Source code for proplot.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Various tools that may be useful while making plots.
# WARNING: Cannot import 'rc' anywhere in this file or we get circular import
# issues. The rc param validators need functions in this file.
import functools
import re
from numbers import Integral, Real

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rcParams as rc_matplotlib

from .externals import hsluv
from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import _not_none, docstring, warnings

__all__ = [
    'shade',  # deprecated
    'saturate',  # deprecated

UNIT_REGEX = re.compile(
    r'\A([-+]?[0-9._]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)(.*)\Z'  # float with trailing units
    'in': 1.0,
    'ft': 12.0,
    'yd': 36.0,
    'm': 39.37,
    'dm': 3.937,
    'cm': 0.3937,
    'mm': 0.03937,
    'pc': 1 / 6.0,
    'pt': 1 / 72.0,
    'ly': 3.725e17,

# Unit docstrings
# NOTE: Try to fit this into a single line. Cannot break up with newline as that will
# mess up docstring indentation since this is placed in indented param lines.
_units_docstring = 'If float, units are {units}. If string, interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`.'  # noqa: E501
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _units_docstring.format(units='points')
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _units_docstring.format(units='inches')
docstring._snippet_manager['units.em'] = _units_docstring.format(units='em-widths')

# Color docstrings
_docstring_rgba = """
color : color-spec
    The color. Sanitized with `to_rgba`.
_docstring_to_rgb = """
color : color-spec
    The color. Can be a 3-tuple or 4-tuple of channel values, a hex
    string, a registered color name, a cycle color like ``'C0'``, or
    a 2-tuple colormap coordinate specification like ``('magma', 0.5)``
    (see `~proplot.colors.ColorDatabase` for details).

    If `space` is ``'rgb'``, this is a tuple of RGB values, and any
    channels are larger than ``2``, the channels are assumed to be
    on the ``0`` to ``255`` scale and are divided by ``255``.
space : {'rgb', 'hsv', 'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl'}, optional
    The colorspace for the input channel values. Ignored unless `color` is
    a tuple of numbers.
cycle : str, optional
    The registered color cycle name used to interpret colors that
    look like ``'C0'``, ``'C1'``, etc. Default is :rc:`cycle`.
clip : bool, optional
    Whether to clip channel values into the valid ``0`` to ``1`` range.
    Default is ``True``.
_docstring_space = """
space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv'}, optional
    The hue-saturation-luminance-like colorspace used to transform the color.
    Default is the perceptually uniform colorspace ``'hcl'``.
_docstring_hex = """
color : str
    An 8-digit HEX string indicating the
    red, green, blue, and alpha channel values.
docstring._snippet_manager['utils.color'] = _docstring_rgba
docstring._snippet_manager['utils.hex'] = _docstring_hex
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _docstring_space
docstring._snippet_manager[''] = _docstring_to_rgb

def _keep_units(func):
    Very simple decorator to strip and re-apply the same units.
    # NOTE: Native UnitRegistry.wraps() is not sufficient since it enforces
    # unit types rather than arbitrary units. This wrapper is similar.
    def _with_stripped_units(data, *args, **kwargs):
        units = 1
        if hasattr(data, 'units') and hasattr(data, 'magnitude'):
            data, units = data.magnitude, data.units
        result = func(data, *args, **kwargs)
        return result * units
    return _with_stripped_units

