Source code for proplot.gridspec

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The gridspec and subplot grid classes used throughout proplot.
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import re
from import MutableSequence
from numbers import Integral

import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.gridspec as mgridspec
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import numpy as np

from . import axes as paxes
from .config import rc
from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import _not_none, docstring, warnings
from .utils import _fontsize_to_pt, units

__all__ = [
    'SubplotsContainer'  # deprecated

# Gridspec vector arguments
# Valid for figure() and GridSpec()
_shared_docstring = """
left, right, top, bottom : unit-spec, optional
    The fixed space between the subplots and the figure edge. Default is ``None``.
    If ``None``, the space is determined automatically based on the tick and
    label settings. If :rcraw:`subplots.tight` is ``True`` or ``tight=True`` was
    passed to the figure, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.
_scalar_docstring = """
wspace, hspace, space : unit-spec, optional
    The fixed space between grid columns, rows, or both. Default is ``None``.
    If ``None``, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis
    sharing settings. If :rcraw:`subplots.tight` is ``True`` or ``tight=True`` was
    passed to the figure, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.
_vector_docstring = """
wspace, hspace, space : unit-spec or sequence, optional
    The fixed space between grid columns, rows, and both, respectively. If
    float, string, or ``None``, this value is expanded into lists of length
    ``ncols - 1`` (for `wspace`) or length ``nrows - 1`` (for `hspace`). If
    a sequence, its length must match these lengths. Default is ``None``.

    For elements equal to ``None``, the space is determined automatically based
    on the tick and label settings. If :rcraw:`subplots.tight` is ``True`` or
    ``tight=True`` was passed to the figure, the space is determined by the tight
    layout algorithm. For example, ``subplots(ncols=3, tight=True, wspace=(2, None))``
    fixes the space between columns 1 and 2 but lets the tight layout algorithm
    determine the space between columns 2 and 3.
wratios, hratios : float or sequence, optional
    Passed to `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec`, denotes the width and height
    ratios for the subplot grid. Length of `wratios` must match the number
    of rows, and length of `hratios` must match the number of columns.
width_ratios, height_ratios
    Aliases for `wratios`, `hratios`. Included for
    consistency with `matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec`.
wpad, hpad, pad : unit-spec or sequence, optional
    The tight layout padding between columns, rows, and both, respectively.
    Unlike ``space``, these control the padding between subplot content
    (including text, ticks, etc.) rather than subplot edges. As with
    ``space``, these can be scalars or arrays optionally containing ``None``.
    For elements equal to ``None``, the default is `innerpad`.
_tight_docstring = """
wequal, hequal, equal :  bool, optional
    Whether to make the tight layout algorithm apply equal spacing
    between columns, rows, or both. Default is ``False``.
outerpad : unit-spec, optional
    The scalar tight layout padding around the left, right, top, and bottom edges
    of the figure.  Default is :rc:`subplots.outerpad`.
innerpad : unit-spec, optional
    The scalar tight layout padding between columns and rows. Synonymous with
    `pad`. Default is :rc:`subplots.innerpad`.
panelpad : unit-spec, optional
    The scalar tight layout padding between subplots and their panels, colorbars, and
    legends and between "stacks" of these objects. Default is :rc:`subplots.panelpad`.
docstring._snippet_manager['gridspec.shared'] = _shared_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['gridspec.scalar'] = _scalar_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['gridspec.vector'] = _vector_docstring
docstring._snippet_manager['gridspec.tight'] = _tight_docstring

def _disable_method(attr):
    Disable the inherited method.
    def _dummy_method(*args):
        raise AttributeError(f'Method {attr}() is disabled on proplot gridspecs.')
    _dummy_method.__name__ = attr
    return _dummy_method

class _SubplotSpec(mgridspec.SubplotSpec):
    A thin `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` subclass with a nice string
    representation and a few helper methods.
    def __repr__(self):
        # NOTE: Also include panel obfuscation here to avoid confusion. If this
        # is a panel slot generated internally then show zero info.
            nrows, ncols, num1, num2 = self._get_subplot_geometry()
        except (IndexError, ValueError, AttributeError):
            return 'SubplotSpec(unknown)'
            return f'SubplotSpec(nrows={nrows}, ncols={ncols}, index=({num1}, {num2}))'

    def _get_geometry(self):
        Return the full geometry.
        return super().get_geometry()

    def _get_subplot_geometry(self):
        Return the subplot geometry. May trigger an error if this is a panel slot.
        gs = self.get_gridspec()
        nrows, ncols = gs.get_subplot_geometry()
        num1, num2 = gs._convert_full_to_subplot(self.num1, self.num2)
        return nrows, ncols, num1, num2

    def _get_rows_columns(self, ncols=None):
        Return the full rows and columns.
        _, ncols_true, num1, num2 = self._get_geometry()
        ncols = _not_none(ncols, ncols_true)
        row1, col1 = divmod(num1, ncols)
        row2, col2 = divmod(num2, ncols)
        return row1, row2, col1, col2

    def _get_subplot_rows_columns(self, ncols=None):
        Return the subplot rows and columns. May trigger error if this is a panel slot.
        _, ncols_true, num1, num2 = self._get_subplot_geometry()
        ncols = _not_none(ncols, ncols_true)
        row1, col1 = divmod(num1, ncols)
        row2, col2 = divmod(num2, ncols)
        return row1, row2, col1, col2

    def get_position(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Silent override. Older matplotlib versions can create subplots
