and ``False`` if `s` is
    array-like or `smin` or `smax` were passed.

Other parameters
lw, linewidth, linewidths, mew, markeredgewidth, markeredgewidths \
: float or sequence, optional
    The marker edge width(s).
edgecolors, markeredgecolor, markeredgecolors \
: color-spec or sequence, optional
    The marker edge color(s).
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.scatter'] = _scatter_docstring.format(y='y')
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.scatterx'] = _scatter_docstring.format(y='x')

# Bar function docstring
_bar_docstring = """
Plot individual, grouped, or stacked bars.

width : float or array-like, default: 0.8
    The width(s) of the bars. Can be passed as a third positional argument. If
    `absolute_width` is ``True`` (the default) these are in units relative to the
    {x} coordinate step size. Otherwise these are in {x} coordinate units.
{bottom} : float or array-like, default: 0
    The coordinate(s) of the {bottom} edge of the bars.
    Can be passed as a fourth positional argument.
absolute_width : bool, default: False
    Whether to make the `width` units *absolute*. If ``True``,
    this restores the default matplotlib behavior.
stack, stacked : bool, default: False
    Whether to "stack" bars from successive columns of {y}
    data or plot bars side-by-side in groups.

Other parameters
    Passed to `{suffix}`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _bar_docstring.format(
    x='x', y='y', bottom='bottom', suffix=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.barh'] = _bar_docstring.format(
    x='y', y='x', bottom='left', suffix='h'

# Area plot docstring
_fill_docstring = """
Plot individual, grouped, or overlaid shading patches.

stack, stacked : bool, default: False
    Whether to "stack" area patches from successive columns of {y}
    data or plot area patches on top of each other.

Other parameters
where : ndarray, optional
    A boolean mask for the points that should be shaded.
    See `this matplotlib example \
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between{suffix}`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.fill_between'] = _fill_docstring.format(
    x='x', y='y', suffix=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.fill_betweenx'] = _fill_docstring.format(
    x='y', y='x', suffix='x'

# Box plot docstrings
_boxplot_docstring = """
Plot {orientation} boxes and whiskers with a nice default style.


Other parameters
fill : bool, default: True
    Whether to fill the box with a color.
mean, means : bool, default: False
    If ``True``, this passes ``showmeans=True`` and ``meanline=True`` to
    `matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot`. Adds mean lines alongside the median.
m, marker, ms, markersize : float or str, optional
    Marker style and size for the 'fliers', i.e. outliers. See the
    ``boxplot.flierprops`` `~matplotlib.rcParams` settings.
meanls, medianls, meanlinestyle, medianlinestyle, meanlinestyles, medianlinestyles \
: str, optional
    Line style for the mean and median lines drawn across the box.
    See the ``boxplot.meanprops`` and ``boxplot.medianprops``
    `~matplotlib.rcParams` settings.
boxc, capc, whiskerc, flierc, meanc, medianc, \
boxcolor, capcolor, whiskercolor, fliercolor, meancolor, mediancolor \
boxcolors, capcolors, whiskercolors, fliercolors, meancolors, mediancolors \
: color-spec or sequence, optional
    Color of various boxplot components. If a sequence, should be the same length as
    the number of boxes. These are shorthands so you don't have to pass e.g. a
    `boxprops` dictionary keyword. See the ``boxplot.boxprops``, ``boxplot.capprops``,
    ``boxplot.whiskerprops``, ``boxplot.flierprops``, ``boxplot.meanprops``, and
    ``boxplot.medianprops`` `~matplotlib.rcParams` settings.
boxlw, caplw, whiskerlw, flierlw, meanlw, medianlw, boxlinewidth, caplinewidth, \
meanlinewidth, medianlinewidth, whiskerlinewidth, flierlinewidth, boxlinewidths, \
caplinewidths, meanlinewidths, medianlinewidths, whiskerlinewidths, flierlinewidths \
: float, optional
    Line width of various boxplot components. These are shorthands so
    you don't have to pass e.g. a `boxprops` dictionary keyword.
    See the ``boxplot.boxprops``, ``boxplot.capprops``, ``boxplot.whiskerprops``,
    ``boxplot.flierprops``, ``boxplot.meanprops``, and ``boxplot.medianprops``
    `~matplotlib.rcParams` settings.
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.boxplot'] = _boxplot_docstring.format(
    y='y', orientation='vertical'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.boxploth'] = _boxplot_docstring.format(
    y='x', orientation='horizontal'

# Violin plot docstrings
_violinplot_docstring = """
Plot {orientation} violins with a nice default style matching
`this matplotlib example \


Other parameters
showmeans, showmedians : bool, optional
    Interpreted as ``means=True`` and ``medians=True`` when passed.
showextrema : bool, optional
    Interpreted as ``barpctiles=True`` when passed (i.e. shows minima and maxima).
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.violinplot'] = _violinplot_docstring.format(
    y='y', orientation='vertical'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.violinploth'] = _violinplot_docstring.format(
    y='x', orientation='horizontal'

# 1D histogram docstrings
_hist_docstring = """
Plot {orientation} histograms.

bins : int or sequence of float, optional
    The bin count or exact bin edges.
histtype : {{'bar', 'barstacked', 'step', 'stepfilled'}}, optional
    The histogram type. See `matplotlib.axes.Axes.hist` for details.
width, rwidth : float, default: 0.8 or 1
    The bar width(s) for bar-type histograms relative to the bin size. Default
    is ``0.8`` for multiple columns of unstacked data and ``1`` otherwise.
stack, stacked : bool, optional
    Whether to "stack" successive columns of {y} data for bar-type histograms
    or show side-by-side in groups. Setting this to ``False`` is equivalent to
    ``histtype='bar'`` and to ``True`` is equivalent to ``histtype='barstacked'``.
fill, filled : bool, optional
    Whether to "fill" step-type histograms or just plot the edges. Setting
    this to ``False`` is equivalent to ``histtype='step'`` and to ``True``
    is equivalent to ``histtype='stepfilled'``.

Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.hist`.

See also
_weights_docstring = """
weights : array-like, optional
    The weights associated with each point. If string this
    can be retrieved from `data` (see below).
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.weights'] = _weights_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.hist'] = _hist_docstring.format(
    y='x', orientation='vertical'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.histh'] = _hist_docstring.format(
    y='x', orientation='horizontal'

# 2D histogram docstrings
_hist2d_docstring = """
Plot a {descrip}.
standard 2D histogram.


Other parameters
    Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.{command}`.

See also
_bins_docstring = """
bins : int or 2-tuple of int, or array-like or 2-tuple of array-like, optional
    The bin count or exact bin edges for each dimension or both dimensions.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.hist2d'] = _hist2d_docstring.format(
    command='hist2d', descrip='standard 2D histogram', bins=_bins_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.hexbin'] = _hist2d_docstring.format(
    command='hexbin', descrip='2D hexagonally binned histogram', bins=''

# Pie chart docstring
_pie_docstring = """
Plot a pie chart.


Other parameters
labelpad, labeldistance : float, optional
    The distance at which labels are drawn in radial coordinates.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.pie'] = _pie_docstring

# Contour docstrings
_contour_docstring = """
Plot {descrip}.



Other parameters
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.{command}`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.contour'] = _contour_docstring.format(
    descrip='contour lines', command='contour', edgefix=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.contourf'] = _contour_docstring.format(
    descrip='filled contours', command='contourf', edgefix='%(axes.edgefix)s\n',
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.tricontour'] = _contour_docstring.format(
    descrip='contour lines on a triangular grid', command='tricontour', edgefix=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.tricontourf'] = _contour_docstring.format(
    descrip='filled contours on a triangular grid', command='tricontourf', edgefix='\n%(axes.edgefix)s'  # noqa: E501

# Pcolor docstring
_pcolor_docstring = """
Plot {descrip}.



Other parameters
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.{command}`.

See also
_heatmap_descrip = """
grid boxes with formatting suitable for heatmaps. Ensures square grid
boxes, adds major ticks to the center of each grid box, disables minor
ticks and gridlines, and sets :rcraw:`cmap.discrete` to ``False`` by default
_heatmap_aspect = """
aspect : {'equal', 'auto'} or float, default: :rc:`image.aspet`
    Modify the axes aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is of particular relevance for
    heatmaps since it may lead to non-square grid boxes. This parameter is a shortcut
    for calling `~matplotlib.axes.set_aspect`. The options are as follows:

    * Number: The data aspect ratio.
    * ``'equal'``: A data aspect ratio of 1.
    * ``'auto'``: Allows the data aspect ratio to change depending on
      the layout. In general this results in non-square grid boxes.
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.pcolor'] = _pcolor_docstring.format(
    descrip='irregular grid boxes', command='pcolor', aspect=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.pcolormesh'] = _pcolor_docstring.format(
    descrip='regular grid boxes', command='pcolormesh', aspect=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.pcolorfast'] = _pcolor_docstring.format(
    descrip='grid boxes quickly', command='pcolorfast', aspect=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.tripcolor'] = _pcolor_docstring.format(
    descrip='triangular grid boxes', command='tripcolor', aspect=''
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.heatmap'] = _pcolor_docstring.format(
    descrip=_heatmap_descrip, command='pcolormesh', aspect=_heatmap_aspect

# Image docstring
_show_docstring = """
Plot {descrip}.

z : array-like
    The data passed as a positional argument or keyword argument.

Other parameters
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.{command}`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.imshow'] = _show_docstring.format(
    descrip='an image', command='imshow'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.matshow'] = _show_docstring.format(
    descrip='a matrix', command='matshow'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.spy'] = _show_docstring.format(
    descrip='a sparcity pattern', command='spy'

# Flow function docstring
_flow_docstring = """
Plot {descrip}.


c, color, colors : array-like or color-spec, optional
    The colors of the {descrip} passed as either a keyword argument
    or a fifth positional argument. This can be a single color or
    a color array to be scaled by `cmap` and `norm`.

Other parameters
    Passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.{command}`

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.barbs'] = _flow_docstring.format(
    descrip='wind barbs', command='barbs'
docstring._snippet_manager['plot.quiver'] = _flow_docstring.format(
    descrip='quiver arrows', command='quiver'
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _flow_docstring.format(
    descrip='streamlines', command='streamplot'

def _get_vert(vert=None, orientation=None, **kwargs):
    Get the orientation specified as either `vert` or `orientation`. This is
    used internally by various helper functions.
    if vert is not None:
        return kwargs, vert
    elif orientation is not None:
        return kwargs, orientation != 'horizontal'  # should already be validated
        return kwargs, True  # fallback

def _parse_vert(
    vert=None, orientation=None, default_vert=None, default_orientation=None, **kwargs
    Interpret both 'vert' and 'orientation' and add to outgoing keyword args
    if a default is provided.
    # NOTE: Users should only pass these to hist, boxplot, or violinplot. To change
    # the plot, scatter, area, or bar orientation users should use the differently
    # named functions. Internally, however, they use these keyword args.
    if default_vert is not None:
        kwargs['vert'] = _not_none(
            orientation=None if orientation is None else orientation == 'vertical',
    if default_orientation is not None:
        kwargs['orientation'] = _not_none(
            vert=None if vert is None else 'vertical' if vert else 'horizontal',
    if kwargs.get('orientation', None) not in (None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'):
        raise ValueError("Orientation must be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.")
    return kwargs

def _inside_seaborn_call():
    Try to detect `seaborn` calls to `scatter` and `bar` and then automatically
    apply `absolute_size` and `absolute_width`.
    frame = sys._getframe()
    absolute_names = (
    while frame is not None:
        if frame.f_globals.get('__name__', '') in absolute_names:
            return True
        frame = frame.f_back
    return False

