
standardize_1d(self, func, *args, autoformat=None, **kwargs)[source]

Interpret positional arguments for the “1D” plotting methods so usage is consistent. This also optionally modifies the x axis label, y axis label, title, and axis ticks if a DataArray, DataFrame, or Series is passed.

Positional arguments are standardized as follows:

  • If a 2D array is passed, the corresponding plot command is called for each column of data (except for boxplot and violinplot, in which case each column is interpreted as a distribution).

  • If x and y or latitude and longitude coordinates were not provided, and a DataFrame or DataArray, we try to infer them from the metadata. Otherwise, np.arange(0, data.shape[0]) is used.


autoformat (bool, optional) – Whether x axis labels, y axis labels, axis formatters, axes titles, colorbar labels, and legend labels are automatically configured when a Series, DataFrame or DataArray is passed to the plotting command. Default is the figure-wide proplot.figure.Figure.autoformat setting.

See also