        # with negative heights and widths that crash on instantiation.
        # Instead better to dynamically adjust the bounding box and hope
        # that subsequent adjustments will correct the subplot position.
        result = super().get_position(*args, **kwargs)
        bbox = result[0] if isinstance(result, tuple) else result
        if isinstance(bbox, mtransforms.BboxBase):
            extents = bbox.extents
            extents = [
                max(extents[2], extents[0]),
                max(extents[3], extents[1]),
            bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_extents(extents)
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                result = (bbox, *result[1:])
                result = bbox
        return result

[docs]class GridSpec(mgridspec.GridSpec): """ A `~matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec` subclass that permits variable spacing between successive rows and columns and hides "panel slots" from indexing. """ def __repr__(self): srows, scols = self.get_subplot_geometry() prows, pcols = self.get_panel_geometry() params = {'nrows': srows, 'ncols': scols} if prows: params['panelrows'] = prows if pcols: params['panelcols'] = pcols params = ', '.join(f'{key}={value!r}' for key, value in params.items()) return f'GridSpec({params})' def __getattr__(self, attr): # Redirect to private 'layout' attributes that are fragile w.r.t. # matplotlib version. Cannot set these by calling super().__init__() # because we make spacing arguments non-settable properties. if 'layout' in attr: return None super().__getattribute__(attr) # native error message @docstring._snippet_manager def __init__(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- nrows : int, optional The number of rows in the subplot grid. ncols : int, optional The number of columns in the subplot grid. Other parameters ---------------- %(gridspec.shared)s %(gridspec.vector)s %(gridspec.tight)s See also -------- proplot.ui.figure proplot.figure.Figure proplot.ui.subplots proplot.figure.Figure.subplots proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplots matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec Note ---- Adding axes panels, axes or figure colorbars, and axes or figure legends quietly augments the gridspec geometry by inserting "panel slots". However subsequently indexing the gridspec with ``gs[num]`` or ``gs[row, col]`` will ignore the "panel slots". This permits adding new subplots by passing ``gs[num]`` or ``gs[row, col]`` to `~proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplot` even in the presence of panels. See `~GridSpec.__getitem__` for details. """ # Gridspec properties self._nrows = nrows self._ncols = ncols self._left = None self._right = None self._bottom = None self._top = None self._hspace = [None] * (nrows - 1) self._wspace = [None] * (ncols - 1) self._hratios = [1] * nrows self._wratios = [1] * ncols self._left_default = None self._right_default = None self._bottom_default = None self._top_default = None self._hspace_default = [None] * (nrows - 1) self._wspace_default = [None] * (ncols - 1) self._figure = None # initial state # Capture rc settings used for default spacing # NOTE: This is consistent with conversion of 'em' units to inches on gridspec # instantiation. In general it seems strange for future changes to rc settings # to magically update an existing gridspec layout. This also may improve # lookup time since get_grid_positions() is called heaviliy. scales = {'in': 0, 'inout': 0.5, 'out': 1, None: 1} self._xtickspace = scales[rc['xtick.direction']] * rc['xtick.major.size'] self._ytickspace = scales[rc['ytick.direction']] * rc['ytick.major.size'] self._xticklabelspace = _fontsize_to_pt(rc['xtick.labelsize']) + rc['xtick.major.pad'] # noqa: E501 self._yticklabelspace = 3 * _fontsize_to_pt(rc['ytick.labelsize']) + rc['ytick.major.pad'] # noqa: E501 self._labelspace = _fontsize_to_pt(rc['axes.labelsize']) + rc['axes.labelpad'] self._titlespace = _fontsize_to_pt(rc['axes.titlesize']) + rc['axes.titlepad'] # Tight layout and panel-related properties # NOTE: The wpanels and hpanels contain empty strings '' (indicating main axes), # or one of 'l', 'r', 'b', 't' (indicating axes panels) or 'f' (figure panels) outerpad = _not_none(kwargs.pop('outerpad', None), rc['subplots.outerpad']) innerpad = _not_none(kwargs.pop('innerpad', None), rc['subplots.innerpad']) panelpad = _not_none(kwargs.pop('panelpad', None), rc['subplots.panelpad']) pad = _not_none(kwargs.pop('pad', None), innerpad) # alias of innerpad self._outerpad = units(outerpad, 'em', 'in') self._innerpad = units(innerpad, 'em', 'in') self._panelpad = units(panelpad, 'em', 'in') self._hpad = [units(pad, 'em', 'in')] * (nrows - 1) self._wpad = [units(pad, 'em', 'in')] * (ncols - 1) self._hequal = False self._wequal = False self._hpanels = [''] * nrows # axes and figure panel identification self._wpanels = [''] * ncols self._fpanels = { # array representation of figure panel spans 'left': np.empty((0, nrows), dtype=bool), 'right': np.empty((0, nrows), dtype=bool), 'bottom': np.empty((0, ncols), dtype=bool), 'top': np.empty((0, ncols), dtype=bool), } self._update_params(pad=pad, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get a `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec`. Slots allocated for axes panels, colorbars, and legends are ignored. For example, given a gridspec with 3 subplot rows, 3 subplot columns, and 3 "bottom" panel rows, calling ``gs[1, 1]`` returns a `~matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` corresponding to the second *subplot* row and column rather than a *panel* row or column. """ return self._get_subplot_spec(key, includepanels=False)
