Source code for proplot.figure

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The figure class used for all proplot figures.
import functools
import inspect
import os
from numbers import Integral

import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.figure as mfigure
import matplotlib.gridspec as mgridspec
import matplotlib.projections as mproj
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import numpy as np

from . import axes as paxes
from . import constructor
from . import gridspec as pgridspec
from .config import rc, rc_matplotlib
from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import (
from .utils import units

__all__ = [

# Preset figure widths or sizes based on academic journal recommendations
# NOTE: Please feel free to add to this!
    'aaas1': '5.5cm',
    'aaas2': '12cm',
    'agu1': ('95mm', '115mm'),
    'agu2': ('190mm', '115mm'),
    'agu3': ('95mm', '230mm'),
    'agu4': ('190mm', '230mm'),
    'ams1': 3.2,
    'ams2': 4.5,
    'ams3': 5.5,
    'ams4': 6.5,
    'nat1': '89mm',
    'nat2': '183mm',
    'pnas1': '8.7cm',
    'pnas2': '11.4cm',
    'pnas3': '17.8cm',

# Figure docstring
_figure_docstring = """
refnum : int, optional
    The reference subplot number. The `refwidth`, `refheight`, and `refaspect`
    keyword args are applied to this subplot, and the aspect ratio is conserved
    for this subplot in the `~Figure.auto_layout`. The default is the first
    subplot created in the figure.
refaspect : float or 2-tuple of float, optional
    The reference subplot aspect ratio. If scalar, this indicates the width
    divided by height. If 2-tuple, indicates the (width, height). Ignored if both
    `figwidth` *and* `figheight` or both `refwidth` *and* `refheight` were passed.
refwidth, refheight : unit-spec, optional
    The width, height of the reference subplot. Default is :rc:`subplots.refwidth`.
    Ignored if `figwidth`, `figheight`, or `figsize` was passed. If you specify
    just one, `refaspect` will be respected.
ref, aspect, axwidth, axheight
    Aliases for `refnum`, `refaspect`, `refwidth`, `refheight`.
    *These may be deprecated in a future release.*
figwidth, figheight : unit-spec, optional
    The figure width and height. Default behavior is to use `refwidth`.
    If you specify just one, `refaspect` will be respected.
width, height
    Aliases for `figwidth`, `figheight`.
figsize : 2-tuple, optional
    Tuple specifying the figure ``(width, height)``.
sharex, sharey, share \
: {0, False, 1, 'labels', 'labs', 2, 'limits', 'lims', 3, True, 4, 'all'}, optional
    The axis sharing "level" for the *x* axis, *y* axis, or both axes.
    Default is :rc:`subplots.share`. Options are as follows:

    * ``0`` or ``False``: No axis sharing. This also sets the default `spanx`
      and `spany` values to ``False``.
    * ``1`` or ``'labels'`` or ``'labs'``: Only draw axis labels on the bottommost
      row or leftmost column of subplots. Tick labels still appear on every subplot.
    * ``2`` or ``'limits'`` or ``'lims'``: As above but force the axis limits, scales,
      and tick locations to be identical. Tick labels still appear on every subplot.
    * ``3`` or ``True``: As above but only show the tick labels on the bottommost
      row and leftmost column of subplots.
    * ``4`` or ``'all'``: As above but also share the axis limits, scales, and
      tick locations between subplots not in the same row or column.

spanx, spany, span : bool or {0, 1}, optional
    Whether to use "spanning" axis labels for the *x* axis, *y* axis, or both
    axes. Default is ``False`` if `sharex`, `sharey`, or `share` are ``0`` or
    ``False``, :rc:`subplots.span` otherwise. When ``True``, a single, centered
    axis label is used for all axes with bottom and left edges in the same
    row or column.  This can considerably redundancy in your figure.

    "Spanning" labels integrate with "shared" axes. For example,
    for a 3-row, 3-column figure, with ``sharey > 1`` and ``spany=1``,
    your figure will have 1 ylabel instead of 9.
alignx, aligny, align : bool or {0, 1}, optional
    Whether to `"align" axis labels \
    for the *x* axis, *y* axis, or both axes. Aligned labels always appear in the
    same row or column. This Only has an effect when `spanx`, `spany`, or `span`
    are ``False``. Default is :rc:`subplots.align`.
tight : bool, optional
    Whether to have `~Figure.auto_layout` include tight layout adjustments.
    Default is :rc:`subplots.tight`. If you manually specified a spacing in
    the call to `~proplot.ui.subplots`, it will be used to override the tight
    layout spacing. For example, with ``left=1``, the left margin is set to
    1 em-width, while the remaining margin widths are calculated automatically.
journal : str, optional
    String corresponding to an academic journal standard used to control the figure
    width `figwidth` and, if specified, the figure height `figheight`. See the below
    table. Feel free to add to this table by submitting a pull request.

    .. _journal_table:

    ===========  ====================  \
    Key          Size description      Organization
    ===========  ====================  \
    ``'aaas1'``  1-column              \
`American Association for the Advancement of Science <aaas_>`_ (e.g. *Science*)
    ``'aaas2'``  2-column              ”
    ``'agu1'``   1-column              `American Geophysical Union <agu_>`_
    ``'agu2'``   2-column              ”
    ``'agu3'``   full height 1-column  ”
    ``'agu4'``   full height 2-column  ”
    ``'ams1'``   1-column              `American Meteorological Society <ams_>`_
    ``'ams2'``   small 2-column        ”
    ``'ams3'``   medium 2-column       ”
    ``'ams4'``   full 2-column         ”
    ``'nat1'``   1-column              `Nature Research <nat_>`_
    ``'nat2'``   2-column              ”
    ``'pnas1'``  1-column              \
`Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences <pnas_>`_
    ``'pnas2'``  2-column              ”
    ``'pnas3'``  landscape page        ”
    ===========  ====================  \

    .. _aaas: \
    .. _agu: \
    .. _ams: \
    .. _nat: \
    .. _pnas: \
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.figure'] = _figure_docstring

# Multiple subplots
_subplots_params_docstring = """
array : array-like of int, optional
    A 2D array specifying complex grid of subplots. Think of this as a "picture"
    of your figure. For example, the array ``[[1, 1], [2, 3]]`` creates one
    long subplot in the top row, two smaller subplots in the bottom row.
    Integers must range from 1 to the number of plots, and ``0`` indicates an
    empty space. For example, ``[[1, 1, 1], [2, 0, 3]]`` creates one long subplot
    in the top row with two subplots in the bottom row separated by a space.
ncols, nrows : int, optional
    The number of columns, rows in the subplot grid. Ignored if `array` was
    passed. Use these arguments for simpler subplot grids.
order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
    Whether subplots are numbered in column-major (``'C'``) or row-major (``'F'``)
    order. Analogous to `numpy.array` ordering. This controls the order that
    subplots appear in the `SubplotGrid` returned by this function, and the order
    of subplot a-b-c labels (see `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`).

    To use different projections for different subplots, you have
    two options:

    * Pass a *list* of projection specifications, one for each subplot.
      For example, ``pplt.subplots(ncols=2, proj=('cart', 'robin'))``.
    * Pass a *dictionary* of projection specifications, where the
      keys are integers or tuples of integers that indicate the projection
      to use for the corresponding subplot number(s). If a key is not
      provided, the default projection ``'cartesian'`` is used. For example,
      ``pplt.subplots(ncols=4, proj={2: 'cyl', (3, 4): 'stere'})`` creates
      a figure with a default Cartesian axes for the first subplot, a Mercator
      projection for the second subplot, and a Stereographic projection
      for the third and fourth subplots.

