Source code for proplot.projs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
New cartopy projection classes and a projection constructor function
for generating `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` and cartopy
`` classes.
from .utils import _warn_proplot
try:  # use this for debugging instead of print()!
    from icecream import ic
except ImportError:  # graceful fallback if IceCream isn't installed
    ic = lambda *a: None if not a else (a[0] if len(a) == 1 else a)  # noqa
    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
except ImportError:
    Basemap = object
    from import (
        CRS, _WarpedRectangularProjection,
        LambertAzimuthalEqualArea, AzimuthalEquidistant, Gnomonic
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    CRS = object
    _WarpedRectangularProjection = object
    LambertAzimuthalEqualArea = object
    AzimuthalEquidistant = object
    Gnomonic = object

__all__ = [
    'basemap_kwargs', 'cartopy_names',
    'Aitoff', 'Hammer', 'KavrayskiyVII',

_reso_doc = """Projection resolution."""
_proj_doc = """
central_longitude : float, optional
    The longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Default is 0.
false_easting: float, optional
    X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing: float, optional
    Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe : ``, optional
    If omitted, a default globe is created.

[docs]def Proj(name, basemap=False, **kwargs): """ Returns a `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` or `` instance, used to interpret the `proj` and `proj_kw` arguments when passed to `~proplot.subplots.subplots`. Parameters ---------- name : str, `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap`, or `` The projection name or projection class instance. If the latter, it is simply returned. If the former, it must correspond to one of the `PROJ <>`__ projection name shorthands, like in basemap. The following table lists the valid projection name shorthands, their full names (with links to the relevant `PROJ documentation \ <>`__), and whether they are available in the cartopy and basemap packages. (added) indicates a projection class that ProPlot has "added" to cartopy using the cartopy API. ============= ============================================================================================ ========= ======= Key Name Cartopy Basemap ============= ============================================================================================ ========= ======= ``'aea'`` `Albers Equal Area <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'aeqd'`` `Azimuthal Equidistant <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'aitoff'`` `Aitoff <>`__ ✓ (added) ✗ ``'cass'`` `Cassini-Soldner <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'cea'`` `Cylindrical Equal Area <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'cyl'`` `Cylindrical Equidistant <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'eck1'`` `Eckert I <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'eck2'`` `Eckert II <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'eck3'`` `Eckert III <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'eck4'`` `Eckert IV <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'eck5'`` `Eckert V <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'eck6'`` `Eckert VI <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'eqdc'`` `Equidistant Conic <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'eqc'`` `Cylindrical Equidistant <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'eqearth'`` `Equal Earth <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'europp'`` Euro PP (Europe) ✓ ✗ ``'gall'`` `Gall Stereographic Cylindrical <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'geos'`` `Geostationary <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'gnom'`` `Gnomonic <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'hammer'`` `Hammer <>`__ ✓ (added) ✓ ``'igh'`` `Interrupted Goode Homolosine <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'kav7'`` `Kavrayskiy VII <>`__ ✓ (added) ✓ ``'laea'`` `Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'lcc'`` `Lambert Conformal <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'lcyl'`` Lambert Cylindrical ✓ ✗ ``'mbtfpq'`` `McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'merc'`` `Mercator <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'mill'`` `Miller Cylindrical <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'moll'`` `Mollweide <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'npaeqd'`` North-Polar Azimuthal Equidistant ✓ (added) ✓ ``'npgnom'`` North-Polar Gnomonic ✓ (added) ✗ ``'nplaea'`` North-Polar Lambert Azimuthal ✓ (added) ✓ ``'npstere'`` North-Polar Stereographic ✓ ✓ ``'nsper'`` `Near-Sided Perspective <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'osni'`` OSNI (Ireland) ✓ ✗ ``'osgb'`` OSGB (UK) ✓ ✗ ``'omerc'`` `Oblique Mercator <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'ortho'`` `Orthographic <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'pcarree'`` `Cylindrical Equidistant <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'poly'`` `Polyconic <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'rotpole'`` Rotated Pole ✓ ✓ ``'sinu'`` `Sinusoidal <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'spaeqd'`` South-Polar Azimuthal Equidistant ✓ (added) ✓ ``'spgnom'`` South-Polar Gnomonic ✓ (added) ✗ ``'splaea'`` South-Polar Lambert Azimuthal ✓ (added) ✓ ``'spstere'`` South-Polar Stereographic ✓ ✓ ``'stere'`` `Stereographic <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'tmerc'`` `Transverse Mercator <>`__ ✓ ✓ ``'utm'`` `Universal Transverse Mercator <>`__ ✓ ✗ ``'vandg'`` `van der Grinten <>`__ ✗ ✓ ``'wintri'`` `Winkel tripel <>`__ ✓ (added) ✗ ============= ============================================================================================ ========= ======= basemap : bool, optional Whether to use the basemap package as opposed to the cartopy package. Default is ``False``. **kwargs Passed to the `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` or cartopy `` class. Returns ------- proj : `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` or `` The projection instance. See also -------- `~proplot.axes.GeoAxes`, `~proplot.axes.BasemapAxes` """ # noqa # Class instances if ((CRS is not object and isinstance(name, CRS)) or (Basemap is not object and isinstance(name, Basemap))): proj = name elif not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError( f'Unexpected Proj() argument {name!r}. ' 'Must be name, mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap instance, ' 'or instance.' ) # Basemap elif basemap: import mpl_toolkits.basemap as mbasemap name = BASEMAP_TRANSLATE.get(name, name) kwproj = basemap_kwargs.get(name, {}) kwproj.update(kwargs) kwproj.setdefault('fix_aspect', True) if name[:2] in ('np', 'sp'): kwproj.setdefault('round', True) # Fix non-conda installed basemap issue: # if name == 'geos': kwproj.setdefault('rsphere', (6378137.00, 6356752.3142)) reso = kwproj.pop('resolution', None) or kwproj.pop( 'reso', None) or 'c' proj = mbasemap.Basemap(projection=name, resolution=reso, **kwproj) # Cartopy else: import as _ # noqa kwargs = {CARTOPY_CRS_TRANSLATE.get( key, key): value for key, value in kwargs.items()} crs = cartopy_names.get(name, None) if name == 'geos': # fix common mistake kwargs.pop('central_latitude', None) if 'boundinglat' in kwargs: raise ValueError( f'"boundinglat" must be passed to the ax.format() command ' 'for cartopy axes.' ) if crs is None: raise ValueError( f'Unknown projection {name!r}. Options are: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, cartopy_names.keys())) + '.' ) proj = crs(**kwargs) return proj
[docs]class Aitoff(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """The `Aitoff <>`__ projection.""" #: Registered projection name. name = 'aitoff' def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None): from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: _warn_proplot( f'The {!r} projection does not handle ' 'elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'aitoff', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @property def threshold(self): # how finely to interpolate line data, etc. return 1e5 __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc threshold.__doc__ = _reso_doc
[docs]class Hammer(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """The `Hammer <>`__ projection.""" #: Registered projection name. name = 'hammer' def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None): from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: _warn_proplot( f'The {!r} projection does not handle ' 'elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'hammer', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__( proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe ) @property def threshold(self): # how finely to interpolate line data, etc. return 1e5 __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc threshold.__doc__ = _reso_doc
[docs]class KavrayskiyVII(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """The `Kavrayskiy VII \ <>`__ projection.""" #: Registered projection name. name = 'kavrayskiyVII' def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None): from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: _warn_proplot( f'The {!r} projection does not handle ' 'elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'kav7', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc threshold.__doc__ = _reso_doc
[docs]class WinkelTripel(_WarpedRectangularProjection): """The `Winkel tripel (Winkel III) \ <>`__ projection.""" #: Registered projection name. name = 'winkeltripel' def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None): from cartopy._crs import Globe from import WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS, ellipse=None) a = globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS b = globe.semiminor_axis or a if b != a or globe.ellipse is not None: _warn_proplot( f'The {!r} projection does not handle ' 'elliptical globes.' ) proj4_params = {'proj': 'wintri', 'lon_0': central_longitude} super().__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc threshold.__doc__ = _reso_doc
[docs]class NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant(AzimuthalEquidistant): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
[docs]class SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant(AzimuthalEquidistant): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
[docs]class NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea(LambertAzimuthalEqualArea): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
[docs]class SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea(LambertAzimuthalEqualArea): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
[docs]class NorthPolarGnomonic(Gnomonic): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
[docs]class SouthPolarGnomonic(Gnomonic): """Analogous to ``.""" def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super().__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe ) __init__.__doc__ = _proj_doc
# Hidden constants BASEMAP_TRANSLATE = { 'eqc': 'cyl', 'pcarree': 'cyl', } CARTOPY_CRS_TRANSLATE = { # add to this 'lat_0': 'central_latitude', 'lon_0': 'central_longitude', 'lat_min': 'min_latitude', 'lat_max': 'max_latitude', } #: Default keyword args for `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` projections. #: `~mpl_toolkits.basemap` will raise an error if you don't provide them, #: so ProPlot imposes some sensible default behavior. basemap_kwargs = { 'eck4': {'lon_0': 0}, 'geos': {'lon_0': 0}, 'hammer': {'lon_0': 0}, 'moll': {'lon_0': 0}, 'kav7': {'lon_0': 0}, 'sinu': {'lon_0': 0}, 'vandg': {'lon_0': 0}, 'mbtfpq': {'lon_0': 0}, 'robin': {'lon_0': 0}, 'ortho': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 0}, 'nsper': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 0}, 'aea': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 90, 'width': 15000e3, 'height': 15000e3}, 'eqdc': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 90, 'width': 15000e3, 'height': 15000e3}, 'cass': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 90, 'width': 15000e3, 'height': 15000e3}, 'gnom': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 90, 'width': 15000e3, 'height': 15000e3}, 'lcc': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 90, 'width': 10000e3, 'height': 10000e3}, 'poly': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 0, 'width': 10000e3, 'height': 10000e3}, 'npaeqd': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': 10}, 'nplaea': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': 10}, 'npstere': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': 10}, 'spaeqd': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': -10}, 'splaea': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': -10}, 'spstere': {'lon_0': 0, 'boundinglat': -10}, 'tmerc': {'lon_0': 0, 'lat_0': 0, 'width': 10000e3, 'height': 10000e3}, 'merc': {'llcrnrlat': -80, 'urcrnrlat': 84, 'llcrnrlon': -180, 'urcrnrlon': 180}, 'omerc': {'lat_0': 0, 'lon_0': 0, 'lat_1': -10, 'lat_2': 10, 'lon_1': 0, 'lon_2': 0, 'width': 10000e3, 'height': 10000e3}, } #: Mapping of "projection names" to cartopy `` classes. cartopy_names = {} if CRS is not object: # Custom ones, these are always present import as ccrs # verify package is available cartopy_names = { # interpret string, create cartopy projection 'aitoff': Aitoff, 'hammer': Hammer, 'kav7': KavrayskiyVII, 'wintri': WinkelTripel, 'npgnom': NorthPolarGnomonic, 'spgnom': SouthPolarGnomonic, 'npaeqd': NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, 'spaeqd': SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, 'nplaea': NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea, 'splaea': SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea, } # Builtin ones. Some of these are unavailable in older versions, so # we just print warning in that case. _unavail = [] for _name, _class in { # interpret string, create cartopy projection 'aea': 'AlbersEqualArea', 'aeqd': 'AzimuthalEquidistant', 'cyl': 'PlateCarree', # only basemap name not matching PROJ 'eck1': 'EckertI', 'eck2': 'EckertII', 'eck3': 'EckertIII', 'eck4': 'EckertIV', 'eck5': 'EckertV', 'eck6': 'EckertVI', 'eqc': 'PlateCarree', # actual PROJ name 'eqdc': 'EquidistantConic', 'eqearth': 'EqualEarth', # better looking Robinson; not in basemap 'euro': 'EuroPP', # Europe; not in basemap or PROJ 'geos': 'Geostationary', 'gnom': 'Gnomonic', 'igh': 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine', # not in basemap 'laea': 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea', 'lcc': 'LambertConformal', 'lcyl': 'LambertCylindrical', # not in basemap or PROJ 'merc': 'Mercator', 'mill': 'Miller', 'moll': 'Mollweide', 'npstere': 'NorthPolarStereo', # np/sp stuff not in PROJ 'nsper': 'NearsidePerspective', 'ortho': 'Orthographic', 'osgb': 'OSGB', # UK; not in basemap or PROJ 'osni': 'OSNI', # Ireland; not in basemap or PROJ 'pcarree': 'PlateCarree', # common alternate name 'robin': 'Robinson', 'rotpole': 'RotatedPole', 'sinu': 'Sinusoidal', 'spstere': 'SouthPolarStereo', 'stere': 'Stereographic', 'tmerc': 'TransverseMercator', 'utm': 'UTM', # not in basemap }.items(): _class = getattr(ccrs, _class, None) if _class is None: _unavail.append(_name) continue cartopy_names[_name] = _class if _unavail: _warn_proplot( f'Cartopy projection(s) {", ".join(map(repr, _unavail))} are ' f'unavailable. Consider updating to cartopy >= 0.17.0.' )