def _convert_full_to_subplot(self, *args, which=None): """ Convert indices from the full geometry into the "subplot" gridspec geometry. If `which` is not passed these should be flattened indices. """ nums = [] idxs = self._get_subplot_indices(which) for arg in args: try: nums.append(idxs.index(arg)) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid gridspec index {arg}.') return nums[0] if len(nums) == 1 else nums def _convert_subplot_to_full(self, *args, which=None): """ Convert indices from the "subplot" gridspec geometry into indices for the full geometry. If `which` is not passed these should be flattened indices. """ nums = [] idxs = self._get_subplot_indices(which) for arg in args: try: nums.append(idxs[arg]) except (IndexError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f'Invalid gridspec index {arg}.') return nums[0] if len(nums) == 1 else nums def _get_current_space(self, key): """ Get the currently active space accounting for both default values and explicit user-specified values. """ # NOTE: Default panel spaces should already have been filled by _insert_panel. # They use 'panelpad' and the panel-local 'share' setting. This function # instead fills spaces between subplots depending on sharing setting. fig = self.figure if not fig: raise ValueError('Figure must be assigned to get grid positions.') attr = f'_{key}' # user-specified attr_default = f'_{key}_default' # default values value = getattr(self, attr) value_default = getattr(self, attr_default) if key in ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'): if value_default is None: value_default = self._get_default_space(key) setattr(self, attr_default, value_default) return _not_none(value, value_default) elif key in ('wspace', 'hspace'): result = [] for i, (val, val_default) in enumerate(zip(value, value_default)): if val_default is None: val_default = self._get_default_space(key) value_default[i] = val_default result.append(_not_none(val, val_default)) return result else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown space parameter {key!r}.') def _get_default_space(self, key, pad=None, share=None, title=True): """ Return suitable default spacing given a shared axes setting. This is only relevant when "tight layout" is disabled. """ # NOTE: Internal spacing args are stored in inches to simplify the # get_grid_positions() calculations. fig = self.figure if fig is None: raise RuntimeError('Figure must be assigned.') if key == 'right': pad = _not_none(pad, self._outerpad) space = 0 elif key == 'top': pad = _not_none(pad, self._outerpad) space = self._titlespace if title else 0 elif key == 'left': pad = _not_none(pad, self._outerpad) space = self._labelspace + self._yticklabelspace + self._ytickspace elif key == 'bottom': pad = _not_none(pad, self._outerpad) space = self._labelspace + self._xticklabelspace + self._xtickspace elif key == 'wspace': pad = _not_none(pad, self._innerpad) share = _not_none(share, fig._sharey, 0) space = self._ytickspace if share < 3: space += self._yticklabelspace if share < 1: space += self._labelspace elif key == 'hspace': pad = _not_none(pad, self._innerpad) share = _not_none(share, fig._sharex, 0) space = self._xtickspace if title: space += self._titlespace if share < 3: space += self._xticklabelspace if share < 1: space += self._labelspace else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid space key {key!r}.') return pad + space / 72 def _get_panel_list(self, which=None): """ Get the panel list for the rows, columns, or flattened array. """ hpanels = self._hpanels wpanels = self._wpanels if which is None: panels = tuple(h + w for h, w in itertools.product(hpanels, wpanels)) elif which in 'xw': panels = wpanels elif which in 'yh': panels = hpanels else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid which={which!r}.') return panels def _get_panel_indices(self, which=None, space=False): """ Get the indices associated with "panel" gridspec slots or spaces. """ panels = self._get_panel_list(which) if not space: idxs = [i for i, s in enumerate(panels) if s] else: idxs = [ i for i, (p1, p2) in enumerate(zip(panels[:-1], panels[1:])) if p1 == 'f' and p2 == 'f' or p1 in ('l', 't') and p2 in ('l', 't', '') or p1 in ('r', 'b', '') and p2 in ('r', 'b') ] return idxs def _get_subplot_indices(self, which=None, space=False): """ Get the indices associated with "subplot" gridspec slots or spaces. """ panels = self._get_panel_list(which) length = len(panels) - 1 if space else len(panels) idxs = self._get_panel_indices(which=which, space=space) idxs = [i for i in range(length) if i not in idxs] return idxs def _get_subplot_spec(self, key, includepanels=False): """ Generate a subplotspec either ignoring panels or including panels. """ # Convert the indices into endpoint-inclusive (start, stop) def _normalize_index(key, size, axis=None): # noqa: E306 if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, _ = key.indices(size) if stop > start: return start, stop - 1 else: if key < 0: key += size if 0 <= key < size: return key, key # endpoing inclusive extra = 'for gridspec' if axis is None else f'along axis {axis}' raise IndexError(f'Invalid index {key} {extra} with size {size}.') # Normalize the indices if includepanels: nrows, ncols = self.get_geometry() else: nrows, ncols = self.get_subplot_geometry() if not isinstance(key, tuple): # usage gridspec[1,2] num1, num2 = _normalize_index(key, nrows * ncols) elif len(key) == 2: k1, k2 = key num1 = _normalize_index(k1, nrows, axis=0) num2 = _normalize_index(k2, ncols, axis=1) num1, num2 = np.ravel_multi_index((num1, num2), (nrows, ncols)) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid index {key!r}.') # Return the subplotspec if not includepanels: num1, num2 = self._convert_subplot_to_full(num1, num2) return _SubplotSpec(self, num1, num2) def _parse_axes_panel(self, side, ax): """ Return the indices associated with a new axes panel on the specified side. """ # Get gridspec and subplotspec indices ss = ax.get_subplotspec() offset = len(ax._panel_dict[side]) + 1 row1, row2, col1, col2 = ss._get_rows_columns() if side in ('left', 'right'): iratio = col1 - offset if side == 'left' else col2 + offset start, stop = row1, row2 + 1 else: iratio = row1 - offset if side == 'top' else row2 + offset start, stop = col1, col2 + 1 # Return subplotspec indices return iratio, slice(start, stop) def _parse_figure_panel(self, side, span): """ Return the indices associated with a new figure panel on the specified side. Try to find room in the current mosaic of figure panels. """ # Parse the input span # NOTE: Here the '_fpanels' array always retains the original gridspec # size before panels were drawn. # NOTE: Here the 'span' indices start at '1' by analogy with add_subplot() # integers and with main subplot numbers. Also *ignores panel slots*. array = self._fpanels[side] nacross = self._ncols if side in ('left', 'right') else self._nrows npanels, nalong = array.shape span = _not_none(span, (1, nalong)) span = np.atleast_1d(span) if span.size not in (1, 2): raise ValueError(f'Invalid span={span!r}. Must be scalar or 2-tuple of coordinates.') # noqa: E501 if any(s < 1 or s > nalong for s in span): raise ValueError(f'Invalid