    If dictionary of properties, applies globally. If list or dictionary of
    dictionaries, applies to specific subplots, as with `proj`. For example,
    ``pplt.subplots(ncols=2, proj='cyl', proj_kw=({'lon_0': 0}, {'lon_0': 180})``
    centers the projection in the left subplot on the prime meridian and in the
    right subplot on the international dateline.
    If boolean, applies to all subplots. If list or dict, applies to specific
    subplots, as with `proj`.
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.subplots_params'] = _subplots_params_docstring

# Extra args docstring
_axes_params_docstring = """
    Passed to the proplot class `proplot.axes.CartesianAxes`, `proplot.axes.PolarAxes`,
    `proplot.axes.GeoAxes`, or `proplot.axes.ThreeAxes`. This can include keyword
    arguments for projection-specific ``format`` commands.
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.axes_params'] = _axes_params_docstring

# Multiple subplots docstring
_subplots_docstring = """
Add an arbitrary grid of subplots to the figure.


Other parameters

axs : `SubplotGrid`
    The axes instances stored in a `SubplotGrid`.

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.subplots'] = _subplots_docstring

# Single subplot docstring
_subplot_docstring = """
Add a subplot axes to the figure.

*args : int, tuple, or `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec`, optional
    The subplot location specifier. Your options are:

    * A single 3-digit integer argument specifying the number of rows,
      number of columns, and gridspec number (using row-major indexing).
    * Three positional arguments specifying the number of rows, number of
      columns, and gridspec number (int) or number range (2-tuple of int).
    * A `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` instance generated by indexing
      a proplot `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec`.

    For integer input, the implied geometry must be compatible with the implied
    geometry from previous calls -- for example, ``fig.add_subplot(331)`` followed
    by ``fig.add_subplot(132)`` is valid because the 1 row of the second input can
    be tiled into the 3 rows of the the first input, but ``fig.add_subplot(232)``
    will raise an error because 2 rows cannot be tiled into 3 rows. For
    `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` input, the `~matplotlig.gridspec.SubplotSpec`
    must be derived from the `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec` used in previous calls.

    These restrictions arise because we allocate a single,
    unique `~Figure.gridspec` for each figure.
number : int, optional
    The axes number used for a-b-c labeling. See `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`
    for details. By default this is incremented automatically based on the other
    subplots in the figure. Use ``0`` or ``False`` to ensure the subplot has no
    a-b-c label. Note the number corresponding to ``a`` is ``1``, not ``0``.
autoshare : bool, optional
    Whether to automatically share the *x* and *y* axes with subplots spanning the
    same rows and columns based on the figure-wide `sharex` and `sharey` settings.
    Default is ``True``. This has no effect if :rcraw:`subplots.share` is ``False``
    or if ``sharex=False`` or ``sharey=False`` were passed to the figure.

Other parameters

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.subplot'] = _subplot_docstring

# Single axes
_axes_docstring = """
Add a non-subplot axes to the figure.

rect : 4-tuple of float
    The (left, bottom, width, height) dimensions of the axes in
    figure-relative coordinates.

Other parameters

See also
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.axes'] = _axes_docstring

# Colorbar or legend panel docstring
_space_docstring = """
loc : str, optional
    The {name} location. Valid location keys are as follows.


space : float or str, optional
    The fixed space between the {name} and the subplot grid edge.
    When the tight layout algorithm is active for the figure, this is adjusted
    automatically using `pad`. Otherwise, a suitable default is selected.
pad : float or str, optional
    The tight layout padding between the {name} and the subplot grid.
    Default is :rc:`subplots.innerpad` for the first {name} and
    :rc:`subplots.panelpad` for subsequently stacked {name}s.
row, rows
    Aliases for `span` for {name}s on the left or right side.
col, cols
    Aliases for `span` for {name}s on the top or bottom side.
span : int or 2-tuple of int, optional
    Integer(s) indicating the span of the {name} across rows and columns of
    subplots. For example, ``fig.{name}(loc='b', col=1)`` draws a {name} beneath
    the leftmost column of subplots, and ``fig.{name}(loc='b', cols=(1,2))``
    draws a {name} beneath the left two columns of subplots. By default,
    the {name} will span every subplot row and column.
align : {{'center', 'top', 't', 'bottom', 'b', 'left', 'l', 'right', 'r'}}, optional
    For outer {name}s only. How to align the {name} against the
    subplot edge. Default is ``'center'``. The values ``'top'``
    and ``'bottom'`` are valid for left and right {name}s and
    ``'left'`` and ``'right'`` are valid for top and bottom
    {name}s. The default is always ``'center'``.
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.legend_space'] = _space_docstring.format(name='legend')  # noqa: E501
docstring._snippet_manager['figure.colorbar_space'] = _space_docstring.format(name='colorbar')  # noqa: E501

# Save docstring
_save_docstring = """
Save the figure.

path : path-like, optional
    The file path. User paths are expanded with `os.path.expanduser`.
    Passed to `~matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig`

See also
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _save_docstring

def _get_journal_size(preset):
    Return the width and height corresponding to the given preset.
    value = JOURNAL_SIZES.get(preset, None)
    if value is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f'Unknown preset figure size specifier {preset!r}. '
            'Current options are: '
            + ', '.join(map(repr, JOURNAL_SIZES.keys()))
    figwidth = figheight = None
        figwidth, figheight = value
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        figwidth = value
    return figwidth, figheight

def _add_canvas_preprocessor(canvas, method):
    Return a pre-processer that can be used to override instance-level
    canvas draw() and print_figure() methods. This applies tight layout
    and aspect ratio-conserving adjustments and aligns labels. Required
    so canvas methods instantiate renderers with the correct dimensions.
    # NOTE: Renderer must be (1) initialized with the correct figure size or
    # (2) changed inplace during draw, but vector graphic renderers *cannot*
    # be changed inplace. So options include (1) monkey patch
    # canvas.get_width_height, overriding figure.get_size_inches, and exploit
    # the FigureCanvasAgg.get_renderer() implementation (because FigureCanvasAgg
    # queries the bbox directly rather than using get_width_height() so requires
    # workaround), (2) override bbox and bbox_inches as *properties* (but these
    # are really complicated, dangerous, and result in unnecessary extra draws),
    # or (3) simply override canvas draw methods. Our choice is #3.
    def _canvas_preprocess(self, *args, **kwargs):
        fig = self.figure  # update even if not stale! needed after saves
        func = getattr(type(self), method)  # the original method

        # Bail out if we are already adjusting layout
        # NOTE: The _is_adjusting check necessary when inserting new
        # gridspec rows or columns with the qt backend.
        # NOTE: Return value for macosx _draw is the renderer, for qt draw is
        # nothing, and for print_figure is some figure object, but this block
        # has never been invoked when calling print_figure.
        if fig._is_adjusting:
            if method == '_draw':  # macosx backend
                return fig._get_renderer()

        # Adjust layout
        # NOTE: The authorized_context is needed because some backends disable
        # constrained layout or tight layout before printing the figure.
        # NOTE: *Critical* to not add print_figure renderer to the cache when the print
        # method (print_pdf, print_png, etc.) calls Figure.draw(). Otherwise have issues
        # where (1) figure size and/or figure bounds are incorrect after saving figure
        # *then* displaying it in qt or inline notebook backends, and (2) figure fails
        # to update correctly after successively modifying and displaying within inline
        # notebook backend (previously worked around this by forcing additional draw()
        # call in this function before proceeding with print_figure).
        ctx1 = fig._context_adjusting(cache=(method != 'print_figure'))
        ctx2 = fig._context_authorized()  # backends might call set_constrained_layout()
        ctx3 = rc.context(fig._mathtext_context)  # draw with figure-specific setting
        with ctx1, ctx2, ctx3:
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    # Add preprocessor
    setattr(canvas, method, _canvas_preprocess.__get__(canvas))
    return canvas