[docs]class PlotAxes(base.Axes): """ The second lowest-level `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` subclass used by proplot. Implements all plotting overrides. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- *args, **kwargs Passed to `proplot.axes.Axes`. See also -------- matplotlib.axes.Axes proplot.axes.Axes proplot.axes.CartesianAxes proplot.axes.PolarAxes proplot.axes.GeoAxes """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _call_native(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the plotting method and redirect internal calls to native methods. """ # NOTE: Previously allowed internal matplotlib plotting function calls to run # through proplot overrides then avoided awkward conflicts in piecemeal fashion. # Now prevent internal calls from running through overrides using preprocessor kwargs.pop('distribution', None) # remove stat distributions with context._state_context(self, _internal_call=True): if self._name == 'basemap': obj = getattr(self.projection, name)(*args, ax=self, **kwargs) else: obj = getattr(super(), name)(*args, **kwargs) return obj def _call_negpos( self, name, x, *ys, negcolor=None, poscolor=None, colorkey='facecolor', use_where=False, use_zero=False, **kwargs ): """ Call the plotting method separately for "negative" and "positive" data. """ if use_where: kwargs.setdefault('interpolate', True) # see fill_between docs for key in ('color', 'colors', 'facecolor', 'facecolors', 'where'): value = kwargs.pop(key, None) if value is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'{name}() argument {key}={value!r} is incompatible with negpos=True. Ignoring.' # noqa: E501 ) # Negative component yneg = list(ys) # copy if use_zero: # filter bar heights yneg[0] = inputs._safe_mask(ys[0] < 0, ys[0]) elif use_where: # apply fill_between mask kwargs['where'] = ys[1] < ys[0] else: yneg = inputs._safe_mask(ys[1] < ys[0], *ys) kwargs[colorkey] = _not_none(negcolor, rc['negcolor']) negobj = self._call_native(name, x, *yneg, **kwargs) # Positive component ypos = list(ys) # copy if use_zero: # filter bar heights ypos[0] = inputs._safe_mask(ys[0] >= 0, ys[0]) elif use_where: # apply fill_between mask kwargs['where'] = ys[1] >= ys[0] else: ypos = inputs._safe_mask(ys[1] >= ys[0], *ys) kwargs[colorkey] = _not_none(poscolor, rc['poscolor']) posobj = self._call_native(name, x, *ypos, **kwargs) return cbook.silent_list(type(negobj).__name__, (negobj, posobj)) def _add_auto_labels( self, obj, cobj=None, labels=False, labels_kw=None, fmt=None, formatter=None, formatter_kw=None, precision=None, ): """ Add number labels. Default formatter is `~proplot.ticker.SimpleFormatter` with a default maximum precision of ``3`` decimal places. """ # TODO: Add quiverkey to this! if not labels: return labels_kw = labels_kw or {} formatter_kw = formatter_kw or {} formatter = _not_none( fmt_labels_kw=labels_kw.pop('fmt', None), formatter_labels_kw=labels_kw.pop('formatter', None), fmt=fmt, formatter=formatter, default='simple' ) precision = _not_none( formatter_kw_precision=formatter_kw.pop('precision', None), precision=precision, default=3, # should be lower than the default intended for tick labels ) formatter = constructor.Formatter(formatter, precision=precision, **formatter_kw) # noqa: E501 if isinstance(obj, mcontour.ContourSet): self._add_contour_labels(obj, cobj, formatter, **labels_kw) elif isinstance(obj, mcollections.Collection): self._add_collection_labels(obj, formatter, **labels_kw) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Not possible to add labels to object {obj!r}.') def _add_collection_labels( self, obj, fmt, *, c=None, color=None, colors=None, size=None, fontsize=None, **kwargs ): """ Add labels to pcolor boxes with support for shade-dependent text colors. Values are inferred from the unnormalized grid box color. """ # Parse input args # NOTE: This function also hides grid boxes filled with NaNs to avoid ugly # issue where edge colors surround NaNs. Should maybe move this somewhere else. obj.update_scalarmappable() # update 'edgecolors' list color = _not_none(c=c, color=color, colors=colors) fontsize = _not_none(size=size, fontsize=fontsize, default=rc['font.smallsize']) kwargs.setdefault('ha', 'center') kwargs.setdefault('va', 'center') # Apply colors and hide edge colors for empty grids labs = [] array = obj.get_array() paths = obj.get_paths() edgecolors = inputs._to_numpy_array(obj.get_edgecolors()) if len(edgecolors) == 1: edgecolors = np.repeat(edgecolors, len(array), axis=0) for i, (path, value) in enumerate(zip(paths, array)): # Round to the number corresponding to the *color* rather than # the exact data value. Similar to contour label numbering. if value is ma.masked or not np.isfinite(value): edgecolors[i, :] = 0 continue if isinstance(obj.norm, pcolors.DiscreteNorm): value = obj.norm._norm.inverse(obj.norm(value)) icolor = color if color is None: _, _, lum = utils.to_xyz(obj.cmap(obj.norm(value)), 'hcl') icolor = 'w' if lum < 50 else 'k' bbox = path.get_extents() x = (bbox.xmin + bbox.xmax) / 2 y = (bbox.ymin + bbox.ymax) / 2 lab = self.text(x, y, fmt(value), color=icolor, size=fontsize, **kwargs) labs.append(lab) obj.set_edgecolors(edgecolors) return labs def _add_contour_labels( self, obj, cobj, fmt, *, c=None, color=None, colors=None, size=None, fontsize=None, inline_spacing=None, **kwargs ): """ Add labels to contours with support for shade-dependent filled contour labels. Text color is inferred from filled contour object and labels are always drawn on unfilled contour object (otherwise errors crop up). """ # Parse input args zorder = max((h.get_zorder() for h in obj.collections), default=3) zorder = max(3, zorder + 1) kwargs.setdefault('zorder', zorder) colors = _not_none(c=c, color=color, colors=colors) fontsize = _not_none(size=size, fontsize=fontsize, default=rc['font.smallsize']) inline_spacing = _not_none(inline_spacing, 2.5) # Separate clabel args from text Artist args text_kw = {} clabel_keys = ('levels', 'inline', 'manual', 'rightside_up', 'use_clabeltext') for key in tuple(kwargs): # allow dict to change size if key not in clabel_keys: text_kw[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # Draw hidden additional contour for filled contour labels cobj = _not_none(cobj, obj) if obj.filled and colors is None: colors = [] for level in obj.levels: _, _, lum = utils.to_xyz(obj.cmap(obj.norm(level))) colors.append('w' if lum < 50 else 'k') # Draw the labels labs = cobj.clabel( fmt=fmt, colors=colors, fontsize=fontsize, inline_spacing=inline_spacing, **kwargs ) if labs is not None: # returns None if no contours for lab in labs: lab.update(text_kw) return labs def _add_error_bars( self, x, y, *_, distribution=None, default_barstds=False, default_boxstds=False, default_barpctiles=False, default_boxpctiles=False, default_marker=False, bars=None, boxes=None, barstd=None, barstds=None, barpctile=None, barpctiles=None, bardata=None, boxstd=None, boxstds=None, boxpctile=None, boxpctiles=None, boxdata=None, capsize=None, **kwargs, ): """ Add up to 2 error indicators: thick "boxes" and thin "bars". The ``default`` keywords toggle default range indicators when distributions are passed. """ # Parse input args # NOTE: Want to keep _add_error_bars() and _add_error_shading() separate. # But also want default behavior where some default error indicator is shown # if user requests means/medians only. Result is the below kludge. kwargs, vert = _get_vert(**kwargs) barstds = _not_none(bars=bars, barstd=barstd, barstds=barstds) boxstds = _not_none(boxes=boxes, boxstd=boxstd, boxstds=boxstds) barpctiles = _not_none(barpctile=barpctile, barpctiles=barpctiles) boxpctiles = _not_none(boxpctile=boxpctile, boxpctiles=boxpctiles) if distribution is not None and not any( typ + mode in key for key in kwargs for typ in ('shade', 'fade') for mode in ('', 'std', 'pctile', 'data') ): # ugly kludge to check for shading if all(_ is None for _ in (bardata, barstds, barpctiles)): barstds, barpctiles = default_barstds, default_barpctiles if all(_ is None for _ in (boxdata, boxstds, boxpctiles)): boxstds, boxpctiles = default_boxstds, default_boxpctiles showbars = any( _ is not None and _ is not False for _ in (barstds, barpctiles, bardata) ) showboxes = any( _ is not None and _ is not False for _ in (boxstds, boxpctiles, boxdata) ) # Error bar properties edgecolor = kwargs.get('edgecolor', rc['boxplot.whiskerprops.color']) barprops = _pop_props(kwargs, 'line', ignore='marker', prefix='bar') barprops['capsize'] = _not_none(capsize, rc['errorbar.capsize']) barprops['linestyle'] = 'none' barprops.setdefault('color', edgecolor) barprops.setdefault('zorder', 2.5) barprops.setdefault('linewidth', rc['boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth']) # Error box properties # NOTE: Includes 'markerfacecolor' and 'markeredgecolor' props boxprops = _pop_props(kwargs, 'line', prefix='box') boxprops['capsize'] = 0 boxprops['linestyle'] = 'none' boxprops.setdefault('color', barprops['color']) boxprops.setdefault('zorder', barprops['zorder']) boxprops.setdefault('linewidth', 4 * barprops['linewidth']) # Box marker properties boxmarker = {key: boxprops.pop(key) for key in tuple(boxprops) if 'marker' in key} # noqa: E501 boxmarker['c'] = _not_none(boxmarker.pop('markerfacecolor', None), 'white') boxmarker['s'] = _not_none(boxmarker.pop('markersize', None), boxprops['linewidth'] ** 0.5) # noqa: E501 boxmarker['zorder'] = boxprops['zorder'] boxmarker['edgecolor'] = boxmarker.pop('markeredgecolor', None) boxmarker['linewidth'] = boxmarker.pop('markerlinewidth', None) if boxmarker.get('marker') is True: boxmarker['marker'] = 'o' elif default_marker: boxmarker.setdefault('marker', 'o') # Draw thin or thick error bars from distributions or explicit errdata # NOTE: Now impossible to make thin bar width different from cap width! # NOTE: Boxes must go after so scatter point can go on top sy = 'y' if vert else 'x' # yerr ex, ey = (x, y) if vert else (y, x) eobjs = [] if showbars: # noqa: E501 edata, _ = inputs._dist_range( y, distribution, stds=barstds, pctiles=barpctiles, errdata=bardata, stds_default=(-3, 3), pctiles_default=(0, 100), ) if edata is not None: obj = self.errorbar(ex, ey, **barprops, **{sy + 'err': edata}) eobjs.append(obj) if showboxes: # noqa: E501 edata, _ = inputs._dist_range( y, distribution, stds=boxstds, pctiles=boxpctiles, errdata=boxdata, stds_default=(-1, 1), pctiles_default=(25, 75), ) if edata is not None: obj = self.errorbar(ex, ey, **boxprops, **{sy + 'err': edata}) if boxmarker.get('marker', None): self.scatter(ex, ey, **boxmarker) eobjs.append(obj) kwargs['distribution'] = distribution return (*eobjs, kwargs) def _add_error_shading( self, x, y, *_, distribution=None, color_key='color', shade=None, shadestd=None, shadestds=None, shadepctile=None, shadepctiles=None, shadedata=None, fade=None, fadestd=None, fadestds=None, fadepctile=None, fadepctiles=None, fadedata=None, shadelabel=False, fadelabel=False, **kwargs ): """ Add up to 2 error indicators: more opaque "shading" and less opaque "fading". """ kwargs, vert = _get_vert(**kwargs) shadestds = _not_none(shade=shade, shadestd=shadestd, shadestds=shadestds) fadestds = _not_none(fade=fade, fadestd=fadestd, fadestds=fadestds) shadepctiles = _not_none(shadepctile=shadepctile, shadepctiles=shadepctiles) fadepctiles = _not_none(fadepctile=fadepctile, fadepctiles=fadepctiles) drawshade = any( _ is not None and _ is not False for _ in (shadestds, shadepctiles, shadedata) ) drawfade = any( _ is not None and _ is not False for _ in (fadestds, fadepctiles, fadedata) ) # Shading properties shadeprops = _pop_props(kwargs, 'patch', prefix='shade') shadeprops.setdefault('alpha', 0.4) shadeprops.setdefault('zorder', 1.5) shadeprops.setdefault('linewidth', rc['patch.linewidth']) shadeprops.setdefault('edgecolor', 'none') # Fading properties fadeprops = _pop_props(kwargs, 'patch', prefix='fade') fadeprops.setdefault('zorder', shadeprops['zorder']) fadeprops.setdefault('alpha', 0.5 * shadeprops['alpha']) fadeprops.setdefault('linewidth', shadeprops['linewidth']) fadeprops.setdefault('edgecolor', 'none') # Get default color then apply to outgoing keyword args so # that plotting function will not advance to next cycler color. # TODO: More robust treatment of 'color' vs. 'facecolor' if ( drawshade and shadeprops.get('facecolor', None) is None or drawfade and fadeprops.get('facecolor', None) is None ): color = kwargs.get(color_key, None) if color is None: # add to outgoing color = kwargs[color_key] = self._get_lines.get_next_color() shadeprops.setdefault('facecolor', color) fadeprops.setdefault('facecolor', color) # Draw dark and light shading from distributions or explicit errdata eobjs = [] fill = self.fill_between if vert else self.fill_betweenx if drawfade: edata, label = inputs._dist_range( y, distribution, stds=fadestds, pctiles=fadepctiles, errdata=fadedata, stds_default=(-3, 3), pctiles_default=(0, 100), label=fadelabel, absolute=True, ) if edata is not None: eobj = fill(x, *edata, label=label, **fadeprops) eobjs.append(eobj) if drawshade: edata, label = inputs._dist_range( y, distribution, stds=shadestds, pctiles=shadepctiles, errdata=shadedata, stds_default=(-2, 2), pctiles_default=(10, 90), label=shadelabel, absolute=True, ) if edata is not None: eobj = fill(x, *edata, label=label, **shadeprops) eobjs.append(eobj) kwargs['distribution'] = distribution return (*eobjs, kwargs) def _fix_contour_edges(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """ Fix the filled contour edges by secretly adding solid contours with the same input data. """ # NOTE: This is used to provide an object that can be used by 'clabel' for # auto-labels. Filled contours create strange artifacts. # NOTE: Make the default 'line width' identical to one used for pcolor plots # rather than rc['contour.linewidth']. See mpl pcolor() source code if not any(key in kwargs for key in ('linewidths', 'linestyles', 'edgecolors')): kwargs['linewidths'] = 0 # for clabel kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', EDGEWIDTH) kwargs.pop('cmap', None) kwargs['colors'] = kwargs.pop('edgecolors', 'k') return self._call_native(method, *args, **kwargs) def _fix_sticky_edges(self, objs, axis, *args, only=None): """ Fix sticky edges for the input artists using the minimum and maximum of the input coordinates. This is used to copy `bar` behavior to `area` and `lines`. """ for array in args: min_, max_ = inputs._safe_range(array) if min_ is None or max_ is None: continue for obj in guides._iter_iterables(objs): if only and not isinstance(obj, only): continue # e.g. ignore error bars convert = getattr(self, 'convert_' + axis + 'units') edges = getattr(obj.sticky_edges, axis) edges.extend(convert((min_, max_))) @staticmethod