Source code for proplot.axes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The axes classes used for all ProPlot figures.
import numpy as np
import functools
from numbers import Integral
import matplotlib.projections as mproj
import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.scale as mscale
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.gridspec as mgridspec
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib.collections as mcollections
from . import projs, axistools
from .utils import _warn_proplot, _notNone, units, arange, edges
from .rctools import rc, RC_NODOTSNAMES
from .wrappers import (
    _get_transform, _norecurse, _redirect,
    _add_errorbars, _bar_wrapper, _barh_wrapper, _boxplot_wrapper,
    _default_crs, _default_latlon, _default_transform, _cmap_changer,
    _cycle_changer, _fill_between_wrapper, _fill_betweenx_wrapper,
    _hist_wrapper, _plot_wrapper, _scatter_wrapper,
    _standardize_1d, _standardize_2d,
    _text_wrapper, _violinplot_wrapper,
    colorbar_wrapper, legend_wrapper,
    from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    GeoAxes = object

__all__ = [
    'PolarAxes', 'ProjAxes',

# Translator for inset colorbars and legends
ABC_STRING = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    None: None,
    'inset': 'best',
    'i': 'best',
    0: 'best',
    1: 'upper right',
    2: 'upper left',
    3: 'lower left',
    4: 'lower right',
    5: 'center left',
    6: 'center right',
    7: 'lower center',
    8: 'upper center',
    9: 'center',
    'l': 'left',
    'r': 'right',
    'b': 'bottom',
    't': 'top',
    'c': 'center',
    'ur': 'upper right',
    'ul': 'upper left',
    'll': 'lower left',
    'lr': 'lower right',
    'cr': 'center right',
    'cl': 'center left',
    'uc': 'upper center',
    'lc': 'lower center',
    'l': 'left',
    'r': 'right',
    'b': 'bottom',
    't': 'top',

def _abc(i):
    """Function for a-b-c labeling, returns"""
    if i < 26:
        return ABC_STRING[i]
        return _abc(i - 26) + ABC_STRING[i % 26]  # sexy sexy recursion

def _disable_decorator(msg):
    Generate decorators that disable methods. Also sets __doc__ to None so
    that ProPlot fork of automodapi doesn't add these methods to the website
    documentation. Users can still call help(ax.method) because python looks
    for superclass method docstrings if a docstring is empty.
    def decorator(func):
        def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(func.__name__))
        _wrapper.__doc__ = None
        return _wrapper
    return decorator

[docs]class Axes(maxes.Axes): """Lowest-level axes subclass. Handles titles and axis sharing. Adds several new methods and overrides existing ones.""" def __init__(self, *args, number=None, sharex=0, sharey=0, spanx=None, spany=None, alignx=None, aligny=None, main=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- number : int The subplot number, used for a-b-c labelling (see `~Axes.format`). sharex, sharey : {3, 2, 1, 0}, optional The "axis sharing level" for the *x* axis, *y* axis, or both axes. See `~proplot.subplots.subplots` for details. spanx, spany : bool, optional Boolean toggle for whether spanning labels are enabled for the *x* and *y* axes. See `~proplot.subplots.subplots` for details. alignx, aligny : bool, optional Boolean toggle for whether aligned axis labels are enabled for the *x* and *y* axes. See `~proplot.subplots.subplots` for details. main : bool, optional Used internally, indicates whether this is a "main axes" rather than a twin, panel, or inset axes. See also -------- :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, :py:obj:`XYAxes`, :py:obj:`PolarAxes`, :py:obj:`ProjAxes` """ # Call parent super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Properties self._number = number # for abc numbering self._abc_loc = None self._abc_text = None self._titles_dict = {} # title text objects and their locations self._title_loc = None # location of main title # so we can copy to top panel self._title_pad = rc.get('axes.titlepad') self._title_above_panel = True # TODO: add rc prop? # Children and related properties self._bpanels = [] self._tpanels = [] self._lpanels = [] self._rpanels = [] self._tightbbox = None # bounding boxes are saved self._panel_side = None self._panel_share = False # True when "filled" with cbar/legend self._panel_parent = None self._panel_filled = False # True when "filled" with cbar/legend self._inset_parent = None self._inset_zoom = False self._inset_zoom_data = None self._alty_child = None self._altx_child = None self._alty_parent = None self._altx_parent = None self._auto_colorbar = {} # stores handles and kwargs for auto colorbar self._auto_legend = {} # Text labels # TODO: Add text labels as panels instead of as axes children? coltransform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.figure.transFigure) rowtransform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.figure.transFigure, self.transAxes) self._llabel = self.text( 0.05, 0.5, '', va='center', ha='right', transform=rowtransform) self._rlabel = self.text( 0.95, 0.5, '', va='center', ha='left', transform=rowtransform) self._blabel = self.text( 0.5, 0.05, '', va='top', ha='center', transform=coltransform) self._tlabel = self.text( 0.5, 0.95, '', va='bottom', ha='center', transform=coltransform) # Shared and spanning axes if main: self.figure._axes_main.append(self) self._spanx_on = spanx self._spany_on = spany self._alignx_on = alignx self._aligny_on = aligny self._sharex_level = sharex self._sharey_level = sharey self.format(mode=1) # mode == 1 applies the rcShortParams def _draw_auto_legends_colorbars(self): """Generate automatic legends and colorbars. Wrapper funcs let user add handles to location lists with successive calls to make successive calls to plotting commands.""" for loc, (handles, kwargs) in self._auto_colorbar.items(): self.colorbar(handles, **kwargs) for loc, (handles, kwargs) in self._auto_legend.items(): self.legend(handles, **kwargs) self._auto_legend = {} self._auto_colorbar = {} def _get_side_axes(self, side): """Returns axes whose left, right, top, or bottom side abutts against the same row or column as this axes.""" s = side[0] if s not in 'lrbt': raise ValueError(f'Invalid side {side!r}.') if not hasattr(self, 'get_subplotspec'): return [self] x = ('x' if s in 'lr' else 'y') idx = (0 if s in 'lt' else 1) # which side of range to test coord = self._range_gridspec(x)[idx] # side for a particular axes axs = [ax for ax in self.figure._axes_main if ax._range_gridspec(x)[idx] == coord] if not axs: return [self] else: return axs def _get_extent_axes(self, x): """Returns axes whose horizontal or vertical extent in the main gridspec matches the horizontal or vertical extend of this axes. Also sorts the list so the leftmost or bottommost axes is at the start of the list.""" if not hasattr(self, 'get_subplotspec'): return [self] y = ('y' if x == 'x' else 'x') idx = (0 if x == 'x' else 1) argfunc = (np.argmax if x == 'x' else np.argmin) irange = self._range_gridspec(x) axs = [ax for ax in self.figure._axes_main if ax._range_gridspec(x) == irange] if not axs: return [self] else: pax = axs.pop(argfunc([ax._range_gridspec(y)[idx] for ax in axs])) return [pax, *axs] def _get_title_props(self, abc=False, loc=None): """Returns standardized location name, position keyword arguments, and setting keyword arguments for the relevant title or a-b-c label at location `loc`.""" # Props # NOTE: Sometimes we load all properties from rc object, sometimes # just changed ones. This is important if e.g. user calls in two # lines ax.format(titleweight='bold') then ax.format(title='text'), # don't want to override custom setting with rc default setting. def props(cache): return rc.fill({ 'fontsize': f'{prefix}.size', 'weight': f'{prefix}.weight', 'color': f'{prefix}.color', 'border': f'{prefix}.border', 'linewidth': f'{prefix}.linewidth', 'fontfamily': '', }, cache=cache) # Location string and position coordinates cache = True prefix = 'abc' if abc else 'title' loc = _notNone(loc, rc[f'{prefix}.loc']) iloc = getattr(self, '_' + ('abc' if abc else 'title') + '_loc') # old if loc is None: loc = iloc elif iloc is not None and loc != iloc: cache = False # Above axes loc = LOC_TRANSLATE.get(loc, loc) if loc in ('top', 'bottom'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid title location {loc!r}.') elif loc in ('left', 'right', 'center'): kw = props(cache) kw.pop('border', None) # no border for titles outside axes kw.pop('linewidth', None) if loc == 'center': obj = self.title else: obj = getattr(self, '_' + loc + '_title') # Inside axes elif loc in self._titles_dict: kw = props(cache) obj = self._titles_dict[loc] else: kw = props(False) width, height = self.get_size_inches() if loc in ('upper center', 'lower center'): x, ha = 0.5, 'center' elif loc in ('upper left', 'lower left'): xpad = rc.get('axes.titlepad') / (72 * width) x, ha = 1.5 * xpad, 'left' elif loc in ('upper right', 'lower right'): xpad = rc.get('axes.titlepad') / (72 * width) x, ha = 1 - 1.5 * xpad, 'right' else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid title or abc "loc" {loc}.') if loc in ('upper left', 'upper right', 'upper center'): ypad = rc.get('axes.titlepad') / (72 * height) y, va = 1 - 1.5 * ypad, 'top' elif loc in ('lower left', 'lower right', 'lower center'): ypad = rc.get('axes.titlepad') / (72 * height) y, va = 1.5 * ypad, 'bottom' obj = self.text(x, y, '', ha=ha, va=va, transform=self.transAxes) obj.set_transform(self.transAxes) return loc, obj, kw @staticmethod def _loc_translate(loc, **kwargs): """Translates location string `loc` into a standardized form.""" if loc is True: loc = 'r' # for on-the-fly colorbars and legends elif isinstance(loc, (str, Integral)): loc = LOC_TRANSLATE.get(loc, loc) return loc def _make_inset_locator(self, bounds, trans): """Helper function, copied from private matplotlib version.""" def inset_locator(ax, renderer): bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*bounds) bb = mtransforms.TransformedBbox(bbox, trans) tr = self.figure.transFigure.inverted() bb = mtransforms.TransformedBbox(bb, tr) return bb return inset_locator def _range_gridspec(self, x): """Gets the column or row range for the axes.""" subplotspec = self.get_subplotspec() if x == 'x': _, _, _, _, col1, col2 = subplotspec.get_active_rows_columns() return col1, col2 else: _, _, row1, row2, _, _ = subplotspec.get_active_rows_columns() return row1, row2 def _range_tightbbox(self, x): """Gets span of tight bounding box, including twin axes and panels which are not considered real children and so aren't ordinarily included in the tight bounding box calc. `~proplot.axes.Axes.get_tightbbox` caches tight bounding boxes when `~Figure.get_tightbbox` is called.""" # TODO: Better resting for axes visibility bbox = self._tightbbox if bbox is None: return np.nan, np.nan if x == 'x': return bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax else: return bbox.ymin, bbox.ymax def _reassign_suplabel(self, side): """Re-assigns the column and row labels to panel axes, if they exist. This is called by `~proplot.subplots.Figure._align_suplabel`.""" # Place column and row labels on panels instead of axes -- works when # this is called on the main axes *or* on the relevant panel itself # TODO: Mixed figure panels with super labels? How does that work? s = side[0] side = SIDE_TRANSLATE[s] if s == self._panel_side: ax = self._panel_parent else: ax = self paxs = getattr(ax, '_' + s + 'panels') if not paxs: return ax idx = (0 if s in 'lt' else -1) pax = paxs[idx] kw = {} obj = getattr(ax, '_' + s + 'label') for key in ('color', 'fontproperties'): # TODO: add to this? kw[key] = getattr(obj, 'get_' + key)() pobj = getattr(pax, '_' + s + 'label') pobj.update(kw) text = obj.get_text() if text: obj.set_text('') pobj.set_text(text) return pax def _reassign_title(self): """Re-assigns title to the first upper panel if present. We cannot simply add upper panel as child axes, because then title will be offset but still belong to main axes, which messes up tight bounding box.""" # Reassign title from main axes to top panel -- works when this is # called on the main axes *or* on the top panel itself. This is # critical for bounding box calcs; not always clear whether draw() and # get_tightbbox() are called on the main axes or panel first if self._panel_side == 'top' and self._panel_parent: ax, taxs = self._panel_parent, [self] else: ax, taxs = self, self._tpanels if not taxs or not ax._title_above_panel: tax = ax else: tax = taxs[0] tax._title_pad = ax._title_pad for loc, obj in ax._titles_dict.items(): if not obj.get_text() or loc not in ( 'left', 'center', 'right'): continue kw = {} loc, tobj, _ = tax._get_title_props(loc=loc) for key in ('text', 'color', 'fontproperties'): # add to this? kw[key] = getattr(obj, 'get_' + key)() tobj.update(kw) tax._titles_dict[loc] = tobj obj.set_text('') # Push title above tick marks -- this is known matplotlib problem, # but especially annoying with top panels! # TODO: Make sure this is robust. Seems 'default' is returned usually # when tick label sides is actually *both*. Also makes sure axis is # visible; if not, this is a filled cbar/legend, no padding needed pad = 0 pos = tax.xaxis.get_ticks_position() labs = tax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() if pos == 'default' or (pos == 'top' and not len(labs)) or ( pos == 'unknown' and tax._panel_side == 'top' and not len(labs) and tax.xaxis.get_visible()): pad = tax.xaxis.get_tick_padding() tax._set_title_offset_trans(self._title_pad + pad) def _sharex_setup(self, sharex, level): """Sets up panel axis sharing.""" if level not in range(4): raise ValueError( 'Level can be 0 (share nothing), ' '1 (do not share limits, just hide axis labels), ' '2 (share limits, but do not hide tick labels), or ' '3 (share limits and hide tick labels). Got {level}.') # enforce, e.g. if doing panel sharing self._sharex_level = max(self._sharex_level, level) self._share_short_axis(sharex, 'l', level) self._share_short_axis(sharex, 'r', level) self._share_long_axis(sharex, 'b', level) self._share_long_axis(sharex, 't', level) def _sharey_setup(self, sharey, level): """Sets up panel axis sharing.""" if level not in range(4): raise ValueError( 'Level can be 0 (share nothing), ' '1 (do not share limits, just hide axis labels), ' '2 (share limits, but do not hide tick labels), or ' '3 (share limits and hide tick labels). Got {level}.') self._sharey_level = max(self._sharey_level, level) self._share_short_axis(sharey, 'b', level) self._share_short_axis(sharey, 't', level) self._share_long_axis(sharey, 'l', level) self._share_long_axis(sharey, 'r', level) def _share_setup(self): """Applies axis sharing for axes that share the same horizontal or vertical extent, and for their panels.""" # Panel axes sharing, between main subplot and its panels # Top and bottom def shared(paxs): return [ pax for pax in paxs if not pax._panel_filled and pax._panel_share] if not self._panel_side: # this is a main axes bottom = self paxs = shared(self._bpanels) if paxs: bottom = paxs[-1] for iax in (self, *paxs[:-1]): # parent is *bottom-most* panel iax._sharex_setup(bottom, 3) paxs = shared(self._tpanels) for iax in paxs: iax._sharex_setup(bottom, 3) # Left and right left = self paxs = shared(self._lpanels) if paxs: left = paxs[0] for iax in (*paxs[1:], self): iax._sharey_setup(left, 3) # parent is *bottom-most* panel paxs = shared(self._rpanels) for iax in paxs: iax._sharey_setup(left, 3) # Main axes, sometimes overrides panel axes sharing # TODO: This can get very repetitive, but probably minimal impact # on performance? # Share x axes parent, *children = self._get_extent_axes('x') for child in children: child._sharex_setup(parent, parent._sharex_level) # Share y axes parent, *children = self._get_extent_axes('y') for