[docs]class Figure(mfigure.Figure): """ The `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` subclass used by proplot. """ # Shared error and warning messages _share_message = ( 'Axis sharing level can be 0 or False (share nothing), ' "1 or 'labels' or 'labs' (share axis labels), " "2 or 'limits' or 'lims' (share axis limits and axis labels), " '3 or True (share axis limits, axis labels, and tick labels), ' "or 4 or 'all' (share axis labels and tick labels in the same gridspec " 'rows and columns and share axis limits across all subplots).' ) _space_message = ( 'To set the left, right, bottom, top, wspace, or hspace gridspec values, ' 'pass them as keyword arguments to pplt.figure() or pplt.subplots(). Please ' 'note they are now specified in physical units, with strings interpreted by ' 'pplt.units() and floats interpreted as font size-widths.' ) _tight_message = ( 'Proplot uses its own tight layout algorithm that is activated by default. ' "To disable it, set pplt.rc['subplots.tight'] to False or pass tight=False " 'to pplt.subplots(). For details, see fig.auto_layout().' ) _warn_interactive = True # disabled after first warning def __repr__(self): opts = {} for attr in ('refaspect', 'refwidth', 'refheight', 'figwidth', 'figheight'): value = getattr(self, '_' + attr) if value is not None: opts[attr] = np.round(value, 2) geom = '' if self.gridspec: nrows, ncols = self.gridspec.get_subplot_geometry() geom = f'nrows={nrows}, ncols={ncols}, ' opts = ', '.join(f'{key}={value!r}' for key, value in opts.items()) return f'Figure({geom}{opts})' # NOTE: If _rename_kwargs argument is an invalid identifier, it is # simply used in the warning message. @docstring._obfuscate_kwargs @docstring._snippet_manager @warnings._rename_kwargs('0.7', axpad='innerpad', autoformat='pplt.rc.autoformat = {}') # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, *, refnum=None, ref=None, refaspect=None, aspect=None, refwidth=None, refheight=None, axwidth=None, axheight=None, figwidth=None, figheight=None, width=None, height=None, journal=None, sharex=None, sharey=None, share=None, # used for default spaces spanx=None, spany=None, span=None, alignx=None, aligny=None, align=None, left=None, right=None, top=None, bottom=None, wspace=None, hspace=None, space=None, tight=None, outerpad=None, innerpad=None, panelpad=None, wpad=None, hpad=None, pad=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- %(figure.figure)s Other parameters ---------------- %(figure.format)s **kwargs Passed to `matplotlib.figure.Figure`. See also -------- Figure.format proplot.ui.figure proplot.ui.subplots matplotlib.figure.Figure """ # Add figure sizing settings # NOTE: We cannot catpure user-input 'figsize' here because it gets # automatically filled by the figure manager. See ui.figure(). # NOTE: The figure size is adjusted according to these arguments by the # canvas preprocessor. Although in special case where both 'figwidth' and # 'figheight' were passes we update 'figsize' to limit side effects. refnum = _not_none(refnum=refnum, ref=ref, default=1) # never None refaspect = _not_none(refaspect=refaspect, aspect=aspect) refwidth = _not_none(refwidth=refwidth, axwidth=axwidth) refheight = _not_none(refheight=refheight, axheight=axheight) figwidth = _not_none(figwidth=figwidth, width=width) figheight = _not_none(figheight=figheight, height=height) messages = [] if journal is not None: jwidth, jheight = _get_journal_size(journal) if jwidth is not None and figwidth is not None: messages.append(('journal', journal, 'figwidth', figwidth)) if jheight is not None and figheight is not None: messages.append(('journal', journal, 'figheight', figheight)) figwidth = _not_none(jwidth, figwidth) figheight = _not_none(jheight, figheight) if figwidth is not None and refwidth is not None: messages.append(('figwidth', figwidth, 'refwidth', refwidth)) refwidth = None if figheight is not None and refheight is not None: messages.append(('figheight', figheight, 'refheight', refheight)) refheight = None if figwidth is None and figheight is None and refwidth is None and refheight is None: # noqa: E501 refwidth = rc['subplots.refwidth'] # always inches if np.iterable(refaspect): refaspect = refaspect[0] / refaspect[1] for key1, val1, key2, val2 in messages: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Got conflicting figure size arguments {key1}={val1!r} and ' f'{key2}={val2!r}. Ignoring {key2!r}.' ) self._refnum = refnum self._refaspect = refaspect self._refaspect_default = 1 # updated for imshow and geographic plots self._refwidth = units(refwidth, 'in') self._refheight = units(refheight, 'in') self._figwidth = units(figwidth, 'in') self._figheight = units(figheight, 'in') # Add special consideration for interactive backends backend = _not_none(rc.backend, '') backend = backend.lower() interactive = 'nbagg' in backend or 'ipympl' in backend if not interactive: pass elif figwidth is None or figheight is None: figsize = rc['figure.figsize'] # modified by proplot self._figwidth = figwidth = _not_none(figwidth, figsize[0]) self._figheight = figheight = _not_none(figheight, figsize[1]) self._refwidth = self._refheight = None # critical! if self._warn_interactive: Figure._warn_interactive = False # set class attribute warnings._warn_proplot( 'Auto-sized proplot figures are not compatible with interactive ' "backends like '%matplotlib widget' and '%matplotlib notebook'. " f'Reverting to the figure size ({figwidth}, {figheight}). To make ' 'auto-sized figures, please consider using the non-interactive ' '(default) backend. This warning message is shown the first time ' 'you create a figure without explicitly specifying the size.' ) # Add space settings # NOTE: This is analogous to 'subplotpars' but we don't worry about # user mutability. Think it's perfectly fine to ask users to simply # pass these to pplt.figure() or pplt.subplots(). Also overriding # 'subplots_adjust' would be confusing since we switch to absolute # units and that function is heavily used outside of proplot. params = { 'left': left, 'right': right, 'top': top, 'bottom': bottom, 'wspace': wspace, 'hspace': hspace, 'space': space, 'wpad': wpad, 'hpad': hpad, 'pad': pad, 'outerpad': outerpad, 'innerpad': innerpad, 'panelpad': panelpad, } self._gridspec_params = params # used to initialize the gridspec # Add tight layout setting and ignore native settings pars = kwargs.pop('subplotpars', None) if pars is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring subplotpars={pars!r}. ' + self._space_message ) if kwargs.pop('tight_layout', None): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Ignoring tight_layout=True. ' + self._tight_message ) if kwargs.pop('constrained_layout', None): warnings._warn_proplot( 'Ignoring constrained_layout=True. ' + self._tight_message ) if rc_matplotlib.get('figure.autolayout', False): warnings._warn_proplot( "Setting rc['figure.autolayout'] to False. " + self._tight_message ) if rc_matplotlib.get('figure.constrained_layout.use', False): warnings._warn_proplot( "Setting rc['figure.constrained_layout.use'] to False. " + self._tight_message # noqa: E501 ) try: rc_matplotlib['figure.autolayout'] = False # this is rcParams except KeyError: pass try: rc_matplotlib['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = False # this is rcParams except KeyError: pass self._autospace = _not_none(tight, rc['subplots.tight']) # Translate share settings translate = {'labels': 1, 'labs': 1, 'limits': 2, 'lims': 2, 'all': 4} sharex = _not_none(sharex, share, rc['subplots.share']) sharey = _not_none(sharey, share, rc['subplots.share']) sharex = 3 if sharex is True else translate.get(sharex, sharex) sharey = 3 if sharey is True else translate.get(sharey, sharey) if sharex not in range(5): raise ValueError(f'Invalid sharex={sharex!r}. ' + self._share_message) if sharey not in range(5): raise ValueError(f'Invalid sharey={sharey!r}. ' + self._share_message) self._sharex = int(sharex) self._sharey = int(sharey) # Translate span and align settings spanx = _not_none(spanx, span, False if not sharex else None, rc['subplots.span']) # noqa: E501 spany = _not_none(spany, span, False if not sharey else None, rc['subplots.span']) # noqa: E501 if spanx and (alignx or align): # only warn when explicitly requested warnings._warn_proplot('"alignx" has no effect when spanx=True.') if spany and (aligny or align): warnings._warn_proplot('"aligny" has no effect when spany=True.') self._spanx = bool(spanx) self._spany = bool(spany) alignx = _not_none(alignx, align, rc['subplots.align']) aligny = _not_none(aligny, align, rc['subplots.align']) self._alignx = bool(alignx) self._aligny = bool(aligny) # Initialize the figure # NOTE: Super labels are stored inside {axes: text} dictionaries self._gridspec = None self._panel_dict = {'left': [], 'right': [], 'bottom': [], 'top': []} self._subplot_dict = {} # subplots indexed by number self._subplot_counter = 0 # avoid add_subplot() returning an existing subplot self._is_adjusting = False self._is_authorized = False self._includepanels = None self._mathtext_context = {} rc_kw, rc_mode = _pop_rc(kwargs) kw_format = _pop_params(kwargs, self._format_signature) with self._context_authorized(): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Super labels. We don't rely on private matplotlib _suptitle attribute and # _align_axis_labels supports arbitrary spanning labels for subplot groups. # NOTE: Don't use 'anchor' rotation mode otherwise switching to horizontal # left and right super labels causes overlap. Current method is fine. self._suptitle = self.text(0.5, 0.95, '', ha='center', va='bottom') self._supxlabel_dict = {} # an axes: label mapping self._supylabel_dict = {} # an axes: label mapping self._suplabel_dict = {'left': {}, 'right': {}, 'bottom': {}, 'top': {}} self._suptitle_pad = rc['suptitle.pad'] d = self._suplabel_props = {} # store the super label props d['left'] = {'va': 'center', 'ha': 'right'} d['right'] = {'va': 'center', 'ha': 'left'} d['bottom'] = {'va': 'top', 'ha': 'center'} d['top'] = {'va': 'bottom', 'ha': 'center'} d = self._suplabel_pad = {} # store the super label padding d['left'] = rc['leftlabel.pad'] d['right'] = rc['rightlabel.pad'] d['bottom'] = rc['bottomlabel.pad'] d['top'] = rc['toplabel.pad'] # Format figure # NOTE: This ignores user-input rc_mode. self.format(rc_kw=rc_kw, rc_mode=1, skip_axes=True, **kw_format) def _context_adjusting(self, cache=True): """ Prevent re-running auto layout steps due to draws triggered by figure resizes. Otherwise can get infinite loops. """ kw = {'_is_adjusting': True} if not cache: kw['_cachedRenderer'] = None # temporarily ignore it return context._state_context(self, **kw) def _context_authorized(self): """ Prevent warning message when internally calling no-op methods. Otherwise emit warnings to help new users. """ return context._state_context(self, _is_authorized=True) def _parse_proj( self, proj=None, projection=None, proj_kw=None, projection_kw=None, basemap=None, **kwargs ): """ Translate the user-input projection into a registered matplotlib axes class. Input projection can be a string, `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, ``, or `mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap`. """ # Parse arguments proj = _not_none(proj=proj, projection=projection, default='cartesian') proj_kw = _not_none(proj_kw=proj_kw, projection_kw=projection_kw, default={}) if isinstance(proj, str): proj = proj.lower() if isinstance(self, paxes.Axes): proj = self._name elif isinstance(self, maxes.Axes): raise ValueError('Matplotlib axes cannot be added to proplot figures.') # Search axes projections name = None if isinstance(proj, str): try: mproj.get_projection_class('proplot_' + proj) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass else: name = proj # Helpful error message if ( name is None and basemap is None and isinstance(proj, str) and constructor.Projection is object and constructor.Basemap is object ): raise ValueError( f'Invalid projection name {proj!r}. If you are trying to generate a ' 'GeoAxes with a or mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap ' 'then cartopy or basemap must be installed. Otherwise the known axes ' f'subclasses are:\n{paxes._cls_table}' ) # Search geographic projections # NOTE: Also raises errors due to unexpected projection type if name is None: proj = constructor.Proj(proj, basemap=basemap, include_axes=True, **proj_kw) name = proj._proj_package kwargs['map_projection'] = proj kwargs['projection'] = 'proplot_' + name return kwargs def _get_align_axes(self, side): """ Return the main axes along the edge of the figure. """ x, y = 'xy' if side in ('left', 'right') else 'yx' axs = self._subplot_dict.values() if not axs: return [] ranges = np.array([ax._range_subplotspec(x) for ax in axs]) edge = ranges[:, 0].min() if side in ('left', 'top') else ranges[:, 1].max() idx = 0 if side in ('left', 'top') else 1 axs = [ax for ax in axs if ax._range_subplotspec(x)[idx] == edge] axs = [ax for ax in sorted(axs, key=lambda ax: ax._range_subplotspec(y)[0])] axs = [ax for ax in axs if ax.get_visible()] return axs def _get_align_coord(self, side, axs, includepanels=False): """ Return the figure coordinate for centering spanning axis labels or super titles. """ # Get position in figure relative coordinates if not all(isinstance(ax, paxes.Axes) for ax in axs): raise RuntimeError('Axes must be proplot axes.') if not all(isinstance(ax, maxes.SubplotBase) for ax in axs): raise RuntimeError('Axes must be subplots.') s = 'y' if side in ('left', 'right') else 'x' axs = [ax._panel_parent or ax for ax in axs] # deflect to main axes if includepanels: # include panel short axes? axs = [_ for ax in axs for _ in ax._iter_axes(panels=True, children=False)] ranges = np.array([ax._range_subplotspec(s) for ax in axs]) min_, max_ = ranges[:, 0].min(), ranges[:, 1].max() ax_lo = axs[np.where(ranges[:, 0] == min_)[0][0]] ax_hi = axs[np.where(ranges[:, 1] == max_)[0][0]] box_lo = ax_lo.get_subplotspec().get_position(self) box_hi = ax_hi.get_subplotspec().get_position(self) if s == 'x': pos = 0.5 * (box_lo.x0 + box_hi.x1) else: pos = 0.5 * (box_lo.y1 + box_hi.y0) # 'lo' is actually on top of figure ax = axs[(np.argmin(ranges[:, 0]) + np.argmax(ranges[:, 1])) // 2] ax = ax._panel_parent or ax # always use main subplot for spanning labels return pos, ax def _get_offset_coord(self, side, axs, renderer, *, pad=None, extra=None): """ Return the figure coordinate for offsetting super labels and super titles. """ s = 'x' if side in ('left', 'right') else 'y' cs = [] objs = tuple(_ for ax in axs for _ in ax._iter_axes(panels=True, children=True, hidden=True)) # noqa: E501 objs = objs + (extra or ()) # e.g. top super labels for obj in objs: bbox = obj.get_tightbbox(renderer) # cannot use cached bbox attr = s + 'max' if side in ('top', 'right') else s + 'min' c = getattr(bbox, attr) c = (c, 0) if side in ('left', 'right') else (0, c) c = self.transFigure.inverted().transform(c) c = c[0] if side in ('left', 'right') else c[1] cs.append(c) width, height = self.get_size_inches() if pad is None: pad = self._suplabel_pad[side] / 72 pad = pad / width if side in ('left', 'right') else pad / height return min(cs) - pad if side in ('left', 'bottom') else max(cs) + pad def _get_renderer(self): """ Get a renderer at all costs. See matplotlib's """ if self._cachedRenderer: renderer = self._cachedRenderer else: canvas = self.canvas if canvas and hasattr(canvas, 'get_renderer'): renderer = canvas.get_renderer() else: from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(self) renderer = canvas.get_renderer() return renderer def _add_axes_panel(self, ax, side=None, **kwargs): """ Add an axes panel. """ # Interpret args # NOTE: Axis sharing not implemented for figure panels, 99% of the # time this is just used as construct for adding global colorbars and # legends, really not worth implementing axis sharing if not isinstance(ax, paxes.Axes) or not isinstance(ax, maxes.SubplotBase): raise RuntimeError('Cannot add axes panels to a non-subplot axes.') ax = ax._panel_parent or ax # redirect to main axes side = _translate_loc(side, 'panel', default='right') # Add and setup the panel accounting for index changes # NOTE: Always put tick labels on the 'outside' gs = self.gridspec if not gs: raise RuntimeError('The gridspec must be active.') ss, share = gs._insert_panel(side, ax, **kwargs) pax = self.add_subplot(ss, autoshare=False, number=False) pax._panel_side = side pax._panel_share = share pax._panel_parent = ax ax._panel_dict[side].append(pax) ax._auto_share() axis = pax.yaxis if side in ('left', 'right') else pax.xaxis getattr(axis, 'tick_' + side)() # set tick and tick label position axis.set_label_position(side) # set label position return pax def _add_figure_panel( self, side=None, span=None, row=None, col=None, rows=None, cols=None, **kwargs ): """ Add a figure panel. """ # Interpret args and enforce sensible keyword args side = _translate_loc(side, 'panel', default='right') if side in ('left', 'right'): for key, value in (('col', col), ('cols', cols)): if value is not None: raise ValueError(f'Invalid keyword {key!r} for {side!r} panel.') span = _not_none(span=span, row=row, rows=rows) else: for key, value in (('row', row), ('rows', rows)): if value is not None: raise ValueError(f'Invalid keyword {key!r} for {side!r} panel.') span = _not_none(span=span, col=col, cols=cols) # Add and setup panel # NOTE: This relies on panel slot obfuscation built into gridspec gs = self.gridspec if not gs: raise RuntimeError('The gridspec must be active.') ss, _ = gs._insert_panel(side, span, filled=True, **kwargs) pax = self.add_subplot(ss, autoshare=False, number=False) plist = self._panel_dict[side] plist.append(pax) pax._panel_side = side pax._panel_share = False pax._panel_parent = None return pax def _align_axis_label(self, x): """ Align *x* and *y* axis labels in the perpendicular and parallel directions. """ # NOTE: Always use 'align' if 'span' is True to get correct offset # NOTE: Must trigger axis sharing here so that super label alignment # with tight=False is valid. Kind of kludgey but oh well. seen = set() span = getattr(self, '_span' + x) align = getattr(self, '_align' + x) for ax in self._subplot_dict.values(): if isinstance(ax, paxes.CartesianAxes): ax._apply_axis_sharing() # always! else: continue pos = getattr(ax, x + 'axis').get_label_position() if ax in seen or pos not in ('bottom', 'left'): continue # already aligned or cannot align axs = ax._get_span_axes(pos, panels=False) # returns panel or main axes if any(getattr(ax, '_share' + x) for ax in axs): continue # nothing to align or axes have parents seen.update(axs) if span or align: if hasattr(self, '_align_label_groups'): group = self._align_label_groups[x] else: group = getattr(self, '_align_' + x + 'label_grp', None) if group is not None: # fail silently to avoid fragile API changes for ax in axs[1:]: group.join(axs[0], ax) # add to grouper if span: self._update_axis_label(pos, axs) def _align_super_labels(self, side, renderer): """ Adjust the position of super labels. """ # NOTE: Ensure title is offset only here. for ax in self._subplot_dict.values(): ax._apply_title_above() if side not in ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid side {side!r}.') labels = self._suplabel_dict[side] axs = tuple(ax for ax, label in labels.items() if label.get_text()) if not axs: return c = self._get_offset_coord(side, axs, renderer) for label in labels.values(): s = 'x' if side in ('left', 'right') else 'y' label.update({s: c}) def _align_super_title(self, renderer): """ Adjust the position of the super title. """ if not self._suptitle.get_text(): return axs = self._get_align_axes('top') # returns outermost panels if not axs: return labs = tuple(t for t in self._suplabel_dict['top'].values() if t.get_text()) pad = (self._suptitle_pad / 72) / self.get_size_inches()[1] x, _ = self._get_align_coord('top', axs, includepanels=self._includepanels) y = self._get_offset_coord('top', axs, renderer, pad=pad, extra=labs) self._suptitle.set_ha('center') self._suptitle.set_va('bottom') self._suptitle.set_position((x, y)) def _update_axis_label(self, side, axs): """ Update the aligned axis label for the input axes. """ # NOTE: Previously we secretly used matplotlib axis labels for spanning labels, # offsetting them between two subplots if necessary. Now we track designated # 'super' labels and replace the actual labels with spaces so they still impact # the tight bounding box and thus allocate space for the spanning label. x, y = 'xy' if side in ('bottom', 'top') else 'yx' labs = getattr(self, '_sup' + x + 'label_dict') # dict of spanning labels setpos = getattr(mtext.Text, 'set_' + y) axislist = [getattr(ax, x + 'axis') for ax in axs] # Get the central label and "super" label for parallel alignment. # Initialize the super label if one does not already exist. c, ax = self._get_align_coord(side, axs, includepanels=self._includepanels) axis = getattr(ax, x + 'axis') # use the central axis label = labs.get(ax, None) if label is None and not axis.label.get_text().strip(): return # nothing to transfer from the normal label if label is not None and not label.get_text().strip(): return # nothing to update on the super label if label is None: props = ('ha', 'va', 'rotation', 'rotation_mode') label = labs[ax] = self.text(0, 0, '') label.update({p: getattr(axis.label, 'get_' + p)() for p in props}) # Copy text from central label to spanning label # NOTE: Must use spaces rather than newlines, otherwise tight layout # won't make room. Reason is Text implementation (see Text._get_layout()) texts._transfer_text(axis.label, label) # text, color, and font properties space = '\n'.join(' ' * (1 + label.get_text().count('\n'))) for axis in axislist: # should include original 'axis' axis.label.set_text(space) # Update spanning label position t = mtransforms.IdentityTransform() # set in pixels cx, cy = axis.label.get_position() if x == 'x': trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(self.transFigure, t) coord = (c, cy) else: trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(t, self.transFigure) coord = (cx, c) label.set_transform(trans) label.set_position(coord) # Add simple monkey patch to ensure positions stay in sync # NOTE: Simply using axis._update_label_position() when this is called # is not sufficient. Fails with e.g. inline backend. def _set_coord(self, *args, **kwargs): setpos(self, *args, **kwargs) setpos(label, *args, **kwargs) setattr(axis.label, 'set_' + y, _set_coord.__get__(axis.label)) def _update_super_labels(self, side, labels, **kwargs): """ Assign the figure super labels and update settings. """ # Update the label parameters if side not in ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid side {side!r}.') kw = rc.fill( { 'color': side + 'label.color', 'rotation': side + 'label.rotation', 'size': side + 'label.size', 'weight': side + 'label.weight', 'family': '', }, context=True, ) kw.update(kwargs) # used when updating *existing* labels props = self._suplabel_props[side] props.update(kw) # used when creating *new* labels # Get the label axes # WARNING: In case users added labels then changed the subplot geometry we # have to remove labels whose axes don't match the current 'align' axes. axs = self._get_align_axes(side) if not labels or not axs: return # occurs if called while adding axes if len(labels) != len(axs): raise ValueError( f'Got {len(labels)} {side} labels but found {len(axs)} axes ' f'along the {side} side of the figure.' ) src = self._suplabel_dict[side] extra = src.keys() - set(axs) for ax in extra: # e.g. while adding axes text = src[ax].get_text() if text: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Removing {side} label with text {text!r} from axes {ax.number}.' ) src[ax].remove() # remove from the figure # Update the label text tf = self.transFigure for ax, label in zip(axs, labels): if ax in src: obj = src[ax] elif side in ('left', 'right'): trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(tf, ax.transAxes) obj = src[ax] = self.text(0, 0.5, '', transform=trans) obj.update(props) else: trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, tf) obj = src[ax] = self.text(0.5, 0, '', transform=trans) obj.update(props) if kw: obj.update(kw) if label is not None: obj.set_text(label) def _update_super_title(self, title, **kwargs): """ Assign the figure super title and update settings. """ kw = rc.fill( { 'size': 'suptitle.size', 'weight': 'suptitle.weight', 'color': 'suptitle.color', 'family': '' }, context=True, ) kw.update(kwargs) if kw: self._suptitle.update(kw) if title is not None: self._suptitle.set_text(title)