def _fix_patch_edges(obj, edgefix=None, **kwargs): """ Fix white lines between between filled patches and fix issues with colormaps that are transparent. If keyword args passed by user include explicit edge properties then we skip this step. """ # NOTE: Use default edge width used for pcolor grid box edges. This is thick # enough to hide lines but thin enough to not add 'nubs' to corners of boxes. # See: # See: edgefix = _not_none(edgefix, rc.edgefix, True) linewidth = EDGEWIDTH if edgefix is True else 0 if edgefix is False else edgefix if not linewidth: return keys = ('linewidth', 'linestyle', 'edgecolor') # patches and collections if any(key + suffix in kwargs for key in keys for suffix in ('', 's')): return rasterized = obj.get_rasterized() if isinstance(obj, martist.Artist) else False if rasterized: return # Skip when cmap has transparency if hasattr(obj, 'get_alpha'): # collections and contour sets use singular alpha = obj.get_alpha() if alpha is not None and alpha < 1: return if isinstance(obj, mcm.ScalarMappable): cmap = obj.cmap if not cmap._isinit: cmap._init() if not all(cmap._lut[:-1, 3] == 1): # skip for cmaps with transparency return # Apply fixes # NOTE: This also covers TriContourSet returned by tricontour if isinstance(obj, mcontour.ContourSet): if obj.filled: for contour in obj.collections: contour.set_linestyle('-') contour.set_linewidth(linewidth) contour.set_edgecolor('face') elif isinstance(obj, mcollections.Collection): # e.g. QuadMesh, PolyCollection obj.set_linewidth(linewidth) obj.set_edgecolor('face') elif isinstance(obj, mpatches.Patch): # e.g. Rectangle obj.set_linewidth(linewidth) obj.set_edgecolor(obj.get_facecolor()) elif np.iterable(obj): # e.g. silent_list of BarContainer for element in obj: PlotAxes._fix_patch_edges(element, edgefix=edgefix) else: warnings._warn_proplot(f'Unexpected obj {obj} passed to _fix_patch_edges.') @contextlib.contextmanager def _keep_grid_bools(self): """ Preserve the gridline booleans during the operation. This prevents `pcolor` methods from disabling grids (mpl < 3.5) and emitting warnings (mpl >= 3.5). """ # NOTE: Modern matplotlib uses _get_axis_list() but this is only to support # Axes3D which PlotAxes does not subclass. Safe to use xaxis and yaxis. bools = [] for axis, which in itertools.product( (self.xaxis, self.yaxis), ('major', 'minor') ): kw = getattr(axis, f'_{which}_tick_kw', {}) bools.append(kw.get('gridOn', None)) kw['gridOn'] = False # prevent deprecation warning yield for b, (axis, which) in zip( bools, itertools.product('xy', ('major', 'minor')) ): if b is not None: self.grid(b, axis=axis, which=which) def _inbounds_extent(self, *, inbounds=None, **kwargs): """ Capture the `inbounds` keyword arg and return data limit extents if it is ``True``. Otherwise return ``None``. When ``_inbounds_xylim`` gets ``None`` it will silently exit. """ extents = None inbounds = _not_none(inbounds, rc['axes.inbounds']) if inbounds: extents = list(self.dataLim.extents) # ensure modifiable return kwargs, extents def _inbounds_vlim(self, x, y, z, *, to_centers=False): """ Restrict the sample data used for automatic `vmin` and `vmax` selection based on the existing x and y axis limits. """ # Get masks # WARNING: Experimental, seems robust but this is not mission-critical so # keep this in a try-except clause for now. However *internally* we should # not reach this block unless everything is an array so raise that error. xmask = ymask = None if self._name != 'cartesian': return z # TODO: support geographic projections when input is PlateCarree() if not all(getattr(a, 'ndim', None) in (1, 2) for a in (x, y, z)): raise ValueError('Invalid input coordinates. Must be 1D or 2D arrays.') try: # Get centers and masks if to_centers and z.ndim == 2: x, y = inputs._to_centers(x, y, z) if not self.get_autoscalex_on(): xlim = self.get_xlim() xmask = (x >= min(xlim)) & (x <= max(xlim)) if not self.get_autoscaley_on(): ylim = self.get_ylim() ymask = (y >= min(ylim)) & (y <= max(ylim)) # Get subsample if xmask is not None and ymask is not None: z = z[np.ix_(ymask, xmask)] if z.ndim == 2 and xmask.ndim == 1 else z[ymask & xmask] # noqa: E501 elif xmask is not None: z = z[:, xmask] if z.ndim == 2 and xmask.ndim == 1 else z[xmask] elif ymask is not None: z = z[ymask, :] if z.ndim == 2 and ymask.ndim == 1 else z[ymask] return z except Exception as err: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Failed to restrict automatic colormap normalization ' f'to in-bounds data only. Error message: {err}' ) return z def _inbounds_xylim(self, extents, x, y, **kwargs): """ Restrict the `dataLim` to exclude out-of-bounds data when x (y) limits are fixed and we are determining default y (x) limits. This modifies the mutable input `extents` to support iteration over columns. """ # WARNING: This feature is still experimental. But seems obvious. Matplotlib # updates data limits in ad hoc fashion differently for each plotting command # but since proplot standardizes inputs we can easily use them for dataLim. if extents is None: return if self._name != 'cartesian': return if not x.size or not y.size: return kwargs, vert = _get_vert(**kwargs) if not vert: x, y = y, x trans = self.dataLim autox, autoy = self.get_autoscalex_on(), self.get_autoscaley_on() try: if autoy and not autox and x.shape == y.shape: # Reset the y data limits xmin, xmax = sorted(self.get_xlim()) mask = (x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax) ymin, ymax = inputs._safe_range(inputs._safe_mask(mask, y)) convert = self.convert_yunits # handle datetime, pint units if ymin is not None: trans.y0 = extents[1] = min(convert(ymin), extents[1]) if ymax is not None: trans.y1 = extents[3] = max(convert(ymax), extents[3]) getattr(self, '_request_autoscale_view', self.autoscale_view)() if autox and not autoy and y.shape == x.shape: # Reset the x data limits ymin, ymax = sorted(self.get_ylim()) mask = (y >= ymin) & (y <= ymax) xmin, xmax = inputs._safe_range(inputs._safe_mask(mask, x)) convert = self.convert_xunits # handle datetime, pint units if xmin is not None: trans.x0 = extents[0] = min(convert(xmin), extents[0]) if xmax is not None: trans.x1 = extents[2] = max(convert(xmax), extents[2]) getattr(self, '_request_autoscale_view', self.autoscale_view)() except Exception as err: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Failed to restrict automatic y (x) axis limit algorithm to ' f'data within locked x (y) limits only. Error message: {err}' ) def _parse_1d_args(self, x, *ys, **kwargs): """ Interpret positional arguments for all 1D plotting commands. """ # Standardize values zerox = not ys if zerox or all(y is None for y in ys): # pad with remaining Nones x, *ys = None, x, *ys[1:] if len(ys) == 2: # 'lines' or 'fill_between' if ys[1] is None: ys = (np.array([0.0]), ys[0]) # user input 1 or 2 positional args elif ys[0] is None: ys = (np.array([0.0]), ys[1]) # user input keyword 'y2' but no y1 if any(y is None for y in ys): raise ValueError('Missing required data array argument.') ys = tuple(map(inputs._to_duck_array, ys)) if x is not None: x = inputs._to_duck_array(x) x, *ys, kwargs = self._parse_1d_format(x, *ys, zerox=zerox, **kwargs) # Geographic corrections if self._name == 'cartopy' and isinstance(kwargs.get('transform'), PlateCarree): # noqa: E501 x, *ys = inputs._geo_cartopy_1d(x, *ys) elif self._name == 'basemap' and kwargs.get('latlon', None): xmin, xmax = self._lonaxis.get_view_interval() x, *ys = inputs._geo_basemap_1d(x, *ys, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) return (x, *ys, kwargs) def _parse_1d_format( self, x, *ys, zerox=False, autox=True, autoy=True, autoformat=None, autoreverse=True, autolabels=True, autovalues=False, autoguide=True, label=None, labels=None, value=None, values=None, **kwargs ): """ Try to retrieve default coordinates from array-like objects and apply default formatting. Also update the keyword arguments. """ # Parse input y = max(ys, key=lambda y: y.size) # find a non-scalar y for inferring metadata autox = autox and not zerox # so far just relevant for hist() autoformat = _not_none(autoformat, rc['autoformat']) kwargs, vert = _get_vert(**kwargs) labels = _not_none( label=label, labels=labels, value=value, values=values, legend_kw_labels=kwargs.get('legend_kw', {}).pop('labels', None), colorbar_kw_values=kwargs.get('colorbar_kw', {}).pop('values', None), ) # Retrieve the x coords # NOTE: Where columns represent distributions, like for box and violinplot or # where we use 'means' or 'medians', columns coords (axis 1) are 'x' coords. # Otherwise, columns represent e.g. lines and row coords (axis 0) are 'x' # coords. Exception is passing "ragged arrays" to boxplot and violinplot. dists = any(kwargs.get(s) for s in ('mean', 'means', 'median', 'medians')) raggd = any(getattr(y, 'dtype', None) == 'object' for y in ys) xaxis = 0 if raggd else 1 if dists or not autoy else 0 if autox and x is None: x = inputs._meta_labels(y, axis=xaxis) # use the first one # Retrieve the labels. We only want default legend labels if this is an # object with 'title' metadata and/or the coords are string. # WARNING: Confusing terminology differences here -- for box and violin plots # labels refer to indices along x axis. if autolabels and labels is None: laxis = 0 if not autox and not autoy else xaxis if not autoy else xaxis + 1 if laxis >= y.ndim: labels = inputs._meta_title(y) else: labels = inputs._meta_labels(y, axis=laxis, always=False) notitle = not inputs._meta_title(labels) if labels is None: pass elif notitle and not any(isinstance(_, str) for _ in labels): labels = None # Apply the labels or values if labels is not None: if autovalues: kwargs['values'] = inputs._to_numpy_array(labels) elif autolabels: kwargs['labels'] = inputs._to_numpy_array(labels) # Apply title for legend or colorbar that uses the labels or values if autoguide and autoformat: title = inputs._meta_title(labels) if title: # safely update legend_kw and colorbar_kw guides._add_guide_kw('legend', kwargs, title=title) guides._add_guide_kw('colorbar', kwargs, title=title) # Apply the basic x and y settings autox = autox and self._name == 'cartesian' autoy = autoy and self._name == 'cartesian' sx, sy = 'xy' if vert else 'yx' kw_format = {} if autox and autoformat: # 'x' axis title = inputs._meta_title(x) if title: axis = getattr(self, sx + 'axis') if axis.isDefault_label: kw_format[sx + 'label'] = title if autoy and autoformat: # 'y' axis sy = sx if zerox else sy # hist() 'y' values are along 'x' axis title = inputs._meta_title(y) if title: axis = getattr(self, sy + 'axis') if axis.isDefault_label: kw_format[sy + 'label'] = title # Convert string-type coordinates to indices # NOTE: This should even allow qualitative string input to hist() if autox: x, kw_format = inputs._meta_coords(x, which=sx, **kw_format) if autoy: *ys, kw_format = inputs._meta_coords(*ys, which=sy, **kw_format) if autox and autoreverse and inputs._is_descending(x): if getattr(self, f'get_autoscale{sx}_on')(): kw_format[sx + 'reverse'] = True # Finally apply formatting and strip metadata # WARNING: Most methods that accept 2D arrays use columns of data, but when # pandas DataFrame specifically is passed to hist, boxplot, or violinplot, rows # of data assumed! Converting to ndarray necessary. if kw_format: self.format(**kw_format) ys = tuple(map(inputs._to_numpy_array, ys)) if x is not None: # pie() and hist() x = inputs._to_numpy_array(x) return (x, *ys, kwargs) def _parse_2d_args( self, x, y, *zs, globe=False, edges=False, allow1d=False, transpose=None, order=None, **kwargs ): """ Interpret positional arguments for all 2D plotting commands. """ # Standardize values # NOTE: Functions pass two 'zs' at most right now if all(z is None for z in zs): x, y, zs = None, None, (x, y)[:len(zs)] if any(z is None for z in zs): raise ValueError('Missing required data array argument(s).') zs = tuple(inputs._to_duck_array(z, strip_units=True) for z in zs) if x is not None: x = inputs._to_duck_array(x) if y is not None: y = inputs._to_duck_array(y) if order is not None: if not isinstance(order, str) or order not in 'CF': raise ValueError(f"Invalid order={order!r}. Options are 'C' or 'F'.") transpose = _not_none( transpose=transpose, transpose_order=bool('CF'.index(order)) ) if transpose: zs = tuple(z.T for z in zs) if x is not None: x = x.T if y is not None: y = y.T x, y, *zs, kwargs = self._parse_2d_format(x, y, *zs, **kwargs) if edges: # NOTE: These functions quitely pass through 1D inputs, e.g. barb data x, y = inputs._to_edges(x, y, zs[0]) else: x, y = inputs._to_centers(x, y, zs[0]) # Geographic corrections if allow1d: pass elif self._name == 'cartopy' and isinstance(kwargs.get('transform'), PlateCarree): # noqa: E501 x, y, *zs = inputs._geo_cartopy_2d(x, y, *zs, globe=globe) elif self._name == 'basemap' and kwargs.get('latlon', None): xmin, xmax = self._lonaxis.get_view_interval() x, y, *zs = inputs._geo_basemap_2d(x, y, *zs, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, globe=globe) # noqa: E501 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # WARNING: required always return (x, y, *zs, kwargs) def _parse_2d_format( self, x, y, *zs, autoformat=None, autoguide=True, autoreverse=True, **kwargs ): """ Try to retrieve default coordinates from array-like objects and apply default formatting. Also apply optional transpose and update the keyword arguments. """ # Retrieve coordinates autoformat = _not_none(autoformat, rc['autoformat']) if x is None and y is None: z = zs[0] if z.ndim == 1: x = inputs._meta_labels(z, axis=0) y = np.zeros(z.shape) # default barb() and quiver() behavior in mpl else: x = inputs._meta_labels(z, axis=1) y = inputs._meta_labels(z, axis=0) # Apply labels and XY axis settings if self._name == 'cartesian': # Apply labels # NOTE: Do not overwrite existing labels! kw_format = {} if autoformat: for s, d in zip('xy', (x, y)): title = inputs._meta_title(d) if title: axis = getattr(self, s + 'axis') if axis.isDefault_label: kw_format[s + 'label'] = title # Handle string-type coordinates x, kw_format = inputs._meta_coords(x, which='x', **kw_format) y, kw_format = inputs._meta_coords(y, which='y', **kw_format) for s, d in zip('xy', (x, y)): if autoreverse and inputs._is_descending(d): if getattr(self, f'get_autoscale{s}_on')(): kw_format[s + 'reverse'] = True # Apply formatting if kw_format: self.format(**kw_format) # Apply title for legend or colorbar if autoguide and autoformat: title = inputs._meta_title(zs[0]) if title: # safely update legend_kw and colorbar_kw guides._add_guide_kw('legend', kwargs, title=title) guides._add_guide_kw('colorbar', kwargs, title=title) # Finally strip metadata x = inputs._to_numpy_array(x) y = inputs._to_numpy_array(y) zs = tuple(map(inputs._to_numpy_array, zs)) return (x, y, *zs, kwargs) def _parse_color(self, x, y, c, *, apply_cycle=True, infer_rgb=False, **kwargs): """ Parse either a colormap or color cycler. Colormap will be discrete and fade to subwhite luminance by default. Returns a HEX string if needed so we don't get ambiguous color warnings. Used with scatter, streamplot, quiver, barbs. """ # NOTE: This function is positioned above the _parse_cmap and _parse_cycle # functions and helper functions. parsers = (self._parse_cmap, *self._level_parsers) if c is None or mcolors.is_color_like(c): if infer_rgb and c is not None: c = pcolors.to_hex(c) # avoid scatter() ambiguous color warning if apply_cycle: # False for scatter() so we can wait to get correct 'N' kwargs = self._parse_cycle(**kwargs) else: c = np.atleast_1d(c) # should only have effect on 'scatter' input if infer_rgb and (inputs._is_categorical(c) or c.ndim == 2 and c.shape[1] in (3, 4)): # noqa: E501 c = list(map(pcolors.to_hex, c)) # avoid iterating over columns else: kwargs = self._parse_cmap(x, y, c, plot_lines=True, default_discrete=False, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 parsers = (self._parse_cycle,) pop = _pop_params(kwargs, *parsers, ignore_internal=True) if pop: warnings._warn_proplot(f'Ignoring unused keyword arg(s): {pop}') return (c, kwargs) @warnings._rename_kwargs('0.6.0', centers='values') def _parse_cmap( self, *args, cmap=None, cmap_kw=None, c=None, color=None, colors=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, extend=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, vcenter=None, discrete=None, default_discrete=True, default_cmap=None, skip_autolev=False, min_levels=None, plot_lines=False, plot_contours=False, **kwargs ): """ Parse colormap and normalizer arguments. Parameters ---------- c, color, colors : sequence of color-spec, optional Build a `DiscreteColormap` from the input color(s). cmap, cmap_kw : optional Colormap specs. norm, norm_kw : optional Normalize specs. extend : optional The colormap extend setting. vmin, vmax : float, optional The normalization range. vcenter : float, optional The central value for diverging colormaps. sequential, diverging, cyclic, qualitative : bool, optional Toggle various colormap types. discrete : bool, optional Whether to apply `DiscreteNorm` to the colormap. default_discrete : bool, optional The default `discrete`. Depends on plotting method. skip_autolev : bool, optional Whether to skip automatic level generation. min_levels : int, optional The minimum number of valid levels. 1 for line contour plots 2 otherwise. plot_lines : bool, optional Whether these are lines. If so the default monochromatic luminance is 90. plot_contours : bool, optional Whether these are contours. If so then a discrete of `True` is required. """ # Parse keyword args cmap_kw = cmap_kw or {} norm_kw = norm_kw or {} vmin = _not_none(vmin=vmin, norm_kw_vmin=norm_kw.pop('vmin', None)) vmax = _not_none(vmax=vmax, norm_kw_vmax=norm_kw.pop('vmax', None)) vcenter = _not_none(vcenter=vcenter, norm_kw_vcenter=norm_kw.get('vcenter')) colors = _not_none(c=c, color=color, colors=colors) # in case untranslated extend = 'both' if extend is True else 'neither' if extend is False else extend extend = _not_none(extend, 'neither') modes = ('sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic', 'qualitative') modes = {mode: kwargs.pop(mode, None) for mode in modes} if vcenter is not None: # shorthand to ensure diverging colormap norm = _not_none(norm, 'div') modes['diverging'] = True norm_kw.setdefault('vcenter', vcenter) if sum(map(bool, modes.values())) > 1: # noqa: E501 warnings._warn_proplot( f'Conflicting colormap arguments: {modes!r}. Using the first one.' ) keys = tuple(key for key, b in modes.items() if b) for key in keys[1:]: modes[key] = None # Create user-input colormap and potentially disable autodiverging # NOTE: Let people use diverging=False with diverging cmaps because some # use them (wrongly IMO but to each their own) for increased color contrast. # WARNING: Previously 'colors' set the edgecolors. To avoid all-black # colormap make sure to ignore 'colors' if 'cmap' was also passed. # WARNING: Previously tried setting number of levels to len(colors), but this # makes single-level single-color contour plots, and since _parse_level_num is # only generates approximate level counts, the idea failed anyway. Users should # pass their own levels to avoid truncation/cycling in these very special cases. autodiverging = rc['cmap.autodiverging'] if colors is not None: if cmap is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'You specified both cmap={cmap!s} and the qualitative-colormap ' f"colors={colors!r}. Ignoring 'colors'. If you meant to specify " f'the edge color please use e.g. edgecolor={colors!r} instead.' ) else: if mcolors.is_color_like(colors): colors = [colors] # RGB[A] tuple possibly cmap = colors = np.atleast_1d(colors) cmap_kw['listmode'] = 'discrete' if cmap is not None: if plot_lines: cmap_kw['default_luminance'] = constructor.DEFAULT_CYCLE_LUMINANCE cmap = constructor.Colormap(cmap, **cmap_kw) name = re.sub(r'\A_*(.*?)(?:_r|_s|_copy)*\Z', r'\1', if not any(name in opts for opts in pcolors.CMAPS_DIVERGING.items()): autodiverging = False # avoid auto-truncation of sequential colormaps # Force default options in special cases # NOTE: Delay application of 'sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic', 'qualitative' # until after level generation so 'diverging' can be automatically applied. if modes['cyclic'] or getattr(cmap, '_cyclic', None): if extend is not None and extend != 'neither': warnings._warn_proplot( f"Cyclic colormaps require extend='neither'. Ignoring extend={extend!r}" # noqa: E501 ) extend = 'neither' if modes['qualitative'] or isinstance(cmap, pcolors.DiscreteColormap): if discrete is not None and not discrete: # noqa: E501 warnings._warn_proplot( 'Qualitative colormaps require discrete=True. Ignoring discrete=False.' # noqa: E501 ) discrete = True if plot_contours: if discrete is not None and not discrete: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Contoured plots require discrete=True. Ignoring discrete=False.' ) discrete = True keys = ('levels', 'values', 'locator', 'negative', 'positive', 'symmetric') if any(key in kwargs for key in keys): # override discrete = _not_none(discrete, True) else: # use global boolean rc['cmap.discrete'] or command-specific default discrete = _not_none(discrete, rc['cmap.discrete'], default_discrete) # Determine the appropriate 'vmin', 'vmax', and/or 'levels' # NOTE: Unlike xarray, but like matplotlib, vmin and vmax only approximately # determine level range. Levels are selected with Locator.tick_values(). levels = None # unused isdiverging = False if not discrete and not skip_autolev: vmin, vmax, kwargs = self._parse_level_lim( *args, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs ) if autodiverging and vmin is not None and vmax is not None: if abs(np.sign(vmax) - np.sign(vmin)) == 2: isdiverging = True if discrete: levels, vmin, vmax, norm, norm_kw, kwargs = self._parse_level_vals( *args, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm, norm_kw=norm_kw, extend=extend, min_levels=min_levels, skip_autolev=skip_autolev, **kwargs ) if autodiverging and levels is not None: _, counts = np.unique(np.sign(levels), return_counts=True) if counts[counts > 1].size > 1: isdiverging = True if not any(modes.values()) and isdiverging and modes['diverging'] is None: modes['diverging'] = True # Create the continuous normalizer. isdiverging = modes['diverging'] default = 'div' if isdiverging else 'linear' norm = _not_none(norm, default) if isdiverging and isinstance(norm, str) and norm in ('segments', 'segmented'): norm_kw.setdefault('vcenter', 0) if isinstance(norm, mcolors.Normalize): norm.vmin, norm.vmax = vmin, vmax else: norm = constructor.Norm(norm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **norm_kw) if autodiverging and isinstance(norm, pcolors.DivergingNorm): isdiverging = True if not any(modes.values()) and isdiverging and modes['diverging'] is None: modes['diverging'] = True # Create the final colormap if cmap is None: if default_cmap is not None: # used internally cmap = default_cmap elif any(modes.values()): cmap = rc['cmap.' + tuple(key for key, b in modes.items() if b)[0]] else: cmap = rc['image.cmap'] cmap = constructor.Colormap(cmap, **cmap_kw) # Create the discrete normalizer # Then finally warn and remove unused args if levels is not None: norm, cmap, kwargs = self._parse_level_norm( levels, norm, cmap, extend=extend, min_levels=min_levels, **kwargs ) params = _pop_params(kwargs, *self._level_parsers, ignore_internal=True) if 'N' in params: # use this for lookup table N instead of levels N cmap = cmap.copy(N=params.pop('N')) if params: warnings._warn_proplot(f'Ignoring unused keyword args(s): {params}') # Update outgoing args # NOTE: ContourSet natively stores 'extend' on the result but for other # classes we need to hide it on the object. kwargs.update({'cmap': cmap, 'norm': norm}) if plot_contours: kwargs.update({'levels': levels, 'extend': extend}) else: guides._add_guide_kw('colorbar', kwargs, extend=extend) return kwargs def _parse_cycle( self, ncycle=None, *, cycle=None, cycle_kw=None, cycle_manually=None, return_cycle=False, **kwargs ): """ Parse property cycle-related arguments. Parameters ---------- ncycle : int, optional The number of samples to draw for the cycle. cycle : cycle-spec, optional The property cycle specifier. cycle_kw : dict-like, optional The property cycle keyword arguments cycle_manually : dict-like, optional Mapping of property cycle keys to plotting function keys. Used to translate property cycle line properties to scatter properties. return_cycle : bool, optional Whether to simply return the property cycle or apply it. The cycle is only applied (and therefore reset) if it differs from the current one. """ # Create the property cycler and update it if necessary # NOTE: Matplotlib Cycler() objects have built-in __eq__ operator # so really easy to check if the cycler has changed! if cycle is not None or cycle_kw: cycle_kw = cycle_kw or {} if ncycle != 1: # ignore for column-by-column plotting commands cycle_kw.setdefault('N', ncycle) # if None then filled in Colormap() if isinstance(cycle, str) and cycle.lower() == 'none': cycle = False if not cycle: args = () elif cycle is True: # consistency with 'False' ('reactivate' the cycler) args = (rc['axes.prop_cycle'],) else: args = (cycle,) cycle = constructor.Cycle(*args, **cycle_kw) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # hide 'elementwise-comparison failed' warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) if return_cycle: pass elif cycle != self._active_cycle: self.set_prop_cycle(cycle) # Manually extract and apply settings to outgoing keyword arguments # if native matplotlib function does not include desired properties cycle_manually = cycle_manually or {} parser = self._get_lines # the _process_plot_var_args instance props = {} # which keys to apply from property cycler for prop, key in cycle_manually.items(): if kwargs.get(key, None) is None and prop in parser._prop_keys: props[prop] = key if props: dict_ = next(parser.prop_cycler) for prop, key in props.items(): value = dict_[prop] if key == 'c': # special case: scatter() color must be converted to hex value = pcolors.to_hex(value) kwargs[key] = value if return_cycle: return cycle, kwargs # needed for stem() to apply in a context() else: return kwargs def _parse_level_lim( self, *args, vmin=None, vmax=None, vcenter=None, robust=None, inbounds=None, negative=None, positive=None, symmetric=None, to_centers=False, **kwargs ): """ Return a suitable vmin and vmax based on the input data. Parameters ---------- *args The sample data. vmin, vmax, vcenter : float, optional The user input minimum, maximum, and center. robust : bool, optional Whether to limit the default range to exclude outliers. inbounds : bool, optional Whether to filter to in-bounds data. negative, positive, symmetric : bool, optional Whether limits should be negative, positive, or symmetric. to_centers : bool, optional Whether to convert coordinates to 'centers'. Returns ------- vmin, vmax : float The minimum and maximum. **kwargs Unused arguemnts. """ # Parse vmin and vmax automin = vmin is None automax = vmax is None vcenter = vcenter or 0.0 if not automin and not automax: return vmin, vmax, kwargs # Parse input args inbounds = _not_none(inbounds, rc['cmap.inbounds']) robust = _not_none(robust, rc['cmap.robust'], False) robust = 96 if robust is True else 100 if robust is False else robust robust = np.atleast_1d(robust) if robust.size == 1: pmin, pmax = 50 + 0.5 * np.array([-robust.item(), robust.item()]) elif robust.size == 2: pmin, pmax = robust.flat # pull out of array else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected robust={robust!r}. Must be bool, float, or 2-tuple.') # noqa: E501 # Get sample data # NOTE: Try to get reasonable *count* levels for hexbin/hist2d, but in general # have no way to select nice ones a priori (why we disable discretenorm). # NOTE: Currently we only ever use this function with *single* array input # but in future could make this public as a way for users (me) to get # automatic synced contours for a bunch of arrays in a grid. vmins, vmaxs = [], [] if len(args) > 2: x, y, *zs = args else: x, y, *zs = None, None, *args for z in zs: if z is None: # e.g. empty scatter color continue if z.ndim > 2: # e.g. imshow data continue z = inputs._to_numpy_array(z) # critical since not always standardized if inbounds and x is not None and y is not None: # ignore if None coords z = self._inbounds_vlim(x, y, z, to_centers=to_centers) imin, imax = inputs._safe_range(z, pmin, pmax) if automin and imin is not None: vmins.append(imin) if automax and imax is not None: vmaxs.append(imax) if automin: vmin = min(vmins, default=0) if automax: vmax = max(vmaxs, default=1) # Apply modifications # NOTE: This is also applied to manual input levels lists in _parse_level_vals if negative: if automax: vmax = vcenter else: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Incompatible arguments vmax={vmax!r} and negative=True. ' 'Ignoring the latter.' ) if positive: if automin: vmin = vcenter else: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Incompatible arguments vmin={vmin!r} and positive=True. ' 'Ignoring the latter.' ) if symmetric: vmin, vmax = vmin - vcenter, vmax - vcenter if automin and not automax: vmin = -vmax elif automax and not automin: vmax = -vmin elif automin and automax: vmin, vmax = -np.max(np.abs((vmin, vmax))), np.max(np.abs((vmin, vmax))) else: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Incompatible