Source code for proplot.rctools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Utilities for configuring matplotlib and ProPlot global settings.
See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details.
# NOTE: Make sure to add to docs/configuration.rst when updating or adding
# new settings! Much of this script was adapted from seaborn; see:
from matplotlib import rcParams as rcParams
from .utils import _warn_proplot, _counter, _benchmark, units
import re
import os
import yaml
import cycler
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import as mcm
with _benchmark('pyplot'):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import IPython
    get_ipython = IPython.get_ipython
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    def get_ipython():
        return None
__all__ = [
    'rc', 'rc_configurator', 'ipython_autosave',
    'ipython_autoreload', 'ipython_matplotlib',

# Initialize
rcParamsShort = {}
rcParamsLong = {}

# "Global" settings and the lower-level settings they change
# NOTE: This whole section, declaring dictionaries and sets, takes 1ms
    'cmap': (
    'lut': (
    'alpha': (
    ),  # this is a custom setting
    'facecolor': (
        'axes.facecolor', 'geoaxes.facecolor'
    # change the 'color' of an axes
    'color': (
        'axes.edgecolor', 'geoaxes.edgecolor', 'axes.labelcolor',
        'tick.labelcolor', 'hatch.color', 'xtick.color', 'ytick.color'
    # the 'small' fonts
    'small': (
        'font.size', 'tick.labelsize', 'xtick.labelsize', 'ytick.labelsize',
        'axes.labelsize', 'legend.fontsize', 'geogrid.labelsize'
    # the 'large' fonts
    'large': (
        'abc.size', 'figure.titlesize',
        'axes.titlesize', 'suptitle.size', 'title.size',
        'leftlabel.size', 'toplabel.size',
        'rightlabel.size', 'bottomlabel.size'
    'linewidth': (
        'axes.linewidth', 'geoaxes.linewidth', 'hatch.linewidth',
        'xtick.major.width', 'ytick.major.width'
    'margin': (
        'axes.xmargin', 'axes.ymargin'
    'grid': (
    'gridminor': (
    'geogrid': (
    'ticklen': (
        'xtick.major.size', 'ytick.major.size'
    'tickdir': (
        'xtick.direction', 'ytick.direction'
    'labelpad': (
    'titlepad': (
    'tickpad': (
        'xtick.major.pad', 'xtick.minor.pad',
        'ytick.major.pad', 'ytick.minor.pad'

# Names of the new settings
RC_PARAMNAMES = {*rcParams.keys()}
# Used by Axes.format, allows user to pass rc settings as keyword args,
# way less verbose. For example, landcolor='b' vs. rc_kw={'land.color':'b'}.
RC_NODOTSNAMES = {  # useful for passing these as kwargs
    name.replace('.', ''): name for names in
    for name in names
# Categories for returning dict of subcategory properties
    *(re.sub(r'\.[^.]*$', '', name) for names in
        (RC_LONGNAMES, RC_PARAMNAMES) for name in names),
    *(re.sub(r'\..*$', '', name) for names in
        (RC_LONGNAMES, RC_PARAMNAMES) for name in names)

def _convert_units(key, value):
    """Converts certain keys to the units "points". If "key" is passed, tests
    that key against possible keys that accept physical units."""
    # See:, all props matching
    # the strings use the units 'points', and special categories are inches!
    # WARNING: Must keep colorbar and subplots units alive, so when user
    # requests em units, values change with respect to font size. The points
    # thing is a conveniene feature so not as important for them.
    if (isinstance(value, str)
            and key.split('.')[0] not in ('colorbar', 'subplots')
            and re.match('^.*(width|space|size|pad|len|small|large)$', key)):
        value = units(value, 'pt')
    return value

def _set_cycler(name):
    """Sets the default color cycler."""
    # Draw from dictionary
        colors = mcm.cmap_d[name].colors
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        cycles = sorted(name for name, cmap in mcm.cmap_d.items()
                        if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap))
        raise ValueError(
            f'Invalid cycle name {name!r}. Options are: {", ".join(cycles)}')
    # Apply color name definitions
    if rcParamsShort['rgbcycle'] and name.lower() == 'colorblind':
        regcolors = colors + [(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)]
    elif mcolors.to_rgb('r') != (1.0, 0.0, 0.0):  # reset
        regcolors = [
            (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
            (0.75, 0.75, 0.0), (0.75, 0.75, 0.0), (0.0, 0.75, 0.75),
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]
        regcolors = []  # no reset necessary
    for code, color in zip('brgmyck', regcolors):
        rgb = mcolors.to_rgb(color)
        mcolors.colorConverter.colors[code] = rgb
        mcolors.colorConverter.cache[code] = rgb
    # Pass to cycle constructor
    rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = colors[0]
    rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler.cycler('color', colors)

def _get_config_paths():
    """Returns configuration file paths."""
