Changelog history

ProPlot v1.0.0 (2020-##-##)

This will be published when some major refactoring tasks are completed. See GH#45, GH#46, and GH#50.

ProPlot v0.3.0 (2020-01-XX)


  • Users can now use figure with add_subplot or subplots (GH#50). This is a major improvement!

  • GridSpec now accepts physical units, rather than having subplots handle the units (GH#50).

  • Add xlinewidth, ylinewidth, xgridcolor, ygridcolor keyword args to format (GH#50).

  • Allow “hanging” twin x and y axes as members of the EdgeStack container. Arbitrarily many siblings are now permitted.

  • Use GeometrySolver for calculating various automatic layout stuff instead of having 1000 hidden Figure methods (GH#50).

  • Use EdgeStack class for handling stacks of colorbars, legends, and text (GH#50).

Bug fixes


  • Remove subplots.innerspace, subplots.titlespace, subplots.xlabspace, and subplots.ylabspace spacing arguments, automatically calculate default non-tight spacing using _get_space based on current tick lengths, label sizes, etc.


  • Handle all projection keyword arguments in add_subplot instead of subplots (GH#50).

  • Panels, colorbars, and legends are now members of EdgeStack stacks rather than getting inserted directly into the main GridSpec (GH#50).

  • Define rc default values with inline dictionaries rather than with a default .proplotrc file, change the auto-generated user .proplotrc (GH#50).

ProPlot v0.2.6 (2019-12-08)

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue where twin axes are drawn twice (@56145122).

ProPlot v0.2.5 (2019-12-07)


ProPlot v0.2.4 (2019-12-07)




ProPlot v0.2.3 (2019-12-05)

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with overlapping gridlines (@8960ebdc).

  • Fix issue where auto colorbar labels are not applied when globe=True (@ecb3c899).

  • More sensible zorder for gridlines (@90d94e55).

  • Fix issue where customized super title settings are overridden when new axes are created (@35cb21f2).


  • Organize ipython notebook documentation (@35cb21f2).


  • Major cleanup of the colorbar_wrapper source code, handle minor ticks using the builtin matplotlib API just like major ticks (@b9976220).

ProPlot v0.2.2 (2019-12-04)

Bug fixes



  • Make notebook examples PEP8 compliant (@97f5ffd4). Much more readable now.

ProPlot v0.2.1 (2019-12-02)


ProPlot v0.2.0 (2019-12-02)


  • Support manual resizing for all backends, including osx and qt (@3a622887).

Bug fixes

  • Disable automatic resizing for the nbAgg interactive inline backend. Found no suitable workaround (@3a622887).


  • Remove the nbsetup rc setting in favor of separate autosave, autoreload, and matplotlib settings for triggering the respective % magic commands. (@3a622887; nbsetup is still accepted but no longer documented).

  • Rename the format rc setting in favor of the inlinefmt setting (@3a622887; format is still accepted but no longer documented).

  • Rename FlexibleGridSpec and FlexibleSubplotSpec to GridSpec and SubplotSpec (@3a622887; until GH#50 is merged it is impossible to use these manually, so this won’t bother anyone).


  • Organize the rc documentation and the default .proplotrc file (@3a622887).

  • Rename rcParamsCustom to rcParamsLong (@3a622887; this is inaccessible to the user).

  • When calling fig.canvas.print_figure() on a stale figure, call fig.canvas.draw() first. May be overkill for savefig but critical for correctly displaying already-drawn notebook figures.

ProPlot v0.1.0 (2019-12-01)


  • Include flake8 in Travis CI testing (@8743b857).

  • Enforce source code PEP8 compliance (@78da51a7).

  • Use pre-commit for all future commits (@e14f6809).

  • Implement tight layout stuff with canvas monkey patches (@67221d10). ProPlot now works for arbitrary backends, not just inline and qt.


ProPlot v0.0.0 (2019-11-27)

The first version released on PyPi.