child in children: child._sharey_setup(parent, parent._sharey_level) def _share_short_axis(self, share, side, level): """Share the "short" axes of panels along a main subplot with panels along an external subplot.""" if share is None or self._panel_side: # not None return s = side[0] axis = 'x' if s in 'lr' else 'y' caxs = getattr(self, '_' + s + 'panels') paxs = getattr(share, '_' + s + 'panels') caxs = [pax for pax in caxs if not pax._panel_filled] paxs = [pax for pax in paxs if not pax._panel_filled] for cax, pax in zip(caxs, paxs): # may be uneven getattr(cax, '_share' + axis + '_setup')(pax, level) def _share_long_axis(self, share, side, level): """Share the "long" axes of panels along a main subplot with the axis from an external subplot.""" # NOTE: We do not check _panel_share because that only controls # sharing with main subplot, not other subplots if share is None or self._panel_side: return s = side[0] axis = 'x' if s in 'tb' else 'y' paxs = getattr(self, '_' + s + 'panels') paxs = [pax for pax in paxs if not pax._panel_filled] for pax in paxs: getattr(pax, '_share' + axis + '_setup')(share, level) def _update_axislabels(self, x='x', **kwargs): """Apply axis labels to the relevant shared axis. If spanning labels are toggled this keeps the labels synced for all subplots in the same row or column. Label positions will be adjusted at draw-time with figure._align_axislabels.""" if x not in 'xy': return # Update label on this axes axis = getattr(self, x + 'axis') axis.label.update(kwargs) kwargs.pop('color', None) # Defer to parent (main) axes if possible, then get the axes # shared by that parent ax = self._panel_parent or self ax = getattr(ax, '_share' + x) or ax # Apply to spanning axes and their panels axs = [ax] if getattr(ax, '_span' + x + '_on'): s = axis.get_label_position()[0] if s in 'lb': axs = ax._get_side_axes(s) for ax in axs: getattr(ax, x + 'axis').label.update(kwargs) # apply to main axes pax = getattr(ax, '_share' + x) if pax is not None: # apply to panel? getattr(pax, x + 'axis').label.update(kwargs) def _update_title(self, obj, **kwargs): """Redraws title if updating with input keyword args failed.""" # Try to just return updated object, redraw may be necessary # WARNING: Making text instances invisible seems to mess up tight # bounding box calculations and cause other issues. Just reset text. keys = ('border', 'lw', 'linewidth', 'bordercolor', 'invert') kwextra = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in keys} kwargs = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in keys} obj.update(kwargs) if kwextra: obj.set_text('') else: return obj # Get properties from old object for key in ('ha', 'va', 'color', 'transform', 'fontproperties'): kwextra[key] = getattr(obj, 'get_' + key)() # copy over attrs text = kwargs.pop('text', obj.get_text()) x, y = kwargs.pop('position', (None, None)) pos = obj.get_position() x = _notNone(kwargs.pop('x', x), pos[0]) y = _notNone(kwargs.pop('y', y), pos[1]) return self.text(x, y, text, **kwextra)
[docs] def context(self, *, mode=2, rc_kw=None, **kwargs): """ For internal use. Sets up temporary `~proplot.rctools.rc` settings by returning the result of `~proplot.rctools.rc_configurator.context`. Parameters ---------- rc_kw : dict, optional A dictionary containing "rc" configuration settings that will be applied to this axes. Temporarily updates the `~proplot.rctools.rc` object. **kwargs Any of three options: * A keyword arg for `Axes.format`, `XYAxes.format`, or `ProjAxes.format`. * A global "rc" keyword arg, like ``linewidth`` or ``color``. * A standard "rc" keyword arg **with the dots omitted**, like ``landcolor`` instead of ``land.color``. The latter two options update the `~proplot.rctools.rc` object, just like `rc_kw`. Other parameters ---------------- mode : int, optional The "getitem mode". This is used under-the-hood -- you shouldn't have to use it directly. Determines whether queries to the `~proplot.rctools.rc` object will ignore `rcParams <>`__. This can help prevent a massive number of unnecessary lookups when the settings haven't been changed by the user. See `~proplot.rctools.rc_configurator` for details. Returns ------- `~proplot.rctools.rc_configurator` The `proplot.rctools.rc` object primed for use in a "with" statement. dict Dictionary of keyword arguments that are not `~proplot.rctools.rc` properties, to be passed to the ``format`` methods. """ # Figure out which kwargs are valid rc settings # TODO: Support for 'small', 'large', etc. font kw = {} # for format rc_kw = rc_kw or {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): key_fixed = RC_NODOTSNAMES.get(key, None) if key_fixed is None: kw[key] = value else: rc_kw[key_fixed] = value rc._getitem_mode = 0 # might still be non-zero if had error # Return "context object", which is just the configurator itself # primed for use in a "with" statement return rc.context(rc_kw, mode=mode), kw
[docs] def format( self, *, title=None, top=None, figtitle=None, suptitle=None, rowlabels=None, collabels=None, leftlabels=None, rightlabels=None, toplabels=None, bottomlabels=None, llabels=None, rlabels=None, tlabels=None, blabels=None, **kwargs): """ Called by `XYAxes.format`, `ProjAxes.format`, and `PolarAxes.format`. Formats the axes title(s), the a-b-c label, row and column labels, and the figure title. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional The axes title. abc : bool, optional Whether to apply "a-b-c" subplot labelling based on the ``number`` attribute. If ``number`` is >26, the labels will loop around to a, ..., z, aa, ..., zz, aaa, ..., zzz, ... Default is :rc:`abc`. abcstyle : str, optional String denoting the format of a-b-c labels containing the character ``a`` or ``A``. ``'a'`` is the default, but e.g. ``'a.'``, ``'a)'``, or ``'A'`` might also be desirable. Default is :rc:``. abcloc, titleloc : str, optional Strings indicating the location for the a-b-c label and main title. The following locations keys are valid. Defaults are :rc:`abc.loc` and :rc:`title.loc`. ======================== ============================ Location Valid keys ======================== ============================ center above axes ``'center'``, ``'c'`` left above axes ``'left'``, ``'l'`` right above axes ``'right'``, ``'r'`` lower center inside axes ``'lower center``', ``'lc'`` upper center inside axes ``'upper center'``, ``'uc'`` upper right inside axes ``'upper right'``, ``'ur'`` upper left inside axes ``'upper left'``, ``'ul'`` lower left inside axes ``'lower left'``, ``'ll'`` lower right inside axes ``'lower right'``, ``'lr'`` ======================== ============================ abcborder, titleborder : bool, optional Whether to draw a white border around titles and a-b-c labels positioned inside the axes. This can help them stand out on top of artists plotted inside the axes. Defaults are :rc:`abc.border` and :rc:`title.border` ltitle, rtitle, ultitle, uctitle, urtitle, lltitle, lctitle, lrtitle \ : str, optional Axes titles in particular positions. This lets you specify multiple "titles" for each subplots. See the `abcloc` keyword. top : bool, optional Whether to try to put title and a-b-c label above the top subplot panel (if it exists), or to always put them on the main subplot. Default is ``True``. rowlabels, colllabels : list of str, optional Aliases for `leftlabels`, `toplabels`. llabels, tlabels, rlabels, blabels : list of str, optional Aliases for `leftlabels`, `toplabels`, `rightlabels`, `bottomlabels`. leftlabels, toplabels, rightlabels, bottomlabels : list of str, \ optional The subplot row and column labels. If list, length must match the number of subplots on the left, top, right, or bottom edges of the figure. figtitle, suptitle : str, optional The figure "super" title, centered between the left edge of the lefmost column of subplots and the right edge of the rightmost column of subplots, and automatically offset above figure titles. This is an improvement on matplotlib's "super" title, which just centers the text between figure edges. Note ---- The `abc`, `abcstyle`, `abcloc`, and `titleloc` keyword arguments are actually rc configuration settings that are temporarily changed by the call to `~Axes.context`. They are documented here because it is extremely common to change them with `~Axes.format`. They also appear in the tables in the `~proplot.rctools` documention. See also -------- :py:obj:`Axes.context`, :py:obj:`XYAxes.format`, :py:obj:`ProjAxes.format`, :py:obj:`PolarAxes.format`, """ # Figure patch (for some reason needs to be re-asserted even if # declared before figure is drawn) kw = rc.fill({'facecolor': 'figure.facecolor'}) self.figure.patch.update(kw) if top is not None: self._title_above_panel = top pad = rc['axes.titlepad'] if pad is not None: self._set_title_offset_trans(pad) self._title_pad = pad # Super title # NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line # gets blurred where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and # whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than # one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd. # NOTE: Below workaround prevents changed *figure-wide* settings # from getting overwritten when user makes a new axes. fig = self.figure suptitle = _notNone(figtitle, suptitle, None, names=('figtitle', 'suptitle')) if len(fig._axes_main) > 1 and rc._getitem_mode == 1: kw = {} else: kw = rc.fill({ 'fontsize': 'suptitle.size', 'weight': 'suptitle.weight', 'color': 'suptitle.color', 'fontfamily': '' }) if suptitle or kw: fig._update_figtitle(suptitle, **kw) # Labels llabels = _notNone(rowlabels, leftlabels, llabels, None, names=('rowlabels', 'leftlabels', 'llabels')) tlabels = _notNone(collabels, toplabels, tlabels, None, names=('collabels', 'toplabels', 'tlabels')) rlabels = _notNone(rightlabels, rlabels, None, names=('rightlabels', 'rlabels')) blabels = _notNone(bottomlabels, blabels, None, names=('bottomlabels', 'blabels')) for side, labels in zip( ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), (llabels, rlabels, tlabels, blabels)): kw = rc.fill({ 'fontsize': side + 'label.size', 'weight': side + 'label.weight', 'color': side + 'label.color', 'fontfamily': '' }) if labels or kw: fig._update_labels(self, side, labels, **kw) # A-b-c labels titles_dict = self._titles_dict if not self._panel_side: # Location and text abcstyle = rc[''] # changed or running format first time? if 'abcformat' in kwargs: # super sophisticated deprecation system abcstyle = kwargs.pop('abcformat') _warn_proplot( f'rc setting "abcformat" is deprecated. ' f'Please use "abcstyle".') if abcstyle and self.number is not None: if not isinstance(abcstyle, str) or ( abcstyle.count('a') != 1 and abcstyle.count('A') != 1): raise ValueError( f'Invalid abcstyle {abcstyle!r}. ' 'Must include letter "a" or "A".') abcedges = abcstyle.split('a' if 'a' in abcstyle else 'A') text = abcedges[0] + _abc(self.number - 1) + abcedges[-1] if 'A' in abcstyle: text = text.upper() self._abc_text = text # Apply new settings # Also if a-b-c label was moved, remove previous one and update # text on new one, in case self._abc_text has not changed. loc, obj, kw = self._get_title_props(abc=True) iloc = self._abc_loc obj = self._update_title(obj, **kw) titles_dict[loc] = obj if iloc is not None and loc != iloc:'') obj.set_text(self._abc_text) = obj self._abc_loc = loc # Toggle visibility # NOTE: If abc is a matplotlib 'title' attribute, making it # invisible messes stuff up. Just set text to empty. abc = rc['abc'] if abc is not None: obj.set_text(self._abc_text if bool(abc) else '') # Titles # Tricky because we have to reconcile two workflows: # 1. title='name' and titleloc='position' # 2. ltitle='name', rtitle='name', etc., arbitrarily many titles # First update existing titles # NOTE: _update_title should never return new objects unless called # with *inner* titles... *outer* titles will just refresh, so we # don't need to re-assign the attributes or anything. loc, obj, kw = self._get_title_props() if kw: for iloc, iobj in titles_dict.items(): if iloc is self._abc_loc: continue titles_dict[iloc] = self._update_title(iobj, **kw) # Workflow 2, want this to come first so workflow 1 gets priority for ikey, ititle in kwargs.items(): if not ikey[-5:] == 'title': raise TypeError( f'format() got an unexpected keyword argument {ikey!r}.') iloc, iobj, ikw = self._get_title_props(loc=ikey[:-5]) if ititle is not None: ikw['text'] = ititle if ikw: titles_dict[iloc] = self._update_title(iobj, **ikw) # Workflow 1, make sure that if user calls ax.format(title='Title') # *then* ax.format(titleloc='left') it copies over the text. iloc = self._title_loc if iloc is not None and loc != iloc: iobj = titles_dict[iloc] if title is None: title = iobj.get_text() iobj.set_text('') self._title_loc = loc # assigns default loc on first run if title is not None: kw['text'] = title if kw: titles_dict[loc] = self._update_title(obj, **kw)
[docs] def area(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between`.""" # NOTE: *Cannot* assign area = axes.Axes.fill_between because the # wrapper won't be applied and for some reason it messes up # automodsumm, which tries to put the matplotlib docstring on website return self.fill_between(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def areax(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_betweenx`.""" return self.fill_betweenx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def boxes(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.boxplot`.""" return self.boxplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def colorbar(self, *args, loc=None, pad=None, length=None, width=None, space=None, frame=None, frameon=None, alpha=None, linewidth=None, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None, **kwargs): """ Adds colorbar as an *inset* or along the outside edge of the axes. See `~proplot.wrappers.colorbar_wrapper` for details. Parameters ---------- loc : str, optional The colorbar location. Default is :rc:`colorbar.loc`. The following location keys are valid. ================== ================================== Location Valid keys ================== ================================== outer left ``'left'``, ``'l'`` outer right ``'right'``, ``'r'`` outer bottom ``'bottom'``, ``'b'`` outer top ``'top'``, ``'t'`` default inset ``'inset'``, ``'i'``, ``0`` upper right inset ``'upper right'``, ``'ur'``, ``1`` upper left inset ``'upper left'``, ``'ul'``, ``2`` lower left inset ``'lower left'``, ``'ll'``, ``3`` lower right inset ``'lower right'``, ``'lr'``, ``4`` ================== ================================== pad : float or str, optional The space between the axes edge and the colorbar. For inset colorbars only. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`colorbar.axespad`. length : float or str, optional The colorbar length. For outer colorbars, units are relative to the axes width or height. Default is :rc:`colorbar.length`. For inset colorbars, units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`colorbar.insetlength`. width : float or str, optional The colorbar width. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`colorbar.width` or :rc:`colorbar.insetwidth`. space : float or str, optional The space between the colorbar and the main axes. For outer colorbars only. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. When :rcraw:`tight` is ``True``, this is adjusted automatically. Otherwise, defaut is :rc:`subplots.panelspace`. frame, frameon : bool, optional Whether to draw a frame around inset colorbars, just like `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`. Default is :rc:`colorbar.frameon`. alpha, linewidth, edgecolor, facecolor : optional Transparency, edge width, edge color, and face color for the frame around the inset colorbar. Default is :rc:`colorbar.framealpha`, :rc:`axes.linewidth`, :rc:`axes.edgecolor`, and :rc:`axes.facecolor`, respectively. **kwargs Passed to `~proplot.wrappers.colorbar_wrapper`. """ # TODO: add option to pad inset away from axes edge! kwargs.update({'edgecolor': edgecolor, 'linewidth': linewidth}) loc = _notNone(loc, rc['colorbar.loc']) loc = self._loc_translate(loc) if loc == 'best': # a white lie loc = 'lower right' if not isinstance(loc, str): # e.g. 2-tuple or ndarray raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorbar location {loc!r}.') # Generate panel if loc in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'): ax = self.panel_axes(loc, width=width, space=space, filled=True) return ax.colorbar(loc='_fill', *args, length=length, **kwargs) # Filled colorbar if loc == '_fill': # Hide content and resize panel # NOTE: Do not run self.clear in case we want title above this for s in self.spines.values(): s.set_visible(False) self.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.patch.set_alpha(0) self._panel_filled = True # Draw colorbar with arbitrary length relative to full length # of panel side = self._panel_side length = _notNone(length, rc['colorbar.length']) subplotspec = self.get_subplotspec() if length <= 0 or length > 1: raise ValueError( f'Panel colorbar length must satisfy 0 < length <= 1, ' f'got length={length!r}.') if side in ('bottom', 'top'): gridspec = mgridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows=1, ncols=3, wspace=0, subplot_spec=subplotspec, width_ratios=((1 - length) / 2, length, (1 - length) / 2), ) subplotspec = gridspec[1] else: gridspec = mgridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows=3, ncols=1, hspace=0, subplot_spec=subplotspec, height_ratios=((1 - length) / 2, length, (1 - length) / 2), ) subplotspec = gridspec[1] with self.figure._unlock(): ax = self.figure.add_subplot(subplotspec, projection=None) if ax is self: raise ValueError(f'Uh oh.') self.add_child_axes(ax) # Location if side in ('bottom', 'top'): outside, inside = 'bottom', 'top' if side == 'top': outside, inside = inside, outside ticklocation = outside orientation = 'horizontal' else: outside, inside = 'left', 'right' if side == 'right': outside, inside = inside, outside ticklocation = outside orientation = 'vertical' # Keyword args and add as child axes orient = kwargs.get('orientation', None) if orient is not None and orient != orientation: _warn_proplot(f'Overriding input orientation={orient!r}.') ticklocation = kwargs.pop('tickloc', None) or ticklocation ticklocation = kwargs.pop('ticklocation', None) or ticklocation kwargs.update({'orientation': orientation, 'ticklocation': ticklocation}) # Inset colorbar else: # Default props cbwidth, cblength = width, length width, height = self.get_size_inches() extend = units(_notNone( kwargs.get('extendsize', None), rc['colorbar.insetextend'])) cbwidth = units(_notNone( cbwidth, rc['colorbar.insetwidth'])) / height cblength = units(_notNone( cblength, rc['colorbar.insetlength'])) / width pad = units(_notNone(pad, rc['colorbar.axespad'])) xpad, ypad = pad / width, pad / height # Get location in axes-relative coordinates # Bounds are x0, y0, width, height in axes-relative coordinates xspace = rc['xtick.major.size'] / 72 if kwargs.get('label', ''): xspace += 2.4 * rc['font.size'] / 72 else: xspace += 1.2 * rc['font.size'] / 72 xspace /= height # space for labels if loc == 'upper right': bounds = (1 - xpad - cblength, 1 - ypad - cbwidth) fbounds = (1 - 2 * xpad - cblength, 1 - 2 * ypad - cbwidth - xspace) elif loc == 'upper left': bounds = (xpad, 1 - ypad - cbwidth) fbounds = (0, 1 - 2 * ypad - cbwidth - xspace) elif loc == 'lower left': bounds = (xpad, ypad + xspace) fbounds = (0, 0) elif loc == 'lower right': bounds = (1 - xpad - cblength, ypad + xspace) fbounds = (1 - 2 * xpad - cblength, 0) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid colorbar location {loc!r}.') bounds = (bounds[0], bounds[1], cblength, cbwidth) fbounds = (fbounds[0], fbounds[1], 2 * xpad + cblength, 2 * ypad + cbwidth + xspace) # Make frame # NOTE: We do not allow shadow effects or fancy edges effect. # Also keep zorder same as with legend. frameon = _notNone( frame, frameon, rc['colorbar.frameon'], names=('frame', 'frameon')) if frameon: # Make patch object xmin, ymin, width, height = fbounds patch = mpatches.Rectangle( (xmin, ymin), width, height, snap=True, zorder=4, transform=self.transAxes) # Update patch props alpha = _notNone(alpha, rc['colorbar.framealpha']) linewidth = _notNone(linewidth, rc['axes.linewidth']) edgecolor = _notNone(edgecolor, rc['axes.edgecolor']) facecolor = _notNone(facecolor, rc['axes.facecolor']) patch.update({'alpha': alpha, 'linewidth': linewidth, 'edgecolor': edgecolor, 'facecolor': facecolor}) self.add_artist(patch) # Make axes locator = self._make_inset_locator(bounds, self.transAxes) bbox = locator(None, None) ax = maxes.Axes(self.figure, bbox.bounds, zorder=5) ax.set_axes_locator(locator) self.add_child_axes(ax) # Default keyword args orient = kwargs.pop('orientation', None) if orient is not None and orient != 'horizontal': _warn_proplot( f'Orientation for inset colorbars must be horizontal, ' f'ignoring orient={orient!r}.') ticklocation = kwargs.pop('tickloc', None) ticklocation = kwargs.pop('ticklocation', None) or ticklocation if ticklocation is not None and ticklocation != 'bottom': _warn_proplot( f'Inset colorbars can only have ticks on the bottom.') kwargs.update({'orientation': 'horizontal', 'ticklocation': 'bottom'}) kwargs.setdefault('maxn', 5) kwargs.setdefault('extendsize', extend) # Generate colorbar return colorbar_wrapper(ax, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def legend(self, *args, loc=None, width=None, space=None, **kwargs): """ Adds an *inset* legend or *outer* legend along the edge of the axes. See `~proplot.wrappers.legend_wrapper` for details. Parameters ---------- loc : int or str, optional The legend location or panel location. The following location keys are valid. Note that if a panel does not exist, it will be generated on-the-fly. ================== ======================================= Location Valid keys ================== ======================================= left panel ``'left'``, ``'l'`` right panel ``'right'``, ``'r'`` bottom panel ``'bottom'``, ``'b'`` top panel ``'top'``, ``'t'`` "best" inset ``'best'``, ``'inset'``, ``'i'``, ``0`` upper right inset ``'upper right'``, ``'ur'``, ``1`` upper left inset ``'upper left'``, ``'ul'``, ``2`` lower left inset ``'lower left'``, ``'ll'``, ``3`` lower right inset ``'lower right'``, ``'lr'``, ``4`` center left inset ``'center left'``, ``'cl'``, ``5`` center right inset ``'center right'``, ``'cr'``, ``6`` lower center inset ``'lower center'``, ``'lc'``, ``7`` upper center inset ``'upper center'``, ``'uc'``, ``8`` center inset ``'center'``, ``'c'``, ``9`` ================== ======================================= width : float or str, optional The space allocated for outer legends. This does nothing if :rcraw:`tight` is ``True``. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. space : float or str, optional The space between the axes and the legend for outer legends. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. When :rcraw:`tight` is ``True``, this is adjusted automatically. Otherwise, defaut is :rc:`subplots.panelspace`. Other parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Passed to `~proplot.wrappers.legend_wrapper`. """ loc = self._loc_translate(loc, width=width, space=space) if isinstance(loc, np.ndarray): loc = loc.tolist() # Generate panel if loc in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'): ax = self.panel_axes(loc, width=width, space=space, filled=True) return ax.legend(*args, loc='_fill', **kwargs) # Fill if loc == '_fill': # Hide content for s in self.spines.values(): s.set_visible(False) self.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.patch.set_alpha(0) self._panel_filled = True # Try to make handles and stuff flush against the axes edge kwargs.setdefault('borderaxespad', 0) frameon = _notNone(kwargs.get('frame', None), kwargs.get( 'frameon', None), rc['legend.frameon']) if not frameon: kwargs.setdefault('borderpad', 0) # Apply legend location side = self._panel_side if side == 'bottom': loc = 'upper center' elif side == 'right': loc = 'center left' elif side == 'left': loc = 'center right' elif side == 'top': loc = 'lower center' else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid panel side {side!r}.') # Draw legend return legend_wrapper(self, *args, loc=loc, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw(self, renderer=None, *args, **kwargs): """Adds post-processing steps before axes is drawn.""" self._reassign_title() super().draw(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_size_inches(self): """Returns the width and the height of the axes in inches.""" width, height = self.figure.get_size_inches() width = width * abs(self.get_position().width) height = height * abs(self.get_position().height) return width, height
[docs] def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): """Adds post-processing steps before tight bounding box is calculated, and stores the bounding box as an attribute.""" self._reassign_title() bbox = super().get_tightbbox(renderer, *args, **kwargs) self._tightbbox = bbox return bbox
[docs] def heatmap(self, *args, **kwargs): """Calls `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh` and applies default formatting that is suitable for heatmaps: no gridlines, no minor ticks, and major ticks at the center of each grid box.""" obj = self.pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs) xlocator, ylocator = None, None if hasattr(obj, '_coordinates'): coords = obj._coordinates coords = (coords[1:, ...] + coords[:-1, ...]) / 2 coords = (coords[:, 1:, :] + coords[:, :-1, :]) / 2 xlocator, ylocator = coords[0, :, 0], coords[:, 0, 1] self.format( xgrid=False, ygrid=False, xtickminor=False, ytickminor=False, xlocator=xlocator, ylocator=ylocator, ) return obj
[docs] def inset_axes(self, bounds, *, transform=None, zorder=4, zoom=True, zoom_kw=None, **kwargs): """ Like the builtin `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.inset_axes` method, but draws an inset `XYAxes` axes and adds some options. Parameters ---------- bounds : list of float The bounds for the inset axes, listed as ``(x, y, width, height)``. transform : {'data', 'axes', 'figure'} or \ `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`, optional The transform used to interpret `bounds`. Can be a `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` object or a string representing the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`, `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.transAxes`, or `~matplotlib.figure.Figure.transFigure` transforms. Default is ``'axes'``, i.e. `bounds` is in axes-relative coordinates. zorder : float, optional The `zorder \ <>`__ of the axes, should be greater than the zorder of elements in the parent axes. Default is ``4``. zoom : bool, optional Whether to draw lines indicating the inset zoom using `~Axes.indicate_inset_zoom`. The lines will automatically adjust whenever the parent axes or inset axes limits are changed. Default is ``True``. zoom_kw : dict, optional Passed to `~Axes.indicate_inset_zoom`. Other parameters ---------------- **kwargs Passed to `XYAxes`. """ # Carbon copy with my custom axes if not transform: transform = self.transAxes else: transform = _get_transform(self, transform) label = kwargs.pop('label', 'inset_axes') # This puts the rectangle into figure-relative coordinates. locator = self._make_inset_locator(bounds, transform) bb = locator(None, None) ax = XYAxes(self.figure, bb.bounds, zorder=zorder, label=label, **kwargs) # The following locator lets the axes move if we used data coordinates, # is called by ax.apply_aspect() ax.set_axes_locator(locator) self.add_child_axes(ax) ax._inset_zoom = zoom ax._inset_parent = self # Zoom indicator (NOTE: Requires version >=3.0) if zoom: zoom_kw = zoom_kw or {} ax.indicate_inset_zoom(**zoom_kw) return ax
[docs] def indicate_inset_zoom(self, alpha=None, lw=None, linewidth=None, color=None, edgecolor=None, **kwargs): """ Called automatically when using `~Axes.inset` with ``zoom=True``. Like `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset_zoom`, but *refreshes* the lines at draw-time. This method is called from the *inset* axes, not the parent axes. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional The transparency of the zoom box fill. lw, linewidth : float, optional The width of the zoom lines and box outline in points. color, edgecolor : color-spec, optional The color of the zoom lines and box outline. **kwargs Passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset`. """ # Should be called from the inset axes parent = self._inset_parent alpha = alpha or 1.0 linewidth = _notNone( lw, linewidth, rc['axes.linewidth'], names=('lw', 'linewidth')) edgecolor = _notNone( color, edgecolor, rc['axes.edgecolor'], names=('color', 'edgecolor')) if not parent: raise ValueError(f'{self} is not an inset axes.') xlim, ylim = self.get_xlim(), self.get_ylim() rect = (xlim[0], ylim[0], xlim[1] - xlim[0], ylim[1] - ylim[0]) # Call indicate_inset rectpatch, connects = parent.indicate_inset( rect, self, linewidth=linewidth, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) # Update zoom or adopt properties from old one if self._inset_zoom_data: rectpatch_old, connects_old = self._inset_zoom_data rectpatch.update_from(rectpatch_old) rectpatch_old.set_visible(False) for line, line_old in zip(connects, connects_old): visible = line.get_visible() line.update_from(line_old) line.set_linewidth(line_old.get_linewidth()) line.set_visible(visible) line_old.set_visible(False) else: for line in connects: line.set_linewidth(linewidth) line.set_color(edgecolor) line.set_alpha(alpha) self._inset_zoom_data = (rectpatch, connects) return (rectpatch, connects)
[docs] def panel_axes(self, side, **kwargs): """ Returns a panel drawn along the edge of an axes. Parameters ---------- ax : `~proplot.axes.Axes` The axes for which we are drawing a panel. width : float or str or list thereof, optional The panel width. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`. Default is :rc:`subplots.panelwidth`. space : float or str or list thereof, optional Empty space between the main subplot and the panel. When :rcraw:`tight` is ``True``, this is adjusted automatically. Otherwise, defaut is :rc:`subplots.panelspace`. share : bool, optional Whether to enable axis sharing between the *x* and *y* axes of the main subplot and the panel long axes for each panel in the stack. Sharing between the panel short axis and other panel short axes is determined by figure-wide `sharex` and `sharey` settings. Returns ------- `~proplot.axes.Axes` The panel axes. """ return self.figure._add_axes_panel(self, side, **kwargs)