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def add_axes(self, rect, **kwargs): """ %(figure.axes)s """ kwargs = self._parse_proj(**kwargs) return super().add_axes(rect, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def add_subplot(self, *args, number=None, **kwargs): """ %(figure.subplot)s """ # Parse arguments kwargs = self._parse_proj(**kwargs) args = args or (1, 1, 1) gs = self.gridspec # Integer if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Integral): if not 111 <= args[0] <= 999: raise ValueError(f'Input {args[0]} must fall between 111 and 999.') args = tuple(map(int, str(args[0]))) # Subplot spec if ( len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (maxes.SubplotBase, mgridspec.SubplotSpec)) ): ss = args[0] if isinstance(ss, maxes.SubplotBase): ss = ss.get_subplotspec() if gs is None: gs = ss.get_topmost_subplotspec().get_gridspec() if not isinstance(gs, pgridspec.GridSpec): raise ValueError( 'Input subplotspec must be derived from a proplot.GridSpec.' ) if ss.get_topmost_subplotspec().get_gridspec() is not gs: raise ValueError( 'Input subplotspec must be derived from the active figure gridspec.' ) # Row and column spec # TODO: How to pass spacing parameters to gridspec? Consider overriding # subplots adjust? Or require using gridspec manually? elif ( len(args) == 3 and all(isinstance(arg, Integral) for arg in args[:2]) and all(isinstance(arg, Integral) for arg in np.atleast_1d(args[2])) ): nrows, ncols, num = args i, j = np.resize(num, 2) if gs is None: gs = pgridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols) orows, ocols = gs.get_subplot_geometry() if orows % nrows: raise ValueError( f'The input number of rows {nrows} does not divide the ' f'figure gridspec number of rows {orows}.' ) if ocols % ncols: raise ValueError( f'The input number of columns {ncols} does not divide the ' f'figure gridspec number of columns {ocols}.' ) if any(_ < 1 or _ > nrows * ncols for _ in (i, j)): raise ValueError( 'The input subplot indices must fall between ' f'1 and {nrows * ncols}. Instead got {i} and {j}.' ) rowfact, colfact = orows // nrows, ocols // ncols irow, icol = divmod(i - 1, ncols) # convert to zero-based jrow, jcol = divmod(j - 1, ncols) irow, icol = irow * rowfact, icol * colfact jrow, jcol = (jrow + 1) * rowfact - 1, (jcol + 1) * colfact - 1 ss = gs[irow:jrow + 1, icol:jcol + 1] # Otherwise else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid add_subplot positional arguments {args!r}.') # Add the subplot # NOTE: Pass subplotspec as keyword arg for mpl >= 3.4 workaround # NOTE: Must assign unique label to each subplot or else subsequent calls # to add_subplot() in mpl < 3.4 may return an already-drawn subplot in the # wrong location due to gridspec override. Is against OO package design. if number is None: number = 1 + max(self._subplot_dict, default=0) if number: # must be added for a-b-c labels kwargs['number'] = number self._subplot_counter += 1 # unique label for each subplot kwargs.setdefault('label', f'subplot_{self._subplot_counter}') ax = super().add_subplot(ss, _subplot_spec=ss, **kwargs) if number: self._subplot_dict[number] = ax self.gridspec = gs # trigger layout adjustment return ax
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def subplot(self, *args, **kwargs): # shorthand """ %(figure.subplot)s """ return self.add_subplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def add_subplots( self, array=None, *, ncols=1, nrows=1, order='C', proj=None, projection=None, proj_kw=None, projection_kw=None, basemap=None, **kwargs ): """ %(figure.subplots)s """ # Clunky helper function # TODO: Consider deprecating and asking users to use add_subplot() def _axes_dict(naxs, input, kw=False, default=None): # First build up dictionary # 1. 'string' or {1: 'string1', (2, 3): 'string2'} if not kw: if np.iterable(input) and not isinstance(input, (str, dict)): input = {num + 1: item for num, item in enumerate(input)} elif not isinstance(input, dict): input = {range(1, naxs + 1): input} # 2. {'prop': value} or {1: {'prop': value1}, (2, 3): {'prop': value2}} else: nested = [isinstance(_, dict) for _ in input.values()] if not any(nested): # any([]) == False input = {range(1, naxs + 1): input.copy()} elif not all(nested): raise ValueError(f'Invalid input {input!r}.') # Unfurl keys that contain multiple axes numbers output = {} for nums, item in input.items(): nums = np.atleast_1d(nums) for num in nums.flat: output[num] = item.copy() if kw else item # Fill with default values for num in range(1, naxs + 1): if num not in output: output[num] = {} if kw else default if output.keys() != set(range(1, naxs + 1)): raise ValueError( f'Have {naxs} axes, but {input!r} includes props for the axes: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(output))) + '.' ) return output # Warning messages for key in ('gridspec_kw', 'subplot_kw'): kw = kwargs.pop(key, None) if not kw: continue warnings._warn_proplot( f'{key!r} is not necessary in proplot. Pass the ' 'parameters as keyword arguments instead.' ) kwargs.update(kw or {}) # Build subplot array if order not in ('C', 'F'): # better error message raise ValueError(f"Invalid order={order!r}. Options are 'C' or 'F'.") if array is None: array = np.arange(1, nrows * ncols + 1)[..., None] array = array.reshape((nrows, ncols), order=order) array = np.atleast_1d(array) array[array == None] = 0 # None or 0 both valid placeholders # noqa: E711 array = array.astype( if array.ndim == 1: # interpret as single row or column array = array[None, :] if order == 'C' else array[:, None] elif array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected 1D or 2D array of integers. Got {array}.') nums = np.unique(array[array != 0]) naxs = len(nums) if any(num < 0 or not isinstance(num, Integral) for num in nums.flat): raise ValueError(f'Expected array of positive integers. Got {array}.') nrows, ncols = array.shape # Get projection arguments used to initialize the axes proj = _not_none(projection=projection, proj=proj) proj = _axes_dict(naxs, proj, kw=False, default='cartesian') proj_kw = _not_none(projection_kw=projection_kw, proj_kw=proj_kw) or {} proj_kw = _axes_dict(naxs, proj_kw, kw=True) basemap = _axes_dict(naxs, basemap, kw=False) axes_kw = { num: {'proj': proj[num], 'proj_kw': proj_kw[num], 'basemap': basemap[num]} for num in proj } # Create gridspec and add subplots with subplotspecs # NOTE: The gridspec is added to the figure when we pass the subplotspec # NOTE: Permit figure format keywords for e.g. 'collabels' figure_kw = _pop_params(kwargs, self._format_signature) gridspec_kw = _pop_params(kwargs, pgridspec.GridSpec._update_params) gs = pgridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols, **gridspec_kw) axs = naxs * [None] # list of axes axids = [np.where(array == i) for i in np.sort(np.unique(array)) if i > 0] axcols = np.array([[x.min(), x.max()] for _, x in axids]) axrows = np.array([[y.min(), y.max()] for y, _ in axids]) for idx in range(naxs): num = idx + 1 x0, x1 = axcols[idx, 0], axcols[idx, 1] y0, y1 = axrows[idx, 0], axrows[idx, 1] ss = gs[y0:y1 + 1, x0:x1 + 1] kw = {**kwargs, **axes_kw[num], 'number': num} axs[idx] = self.add_subplot(ss, **kw) self.format(**figure_kw) return pgridspec.SubplotGrid(axs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def subplots(self, *args, **kwargs): # shorthand """ %(figure.subplots)s """ return self.add_subplots(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def auto_layout(self, renderer=None, aspect=None, tight=None, resize=None): """ Automatically adjust the figure size and subplot positions. This is triggered automatically whenever the figure is drawn. Parameters ---------- renderer : `~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase`, optional The renderer. If ``None`` a default renderer will be produced. aspect : bool, optional Whether to update the figure size based on the reference subplot aspect ratio. By default, this is ``True``. This only has an effect if the aspect ratio is fixed (e.g., due to an image plot or geographic projection). tight : bool, optional Whether