

Update the gridspec with arbitrary initialization keyword arguments and update the subplot positions.

  • left, right, top, bottom (float or str, optional) – The fixed space between the subplots and the figure edge. Default is None. If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units. If None, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis sharing settings. If rc['subplots.tight'] is True, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm.

  • wspace, hspace, space (float or str or list thereof, optional) – The fixed space between grid columns, rows, and both, respectively. If float, string, or None, this value is expanded into lists of length ncols - 1 (for wspace) or length nrows - 1 (for hspace). If list, the list must match these lengths. Default is None. If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units.

    For list elements equal to None, the space is determined automatically based on the font size and axis settings. If rc['subplots.tight'] is True, the space is determined by the tight layout algorithm. Otherwise, a sensible default value is chosen. For example, subplots(ncols=3, tight=True, wspace=(2, None)) fixes the space between columns 1 and 2 but lets the tight layout algorithm determine the space between columns 2 and 3.

  • wratios, hratios (float or list thereof, optional) – Passed to GridSpec, denotes the width and height ratios for the subplot grid. Length of wratios must match the number of rows, and length of hratios must match the number of columns.

  • width_ratios, height_ratios – Aliases for wratios, hratios. Included for consistency with the matplotlib.pyplot.subplots command.

  • wpad, hpad, pad (float or str or list thereof, optional) – The tight layout padding between columns, rows, and both, respectively. Unlike space, these control the padding between subplot content (including text, ticks, etc.) rather than subplot edges. As with space, these can be scalars or arrays optionally containing None. Default is innerpad. If float, units are em-widths. If string, interpreted by units.