span={span!r}. Coordinates must satisfy 1 <= c <= {nalong}.') # noqa: E501 # Modify the array # NOTE: The array is array of booleans, where each row corresponds to a figure # panel, moving toward the outside, and True indicates the slot is filled. start, stop = span[0] - 1, span[-1] # non-inclusive starting at zero iratio = -1 if side in ('left', 'top') else nacross # default values for i in range(npanels): if any(array[i, start:stop]): # filled continue array[i, start:stop] = True if side in ('left', 'top'): # descending moves us closer to 0 iratio = npanels - 1 - i # index in ratios array else: # descending array moves us closer to nacross - 1 iratio = nacross - (npanels - i) # index in ratios array break if iratio == -1 or iratio == nacross: # no slots found so we must add to array iarray = np.zeros((1, nalong), dtype=bool) iarray[0, start:stop] = True array = np.concatenate((array, iarray), axis=0) self._fpanels[side] = array # update array # Return subplotspec indices # NOTE: Convert using the lengthwise indices which = 'h' if side in ('left', 'right') else 'w' start, stop = self._convert_subplot_to_full(start, stop - 1, which=which) return iratio, slice(start, stop + 1) def _insert_panel( self, side, arg, *, share=None, width=None, space=None, pad=None, filled=False, ): """ Insert a panel slot into the existing gridspec. The `side` is the panel side and the `arg` is either an axes instance or the figure row-column span. Subsequently indexing the gridspec will ignore the slots occupied by panels. """ fig = self.figure if fig is None: raise RuntimeError('Figure must be assigned to gridspec.') if side not in ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid side {side}.') if side in ('left', 'right'): pads = self._wpad panels = self._wpanels ratios = self._wratios spaces = self._wspace spaces_default = self._wspace_default else: pads = self._hpad panels = self._hpanels ratios = self._hratios spaces = self._hspace spaces_default = self._hspace_default # Get the subplotspec index for the panel if isinstance(arg, maxes.SubplotBase): slot_type = side[0] idx, span = self._parse_axes_panel(side, arg) else: slot_type = 'f' idx, span = self._parse_figure_panel(side, arg) idx_off = 1 * bool(side in ('top', 'left')) idx_space = idx - 1 * bool(side in ('bottom', 'right')) # Get user-input properties and default properties # NOTE: For panels there are no sharing 'levels' just boolean toggle. Also # note this gives totally wrong space for 'right' and 'top' colorbars with # tick locations on the outside but that's ok... otherwise would have to # modify existing space which is overkill. People should use tight layout pad = units(pad, 'em', 'in') space = units(space, 'em', 'in') width = units(width, 'in') share = False if filled else _not_none(share, True) pad_default = ( self._panelpad if slot_type != 'f' or side in ('left', 'top') and panels[0] == 'f' or side in ('right', 'bottom') and panels[-1] == 'f' else self._innerpad ) space_default = ( _not_none(pad, pad_default) if side in ('top', 'right') else self._get_default_space( 'hspace' if side == 'bottom' else 'wspace', title=False, # no title space share=3 if share else 0, pad=_not_none(pad, pad_default), ) ) width_default = units( rc['colorbar.width' if filled else 'subplots.panelwidth'], 'in' ) # Adjust space, ratio, and panel indicator arrays ncols = self.ncols newrow = newcol = None slot_exists = idx not in (-1, len(panels)) and panels[idx] == slot_type if slot_exists: # Slot already exists # Overwrite width, pad, or space only if they were provided by the user spaces_default[idx_space] = space_default if width is not None: ratios[idx] = width if pad is not None: pads[idx_space] = pad if space is not None: spaces[idx_space] = space else: # Modify basic geometry idx += idx_off idx_space += idx_off if side in ('left', 'right'): newcol = idx self._ncols += 1 else: newrow = idx self._nrows += 1 panels.insert(idx, slot_type) ratios.insert(idx, _not_none(width, width_default)) pads.insert(idx_space, _not_none(pad, pad_default)) spaces.insert(idx_space, space) spaces_default.insert(idx_space, space_default) # Update the SubplotSpec occuped by the axes inserts = (newrow, newrow, newcol, newcol) for ax in fig._iter_axes(hidden=True, children=True): # Get old index # NOTE: Endpoints are inclusive, not exclusive! if not isinstance(ax, maxes.SubplotBase): continue gs = ax.get_subplotspec().get_gridspec() ss = ax.get_subplotspec().get_topmost_subplotspec() # Get a new subplotspec coords = list(ss._get_rows_columns(ncols)) for i in range(4): if inserts[i] is not None and coords[i] >= inserts[i]: coords[i] += 1 row1, row2, col1, col2 = coords key1 = slice(row1, row2 + 1) key2 = slice(col1, col2 + 1) ss_new = self._get_subplot_spec((key1, key2), includepanels=True) # Apply new subplotspec # NOTE: We should only have one possible level of GridSpecFromSubplotSpec # nesting -- from making side colorbars with length less than 1. if ss is ax.get_subplotspec(): ax.set_subplotspec(ss_new) elif ss is getattr(gs, '_subplot_spec', None): gs._subplot_spec = ss_new else: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected GridSpecFromSubplotSpec nesting.') ax._reposition_subplot() # Update the figure size and layout figsize = self._calc_figsize() if figsize is not None: fig.set_size_inches(figsize, internal=True, forward=False) else: self.update() # Return a subplotspec # NOTE: For figure panels indices are determined by user-input spans. key = (span, idx) if side in ('left', 'right') else (idx, span) ss = self._get_subplot_spec(key, includepanels=True) # bypass panel obfuscation return ss, share def _calc_figsize(self): """ Return an updated auto layout figure size accounting for gridspec and figure parameters """ fig = self.figure if fig is None: # drawing before subplots are added? return ax = fig._subplot_dict.get(fig._refnum, None) if ax is None: # drawing before subplots are added? return y1, y2, x1, x2 = ax.get_subplotspec()._get_rows_columns() refhspace = sum(self.hspace[y1:y2]) refwspace = sum(self.wspace[x1:x2]) refhpanel = sum(self.hratios[i] for i in range(y1, y2 + 1) if self._hpanels[i]) refwpanel = sum(self.wratios[i] for i in range(x1, x2 + 1) if self._wpanels[i]) refhsubplot = sum(self.hratios[i] for i in range(y1, y2 + 1) if not self._hpanels[i]) # noqa: E501 refwsubplot = sum(self.wratios[i] for i in range(x1, x2 + 1) if not self._wpanels[i]) # noqa: E501 # Get the reference sizes # NOTE: The sizing arguments should