to update the figuer size and subplot positions according to a "tight layout". By default, this takes on the value of `tight` passed to `Figure`. If nothing was passed, it is :rc:`subplots.tight`. resize : bool, optional If ``False``, the current figure dimensions are fixed and automatic figure resizing is disabled. By default, the figure size may change unless both `figwidth` and `figheight` or `figsize` were passed to `~Figure.subplots`, `~Figure.set_size_inches` was called manually, or the figure was resized manually with an interactive backend. """ # *Impossible* to get notebook backend to work with auto resizing so we # just do the tight layout adjustments and skip resizing. gs = self.gridspec renderer = self._get_renderer() if aspect is None: aspect = True if tight is None: tight = self._autospace if resize is False: # fix the size self._figwidth, self._figheight = self.get_size_inches() self._refwidth = self._refheight = None # critical! # Helper functions # NOTE: Have to draw legends and colorbars early (before reaching axes # draw methods) because we have to take them into account for alignment. # Also requires another figure resize (which triggers a gridspec update). def _draw_content(): for ax in self._iter_axes(hidden=False, children=True): ax._draw_guides() # may trigger resizes if panels are added def _align_content(): # noqa: E306 for axis in 'xy': self._align_axis_label(axis) for side in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'): self._align_super_labels(side, renderer) self._align_super_title(renderer) # Update the layout # WARNING: Tried to avoid two figure resizes but made # subsequent tight layout really weird. Have to resize twice. _draw_content() if not gs: return if aspect: gs._auto_layout_aspect() _align_content() if tight: gs._auto_layout_space(renderer) _align_content()
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def format( self, axs=None, *, figtitle=None, suptitle=None, suptitle_kw=None, llabels=None, leftlabels=None, leftlabels_kw=None, rlabels=None, rightlabels=None, rightlabels_kw=None, blabels=None, bottomlabels=None, bottomlabels_kw=None, tlabels=None, toplabels=None, toplabels_kw=None, rowlabels=None, collabels=None, # aliases includepanels=None, mathtext_fallback=None, **kwargs, ): """ Modify figure-wide labels and call ``format`` for the input axes. By default the numbered subplots are used. Parameters ---------- axs : sequence of `~proplot.axes.Axes`, optional The axes to format. Default is the numbered subplots. %(figure.format)s Important --------- `leftlabelpad`, `toplabelpad`, `rightlabelpad`, and `bottomlabelpad` keywords are actually :ref:`configuration settings <ug_config>`. We explicitly document these arguments here because it is common to change them for specific figures. But many :ref:`other configuration settings <ug_format>` can be passed to ``format`` too. Other parameters ---------------- %(axes.format)s %(cartesian.format)s %(polar.format)s %(geo.format)s %(rc.format)s See also -------- proplot.axes.Axes.format proplot.axes.CartesianAxes.format proplot.axes.PolarAxes.format proplot.axes.GeoAxes.format proplot.gridspec.SubplotGrid.format proplot.config.Configurator.context """ # Initiate context block axs = axs or self._subplot_dict.values() skip_axes = kwargs.pop('skip_axes', False) # internal keyword arg rc_kw, rc_mode = _pop_rc(kwargs) with rc.context(rc_kw, mode=rc_mode): # Update background patch kw = rc.fill({'facecolor': 'figure.facecolor'}, context=True) self.patch.update(kw) # Update text drawing behavior if includepanels is not None: self._includepanels = includepanels if mathtext_fallback is not None: if dependencies._version_mpl >= 3.4: context = {'mathtext.fallback': mathtext_fallback if isinstance(mathtext_fallback, str) else 'cm' if mathtext_fallback else None} # noqa: E501 else: context = {'mathtext.fallback_to_cm': bool(mathtext_fallback)} self._mathtext_context = context # Update super title and label padding pad = rc.find('suptitle.pad', context=True) # super title if pad is not None: self._suptitle_pad = pad for side in tuple(self._suplabel_pad): # super labels pad = rc.find(side + 'label.pad', context=True) if pad is not None: self._suplabel_pad[side] = pad # Update super title and labels text and settings suptitle_kw = suptitle_kw or {} leftlabels_kw = leftlabels_kw or {} rightlabels_kw = rightlabels_kw or {} bottomlabels_kw = bottomlabels_kw or {} toplabels_kw = toplabels_kw or {} self._update_super_title( _not_none(figtitle=figtitle, suptitle=suptitle), **suptitle_kw, ) self._update_super_labels( 'left', _not_none(rowlabels=rowlabels, leftlabels=leftlabels, llabels=llabels), **leftlabels_kw, ) self._update_super_labels( 'right', _not_none(rightlabels=rightlabels, rlabels=rlabels), **rightlabels_kw, ) self._update_super_labels( 'bottom', _not_none(bottomlabels=bottomlabels, blabels=blabels), **bottomlabels_kw, ) self._update_super_labels( 'top', _not_none(collabels=collabels, toplabels=toplabels, tlabels=tlabels), **toplabels_kw, ) # Update the main axes if skip_axes: # avoid recursion return kws = { cls: _pop_params(kwargs, sig) for cls, sig in paxes.Axes._format_signatures.items() } classes = set() # track used dictionaries for ax in axs: kw = { key: value for cls, kw in kws.items() for key, value in kw.items() if isinstance(ax, cls) and not classes.add(cls) } ax.format(rc_kw=rc_kw, rc_mode=rc_mode, skip_figure=True, **kw, **kwargs) # Warn unused keyword argument(s) kw = { key: value for name in kws.keys() - classes for key, value in kws[name].items() } if kw: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring unused projection-specific format() keyword argument(s): {kw}' # noqa: E501 )
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def colorbar( self, mappable, values=None, loc=None, location=None, row=None, col=None, rows=None, cols=None, span=None, space=None, pad=None, width=None, **kwargs ): """ Draw a colorbar along the side of the figure. Parameters ---------- %(axes.colorbar_args)s length : float, optional The colorbar length. Units are relative to the span of the rows and columns of subplots. Default is :rc:`colorbar.length`. shrink : float, optional Alias for `length`. This is included for consistency with `matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`. width : unit-spec, optional The colorbar width. Default is :rc:`colorbar.width`. %( %(figure.colorbar_space)s Has no visible effect if `length` is ``1``. Other parameters ---------------- %(axes.colorbar_kwargs)s See also -------- proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar """ # Backwards compatibility ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None) cax = kwargs.pop('cax', None) if isinstance(values, maxes.Axes): cax = _not_none(cax_positional=values, cax=cax) values = None if isinstance(loc, maxes.Axes): ax = _not_none(ax_positional=loc, ax=ax) loc = None # Helpful warning if kwargs.pop('use_gridspec', None) is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( "Ignoring the 'use_gridspec' keyword. Proplot always allocates " 'additional space for colorbars using the figure gridspec ' "rather than 'stealing space' from the parent subplot." ) # Fill this axes if cax is not None: with context._state_context(cax, _internal_call=True): # do not wrap pcolor return super().colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, **kwargs) # Axes panel colorbar elif ax is not None: return ax.colorbar( mappable, values, space=space, pad=pad, width=width, **kwargs ) # Figure panel colorbar else: loc = _not_none(loc=loc, location=location, default='r') ax = self._add_figure_panel( loc, row=row, col=col, rows=rows, cols=cols, span=span, width=width, space=space, pad=pad, ) return ax.colorbar(mappable, values, loc='fill', **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def legend( self, handles=None, labels=None, loc=None, location=None, row=None, col=None, rows=None, cols=None, span=None, space=None, pad=None, width=None, **kwargs ): """ Draw a legend along the side of the figure. Parameters ---------- %(axes.legend_args)s %(figure.legend_space)s width : unit-spec, optional The space allocated for the legend box. This does nothing