arguments vmin={vmin!r}, vmax={vmax!r}, and ' 'symmetric=True. Ignoring the latter.' ) vmin, vmax = vmin + vcenter, vmax + vcenter return vmin, vmax, kwargs def _parse_level_num( self, *args, levels=None, locator=None, locator_kw=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, norm=None, norm_kw=None, extend=None, symmetric=None, **kwargs ): """ Return a suitable level list given the input data, normalizer, locator, and vmin and vmax. Parameters ---------- *args The sample data. Passed to `_parse_level_lim`. levels : int The approximate number of levels. locator, locator_kw The tick locator used to draw levels. vmin, vmax : float, optional The minimum and maximum values passed to the tick locator. norm, norm_kw : optional The continuous normalizer. Affects the default locator used to draw levels. extend : str, optional The extend setting. Affects level trimming settings. symmetric : bool, optional Whether the resulting levels should be symmetric about zero. Returns ------- levels : list of float The level edges. **kwargs Unused arguments. """ # Input args # NOTE: Some of this is adapted from contour.ContourSet._autolev # NOTE: We use 'symmetric' with MaxNLocator to ensure boundaries # include a zero level but may trim many of these levels below. norm_kw = norm_kw or {} locator_kw = locator_kw or {} extend = _not_none(extend, 'neither') levels = _not_none(levels, rc['cmap.levels']) symmetric = _not_none( symmetric=symmetric, locator_kw_symmetric=locator_kw.pop('symmetric', None), default=False, ) # Get default locator from input norm # NOTE: This normalizer is only temporary for inferring level locs norm = norm or 'linear' norm = constructor.Norm(norm, **norm_kw) if locator is not None: locator = constructor.Locator(locator, **locator_kw) elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.LogNorm): locator = mticker.LogLocator(**locator_kw) elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.SymLogNorm): for key, default in (('base', 10), ('linthresh', 1)): val = _not_none(getattr(norm, key, None), getattr(norm, '_' + key, None), default) # noqa: E501 locator_kw.setdefault(key, val) locator = mticker.SymmetricalLogLocator(**locator_kw) else: locator_kw['symmetric'] = symmetric locator = mticker.MaxNLocator(levels, min_n_ticks=1, **locator_kw) # Get default level locations # NOTE: Critical to adjust ticks with vcenter nlevs = levels vcenter = getattr(norm, 'vcenter', None) automin = vmin is None automax = vmax is None vmin, vmax, kwargs = self._parse_level_lim( *args, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, vcenter=vcenter, symmetric=symmetric, **kwargs ) if vcenter is not None: vmin, vmax = vmin - vcenter, vmax - vcenter try: levels = locator.tick_values(vmin, vmax) except TypeError: # e.g. due to datetime arrays return None, kwargs except RuntimeError: # too-many-ticks error levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) # TODO: _autolev used N + 1 if vcenter is not None: vmin, vmax, levels = vmin + vcenter, vmax + vcenter, levels + vcenter # Possibly trim levels far outside of 'vmin' and 'vmax' # NOTE: This part is mostly copied from matplotlib _autolev if not symmetric: i0, i1 = 0, len(levels) # defaults under, = np.where(levels < vmin) if len(under): i0 = under[-1] if not automin or extend in ('min', 'both'): i0 += 1 # permit out-of-bounds data over, = np.where(levels > vmax) if len(over): i1 = over[0] + 1 if len(over) else len(levels) if not automax or extend in ('max', 'both'): i1 -= 1 # permit out-of-bounds data if i1 - i0 < 3: i0, i1 = 0, len(levels) # revert levels = levels[i0:i1] # Compare the no. of levels we got (levels) to what we wanted (nlevs) # If we wanted more than 2 times the result, then add nn - 1 extra # levels in-between the returned levels in normalized space (e.g. LogNorm). nn = nlevs // len(levels) if nn >= 2: olevels = norm(levels) nlevels = [] for i in range(len(levels) - 1): l1, l2 = olevels[i], olevels[i + 1] nlevels.extend(np.linspace(l1, l2, nn + 1)[:-1]) nlevels.append(olevels[-1]) levels = norm.inverse(nlevels) return levels, kwargs def _parse_level_vals( self, *args, N=None, levels=None, values=None, extend=None, positive=False, negative=False, nozero=False, norm=None, norm_kw=None, skip_autolev=False, min_levels=None, **kwargs, ): """ Return levels resulting from a wide variety of keyword options. Parameters ---------- *args The sample data. Passed to `_parse_level_num`. N, levels : int or sequence of float, optional The levels list or (approximate) number of levels to create. values : int or sequence of float, optional The level center list or (approximate) number of level centers to create. positive, negative, nozero : bool, optional Whether to remove out non-positive, non-negative, and zero-valued levels. The latter is useful for single-color contour plots. norm, norm_kw : optional Passed to `Norm`. Used to possibly infer levels or to convert values. skip_autolev : bool, optional Whether to skip automatic level generation. min_levels : int, optional The minimum number of levels allowed. **kwargs Passed to `_parse_level_num`. Returns ------- levels : list of float The level edges. vmin, vmax : float The minimum and maximum. norm : `matplotlib.colors.Normalize` The normalizer. **kwargs Unused arguments. """ # Generate levels so that ticks will be centered between edges # Solve: (x1 + x2) / 2 = y --> x2 = 2 * y - x1 with arbitrary init x1 # NOTE: Used for e.g. parametric plots with logarithmic coordinates def _convert_values(values): descending = values[1] < values[0] if descending: # e.g. [100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1] successful if reversed values = values[::-1] levels = [1.5 * values[0] - 0.5 * values[1]] # arbitrary starting point for value in values: levels.append(2 * value - levels[-1]) if np.any(np.diff(levels) < 0): # never happens for evenly spaced levs levels = utils.edges(values) if descending: # then revert back below levels = levels[::-1] return levels # Helper function that restricts levels # NOTE: This should have no effect if levels were generated automatically. # However want to apply these to manual-input levels as well. def _restrict_levels(levels): kw = {} levels = np.asarray(levels) if len(levels) > 2: kw['atol'] = 1e-5 * np.min(np.diff(levels)) if nozero: levels = levels[~np.isclose(levels, 0, **kw)] if positive: levels = levels[(levels > 0) | np.isclose(levels, 0, **kw)] if negative: levels = levels[(levels < 0) | np.isclose(levels, 0, **kw)] return levels # Helper function to sanitize input levels # NOTE: Include special case where color levels are referenced by string labels def _sanitize_levels(key, array, minsize): if np.iterable(array): array, _ = pcolors._sanitize_levels(array, minsize) elif isinstance(array, Integral): pass elif array is not None: raise ValueError(f'Invalid {key}={array}. Must be list or integer.') if isinstance(norm, (mcolors.BoundaryNorm, pcolors.SegmentedNorm)): if isinstance(array, Integral): warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring {key}={array}. Using norm={norm!r} {key} instead.' ) array = norm.boundaries if key == 'levels' else None return array # Parse input arguments and infer edges from centers # NOTE: The only way for user to manually impose BoundaryNorm is by # passing one -- users cannot create one using Norm constructor key. vmin = vmax = None levels = _not_none(N=N, levels=levels, norm_kw_levs=norm_kw.pop('levels', None)) if positive and negative: warnings._warn_proplot( 'Incompatible args positive=True and negative=True. Using former.' ) negative = False if levels is not None and values is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Incompatible args levels={levels!r} and values={values!r}. Using former.' # noqa: E501 ) values = None if isinstance(values, Integral): levels = values + 1 values = None if values is None: levels = _sanitize_levels('levels', levels, _not_none(min_levels, 2)) levels = _not_none(levels, rc['cmap.levels']) else: values = _sanitize_levels('values', values, 1) kwargs['discrete_ticks'] = values # passed to _parse_level_norm if len(values) == 1: # special case (see also DiscreteNorm) levels = [values[0] - 1, values[0] + 1] elif norm is not None and norm not in ('segments', 'segmented'): convert = constructor.Norm(norm, **(norm_kw or {})) levels = convert.inverse(utils.edges(convert(values))) else: levels = _convert_values(values) # Process level edges and infer defaults # NOTE: Matplotlib colorbar algorithm *cannot* handle descending levels so # this function reverses them and adds special attribute to the normalizer. # Then colorbar() reads this attr and flips the axis and the colormap direction if np.iterable(levels): pop = _pop_params(kwargs, self._parse_level_num, ignore_internal=True) if pop: warnings._warn_proplot(f'Ignoring unused keyword arg(s): {pop}') elif not skip_autolev: levels, kwargs = self._parse_level_num( *args, levels=levels, norm=norm, norm_kw=norm_kw, extend=extend, negative=negative, positive=positive, **kwargs ) else: levels = values = None # Determine default colorbar locator and norm and apply filters # NOTE: DiscreteNorm does not currently support vmin and # vmax different from level list minimum and maximum. # NOTE: The level restriction should have no effect if levels were generated # automatically. However want to apply these to manual-input levels as well. if levels is not None: levels = _restrict_levels(levels) if len(levels) == 0: # skip pass elif len(levels) == 1: # use central colormap color vmin, vmax = levels[0] - 1, levels[0] + 1 else: # use minimum and maximum vmin, vmax = np.min(levels), np.max(levels) if not np.allclose(levels[1] - levels[0], np.diff(levels)): norm = _not_none(norm, 'segmented') if norm in ('segments', 'segmented'): norm_kw['levels'] = levels return levels, vmin, vmax, norm, norm_kw, kwargs @staticmethod def _parse_level_norm( levels, norm, cmap, *, extend=None, min_levels=None, discrete_ticks=None, discrete_labels=None, **kwargs ): """ Create a `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` or `~proplot.colors.BoundaryNorm` from the input levels, normalizer, and colormap. Parameters ---------- levels : sequence of float The level boundaries. norm : `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` The continuous normalizer. cmap : `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` The colormap. extend : str, optional The extend setting. min_levels : int, optional The minimum number of levels. discrete_ticks : array-like, optional The colorbar locations to tick. discrete_labels : array-like, optional The colorbar tick labels. Returns ------- norm : `~proplot.colors.DiscreteNorm` The discrete normalizer. cmap : `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` The possibly-modified colormap. kwargs Unused arguments. """ # Reverse the colormap if input levels or values were descending # See _parse_level_vals for details min_levels = _not_none(min_levels, 2) # 1 for contour plots unique = extend = _not_none(extend, 'neither') under = cmap._rgba_under over = cmap._rgba_over cyclic = getattr(cmap, '_cyclic', None) qualitative = isinstance(cmap, pcolors.DiscreteColormap) # see _parse_cmap if len(levels) < min_levels: raise ValueError( f'Invalid levels={levels!r}. Must be at least length {min_levels}.' ) # Ensure end colors are unique by scaling colors as if extend='both' # NOTE: Inside _parse_cmap should have enforced extend='neither' if cyclic: step = 0.5 # try to allocate space for unique end colors unique = 'both' # Ensure color list length matches level list length using rotation # NOTE: No harm if not enough colors, we just end up with the same # color for out-of-bounds extensions. This is a gentle failure elif qualitative: step = 0.5 # try to sample the central index for safety unique = 'both' auto_under = under is None and extend in ('min', 'both') auto_over = over is None and extend in ('max', 'both') ncolors = len(levels) - min_levels + 1 + auto_under + auto_over colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(cmap.colors), ncolors)) if auto_under and len(colors) > 1: under, *colors = colors if auto_over and len(colors) > 1: *colors, over = colors cmap = cmap.copy(colors, N=len(colors)) if under is not None: cmap.set_under(under) if over is not None: cmap.set_over(over) # Ensure middle colors sample full range when extreme colors are present # by scaling colors as if extend='neither' else: step = 1.0 if over is not None and under is not None: unique = 'neither' elif over is not None: # turn off over-bounds unique bin if extend == 'both': unique = 'min' elif extend == 'max': unique = 'neither' elif under is not None: # turn off under-bounds unique bin if extend == 'both': unique = 'min' elif extend == 'max': unique = 'neither' # Generate DiscreteNorm and update "child" norm with vmin and vmax from # levels. This lets the colorbar set tick locations properly! if len(levels) == 1: pass # e.g. contours elif isinstance(norm, mcolors.BoundaryNorm): pass # override with native matplotlib normalizer else: norm = pcolors.DiscreteNorm( levels, norm=norm, unique=unique, step=step, ticks=discrete_ticks, labels=discrete_labels, ) return norm, cmap, kwargs def _apply_plot(self, *pairs, vert=True, **kwargs): """ Plot standard lines. """ # Plot the lines objs, xsides = [], [] kws = kwargs.copy() kws.update(_pop_props(kws, 'line')) kws, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kws) for xs, ys, fmt in self._iter_arg_pairs(*pairs): xs, ys, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, ys, vert=vert, **kws) ys, kw = inputs._dist_reduce(ys, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) # after standardize for _, n, x, y, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, ys, **kw): kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) *eb, kw = self._add_error_bars(x, y, vert=vert, default_barstds=True, **kw) # noqa: E501 *es, kw = self._add_error_shading(x, y, vert=vert, **kw) xsides.append(x) if not vert: x, y = y, x a = [x, y] if fmt is not None: # x1, y1, fmt1, x2, y2, fm2... style input a.append(fmt) obj, = self._call_native('plot', *a, **kw) self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y) objs.append((*eb, *es, obj) if eb or es else obj) # Add sticky edges self._fix_sticky_edges(objs, 'x' if vert else 'y', *xsides, only=mlines.Line2D) self._update_guide(objs, **guide_kw) return cbook.silent_list('Line2D', objs) # always return list