have been normalized already figwidth, figheight = fig._figwidth, fig._figheight refwidth, refheight = fig._refwidth, fig._refheight refaspect = _not_none(fig._refaspect, fig._refaspect_default) if refheight is None and figheight is None: if figwidth is not None: gridwidth = figwidth - self.spacewidth - self.panelwidth refwidth = gridwidth * refwsubplot / self.subplotwidth if refwidth is not None: # WARNING: do not change to elif! refheight = refwidth / refaspect else: raise RuntimeError('Figure size arguments are all missing.') if refwidth is None and figwidth is None: if figheight is not None: gridheight = figheight - self.spaceheight - self.panelheight refheight = gridheight * refhsubplot / self.subplotheight if refheight is not None: refwidth = refheight * refaspect else: raise RuntimeError('Figure size arguments are all missing.') # Get the auto figure size. Might trigger 'not enough room' error later # NOTE: For e.g. [[1, 1, 2, 2], [0, 3, 3, 0]] we make sure to still scale the # reference axes like a square even though takes two columns of gridspec. if refheight is not None: refheight -= refhspace + refhpanel gridheight = refheight * self.subplotheight / refhsubplot figheight = gridheight + self.spaceheight + self.panelheight if refwidth is not None: refwidth -= refwspace + refwpanel gridwidth = refwidth * self.subplotwidth / refwsubplot figwidth = gridwidth + self.spacewidth + self.panelwidth # Return the figure size figsize = (figwidth, figheight) if all(np.isfinite(figsize)): return figsize else: warnings._warn_proplot(f'Auto resize failed. Invalid figsize {figsize}.') def _calc_space(self, w): """ Get tight layout spaces between the input subplot rows or columns. """ # Get constants fig = self.figure if not fig: return if w == 'w': x, y = 'xy' nacross = self.nrows space = self.wspace pad = self.wpad else: x, y = 'yx' nacross = self.ncols space = self.hspace pad = self.hpad # Iterate along each row or column space axs = tuple(fig._iter_axes(hidden=True, children=False)) space = list(space) # a copy ralong = np.array([ax._range_subplotspec(x) for ax in axs]) racross = np.array([ax._range_subplotspec(y) for ax in axs]) for i, (s, p) in enumerate(zip(space, pad)): # Find axes that abutt aginst this row or column space groups = [] filt1 = ralong[:, 1] == i # i.e. r / b edge abutts against this filt2 = ralong[:, 0] == i + 1 # i.e. l / t edge abutts against this for j in range(nacross): # e.g. each row # Get the indices for axes that meet this row or column edge. filt = (racross[:, 0] <= j) & (j <= racross[:, 1]) if sum(filt) < 2: continue # no interface idx1, = np.where(filt & filt1) idx2, = np.where(filt & filt2) if idx1.size != 1 or idx2.size != 1: continue idx1, idx2 = idx1[0], idx2[0] # Put axes into unique groups and store as (l, r) or (b, t) pairs. ax1, ax2 = axs[idx1], axs[idx2] if x != 'x': # order bottom-to-top ax1, ax2 = ax2, ax1 newgroup = True for (group1, group2) in groups: if ax1 in group1 or ax2 in group2: newgroup = False group1.add(ax1) group2.add(ax2) break if newgroup: groups.append([{ax1}, {ax2}]) # form new group # Determing the spaces using cached tight bounding boxes # NOTE: Set gridspec space to zero if there are no adjacent edges margins = [] for (group1, group2) in groups: x1 = max(ax._range_tightbbox(x)[1] for ax in group1) x2 = min(ax._range_tightbbox(x)[0] for ax in group2) margins.append((x2 - x1) / self.figure.dpi) s = 0 if not margins else max(0, s - min(margins) + p) space[i] = s return space def _auto_layout_aspect(self): """ Update the underlying default aspect ratio. """ # Get the axes fig = self.figure if not fig: return ax = fig._subplot_dict.get(fig._refnum, None) if ax is None: return # Get aspect ratio ratio = ax.get_aspect() # the aspect ratio in *data units* if ratio == 'auto': return elif ratio == 'equal': ratio = 1 elif isinstance(ratio, str): raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown aspect ratio mode {ratio!r}.') # Compare to current aspect xscale, yscale = ax.get_xscale(), ax.get_yscale() if xscale == 'linear' and yscale == 'linear': aspect = ratio / ax.get_data_ratio() elif xscale == 'log' and yscale == 'log': aspect = ratio / ax.get_data_ratio_log() else: return # matplotlib should have issued warning if fig._refaspect is not None: return # fixed by user if np.isclose(aspect, fig._refaspect_default): return # close enough to the default aspect fig._refaspect_default = aspect # Update the layout figsize = self._calc_figsize() if not fig._is_same_size(figsize): fig.set_size_inches(figsize, internal=True) def _auto_layout_space(self, renderer): """ Update the underlying spaces with tight layout values. If `resize` is ``True`` and the auto figure size has changed then update the figure size. Either way always update the subplot positions. """ # Initial stuff fig = self.figure if not fig: return if not any(fig._iter_axes(hidden=True, children=False)): return # skip tight layout if there are no subplots in the figure # Get the tight bounding box around the whole figure. # NOTE: This triggers proplot.axes.Axes.get_tightbbox which *caches* the # computed bounding boxes used by _range_tightbbox below. pad = self._outerpad obox = fig.bbox_inches # original bbox bbox = fig.get_tightbbox(renderer) # Calculate new figure margins # NOTE: Negative spaces are common where entire rows/columns of gridspec # are empty but it seems to result in wrong figure size + grid positions. Not # worth correcting so instead enforce positive margin sizes. Will leave big # empty slot but that is probably what should happen under this scenario. left = self.left bottom = self.bottom right = self.right top = self._left_default = max(0, left - (bbox.xmin - 0) + pad) self._bottom_default = max(0, bottom - (bbox.ymin - 0) + pad) self._right_default = max(0, right - (obox.xmax - bbox.xmax) + pad) self._top_default = max(0, top - (obox.ymax - bbox.ymax) + pad) # Calculate new subplot row and column spaces. Enforce equal # default spaces between main subplot edges if requested. hspace = self._calc_space('h') wspace = self._calc_space('w') if self._hequal: idxs = self._get_subplot_indices('h', space=True) space = max(hspace[i] for i in idxs) for i in idxs: hspace[i] = space if self._wequal: idxs = self._get_subplot_indices('w', space=True) space = max(wspace[i] for i in idxs) for i in idxs: wspace[i] = space self._hspace_default = hspace self._wspace_default = wspace # Update the layout # NOTE: fig.set_size_inches() always