[docs] @_standardize_1d @_cmap_changer def parametric(self, *args, values=None, cmap=None, norm=None, interp=0, **kwargs): """ Invoked when you pass the `cmap` keyword argument to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. Draws a "colormap line", i.e. a line whose color changes as a function of the parametric coordinate ``values``. using the input colormap ``cmap``. This is actually a collection of lines, added as a `~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` instance. See `this matplotlib example \ <>`__. Parameters ---------- *args : (y,) or (x,y) The coordinates. If `x` is not provided, it is inferred from `y`. cmap : colormap spec, optional The colormap specifier, passed to `~proplot.styletools.Colormap`. values : list of float The parametric values used to map points on the line to colors in the colormap. norm : normalizer spec, optional The normalizer, passed to `~proplot.styletools.Norm`. interp : int, optional If greater than ``0``, we interpolate to additional points between the `values` coordinates. The number corresponds to the number of additional color levels between the line joints and the halfway points between line joints. """ # First error check # WARNING: So far this only works for 1D *x* and *y* coordinates. # Cannot draw multiple colormap lines at once if values is None: raise ValueError('Requires a "values" keyword arg.') if len(args) not in (1, 2): raise ValueError(f'Requires 1-2 arguments, got {len(args)}.') y = np.array(args[-1]).squeeze() x = np.arange( y.shape[-1]) if len(args) == 1 else np.array(args[0]).squeeze() values = np.array(values).squeeze() if x.ndim != 1 or y.ndim != 1 or values.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f'x ({x.ndim}d), y ({y.ndim}d), and values ({values.ndim}d)' ' must be 1-dimensional.') if len(x) != len(y) or len(x) != len(values) or len(y) != len(values): raise ValueError( f'{len(x)} xs, {len(y)} ys, but {len(values)} ' ' colormap values.') # Interpolate values to allow for smooth gradations between values # (bins=False) or color switchover halfway between points (bins=True) # Then optionally interpolate the corresponding colormap values if interp > 0: xorig, yorig, vorig = x, y, values x, y, values = [], [], [] for j in range(xorig.shape[0] - 1): idx = ( slice(None, -1) if j + 1 < xorig.shape[0] - 1 else slice(None)) x.extend(np.linspace( xorig[j], xorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) y.extend(np.linspace( yorig[j], yorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) values.extend(np.linspace( vorig[j], vorig[j + 1], interp + 2)[idx].flat) x, y, values = np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(values) coords = [] levels = edges(values) for j in range(y.shape[0]): # Get x/y coordinates and values for points to the 'left' and # 'right' of each joint if j == 0: xleft, yleft = [], [] else: xleft = [(x[j - 1] + x[j]) / 2, x[j]] yleft = [(y[j - 1] + y[j]) / 2, y[j]] if j + 1 == y.shape[0]: xright, yright = [], [] else: xleft = xleft[:-1] # prevent repetition when joined with right yleft = yleft[:-1] xright = [x[j], (x[j + 1] + x[j]) / 2] yright = [y[j], (y[j + 1] + y[j]) / 2] pleft = np.stack((xleft, yleft), axis=1) pright = np.stack((xright, yright), axis=1) coords.append(np.concatenate((pleft, pright), axis=0)) # Create LineCollection and update with values hs = mcollections.LineCollection( np.array(coords), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, linestyles='-', capstyle='butt', joinstyle='miter') hs.set_array(np.array(values)) hs.update({key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in ('color',)}) # Add collection, with some custom attributes self.add_collection(hs) if self.get_autoscale_on() and self.ignore_existing_data_limits: self.autoscale_view() # data limits not updated otherwise hs.values = values hs.levels = levels # needed for other functions some return hs
[docs] def violins(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.violinplot`.""" return self.violinplot(*args, **kwargs)
#: Alias for `~Axes.panel_axes`. panel = panel_axes #: Alias for `~Axes.inset_axes`. inset = inset_axes @property def number(self): """The axes number, controls a-b-c label order and order of appearence in the `~proplot.subplots.subplot_grid` returned by `~proplot.subplots.subplots`.""" return self._number def _iter_panels(self, sides='lrbt'): """Iterates over axes and child panel axes.""" axs = [self] if self.get_visible() else [] if not ({*sides} <= {*'lrbt'}): raise ValueError(f'Invalid sides {sides!r}.') for s in sides: for ax in getattr(self, '_' + s + 'panels'): if not ax or not ax.get_visible(): continue axs.append(ax) return axs # Wrapped by special functions # Also support redirecting to Basemap methods text = _text_wrapper( maxes.Axes.text ) plot = _plot_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_add_errorbars(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.plot )))) scatter = _scatter_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_add_errorbars(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.scatter )))) bar = _bar_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_add_errorbars(_cycle_changer( )))) barh = _barh_wrapper( maxes.Axes.barh ) # calls hist = _hist_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.hist ))) boxplot = _boxplot_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.boxplot ))) violinplot = _violinplot_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_add_errorbars( _cycle_changer(maxes.Axes.violinplot) ))) fill_between = _fill_between_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.fill_between ))) fill_betweenx = _fill_betweenx_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.fill_betweenx ))) # Wrapped by cycle wrapper and standardized pie = _standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.pie )) stem = _standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.stem )) step = _standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( maxes.Axes.step )) # Wrapped by cmap wrapper and standardized # Also support redirecting to Basemap methods hexbin = _standardize_1d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.hexbin )) contour = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.contour )) contourf = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.contourf )) pcolor = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.pcolor )) pcolormesh = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.pcolormesh )) quiver = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.quiver )) streamplot = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.streamplot )) barbs = _standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.barbs )) imshow = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.imshow ) # Wrapped only by cmap wrapper tripcolor = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.tripcolor ) tricontour = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.tricontour ) tricontourf = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.tricontourf ) hist2d = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.hist2d ) spy = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.spy ) matshow = _cmap_changer( maxes.Axes.matshow )
dualxy_kwargs = ( 'label', 'locator', 'formatter', 'ticks', 'ticklabels', 'minorlocator', 'minorticks', 'tickminor', 'ticklen', 'tickrange', 'tickdir', 'ticklabeldir', 'tickrotation', 'bounds', 'margin', 'color', 'grid', 'gridminor', 'gridcolor', ) dualxy_descrip = """ Makes a secondary *%(x)s* axis for denoting equivalent *%(x)s* coordinates in *alternate units*. Parameters ---------- forward : function, optional Function used to transform units from the original axis to the secondary axis. Should take 1 value and perform a *forward linear transformation*. For example, to convert Kelvin to Celsius, use ``ax.dual%(x)s(lambda x: x - 273.15)``. To convert kilometers to meters, use ``ax.dual%(x)s(lambda x: x*1e3)``. inverse : function, optional Function used to transform units from the secondary axis back to the original axis. If `forward` was a non-linear function, you *must* provide this, or the transformation will be incorrect! For example, to apply the square, use ``ax.dual%(x)s(lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x**0.5)``. scale : scale-spec, optional The axis scale from which forward and inverse transformations are inferred. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Scale`. For example, to apply the inverse, use ``ax.dual%(x)s('inverse')``; To apply the base-10 exponential function, use ``ax.dual%(x)s(('exp', 10, 1, 10))`` or ``ax.dual%(x)s(plot.Scale('exp', 10))``. scale_kw : dict-like, optional Ignored if `scale` is ``None``. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Scale`. %(args)s : optional Prepended with ``'y'`` and passed to `Axes.format`. """ altxy_descrip = """ Alias and more intuitive name for `~XYAxes.twin%(y)s`. The matplotlib `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.twiny` function generates two *x* axes with a shared ("twin") *y* axis. Enforces the following settings. * Places the old *%(x)s* axis on the %(x1)s and the new *%(x)s* axis on the %(x2)s. * Makes the old %(x2)s spine invisible and the new %(x1)s, %(y1)s, and %(y2)s spines invisible. * Adjusts the *%(x)s* axis tick, tick label, and axis label positions according to the visible spine positions. * Locks the old and new *%(y)s* axis limits and scales, and makes the new %(y)s axis labels invisible. """ twinxy_descrip = """ Mimics matplotlib's `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.twin%(y)s`. Enforces the following settings. * Places the old *%(x)s* axis on the %(x1)s and the new *%(x)s* axis on the %(x2)s. * Makes the old %(x2)s spine invisible and the new %(x1)s, %(y1)s, and %(y2)s spines invisible. * Adjusts the *%(x)s* axis tick, tick label, and axis label positions according to the visible spine positions. * Locks the old and new *%(y)s* axis limits and scales, and makes the new %(y)s axis labels invisible. """ def _parse_dualxy_args(x, transform, transform_kw, kwargs): """Interprets the dualx and dualy transform and various keyword arguments. Returns a list of forward transform, inverse transform, and overrides for default locators and formatters.""" # Transform using input functions # TODO: Also support transforms? Probably not -- transforms are a huge # group that include ND and non-invertable transformations, but transforms # used for axis scales are subset of invertible 1D functions funcscale_kw = {} transform_kw = transform_kw or {} if isinstance(transform, (str, mscale.ScaleBase)) or transform_kw: transform = transform or 'linear' scale = axistools.Scale(transform, **transform_kw) transform = scale.get_transform() funcscale_funcs = (transform.transform, transform.inverted().transform) for key in ('major_locator', 'minor_locator', 'major_formatter', 'minor_formatter'): default = getattr(scale, '_' + key, None) if default: funcscale_kw[key] = default elif (np.iterable(transform) and len(transform) == 2 and all(callable(itransform) for itransform in transform)): funcscale_funcs = transform elif callable(transform): funcscale_funcs = (transform, lambda x: x) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid transform {transform!r}. ' 'Must be function, tuple of two functions, or scale name.') # Parse keyword args intended for format() command kwargs_bad = {} for key in (*kwargs.keys(),): value = kwargs.pop(key) if key[0] == x and key[1:] in dualxy_kwargs: _warn_proplot( f'dual{x}() keyword arg {key!r} is deprecated. ' f'Use {key[1:]!r} instead.') kwargs[key] = value elif key in dualxy_kwargs: kwargs[x + key] = value else: kwargs_bad[key] = value if kwargs_bad: raise TypeError( f'dual{x}() got unexpected keyword argument(s): {kwargs_bad}') return funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw, kwargs def _rcloc_to_stringloc(x, string): # figures out string location """Gets *location string* from the *boolean* "left", "right", "top", and "bottom" rc settings, e.g. :rc:`axes.spines.left` or :rc:`ytick.left`. Might be ``None`` if settings are unchanged.""" # For x axes if x == 'x': top = rc[f'{string}.top'] bottom = rc[f'{string}.bottom'] if top is None and bottom is None: return None elif top and bottom: return 'both' elif top: return 'top' elif bottom: return 'bottom' else: return 'neither' # For y axes else: left = rc[f'{string}.left'] right = rc[f'{string}.right'] if left is None and right is None: return None elif left and right: return 'both' elif left: return 'left' elif right: return 'right' else: return 'neither'
[docs]class XYAxes(Axes): """ Axes subclass for ordinary 2D cartesian coordinates. Adds several new methods and overrides existing ones. """ #: The registered projection name. name = 'xy' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See also -------- `~proplot.subplots.subplots`, `Axes` """ # Impose default formatter super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) formatter = axistools.Formatter('auto') self.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) self.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) self.xaxis.isDefault_majfmt = True self.yaxis.isDefault_majfmt = True # Custom attributes self._datex_rotated = False # whether manual rotation has been applied self._dualy_data = None # for scaling units on opposite side of ax self._dualx_data = None def _altx_overrides(self): """Applies alternate *x* axis overrides.""" # Unlike matplotlib API, we strong arm user into certain twin axes # settings... doesn't really make sense to have twin axes without this if self._altx_child is not None: # altx was called on this axes self._shared_y_axes.join(self, self._altx_child) self.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) self.xaxis.tick_bottom() self.xaxis.set_label_position('bottom') elif self._altx_parent is not None: # this axes is the result of altx self.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self.spines['top'].set_visible(True) self.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.xaxis.tick_top() self.xaxis.set_label_position('top') self.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.patch.set_visible(False) def _alty_overrides(self): """Applies alternate *y* axis overrides.""" if self._alty_child is not None: self._shared_x_axes.join(self, self._alty_child) self.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.spines['left'].set_visible(True) self.yaxis.tick_left() self.yaxis.set_label_position('left') elif self._alty_parent is not None: self.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self.spines['right'].set_visible(True) self.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self.yaxis.tick_right() self.yaxis.set_label_position('right') self.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.patch.set_visible(False) def _datex_rotate(self): """Applies default rotation to datetime axis coordinates.""" # NOTE: Rotation is done *before* horizontal/vertical alignment, # cannot change alignment with set_tick_params. Must apply to text # objects. fig.autofmt_date calls subplots_adjust, so cannot use it. if (not isinstance(self.xaxis.converter, mdates.DateConverter) or self._datex_rotated): return rotation = rc['axes.formatter.timerotation'] kw = {'rotation': rotation} if rotation not in (0, 90, -90): kw['ha'] = ('right' if rotation > 0 else 'left') for label in self.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.update(kw) self._datex_rotated = True # do not need to apply more than once def _dualx_overrides(self): """Locks child "dual" *x* axis limits to the parent.""" # Why did I copy and paste the dualx/dualy code you ask? Copy # pasting is bad, but so are a bunch of ugly getattr(attr)() calls data = self._dualx_data if data is None: return funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw = data # Build the FuncScale # Sometimes we do *not* want to apply default locator and formatter # overrides, in case user has manually changed them! Also, sometimes # we want to borrow method that sets default from the scale from which # forward and inverse funcs were drawn, instead of from FuncScale. child = self._altx_child scale_parent = self.xaxis._scale scale_func = axistools.Scale( 'function', funcscale_funcs[::-1], scale_parent.get_transform(), **funcscale_kw ) scale_defaults = scale_func if isinstance( scale_parent, mscale.LinearScale) else scale_parent try: scale_defaults.set_default_locators_and_formatters( child.xaxis, only_if_default=True, ) except TypeError: pass # do nothing if axis has native matplotlib scale child.xaxis._scale = scale_func child._update_transScale() child.stale = True child.autoscale_view(scaley=False) # Transform axis limits # If the transform flipped the limits, when we set axis limits, it # will get flipped again! So reverse the flip lim = self.get_xlim() nlim = list(map(funcscale_funcs[0], np.array(lim))) if np.sign(np.diff(lim)) != np.sign(np.diff(nlim)): nlim = nlim[::-1] child.set_xlim(nlim) def _dualy_overrides(self): """Locks child "dual" *y* axis limits to the parent.""" data = self._dualy_data if data is None: return funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw = data child = self._alty_child scale_parent = self.yaxis._scale scale_func = axistools.Scale( 'function', funcscale_funcs[::-1], scale_parent.get_transform(), **funcscale_kw ) scale_defaults = scale_func if isinstance( scale_parent, mscale.LinearScale) else scale_parent try: scale_defaults.set_default_locators_and_formatters( child.xaxis, only_if_default=True, ) except TypeError: pass child.yaxis._scale = scale_func child._update_transScale() child.stale = True child.autoscale_view(scalex=False) lim = self.get_ylim() nlim = list(map(funcscale_funcs[0], np.array(lim))) if np.sign(np.diff(lim)) != np.sign(np.diff(nlim)): nlim = nlim[::-1] child.set_ylim(nlim) def _hide_labels(self): """Function called at drawtime that enforces "shared" axis and tick labels. If this is not called at drawtime, "shared" labels can be inadvertantly turned off e.g. when the axis scale is changed.""" for x in 'xy': # "Shared" axis and tick labels axis = getattr(self, x + 'axis') share = getattr(self, '_share' + x) if share is not None: level = getattr(self, '_share' + x + '_level') if level > 0: axis.label.set_visible(False) if level > 2: axis.set_major_formatter(mticker.NullFormatter()) # Enforce no minor ticks labels # TODO: Document this? axis.set_minor_formatter(mticker.NullFormatter()) def _sharex_setup(self, sharex, level): """Sets up shared axes. The input is the 'parent' axes, from which this one will draw its properties.""" # Call Axes method super()._sharex_setup(sharex, level) # sets up panels if sharex in (None, self) or not isinstance(sharex, XYAxes): return # Builtin sharing features if level > 0: self._sharex = sharex if level > 1: self._shared_x_axes.join(self, sharex) def _sharey_setup(self, sharey, level): """Sets up shared axes. The input is the 'parent' axes, from which this one will draw its properties.""" # Call Axes method super()._sharey_setup(sharey, level) if sharey in (None, self) or not isinstance(sharey, XYAxes): return # Builtin features if level > 0: self._sharey = sharey if level > 1: self._shared_y_axes.join(self, sharey)
[docs] def format( self, *, aspect=None, xloc=None, yloc=None, xspineloc=None, yspineloc=None, xtickloc=None, ytickloc=None, fixticks=False, xlabelloc=None, ylabelloc=None, xticklabelloc=None, yticklabelloc=None, xtickdir=None, ytickdir=None, xgrid=None, ygrid=None, xgridminor=None, ygridminor=None, xtickminor=True, ytickminor=True, xticklabeldir=None, yticklabeldir=None, xtickrange=None, ytickrange=None, xreverse=None, yreverse=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xscale=None, yscale=None, xrotation=None, yrotation=None, xformatter=None, yformatter=None, xticklabels=None, yticklabels=None, xticks=None, xminorticks=None, xlocator=None, xminorlocator=None, yticks=None, yminorticks=None, ylocator=None, yminorlocator=None, xbounds=None, ybounds=None, xmargin=None, ymargin=None, xcolor=None, ycolor=None, xticklen=None, yticklen=None, xlinewidth=None, ylinewidth=None, xlabel_kw=None, ylabel_kw=None, xscale_kw=None, yscale_kw=None, xlocator_kw=None, ylocator_kw=None, xformatter_kw=None, yformatter_kw=None, xminorlocator_kw=None, yminorlocator_kw=None, patch_kw=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `Axes.format` and `Axes.context`, formats the *x* and *y* axis labels, tick locations, tick labels, axis scales, spine settings, and more. Parameters ---------- aspect : {'auto', 'equal'}, optional The aspect ratio mode. If ``'auto'``, the aspect ratio is determined from the *x* and *y* axis limits, and ProPlot adjusts the subplot layout to remove excessive whitespace. xlabel, ylabel : str, optional The *x* and *y* axis labels. Applied with `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlabel` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylabel`. xlabel_kw, ylabel_kw : dict-like, optional The *x* and *y* axis label settings. Applied with the `~matplotlib.artist.Artist.update` method on the `~matplotlib.text.Text` instance. Options include ``'color'``, ``'size'``, and ``'weight'``. xlim, ylim : (float or None, float or None), optional The *x* and *y* axis data limits. Applied with `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim`. xreverse, yreverse : bool, optional Sets whether the *x* and *y* axis are oriented in the "reverse" direction. The "normal" direction is increasing to the right for the *x* axis and to the top for the *y* axis. The "reverse" direction is increasing to the left for the *x* axis and to the bottom for the *y* axis. xscale, yscale : axis scale spec, optional The *x* and *y* axis scales. Passed to the `~proplot.axistools.Scale` constructor. For example, ``xscale='log'`` applies logarithmic scaling, and ``xscale=('cutoff', 0.5, 2)`` applies a custom `~proplot.axistools.CutoffScale`. xscale_kw, yscale_kw : dict-like, optional The *x* and *y* axis scale settings. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Scale`. xspineloc, yspineloc : {'both', 'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right', \ 'neither', 'center', 'zero'}, optional The *x* and *y* axis spine locations. xloc, yloc : optional Aliases for `xspineloc`, `yspineloc`. xtickloc, ytickloc : {'both', 'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right', \ 'neither'}, optional Which *x* and *y* axis spines should have major and minor tick marks. xtickminor, ytickminor : bool, optional Whether to draw minor ticks on the *x* and *y* axes. xtickdir, ytickdir : {'out', 'in', 'inout'} Direction that major and minor tick marks point for the *x* and *y* axis. xgrid, ygrid : bool, optional Whether to draw major gridlines on the *x* and *y* axis. xgridminor, ygridminor : bool, optional Whether to draw minor gridlines for the *x* and *y* axis. xticklabeldir, yticklabeldir : {'in', 'out'} Whether to place *x* and *y* axis tick label text inside or outside the axes. xlocator, ylocator : locator spec, optional Used to determine the *x* and *y* axis tick mark positions. Passed to the `~proplot.axistools.Locator` constructor. xticks, yticks : optional Aliases for `xlocator`, `ylocator`. xlocator_kw, ylocator_kw : dict-like, optional The *x* and *y* axis locator settings. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Locator`. xminorlocator, yminorlocator : optional As for `xlocator`, `ylocator`, but for the minor ticks. xminorticks, yminorticks : optional Aliases for `xminorlocator`, `yminorlocator`. xminorlocator_kw, yminorlocator_kw As for `xlocator_kw`, `ylocator_kw`, but for the minor locator. xformatter, yformatter : formatter spec, optional Used to determine the *x* and *y* axis tick label string format. Passed to the `~proplot.axistools.Formatter` constructor. Use ``[]`` or ``'null'`` for no ticks. xticklabels, yticklabels : optional Aliases for `xformatter`, `yformatter`. xformatter_kw, yformatter_kw : dict-like, optional The *x* and *y* axis formatter settings. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Formatter`. xrotation, yrotation : float, optional The rotation for *x* and *y* axis tick labels. Default is ``0`` for normal axes, :rc:`axes.formatter.timerotation` for time *x* axes. xtickrange, ytickrange : (float, float), optional The *x* and *y* axis data ranges within which major tick marks are labelled. For example, the tick range ``(-1,1)`` with axis range ``(-5,5)`` and a tick interval of 1 will only label the ticks marks at -1, 0, and 1. xmargin, ymargin : float, optional The default margin between plotted content and the *x* and *y* axis spines. Value is proportional to the width, height of the axes. Use this if you want whitespace between plotted content and the spines, but don't want to explicitly set `xlim` or `ylim`. xbounds, ybounds : (float, float), optional The *x* and *y* axis data bounds within which to draw the spines. For example, the axis range ``(0, 4)`` with bounds ``(1, 4)`` will prevent the spines from meeting at the origin. xcolor, ycolor : color-spec, optional Color for the *x* and *y* axis spines, ticks, tick labels, and axis labels. Default is :rc:`color`. Use e.g. ``ax.format(color='red')`` to set for both axes. xticklen, yticklen : float or str, optional Tick lengths for the *x* and *y* axis. Units are interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`, with "points" as the numeric unit. Default is :rc:`ticklen`. Minor tick lengths are scaled according to :rc:`ticklenratio`. Use e.g. ``ax.format(ticklen=1)`` to set for both axes. fixticks : bool, optional Whether to always transform the tick locators to a `~matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator` instance. Default is ``False``. If your axis ticks are doing weird things (for example, ticks drawn outside of the axis spine), try setting this to ``True``. patch_kw : dict-like, optional Keyword arguments used to update the background patch object. You can use this, for example, to set background hatching with ``patch_kw={'hatch':'xxx'}``. **kwargs Passed to `Axes.format` and `Axes.context`. Note ---- If you plot something with a `datetime64 \ <>`__, `pandas.Timestamp`, `pandas.DatetimeIndex`, ``, `datetime.time`, or `datetime.datetime` array as the *x* or *y* axis coordinate, the axis ticks and tick labels will be automatically formatted as dates. See also -------- :py:obj:`Axes.format`, :py:obj:`Axes.context` """ context, kwargs = self.context(**kwargs) with context: # Background basics self.patch.set_clip_on(False) self.patch.set_zorder(-1) kw_face = rc.fill({ 'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor', 'alpha': 'axes.alpha' }) patch_kw = patch_kw or {} kw_face.update(patch_kw) self.patch.update(kw_face) # No mutable default args xlabel_kw = xlabel_kw or {} ylabel_kw = ylabel_kw or {} xscale_kw = xscale_kw or {} yscale_kw = yscale_kw or {} xlocator_kw = xlocator_kw or {} ylocator_kw = ylocator_kw or {} xformatter_kw = xformatter_kw or {} yformatter_kw = yformatter_kw or {} xminorlocator_kw = xminorlocator_kw or {} yminorlocator_kw = yminorlocator_kw or {} # Flexible keyword args, declare defaults xmargin = _notNone(xmargin, rc['axes.xmargin']) ymargin = _notNone(ymargin, rc['axes.ymargin']) xtickdir = _notNone(xtickdir, rc['xtick.direction']) ytickdir = _notNone(ytickdir, rc['ytick.direction']) xtickminor = _notNone(xtickminor, rc['xtick.minor.visible']) ytickminor = _notNone(ytickminor, rc['ytick.minor.visible']) xformatter = _notNone(xticklabels, xformatter, None, names=('xticklabels', 'xformatter')) yformatter = _notNone(yticklabels, yformatter, None, names=('yticklabels', 'yformatter')) xlocator = _notNone(xticks, xlocator, None, names=('xticks', 'xlocator')) ylocator = _notNone(yticks, ylocator, None, names=('yticks', 'ylocator')) xminorlocator = _notNone(xminorticks, xminorlocator, None, names=( 'xminorticks', 'xminorlocator')) yminorlocator = _notNone(yminorticks, yminorlocator, None, names=( 'yminorticks', 'yminorlocator')) # Grid defaults are more complicated axis = rc.get('axes.grid.axis') # always need this property grid, which = rc['axes.grid'], rc['axes.grid.which'] if which is not None or grid is not None: # if *one* was changed if grid is None: grid = rc.get('axes.grid') elif which is None: which = rc.get('axes.grid.which') xgrid = _notNone(xgrid, grid and axis in ('x', 'both') and which in ('major', 'both')) ygrid = _notNone(ygrid, grid and axis in ('y', 'both') and which in ('major', 'both')) xgridminor = _notNone(xgridminor, grid and axis in ('x', 'both') and which in ('minor', 'both')) ygridminor = _notNone(ygridminor, grid and axis in ('y', 'both') and which in ('minor', 'both')) # Sensible defaults for spine, tick, tick label, and label locs # NOTE: Allow tick labels to be present without ticks! User may # want this sometimes! Same goes for spines! xspineloc = _notNone( xloc, xspineloc, None, names=('xloc', 'xspineloc') ) yspineloc = _notNone( yloc, yspineloc, None, names=('yloc', 'yspineloc') ) xtickloc = _notNone( xtickloc, xspineloc, _rcloc_to_stringloc('x', 'xtick') ) ytickloc = _notNone( ytickloc, yspineloc, _rcloc_to_stringloc('y', 'ytick') ) xspineloc = _notNone( xspineloc, _rcloc_to_stringloc('x', 'axes.spines') ) yspineloc = _notNone( yspineloc, _rcloc_to_stringloc('y', 'axes.spines') ) if xtickloc != 'both': xticklabelloc = _notNone(xticklabelloc, xtickloc) xlabelloc = _notNone(xlabelloc, xticklabelloc) if xlabelloc not in (None, 'bottom', 'top'): # e.g. "both" xlabelloc = 'bottom' if ytickloc != 'both': yticklabelloc = _notNone(yticklabelloc, ytickloc) ylabelloc = _notNone(ylabelloc, yticklabelloc) if ylabelloc not in (None, 'left', 'right'): ylabelloc = 'left' # Begin loop for ( x, axis, label, color, ticklen, margin, bounds, tickloc, spineloc, ticklabelloc, labelloc, grid, gridminor, tickminor, tickminorlocator, lim, reverse, scale, locator, tickrange, formatter, tickdir, ticklabeldir, rotation, label_kw, scale_kw, locator_kw, minorlocator_kw, formatter_kw ) in zip( ('x', 'y'), (self.xaxis, self.yaxis), (xlabel, ylabel), (xcolor, ycolor), (xticklen, yticklen), (xmargin, ymargin), (xbounds, ybounds), (xtickloc, ytickloc), (xspineloc, yspineloc), (xticklabelloc, yticklabelloc), (xlabelloc, ylabelloc), (xgrid, ygrid), (xgridminor, ygridminor), (xtickminor, ytickminor), (xminorlocator, yminorlocator), (xlim, ylim), (xreverse, yreverse), (xscale, yscale), (xlocator, ylocator), (xtickrange, ytickrange), (xformatter, yformatter), (xtickdir, ytickdir), (xticklabeldir, yticklabeldir), (xrotation, yrotation), (xlabel_kw, ylabel_kw), (xscale_kw, yscale_kw), (xlocator_kw, ylocator_kw), (xminorlocator_kw, yminorlocator_kw), (xformatter_kw, yformatter_kw), ): # Axis limits # NOTE: 3.1+ has axis.set_inverted(), below is from source code if lim is not None: getattr(self, 'set_' + x + 'lim')(lim) if reverse is not None: lo, hi = axis.get_view_interval() if reverse: lim = (max(lo, hi), min(lo, hi)) else: lim = (min(lo, hi), max(lo, hi)) axis.set_view_interval(*lim, ignore=True) # Axis scale # WARNING: This relies on monkey patch of mscale.scale_factory # that allows it to accept a custom scale class! # WARNING: Changing axis scale also changes default locators # and formatters, so do it first if scale is not None: scale = axistools.Scale(scale, **scale_kw) getattr(self, 'set_' + x + 'scale')(scale) # Is this a date axis? # NOTE: Make sure to get this *after* lims set! # See: # And: # Also see: # noqa # The axis_date() method just applies DateConverter date = isinstance(axis.converter, mdates.DateConverter) # Fix spines kw = rc.fill({ 'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth', 'color': 'axes.edgecolor', }) if color is not None: kw['color'] = color sides = ('bottom', 'top') if x == 'x' else ('left', 'right') spines = [self.spines[s] for s in sides] for spine, side in zip(spines, sides): # Line properties # Override if we're settings spine bounds # In this case just have spines on edges by default if bounds is not None and spineloc not in sides: spineloc = sides[0] # Eliminate sides if spineloc == 'neither': spine.set_visible(False) elif spineloc == 'both': spine.set_visible(True) elif spineloc in sides: # make relevant spine visible b = True if side == spineloc else False spine.set_visible(b) elif spineloc is not None: # Special spine location, usually 'zero', 'center', # or tuple with (units, location) where 'units' can # be 'axes', 'data', or 'outward'. if side == sides[1]: spine.set_visible(False) else: spine.set_visible(True) try: spine.set_position(spineloc) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid {x} spine location {spineloc!r}.' f' Options are ' + ', '.join(map( repr, (*sides, 'both', 'neither') )) + '.' ) # Apply