

Add an axes locked to the same location with a distinct x axis. This builds upon matplotlib.axes.Axes.twiny.


**kwargs – Passed to CartesianAxes. Supports all valid format keywords. You can optionally omit the x from keywords beginning with x – for example ax.altx(lim=(0, 10)) is equivalent to ax.altx(xlim=(0, 10)). You can also change the default side for the axis spine, axis tick marks, axis tick labels, and/or axis labels by passing loc keywords. For example, ax.altx(loc='bottom') changes the default side from top to bottom.


proplot.axes.CartesianAxes – The resulting axes.


This enforces the following default settings:

  • Places the old x axis on the bottom and the new x axis on the top.

  • Makes the old top spine invisible and the new bottom, left, and right spines invisible.

  • Adjusts the x axis tick, tick label, and axis label positions according to the visible spine positions.

  • Syncs the old and new y axis limits and scales, and makes the new y axis labels invisible.