updates the gridspec to enforce fixed # spaces (necessary since native position coordinates are figure-relative) # and to enforce fixed panel ratios. So only self.update() if we skip resize. figsize = self._calc_figsize() if not fig._is_same_size(figsize): fig.set_size_inches(figsize, internal=True) else: self.update() def _update_params( self, *, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None, space=None, wpad=None, hpad=None, pad=None, wequal=None, hequal=None, equal=None, outerpad=None, innerpad=None, panelpad=None, hratios=None, wratios=None, width_ratios=None, height_ratios=None, ): """ Update the user-specified properties. """ # Assign scalar args # WARNING: The key signature here is critical! Used in to # separate out figure keywords and gridspec keywords. def _assign_scalar(key, value): if value is None: return if not np.isscalar(value): raise ValueError(f'Unexpected {key}={value!r}. Must be scalar.') value = units(value, 'em', 'in') setattr(self, '_' + key, value) hequal = _not_none(hequal, equal) wequal = _not_none(wequal, equal) _assign_scalar('left', left) _assign_scalar('right', right) _assign_scalar('bottom', bottom) _assign_scalar('top', top) _assign_scalar('hequal', hequal) _assign_scalar('wequal', wequal) _assign_scalar('panelpad', panelpad) _assign_scalar('outerpad', outerpad) _assign_scalar('innerpad', innerpad) # Assign vector args # NOTE: Here we employ obfuscation that skips 'panel' indices. So users could # still call self.update(wspace=[1, 2]) even if there is a right-axes panel # between each subplot. To control panel spaces users should instead pass # 'pad' or 'space' to panel_axes(), colorbar(), or legend() on creation. def _assign_vector(key, values, space): if values is None: return idxs = self._get_subplot_indices(key[0], space=space) nidxs = len(idxs) values = np.atleast_1d(values) if values.size == 1: values = np.repeat(values, nidxs) if values.size != nidxs: raise ValueError(f'Expected len({key}) == {nidxs}. Got {values.size}.') list_ = getattr(self, '_' + key) for i, value in enumerate(values): if value is None: continue list_[idxs[i]] = value if pad is not None and not np.isscalar(pad): raise ValueError(f'Parameter pad={pad!r} must be scalar.') if space is not None and not np.isscalar(space): raise ValueError(f'Parameter space={space!r} must be scalar.') hpad = _not_none(hpad, pad) wpad = _not_none(wpad, pad) hpad = units(hpad, 'em', 'in') wpad = units(wpad, 'em', 'in') hspace = _not_none(hspace, space) wspace = _not_none(wspace, space) hspace = units(hspace, 'em', 'in') wspace = units(wspace, 'em', 'in') hratios = _not_none(hratios=hratios, height_ratios=height_ratios) wratios = _not_none(wratios=wratios, width_ratios=width_ratios) _assign_vector('hpad', hpad, space=True) _assign_vector('wpad', wpad, space=True) _assign_vector('hspace', hspace, space=True) _assign_vector('wspace', wspace, space=True) _assign_vector('hratios', hratios, space=False) _assign_vector('wratios', wratios, space=False)
[docs] def get_geometry(self): """ Return the total number of rows and columns in the grid. """ return self.nrows, self.ncols
[docs] def get_subplot_geometry(self): """ Return the number of rows and columns allocated for "main" subplots and available with ``gridspec[...]`` indexing. """ nrows, ncols = self.get_geometry() nrows_panels, ncols_panels = self.get_panel_geometry() return nrows - nrows_panels, ncols - ncols_panels
[docs] def get_panel_geometry(self): """ Return the number of rows and columns allocated for "panel" subplots and *not* available with ``gridspec[...]`` indexing. """ nrows = sum(map(bool, self._hpanels)) ncols = sum(map(bool, self._wpanels)) return nrows, ncols
[docs] def get_grid_positions(self, figure=None): """ Return the subplot grid positions allowing for variable inter-subplot spacing and using physical units for the spacing terms. Note ---- The physical units for positioning grid cells are converted from em-widths to inches when the `GridSpec` is instantiated. This means that subsequent changes to :rcraw:`font.size` will have no effect on the spaces. This is consistent with :rcraw:`font.size` having no effect on already-instantiated figures. """ # Grab the figure size if not self.figure: self._figure = figure if not self.figure: raise RuntimeError('Figure must be assigned to gridspec.') if figure is not self.figure: raise RuntimeError('Cannot get positiona with non-gridspec figure.') fig = _not_none(figure, self.figure) figwidth, figheight = fig.get_size_inches() spacewidth, spaceheight = self.spacewidth, self.spaceheight panelwidth, panelheight = self.panelwidth, self.panelheight hratios, wratios = self.hratios, self.wratios hidxs = self._get_subplot_indices('h') widxs = self._get_subplot_indices('w') hsubplot = np.array([hratios[i] for i in hidxs]) wsubplot = np.array([wratios[i] for i in widxs]) # Scale the subplot slot ratios and keep the panel slots fixed hsubplot = (figheight - panelheight - spaceheight) * hsubplot / sum(hsubplot) wsubplot = (figwidth - panelwidth - spacewidth) * wsubplot / sum(wsubplot) hratios, hidxs = self.hratios, self._get_subplot_indices('h') for idx, ratio in zip(hidxs, hsubplot): hratios[idx] = ratio # modify the main subplot ratios wratios, widxs = self.wratios, self._get_subplot_indices('w') for idx, ratio in zip(widxs, wsubplot): wratios[idx] = ratio # Calculate accumulated heights of columns norm = (figheight - spaceheight) / (figheight * sum(hratios)) if norm < 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Not enough room for axes. Try increasing the figure height or ' "decreasing the 'top', 'bottom', or 'hspace' gridspec spaces." ) cell_heights = [r * norm for r in hratios] sep_heights = [0] + [s / figheight for s in self.hspace] heights = np.cumsum(np.column_stack([sep_heights, cell_heights]).flat) # Calculate accumulated widths of rows norm = (figwidth - spacewidth) / (figwidth * sum(wratios)) if norm < 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Not enough room for axes. Try increasing the figure width or ' "decreasing the 'left', 'right', or 'wspace' gridspec spaces." ) cell_widths = [r * norm for r in wratios] sep_widths = [0] + [s / figwidth for s in self.wspace] widths = np.cumsum(np.column_stack([sep_widths, cell_widths]).flat) # Return the figure coordinates tops, bottoms = (1 - / figheight - heights).reshape((-1, 2)).T lefts, rights = (self.left / figwidth + widths).reshape((-1, 2)).T return bottoms, tops, lefts, rights