[docs]def arange(min_, *args): """ Identical to `numpy.arange` but with inclusive endpoints. For example, ``pplt.arange(2, 4)`` returns the numpy array ``[2, 3, 4]`` instead of ``[2, 3]``. This is useful for generating lists of tick locations or colormap levels, e.g. ``ax.format(xlocator=pplt.arange(0, 10))`` or ``ax.pcolor(levels=pplt.arange(0, 10))``. Parameters ---------- *args : float If three arguments are passed, these are the minimum, maximum, and step size. If fewer than three arguments are passed, the step size is ``1``. If one argument is passed, this is the maximum, and the minimum is ``0``. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of points. See also -------- numpy.arange proplot.constructor.Locator proplot.axes.CartesianAxes.format proplot.axes.PolarAxes.format proplot.axes.GeoAxes.format proplot.axes.Axes.colorbar proplot.axes.PlotAxes """ # Optional arguments just like np.arange if len(args) == 0: max_ = min_ min_ = 0 step = 1 elif len(args) == 1: max_ = args[0] step = 1 elif len(args) == 2: max_ = args[0] step = args[1] else: raise ValueError('Function takes from one to three arguments.') # All input is integer if all(isinstance(val, Integral) for val in (min_, max_, step)): min_, max_, step = np.int64(min_), np.int64(max_), np.int64(step) max_ += np.sign(step) # Input is float or mixed, cast to float64 # Don't use np.nextafter with np.finfo(np.dtype(np.float64)).max, because # round-off errors from continually adding step to min mess this up else: min_, max_, step = np.float64(min_), np.float64(max_), np.float64(step) max_ += 0.5 * step return np.arange(min_, max_, step)
[docs]@_keep_units def edges(z, axis=-1): """ Calculate the approximate "edge" values along an axis given "center" values. The size of the axis is increased by one. This is used internally to calculate graticule edges when you supply centers to pseudocolor commands. Parameters ---------- z : array-like An array of any shape. axis : int, optional The axis along which "edges" are calculated. The size of this axis will be increased by one. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of "edge" coordinates. See also -------- edges2d proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolor proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolormesh proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolorfast """ z = np.asarray(z) z = np.swapaxes(z, axis, -1) *nextra, nx = z.shape zb = np.zeros((*nextra, nx + 1)) # Inner edges zb[..., 1:-1] = 0.5 * (z[..., :-1] + z[..., 1:]) # Outer edges zb[..., 0] = 1.5 * z[..., 0] - 0.5 * z[..., 1] zb[..., -1] = 1.5 * z[..., -1] - 0.5 * z[..., -2] return np.swapaxes(zb, axis, -1)
[docs]@_keep_units def edges2d(z): """ Calculate the approximate "edge" values given a 2D grid of "center" values. The size of both axes is increased by one. This is used internally to calculate graticule edges when you supply centers to pseudocolor plot commands. Parameters ---------- z : array-like A 2D array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of "edge" coordinates. See also -------- edges proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolor proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolormesh proplot.axes.PlotAxes.pcolorfast """ z = np.asarray(z) if z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'Input must be a 2D array, but got {z.ndim}D.') ny, nx = z.shape zb = np.zeros((ny + 1, nx + 1)) # Inner edges zb[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0.25 * (z[1:, 1:] + z[:-1, 1:] + z[1:, :-1] + z[:-1, :-1]) # Outer edges zb[0, :] += edges(1.5 * z[0, :] - 0.5 * z[1, :]) zb[-1, :] += edges(1.5 * z[-1, :] - 0.5 * z[-2, :]) zb[:, 0] += edges(1.5 * z[:, 0] - 0.5 * z[:, 1]) zb[:, -1] += edges(1.5 * z[:, -1] - 0.5 * z[:, -2]) zb[[0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0]] *= 0.5 # corner correction return zb
[docs]def get_colors(*args, **kwargs): """ Get the colors associated with a registered or on-the-fly color cycle. Parameters ---------- *args, **kwargs Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Cycle`. Returns ------- colors : list of str A list of HEX strings. See also -------- cycler.Cycler proplot.constructor.Cycle proplot.constructor.Colormap """ from .constructor import Cycle # delayed to avoid cyclic imports cycle = Cycle(*args, **kwargs) colors = [to_hex(dict_['color']) for dict_ in cycle] return colors
def _transform_color(func, color, space): """ Standardize input for color transformation functions. """ *color, opacity = to_rgba(color) color = to_xyz(color, space=space) color = func(list(color)) # apply transform return to_hex((*color, opacity), space=space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def shift_hue(color, shift=0, space='hcl'): """ Shift the hue channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s shift : float, optoinal The HCL hue channel is offset by this value. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[0] += shift channels[0] %= 360 return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def scale_saturation(color, scale=1, space='hcl'): """ Scale the saturation channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s scale : float, optoinal The HCL saturation channel is multiplied by this value. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[1] *= scale return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def scale_luminance(color, scale=1, space='hcl'): """ Scale the luminance channel of a color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s scale : float, optoinal The luminance channel is multiplied by this value. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation """ def func(channels): channels[2] *= scale return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def set_hue(color, hue, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different hue and the same luminance and saturation as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s hue : float, optional The new hue. Should lie between ``0`` and ``360`` degrees. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_saturation set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[0] = hue return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def set_saturation(color, saturation, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different saturation and the same hue and luminance as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s saturation : float, optional The new saturation. Should lie between ``0`` and ``360`` degrees. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_luminance set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[1] = saturation return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def set_luminance(color, luminance, space='hcl'): """ Return a color with a different luminance and the same hue and saturation as the input color. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s luminance : float, optional The new luminance. Should lie between ``0`` and ``100``. %( Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_alpha shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ def func(channels): channels[2] = luminance return channels return _transform_color(func, color, space)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def set_alpha(color, alpha): """ Return a color with the opacity channel set to the specified value. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s alpha : float, optional The new opacity. Should be between ``0`` and ``1``. Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- set_hue set_saturation set_luminance shift_hue scale_saturation scale_luminance """ color = list(to_rgba(color)) color[3] = alpha return to_hex(color)
def _translate_cycle_color(color, cycle=None): """ Parse the input cycle color. """ if isinstance(cycle, str): from .colors import _cmap_database try: cycle = _cmap_database[cycle].colors except (KeyError, AttributeError): cycles = sorted( name for name, cmap in _cmap_database.items() if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap) ) raise ValueError( f'Invalid color cycle {cycle!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.' ) elif cycle is None: cycle = rc_matplotlib['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key() if 'color' not in cycle: cycle = ['k'] else: cycle = cycle['color'] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}.') return cycle[int(color[-1]) % len(cycle)]
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def to_hex(color, space='rgb', cycle=None, keep_alpha=True): """ Translate the color from an arbitrary colorspace to a HEX string. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_hex`. Parameters ---------- %( keep_alpha : bool, optional Whether to keep the opacity channel. If ``True`` an 8-digit HEX is returned. Otherwise a 6-digit HEX is returned. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- %(utils.hex)s See also -------- to_rgb to_rgba to_xyz to_xyza """ rgba = to_rgba(color, space=space, cycle=cycle) return mcolors.to_hex(rgba, keep_alpha=keep_alpha)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def to_rgb(color, space='rgb', cycle=None): """ Translate the color from an arbitrary colorspace to an RGB tuple. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_rgb` and the inverse of `to_xyz`. Parameters ---------- %( Returns ------- color : 3-tuple An RGB tuple. See also -------- to_hex to_rgba to_xyz to_xyza """ return to_rgba(color, space=space, cycle=cycle)[:3]
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def to_rgba(color, space='rgb', cycle=None, clip=True): """ Translate the color from an arbitrary colorspace to an RGBA tuple. This is a generalization of `matplotlib.colors.to_rgba` and the inverse of `to_xyz`. Parameters ---------- %( Returns ------- color : 4-tuple An RGBA tuple. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_xyz to_xyza """ # Translate color cycle strings if isinstance(color, str) and re.match(r'\AC[0-9]\Z', color): color = _translate_cycle_color(color, cycle=cycle) # Translate RGB strings and (colormap, index) tuples # NOTE: Cannot use is_color_like because might have HSL channel values opacity = 1 if ( isinstance(color, str) or np.iterable(color) and len(color) == 2 ): color = mcolors.to_rgba(color) # also enforced validity if ( not np.iterable(color) or len(color) not in (3, 4) or not all(isinstance(c, Real) for c in color) ): raise ValueError(f'Invalid color-spec {color!r}.') if len(color) == 4: *color, opacity = color # Translate arbitrary colorspaces if space == 'rgb': if any(c > 2 for c in color): color = tuple(c / 255 for c in color) # scale to within 0-1 else: pass elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.hcl_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb(*color) elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb(*color) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorspace {space!r}.') # Clip values. This should only be disabled when testing # translation functions. if clip: color = np.clip(color, 0, 1) # clip to valid range # Return RGB or RGBA return (*color, opacity)
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def to_xyz(color, space='hcl'): """ Translate color in *any* format to a tuple of channel values in *any* colorspace. This is the inverse of `to_rgb`. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional The colorspace for the output channel values. Returns ------- color : 3-tuple Tuple of channel values for the colorspace `space`. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_rgba to_xyza """ return to_xyza(color, space)[:3]
[docs]@docstring._snippet_manager def to_xyza(color, space='hcl'): """ Translate color in *any* format to a tuple of channel values in *any* colorspace. This is the inverse of `to_rgba`. Parameters ---------- %(utils.color)s space : {'hcl', 'hpl', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb'}, optional The colorspace for the output channel values. Returns ------- color : 3-tuple Tuple of channel values for the colorspace `space`. See also -------- to_hex to_rgb to_rgba to_xyz """ # Run tuple conversions # NOTE: Don't pass color tuple, because we may want to permit # out-of-bounds RGB values to invert conversion *color, opacity = to_rgba(color) if space == 'rgb': pass elif space == 'hsv': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsl(*color) # rgb_to_hsv would also work elif space == 'hcl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hcl(*color) elif space == 'hsl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(*color) elif space == 'hpl': color = hsluv.rgb_to_hpluv(*color) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorspace {space}.') return (*color, opacity)
