
show_fonts(*args, family=None, text=None, size=12, weight='normal', style='normal', stretch='normal')[source]

Generate a table of fonts. If a glyph for a particular font is unavailable, it is replaced with the “¤” dummy character.

  • *args – The font name(s). If none are provided and the family keyword argument was not provided, the available rc['font.sans-serif'] fonts and the user fonts added to user_folder are shown.

  • family ({'serif', 'sans-serif', 'monospace', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'tex-gyre'}, optional) – If provided, the available fonts in the corresponding families are shown. The fonts belonging to these families are listed under the rc['font.serif'], rc['font.sans-serif'], rc['font.monospace'], rc['font.cursive'], and rc['font.fantasy'] settings. The family 'tex-gyre' draws the TeX Gyre fonts.

  • text (str, optional) – The sample text. The default sample text includes the Latin letters, Greek letters, Arabic numerals, and some simple mathematical symbols.

  • size (float, optional) – The font size in points.

  • weight (weight-spec, optional) – The font weight.

  • style (style-spec, optional) – The font style.

  • stretch (stretch-spec, optional) – The font stretch.