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def update(self, **kwargs): """ Update the gridspec with arbitrary initialization keyword arguments and update the subplot positions. Parameters ---------- %(gridspec.shared)s %(gridspec.vector)s %(gridspec.tight)s """ # Apply positions to all axes # NOTE: This uses the current figure size to fix panel widths # and determine physical grid spacing. self._update_params(**kwargs) fig = self.figure for ax in fig.axes: if not isinstance(ax, maxes.SubplotBase): continue ss = ax.get_subplotspec().get_topmost_subplotspec() if ss.get_gridspec() is not self: # should be impossible continue ax._reposition_subplot() fig.stale = True
@property def figure(self): """ The `proplot.figure.Figure` instance uniquely associated with this `GridSpec`. On assignment the gridspec parameters and figure size are updated. """ return self._figure @figure.setter def figure(self, fig): from .figure import Figure if not isinstance(fig, Figure): raise ValueError('Figure must be a proplot figure.') self._figure = fig self._update_params(**fig._gridspec_params) fig._gridspec_params.clear() figsize = self._calc_figsize() if figsize is not None: fig.set_size_inches(figsize, internal=True, forward=False) else: self.update() # Delete attributes. Don't like having special setters and getters for some # settings and not others. Width and height ratios can be updated with update(). # Also delete obsolete 'subplotpars' and built-in tight layout function. tight_layout = _disable_method('tight_layout') # instead use custom tight layout subgridspec = _disable_method('subgridspec') # instead use variable spaces get_width_ratios = _disable_method('get_width_ratios') get_height_ratios = _disable_method('get_height_ratios') set_width_ratios = _disable_method('set_width_ratios') set_height_ratios = _disable_method('set_height_ratios') get_subplot_params = _disable_method('get_subplot_params') locally_modified_subplot_params = _disable_method('locally_modified_subplot_params') # Make formerly public instance-level attributes immutable. Also redirect space # properties so they try to retrieve user settings then fallback to defaults. # NOTE: Do not document these since intended usage is internal and panel slot # obfuscation makes this confusing. For example gs.update(wspace=gs.wspace) in # presence of panels would yield error. For now the only supported introspection # is the __repr__. Probably no big deal... introspection not critical here. left = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='left'), doc='') bottom = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='bottom'), doc='') right = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='right'), doc='') top = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='top'), doc='') hspace = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='hspace'), doc='') wspace = property(functools.partial(_get_current_space, key='wspace'), doc='') # Additional properties added for consistency nrows = property(lambda self: self._nrows, doc='') # in case missing ncols = property(lambda self: self._ncols, doc='') # ... hratios = property(lambda self: list(self._hratios)) wratios = property(lambda self: list(self._wratios)) hpad = property(lambda self: list(self._hpad)) wpad = property(lambda self: list(self._wpad)) # Hidden helper properties used to calculate figure size and subplot positions spaceheight = property(lambda self: self.bottom + + sum(self.hspace)) spacewidth = property(lambda self: self.left + self.right + sum(self.wspace)) panelheight = property( lambda self: sum(r for i, r in enumerate(self.hratios) if self._hpanels[i]) ) panelwidth = property( lambda self: sum(r for i, r in enumerate(self.wratios) if self._wpanels[i]) ) subplotheight = property( lambda self: sum(r for i, r in enumerate(self.hratios) if not self._hpanels[i]) ) subplotwidth = property( lambda self: sum(r for i, r in enumerate(self.wratios) if not self._wpanels[i]) )
[docs]class SubplotGrid(MutableSequence, list): """ List-like object used to store subplots returned by `~proplot.figure.Figure.subplots`. 1D indexing uses the underlying list of `~proplot.axes.Axes` while 2D indexing uses the `~SubplotGrid.gridspec`. See `~SubplotGrid.__getitem__` for details. """ def __repr__(self): if not self: return 'SubplotGrid(length=0)' length = len(self) nrows, ncols = self.gridspec.get_subplot_geometry() return f'SubplotGrid(nrows={nrows}, ncols={ncols}, length={length})' def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __len__(self): return list.__len__(self) def insert(self, key, value): # required for MutableSequence value = self._validate_item(value, scalar=True) list.insert(self, key, value) def __init__(self, sequence=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sequence : sequence A sequence of `proplot.axes.Axes` subplots or their children. See also -------- proplot.ui.subplots proplot.figure.Figure.subplots proplot.figure.Figure.add_subplots """ n = kwargs.pop('n', None) order = kwargs.pop('order', None) if n is not None or order is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'Ignoring n={n!r} and order={order!r}. As of v0.8 SubplotGrid ' 'handles 2D indexing by leveraging the subplotspec extents rather than ' 'directly emulating 2D array indexing. These arguments are no longer ' 'needed and will be removed in a future release.' ) sequence = _not_none(sequence, []) sequence = self._validate_item(sequence, scalar=False) super().__init__(sequence, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Get a missing attribute. Simply redirects to the axes if the `SubplotGrid` is singleton and raises an error otherwise. This can be convenient for single-axes figures generated with `~proplot.figure.Figure.subplots`. """ # Redirect to the axes if not self or attr[:1] == '_': return super().__getattribute__(attr) # trigger default error if len(self) == 1: return getattr(self[0], attr) # Obscure deprecated behavior # WARNING: This is now deprecated! Instead we dynamically define a few # dedicated relevant commands that can be called from the grid (see below). warnings._warn_proplot( 'Calling arbitrary axes methods from SubplotGrid was deprecated in v0.8 ' 'and will be removed in a future release. Please index the grid or loop ' 'over the grid instead.' ) if not self: return None objs = tuple(getattr(ax, attr) for ax in self) # may raise error if not any(map(callable, objs)): return objs[0] if len(self) == 1 else objs elif all(map(callable, objs)): @functools.wraps(objs[0]) def _iterate_subplots(*args, **kwargs): result = [] for func in objs: result.append(func(*args, **kwargs)) if len(self) == 1: return result[0] elif all(res is None for res in result): return None elif all(isinstance(res, paxes.Axes) for res in result): return SubplotGrid(result, n=self._n, order=self._order) else: return tuple(result) _iterate_subplots.