Source code for proplot.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple tools used in various places across this package.
import re
import time
import numpy as np
import functools
import warnings
from matplotlib import rcParams
from numbers import Number, Integral
    from icecream import ic
except ImportError:  # graceful fallback if IceCream isn't installed
    ic = lambda *a: None if not a else (a[0] if len(a) == 1 else a)  # noqa
__all__ = ['arange', 'edges', 'edges2d', 'units']
BENCHMARK = False  # change this to turn on benchmarking

class _benchmark(object):
    """Timer object that can be used to benchmark tasks."""
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message

    def __enter__(self):
        self.time = time.clock()

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        if BENCHMARK:
            print(f'{self.message}: {time.clock() - self.time}s')

def _logger(func):
    """A decorator that logs the activity of the script (it actually just
    prints it, but it could be logging!). See `this link \
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if BENCHMARK:
            print(f'{func.__name__} called with: {args} {kwargs}')
        return res
    return decorator

def _timer(func):
    """A decorator that prints the time a function takes to execute. See
    `this link <>`__."""
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        if BENCHMARK:
            t = time.clock()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if BENCHMARK:
            print(f'{func.__name__}() time: {time.clock()-t}s')
        return res
    return decorator

def _counter(func):
    """A decorator that counts and prints the cumulative time a function
    has benn running. See `this link \
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        if BENCHMARK:
            t = time.clock()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if BENCHMARK:
            decorator.time += (time.clock() - t)
            decorator.count += 1
            print(f'{func.__name__}() cumulative time: {decorator.time}s '
                  f'({decorator.count} calls)')
        return res
    decorator.time = 0
    decorator.count = 0  # initialize
    return decorator

def _notNone(*args, names=None):
    """Returns the first non-``None`` value, used with keyword arg aliases and
    for setting default values. Ugly name but clear purpose. Pass the `names`
    keyword arg to issue warning if multiple args were passed. Must be list
    of non-empty strings."""
    if names is None:
        for arg in args:
            if arg is not None:
                return arg
        return arg  # last one
        first = None
        kwargs = {}
        if len(names) != len(args) - 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Need {len(args)+1} names for {len(args)} args, '
                f'but got {len(names)} names.')
        names = [*names, '']
        for name, arg in zip(names, args):
            if arg is not None:
                if first is None:
                    first = arg
                if name:
                    kwargs[name] = arg
        if len(kwargs) > 1:
                f'Got conflicting or duplicate keyword args, '
                f'using the first one: {kwargs}')
        return first