    # Get paths
    idir = os.getcwd()
    paths = []
    while idir:  # not empty string
        ipath = os.path.join(idir, '.proplotrc')
        if os.path.exists(ipath):
        ndir, _ = os.path.split(idir)
        if ndir == idir:
        idir = ndir
    paths = paths[::-1]  # sort from decreasing to increasing importantce
    # Home configuration
    ipath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.proplotrc')
    if os.path.exists(ipath) and ipath not in paths:
        paths.insert(0, ipath)
    # Global configuration
    ipath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.proplotrc')
    if ipath in paths:
    paths.insert(0, ipath)
    return paths

def _get_synced_params(key=None, value=None):
    """Returns dictionaries for updating "child" properties in
    `rcParams` and `rcParamsLong` with global property."""
    kw = {}  # builtin properties that global setting applies to
    kw_custom = {}  # custom properties that global setting applies to
    if key is not None and value is not None:
        items = [(key, value)]
        items = rcParamsShort.items()
    for key, value in items:
        # Tick length/major-minor tick length ratio
        if key in ('ticklen', 'ticklenratio'):
            if key == 'ticklen':
                ticklen = _convert_units(key, value)
                ratio = rcParamsShort['ticklenratio']
                ticklen = rcParamsShort['ticklen']
                ratio = value
            kw['xtick.minor.size'] = ticklen * ratio
            kw['ytick.minor.size'] = ticklen * ratio
        # Spine width/major-minor tick width ratio
        elif key in ('linewidth', 'tickratio'):
            if key == 'linewidth':
                tickwidth = _convert_units(key, value)
                ratio = rcParamsShort['tickratio']
                tickwidth = rcParamsShort['linewidth']
                ratio = value
            kw['xtick.minor.width'] = tickwidth * ratio
            kw['ytick.minor.width'] = tickwidth * ratio
        # Grid line
        elif key in ('grid.linewidth', 'gridratio'):
            if key == 'grid.linewidth':
                gridwidth = _convert_units(key, value)
                ratio = rcParamsShort['gridratio']
                gridwidth = rcParams['grid.linewidth']
                ratio = value
            kw_custom['gridminor.linewidth'] = gridwidth * ratio
        # Now update linked settings
        val = None
        for name in RC_CHILDREN.get(key, ()):
            val = _convert_units(key, value)
            if name in rcParamsLong:
                kw_custom[name] = val
                kw[name] = val
        if key == 'linewidth' and val == 0:
            ikw, ikw_custom = _get_synced_params('ticklen', 0)
    return kw, kw_custom

[docs]class rc_configurator(object): _public_api = ( 'get', 'fill', 'category', 'reset', 'context', 'update' ) # getattr and setattr will not look for these items def __str__(self): return type(rcParams).__str__(rcParamsShort) # just show globals def __repr__(self): return type(rcParams).__repr__(rcParamsShort) def __contains__(self, key): return (key in RC_SHORTNAMES or key in RC_LONGNAMES or key in RC_PARAMNAMES or key in RC_NODOTSNAMES) # biggest lists last @_counter # about 0.05s def __init__(self): """Magical abstract class for managing matplotlib `rcParams \ <>`__ settings, ProPlot :ref:`rcParamsLong` settings, and :ref:`rcParamsShort` "global" settings. This starts with the default settings plus user ``.proplotrc`` overrides. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details.""" # Set the default style. Note that after first figure made, backend # is 'sticky', never changes! See: #'default') # Load the defaults from file for i, file in enumerate(_get_config_paths()): # Load if not os.path.exists(file): continue with open(file) as f: try: data = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.YAMLError as err: print('{file!r} has invalid YAML syntax.') raise err # Special duplicate keys if data is None: continue # Deprecated nbsetup # No warning for now, just keep it undocumented format = data.pop('format', None) if format is not None: data['inlinefmt'] = format nbsetup = data.pop('nbsetup', None) if nbsetup is not None and not nbsetup: data['matplotlib'] = None data['autoreload'] = None data['autosave'] = None # Add keys to dictionaries gkeys, ckeys = {*()}, {*()} for key, value in data.items(): if key in RC_SHORTNAMES: rcParamsShort[key] = value if i == 0: gkeys.add(key) elif key in RC_LONGNAMES: value = _convert_units(key, value) rcParamsLong[key] = value if i == 0: ckeys.add(key) elif key in RC_PARAMNAMES: value = _convert_units(key, value) rcParams[key] = value else: raise RuntimeError(f'{file!r} has invalid key {key!r}.') # Make sure we did not miss anything if i == 0: if gkeys != RC_SHORTNAMES: raise RuntimeError( f'{file!r} has incomplete or invalid global keys ' f'{RC_SHORTNAMES - gkeys}.') if ckeys != RC_LONGNAMES: raise RuntimeError( f'{file!r} has incomplete or invalid custom keys ' f'{RC_LONGNAMES - ckeys}.') # Apply *global settings* to children settings rcParams['axes.titlepad'] = rcParamsLong['title.pad'] _set_cycler(rcParamsShort['cycle']) rc, rc_new = _get_synced_params() for key, value in rc.items(): rcParams[key] = value for key, value in rc_new.items(): rcParamsLong[key] = value # Caching stuff self._init = True self._getitem_mode = 0 self._context = {} self._cache = {} self._cache_orig = {} self._cache_restore = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get `rcParams <>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, and :ref:`rcParamsShort` settings. If we are in a `~rc_configurator.context` block, may return ``None`` if the setting is not cached (i.e. if it was not changed by the user).""" # Can get a whole bunch of different things # Get full dictionary e.g. for rc[None] if not key: return {**rcParams, **rcParamsLong} # Standardize # NOTE: If key is invalid, raise error down the line. if '.' not in key and key not in rcParamsShort: key = RC_NODOTSNAMES.get(key, key) # Allow for special time-saving modes where we *ignore rcParams* # or even *ignore rcParamsLong*. mode = self._getitem_mode if mode == 0: kws = (self._cache, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong, rcParams) elif mode == 1: kws = (self._cache, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong) # custom only! elif mode == 2: kws = (self._cache,) # changed only! else: raise KeyError(f'Invalid caching mode {mode!r}.') # Get individual property. Will successively index a few different # dicts. Try to return the value for kw in kws: try: return kw[key] except KeyError: continue # If we were in one of the exclusive modes, return None if mode == 0: raise KeyError(f'Invalid prop name {key!r}.') else: return None
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set `rcParams <>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, and :ref:`rcParamsShort` settings.""" # Check whether we are in context block # NOTE: Do not add key to cache until we are sure it is a valid key cache = self._cache context = bool(self._context) # test if context dict is non-empty if context: restore = self._cache_restore # Standardize # NOTE: If key is invalid, raise error down the line. if '.' not in key and key not in rcParamsShort: key = RC_NODOTSNAMES.get(key, key) # Special keys if key == 'title.pad': key = 'axes.titlepad' if key == 'matplotlib': ipython_matplotlib(value) if key == 'autosave': ipython_autosave(value) if key == 'autoreload': ipython_autoreload(value) if key == 'fontname': use_font(value) if key == 'rgbcycle': # if must re-apply cycler afterward cache[key] = value rcParamsShort[key] = value key, value = 'cycle', rcParamsShort['cycle'] # Set the default cycler if key == 'cycle': cache[key] = value if context: restore[key] = rcParamsShort[key] restore['axes.prop_cycle'] = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] restore['patch.facecolor'] = rcParams['patch.facecolor'] _set_cycler(value) # Gridline toggling, complicated because of the clunky way this is # implemented in matplotlib. There should be a gridminor setting! elif key in ('grid', 'gridminor'): cache[key] = value ovalue = rcParams['axes.grid'] owhich = rcParams['axes.grid.which'] if context: restore[key] = rcParamsShort[key] restore['axes.grid'] = ovalue restore['axes.grid.which'] = owhich # Instruction is to turn off gridlines if not value: # Gridlines are already off, or they are on for the particular # ones that we want to turn off. Instruct to turn both off. if not ovalue or (key == 'grid' and owhich == 'major') or ( key == 'gridminor' and owhich == 'minor'): which = 'both' # disable both sides # Gridlines are currently on for major and minor ticks, so we # instruct to turn on gridlines for the one we *don't* want off elif owhich == 'both': # and ovalue is True value = True # if gridminor=False, enable major, and vice versa which = 'major' if key == 'gridminor' else 'minor' # Gridlines are on for the ones that we *didn't* instruct to # turn off, and off for the ones we do want to turn off. This # just re-asserts the ones that are already on. else: value = True which = owhich # Instruction is to turn on gridlines else: # Gridlines are already both on, or they are off only for the # ones that we want to turn on. Turn on gridlines for both. if owhich == 'both' or (key == 'grid' and owhich == 'minor') \ or (key == 'gridminor' and owhich == 'major'): which = 'both' # Gridlines are off for both, or off for the ones that we # don't want to turn on. We can just turn on these ones. else: which = owhich cache.update({'axes.grid': value, 'axes.grid.which': which}) rcParams.update({'axes.grid': value, 'axes.grid.which': which}) # Ordinary settings elif key in rcParamsShort: # Update global setting cache[key] = value if context: restore[key] = rcParamsShort[key] rcParamsShort[key] = value # Update children of setting rc, rc_new = _get_synced_params(key, value) cache.update(rc) cache.update(rc_new) if context: restore.update({key: rcParams[key] for key in rc}) restore.update({key: rcParamsLong[key] for key in rc_new}) rcParams.update(rc) rcParamsLong.update(rc_new) # Update normal settings elif key in RC_LONGNAMES: value = _convert_units(key, value) cache[key] = value if context: restore[key] = rcParamsLong[key] rcParamsLong[key] = value elif key in RC_PARAMNAMES: value = _convert_units(key, value) cache[key] = value if context: restore[key] = rcParams[key] rcParams[key] = value # rcParams dict has key validation else: raise KeyError(f'Invalid key {key!r}.') self._init = False # we are no longer in initial state
# Attributes same as items
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Invoke `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` so that ``rc.key`` is identical to ``rc[key]``.""" if attr[:1] == '_': return object.__getattr__(self, attr) else: return self[attr]
[docs] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Invoke `~rc_configurator.__setitem__` so that ``rc.key = value`` is identical to ``rc[key] = value``.""" if attr[:1] == '_': object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) else: self[attr] = value
# Immutability def __delitem__(self, *args): """Pseudo-immutability.""" raise RuntimeError('rc settings cannot be deleted.') def __delattr__(self, *args): """Pseudo-immutability.""" raise RuntimeError('rc settings cannot be deleted.') # Context tools def __enter__(self): """Apply settings from configurator cache.""" self._cache_orig = rc._cache.copy() self._cache_restore = {} # shouldn't be necessary but just in case self._cache = {} for key, value in self._context.items(): self[key] = value # applies linked and individual settings def __exit__(self, *args): """Restore configurator cache to initial state.""" self._context = {} self._getitem_mode = 0 for key, value in self._cache_restore.items(): self[key] = value self._cache = self._cache_orig self._cache_restore = {} self._cache_orig = {}
[docs] def context(self, *args, mode=0, **kwargs): """ Temporarily modifies settings in a ```` block, used by ProPlot internally but may also be useful for power users. This function was invented to prevent successive calls to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format` from constantly looking up and re-applying unchanged settings. Testing showed that these gratuitous `rcParams <>`__ lookups and artist updates increased runtime by seconds, even for relatively simple plots. Parameters ---------- *args Dictionaries of setting names and values. **kwargs Setting names and values passed as keyword arguments. Other parameters ---------------- mode : {0,1,2}, optional The `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` mode. Dictates the behavior of the `rc` object within a ```` block when settings are requested with e.g. :rcraw:`setting`. If you are using `~rc_configurator.context` manually, the `mode` is automatically set to ``0`` -- other input is ignored. Internally, ProPlot uses all of the three available modes. 0. All settings (`rcParams \ <>`__, :ref:`rcParamsLong`, and :ref:`rcParamsShort`) are returned, whether or not `~rc_configurator.context` has changed them. 1. Unchanged `rcParams \ <>`__ return ``None``. :ref:`rcParamsLong` and :ref:`rcParamsShort` are returned whether or not `~rc_configurator.context` has changed them. This is used in the ``__init__`` call to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. When a setting lookup returns ``None``, `~proplot.axes.Axes.format` does not apply it. 2. All unchanged settings return ``None``. This is used during user calls to `~proplot.axes.Axes.format`. Example ------- >>> import proplot as plot >>> with plot.rc.context(linewidth=2, ticklen=5): ... f, ax = plot.subplots() ... ax.plot(data) """ if mode not in range(3): raise ValueError(f'Invalid _getitem_mode {mode}.') for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, dict): raise ValueError('Non-dictionary argument.') kwargs.update(arg) self._context = kwargs # could be empty self._getitem_mode = mode return self