__doc__ = inspect.getdoc(objs[0]) return _iterate_subplots else: raise AttributeError(f'Found mixed types for attribute {attr!r}.')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get an axes. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, or 2-tuple The index. If 1D then the axes in the corresponding sublist are returned. If 2D then the axes that intersect the corresponding `~SubplotGrid.gridspec` slots are returned. Returns ------- axs : `~proplot.axes.Axes` or `SubplotGrid` The axes. If the index included slices then another `SubplotGrid` is returned. Example ------- >>> import proplot as pplt >>> fig, axs = pplt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3) >>> axs[3] # the subplots in the second row, first column >>> axs[1, 2] # the subplots in the second row, third column >>> axs[:, 0] # a grid of subplots in the first column """ if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1: key = key[0] # List-style indexing if isinstance(key, (Integral, slice)): slices = isinstance(key, slice) objs = list.__getitem__(self, key) # Gridspec-style indexing elif ( isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2 and all(isinstance(ikey, (Integral, slice)) for ikey in key) ): # WARNING: Permit no-op slicing of empty grids here slices = any(isinstance(ikey, slice) for ikey in key) objs = [] if self: gs = self.gridspec ss_key = gs._get_subplot_spec(key) # obfuscates panels row1_key, col1_key = divmod(ss_key.num1, gs.ncols) row2_key, col2_key = divmod(ss_key.num2, gs.ncols) for ax in self: ss = ax._get_topmost_axes().get_subplotspec() row1, col1 = divmod(ss.num1, gs.ncols) row2, col2 = divmod(ss.num2, gs.ncols) inrow = row1_key <= row1 <= row2_key or row1_key <= row2 <= row2_key incol = col1_key <= col1 <= col2_key or col1_key <= col2 <= col2_key if inrow and incol: objs.append(ax) if not slices and len(objs) == 1: objs = objs[0] else: raise IndexError(f'Invalid index {key!r}.') if isinstance(objs, list): return SubplotGrid(objs) else: return objs
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Add an axes. Parameters ---------- key : int or slice The 1D index. value : `proplot.axes.Axes` The proplot subplot or its child or panel axes, or a sequence thereof if the index was a slice. """ if isinstance(key, Integral): value = self._validate_item(value, scalar=True) elif isinstance(key, slice): value = self._validate_item(value, scalar=False) else: raise IndexError('Multi dimensional item assignment is not supported.') return super().__setitem__(key, value) # could be list[:] = [1, 2, 3]
def _validate_item(self, items, scalar=False): """ Validate assignments. Accept diverse iterable inputs. """ gridspec = None message = ( 'SubplotGrid can only be filled with proplot subplots ' 'belonging to the same GridSpec. Instead got {!r}.' ) items = np.atleast_1d(items) if self: gridspec = self.gridspec # compare against existing gridspec for item in items.flat: if not isinstance(item, paxes.Axes): raise ValueError(message.format(item)) item = item._get_topmost_axes() if not isinstance(item, maxes.SubplotBase): raise ValueError(message.format(item)) gs = item.get_subplotspec().get_gridspec() if not isinstance(gs, GridSpec) or (gridspec and gs is not gridspec): raise ValueError(message.format(gs)) gridspec = gs if not scalar: items = tuple(items.flat) elif items.size == 1: items = items.flat[0] else: raise ValueError('Input must be a single proplot axes.') return items
[docs] @docstring._snippet_manager def format(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the ``format`` command for every axes in the grid. Parameters ---------- %(axes.format)s **kwargs Passed to the projection-specific ``format`` command for each axes. Valid only if every axes in the grid belongs to the same class. Other parameters ---------------- %(figure.format)s %(axes.rc)s See also -------- proplot.axes.Axes.format proplot.axes.CartesianAxes.format proplot.axes.PolarAxes.format proplot.axes.GeoAxes.format proplot.figure.Figure.format proplot.config.Configurator.context """ for ax in self: ax.format(*args, **kwargs)
@property def gridspec(self): """ The `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec` associated with the grid. This is used to resolve 2D indexing. See `~SubplotGrid.__getitem__` for details. """ # Return the gridspec associatd with the grid if not self: raise ValueError('Unknown gridspec for empty SubplotGrid.') ax = self[0] ax = ax._get_topmost_axes() return ax.get_subplotspec().get_gridspec() @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec` associated with the grid. See `~SubplotGrid.__getitem__` for details. """ # NOTE: Considered deprecating this but on second thought since this is # a 2D array-like object it should definitely have a shape attribute. return self.gridspec.get_subplot_geometry()
def _add_grid_command(src, name): # Create the method def _grid_command(self, *args, **kwargs): objs = [] for ax in self: obj = getattr(ax, name)(*args, **kwargs) objs.append(obj) return SubplotGrid(objs) # Clean the docstring cls = getattr(paxes, src) cmd = getattr(cls, name) doc = inspect.cleandoc(cmd.__doc__) # dedents dot = doc.find('.') if dot != -1: doc = doc[:dot] + ' for every axes in the grid' + doc[dot:] doc = re.sub( r'^(Returns\n-------\n)(.+)(\n\s+)(.+)', r'\1SubplotGrid\2A grid of the resulting axes.', doc ) # Apply the method _grid_command.__qualname__ = f'SubplotGrid.{name}' _grid_command.__name__ = name _grid_command.__doc__ = doc setattr(SubplotGrid, name, _grid_command) # Dynamically add commands to generate twin or inset axes # TODO: Add commands that plot the input data for every # axes in the grid along a third dimension. for _src, _name in ( ('Axes', 'panel'), ('Axes', 'panel_axes'), ('Axes', 'inset'), ('Axes', 'inset_axes'), ('CartesianAxes', 'altx'), ('CartesianAxes', 'alty'), ('CartesianAxes', 'dualx'), ('CartesianAxes', 'dualy'), ('CartesianAxes', 'twinx'), ('CartesianAxes', 'twiny'), ): _add_grid_command(_src, _name) # Deprecated SubplotsContainer = warnings._rename_objs('0.8', SubplotsContainer=SubplotGrid)