def _fontsize_to_pt(size): """ Translate font preset size or unit string to points. """ scalings = mfonts.font_scalings if not isinstance(size, str): return size if size in mfonts.font_scalings: return rc_matplotlib['font.size'] * scalings[size] try: return units(size, 'pt') except ValueError: raise KeyError( f'Invalid font size {size!r}. Can be points or one of the preset scalings: ' + ', '.join(f'{key!r} ({value})' for key, value in scalings.items()) + '.' )
[docs]@warnings._rename_kwargs('0.6', units='dest') def units( value, numeric=None, dest=None, *, fontsize=None, figure=None, axes=None, width=None ): """ Convert values between arbitrary physical units. This is used internally all over ProPlot, permitting flexible units for various keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- value : float or str or sequence A size specifier or sequence of size specifiers. If numeric, units are converted from `numeric` to `dest`. If string, units are converted to `dest` according to the string specifier. The string should look like ``'123.456unit'``, where the number is the magnitude and ``'unit'`` matches a key in the below table. .. _units_table: ========= ===================================================== Key Description ========= ===================================================== ``'m'`` Meters ``'dm'`` Decimeters ``'cm'`` Centimeters ``'mm'`` Millimeters ``'yd'`` Yards ``'ft'`` Feet ``'in'`` Inches ``'pc'`` `Pica <pc_>`_ (1/6 inches) ``'pt'`` `Points <pt_>`_ (1/72 inches) ``'px'`` Pixels on screen, using dpi of :rcraw:`figure.dpi` ``'pp'`` Pixels once printed, using dpi of :rcraw:`savefig.dpi` ``'em'`` `Em square <em_>`_ for :rcraw:`font.size` ``'en'`` `En square <en_>`_ for :rcraw:`font.size` ``'Em'`` `Em square <em_>`_ for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ``'En'`` `En square <en_>`_ for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ``'ax'`` Axes-relative units (not always available) ``'fig'`` Figure-relative units (not always available) ``'ly'`` Light years ;) ========= ===================================================== .. _pt: .. _pc: .. _em: .. _en: numeric : str, optional The units associated with numeric input. Default is inches. dest : str, optional The destination units. Default is the same as `numeric`. fontsize : str or float, optional The font size in points used for scaling. Default is :rcraw:`font.size` for ``em`` and ``en`` units and :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` for ``Em`` and ``En`` units. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axes to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1ax'``. figure : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional The figure to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1fig'``. If ``None`` we try to get the figure from ``axes.figure``. width : bool, optional Whether to use the width or height for the axes and figure relative coordinates. """ # Scales for converting physical units to inches fontsize_small = _not_none(fontsize, rc_matplotlib['font.size']) # always absolute fontsize_small = _fontsize_to_pt(fontsize_small) fontsize_large = _not_none(fontsize, rc_matplotlib['axes.titlesize']) fontsize_large = _fontsize_to_pt(fontsize_large) unit_dict = UNIT_DICT.copy() unit_dict.update( { 'em': fontsize_small / 72.0, 'en': 0.5 * fontsize_small / 72.0, 'Em': fontsize_large / 72.0, 'En': 0.5 * fontsize_large / 72.0, } ) # Scales for converting display units to inches # WARNING: In ipython shell these take the value 'figure' if not isinstance(rc_matplotlib['figure.dpi'], str): unit_dict['px'] = 1 / rc_matplotlib['figure.dpi'] # once generated by backend if not isinstance(rc_matplotlib['savefig.dpi'], str): unit_dict['pp'] = 1 / rc_matplotlib['savefig.dpi'] # once 'printed' i.e. saved # Scales relative to axes and figure objects if axes is not None and hasattr(axes, '_get_size_inches'): # proplot axes unit_dict['ax'] = axes._get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)] if figure is None: figure = getattr(axes, 'figure', None) if figure is not None and hasattr(figure, 'get_size_inches'): unit_dict['fig'] = figure.get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)] # Scale for converting inches to arbitrary other unit if numeric is None and dest is None: numeric = dest = 'in' elif numeric is None: numeric = dest elif dest is None: dest = numeric options = 'Valid units are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict)) + '.' try: nscale = unit_dict[numeric] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid numeric units {numeric!r}. ' + options) try: dscale = unit_dict[dest] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid destination units {dest!r}. ' + options) # Convert units for each value in list result = [] singleton = not np.iterable(value) or isinstance(value, str) for val in (value,) if singleton else value: # Silently pass None if val is None: result.append(val) continue # Get unit string if isinstance(val, Real): number, units = val, None elif isinstance(val, str): regex = UNIT_REGEX.match(val) if regex: number, units = regex.groups() # second group is exponential else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid unit size spec {val!r}.') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid unit size spec {val!r}.') # Convert with units if not units: result.append(float(number) * nscale / dscale) elif units in unit_dict: result.append(float(number) * unit_dict[units] / dscale) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid input units {units!r}. ' + options) return result[0] if singleton else result
# Deprecations shade, saturate = warnings._rename_objs( '0.6', shade=scale_luminance, saturate=scale_saturation, )