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def line(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.plot)s """ return self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def linex(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.plotx)s """ return self.plotx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', allow_extra=True) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.plot)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'x', allow_extra=True) @docstring._snippet_manager def plotx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.plotx)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_plot(*args, **kwargs)
def _apply_step(self, *pairs, vert=True, **kwargs): """ Plot the steps. """ # Plot the steps # NOTE: Internally matplotlib plot() calls step() so we could use that # approach... but instead repeat _apply_plot internals here so we can # disable error indications that make no sense for 'step' plots. kws = kwargs.copy() kws.update(_pop_props(kws, 'line')) kws, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kws) objs = [] for xs, ys, fmt in self._iter_arg_pairs(*pairs): xs, ys, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, ys, vert=vert, **kws) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) # after standardize if fmt is not None: kw['fmt'] = fmt for _, n, x, y, *a, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, ys, **kw): kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) if not vert: x, y = y, x obj, = self._call_native('step', x, y, *a, **kw) self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y) objs.append(obj) self._update_guide(objs, **guide_kw) return cbook.silent_list('Line2D', objs) # always return list
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', allow_extra=True) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.step)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_step(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'x', allow_extra=True) @docstring._snippet_manager def stepx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.stepx)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_step(*args, **kwargs)
def _apply_stem( self, x, y, *, linefmt=None, markerfmt=None, basefmt=None, orientation=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot stem lines and markers. """ # Parse input kw = kwargs.copy() kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kw) x, y, kw = self._parse_1d_args(x, y, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) # Set default colors # NOTE: 'fmt' strings can only be 2 to 3 characters and include color # shorthands like 'r' or cycle colors like 'C0'. Cannot use full color names. # NOTE: Matplotlib defaults try to make a 'reddish' color the base and 'bluish' # color the stems. To make this more robust we temporarily replace the cycler. # Bizarrely stem() only reads from the global cycler() so have to update it. fmts = (linefmt, basefmt, markerfmt) orientation = _not_none(orientation, 'vertical') if not any(isinstance(fmt, str) and re.match(r'\AC[0-9]', fmt) for fmt in fmts): cycle = constructor.Cycle((rc['negcolor'], rc['poscolor']), name='_no_name') kw.setdefault('cycle', cycle) kw['basefmt'] = _not_none(basefmt, 'C1-') # red base kw['linefmt'] = linefmt = _not_none(linefmt, 'C0-') # blue stems kw['markerfmt'] = _not_none(markerfmt, linefmt[:-1] + 'o') # blue marker sig = inspect.signature(maxes.Axes.stem) if 'use_line_collection' in sig.parameters: kw.setdefault('use_line_collection', True) # Call function then restore property cycle # WARNING: Horizontal stem plots are only supported in recent versions of # matplotlib. Let matplotlib raise an error if need be. ctx = {} cycle, kw = self._parse_cycle(return_cycle=True, **kw) # allow re-application if cycle is not None: ctx['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycle if orientation == 'horizontal': # may raise error kw['orientation'] = orientation with rc.context(ctx): obj = self._call_native('stem', x, y, **kw) self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y, orientation=orientation) self._update_guide(obj, **guide_kw) return obj
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def stem(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.stem)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='vertical', **kwargs) return self._apply_stem(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y') @docstring._snippet_manager def stemx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.stemx)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='horizontal', **kwargs) return self._apply_stem(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', ('c', 'color', 'colors', 'values')) @docstring._snippet_manager def parametric(self, x, y, c, *, interp=0, scalex=True, scaley=True, **kwargs): """ %(plot.parametric)s """ # Standardize arguments # NOTE: Values are inferred in _auto_format() the same way legend labels are # inferred. Will not always return an array like inferred coordinates do. # NOTE: We want to be able to think of 'c' as a scatter color array and # as a colormap color list. Try to support that here. kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kw) label = _not_none(**{key: kw.pop(key, None) for key in ('label', 'value')}) x, y, kw = self._parse_1d_args( x, y, values=c, autovalues=True, autoreverse=False, **kw ) c = kw.pop('values', None) # permits auto-inferring values c = np.arange(y.size) if c is None else inputs._to_numpy_array(c) if ( c.size in (3, 4) and y.size not in (3, 4) and mcolors.is_color_like(tuple(c.flat)) or all(map(mcolors.is_color_like, c)) ): c, kw['colors'] = np.arange(c.shape[0]), c # convert color specs # Interpret color values # NOTE: This permits string label input for 'values' c, guide_kw = inputs._meta_coords(c, which='') # convert string labels if c.size == 1 and y.size != 1: c = np.arange(y.size) # convert dummy label for single color if guide_kw: guides._add_guide_kw('colorbar', kw, **guide_kw) else: guides._add_guide_kw('colorbar', kw, locator=c) # Interpolate values to allow for smooth gradations between values or just # to color siwtchover halfway between points (interp True, False respectively) if interp > 0: x_orig, y_orig, v_orig = x, y, c x, y, c = [], [], [] for j in range(x_orig.shape[0] - 1): idx = slice(None) if j + 1 < x_orig.shape[0] - 1: idx = slice(None, -1) x.extend(np.linspace(x_orig[j], x_orig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) y.extend(np.linspace(y_orig[j], y_orig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) c.extend(np.linspace(v_orig[j], v_orig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) x, y, c = np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(c) # Get coordinates and values for points to the 'left' and 'right' of joints coords = [] for i in range(y.shape[0]): icoords = np.empty((3, 2)) for j, arr in enumerate((x, y)): icoords[:, j] = ( arr[0] if i == 0 else 0.5 * (arr[i - 1] + arr[i]), arr[i], arr[-1] if i + 1 == y.shape[0] else 0.5 * (arr[i + 1] + arr[i]), ) coords.append(icoords) coords = np.array(coords) # Get the colormap accounting for 'discrete' mode discrete = kw.get('discrete', None) if discrete is not None and not discrete: a = (x, y, c) # pick levels from vmin and vmax, possibly limiting range else: a, kw['values'] = (), c kw = self._parse_cmap(*a, plot_lines=True, **kw) cmap, norm = kw.pop('cmap'), kw.pop('norm') # Add collection with some custom attributes # NOTE: Modern API uses self._request_autoscale_view but this is # backwards compatible to earliest matplotlib versions. guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) obj = mcollections.LineCollection( coords, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, label=label, linestyles='-', capstyle='butt', joinstyle='miter', ) obj.set_array(c) # the ScalarMappable method obj.update({key: value for key, value in kw.items() if key not in ('color',)}) self.add_collection(obj) # also adjusts label self.autoscale_view(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley) self._update_guide(obj, **guide_kw) return obj
def _apply_lines( self, xs, ys1, ys2, colors, *, vert=True, stack=None, stacked=None, negpos=False, **kwargs ): """ Plot vertical or hotizontal lines at each point. """ # Parse input arguments kw = kwargs.copy() name = 'vlines' if vert else 'hlines' if colors is not None: kw['colors'] = colors kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kw) stack = _not_none(stack=stack, stacked=stacked) xs, ys1, ys2, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, ys1, ys2, vert=vert, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) # Support "negative" and "positive" lines # TODO: Ensure 'linewidths' etc. are applied! For some reason # previously thought they had to be manually applied. y0 = 0 objs, sides = [], [] for _, n, x, y1, y2, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, ys1, ys2, **kw): kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) if stack: y1 = y1 + y0 # avoid in-place modification y2 = y2 + y0 y0 = y0 + y2 - y1 # irrelevant that we added y0 to both if negpos: obj = self._call_negpos(name, x, y1, y2, colorkey='colors', **kw) else: obj = self._call_native(name, x, y1, y2, **kw) for y in (y1, y2): self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y, vert=vert) if y.size == 1: # add sticky edges if bounds are scalar sides.append(y) objs.append(obj) # Draw guide and add sticky edges self._fix_sticky_edges(objs, 'y' if vert else 'x', *sides) self._update_guide(objs, **guide_kw) return ( objs[0] if len(objs) == 1 else cbook.silent_list('LineCollection', objs) ) # WARNING: breaking change from native 'ymin' and 'ymax'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y1', 'y2', ('c', 'color', 'colors')) @docstring._snippet_manager def vlines(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.vlines)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_lines(*args, **kwargs)
# WARNING: breaking change from native 'xmin' and 'xmax'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'x1', 'x2', ('c', 'color', 'colors')) @docstring._snippet_manager def hlines(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.hlines)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_lines(*args, **kwargs)
def _parse_markersize( self, s, *, smin=None, smax=None, area_size=True, absolute_size=None, **kwargs ): """ Scale the marker sizes with optional keyword args. """ if s is not None: s = inputs._to_numpy_array(s) if absolute_size is None: absolute_size = s.size == 1 or _inside_seaborn_call() if not absolute_size or smin is not None or smax is not None: smin = _not_none(smin, 1) smax = _not_none(smax, rc['lines.markersize'] ** (1, 2)[area_size]) dmin, dmax = inputs._safe_range(s) # data value range if dmin is not None and dmax is not None and dmin != dmax: s = smin + (smax - smin) * (s - dmin) / (dmax - dmin) s = s ** (2, 1)[area_size] return s, kwargs def _apply_scatter(self, xs, ys, ss, cc, *, vert=True, **kwargs): """ Apply scatter or scatterx markers. """ # Manual property cycling. Converts Line2D keywords used in property # cycle to PathCollection keywords that can be passed to scatter. # NOTE: Matplotlib uses the property cycler in _get_patches_for_fill for # scatter() plots. It only ever inherits color from that. We instead use # _get_lines to help overarching goal of unifying plot() and scatter(). cycle_manually = { 'alpha': 'alpha', 'color': 'c', 'markerfacecolor': 'c', 'markeredgecolor': 'edgecolors', 'marker': 'marker', 'markersize': 's', 'markeredgewidth': 'linewidths', 'linestyle': 'linestyles', 'linewidth': 'linewidths', } # Iterate over the columns # NOTE: Use 'inbounds' for both cmap and axes 'inbounds' restriction kw = kwargs.copy() inbounds = kw.pop('inbounds', None) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(inbounds=inbounds, **kw) xs, ys, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, ys, vert=vert, autoreverse=False, **kw) ys, kw = inputs._dist_reduce(ys, **kw) ss, kw = self._parse_markersize(ss, **kw) # parse 's' infer_rgb = True if cc is not None and not isinstance(cc, str): test = np.atleast_1d(cc) # for testing only if ( any(_.ndim == 2 and _.shape[1] in (3, 4) for _ in (xs, ys)) and test.ndim == 2 and test.shape[1] in (3, 4) ): infer_rgb = False cc, kw = self._parse_color( xs, ys, cc, inbounds=inbounds, apply_cycle=False, infer_rgb=infer_rgb, **kw ) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) objs = [] for _, n, x, y, s, c, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, ys, ss, cc, **kw): kw['s'], kw['c'] = s, c # make _parse_cycle() detect these kw = self._parse_cycle(n, cycle_manually=cycle_manually, **kw) *eb, kw = self._add_error_bars(x, y, vert=vert, default_barstds=True, **kw) *es, kw = self._add_error_shading(x, y, vert=vert, color_key='c', **kw) if not vert: x, y = y, x obj = self._call_native('scatter', x, y, **kw) self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y) objs.append((*eb, *es, obj) if eb or es else obj) self._update_guide(objs, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return ( objs[0] if len(objs) == 1 else cbook.silent_list('PathCollection', objs) ) # NOTE: Matplotlib internally applies scatter 'c' arguments as the # 'facecolors' argument to PathCollection. So perfectly reasonable to # point both 'color' and 'facecolor' arguments to the 'c' keyword here.
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect( 'x', 'y', _get_aliases('collection', 'sizes'), _get_aliases('collection', 'colors', 'facecolors'), keywords=_get_aliases('collection', 'linewidths', 'edgecolors') ) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.scatter)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_scatter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect( 'y', 'x', _get_aliases('collection', 'sizes'), _get_aliases('collection', 'colors', 'facecolors'), keywords=_get_aliases('collection', 'linewidths', 'edgecolors') ) @docstring._snippet_manager def scatterx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.scatterx)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_scatter(*args, **kwargs)
def _apply_fill( self, xs, ys1, ys2, where, *, vert=True, negpos=None, stack=None, stacked=None, **kwargs ): """ Apply area shading. """ # Parse input arguments kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kw) name = 'fill_between' if vert else 'fill_betweenx' stack = _not_none(stack=stack, stacked=stacked) xs, ys1, ys2, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, ys1, ys2, vert=vert, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) # Draw patches with default edge width zero y0 = 0 objs, xsides, ysides = [], [], [] guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) for _, n, x, y1, y2, w, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, ys1, ys2, where, **kw): kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) if stack: y1 = y1 + y0 # avoid in-place modification y2 = y2 + y0 y0 = y0 + y2 - y1 # irrelevant that we added y0 to both if negpos: # NOTE: if user passes 'where' will issue a warning obj = self._call_negpos(name, x, y1, y2, where=w, use_where=True, **kw) else: obj = self._call_native(name, x, y1, y2, where=w, **kw) self._fix_patch_edges(obj, **edgefix_kw, **kw) xsides.append(x) for y in (y1, y2): self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y, vert=vert) if y.size == 1: # add sticky edges if bounds are scalar ysides.append(y) objs.append(obj) # Draw guide and add sticky edges self._update_guide(objs, **guide_kw) for axis, sides in zip('xy' if vert else 'yx', (xsides, ysides)): self._fix_sticky_edges(objs, axis, *sides) return ( objs[0] if len(objs) == 1 else cbook.silent_list('PolyCollection', objs) )
