
show_cmaps(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a table of the registered colormaps or the input colormaps categorized by source. Adapted from this example.

  • *args (colormap-spec, optional) – Colormap names or objects.

  • N (int, optional) – The number of levels in each colorbar. Default is rc['image.lut'] = 256.

  • unknown (str, optional) – Category name for colormaps that are unknown to proplot. The default is 'User'. Set this to False to hide unknown colormaps.

  • include (str or sequence of str, optional) – Category names to be shown in the table. Use this to limit the table to a subset of categories. Valid categories are 'Grayscale', 'Matplotlib sequential', 'Matplotlib cyclic', 'Seaborn sequential', 'Seaborn diverging', 'Proplot sequential', 'Proplot diverging', 'Other sequential', 'Other diverging', 'cmOcean sequential', 'cmOcean diverging', 'cmOcean cyclic', 'Scientific colour maps sequential', 'Scientific colour maps diverging', 'Scientific colour maps cyclic', 'ColorBrewer2.0 sequential', 'ColorBrewer2.0 diverging', 'SciVisColor blues', 'SciVisColor greens', 'SciVisColor yellows', 'SciVisColor oranges', 'SciVisColor browns', 'SciVisColor reds', 'SciVisColor purples', 'MATLAB', 'GNUplot', 'GIST', 'Other'.

  • ignore (str or sequence of str, optional) – Used only if include was not passed. Category names to be removed from the table. Default is 'MATLAB', 'GNUplot', 'GIST', and 'Other'. Use of these colormaps is discouraged because they contain non-uniform color transitions (see the user guide).

  • length (unit-spec, optional) – The length of the colorbars. If float, units are inches. If string, interpreted by units.

  • width (float or str, optional) – The width of the colorbars. If float, units are inches. If string, interpreted by units.