if the tight layout algorithm is active for the figure. %( Other parameters ---------------- %(axes.legend_kwargs)s See also -------- proplot.axes.Axes.legend matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend """ ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None) # Axes panel legend if ax is not None: return ax.legend( handles, labels, space=space, pad=pad, width=width, **kwargs ) # Figure panel legend else: loc = _not_none(loc=loc, location=location, default='r') ax = self._add_figure_panel( loc, row=row, col=col, rows=rows, cols=cols, span=span, width=width, space=space, pad=pad, ) return ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='fill', **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def save(self, filename, **kwargs): """ %( """ return self.savefig(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited @docstring._snippet_manager def savefig(self, filename, **kwargs): """ %( """ # Automatically expand the user name. Undocumented because we # do not want to overwrite the matplotlib docstring. if isinstance(filename, str): filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) super().savefig(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited def set_canvas(self, canvas): """ Set the figure canvas. Add monkey patches for the instance-level `~matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase.draw` and `~matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase.print_figure` methods. Parameters ---------- canvas : `~matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` The figure canvas. See also -------- matplotlib.figure.Figure.set_canvas """ # Set the canvas and add monkey patches to the instance-level draw and # print_figure methods. The latter is called by save() and by the inline # backend. See `_add_canvas_preprocessor` for details. _add_canvas_preprocessor(canvas, 'print_figure') if callable(getattr(canvas, '_draw', None)): # for macosx backend _add_canvas_preprocessor(canvas, '_draw') else: _add_canvas_preprocessor(canvas, 'draw') super().set_canvas(canvas)
def _is_same_size(self, figsize, eps=None): """ Test if the figure size is unchanged up to some tolerance in inches. """ eps = _not_none(eps, 0.01) figsize_active = self.get_size_inches() if figsize is None: # e.g. GridSpec._calc_figsize() returned None return True else: return np.all(np.isclose(figsize, figsize_active, rtol=0, atol=eps))
[docs] @docstring._concatenate_inherited def set_size_inches(self, w, h=None, *, forward=True, internal=False, eps=None): """ Set the figure size. If this is being called manually or from an interactive backend, update the default layout with this fixed size. If the figure size is unchanged or this is an internal call, do not update the default layout. Parameters ---------- *args : float The width and height passed as positional arguments or a 2-tuple. forward : bool, optional Whether to update the canvas. internal : bool, optional Whether this is an internal resize. eps : float, optional The deviation from the current size in inches required to treat this as a user-triggered figure resize that fixes the layout. See also -------- matplotlib.figure.Figure.set_size_inches """ # Parse input args figsize = w if h is None else (w, h) if not np.all(np.isfinite(figsize)): raise ValueError(f'Figure size must be finite, not {figsize}.') # Fix the figure size if this is a user action from an interactive backend # NOTE: If we fail to detect 'user' resize from the user, not only will # result be incorrect, but qt backend will crash because it detects a # recursive size change, since preprocessor size will differ. # NOTE: Bitmap renderers calculate the figure size in inches from # int(Figure.bbox.[width|height]) which rounds to whole pixels. When # renderer calls set_size_inches, size may be effectively the same, but # slightly changed due to roundoff error! Therefore only compare approx size. attrs = ('_is_idle_drawing', '_is_drawing', '_draw_pending') backend = any(getattr(self.canvas, attr, None) for attr in attrs) internal = internal or self._is_adjusting samesize = self._is_same_size(figsize, eps) ctx = context._empty_context() # context not necessary most of the time if not backend and not internal and not samesize: ctx = self._context_adjusting() # do not trigger layout solver self._figwidth, self._figheight = figsize self._refwidth = self._refheight = None # critical! # Apply the figure size # NOTE: If size changes we always update the gridspec to enforce fixed spaces # and panel widths (necessary since axes use figure relative coords) with ctx: # avoid recursion super().set_size_inches(figsize, forward=forward) if not samesize: # gridspec positions will resolve differently self.gridspec.update()
def _iter_axes(self, hidden=False, children=False, panels=True): """ Iterate over all axes and panels in the figure belonging to the `~proplot.axes.Axes` class. Exclude inset and twin axes. Parameters ---------- hidden : bool, optional Whether to include "hidden" panels. children : bool, optional Whether to include child axes. Note this now includes "twin" axes. panels : bool or str or sequence of str, optional Whether to include panels or the panels to include. """ # Parse panels if panels is False: panels = () elif panels is True or panels is None: panels = ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top') elif isinstance(panels, str): panels = (panels,) if not set(panels) <= {'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'}: raise ValueError(f'Invalid sides {panels!r}.') # Iterate axs = ( *self._subplot_dict.values(), *(ax for side in panels for ax in self._panel_dict[side]), ) for ax in axs: if not hidden and ax._panel_hidden: continue # ignore hidden panel and its colorbar/legend child yield from ax._iter_axes(hidden=hidden, children=children, panels=panels) @property def gridspec(self): """ The single `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec` instance used for all subplots in the figure. """ return self._gridspec @gridspec.setter def gridspec(self, gs): if not isinstance(gs, pgridspec.GridSpec): raise ValueError('Gridspec must be a proplot.GridSpec instance.') self._gridspec = gs gs.figure = self # trigger copying settings from the figure @property def subplotgrid(self): """ A `~proplot.gridspec.SubplotGrid` containing the numbered subplots in the figure. The subplots are ordered by increasing subplot number. """ return pgridspec.SubplotGrid( [ax for num, ax in sorted(self._subplot_dict.items())] ) # Apply signature obfuscation after getting keys # NOTE: This is needed for axes and figure instantiation. _format_signature = inspect.signature(format) format = docstring._obfuscate_kwargs(format)
# Add deprecated properties. There are *lots* of properties we pass to Figure # and do not like idea of publicly tracking every single one of them. If we # want to improve user introspection consider modifying Figure.__repr__. for _attr in ('alignx', 'aligny', 'sharex', 'sharey', 'spanx', 'spany', 'tight', 'ref'): def _get_deprecated(self, attr=_attr): warnings._warn_proplot( f'The property {attr!r} is no longer public as of v0.8. It will be ' 'removed in a future release.' ) return getattr(self, '_' + attr) _getter = property(_get_deprecated) setattr(Figure, _attr, property(_get_deprecated)) # Disable native matplotlib layout and spacing functions when called # manually and emit warning message to help new users. for _attr, _msg in ( ('set_tight_layout', Figure._tight_message), ('set_constrained_layout', Figure._tight_message), ('tight_layout', Figure._tight_message), ('init_layoutbox', Figure._tight_message), ('execute_constrained_layout', Figure._tight_message), ('subplots_adjust', Figure._space_message), ): _func = getattr(Figure, _attr, None) if _func is None: continue @functools.wraps(_func) # noqa: E301 def _disable_method(self, *args, func=_func, message=_msg, **kwargs): message = f'fig.{func.__name__}() has no effect on proplot figures. ' + message if self._is_authorized: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: warnings._warn_proplot(message) # noqa: E501, U100 _disable_method.__doc__ = None # remove docs setattr(Figure, _attr, _disable_method)