spine bounds if bounds is not None and spine.get_visible(): spine.set_bounds(*bounds) spine.update(kw) # Get available spines, needed for setting tick locations spines = [side for side, spine in zip( sides, spines) if spine.get_visible()] # Tick and grid settings for major and minor ticks separately # Override is just a "new default", but user can override this def grid_dict(grid): return { 'grid_color': grid + '.color', 'grid_alpha': grid + '.alpha', 'grid_linewidth': grid + '.linewidth', 'grid_linestyle': grid + '.linestyle', } for which, igrid in zip(('major', 'minor'), (grid, gridminor)): # Tick properties kw_ticks = rc.category(x + 'tick.' + which) if kw_ticks is None: kw_ticks = {} else: kw_ticks.pop('visible', None) # invalid setting if ticklen is not None: if which == 'major': kw_ticks['size'] = units(ticklen, 'pt') else: kw_ticks['size'] = units( ticklen, 'pt') * rc.get('ticklenratio') # Grid style and toggling if igrid is not None: # toggle with special global props axis.grid(igrid, which=which) if which == 'major': kw_grid = rc.fill(grid_dict('grid')) else: kw_major = kw_grid kw_grid = rc.fill(grid_dict('gridminor')) kw_grid.update({ key: value for key, value in kw_major.items() if key not in kw_grid }) # Changed rc settings axis.set_tick_params(which=which, **kw_grid, **kw_ticks) # Tick and ticklabel properties that apply to major and minor # * Weird issue causes set_tick_params to reset/forget grid # is turned on if you access tick.gridOn directly, instead of # passing through tick_params. Since gridOn is undocumented # feature, don't use it. So calling _format_axes() a second # time will remove the lines. # * Can specify whether the left/right/bottom/top spines get # ticks; sides will be group of left/right or top/bottom. # * Includes option to draw spines but not draw ticks on that # spine, e.g. on the left/right edges kw = {} translate = {None: None, 'both': sides, 'neither': (), 'none': ()} if bounds is not None and tickloc not in sides: tickloc = sides[0] # override to just one side ticklocs = translate.get(tickloc, (tickloc,)) if ticklocs is not None: kw.update({side: (side in ticklocs) for side in sides}) kw.update({ # override side: False for side in sides if side not in spines }) # Tick label sides # Will override to make sure only appear where ticks are ticklabellocs = translate.get(ticklabelloc, (ticklabelloc,)) if ticklabellocs is not None: kw.update({ 'label' + side: (side in ticklabellocs) for side in sides }) kw.update({ # override 'label' + side: False for side in sides if (side not in spines or (ticklocs is not None and side not in ticklocs)) }) # override # The axis label side if labelloc is None: if ticklocs is not None: options = [side for side in sides if ( side in ticklocs and side in spines)] if len(options) == 1: labelloc = options[0] elif labelloc not in sides: raise ValueError( f'Got labelloc {labelloc!r}, valid options are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sides)) + '.' ) # Apply axis.set_tick_params(which='both', **kw) if labelloc is not None: axis.set_label_position(labelloc) # Tick label settings # First color and size kw = rc.fill({ 'labelcolor': 'tick.labelcolor', # new props 'labelsize': 'tick.labelsize', 'color': x + 'tick.color', }) if color: kw['color'] = color kw['labelcolor'] = color # Tick direction and rotation if tickdir == 'in': kw['pad'] = 1 # ticklabels should be much closer if ticklabeldir == 'in': # put tick labels inside the plot tickdir = 'in' pad = (rc.get(x + 'tick.major.size') + rc.get(x + 'tick.major.pad') + rc.get(x + 'tick.labelsize')) kw['pad'] = -pad if tickdir is not None: kw['direction'] = tickdir axis.set_tick_params(which='both', **kw) # Settings that can't be controlled by set_tick_params # Also set rotation and alignment here kw = rc.fill({ 'fontfamily': '', 'weight': 'tick.labelweight' }) if rotation is not None: kw = {'rotation': rotation} if x == 'x': self._datex_rotated = True if rotation not in (0, 90, -90): kw['ha'] = ('right' if rotation > 0 else 'left') for t in axis.get_ticklabels(): t.update(kw) # Margins if margin is not None: self.margins(**{x: margin}) # Axis label updates # NOTE: This has to come after set_label_position, or ha or va # overrides in label_kw are overwritten kw = rc.fill({ 'color': 'axes.edgecolor', 'weight': 'axes.labelweight', 'fontsize': 'axes.labelsize', 'fontfamily': '', }) if label is not None: kw['text'] = label if color: kw['color'] = color kw.update(label_kw) if kw: # NOTE: initially keep spanning labels off self._update_axislabels(x, **kw) # Major and minor locator # WARNING: MultipleLocator fails sometimes, notably when doing # boxplot. Tick labels moved to left and are incorrect. if locator is not None: locator = axistools.Locator(locator, **locator_kw) axis.set_major_locator(locator) if isinstance(locator, mticker.IndexLocator): tickminor = False # 'index' minor ticks make no sense if not tickminor and tickminorlocator is None: axis.set_minor_locator(axistools.Locator('null')) elif tickminorlocator is not None: axis.set_minor_locator(axistools.Locator( tickminorlocator, **minorlocator_kw)) # Major formatter # NOTE: Only reliable way to disable ticks labels and then # restore them is by messing with the formatter, *not* setting # labelleft=False, labelright=False, etc. if (formatter is not None or tickrange is not None) and not ( isinstance(axis.get_major_formatter(), mticker.NullFormatter) and getattr(self, '_share' + x)): # Tick range if tickrange is not None: if formatter not in (None, 'auto'): _warn_proplot( 'The tickrange feature requires ' 'proplot.AutoFormatter formatter. Overriding ' 'input formatter.' ) formatter = 'auto' formatter_kw.setdefault('tickrange', tickrange) # Set the formatter # Note some formatters require 'locator' as keyword arg if formatter in ('date', 'concise'): locator = axis.get_major_locator() formatter_kw.setdefault('locator', locator) formatter = axistools.Formatter( formatter, date=date, **formatter_kw) axis.set_major_formatter(formatter) # Ensure no out-of-bounds ticks; set_smart_bounds() can fail # * Using set_bounds did not work, so instead just turn # locators into fixed version. # * Most locators take no arguments in __call__, and some do # not have tick_values method, so we just call them. if (bounds is not None or fixticks or isinstance(formatter, mticker.FixedFormatter) or axis.get_scale() == 'cutoff'): if bounds is None: bounds = getattr(self, 'get_' + x + 'lim')() locator = axistools.Locator([ x for x in axis.get_major_locator()() if bounds[0] <= x <= bounds[1] ]) axis.set_major_locator(locator) locator = axistools.Locator([ x for x in axis.get_minor_locator()() if bounds[0] <= x <= bounds[1] ]) axis.set_minor_locator(locator) # Call parent if aspect is not None: self.set_aspect(aspect) super().format(**kwargs)
[docs] def altx(self, *args, **kwargs): # Cannot wrap twiny() because we want to use XYAxes, not # matplotlib Axes. Instead use hidden method _make_twin_axes. # See # noqa if self._altx_child: raise RuntimeError('No more than *two* twin axes!') if self._altx_parent: raise RuntimeError('This *is* a twin axes!') with self.figure._unlock(): ax = self._make_twin_axes(sharey=self, projection='xy') # shared axes must have matching autoscale ax.set_autoscaley_on(self.get_autoscaley_on()) ax.grid(False) self._altx_child = ax ax._altx_parent = self self._altx_overrides() ax._altx_overrides() self.add_child_axes(ax) return ax
[docs] def alty(self): if self._alty_child: raise RuntimeError('No more than *two* twin axes!') if self._alty_parent: raise RuntimeError('This *is* a twin axes!') with self.figure._unlock(): ax = self._make_twin_axes(sharex=self, projection='xy') # shared axes must have matching autoscale ax.set_autoscalex_on(self.get_autoscalex_on()) ax.grid(False) self._alty_child = ax ax._alty_parent = self self._alty_overrides() ax._alty_overrides() self.add_child_axes(ax) return ax
[docs] def dualx(self, transform, transform_kw=None, **kwargs): # The axis scale is used to transform units on the left axis, linearly # spaced, to units on the right axis... so the right scale must scale # its data with the *inverse* of this transform. We do this below. # NOTE: Matplotlib 3.1 has a 'secondary axis' feature. This one is # simpler, because it does not implement the function transform as # an axis scale (meaning user just has to supply the forward # transformation, not the backwards one), and does not invent a new # class with a bunch of complicated setters. ax = self.altx() funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw, kwargs = _parse_dualxy_args( 'x', transform, transform_kw, kwargs ) self._dualx_data = (funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw) self._dualx_overrides() ax.format(**kwargs) return ax
[docs] def dualy(self, transform, transform_kw=None, **kwargs): ax = self.alty() funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw, kwargs = _parse_dualxy_args( 'y', transform, transform_kw, kwargs ) self._dualy_data = (funcscale_funcs, funcscale_kw) self._dualy_overrides() ax.format(**kwargs) return ax
[docs] def draw(self, renderer=None, *args, **kwargs): """Adds post-processing steps before axes is drawn.""" # NOTE: This mimics matplotlib API, which calls identical # post-processing steps in both draw() and get_tightbbox() self._hide_labels() self._altx_overrides() self._alty_overrides() self._dualx_overrides() self._dualy_overrides() self._datex_rotate() if self._inset_parent is not None and self._inset_zoom: self.indicate_inset_zoom() super().draw(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): """Adds post-processing steps before tight bounding box is calculated.""" self._hide_labels() self._altx_overrides() self._alty_overrides() self._dualx_overrides() self._dualy_overrides() self._datex_rotate() if self._inset_parent is not None and self._inset_zoom: self.indicate_inset_zoom() return super().get_tightbbox(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def twinx(self): return self.alty()
[docs] def twiny(self): return self.altx()
altx.__doc__ = altxy_descrip % { 'x': 'x', 'x1': 'bottom', 'x2': 'top', 'y': 'y', 'y1': 'left', 'y2': 'right', } alty.__doc__ = altxy_descrip % { 'x': 'y', 'x1': 'left', 'x2': 'right', 'y': 'x', 'y1': 'bottom', 'y2': 'top', } dualx.__doc__ = dualxy_descrip % { 'x': 'x', 'args': ', '.join(dualxy_kwargs) } dualy.__doc__ = dualxy_descrip % { 'x': 'y', 'args': ', '.join(dualxy_kwargs) } twinx.__doc__ = twinxy_descrip % { 'x': 'y', 'x1': 'left', 'x2': 'right', 'y': 'x', 'y1': 'bottom', 'y2': 'top', } twiny.__doc__ = twinxy_descrip % { 'x': 'x', 'x1': 'bottom', 'x2': 'top', 'y': 'y', 'y1': 'left', 'y2': 'right', }
[docs]class PolarAxes(Axes, mproj.PolarAxes): """Intermediate class, mixes `ProjAxes` with `~matplotlib.projections.polar.PolarAxes`.""" #: The registered projection name. name = 'polar' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See also -------- `~proplot.subplots.subplots`, `Axes` """ # Set tick length to zero so azimuthal labels are not too offset # Change default radial axis formatter but keep default theta one super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) formatter = axistools.Formatter('auto') self.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) self.yaxis.isDefault_majfmt = True for axis in (self.xaxis, self.yaxis): axis.set_tick_params(which='both', size=0)
[docs] def format(self, *args, r0=None, theta0=None, thetadir=None, thetamin=None, thetamax=None, thetalim=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, rlim=None, rlabelpos=None, rscale=None, rborder=None, thetalocator=None, rlocator=None, thetalines=None, rlines=None, thetaformatter=None, rformatter=None, thetalabels=None, rlabels=None, thetalocator_kw=None, rlocator_kw=None, thetaformatter_kw=None, rformatter_kw=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `Axes.format` and `Axes.context`, formats radial gridline locations, gridline labels, limits, and more. All ``theta`` arguments are specified in *degrees*, not radians. The below parameters are specific to `PolarAxes`. Parameters ---------- r0 : float, optional The radial origin. theta0 : {'N', 'NW', 'W', 'SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE'} The zero azimuth location. thetadir : {-1, 1, 'clockwise', 'anticlockwise', 'counterclockwise'}, \ optional The positive azimuth direction. Clockwise corresponds to ``-1`` and anticlockwise corresponds to ``-1``. Default is ``-1``. thetamin, thetamax : float, optional The lower and upper azimuthal bounds in degrees. If ``thetamax != thetamin + 360``, this produces a sector plot. thetalim : (float, float), optional Specifies `thetamin` and `thetamax` at once. rmin, rmax : float, optional The inner and outer radial limits. If ``r0 != rmin``, this produces an annular plot. rlim : (float, float), optional Specifies `rmin` and `rmax` at once. rborder : bool, optional Toggles the polar axes border on and off. Visibility of the "inner" radial spine and "start" and "end" azimuthal spines is controlled automatically be matplotlib. thetalocator, rlocator : float or list of float, optional Used to determine the azimuthal and radial gridline positions. Passed to the `~proplot.axistools.Locator` constructor. thetalines, rlines Aliases for `thetalocator`, `rlocator`. thetalocator_kw, rlocator_kw : dict-like, optional The azimuthal and radial locator settings. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Locator`. rlabelpos : float, optional The azimuth at which radial coordinates are labeled. thetaformatter, rformatter : formatter spec, optional Used to determine the azimuthal and radial label format. Passed to the `~proplot.axistools.Formatter` constructor. Use ``[]`` or ``'null'`` for no ticks. thetalabels, rlabels : optional Aliases for `thetaformatter`, `rformatter`. thetaformatter_kw, rformatter_kw : dict-like, optional The azimuthal and radial label formatter settings. Passed to `~proplot.axistools.Formatter`. **kwargs Passed to `Axes.format` and `Axes.context` See also -------- :py:obj:`Axes.format`, :py:obj:`Axes.context` """ context, kwargs = self.context(**kwargs) with context: # Not mutable default args thetalocator_kw = thetalocator_kw or {} thetaformatter_kw = thetaformatter_kw or {} rlocator_kw = rlocator_kw or {} rformatter_kw = rformatter_kw or {} # Flexible input if rlim is not None: if rmin is not None or rmax is not None: _warn_proplot( f'Conflicting keyword args rmin={rmin}, rmax={rmax}, ' f'and rlim={rlim}. Using "rlim".') rmin, rmax = rlim if thetalim is not None: if thetamin is not None or thetamax is not None: _warn_proplot( f'Conflicting keyword args thetamin={thetamin}, ' f'thetamax={thetamax}, and thetalim={thetalim}. ' f'Using "thetalim".') thetamin, thetamax = thetalim thetalocator = _notNone( thetalines, thetalocator, None, names=('thetalines', 'thetalocator')) thetaformatter = _notNone( thetalabels, thetaformatter, None, names=('thetalabels', 'thetaformatter')) rlocator = _notNone(rlines, rlocator, None, names=('rlines', 'rlocator')) rformatter = _notNone(rlabels, rformatter, None, names=('rlabels', 'rformatter')) # Special radius settings if r0 is not None: self.set_rorigin(r0) if rlabelpos is not None: self.set_rlabel_position(rlabelpos) if rscale is not None: self.set_rscale(rscale) if rborder is not None: self.spines['polar'].set_visible(bool(rborder)) # Special azimuth settings if theta0 is not None: self.set_theta_zero_location(theta0) if thetadir is not None: self.set_theta_direction(thetadir) # Iterate for ( x, r, axis, min_, max_, locator, formatter, locator_kw, formatter_kw, ) in zip( ('x', 'y'), ('theta', 'r'), (self.xaxis, self.yaxis), (thetamin, rmin), (thetamax, rmax), (thetalocator, rlocator), (thetaformatter, rformatter), (thetalocator_kw, rlocator_kw), (thetaformatter_kw, rformatter_kw) ): # Axis limits # Try to use public API where possible if min_ is not None: getattr(self, 'set_' + r + 'min')(min_) else: min_ = getattr(self, 'get_' + r + 'min')() if max_ is not None: getattr(self, 'set_' + r + 'max')(max_) else: max_ = getattr(self, 'get_' + r + 'max')() # Spine settings kw = rc.fill({ 'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth', 'color': 'axes.edgecolor', }) sides = ('inner', 'polar') if r == 'r' else ('start', 'end') spines = [self.spines[s] for s in sides] for spine, side in zip(spines, sides): spine.update(kw) # Grid and grid label settings # NOTE: Not sure if polar lines inherit tick or grid props kw = rc.fill({ 'color': x + 'tick.color', 'labelcolor': 'tick.labelcolor', # new props 'labelsize': 'tick.labelsize', 'grid_color': 'grid.color', 'grid_alpha': 'grid.alpha', 'grid_linewidth': 'grid.linewidth', 'grid_linestyle': 'grid.linestyle', }) axis.set_tick_params(which='both', **kw) # Label settings that can't be controlled with set_tick_params kw = rc.fill({ 'fontfamily': '', 'weight': 'tick.labelweight' }) for t in axis.get_ticklabels(): t.update(kw) # Tick locator, which in this case applies to gridlines # NOTE: Must convert theta locator input to radians, then back # to degrees. if locator is not None: if r == 'theta' and ( not isinstance(locator, (str, mticker.Locator))): # real axis limts are rad locator = np.deg2rad(locator) locator = axistools.Locator(locator, **locator_kw) locator.set_axis(axis) # this is what set_locator does grids = np.array(locator()) if r == 'r': grids = grids[(grids >= min_) & (grids <= max_)] self.set_rgrids(grids) else: grids = np.rad2deg(grids) grids = grids[(grids >= min_) & (grids <= max_)] if grids[-1] == min_ + 360: # exclusive if 360 degrees grids = grids[:-1] self.set_thetagrids(grids) # Tick formatter and toggling if formatter is not None: formatter = axistools.Formatter(formatter, **formatter_kw) axis.set_major_formatter(formatter) # Parent method super().format(*args, **kwargs)
