
PlotAxes.violinplot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Plot vertical violins with a nice default style matching this matplotlib example.

  • *args (y or x, y) – The data passed as positional or keyword arguments. Interpreted as follows:

    • If only y coordinates are passed, try to infer the x coordinates from the Series or DataFrame indices or the DataArray coordinates. Otherwise, the x coordinates are np.arange(0, y.shape[0]).

    • If the y coordinates are a 2D array, plot each column of data in succession (except where each column of data represents a statistical distribution, as with boxplot, violinplot, or when using means=True or medians=True).

    • If any arguments are pint.Quantity, auto-add the pint unit registry to matplotlib’s unit registry using setup_matplotlib. A pint.Quantity embedded in an xarray.DataArray is also supported.

  • data (dict-like, optional) – A dict-like dataset container (e.g., DataFrame or DataArray). If passed, positional arguments can optionally be string data keys and the arrays used for plotting are retrieved with data[key]. This is a native matplotlib feature.

  • autoformat (bool, optional) – Whether the x axis labels, y axis labels, axis formatters, axes titles, legend titles, and colorbar labels are automatically configured when a Series, DataFrame, DataArray, or Quantity is passed to the plotting command. Default is rc.autoformat = True. Formatting of pint.Quantity unit strings is controlled by rc.unitformat = 'L'.

Other Parameters
  • cycle (cycle-spec, optional) – The cycle specifer, passed to the Cycle constructor. If the returned cycler is unchanged from the current cycler, the axes cycler will not be reset to its first position. To disable property cycling and just use black for the default color, use cycle=False, cycle='none', or cycle=() (analogous to disabling ticks with e.g. xformatter='none'). To restore the default property cycler, use cycle=True.

  • cycle_kw (dict-like, optional) – Passed to Cycle.

  • lw, linewidth, linewidths (float, optional) – The edge width of the patch(es). Default is rc['patch.linewidth'] = 0.6.

  • ls, linestyle, linestyles (str, optional) – The edge style of the patch(es). Default is '-'.

  • ec, edgecolor, edgecolors (color-spec, optional) – The edge color of the patch(es). Default is 'black'.

  • fc, facecolor, facecolors, fillcolor, fillcolors (color-spec, optional) – The face color of the patch(es). Default is to use the property cycle.

  • a, alpha, alphas (float, optional) – The opacity of the patch(es).

  • label, value (float or str, optional) – The single legend label or colorbar coordinate to be used for this plotted element. Can be numeric or string. This is generally used with 1D positional arguments.

  • labels, values (sequence of float or sequence of str, optional) – The legend labels or colorbar coordinates used for each plotted element. Can be numeric or string, and must match the number of plotted elements. This is generally used with 2D positional arguments.

  • barstd, barstds (bool, float, or 2-tuple of float, optional) – Valid only if mean or median is True. Standard deviation multiples for thin error bars with optional whiskers (i.e., caps). If scalar, then +/- that multiple is used. If True, the default standard deviation range of +/-3 is used.

  • barpctile, barpctiles (bool, float, or 2-tuple of float, optional) – Valid only if mean or median is True. As with barstd, but instead using percentiles for the error bars. If scalar, that percentile range is used (e.g., 90 shows the 5th to 95th percentiles). If True, the default percentile range of 0 to 100 is used.

  • bardata (array-like, optional) – Valid only if mean and median are False. If shape is 2 x N, these are the lower and upper bounds for the thin error bars. If shape is N, these are the absolute, symmetric deviations from the central points.

  • boxstd, boxstds, boxpctile, boxpctiles, boxdata (optional) – As with barstd, barpctile, and bardata, but for thicker error bars representing a smaller interval than the thin error bars. If boxstds is True, the default standard deviation range of +/-1 is used. If boxpctiles is True, the default percentile range of 25 to 75 is used (i.e., the interquartile range). When “boxes” and “bars” are combined, this has the effect of drawing miniature box-and-whisker plots.

  • capsize (float, optional) – The cap size for thin error bars in points. Default is rc['errorbar.capsize'] = 3.0.

  • barz, barzorder, boxz, boxzorder (float, optional) – The “zorder” for the thin and thick error bars. Default is 2.5.

  • barc, barcolor, boxc, boxcolor (color-spec, optional) – Colors for the thin and thick error bars. Default is rc['boxplot.whiskerprops.color'] = 'black'.

  • barlw, barlinewidth, boxlw, boxlinewidth (float, optional) – Line widths for the thin and thick error bars, in points. The defaults rc['boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth'] = 1.0 (bars) and four times that value (boxes).

  • boxm, boxmarker (bool or marker-spec, optional) – Whether to draw a small marker in the middle of the box denoting the mean or median position. Ignored if boxes is False. Default is 'o'.

  • boxms, boxmarkersize (size-spec, optional) – The marker size for the boxmarker marker in points ** 2. Default size is equal to (2 * boxlinewidth) ** 2.

  • boxmc, boxmarkercolor, boxmec, boxmarkeredgecolor (color-spec, optional) – Color, face color, and edge color for the boxmarker marker. Default color and edge color are 'w'.

  • **kwargs – Passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot.


It is no longer possible to show minima and maxima with whiskers – while this is useful for boxplots it is redundant for violinplots.

See also

PlotAxes.violins, PlotAxes.violinsh, PlotAxes.violinplot, PlotAxes.violinploth, matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot