Source code for proplot.ui

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The starting point for creating custom ProPlot figures.
import numpy as np
import functools
import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from . import constructor
from . import axes as paxes
from . import figure as pfigure
from . import gridspec as pgridspec
from .config import rc
from .utils import units
from .internals import ic  # noqa: F401
from .internals import warnings, _not_none

__all__ = [
    'close', 'show', 'subplots', 'SubplotsContainer', 'subplot_grid',

# Width or (width, height) dimensions for common journal specifications
    'aaas1': '5.5cm',
    'aaas2': '12cm',
    'agu1': ('95mm', '115mm'),
    'agu2': ('190mm', '115mm'),
    'agu3': ('95mm', '230mm'),
    'agu4': ('190mm', '230mm'),
    'ams1': 3.2,
    'ams2': 4.5,
    'ams3': 5.5,
    'ams4': 6.5,
    'nat1': '89mm',
    'nat2': '183mm',
    'pnas1': '8.7cm',
    'pnas2': '11.4cm',
    'pnas3': '17.8cm',

[docs]def close(*args, **kwargs): """ Pass the input arguments to `matplotlib.pyplot.close`. This is included so you don't have to import `~matplotlib.pyplot`. """ plt.close(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def show(): """ Call ``. This is included so you don't have to import `~matplotlib.pyplot`. Note this command should *not be necessary* if you are working in an iPython session and :rcraw:`matplotlib` is non-empty -- when you create a new figure, it will be automatically displayed. """
def _journals(journal): """ Return the width and height corresponding to the given journal. """ # Get dimensions for figure from common journals. value = JOURNAL_SPECS.get(journal, None) if value is None: raise ValueError( f'Unknown journal figure size specifier {journal!r}. ' 'Current options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, JOURNAL_SPECS.keys())) ) # Return width, and optionally also the height width, height = None, None try: width, height = value except (TypeError, ValueError): width = value return width, height def _axes_dict(naxs, value, kw=False, default=None): """ Return a dictionary that looks like ``{1: value1, 2: value2, ...}`` or ``{1: {key1: value1, ...}, 2: {key2: value2, ...}, ...}`` for storing standardized axes-specific properties or keyword args. """ # First build up dictionary # 1) 'string' or {1:'string1', (2,3):'string2'} if not kw: if np.iterable(value) and not isinstance(value, (str, dict)): value = {num + 1: item for num, item in enumerate(value)} elif not isinstance(value, dict): value = {range(1, naxs + 1): value} # 2) {'prop':value} or {1:{'prop':value1}, (2,3):{'prop':value2}} else: nested = [isinstance(value, dict) for value in value.values()] if not any(nested): # any([]) == False value = {range(1, naxs + 1): value.copy()} elif not all(nested): raise ValueError( 'Pass either of dictionary of key value pairs or ' 'a dictionary of dictionaries of key value pairs.' ) # Then *unfurl* keys that contain multiple axes numbers, i.e. are meant # to indicate properties for multiple axes at once kwargs = {} for nums, item in value.items(): nums = np.atleast_1d(nums) for num in nums.flat: if not kw: kwargs[num] = item else: kwargs[num] = item.copy() # Fill with default values for num in range(1, naxs + 1): if num not in kwargs: if kw: kwargs[num] = {} else: kwargs[num] = default # Verify numbers if {*range(1, naxs + 1)} != {*kwargs.keys()}: raise ValueError( f'Have {naxs} axes, but {value!r} has properties for axes ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(kwargs))) + '.' ) return kwargs
[docs]def subplots( array=None, ncols=1, nrows=1, ref=1, order='C', aspect=1, figsize=None, width=None, height=None, journal=None, axwidth=None, axheight=None, hspace=None, wspace=None, space=None, hratios=None, wratios=None, width_ratios=None, height_ratios=None, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, basemap=None, proj=None, projection=None, proj_kw=None, projection_kw=None, **kwargs ): """ Create a figure with a single subplot or arbitrary grids of subplots, analogous to `matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. The subplots can be drawn with arbitrary projections. Parameters ---------- array : 2d array-like of int, optional Array specifying complex grid of subplots. Think of this array as a "picture" of your figure. For example, the array ``[[1, 1], [2, 3]]`` creates one long subplot in the top row, two smaller subplots in the bottom row. Integers must range from 1 to the number of plots. ``0`` indicates an empty space. For example, ``[[1, 1, 1], [2, 0, 3]]`` creates one long subplot in the top row with two subplots in the bottom row separated by a space. ncols, nrows : int, optional Number of columns, rows. Ignored if `array` was passed. Use these arguments for simpler subplot grids. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether subplots are numbered in column-major (``'C'``) or row-major (``'F'``) order. Analogous to `numpy.array` ordering. This controls the order that subplots appear in the `SubplotsContainer` returned by this function, and the order of subplot a-b-c labels (see `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`). figsize : length-2 tuple, optional Tuple specifying the figure `(width, height)`. width, height : float or str, optional The figure width and height. If you specify just one, the aspect ratio `aspect` of the reference subplot `ref` will be preserved. ref : int, optional The reference subplot number. The `axwidth`, `axheight`, and `aspect` keyword args are applied to this subplot, and the aspect ratio is conserved for this subplot in the tight layout adjustment. If you did not specify `width_ratios` and `height_ratios`, the `axwidth`, `axheight`, and `aspect` settings will apply to *all* subplots -- not just the `ref` subplot. axwidth, axheight : float or str, optional The width, height of the reference subplot. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`subplots.axwidth`. Ignored if `width`, `height`, or `figsize` was passed. aspect : float or length-2 list of floats, optional The reference subplot aspect ratio, in numeric form (width divided by height) or as a (width, height) tuple. Ignored if both `width` *and* `height` or both `axwidth` *and* `axheight` were passed. width_ratios, height_ratios : float or list thereof, optional Passed to `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec`, denotes the width and height ratios for the subplot grid. Length of `width_ratios` must match the number of rows, and length of `height_ratios` must match the number of columns. wratios, hratios Aliases for `width_ratios`, `height_ratios`. wspace, hspace, space : float or str or list thereof, optional Passed to `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec`, denotes the spacing between grid columns, rows, and both, respectively. If float or string, expanded into lists of length ``ncols - 1`` (for `wspace`) or length ``nrows - 1`` (for `hspace`). Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units` for each element of the list. By default, these are determined by the "tight layout" algorithm. left, right, top, bottom : float or str, optional Passed to `~proplot.gridspec.GridSpec`, denotes the width of padding between the subplots and the figure edge. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. By default, these are determined by the "tight layout" algorithm. proj, projection : str, ``, `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap`, \ list thereof, or dict thereof, optional The map projection specification(s). If ``'cartesian'`` (the default), a `~proplot.axes.CartesianAxes` is created. If ``'polar'``, a `~proplot.axes.PolarAxes` is created. Otherwise, the argument is interpreted by `~proplot.constructor.Proj`, and the result is used to make a `~proplot.axes.GeoAxes` (in this case the argument can be a `` instance, a `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance, or a projection name listed in :ref:`this table <proj_table>`). To use different projections for different subplots, you have two options: * Pass a *list* of projection specifications, one for each subplot. For example, ``plot.subplots(ncols=2, proj=('cartesian', 'robin'))``. * Pass a *dictionary* of projection specifications, where the keys are integers or tuples of integers that indicate the projection to use for the corresponding subplot(s). If a key is not provided, the default projection ``'cartesian'`` is used. For example, ``plot.subplots(ncols=4, proj={2: 'merc', (3, 4): 'stere'})`` creates a figure with a Cartesian axes for the first subplot, a Mercator projection for the second subplot, and a Stereographic projection for the third and fourth subplots. proj_kw, projection_kw : dict, list of dict, or dict of dicts, optional Keyword arguments passed to `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` or cartopy `` classes on instantiation. If dictionary of properties, applies globally. If list of dictionaries or dictionary of dictionaries, these apply to specific subplots, as with `proj`. For example, ``plot.subplots(ncols=2, proj_kw={1: {'lon_0': 0}, 2: {'lon_0': 180}})`` centers the projection in the left subplot on the prime meridian and in the right subplot on the international dateline. basemap : bool, list of bool, or dict of bool, optional Passed to `~proplot.constructor.Proj`, determines whether projection string names like ``'pcarree'`` are used to create `~proplot.axes.BasemapAxes` or `~proplot.axes.CartopyAxes`. Default is ``False``. If boolean, applies to all subplots. If list or dict, applies to specific subplots, as with `proj`. journal : str, optional String name corresponding to an academic journal standard that is used to control the figure width and, if specified, the height. See the below table. .. _journal_table: =========== ==================== =============================================================================== Key Size description Organization =========== ==================== =============================================================================== ``'aaas1'`` 1-column `American Association for the Advancement of Science <aaas_>`_ (e.g. *Science*) ``'aaas2'`` 2-column ” ``'agu1'`` 1-column `American Geophysical Union <agu_>`_ ``'agu2'`` 2-column ” ``'agu3'`` full height 1-column ” ``'agu4'`` full height 2-column ” ``'ams1'`` 1-column `American Meteorological Society <ams_>`_ ``'ams2'`` small 2-column ” ``'ams3'`` medium 2-column ” ``'ams4'`` full 2-column ” ``'nat1'`` 1-column `Nature Research <nat_>`_ ``'nat2'`` 2-column ” ``'pnas1'`` 1-column `Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences <pnas_>`_ ``'pnas2'`` 2-column ” ``'pnas3'`` landscape page ” =========== ==================== =============================================================================== .. _aaas: .. _agu: .. _ams: .. _nat: .. _pnas: Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `~proplot.figure.Figure`. Returns ------- f : `~proplot.figure.Figure` The figure instance. axs : `SubplotsContainer` A special list of axes instances. See `SubplotsContainer`. """ # noqa # Build array if order not in ('C', 'F'): # better error message raise ValueError( f'Invalid order {order!r}. Choose from "C" (row-major, default) ' f'and "F" (column-major).' ) if array is None: array = np.arange(1, nrows * ncols + 1)[..., None] array = array.reshape((nrows, ncols), order=order) # Standardize array try: array = np.array(array, dtype=int) # enforce array type if array.ndim == 1: # interpret as single row or column array = array[None, :] if order == 'C' else array[:, None] elif array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f'Array must be 1-2 dimensional, but got {array.ndim} dims.' ) array[array == None] = 0 # use zero for placeholder # noqa except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( f'Invalid subplot array {array!r}. ' 'Must be 1d or 2d array of integers.' ) # Get other props nums = np.unique(array[array != 0]) naxs = len(nums) if {*nums.flat} != {*range(1, naxs + 1)}: raise ValueError( f'Invalid subplot array {array!r}. Numbers must span integers ' '1 to naxs (i.e. cannot skip over numbers), with 0 representing ' 'empty spaces.' ) if ref not in nums: raise ValueError( f'Invalid reference number {ref!r}. For array {array!r}, must be ' f'one of {nums}.' ) nrows, ncols = array.shape # Get some axes properties, where locations are sorted by axes id. # NOTE: These ranges are endpoint exclusive, like a slice object! # NOTE: 0 stands for empty axids = [np.where(array == i) for i in np.sort(np.unique(array)) if i > 0] xrange = np.array([[x.min(), x.max()] for _, x in axids]) yrange = np.array([[y.min(), y.max()] for y, _ in axids]) xref = xrange[ref - 1, :] # range for reference axes yref = yrange[ref - 1, :] # Get basemap.Basemap or instances for map proj = _not_none(projection=projection, proj=proj) proj = _axes_dict(naxs, proj, kw=False, default='cartesian') proj_kw = _not_none(projection_kw=projection_kw, proj_kw=proj_kw) or {} proj_kw = _axes_dict(naxs, proj_kw, kw=True) basemap = _axes_dict(naxs, basemap, kw=False, default=None) axes_kw = {num: {} for num in range(1, naxs + 1)} # store add_subplot args for num, name in proj.items(): # The default is CartesianAxes if name is None or name == 'cartesian': axes_kw[num]['projection'] = 'cartesian' # Builtin matplotlib polar axes, just use my overridden version elif name == 'polar': axes_kw[num]['projection'] = 'polar2' if num == ref: aspect = 1 # Custom Basemap and Cartopy axes else: m = constructor.Proj(name, basemap=basemap[num], **proj_kw[num]) package = m._proj_package if num == ref: if package == 'basemap': aspect = (m.urcrnrx - m.llcrnrx) / (m.urcrnry - m.llcrnry) else: aspect = (np.diff(m.x_limits) / np.diff(m.y_limits))[0] axes_kw[num].update({'projection': package, 'map_projection': m}) # Figure and/or axes dimensions names, values = (), () if journal: # if user passed width=<string > , will use that journal size figsize = _journals(journal) spec = f'journal={journal!r}' names = ('axwidth', 'axheight', 'width') values = (axwidth, axheight, width) width, height = figsize elif figsize: spec = f'figsize={figsize!r}' names = ('axwidth', 'axheight', 'width', 'height') values = (axwidth, axheight, width, height) width, height = figsize elif width is not None or height is not None: spec = [] if width is not None: spec.append(f'width={width!r}') if height is not None: spec.append(f'height={height!r}') spec = ', '.join(spec) names = ('axwidth', 'axheight') values = (axwidth, axheight) # Raise warning for name, value in zip(names, values): if value is not None: warnings._warn_proplot( f'You specified both {spec} and {name}={value!r}. ' f'Ignoring {name!r}.' ) # Standardized dimensions width, height = units(width), units(height) axwidth, axheight = units(axwidth), units(axheight) # Standardized user input border spaces left, right = units(left), units(right) bottom, top = units(bottom), units(top) # Standardized user input spaces wspace = np.atleast_1d(units(_not_none(wspace, space))) hspace = np.atleast_1d(units(_not_none(hspace, space))) if len(wspace) == 1: wspace = np.repeat(wspace, (ncols - 1,)) if len(wspace) != ncols - 1: raise ValueError( f'Require {ncols-1} width spacings for {ncols} columns, ' 'got {len(wspace)}.' ) if len(hspace) == 1: hspace = np.repeat(hspace, (nrows - 1,)) if len(hspace) != nrows - 1: raise ValueError( f'Require {nrows-1} height spacings for {nrows} rows, ' 'got {len(hspace)}.' ) # Standardized user input ratios wratios = np.atleast_1d(_not_none( width_ratios=width_ratios, wratios=wratios, default=1, )) hratios = np.atleast_1d(_not_none( height_ratios=height_ratios, hratios=hratios, default=1, )) if len(wratios) == 1: wratios = np.repeat(wratios, (ncols,)) if len(hratios) == 1: hratios = np.repeat(hratios, (nrows,)) if len(wratios) != ncols: raise ValueError(f'Got {ncols} columns, but {len(wratios)} wratios.') if len(hratios) != nrows: raise ValueError(f'Got {nrows} rows, but {len(hratios)} hratios.') # Fill subplots_orig_kw with user input values # NOTE: 'Ratios' are only fixed for panel axes, but we store entire array wspace, hspace = wspace.tolist(), hspace.tolist() wratios, hratios = wratios.tolist(), hratios.tolist() subplots_orig_kw = { 'left': left, 'right': right, 'top': top, 'bottom': bottom, 'wspace': wspace, 'hspace': hspace, } # Apply default settings share = kwargs.get('share', None) sharex = _not_none(kwargs.get('sharex', None), share, rc['subplots.share']) sharey = _not_none(kwargs.get('sharey', None), share, rc['subplots.share']) left = _not_none(left, pgridspec._default_space('left')) right = _not_none(right, pgridspec._default_space('right')) bottom = _not_none(bottom, pgridspec._default_space('bottom')) top = _not_none(top, pgridspec._default_space('top')) wspace, hspace = np.array(wspace), np.array(hspace) # also copies! wspace[wspace == None] = pgridspec._default_space('wspace', sharex) # noqa: E711, E501 hspace[hspace == None] = pgridspec._default_space('hspace', sharey) # noqa: E711, E501 wratios, hratios = list(wratios), list(hratios) wspace, hspace = list(wspace), list(hspace) # Parse arguments, fix dimensions in light of desired aspect ratio figsize, gridspec_kw, subplots_kw = pgridspec._calc_geometry( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, aspect=aspect, xref=xref, yref=yref, left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, width=width, height=height, axwidth=axwidth, axheight=axheight, wratios=wratios, hratios=hratios, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, wpanels=[''] * ncols, hpanels=[''] * nrows, ) fig = plt.figure( FigureClass=pfigure.Figure, figsize=figsize, ref=ref, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, subplots_kw=subplots_kw, subplots_orig_kw=subplots_orig_kw, **kwargs ) gridspec = fig._gridspec_main # Draw main subplots axs = naxs * [None] # list of axes for idx in range(naxs): # Get figure gridspec ranges num = idx + 1 x0, x1 = xrange[idx, 0], xrange[idx, 1] y0, y1 = yrange[idx, 0], yrange[idx, 1] # Draw subplot subplotspec = gridspec[y0:y1 + 1, x0:x1 + 1] with fig._context_authorize_add_subplot(): axs[idx] = fig.add_subplot( subplotspec, number=num, main=True, **axes_kw[num] ) # Shared axes setup # TODO: Figure out how to defer this to drawtime in #50 # For some reason just adding _auto_share_setup() to draw() doesn't work for ax in axs: ax._auto_share_setup() # Return figure and axes n = ncols if order == 'C' else nrows return fig, SubplotsContainer(axs, n=n, order=order)
[docs]class SubplotsContainer(list): """ List subclass and pseudo-2d array used as a container for the axes returned by `subplots`. See `~SubplotsContainer.__getattr__` and `~SubplotsContainer.__getitem__` for details. """ def __init__(self, objs, n=1, order='C'): """ Parameters ---------- objs : list-like 1d iterable of `~proplot.axes.Axes` instances. n : int, optional The length of the fastest-moving dimension, i.e. the number of columns when `order` is ``'C'``, and the number of rows when `order` is ``'F'``. Used to treat lists as pseudo-2d arrays. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether 1d indexing returns results in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order, respectively. Used to treat lists as pseudo-2d arrays. """ if not all(isinstance(obj, paxes.Axes) for obj in objs): raise ValueError( f'Axes grid must be filled with Axes instances, got {objs!r}.' ) super().__init__(objs) self._n = n self._order = order self._shape = (len(self) // n, n)[::(1 if order == 'C' else -1)] def __repr__(self): return 'SubplotsContainer([' + ', '.join(str(ax) for ax in self) + '])'