# Disabled methods suitable only for cartesian axes _disable = _disable_decorator( 'Invalid plotting method {!r} for polar axes.') twinx = _disable(Axes.twinx) twiny = _disable(Axes.twiny) matshow = _disable(Axes.matshow) imshow = _disable(Axes.imshow) spy = _disable(Axes.spy) hist = _disable(Axes.hist) hist2d = _disable(Axes.hist2d) boxplot = _disable(Axes.boxplot) violinplot = _disable(Axes.violinplot) step = _disable(Axes.step) stem = _disable(Axes.stem) stackplot = _disable(Axes.stackplot) table = _disable(Axes.table) eventplot = _disable(Axes.eventplot) pie = _disable(Axes.pie) xcorr = _disable(Axes.xcorr) acorr = _disable(Axes.acorr) psd = _disable(Axes.psd) csd = _disable(Axes.csd) cohere = _disable(Axes.cohere) specgram = _disable(Axes.specgram) angle_spectrum = _disable(Axes.angle_spectrum) phase_spectrum = _disable(Axes.phase_spectrum) magnitude_spectrum = _disable(Axes.magnitude_spectrum)
def _circle_path(N=100): """Return a circle `~matplotlib.path.Path` used as the outline for polar stereographic, azimuthal equidistant, and Lambert conformal projections. This was developed from `this cartopy example \ <>`__.""" # noqa theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N) center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5 verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T return mpath.Path(verts * radius + center)
[docs]class ProjAxes(Axes): """Intermediate class, shared by `GeoAxes` and `BasemapAxes`. Disables methods that are inappropriate for map projections and adds `ProjAxes.format`, so that arguments passed to `Axes.format` are identical for `GeoAxes` and `BasemapAxes`.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See also -------- `~proplot.subplots.subplots`, `Axes`, `GeoAxes`, `BasemapAxes` """ # Store props that let us dynamically and incrementally modify # line locations and settings like with Cartesian axes self._boundinglat = None self._latmax = None self._latlines = None self._lonlines = None self._lonlines_values = None self._latlines_values = None self._lonlines_labels = None self._latlines_labels = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def format(self, *, lonlim=None, latlim=None, boundinglat=None, grid=None, lonlines=None, lonlocator=None, latlines=None, latlocator=None, latmax=None, labels=None, latlabels=None, lonlabels=None, patch_kw=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calls `Axes.format` and `Axes.context`, formats the meridian and parallel labels, longitude and latitude map limits, geographic features, and more. Parameters ---------- lonlim, latlim : (float, float), optional Longitude and latitude limits of projection, applied with `~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.set_extent`. For cartopy axes only. boundinglat : float, optional The edge latitude for the circle bounding North Pole and South Pole-centered projections. For cartopy axes only. grid : bool, optional Toggles meridian and parallel gridlines on and off. Default is :rc:`geogrid`. lonlines, latlines : float or list of float, optional If float, indicates the *spacing* of meridian and parallel gridlines. Otherwise, must be a list of floats indicating specific meridian and parallel gridlines to draw. lonlocator, latlocator : optional Aliases for `lonlines`, `latlines`. latmax : float, optional The maximum absolute latitude for meridian gridlines. Default is :rc:`geogrid.latmax`. labels : bool, optional Toggles meridian and parallel gridline labels on and off. Default is :rc:`geogrid.labels`. lonlabels, latlabels Whether to label longitudes and latitudes, and on which sides of the map. There are four different options: 1. Boolean ``True``. Indicates left side for latitudes, bottom for longitudes. 2. A string, e.g. ``'lr'`` or ``'bt'``. 3. A boolean ``(left,right)`` tuple for longitudes, ``(bottom,top)`` for latitudes. 4. A boolean ``(left,right,bottom,top)`` tuple as in the `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmeridians` and `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawparallels` methods. land, ocean, coast, rivers, lakes, borders, innerborders : bool, \ optional Toggles various geographic features. These are actually the :rcraw:`land`, :rcraw:`ocean`, :rcraw:`coast`, :rcraw:`rivers`, :rcraw:`lakes`, :rcraw:`borders`, and :rcraw:`innerborders` settings passed to `~proplot.axes.Axes.context`. The style can be modified by passing additional settings, e.g. :rcraw:`landcolor`. patch_kw : dict-like, optional Keyword arguments used to update the background patch object. You can use this, for example, to set background hatching with ``patch_kw={'hatch':'xxx'}``. **kwargs Passed to `Axes.format` and `Axes.context`. See also -------- :py:obj:`Axes.format`, :py:obj:`Axes.context` """ # Parse alternative keyword args # TODO: Why isn't default latmax 80 respected sometimes? context, kwargs = self.context(**kwargs) with context: lonlines = _notNone( lonlines, lonlocator, rc['geogrid.lonstep'], names=('lonlines', 'lonlocator')) latlines = _notNone( latlines, latlocator, rc['geogrid.latstep'], names=('latlines', 'latlocator')) latmax = _notNone(latmax, rc['geogrid.latmax']) labels = _notNone(labels, rc['geogrid.labels']) grid = _notNone(grid, rc['geogrid']) if labels: lonlabels = _notNone(lonlabels, 1) latlabels = _notNone(latlabels, 1) # Longitude gridlines, draw relative to projection prime meridian # NOTE: Always generate gridlines array on first format call # because rc setting will be not None if isinstance(self, GeoAxes): lon_0 = self.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) else: base = 5 lon_0 = base * round( self.projection.lonmin / base) + 180 # central longitude if lonlines is not None: if not np.iterable(lonlines): lonlines = arange(lon_0 - 180, lon_0 + 180, lonlines) lonlines = lonlines.astype(np.float64) lonlines[-1] -= 1e-10 # make sure appears on *right* lonlines = [*lonlines] # Latitudes gridlines, draw from -latmax to latmax unless result # would be asymmetrical across equator # NOTE: Basemap axes redraw *meridians* if they detect latmax was # explicitly changed, so important not to overwrite 'latmax' # with default value! Just need it for this calculation, then when # drawparallels is called will use self._latmax if latlines is not None or latmax is not None: # Fill defaults if latlines is None: latlines = _notNone( self._latlines_values, rc.get('geogrid.latstep')) ilatmax = _notNone(latmax, self._latmax, rc.get('geogrid.latmax')) # Get tick locations if not np.iterable(latlines): if (ilatmax % latlines) == (-ilatmax % latlines): latlines = arange(-ilatmax, ilatmax, latlines) else: latlines = arange(0, ilatmax, latlines) if latlines[-1] != ilatmax: latlines = np.concatenate((latlines, [ilatmax])) latlines = np.concatenate( (-latlines[::-1], latlines[1:])) latlines = [*latlines] # Length-4 boolean arrays of whether and where to toggle labels # Format is [left, right, bottom, top] lonarray, latarray = [], [] for labs, array in zip( (lonlabels, latlabels), (lonarray, latarray) ): if labs is None: continue # leave empty if isinstance(labs, str): string = labs labs = [0] * 4 for idx, char in zip([0, 1, 2, 3], 'lrbt'): if char in string: labs[idx] = 1 elif not np.iterable(labs): labs = np.atleast_1d(labs) if len(labs) == 1: labs = [*labs, 0] # default is to label bottom/left if len(labs) == 2: if array is lonarray: labs = [0, 0, *labs] else: labs = [*labs, 0, 0] elif len(labs) != 4: raise ValueError(f'Invalid lon/lat label spec: {labs}.') array[:] = labs lonarray = lonarray or None # None so use default locations latarray = latarray or None # Add attributes for redrawing lines if latmax is not None: self._latmax = latmax if latlines is not None: self._latlines_values = latlines if lonlines is not None: self._lonlines_values = lonlines if latarray is not None: self._latlines_labels = latarray if lonarray is not None: self._lonlines_labels = lonarray # Grid toggling, must come after everything else in case e.g. # rc.geogrid is False but user passed grid=True so we need to # recover the *default* lonlines and latlines values if grid is not None: if not grid: lonlines = latlines = [] else: lonlines = self._lonlines_values latlines = self._latlines_values # Apply formatting to basemap or cartpoy axes patch_kw = patch_kw or {} self._format_apply(patch_kw, lonlim, latlim, boundinglat, lonlines, latlines, latmax, lonarray, latarray) super().format(**kwargs)
# Disabled methods suitable only for cartesian axes _disable = _disable_decorator( 'Invalid plotting method {!r} for map projection axes.') bar = _disable( barh = _disable(Axes.barh) twinx = _disable(Axes.twinx) twiny = _disable(Axes.twiny) matshow = _disable(Axes.matshow) imshow = _disable(Axes.imshow) spy = _disable(Axes.spy) hist = _disable(Axes.hist) hist2d = _disable(Axes.hist2d) boxplot = _disable(Axes.boxplot) violinplot = _disable(Axes.violinplot) step = _disable(Axes.step) stem = _disable(Axes.stem) stackplot = _disable(Axes.stackplot) table = _disable(Axes.table) eventplot = _disable(Axes.eventplot) pie = _disable(Axes.pie) xcorr = _disable(Axes.xcorr) acorr = _disable(Axes.acorr) psd = _disable(Axes.psd) csd = _disable(Axes.csd) cohere = _disable(Axes.cohere) specgram = _disable(Axes.specgram) angle_spectrum = _disable(Axes.angle_spectrum) phase_spectrum = _disable(Axes.phase_spectrum) magnitude_spectrum = _disable(Axes.magnitude_spectrum)
def _add_gridline_label(self, value, axis, upper_end): """Gridliner method monkey patch. Always print number in range (180W, 180E).""" # Have 3 choices (see Issue #78): # 1. lonlines go from -180 to 180, but get double 180 labels at dateline # 2. lonlines go from -180 to e.g. 150, but no lines from 150 to dateline # 3. lonlines go from lon_0 - 180 to lon_0 + 180 mod 360, but results # in non-monotonic array causing double gridlines east of dateline # 4. lonlines go from lon_0 - 180 to lon_0 + 180 monotonic, but prevents # labels from being drawn outside of range (-180, 180) # These monkey patches choose #4 and permit labels being drawn # outside of (-180 180) if axis == 'x': value = (value + 180) % 360 - 180 return type(self)._add_gridline_label(self, value, axis, upper_end) def _axes_domain(self, *args, **kwargs): """Gridliner method monkey patch. Filter valid label coordinates to values between lon_0 - 180 and lon_0 + 180.""" # See _add_gridline_label for detials lon_0 = self.axes.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) x_range, y_range = type(self)._axes_domain(self, *args, **kwargs) x_range = np.asarray(x_range) + lon_0 return x_range, y_range
[docs]class GeoAxes(ProjAxes, GeoAxes): """Axes subclass for plotting `cartopy \ <>`__ projections. Initializes the `` instance, enforces `global extent \ <>`__ for most projections by default, and draws `circular boundaries \ <>`__ around polar azimuthal, stereographic, and Gnomonic projections bounded at the equator by default.""" # noqa #: The registered projection name. name = 'geo' _n_points = 100 # number of points for drawing circle map boundary def __init__(self, *args, map_projection=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- map_projection : `` The `` instance. *args, **kwargs Passed to `~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`. See also -------- `~proplot.subplots.subplots`, `Axes`, `~proplot.projs.Proj` """ # GeoAxes initialization. Note that critical attributes like # outline_patch needed by _format_apply are added before it is called. import as ccrs if not isinstance(map_projection, ccrs.Projection): raise ValueError( 'GeoAxes requires') super().__init__(*args, map_projection=map_projection, **kwargs) # Zero out ticks so gridlines are not offset for axis in (self.xaxis, self.yaxis): axis.set_tick_params(which='both', size=0) # Set extent and boundary extent for projections # The default bounding latitude is set in _format_apply # NOTE: set_global does not mess up non-global projections like OSNI if hasattr(self, 'set_boundary') and isinstance(self.projection, ( ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, projs.NorthPolarGnomonic, projs.SouthPolarGnomonic, projs.NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, projs.NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea, projs.SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, projs.SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea)): self.set_boundary(_circle_path(100), transform=self.transAxes) else: self.set_global() def _format_apply(self, patch_kw, lonlim, latlim, boundinglat, lonlines, latlines, latmax, lonarray, latarray): """Apply formatting to cartopy axes.""" import cartopy.feature as cfeature import as ccrs from cartopy.mpl import gridliner # Initial gridliner object, which ProPlot passively modifies # TODO: Flexible formatter? if not self._gridliners: gl = self.gridlines(zorder=2.5) # below text only gl._axes_domain = _axes_domain.__get__(gl) # apply monkey patches gl._add_gridline_label = _add_gridline_label.__get__(gl) gl.xlines = False gl.ylines = False try: lonformat = gridliner.LongitudeFormatter # newer latformat = gridliner.LatitudeFormatter except AttributeError: lonformat = gridliner.LONGITUDE_FORMATTER # older latformat = gridliner.LATITUDE_FORMATTER gl.xformatter = lonformat gl.yformatter = latformat gl.xlabels_top = False gl.xlabels_bottom = False gl.ylabels_left = False gl.ylabels_right = False # Projection extent # NOTE: They may add this as part of set_xlim and set_ylim in future # See: # noqa # WARNING: The set_extent method tries to set a *rectangle* between # the *4* (x,y) coordinate pairs (each corner), so something like # (-180,180,-90,90) will result in *line*, causing error! proj = self.projection.proj4_params['proj'] north = isinstance(self.projection, ( ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, projs.NorthPolarGnomonic, projs.NorthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, projs.NorthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea)) south = isinstance(self.projection, ( ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, projs.SouthPolarGnomonic, projs.SouthPolarAzimuthalEquidistant, projs.SouthPolarLambertAzimuthalEqualArea)) if north or south: if (lonlim is not None or latlim is not None): _warn_proplot( f'{proj!r} extent is controlled by "boundinglat", ' f'ignoring lonlim={lonlim!r} and latlim={latlim!r}.') if self._boundinglat is None: if isinstance(self.projection, projs.NorthPolarGnomonic): boundinglat = 30 elif isinstance(self.projection, projs.SouthPolarGnomonic): boundinglat = -30 else: boundinglat = 0 if boundinglat is not None and boundinglat != self._boundinglat: eps = 1e-10 # bug with full -180, 180 range when lon_0 != 0 lat0 = (90 if north else -90) lon0 = self.