[docs]def arange(min_, *args): """Identical to `numpy.arange`, but with inclusive endpoints. For example, ``plot.arange(2,4)`` returns ``np.array([2,3,4])`` instead of ``np.array([2,3])``.""" # Optional arguments just like np.arange if len(args) == 0: max_ = min_ min_ = 0 step = 1 elif len(args) == 1: max_ = args[0] step = 1 elif len(args) == 2: max_ = args[0] step = args[1] else: raise ValueError('Function takes from one to three arguments.') # All input is integer if all(isinstance(val, Integral) for val in (min_, max_, step)): min_, max_, step = np.int64(min_), np.int64(max_), np.int64(step) max_ += 1 # Input is float or mixed, cast to float64 # Don't use np.nextafter with np.finfo(np.dtype(np.float64)).max, because # round-off errors from continually adding step to min mess this up else: min_, max_, step = np.float64(min_), np.float64(max_), np.float64(step) max_ += step / 2 return np.arange(min_, max_, step)
[docs]def edges(array, axis=-1): """ Calculates approximate "edge" values given "center" values. This is used internally to calculate graitule edges when you supply centers to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolor` or `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`, and in a few other places. Parameters ---------- array : array-like Array of any shape or size. Generally, should be monotonically increasing or decreasing along `axis`. axis : int, optional The axis along which "edges" are calculated. The size of this axis will be augmented by one. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` Array of "edge" coordinates. """ # First permute array = np.array(array) array = np.swapaxes(array, axis, -1) # Next operate array = np.concatenate(( array[..., :1] - (array[..., 1] - array[..., 0]) / 2, (array[..., 1:] + array[..., :-1]) / 2, array[..., -1:] + (array[..., -1] - array[..., -2]) / 2, ), axis=-1) # Permute back and return array = np.swapaxes(array, axis, -1) return array
[docs]def edges2d(z): """ Like :func:`edges` but for 2D arrays. The size of both axes are increased of one. Parameters ---------- array : array-like Two-dimensional array. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` Array of "edge" coordinates. """ z = np.asarray(z) ny, nx = z.shape zzb = np.zeros((ny + 1, nx + 1)) # Inner zzb[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0.25 * (z[1:, 1:] + z[:-1, 1:] + z[1:, :-1] + z[:-1, :-1]) # Lower and upper zzb[0] += edges(1.5 * z[0] - 0.5 * z[1]) zzb[-1] += edges(1.5 * z[-1] - 0.5 * z[-2]) # Left and right zzb[:, 0] += edges(1.5 * z[:, 0] - 0.5 * z[:, 1]) zzb[:, -1] += edges(1.5 * z[:, -1] - 0.5 * z[:, -2]) # Corners zzb[[0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0]] *= 0.5 return zzb
[docs]def units(value, numeric='in'): """ Flexible units -- this function is used internally all over ProPlot, so that you don't have to use "inches" or "points" for all sizing arguments. See `this link \ <>`_ for info on the em square units. Parameters ---------- value : float or str or list thereof A size "unit" or *list thereof*. If numeric, assumed unit is `numeric`. If string, we look for the format ``'123.456unit'``, where the number is the value and ``'unit'`` is one of the following. ====== ===================================================== Unit Description ====== ===================================================== ``m`` Meters ``cm`` Centimeters ``mm`` Millimeters ``ft`` Feet ``in`` Inches ``pt`` Points (1/72 inches) ``px`` Pixels on screen, uses dpi of :rcraw:`figure.dpi` ``pp`` Pixels once printed, uses dpi of :rcraw:`savefig.dpi` ``em`` Em-square for :rcraw:`font.size` ``ex`` Ex-square for :rcraw:`font.size` ``Em`` Em-square for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ``Ex`` Ex-square for :rcraw:`axes.titlesize` ====== ===================================================== numeric : str, optional The assumed unit for numeric arguments, and the output unit. Default is inches, i.e. ``'in'``. """ # noqa # Loop through arbitrary list, or return None if input was None (this # is the exception). if not np.iterable(value) or isinstance(value, str): singleton = True values = (value,) else: singleton = False values = value # Font unit scales # NOTE: Delay font_manager import, because want to avoid rebuilding font # cache, which means import must come after TTFPATH added to environ, # i.e. inside styletools.register_fonts()! small = rcParams['font.size'] # must be absolute large = rcParams['axes.titlesize'] if isinstance(large, str): import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts # error will be raised somewhere else if string name is invalid! scale = mfonts.font_scalings.get(large, 1) large = small * scale # Dict of possible units unit_dict = { # Physical units 'in': 1.0, # already in inches 'm': 39.37, 'ft': 12.0, 'cm': 0.3937, 'mm': 0.03937, 'pt': 1 / 72.0, # Font units 'em': small / 72.0, 'ex': 0.5 * small / 72.0, # more or less; see URL 'Em': large / 72.0, # for large text 'Ex': 0.5 * large / 72.0, } # Display units # WARNING: In ipython shell these take the value 'figure' if not isinstance(rcParams['figure.dpi'], str): unit_dict['px'] = 1 / rcParams['figure.dpi'] # on screen if not isinstance(rcParams['savefig.dpi'], str): # once 'printed', i.e. saved unit_dict['pp'] = 1 / rcParams['savefig.dpi'] # Iterate try: scale = unit_dict[numeric] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid numeric unit {numeric!r}. Valid units are ' f', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.') result = [] for value in values: if value is None or isinstance(value, Number): result.append(value) continue elif not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError( f'Size spec must be string or number or list thereof, ' f'received {values}.') regex = re.match('^([-+]?[0-9.]*)(.*)$', value) num, unit = regex.groups() try: result.append(float(num) * unit_dict[unit] / scale) except (KeyError, ValueError): raise ValueError( f'Invalid size spec {value}. Valid units are ' ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.') if singleton: result = result[0] return result