Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Additional cartopy projection classes.
import warnings

from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import _snippet_manager

    from import _WarpedRectangularProjection
    from import AzimuthalEquidistant, Gnomonic, LambertAzimuthalEqualArea
    from import NorthPolarStereo, SouthPolarStereo  # noqa: F401 (
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    _WarpedRectangularProjection = object
    AzimuthalEquidistant = object
    Gnomonic = object
    LambertAzimuthalEqualArea = object
    NorthPolarStereo = object
    SouthPolarStereo = object

__all__ = [

_reso_docstring = """
The projection resolution.
_init_docstring = """
central_longitude : float, optional
    The central meridian longitude in degrees. Default is 0.
false_easting: float, optional
    X offset from planar origin in metres. Default is 0.
false_northing: float, optional
    Y offset from planar origin in metres. Default is 0.
globe : ``, optional
    If omitted, a default globe is created.
_snippet_manager['proj.reso'] = _reso_docstring
_snippet_manager['proj.init'] = _init_docstring

[docs]class Aitoff(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """ The `Aitoff <>`__ projection. """ #: Registered projection name. name = 'aitoff' @_snippet_manager def __init__( self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None ): """ %(proj.init)s """ from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: warnings.warn( f'The {!r} projection does not handle elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'aitoff', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @_snippet_manager @property def threshold(self): # how finely to interpolate line data, etc. """ %(proj.reso)s """ return 1e5
[docs]class Hammer(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """ The `Hammer <>`__ projection. """ #: Registered projection name. name = 'hammer' @_snippet_manager def __init__( self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None ): """ %(proj.init)s """ from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: warnings.warn( f'The {!r} projection does not handle elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'hammer', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @_snippet_manager @property def threshold(self): # how finely to interpolate line data, etc. """ %(proj.reso)s """ return 1e5
[docs]class KavrayskiyVII(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """ The `Kavrayskiy VII \ <>`__ projection. """ #: Registered projection name. name = 'kavrayskiyVII' @_snippet_manager def __init__( self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None ): """ %(proj.init)s """ from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: warnings.warn( f'The {!r} projection does not handle elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'kav7', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @_snippet_manager @property def threshold(self): """ %(proj.reso)s """ return 1e5
[docs]class WinkelTripel(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """ The `Winkel tripel (Winkel III) \ <>`__ projection. """ #: Registered projection name. name = 'winkeltripel' @_snippet_manager def __init__( self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None ): """ %(proj.init)s """ from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: warnings.warn( f'The {!r} projection does not handle ' 'elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'wintri', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @_snippet_manager @property def threshold(self): """ %(proj.reso)s """ return 1e5
[docs]class NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant(AzimuthalEquidistant): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )
[docs]class SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant(AzimuthalEquidistant): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )
[docs]class NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea(LambertAzimuthalEqualArea): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )
[docs]class SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea(LambertAzimuthalEqualArea): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )
[docs]class NorthPolarGnomonic(Gnomonic): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )
[docs]class SouthPolarGnomonic(Gnomonic): """ Analogous to ``. """ @_snippet_manager def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ %(proj.init)s """ super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe )