Source code for proplot.rctools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Utilities for configuring matplotlib and ProPlot global settings.
See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details.
# NOTE: Make sure to add to docs/configuration.rst when updating or adding
# new settings! Much of this script was adapted from seaborn; see:
import re
import os
import numpy as np
import cycler
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import as mcm
from numbers import Number
from matplotlib import style, rcParams
try:  # use this for debugging instead of print()!
    from icecream import ic
except ImportError:  # graceful fallback if IceCream isn't installed
    ic = lambda *a: None if not a else (a[0] if len(a) == 1 else a)  # noqa
    import IPython
    from IPython import get_ipython
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    def get_ipython():
from .utils import _warn_proplot, _counter, _benchmark, units

# Disable mathtext "missing glyph" warnings
import matplotlib.mathtext  # noqa
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('matplotlib.mathtext')
logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)  # suppress warnings!

__all__ = [
    'rc', 'rc_configurator', 'ipython_autosave',
    'ipython_autoreload', 'ipython_matplotlib',

# Dictionaries used to track custom proplot settings
rcParamsShort = {}
rcParamsLong = {}

# Dictionaries containing default settings
defaultParamsShort = {
    'abc': False,
    'align': False,
    'alpha': 1,
    'autoreload': 2,
    'autosave': 30,
    'borders': False,
    'cmap': 'fire',
    'coast': False,
    'color': 'k',
    'cycle': 'colorblind',
    'facecolor': 'w',
    'fontname': 'sans-serif',
    'inlinefmt': 'retina',
    'geogrid': True,
    'grid': True,
    'gridminor': False,
    'gridratio': 0.5,
    'innerborders': False,
    'lakes': False,
    'land': False,
    'large': 10,
    'linewidth': 0.6,
    'lut': 256,
    'margin': 0.0,
    'matplotlib': 'auto',
    'ocean': False,
    'reso': 'lo',
    'rgbcycle': False,
    'rivers': False,
    'share': 3,
    'small': 9,
    'span': True,
    'tickdir': 'out',
    'ticklen': 4.0,
    'ticklenratio': 0.5,
    'tickminor': True,
    'tickpad': 2.0,
    'tickratio': 0.8,
    'tight': True,
defaultParamsLong = {
    'abc.border': True,
    'abc.color': 'k',
    'abc.linewidth': 1.5,
    'abc.loc': 'l',  # left side above the axes
    'abc.size': None,  # = large
    '': 'a',
    'abc.weight': 'bold',
    'axes.facealpha': None,  # if empty, depends on 'savefig.transparent'
    'axes.formatter.timerotation': 90,
    'axes.formatter.zerotrim': True,
    'axes.geogrid': True,
    'axes.gridminor': True,
    'borders.color': 'k',
    'borders.linewidth': 0.6,
    'bottomlabel.color': 'k',
    'bottomlabel.size': None,  # = large
    'bottomlabel.weight': 'bold',
    'coast.color': 'k',
    'coast.linewidth': 0.6,
    'colorbar.extend': '1.3em',
    'colorbar.framealpha': 0.8,
    'colorbar.frameon': True,
    'colorbar.grid': False,
    'colorbar.insetextend': '1em',
    'colorbar.insetlength': '8em',
    'colorbar.insetpad': '0.5em',
    'colorbar.insetwidth': '1.2em',
    'colorbar.length': 1,
    'colorbar.loc': 'right',
    'colorbar.width': '1.5em',
    'geoaxes.edgecolor': None,  # = color
    'geoaxes.facealpha': None,  # = alpha
    'geoaxes.facecolor': None,  # = facecolor
    'geoaxes.linewidth': None,  # = linewidth
    'geogrid.alpha': 0.5,
    'geogrid.color': 'k',
    'geogrid.labels': False,
    'geogrid.labelsize': None,  # = small
    'geogrid.latmax': 90,
    'geogrid.latstep': 20,
    'geogrid.linestyle': ':',
    'geogrid.linewidth': 1.0,
    'geogrid.lonstep': 30,
    'gridminor.alpha': None,  # = grid.alpha
    'gridminor.color': None,  # = grid.color
    'gridminor.linestyle': None,  # = grid.linewidth
    'gridminor.linewidth': None,  # = grid.linewidth x gridratio
    'image.edgefix': True,
    'image.levels': 11,
    'innerborders.color': 'k',
    'innerborders.linewidth': 0.6,
    'lakes.color': 'w',
    'land.color': 'k',
    'leftlabel.color': 'k',
    'leftlabel.size': None,  # = large
    'leftlabel.weight': 'bold',
    'ocean.color': 'w',
    'rightlabel.color': 'k',
    'rightlabel.size': None,  # = large
    'rightlabel.weight': 'bold',
    'rivers.color': 'k',
    'rivers.linewidth': 0.6,
    'subplots.axpad': '1em',
    'subplots.axwidth': '18em',
    'subplots.pad': '0.5em',
    'subplots.panelpad': '0.5em',
    'subplots.panelwidth': '4em',
    'suptitle.color': 'k',
    'suptitle.size': None,  # = large
    'suptitle.weight': 'bold',
    'tick.labelcolor': None,  # = color
    'tick.labelsize': None,  # = small
    'tick.labelweight': 'normal',
    'title.border': True,
    'title.color': 'k',
    'title.linewidth': 1.5,
    'title.loc': 'c',  # centered above the axes
    'title.pad': 3.0,  # copy
    'title.size': None,  # = large
    'title.weight': 'normal',
    'toplabel.color': 'k',
    'toplabel.size': None,  # = large
    'toplabel.weight': 'bold',
defaultParams = {
    'axes.grid': True,
    'axes.labelpad': 3.0,
    'axes.titlepad': 3.0,
    'axes.titleweight': 'normal',
    'axes.xmargin': 0.0,
    'axes.ymargin': 0.0,
    'figure.autolayout': False,
    'figure.facecolor': '#f2f2f2',
    'figure.max_open_warning': 0,
    'figure.titleweight': 'bold',
    'font.serif': (
        'TeX Gyre Schola',  # Century lookalike
        'TeX Gyre Bonum',  # Bookman lookalike
        'TeX Gyre Termes',  # Times New Roman lookalike
        'TeX Gyre Pagella',  # Palatino lookalike
        'DejaVu Serif',
        'Bitstream Vera Serif',
        'Computer Modern Roman',
        'Century Schoolbook L',
        'ITC Bookman',
        'New Century Schoolbook',
        'Nimbus Roman No9 L',
        'Times New Roman',
    'font.sans-serif': (
        'TeX Gyre Heros',  # Helvetica lookalike
        'DejaVu Sans',
        'Bitstream Vera Sans',
        'Computer Modern Sans Serif',
        'Fira Math',
        'Gill Sans',
        'Lucida Grande',
        'Myriad Pro',
        'Noto Sans',
        'Source Sans Pro',
        'Trebuchet MS',
    'font.monospace': (
        'TeX Gyre Cursor',  # Courier lookalike
        'DejaVu Sans Mono',
        'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono',
        'Computer Modern Typewriter',
        'Andale Mono',
        'Courier New',
        'Nimbus Mono L',
    'font.cursive': (
        'TeX Gyre Chorus',  # Chancery lookalike
        'Apple Chancery',
        'Script MT',
        'Zapf Chancery',
    'font.fantasy': (
        'TeX Gyre Adventor',  # Avant Garde lookalike
        'Avant Garde',
        'Comic Sans MS',
        'Humor Sans',
    'grid.alpha': 0.1,
    'grid.color': 'k',
    'grid.linestyle': '-',
    'grid.linewidth': 0.6,
    'hatch.color': 'k',
    'hatch.linewidth': 0.6,
    'legend.borderaxespad': 0,
    'legend.borderpad': 0.5,
    'legend.columnspacing': 1.0,
    'legend.fancybox': False,
    'legend.framealpha': 0.8,
    'legend.frameon': True,
    'legend.handlelength': 1.5,
    'legend.handletextpad': 0.5,
    'legend.labelspacing': 0.5,
    'lines.linewidth': 1.3,
    'lines.markersize': 3.0,
    'mathtext.fontset': 'custom',
    'mathtext.default': 'regular',
    'savefig.bbox': 'standard',
    '': '',
    'savefig.dpi': 300,
    'savefig.facecolor': 'white',
    'savefig.format': 'pdf',
    'savefig.pad_inches': 0.0,
    'savefig.transparent': True,
    'text.usetex': False,
    'xtick.minor.visible': True,
    'ytick.minor.visible': True,

# "Global" settings and the lower-level settings they change
_rc_children = {
    'cmap': (
    'lut': (
    'alpha': (  # this is a custom setting
        'axes.facealpha', 'geoaxes.facealpha',
    'facecolor': (
        'axes.facecolor', 'geoaxes.facecolor'
    'fontname': (
    'color': (  # change the 'color' of an axes
        'axes.edgecolor', 'geoaxes.edgecolor', 'axes.labelcolor',
        'tick.labelcolor', 'hatch.color', 'xtick.color', 'ytick.color'
    'small': (  # the 'small' fonts
        'font.size', 'tick.labelsize', 'xtick.labelsize', 'ytick.labelsize',
        'axes.labelsize', 'legend.fontsize', 'geogrid.labelsize'
    'large': (  # the 'large' fonts
        'abc.size', 'figure.titlesize',
        'axes.titlesize', 'suptitle.size', 'title.size',
        'leftlabel.size', 'toplabel.size',
        'rightlabel.size', 'bottomlabel.size'
    'linewidth': (
        'axes.linewidth', 'geoaxes.linewidth', 'hatch.linewidth',
        'xtick.major.width', 'ytick.major.width'
    'margin': (
        'axes.xmargin', 'axes.ymargin'
    'grid': (
    'gridminor': (
    'geogrid': (
    'ticklen': (
        'xtick.major.size', 'ytick.major.size'
    'tickdir': (
        'xtick.direction', 'ytick.direction'
    'labelpad': (
    'titlepad': (
    'tickpad': (
        'xtick.major.pad', 'xtick.minor.pad',
        'ytick.major.pad', 'ytick.minor.pad'
    'grid.color': (
    'grid.linewidth': (
    'grid.linestyle': (
    'grid.alpha': (

# Mapping of settings without "dots" to their full names. This lets us pass
# all settings as kwargs, e.g. ax.format(landcolor='b') instead of the much
# more verbose ax.format(rc_kw={'land.color':'b'}).
# WARNING: rcParamsShort has to be in here because Axes.format() only checks
# _rc_nodots to filter out the rc kwargs!
_rc_nodots = {
    name.replace('.', ''): name
    for names in (defaultParamsShort, defaultParamsLong, rcParams)
    for name in names.keys()

# Category names, used for returning dicts of subcategory properties
_rc_categories = {
        re.sub(r'\.[^.]*$', '', name)
        for names in (defaultParamsLong, rcParams)
        for name in names.keys()
        re.sub(r'\..*$', '', name)
        for names in (defaultParamsLong, rcParams)
        for name in names.keys()

def _get_config_paths():
    """Return a list of configuration file paths in reverse order of
    # Local configuration
    idir = os.getcwd()
    paths = []
    while idir:  # not empty string
        ipath = os.path.join(idir, '.proplotrc')
        if os.path.exists(ipath):
        ndir = os.path.dirname(idir)
        if ndir == idir:  # root
        idir = ndir
    paths = paths[::-1]  # sort from decreasing to increasing importantce
    # Home configuration
    ipath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.proplotrc')
    if os.path.exists(ipath) and ipath not in paths:
        paths.insert(0, ipath)
    return paths

def _get_synced_params(key, value):
    """Return dictionaries for updating the `rcParamsShort`, `rcParamsLong`,
    and `rcParams` properties associated with this key."""
    kw = {}  # builtin properties that global setting applies to
    kw_long = {}  # custom properties that global setting applies to
    kw_short = {}  # short name properties

    # Skip full name keys
    key = _sanitize_key(key)
    if '.' in key:

    # Cycler
    elif key in ('cycle', 'rgbcycle'):
        if key == 'rgbcycle':
            cycle, rgbcycle = rcParamsShort['cycle'], value
            cycle, rgbcycle = value, rcParamsShort['rgbcycle']
            colors = mcm.cmap_d[cycle].colors
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            cycles = sorted(
                name for name, cmap in mcm.cmap_d.items()
                if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap)
            raise ValueError(
                f'Invalid cycle name {cycle!r}. Options are: '
                ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.'
        if rgbcycle and cycle.lower() == 'colorblind':
            regcolors = colors + [(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)]
        elif mcolors.to_rgb('r') != (1.0, 0.0, 0.0):  # reset
            regcolors = [
                (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                (0.75, 0.75, 0.0),
                (0.75, 0.75, 0.0),
                (0.0, 0.75, 0.75),
                (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            regcolors = []  # no reset necessary
        for code, color in zip('brgmyck', regcolors):
            rgb = mcolors.to_rgb(color)
            mcolors.colorConverter.colors[code] = rgb
            mcolors.colorConverter.cache[code] = rgb
        kw['patch.facecolor'] = colors[0]
        kw['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler.cycler('color', colors)

    # Zero linewidth almost always means zero tick length
    elif key == 'linewidth' and _to_points(key, value) == 0:
        _, ikw_long, ikw = _get_synced_params('ticklen', 0)

    # Tick length/major-minor tick length ratio
    elif key in ('ticklen', 'ticklenratio'):
        if key == 'ticklen':
            ticklen = _to_points(key, value)
            ratio = rcParamsShort['ticklenratio']
            ticklen = rcParamsShort['ticklen']
            ratio = value
        kw['xtick.minor.size'] = ticklen * ratio
        kw['ytick.minor.size'] = ticklen * ratio

    # Spine width/major-minor tick width ratio
    elif key in ('linewidth', 'tickratio'):
        if key == 'linewidth':
            tickwidth = _to_points(key, value)
            ratio = rcParamsShort['tickratio']
            tickwidth = rcParamsShort['linewidth']
            ratio = value
        kw['xtick.minor.width'] = tickwidth * ratio
        kw['ytick.minor.width'] = tickwidth * ratio

    # Gridline width
    elif key in ('grid.linewidth', 'gridratio'):
        if key == 'grid.linewidth':
            gridwidth = _to_points(key, value)
            ratio = rcParamsShort['gridratio']
            gridwidth = rcParams['grid.linewidth']
            ratio = value
        kw_long['gridminor.linewidth'] = gridwidth * ratio

    # Gridline toggling, complicated because of the clunky way this is
    # implemented in matplotlib. There should be a gridminor setting!
    elif key in ('grid', 'gridminor'):
        ovalue = rcParams['axes.grid']
        owhich = rcParams['axes.grid.which']
        # Instruction is to turn off gridlines
        if not value:
            # Gridlines are already off, or they are on for the particular
            # ones that we want to turn off. Instruct to turn both off.
            if not ovalue or (key == 'grid' and owhich == 'major') or (
                    key == 'gridminor' and owhich == 'minor'):
                which = 'both'  # disable both sides
            # Gridlines are currently on for major and minor ticks, so we
            # instruct to turn on gridlines for the one we *don't* want off
            elif owhich == 'both':  # and ovalue is True, as we already tested
                # if gridminor=False, enable major, and vice versa
                value = True
                which = 'major' if key == 'gridminor' else 'minor'
            # Gridlines are on for the ones that we *didn't* instruct to turn
            # off, and off for the ones we do want to turn off. This just
            # re-asserts the ones that are already on.
                value = True
                which = owhich
        # Instruction is to turn on gridlines
            # Gridlines are already both on, or they are off only for the ones
            # that we want to turn on. Turn on gridlines for both.
            if owhich == 'both' or (key == 'grid' and owhich == 'minor') or (
                    key == 'gridminor' and owhich == 'major'):
                which = 'both'
            # Gridlines are off for both, or off for the ones that we
            # don't want to turn on. We can just turn on these ones.
                which = owhich
        kw['axes.grid'] = value
        kw['axes.grid.which'] = which

    # Now update linked settings
    value = _to_points(key, value)
    if key in rcParamsShort:
        kw_short[key] = value
    elif key in rcParamsLong:
        kw_long[key] = value
    elif key in rcParams:
        kw[key] = value
        raise KeyError(f'Invalid key {key!r}.')
    for name in _rc_children.get(key, ()):
        if name in rcParamsLong:
            kw_long[name] = value
            kw[name] = value
    return kw_short, kw_long, kw

def _sanitize_key(key):
    """Ensure string and convert keys with omitted dots."""
    if not isinstance(key, str):
        raise KeyError(f'Invalid key {key!r}. Must be string.')
    if '.' not in key and key not in rcParamsShort:  # speedup
        key = _rc_nodots.get(key, key)
    return key.lower()

def _to_points(key, value):
    """Convert certain rc keys to the units "points"."""
    # TODO: Incorporate into more sophisticated validation system
    # See:, all props matching
    # the below strings use the units 'points', except custom categories!
    if (
        isinstance(value, str)
        and key.split('.')[0] not in ('colorbar', 'subplots')
        and re.match('^.*(width|space|size|pad|len|small|large)$', key)
        value = units(value, 'pt')
    return value

def _update_from_file(file):
    Apply updates from a file. This is largely copied from matplotlib.

    file : str
        The path.
    cnt = 0
    file = os.path.expanduser(file)
    added = set()
    with open(file, 'r') as fd:
        for line in fd:
            # Read file
            cnt += 1
            stripped = line.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
            if not stripped:
            pair = stripped.split(':', 1)
            if len(pair) != 2:
                    f'Illegal line #{cnt} in file {file!r}:\n{line!r}"'
            key, value = pair
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()
            if key in added:
                    f'Duplicate key {key!r} on line #{cnt} in file {file!r}.'

            # *Very primitive* type conversion system. Just check proplot
            # settings (they are all simple/scalar) and leave rcParams alone.
            # TODO: Add built-in validation by making special RcParamsLong
            # and RcParamsShort classes just like matplotlib RcParams
            if key in rcParamsShort or key in rcParamsLong:
                if not value:
                    value = None  # older proplot versions supported this
                elif value in ('True', 'False', 'None'):
                    value = eval(value)  # rare case where eval is o.k.
                        # int-float distinction does not matter in python3
                        value = float(value)
                    except ValueError:

            # Add to dictionaries
                rc_short, rc_long, rc = _get_synced_params(key, value)
            except KeyError:
                    f'Invalid key {key!r} on line #{cnt} in file {file!r}.'

def _write_defaults(filename, comment=True, overwrite=False):
    Save a file to the specified path containing the default `rc` settings.

    filename : str
        The path.
    comment : bool, optional
        Whether to "comment out" each setting.
    overwrite : bool, optional
        Whether to overwrite existing files.
    def _tabulate(rcdict):
        string = ''
        prefix = '# ' if comment else ''
        maxlen = max(map(len, rcdict))
        NoneType = type(None)
        for key, value in rcdict.items():
            if isinstance(value, cycler.Cycler):  # special case!
                value = repr(value)
            elif isinstance(value, (str, Number, NoneType)):
                value = str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and all(
                isinstance(val, (str, Number)) for val in value
                value = ', '.join(str(val) for val in value)
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Failed to write rc setting {key} = {value!r}. '
                    'Must be string, number, or list or tuple thereof, '
                    'or None or a cycler.'
            space = ' ' * (maxlen - len(key) + 1)
            string += f'{prefix}{key}:{space}{value}\n'
        return string.strip()

    # Fill empty defaultParamsLong values with rcDefaultParamsShort
    # They are only allowed to be None in the *default dictionaries* because
    # they are immediately overwritten. However if users try to set them as
    # None in a .proplotrc file, may trigger error down the line.
    rc_parents = {
        child: parent
        for parent, children in _rc_children.items()
        for child in children
    defaultParamsLong_filled = defaultParamsLong.copy()
    for key, value in defaultParamsLong.items():
        if value is None:
                parent = rc_parents[key]
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f'rcParamsLong param {key!r} has default value of None '
                    'but has no rcParmsShort parent!'
            if parent in defaultParamsShort:
                value = defaultParamsShort[parent]
            elif parent in defaultParams:
                value = defaultParams[parent]
                value = rcParams[parent]
            defaultParamsLong_filled[key] = value

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# Use this file to change the default proplot and matplotlib settings
# The syntax is mostly the same as for matplotlibrc files
# For descriptions of each setting see:
# ProPlot short name settings

# ProPlot long name settings

# Matplotlib settings

[docs]class rc_configurator(object): """ Magical abstract class for managing matplotlib `rcParams <>`__ and additional ProPlot :ref:`rcParamsLong` and :ref:`rcParamsShort` settings. When initialized, this loads defaults settings plus any user overrides in the ``~/.proplotrc`` file. See the `~proplot.rctools` documentation for details. """ def __contains__(self, key): return key in rcParamsShort or key in rcParamsLong or key in rcParams def __iter__(self): for key in sorted((*rcParamsShort, *rcParamsLong, *rcParams)): yield key def __repr__(self): rcdict = type('rc', (dict,), {})(rcParamsShort) string = type(rcParams).__repr__(rcdict) indent = ' ' * 4 # indent is rc({ return string.strip( '})') + f'\n{indent}... (rcParams) ...\n{indent}}})' def __str__(self): # encapsulate params in temporary class rcdict = type('rc', (dict,), {})(rcParamsShort) string = type(rcParams).__str__(rcdict) return string + '\n... (rcParams) ...' @_counter # about 0.05s def __init__(self, local=True): """ Parameters ---------- local : bool, optional Whether to load overrides from local and user ``.proplotrc`` file(s). Default is ``True``. """ # Attributes and style object.__setattr__(self, '_context', []) with _benchmark(' use'): style.use('default') # Update from defaults rcParams.update(defaultParams) rcParamsLong.clear() rcParamsLong.update(defaultParamsLong) rcParamsShort.clear() rcParamsShort.update(defaultParamsShort) for rcdict in (rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong): for key, value in rcdict.items(): _, rc_long, rc = _get_synced_params(key, value) rcParamsLong.update(rc_long) rcParams.update(rc) # Update from files if not local: return for i, file in enumerate(_get_config_paths()): if not os.path.exists(file): continue _update_from_file(file) def __enter__(self): """Apply settings from the most recent context block.""" if not self._context: raise RuntimeError( f'rc object must be initialized with rc.context().' ) *_, kwargs, cache, restore = self._context[-1] def _update(rcdict, newdict): for key, value in newdict.items(): restore[key] = rcdict[key] rcdict[key] = cache[key] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): rc_short, rc_long, rc = _get_synced_params(key, value) _update(rcParamsShort, rc_short) _update(rcParamsLong, rc_long) _update(rcParams, rc) def __exit__(self, *args): """Restore settings from the most recent context block.""" if not self._context: raise RuntimeError( f'rc object must be initialized with rc.context().' ) *_, restore = self._context[-1] for key, value in restore.items(): rc_short, rc_long, rc = _get_synced_params(key, value) rcParamsShort.update(rc_short) rcParamsLong.update(rc_long) rcParams.update(rc) del self._context[-1] def __delitem__(self, *args): """Raise an error. This enforces pseudo-immutability.""" raise RuntimeError('rc settings cannot be deleted.') def __delattr__(self, *args): """Raise an error. This enforces pseudo-immutability.""" raise RuntimeError('rc settings cannot be deleted.')
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Pass the attribute to `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` and return the result.""" if attr[:1] == '_': return super().__getattr__(attr) else: return self[attr]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Return an `rcParams \ <>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, or :ref:`rcParamsShort` setting.""" key = _sanitize_key(key) for kw in (rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong, rcParams): try: return kw[key] except KeyError: continue raise KeyError(f'Invalid setting name {key!r}.')
[docs] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Pass the attribute and value to `~rc_configurator.__setitem__`.""" self[attr] = value
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Modify an `rcParams \ <https://matplotlibcorg/users/customizing.html>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, and :ref:`rcParamsShort` setting(s).""" if key == 'matplotlib': return ipython_matplotlib(value) elif key == 'autosave': return ipython_autosave(value) elif key == 'autoreload': return ipython_autoreload(value) rc_short, rc_long, rc = _get_synced_params(key, value) rcParamsShort.update(rc_short) rcParamsLong.update(rc_long) rcParams.update(rc)
def _get_item(self, key, mode=None): """As with `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` but the search is limited based on the context mode and ``None`` is returned if the key is not found in the dictionaries.""" if mode is None: mode = min((context[0] for context in self._context), default=0) caches = (context[2] for context in self._context) if mode == 0: rcdicts = (*caches, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong, rcParams) elif mode == 1: rcdicts = (*caches, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong) # custom only! elif mode == 2: rcdicts = (*caches,) else: raise KeyError(f'Invalid caching mode {mode!r}.') for rcdict in rcdicts: if not rcdict: continue try: return rcdict[key] except KeyError: continue if mode == 0: raise KeyError(f'Invalid setting name {key!r}.') else: return
[docs] def category(self, cat, *, trimcat=True, context=False): """ Return a dictionary of settings beginning with the substring ``cat + '.'``. Parameters ---------- cat : str, optional The `rc` setting category. trimcat : bool, optional Whether to trim ``cat`` from the key names in the output dictionary. Default is ``True``. context : bool, optional If ``True``, then each category setting that is not found in the context mode dictionaries is omitted from the output dictionary. See `~rc_configurator.context`. """ if cat not in _rc_categories: raise ValueError( f'Invalid rc category {cat!r}. Valid categories are ' ', '.join(map(repr, _rc_categories)) + '.' ) kw = {} mode = 0 if not context else None for rcdict in (rcParamsLong, rcParams): for key in rcdict: if not re.match(fr'\A{cat}\.[^.]+\Z', key): continue value = self._get_item(key, mode) if value is None: continue if trimcat: key = re.sub(fr'\A{cat}\.', '', key) kw[key] = value return kw
[docs] def context(self, *args, mode=0, **kwargs): """ Temporarily modify the rc settings in a "with as" block. This is used by ProPlot internally but may also be useful for power users. It was invented to prevent successive calls to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format` from constantly looking up and re-applying unchanged settings. Testing showed that these gratuitous `rcParams <>`__ lookups and artist updates increased runtime by seconds, even for relatively simple plots. It also resulted in overwriting previous rc changes with the default values upon subsequent calls to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. Parameters ---------- *args Dictionaries of `rc` names and values. **kwargs `rc` names and values passed as keyword arguments. If the name has dots, simply omit them. Other parameters ---------------- mode : {0,1,2}, optional The context mode. Dictates the behavior of `~rc_configurator.get`, `~rc_configurator.fill`, and `~rc_configurator.category` within a "with as" block when called with ``context=True``. The options are as follows. 0. All settings (`rcParams \ <>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, and :ref:`rcParamsShort`) are returned, whether or not `~rc_configurator.context` has changed them. 1. Unchanged `rcParams \ <>`__ return ``None``. :ref:`rcParamsLong` and :ref:`rcParamsShort` are returned whether or not `~rc_configurator.context` has changed them. This is used in the `~proplot.axes.Axes.__init__` call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. When a lookup returns ``None``, `~proplot.axes.Axes.format` does not apply it. 2. All unchanged settings return ``None``. This is used during user calls to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. Example ------- The below applies settings to axes in a specific figure using `~rc_configurator.context`. >>> import proplot as plot >>> with plot.rc.context(linewidth=2, ticklen=5): ... f, ax = plot.subplots() ... ax.plot(data) By contrast, the below applies settings to a specific axes using `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. >>> import proplot as plot >>> f, ax = plot.subplots() >>> ax.format(linewidth=2, ticklen=5) """ if mode not in range(3): raise ValueError(f'Invalid mode {mode!r}.') for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, dict): raise ValueError('Non-dictionary argument {arg!r}.') kwargs.update(arg) self._context.append((mode, kwargs, {}, {})) return self
[docs] def dict(self): """ Return a raw dictionary of all settings. """ output = {} for key in sorted((*rcParamsShort, *rcParamsLong, *rcParams)): output[key] = self[key] return output
[docs] def get(self, key, *, context=False): """ Return a single setting. Parameters ---------- key : str The setting name. context : bool, optional If ``True``, then ``None`` is returned if the setting is not found in the context mode dictionaries. See `~rc_configurator.context`. """ mode = 0 if not context else None return self._get_item(key, mode)
[docs] def fill(self, props, *, context=False): """ Return a dictionary filled with settings whose names match the string values in the input dictionary. Parameters ---------- props : dict-like Dictionary whose values are `rc` setting names. context : bool, optional If ``True``, then each setting that is not found in the context mode dictionaries is omitted from the output dictionary. See `~rc_configurator.context`. """ kw = {} mode = 0 if not context else None for key, value in props.items(): item = self._get_item(value, mode) if item is not None: kw[key] = item return kw
[docs] def items(self): """ Return an iterator that loops over all setting names and values. Same as `dict.items`. """ for key in self: yield key, self[key]
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return an iterator that loops over all setting names. Same as `dict.items`. """ for key in self: yield key
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Update several settings at once with a dictionary and/or keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- *args : str, dict, or (str, dict), optional A dictionary containing `rc` keys and values. You can also pass a "category" name as the first argument, in which case all settings are prepended with ``'category.'``. For example, ``rc.update('axes', labelsize=20, titlesize=20)`` changes the :rcraw:`axes.labelsize` and :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` properties. **kwargs, optional `rc` keys and values passed as keyword arguments. If the name has dots, simply omit them. """ # Parse args kw = {} prefix = '' if len(args) > 2: raise ValueError( f'rc.update() accepts 1-2 arguments, got {len(args)}. Usage ' 'is rc.update(kw), rc.update(category, kw), ' 'rc.update(**kwargs), or rc.update(category, **kwargs).' ) elif len(args) == 2: prefix = args[0] kw = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): prefix = args[0] else: kw = args[0] # Apply settings if prefix: prefix = prefix + '.' kw.update(kwargs) for key, value in kw.items(): self[prefix + key] = value