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def area(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.fill_between)s """ return self.fill_between(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def areax(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.fill_betweenx)s """ return self.fill_betweenx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y1', 'y2', 'where') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def fill_between(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.fill_between)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_fill(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'x1', 'x2', 'where') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def fill_betweenx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.fill_betweenx)s """ # NOTE: The 'horizontal' orientation will be inferred by downstream # wrappers using the function name. kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_fill(*args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _convert_bar_width(x, width=1): """ Convert bar plot widths from relative to coordinate spacing. Relative widths are much more convenient for users. """ # WARNING: This will fail for non-numeric non-datetime64 singleton # datatypes but this is good enough for vast majority of cases. x_test = inputs._to_numpy_array(x) if len(x_test) >= 2: x_step = x_test[1:] - x_test[:-1] x_step = np.concatenate((x_step, x_step[-1:])) elif x_test.dtype == np.datetime64: x_step = np.timedelta64(1, 'D') else: x_step = np.array(0.5) if np.issubdtype(x_test.dtype, np.datetime64): # Avoid integer timedelta truncation x_step = x_step.astype('timedelta64[ns]') return width * x_step def _apply_bar( self, xs, hs, ws, bs, *, absolute_width=None, stack=None, stacked=None, negpos=False, orientation='vertical', **kwargs ): """ Apply bar or barh command. Support default "minima" at zero. """ # Parse args kw = kwargs.copy() kw, extents = self._inbounds_extent(**kw) name = 'barh' if orientation == 'horizontal' else 'bar' stack = _not_none(stack=stack, stacked=stacked) xs, hs, kw = self._parse_1d_args(xs, hs, orientation=orientation, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) if absolute_width is None: absolute_width = _inside_seaborn_call() # Call func after converting bar width b0 = 0 objs = [] kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) hs, kw = inputs._dist_reduce(hs, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) for i, n, x, h, w, b, kw in self._iter_arg_cols(xs, hs, ws, bs, **kw): kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) # Adjust x or y coordinates for grouped and stacked bars w = _not_none(w, np.array([0.8])) # same as mpl but in *relative* units b = _not_none(b, np.array([0.0])) # same as mpl if not absolute_width: w = self._convert_bar_width(x, w) if stack: b = b + b0 b0 = b0 + h else: # instead "group" the bars (this is no-op if we have 1 column) w = w / n # rescaled o = 0.5 * (n - 1) # center coordinate x = x + w * (i - o) # += may cause integer/float casting issue # Draw simple bars *eb, kw = self._add_error_bars(x, b + h, default_barstds=True, orientation=orientation, **kw) # noqa: E501 if negpos: obj = self._call_negpos(name, x, h, w, b, use_zero=True, **kw) else: obj = self._call_native(name, x, h, w, b, **kw) self._fix_patch_edges(obj, **edgefix_kw, **kw) for y in (b, b + h): self._inbounds_xylim(extents, x, y, orientation=orientation) objs.append((*eb, obj) if eb else obj) self._update_guide(objs, **guide_kw) return ( objs[0] if len(objs) == 1 else cbook.silent_list('BarContainer', objs) )
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'height', 'width', 'bottom') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def bar(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %( """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='vertical', **kwargs) return self._apply_bar(*args, **kwargs)
# WARNING: Swap 'height' and 'width' here so that they are always relative # to the 'tall' axis. This lets people always pass 'width' as keyword
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'height', 'width', 'left') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def barh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.barh)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='horizontal', **kwargs) return self._apply_bar(*args, **kwargs)
# WARNING: 'labels' and 'colors' no longer passed through `data` (seems like # extremely niche usage... `data` variables should be data-like)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'explode') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def pie(self, x, explode, *, labelpad=None, labeldistance=None, **kwargs): """ %(plot.pie)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() pad = _not_none(labeldistance=labeldistance, labelpad=labelpad, default=1.15) wedge_kw = kw.pop('wedgeprops', None) or {} wedge_kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) _, x, kw = self._parse_1d_args( x, autox=False, autoy=False, autoreverse=False, **kw ) kw = self._parse_cycle(x.size, **kw) objs = self._call_native( 'pie', x, explode, labeldistance=pad, wedgeprops=wedge_kw, **kw ) objs = tuple(cbook.silent_list(type(seq[0]).__name__, seq) for seq in objs) self._fix_patch_edges(objs[0], **edgefix_kw, **wedge_kw) return objs
@staticmethod def _parse_box_violin(fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, **kw): """ Parse common boxplot and violinplot arguments. """ if isinstance(fillcolor, list): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Passing lists to fillcolor was deprecated in v0.9. Please use ' f'the property cycler with e.g. cycle={fillcolor!r} instead.' ) kw['cycle'] = _not_none(cycle=kw.get('cycle', None), fillcolor=fillcolor) fillcolor = None if isinstance(fillalpha, list): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Passing lists to fillalpha was removed in v0.9. Please specify ' 'different opacities using the property cycle colors instead.' ) fillalpha = fillalpha[0] # too complicated to try to apply this if isinstance(edgecolor, list): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Passing lists of edgecolors was removed in v0.9. Please call the ' 'plotting command multiple times with different edge colors instead.' ) edgecolor = edgecolor[0] return fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, kw def _apply_boxplot( self, x, y, *, mean=None, means=None, vert=True, fill=None, filled=None, marker=None, markersize=None, **kwargs ): """ Apply the box plot. """ # Global and fill properties kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) fill = _not_none(fill=fill, filled=filled) means = _not_none(mean=mean, means=means, showmeans=kw.get('showmeans')) linewidth = kw.pop('linewidth', rc['patch.linewidth']) edgecolor = kw.pop('edgecolor', 'black') fillcolor = kw.pop('facecolor', None) fillalpha = kw.pop('alpha', None) fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, kw = self._parse_box_violin( fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, **kw ) if fill is None: fill = fillcolor is not None or fillalpha is not None fill = fill or kw.get('cycle') is not None # Parse non-color properties # NOTE: Output dict keys are plural but we use singular for keyword args props = {} for key in ('boxes', 'whiskers', 'caps', 'fliers', 'medians', 'means'): prefix = key.rstrip('es') # singular form props[key] = iprops = _pop_props(kw, 'line', prefix=prefix) iprops.setdefault('color', edgecolor) iprops.setdefault('linewidth', linewidth) iprops.setdefault('markeredgecolor', edgecolor) # Parse color properties x, y, kw = self._parse_1d_args( x, y, autoy=False, autoguide=False, vert=vert, **kw ) kw = self._parse_cycle(x.size, **kw) # possibly apply cycle if fill and fillcolor is None: parser = self._get_patches_for_fill fillcolor = [parser.get_next_color() for _ in range(x.size)] else: fillcolor = [fillcolor] * x.size # Plot boxes kw.setdefault('positions', x) if means: kw['showmeans'] = kw['meanline'] = True y = inputs._dist_clean(y) artists = self._call_native('boxplot', y, vert=vert, **kw) artists = artists or {} # necessary? artists = { key: cbook.silent_list(type(objs[0]).__name__, objs) if objs else objs for key, objs in artists.items() } # Modify artist settings for key, aprops in props.items(): if key not in artists: # possible if not rendered continue objs = artists[key] for i, obj in enumerate(objs): # Update lines used for boxplot components # TODO: Test this thoroughly! iprops = { key: ( value[i // 2 if key in ('caps', 'whiskers') else i] if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)) else value ) for key, value in aprops.items() } obj.update(iprops) # "Filled" boxplot by adding patch beneath line path if key == 'boxes' and ( fillcolor[i] is not None or fillalpha is not None ): patch = mpatches.PathPatch( obj.get_path(), linewidth=0.0, facecolor=fillcolor[i], alpha=fillalpha, ) self.add_artist(patch) # Outlier markers if key == 'fliers': if marker is not None: obj.set_marker(marker) if markersize is not None: obj.set_markersize(markersize) return artists
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def box(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.boxplot)s """ return self.boxplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def boxh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.boxploth)s """ return self.boxploth(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('positions', 'y') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def boxplot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.boxplot)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_boxplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('positions', 'x') @docstring._snippet_manager def boxploth(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.boxploth)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_boxplot(*args, **kwargs)
def _apply_violinplot( self, x, y, vert=True, mean=None, means=None, median=None, medians=None, showmeans=None, showmedians=None, showextrema=None, **kwargs ): """ Apply the violinplot. """ # Parse keyword args kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) kw.setdefault('capsize', 0) # caps are redundant for violin plots means = _not_none(mean=mean, means=means, showmeans=showmeans) medians = _not_none(median=median, medians=medians, showmedians=showmedians) if showextrema: kw['default_barpctiles'] = True if not means and not medians: medians = _not_none(medians, True) linewidth = kw.pop('linewidth', None) edgecolor = kw.pop('edgecolor', 'black') fillcolor = kw.pop('facecolor', None) fillalpha = kw.pop('alpha', None) fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, kw = self._parse_box_violin( fillcolor, fillalpha, edgecolor, **kw ) # Parse color properties x, y, kw = self._parse_1d_args( x, y, autoy=False, autoguide=False, vert=vert, **kw ) kw = self._parse_cycle(x.size, **kw) if fillcolor is None: parser = self._get_patches_for_fill fillcolor = [parser.get_next_color() for _ in range(x.size)] else: fillcolor = [fillcolor] * x.size # Plot violins y, kw = inputs._dist_reduce(y, means=means, medians=medians, **kw) *eb, kw = self._add_error_bars(x, y, vert=vert, default_boxstds=True, default_marker=True, **kw) # noqa: E501 kw.pop('labels', None) # already applied in _parse_1d_args kw.setdefault('positions', x) # coordinates passed as keyword y = _not_none(kw.pop('distribution'), y) # i.e. was reduced y = inputs._dist_clean(y) artists = self._call_native( 'violinplot', y, vert=vert, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False, **kw ) # Modify body settings artists = artists or {} # necessary? bodies = artists.pop('bodies', ()) # should be no other entries if bodies: bodies = cbook.silent_list(type(bodies[0]).__name__, bodies) for i, body in enumerate(bodies): body.set_alpha(1.0) # change default to 1.0 if fillcolor[i] is not None: body.set_facecolor(fillcolor[i]) if fillalpha is not None: body.set_alpha(fillalpha[i]) if edgecolor is not None: body.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) if linewidth is not None: body.set_linewidths(linewidth) return (bodies, *eb) if eb else bodies
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def violin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.violinplot)s """ # WARNING: This disables use of 'violin' by users but # probably very few people use this anyway. if getattr(self, '_internal_call', None): return super().violin(*args, **kwargs) else: return self.violinplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def violinh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.violinploth)s """ return self.violinploth(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('positions', 'y') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def violinplot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.violinplot)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=True, **kwargs) return self._apply_violinplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('positions', 'x') @docstring._snippet_manager def violinploth(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.violinploth)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_vert=False, **kwargs) return self._apply_violinplot(*args, **kwargs)