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # noqa: U100 """ Raise an error. This enforces pseudo immutability. """ raise LookupError('SubplotsContainer is immutable.')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ If an integer is passed, the item is returned. If a slice is passed, a `SubplotsContainer` of the items is returned. You can also use 2D indexing, and the corresponding axes in the `SubplotsContainer` will be chosen. Example ------- >>> import proplot as plot >>> fig, axs = plot.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, colorbars='b', bstack=2) >>> axs[0] # the subplot in the top-right corner >>> axs[3] # the first subplot in the second row >>> axs[1,2] # the subplot in the second row, third from the left >>> axs[:,0] # the subplots in the first column """ # Allow 2d specification if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1: key = key[0] # Do not expand single slice to list of integers or we get recursion! # len() operator uses __getitem__! if not isinstance(key, tuple): axlist = isinstance(key, slice) objs = list.__getitem__(self, key) elif len(key) == 2: axlist = any(isinstance(ikey, slice) for ikey in key) # Expand keys keys = [] order = self._order for i, ikey in enumerate(key): if (i == 1 and order == 'C') or (i == 0 and order != 'C'): n = self._n else: n = len(self) // self._n if isinstance(ikey, slice): start, stop, step = ikey.start, ikey.stop, ikey.step if start is None: start = 0 elif start < 0: start = n + start if stop is None: stop = n elif stop < 0: stop = n + stop if step is None: step = 1 ikeys = [*range(start, stop, step)] else: if ikey < 0: ikey = n + ikey ikeys = [ikey] keys.append(ikeys) # Get index pairs and get objects # Note that in double for loop, right loop varies fastest, so # e.g. axs[:,:] delvers (0,0), (0,1), ..., (0,N), (1,0), ... # Remember for order == 'F', SubplotsContainer was sent a list # unfurled in column-major order, so we replicate row-major # indexing syntax by reversing the order of the keys. objs = [] if self._order == 'C': idxs = [ key0 * self._n + key1 for key0 in keys[0] for key1 in keys[1] ] else: idxs = [ key1 * self._n + key0 for key1 in keys[1] for key0 in keys[0] ] for idx in idxs: objs.append(list.__getitem__(self, idx)) if not axlist: # objs will always be length 1 objs = objs[0] else: raise IndexError # Return if axlist: return SubplotsContainer(objs) else: return objs
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """ If the attribute is *callable*, return a dummy function that loops through each identically named method, calls them in succession, and returns a tuple of the results. This lets us call arbitrary methods on several axes at once. If the `SubplotsContainer` has length ``1``, the single result is returned. If the attribute is *not callable*, returns a tuple of attributes for every object in the list. Example ------- >>> import proplot as plot >>> fig, axs = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2) >>> axs.format(...) # calls "format" on all subplots >>> panels = axs.panel_axes('right') # returns SubplotsContainer of panels >>> panels.format(...) # calls "format" on all panels """ if not self: raise AttributeError( f'Invalid attribute {attr!r}, axes grid {self!r} is empty.' ) objs = tuple(getattr(ax, attr) for ax in self) # may raise error # Objects if not any(callable(_) for _ in objs): if len(self) == 1: return objs[0] else: return objs # Methods # NOTE: Must manually copy docstring because help() cannot inherit it elif all(callable(_) for _ in objs): @functools.wraps(objs[0]) def _iterator(*args, **kwargs): result = [] for func in objs: result.append(func(*args, **kwargs)) if len(self) == 1: return result[0] elif all(res is None for res in result): return None elif all(isinstance(res, paxes.Axes) for res in result): return SubplotsContainer(result, n=self._n, order=self._order) else: return tuple(result) _iterator.__doc__ = inspect.getdoc(objs[0]) return _iterator # Mixed raise AttributeError(f'Found mixed types for attribute {attr!r}.')
@property def shape(self): """ The "shape" of the 2d subplot grid assumed when performing 2d indexing. For :ref:`complex subplot grids <ug_intro>`, where subplots may span contiguous rows and columns, this "shape" may be incorrect. In such cases, 1d indexing should always be used. """ return self._shape
# Deprecations subplot_grid = warnings._rename_obj('subplot_grid', SubplotsContainer)