# Other tools
[docs] def get(self, key, cache=False): """ Returns a setting. Parameters ---------- key : str The setting name. cache : bool, optional If ``False``, the `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` mode is temporarily set to ``0`` (see `~rc_configurator.context`). """ if not cache: orig = self._getitem_mode self._getitem_mode = 0 item = self[key] if not cache: self._getitem_mode = orig return item
[docs] def fill(self, props, cache=True): """ Returns a dictionary filled with `rc` settings, used internally to build dictionaries for updating `~matplotlib.artist.Artist` instances. Parameters ---------- props : dict-like Dictionary whose values are names of `rc` settings. The values are replaced with the corresponding property only if `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` does not return ``None``. Otherwise, that key, value pair is omitted from the output dictionary. cache : bool, optional If ``False``, the `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` mode is temporarily set to ``0`` (see `~rc_configurator.context`). Otherwise, if an `rc` lookup returns ``None``, the setting is omitted from the output dictionary. """ if not cache: orig = self._getitem_mode self._getitem_mode = 0 props_out = {} for key, value in props.items(): item = self[value] if item is not None: props_out[key] = item if not cache: self._getitem_mode = orig return props_out
[docs] def category(self, cat, cache=True): """ Returns a dictionary of settings belonging to the indicated category, i.e. settings beginning with the substring ``cat + '.'``. Parameters ---------- cat : str, optional The `rc` settings category. cache : bool, optional If ``False``, the `~rc_configurator.__getitem__` mode is temporarily set to ``0`` (see `~rc_configurator.context`). """ # Check if cat not in RC_CATEGORIES: raise ValueError( f'RC category {cat!r} does not exist. Valid categories are ' f', '.join(map(repr, RC_CATEGORIES)) + '.') if not cache: mode = 0 else: mode = self._getitem_mode # Allow for special time-saving modes where we *ignore rcParams* # or even *ignore rcParamsLong*. if mode == 0: kws = (self._cache, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong, rcParams) elif mode == 1: kws = (self._cache, rcParamsShort, rcParamsLong) elif mode == 2: kws = (self._cache, rcParamsShort) else: raise KeyError(f'Invalid caching mode {mode}.') # Return params dictionary params = {} for kw in kws: for category, value in kw.items(): if'^{cat}\.', category): subcategory = re.sub(rf'^{cat}\.', '', category) if subcategory and '.' not in subcategory: params[subcategory] = value return params
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Bulk updates settings, usage is similar to python `dict` objects. Parameters ---------- *args : str, dict, or (str, dict) Positional arguments can be a dictionary of `rc` settings and/or a "category" string name. If a category name is passed, all settings in the dictionary (if it was passed) and all keyword arg names (if they were passed) are prepended with the string ``cat + '.'``. For example, ``rc.update('axes', labelsize=20, titlesize=20)`` changes the ``axes.labelsize`` and ``axes.titlesize`` properties. **kwargs `rc` settings passed as keyword args. """ # Parse args kw = {} prefix = '' if len(args) > 2: raise ValueError( 'Accepts 1-2 positional arguments. Use plot.rc.update(kw) ' 'to update a bunch of names, or plot.rc.update(category, kw) ' 'to update subcategories belonging to single category ' 'e.g. axes. Keyword args are added to the kw dict.') elif len(args) == 2: prefix = args[0] kw = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): prefix = args[0] else: kw = args[0] # Apply settings if prefix: prefix = prefix + '.' kw.update(kwargs) for key, value in kw.items(): self[prefix + key] = value
[docs] def reset(self): """Restores settings to the initial state -- ProPlot defaults, plus any user overrides in the ``~/.proplotrc`` file.""" if not self._init: # save resources if rc is unchanged! return self.__init__()