def _apply_hist( self, xs, bins, *, width=None, rwidth=None, stack=None, stacked=None, fill=None, filled=None, histtype=None, orientation='vertical', **kwargs ): """ Apply the histogram. """ # NOTE: While adds labels to the container Axes.hist() only # adds them to the first elements in the container for each column # of the input data. Make sure that legend() will read both containers # and individual items inside those containers. _, xs, kw = self._parse_1d_args( xs, autoreverse=False, orientation=orientation, **kwargs ) fill = _not_none(fill=fill, filled=filled) stack = _not_none(stack=stack, stacked=stacked) if fill is not None: histtype = _not_none(histtype, 'stepfilled' if fill else 'step') if stack is not None: histtype = _not_none(histtype, 'barstacked' if stack else 'bar') kw['bins'] = bins kw['label'] = kw.pop('labels', None) # multiple labels are natively supported kw['rwidth'] = _not_none(width=width, rwidth=rwidth) # latter is native kw['histtype'] = histtype = _not_none(histtype, 'bar') kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'patch')) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) n = xs.shape[1] if xs.ndim > 1 else 1 kw = self._parse_cycle(n, **kw) obj = self._call_native('hist', xs, orientation=orientation, **kw) if histtype.startswith('bar'): self._fix_patch_edges(obj[2], **edgefix_kw, **kw) # Revert to mpl < 3.3 behavior where silent_list was always returned for # non-bar-type histograms. Because consistency. res = obj[2] if type(res) is list: # 'step' histtype plots res = cbook.silent_list('Polygon', res) obj = (*obj[:2], res) else: for i, sub in enumerate(res): if type(sub) is list: res[i] = cbook.silent_list('Polygon', sub) self._update_guide(res, **guide_kw) return obj
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'bins', keywords='weights') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def hist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.hist)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='vertical', **kwargs) return self._apply_hist(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('y', 'bins', keywords='weights') @docstring._snippet_manager def histh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %(plot.histh)s """ kwargs = _parse_vert(default_orientation='horizontal', **kwargs) return self._apply_hist(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'bins', keywords='weights') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def hist2d(self, x, y, bins, **kwargs): """ %(plot.hist2d)s """ # Rely on the pcolormesh() override for this. if bins is not None: kwargs['bins'] = bins return super().hist2d(x, y, autoreverse=False, default_discrete=False, **kwargs)
# WARNING: breaking change from native 'C'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'weights') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def hexbin(self, x, y, weights, **kwargs): """ %(plot.hexbin)s """ # WARNING: Cannot use automatic level generation here until counts are # estimated. Inside _parse_level_vals if no manual levels were provided then # _parse_level_num is skipped and args like levels=10 or locator=5 are ignored kw = kwargs.copy() x, y, kw = self._parse_1d_args( x, y, autoreverse=False, autovalues=True, **kw ) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) # takes LineCollection props kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, y, skip_autolev=True, default_discrete=False, **kw) norm = kw.get('norm', None) if norm is not None and not isinstance(norm, pcolors.DiscreteNorm): norm.vmin = norm.vmax = None # remove nonsense values labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) m = self._call_native('hexbin', x, y, weights, **kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def contour(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.contour)s """ x, y, z, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, z, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap( x, y, z, min_levels=1, plot_lines=True, plot_contours=True, **kw ) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) label = kw.pop('label', None) m = self._call_native('contour', x, y, z, **kw) m._legend_label = label self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def contourf(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.contourf)s """ x, y, z, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, z, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, plot_contours=True, **kw) contour_kw = _pop_kwargs(kw, 'edgecolors', 'linewidths', 'linestyles') edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) label = kw.pop('label', None) m = cm = self._call_native('contourf', x, y, z, **kw) m._legend_label = label self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **contour_kw) # no-op if not contour_kw if contour_kw or labels_kw: cm = self._fix_contour_edges('contour', x, y, z, **kw, **contour_kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, cm, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def pcolor(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.pcolor)s """ x, y, z, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, z, edges=True, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, to_centers=True, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) with self._keep_grid_bools(): m = self._call_native('pcolor', x, y, z, **kw) self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def pcolormesh(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.pcolormesh)s """ x, y, z, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, z, edges=True, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, to_centers=True, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) with self._keep_grid_bools(): m = self._call_native('pcolormesh', x, y, z, **kw) self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def pcolorfast(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.pcolorfast)s """ x, y, z, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, z, edges=True, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, to_centers=True, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) with self._keep_grid_bools(): m = self._call_native('pcolorfast', x, y, z, **kw) if not isinstance(m, mimage.AxesImage): # NOTE: PcolorImage is derivative self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) elif edgefix_kw or labels_kw: kw = {**edgefix_kw, **labels_kw} warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring unused keyword argument(s): {kw}. These only work with ' 'QuadMesh, not AxesImage. Consider using pcolor() or pcolormesh().' ) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def heatmap(self, *args, aspect=None, **kwargs): """ %(plot.heatmap)s """ obj = self.pcolormesh(*args, default_discrete=False, **kwargs) aspect = _not_none(aspect, rc['image.aspect']) if self._name != 'cartesian': warnings._warn_proplot( 'The heatmap() command is meant for CartesianAxes ' 'only. Please use pcolor() or pcolormesh() instead.' ) return obj coords = getattr(obj, '_coordinates', None) xlocator = ylocator = None if coords is not None: coords = 0.5 * (coords[1:, ...] + coords[:-1, ...]) coords = 0.5 * (coords[:, 1:, :] + coords[:, :-1, :]) xlocator, ylocator = coords[0, :, 0], coords[:, 0, 1] kw = {'aspect': aspect, 'xgrid': False, 'ygrid': False} if xlocator is not None and self.xaxis.isDefault_majloc: kw['xlocator'] = xlocator if ylocator is not None and self.yaxis.isDefault_majloc: kw['ylocator'] = ylocator if self.xaxis.isDefault_minloc: kw['xtickminor'] = False if self.yaxis.isDefault_minloc: kw['ytickminor'] = False self.format(**kw) return obj
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'u', 'v', ('c', 'color', 'colors')) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def barbs(self, x, y, u, v, c, **kwargs): """ %(plot.barbs)s """ x, y, u, v, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, u, v, allow1d=True, autoguide=False, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'line')) # applied to barbs c, kw = self._parse_color(x, y, c, **kw) if mcolors.is_color_like(c): kw['barbcolor'], c = c, None a = [x, y, u, v] if c is not None: a.append(c) kw.pop('colorbar_kw', None) # added by _parse_cmap m = self._call_native('barbs', *a, **kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'u', 'v', ('c', 'color', 'colors')) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def quiver(self, x, y, u, v, c, **kwargs): """ %(plot.quiver)s """ x, y, u, v, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, u, v, allow1d=True, autoguide=False, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'line')) # applied to arrow outline c, kw = self._parse_color(x, y, c, **kw) color = None if mcolors.is_color_like(c): color, c = c, None if color is not None: kw['color'] = color a = [x, y, u, v] if c is not None: a.append(c) kw.pop('colorbar_kw', None) # added by _parse_cmap m = self._call_native('quiver', *a, **kw) return m
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def stream(self, *args, **kwargs): """ %( """ return self.streamplot(*args, **kwargs)
# WARNING: breaking change from native streamplot() fifth positional arg 'density'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect( 'x', 'y', 'u', 'v', ('c', 'color', 'colors'), keywords='start_points' ) @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def streamplot(self, x, y, u, v, c, **kwargs): """ %( """ x, y, u, v, kw = self._parse_2d_args(x, y, u, v, **kwargs) kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'line')) # applied to lines c, kw = self._parse_color(x, y, c, **kw) if c is None: # throws an error if color not provided c = pcolors.to_hex(self._get_lines.get_next_color()) kw['color'] = c # always pass this guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) label = kw.pop('label', None) m = self._call_native('streamplot', x, y, u, v, **kw) m.lines.set_label(label) # the collection label self._update_guide(m.lines, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) # use lines return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def tricontour(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.tricontour)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() if x is None or y is None or z is None: raise ValueError('Three input arguments are required.') kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap( x, y, z, min_levels=1, plot_lines=True, plot_contours=True, **kw ) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) label = kw.pop('label', None) m = self._call_native('tricontour', x, y, z, **kw) m._legend_label = label self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def tricontourf(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.tricontourf)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() if x is None or y is None or z is None: raise ValueError('Three input arguments are required.') kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) contour_kw = _pop_kwargs(kw, 'edgecolors', 'linewidths', 'linestyles') kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, plot_contours=True, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) label = kw.pop('label', None) m = cm = self._call_native('tricontourf', x, y, z, **kw) m._legend_label = label self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **contour_kw) # no-op if not contour_kw if contour_kw or labels_kw: cm = self._fix_contour_edges('tricontour', x, y, z, **kw, **contour_kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, cm, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('x', 'y', 'z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def tripcolor(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.tripcolor)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() if x is None or y is None or z is None: raise ValueError('Three input arguments are required.') kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'collection')) kw = self._parse_cmap(x, y, z, **kw) edgefix_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._fix_patch_edges) labels_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._add_auto_labels) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) with self._keep_grid_bools(): m = self._call_native('tripcolor', x, y, z, **kw) self._fix_patch_edges(m, **edgefix_kw, **kw) self._add_auto_labels(m, **labels_kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
# WARNING: breaking change from native 'X'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def imshow(self, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.imshow)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() kw = self._parse_cmap(z, default_discrete=False, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) m = self._call_native('imshow', z, **kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
# WARNING: breaking change from native 'Z'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def matshow(self, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.matshow)s """ # Rely on imshow() override for this. return super().matshow(z, **kwargs)
# WARNING: breaking change from native 'Z'
[docs] @inputs._preprocess_or_redirect('z') @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def spy(self, z, **kwargs): """ %(plot.spy)s """ kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(_pop_props(kw, 'line')) # takes valid Line2D properties default_cmap = pcolors.DiscreteColormap(['w', 'k'], '_no_name') kw = self._parse_cmap(z, default_cmap=default_cmap, **kw) guide_kw = _pop_params(kw, self._update_guide) m = self._call_native('spy', z, **kw) self._update_guide(m, queue_colorbar=False, **guide_kw) return m
def _iter_arg_pairs(self, *args): """ Iterate over ``[x1,] y1, [fmt1,] [x2,] y2, [fmt2,] ...`` input. """ # NOTE: This is copied from _process_plot_var_args.__call__ to avoid relying # on private API. We emulate this input style with successive plot() calls. args = list(args) while args: # this permits empty input x, y, *args = args if args and isinstance(args[0], str): # format string detected! fmt, *args = args elif isinstance(y, str): # omits some of matplotlib's rigor but whatevs x, y, fmt = None, x, y else: fmt = None yield x, y, fmt def _iter_arg_cols(self, *args, label=None, labels=None, values=None, **kwargs): """ Iterate over columns of positional arguments. """ # Handle cycle args and label lists # NOTE: Arrays here should have had metadata stripped by _parse_1d_args # but could still be pint quantities that get processed by axis converter. is_array = lambda data: hasattr(data, 'ndim') and hasattr(data, 'shape') # noqa: E731, E501 n = max(1 if not is_array(a) or a.ndim < 2 else a.shape[-1] for a in args) labels = _not_none(label=label, values=values, labels=labels) if not np.iterable(labels) or isinstance(labels, str): labels = n * [labels] if len(labels) != n: raise ValueError(f'Array has {n} columns but got {len(labels)} labels.') if labels is not None: labels = [ str(_not_none(label, '')) for label in inputs._to_numpy_array(labels) ] else: labels = n * [None] # Yield successive columns for i in range(n): kw = kwargs.copy() kw['label'] = labels[i] or None a = tuple(a if not is_array(a) or a.ndim < 2 else a[..., i] for a in args) yield (i, n, *a, kw) # Related parsing functions for warnings _level_parsers = (_parse_level_vals, _parse_level_num, _parse_level_lim) # Rename the shorthands boxes = warnings._rename_objs('0.8.0', boxes=box) violins = warnings._rename_objs('0.8.0', violins=violin)