
show_colorspaces(luminance=None, saturation=None, hue=None, axwidth=2)[source]

Generates hue-saturation, hue-luminance, and luminance-saturation cross-sections for the HCL, HSLuv, and HPLuv colorspaces.

  • luminance (float, optional) – If passed, chroma-saturation cross-sections are drawn for this luminance. Must be between 0` and ``100. Default is 50.

  • saturation (float, optional) – If passed, luminance-hue cross-sections are drawn for this saturation. Must be between 0` and ``100.

  • hue (float, optional) – If passed, luminance-saturation cross-sections are drawn for this hue. Must be between 0` and ``360.

  • axwidth (str or float, optional) – Average width of each subplot. Units are interpreted by units.


Figure – The figure instance.