[docs]def ipython_matplotlib(backend=None, fmt=None): """ Set up the `matplotlib backend \ <>`__ for ipython sessions and apply the following ``%config InlineBackend`` magic commands. .. code-block:: ipython %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = fmt %config InlineBackend.rc = {} # never override my rc settings! %config InlineBackend.close_figures = True # memory issues %config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {'bbox_inches': None} \ # we use our own tight layout algorithm This must be called *before drawing any figures*! For some ipython sessions (e.g. terminals) the backend can only be changed by adding ``matplotlib: backend`` to your ``.proplotrc`` file. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- backend : str, optional The backend name. Use ``'auto'`` to apply ``%matplotlib inline`` for notebooks and ``%matplotlib qt`` for all other sessions. fmt : str or list of str, optional The inline backend file format(s). Valid formats include ``'jpg'``, ``'png'``, ``'svg'``, ``'pdf'``, and ``'retina'``. This is ignored for non-inline backends. """ # noqa # Bail out ipython = get_ipython() backend = backend or rcParamsShort['matplotlib'] if ipython is None or backend is None: return # Default behavior dependent on type of ipython session # See: rc._init = False ibackend = backend if backend == 'auto': if 'IPKernelApp' in getattr(get_ipython(), 'config', ''): ibackend = 'inline' else: ibackend = 'qt' try: ipython.magic('matplotlib ' + ibackend) rc.reset() except KeyError: if backend != 'auto': _warn_proplot(f'{"%matplotlib " + backend!r} failed.') # Configure inline backend no matter what type of session this is # Should be silently ignored for terminal ipython sessions fmt = fmt or rcParamsShort['inlinefmt'] if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = [fmt] elif np.iterable(fmt): fmt = list(fmt) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid inline backend format {fmt!r}. ' 'Must be string or list thereof.') ipython.magic(f'config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {fmt!r}') ipython.magic('config InlineBackend.rc = {}') # no notebook overrides ipython.magic('config InlineBackend.close_figures = True') # memory issues ipython.magic( # use proplot tight layout 'config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {"bbox_inches":None}')
[docs]def ipython_autoreload(autoreload=None): """ Set up the `ipython autoreload utility \ <>`__ by running the following ipython magic. .. code-block:: ipython %autoreload autoreload This is called on import by default. Add ``autoreload:`` to your ``.proplotrc`` to disable. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- autoreload : float, optional The autoreload level. Default is :rc:`autoreload`. """ # noqa ipython = get_ipython() autoreload = autoreload or rcParamsShort['autoreload'] if ipython is None or autoreload is None: return if 'autoreload' not in ipython.magics_manager.magics['line']: with # capture annoying message ipython.magic('load_ext autoreload') ipython.magic('autoreload ' + str(autoreload))
[docs]def ipython_autosave(autosave=None): """ Set up the `ipython autosave utility \ <>`__ by running the following ipython magic. .. code-block:: ipython %autosave autosave This is called on import by default. Add ``autosave:`` to your ``.proplotrc`` to disable. See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. Parameters ---------- autosave : float, optional The autosave interval in seconds. Default is :rc:`autosave`. """ # noqa ipython = get_ipython() autosave = autosave or rcParamsShort['autosave'] if ipython is None or autosave is None: return with # capture annoying message try: ipython.magic('autosave ' + str(autosave)) except IPython.core.error.UsageError: pass
[docs]def use_font(font=None): """ Set the default font and ensure that the font used for TeX-style math is the same as the regular font by applying ``rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular'``. Parameters ---------- font : str, optional If ``'auto'``, we search for ``'Helvetica Neue'``, followed by ``'Helvetica'``, ``'Arial'``, and finally ``'DejaVu Sans'``. """ font = font or rcParamsShort['fontname'] if font == 'auto': import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts font = 'DejaVu Sans' fonts = sorted({ for font in mfonts.fontManager.ttflist}) for nicefont in ( 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera', ): if nicefont in fonts: font = nicefont break rcParams[''] = font rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular'
#: Instance of `rc_configurator`. This is used to change global settings. #: See :ref:`Configuring proplot` for details. rc = rc_configurator() # Call setup functions ipython_matplotlib() ipython_autoreload() ipython_autosave() # use_font()