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """ Reset the configurator to its initial state. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Passed to `rc_configurator`. """ self.__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def values(self): """ Return an iterator that loops over all setting values. Same as `dict.values`. """ for key in self: yield self[key]
[docs]def ipython_matplotlib(backend=None, fmt=None): """ Set up the `matplotlib backend \ <>`__ for ipython sessions and apply the following ``%config InlineBackend`` magic commands. .. code-block:: ipython %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = fmt %config InlineBackend.rc = {} # never override my rc settings! %config InlineBackend.close_figures = True # memory issues %config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {'bbox_inches': None} \ # we use our own tight layout algorithm This must be called *before drawing any figures*! For some ipython sessions (e.g. terminals) the backend can only be changed by adding ``matplotlib: backend`` to your ``.proplotrc`` file. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- backend : str, optional The backend name. The default is ``'auto'``, which applies ``%matplotlib inline`` for notebooks and ``%matplotlib qt`` for all other sessions. Note that when using the qt backend on macOS, you may want to prevent "tabbed" figure windows by navigating to Settings...Dock and changing "Prefer tabs when opening documents" to "Manually" (see \ `Issue #13164 <>`__). fmt : str or list of str, optional The inline backend file format(s). Valid formats include ``'jpg'``, ``'png'``, ``'svg'``, ``'pdf'``, and ``'retina'``. This is ignored for non-inline backends. """ # noqa # Bail out ipython = get_ipython() backend = backend or rcParamsShort['matplotlib'] if ipython is None or backend is None: return # Default behavior dependent on type of ipython session # See: ibackend = backend if backend == 'auto': if 'IPKernelApp' in getattr(get_ipython(), 'config', ''): ibackend = 'inline' else: ibackend = 'qt' try: ipython.magic('matplotlib ' + ibackend) if 'rc' in globals(): # should always be True, but just in case rc.reset() except KeyError: if backend != 'auto': _warn_proplot(f'{"%matplotlib " + backend!r} failed.') # Configure inline backend no matter what type of session this is # Should be silently ignored for terminal ipython sessions fmt = fmt or rcParamsShort['inlinefmt'] if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = [fmt] elif np.iterable(fmt): fmt = list(fmt) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid inline backend format {fmt!r}. ' 'Must be string or list thereof.' ) ipython.magic(f'config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {fmt!r}') ipython.magic('config InlineBackend.rc = {}') # no notebook overrides ipython.magic('config InlineBackend.close_figures = True') # memory issues ipython.magic( # use ProPlot tight layout instead 'config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {"bbox_inches":None}' )
[docs]def ipython_autoreload(autoreload=None): """ Set up the `ipython autoreload utility \ <>`__ by running the following ipython magic. .. code-block:: ipython %autoreload autoreload This is called on import by default. Add ``autoreload:`` to your ``.proplotrc`` to disable. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- autoreload : float, optional The autoreload level. Default is :rc:`autoreload`. """ # noqa ipython = get_ipython() autoreload = autoreload or rcParamsShort['autoreload'] if ipython is None or autoreload is None: return if 'autoreload' not in ipython.magics_manager.magics['line']: with # capture annoying message ipython.magic('load_ext autoreload') ipython.magic('autoreload ' + str(autoreload))
[docs]def ipython_autosave(autosave=None): """ Set up the `ipython autosave utility \ <>`__ by running the following ipython magic. .. code-block:: ipython %autosave autosave This is called on import by default. Add ``autosave:`` to your ``.proplotrc`` to disable. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- autosave : float, optional The autosave interval in seconds. Default is :rc:`autosave`. """ # noqa ipython = get_ipython() autosave = autosave or rcParamsShort['autosave'] if ipython is None or autosave is None: return with # capture annoying message try: ipython.magic('autosave ' + str(autosave)) except IPython.core.error.UsageError: pass
# Write defaults _user_rc_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.proplotrc') if not os.path.exists(_user_rc_file): _write_defaults(_user_rc_file) #: Instance of `rc_configurator`. This is used to change global settings. #: See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. rc = rc_configurator() # Manually call setup functions after rc has been instantiated # We cannot call these inside rc.__init__ because ipython_matplotlib may # need to reset the configurator to overwrite backend-imposed settings! ipython_matplotlib() ipython_autoreload() ipython_autosave()