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) extent = [lon0 - 180 + eps, lon0 + 180 - eps, boundinglat, lat0] self.set_extent(extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) self._boundinglat = boundinglat else: if boundinglat is not None: _warn_proplot( f'{proj!r} extent is controlled by "lonlim" and "latlim", ' f'ignoring boundinglat={boundinglat!r}.') if lonlim is not None or latlim is not None: lonlim = lonlim or [None, None] latlim = latlim or [None, None] lonlim, latlim = [*lonlim], [*latlim] lon_0 = self.projection.proj4_params.get('lon_0', 0) if lonlim[0] is None: lonlim[0] = lon_0 - 180 if lonlim[1] is None: lonlim[1] = lon_0 + 180 eps = 1e-10 # bug with full -180, 180 range when lon_0 != 0 lonlim[0] += eps if latlim[0] is None: latlim[0] = -90 if latlim[1] is None: latlim[1] = 90 extent = [*lonlim, *latlim] self.set_extent(extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Draw gridlines, manage them with one custom gridliner generated # by ProPlot, user may want to use griliner API directly gl = self._gridliners[0] # Collection props, see GoeAxes.gridlines() source code kw = rc.fill({ 'alpha': 'geogrid.alpha', 'color': 'geogrid.color', 'linewidth': 'geogrid.linewidth', 'linestyle': 'geogrid.linestyle', }) # cached changes gl.collection_kwargs.update(kw) # Grid locations eps = 1e-10 if lonlines is not None: if len(lonlines) == 0: gl.xlines = False else: gl.xlines = True gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(lonlines) if latlines is not None: if len(latlines) == 0: gl.ylines = False else: gl.ylines = True if latlines[0] == -90: latlines[0] += eps if latlines[-1] == 90: latlines[-1] -= eps gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(latlines) # Grid label toggling # Issue warning instead of error! if not isinstance(self.projection, (ccrs.Mercator, ccrs.PlateCarree)): if latarray is not None and any(latarray): _warn_proplot( 'Cannot add gridline labels to cartopy ' f'{type(self.projection).__name__} projection.') latarray = [0] * 4 if lonarray is not None and any(lonarray): _warn_proplot( 'Cannot add gridline labels to cartopy ' f'{type(self.projection).__name__} projection.') lonarray = [0] * 4 if latarray is not None: gl.ylabels_left = latarray[0] gl.ylabels_right = latarray[1] if lonarray is not None: gl.xlabels_bottom = lonarray[2] gl.xlabels_top = lonarray[3] # Geographic features # WARNING: Seems cartopy features can't be updated! # See: # noqa # Change the _kwargs property also does *nothing* # WARNING: Changing linewidth is impossible with cfeature. Bug? # See: # noqa # TODO: Editing existing natural features? Creating natural features # at __init__ time and hiding them? # NOTE: The natural_earth_shp method is deprecated, use add_feature. # See: # noqa # NOTE: The e.g. cfeature.COASTLINE features are just for convenience, # hi res versions. Use to see how it can be # looked up with NaturalEarthFeature. reso = rc.get('reso') if reso not in ('lo', 'med', 'hi'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid resolution {reso}.') reso = { 'lo': '110m', 'med': '50m', 'hi': '10m', }.get(reso) features = { 'land': ('physical', 'land'), 'ocean': ('physical', 'ocean'), 'lakes': ('physical', 'lakes'), 'coast': ('physical', 'coastline'), 'rivers': ('physical', 'rivers_lake_centerlines'), 'borders': ('cultural', 'admin_0_boundary_lines_land'), 'innerborders': ('cultural', 'admin_1_states_provinces_lakes'), } for name, args in features.items(): # Get feature if not rc.get(name): # toggled continue if getattr(self, '_' + name, None): # already drawn continue feat = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(*args, reso) # For 'lines', need to specify edgecolor and facecolor # See: kw = rc.category(name, cache=False) if name in ('coast', 'rivers', 'borders', 'innerborders'): kw['edgecolor'] = kw.pop('color') kw['facecolor'] = 'none' else: kw['linewidth'] = 0 if name in ('ocean',): kw['zorder'] = 0.5 # below everything! self.add_feature(feat, **kw) setattr(self, '_' + name, feat) # Update patch kw_face = rc.fill({ 'facecolor': 'geoaxes.facecolor' }) kw_face.update(patch_kw) self.background_patch.update(kw_face) kw_edge = rc.fill({ 'edgecolor': 'geoaxes.edgecolor', 'linewidth': 'geoaxes.linewidth' }) self.outline_patch.update(kw_edge) def _hide_labels(self): """No-op for now. In future will hide meridian and parallel labels for rectangular projections.""" pass
[docs] def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): """Draw gridliner objects so tight bounding box algorithm will incorporate gridliner labels.""" self._hide_labels() if self.get_autoscale_on() and self.ignore_existing_data_limits: self.autoscale_view() if self.background_patch.reclip: clipped_path = self.background_patch.orig_path.clip_to_bbox( self.viewLim) self.background_patch._path = clipped_path self.apply_aspect() for gl in self._gridliners: try: # new versions only gl._draw_gridliner(background_patch=self.background_patch, renderer=renderer) except TypeError: gl._draw_gridliner(background_patch=self.background_patch) self._gridliners = [] return super().get_tightbbox(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
# Document projection property @property def projection(self): """The `` instance associated with this axes.""" return self._map_projection @projection.setter def projection(self, map_projection): self._map_projection = map_projection # Wrapped methods # TODO: Remove this duplication of Axes! Can do this when we implement # all wrappers as decorators. if GeoAxes is not object: text = _text_wrapper( GeoAxes.text ) # Wrapped by standardize method plot = _default_transform(_plot_wrapper(_standardize_1d( _add_errorbars(_cycle_changer(GeoAxes.plot)) ))) scatter = _default_transform(_scatter_wrapper(_standardize_1d( _add_errorbars(_cycle_changer(GeoAxes.scatter)) ))) fill_between = _fill_between_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( GeoAxes.fill_between ))) fill_betweenx = _fill_betweenx_wrapper(_standardize_1d(_cycle_changer( GeoAxes.fill_betweenx ))) contour = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.contour ))) contourf = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.contourf ))) pcolor = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.pcolor ))) pcolormesh = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.pcolormesh ))) quiver = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.quiver ))) streamplot = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.streamplot ))) barbs = _default_transform(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.barbs ))) # Wrapped only by cmap wrapper tripcolor = _default_transform(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.tripcolor )) tricontour = _default_transform(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.tricontour )) tricontourf = _default_transform(_cmap_changer( GeoAxes.tricontourf )) # Special GeoAxes commands get_extent = _default_crs(GeoAxes.get_extent) set_extent = _default_crs(GeoAxes.set_extent) set_xticks = _default_crs(GeoAxes.set_xticks) set_yticks = _default_crs(GeoAxes.set_yticks)
[docs]class BasemapAxes(ProjAxes): """Axes subclass for plotting `~mpl_toolkits.basemap` projections. The `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` projection instance is added as the `map_projection` attribute, but this is all abstracted away. You can use `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods like `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` with your raw longitude-latitude data.""" #: The registered projection name. name = 'basemap' _proj_non_rectangular = ( 'ortho', 'geos', 'nsper', 'moll', 'hammer', 'robin', 'eck4', 'kav7', 'mbtfpq', 'sinu', 'vandg', 'npstere', 'spstere', 'nplaea', 'splaea', 'npaeqd', 'spaeqd', ) # do not use axes spines as boundaries def __init__(self, *args, map_projection=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- map_projection : `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` The `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance. **kwargs Passed to `Axes`. See also -------- `~proplot.subplots.subplots`, `Axes`, `~proplot.projs.Proj` """ # Map boundary notes # * Must set boundary before-hand, otherwise the set_axes_limits method # called by mcontourf/mpcolormesh/etc draws two mapboundary Patch # objects called "limb1" and "limb2" automatically: one for fill and # the other for the edges # * Then, since the patch object in _mapboundarydrawn is only the # fill-version, calling drawmapboundary again will replace only *that # one*, but the original visible edges are still drawn -- so e.g. you # can't change the color # * If you instead call drawmapboundary right away, _mapboundarydrawn # will contain both the edges and the fill; so calling it again will # replace *both* import mpl_toolkits.basemap as mbasemap # verify package is available if not isinstance(map_projection, mbasemap.Basemap): raise ValueError( 'BasemapAxes requires map_projection=basemap.Basemap') self._map_projection = map_projection self._map_boundary = None self._has_recurred = False # use this to override plotting methods super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _format_apply(self, patch_kw, lonlim, latlim, boundinglat, lonlines, latlines, latmax, lonarray, latarray): """Applies formatting to basemap axes.""" # Checks if (lonlim is not None or latlim is not None or boundinglat is not None): _warn_proplot(f'Got lonlim={lonlim!r}, latlim={latlim!r}, ' f'boundinglat={boundinglat!r}, but you cannot "zoom ' 'into" a basemap projection after creating it. ' 'Pass proj_kw in your call to subplots ' 'with any of the following basemap keywords: ' "'boundinglat', 'llcrnrlon', 'llcrnrlat', " "'urcrnrlon', 'urcrnrlat', 'llcrnrx', 'llcrnry', " "'urcrnrx', 'urcrnry', 'width', or 'height'.") # Map boundary # * First have to *manually replace* the old boundary by just # deleting the original one # * If boundary is drawn successfully should be able to call # self.projection._mapboundarydrawn.set_visible(False) and # edges/fill color disappear # * For now will enforce that map plots *always* have background # whereas axes plots can have transparent background kw_edge = rc.fill({ 'linewidth': 'geoaxes.linewidth', 'edgecolor': 'geoaxes.edgecolor' }) kw_face = rc.fill({ 'facecolor': 'geoaxes.facecolor' }) patch_kw = patch_kw or {} kw_face.update(patch_kw) self.axesPatch = self.patch # bugfix or something if self.projection.projection in self._proj_non_rectangular: self.patch.set_alpha(0) # make patch invisible if not self.projection._mapboundarydrawn: # set fill_color to 'none' to make transparent p = self.projection.drawmapboundary(ax=self) else: p = self.projection._mapboundarydrawn p.update({**kw_face, **kw_edge}) p.set_rasterized(False) p.set_clip_on(False) # so edges denoting boundary aren't cut off self._map_boundary = p else: self.patch.update({**kw_face, 'edgecolor': 'none'}) for spine in self.spines.values(): spine.update(kw_edge) # Longitude/latitude lines # Make sure to turn off clipping by invisible axes boundary; otherwise # get these weird flat edges where map boundaries, parallel/meridian # markers come up to the axes bbox lkw = rc.fill({ 'alpha': 'geogrid.alpha', 'color': 'geogrid.color', 'linewidth': 'geogrid.linewidth', 'linestyle': 'geogrid.linestyle', }, cache=False) tkw = rc.fill({ 'color': 'geogrid.color', 'fontsize': 'geogrid.labelsize', }, cache=False) # Change from left/right/bottom/top to left/right/top/bottom if lonarray is not None: lonarray[2:] = lonarray[2:][::-1] if latarray is not None: latarray[2:] = latarray[2:][::-1] # Parallel lines if latlines is not None or latmax is not None or latarray is not None: if self._latlines: for pi in self._latlines.values(): for obj in [i for j in pi for i in j]: # magic obj.set_visible(False) ilatmax = _notNone(latmax, self._latmax) latlines = _notNone(latlines, self._latlines_values) latarray = _notNone(latarray, self._latlines_labels, [0] * 4) p = self.projection.drawparallels( latlines, latmax=ilatmax, labels=latarray, ax=self) for pi in p.values(): # returns dict, where each one is tuple # Tried passing clip_on to the below, but it does nothing # Must set for lines created after the fact for obj in [i for j in pi for i in j]: if isinstance(obj, mtext.Text): obj.update(tkw) else: obj.update(lkw) self._latlines = p # Meridian lines if lonlines is not None or latmax is not None or lonarray is not None: if self._lonlines: for pi in self._lonlines.values(): for obj in [i for j in pi for i in j]: # magic obj.set_visible(False) ilatmax = _notNone(latmax, self._latmax) lonlines = _notNone(lonlines, self._lonlines_values) lonarray = _notNone(lonarray, self._lonlines_labels, [0] * 4) p = self.projection.drawmeridians( lonlines, latmax=ilatmax, labels=lonarray, ax=self) for pi in p.values(): for obj in [i for j in pi for i in j]: if isinstance(obj, mtext.Text): obj.update(tkw) else: obj.update(lkw) self._lonlines = p # Geography # TODO: Allow setting the zorder. # NOTE: Also notable are drawcounties, blumarble, drawlsmask, # shadedrelief, and etopo methods. features = { 'land': 'fillcontinents', 'coast': 'drawcoastlines', 'rivers': 'drawrivers', 'borders': 'drawcountries', 'innerborders': 'drawstates', } for name, method in features.items(): if not rc.get(name): # toggled continue if getattr(self, f'_{name}', None): # already drawn continue kw = rc.category(name, cache=False) feat = getattr(self.projection, method)(ax=self) if isinstance(feat, (list, tuple)): # list of artists? for obj in feat: obj.update(kw) else: feat.update(kw) setattr(self, '_' + name, feat) # Document projection property @property def projection(self): """The `~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance associated with this axes.""" return self._map_projection @projection.setter def projection(self, map_projection): self._map_projection = map_projection # Wrapped methods plot = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_plot_wrapper(_standardize_1d( _add_errorbars(_cycle_changer(_redirect(maxes.Axes.plot))) )))) scatter = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_scatter_wrapper(_standardize_1d( _add_errorbars(_cycle_changer(_redirect(maxes.Axes.scatter))) )))) contour = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.contour) )))) contourf = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.contourf) )))) pcolor = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.pcolor) )))) pcolormesh = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.pcolormesh) )))) quiver = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.quiver) )))) streamplot = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.streamplot) )))) barbs = _norecurse(_default_latlon(_standardize_2d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.barbs) )))) hexbin = _norecurse(_standardize_1d(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.hexbin) ))) imshow = _norecurse(_cmap_changer( _redirect(maxes.Axes.imshow) ))
# Register the projections mproj.register_projection(PolarAxes) mproj.register_projection(XYAxes) mproj.register_projection(GeoAxes) mproj.register_projection(BasemapAxes)